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法律 条约 判决 按管辖区浏览

商标法(第NN 173/2003号),以及商标法修正案(第NN 76/2007号,第NN 30/2009号,第NN 49/2011号和第NN 46/2018号), 克罗地亚

详情 详情 版本年份 2018 日期 生效: 2004年1月1日 议定: 2003年10月15日 文本类型 主要知识产权法 主题 商标, 地理标志 主题(二级) 知识产权及相关法律的执行, 知识产权监管机构, 竞争 The notification by Croatia to the WTO under Article 63.2 of TRIPS states:
'Following the repeal of the Boards of Appeal in the field of industrial property rights as a second instance authority in all procedures of granting industrial property under the responsibility of the SIPO, the Act on Amendments to the Trademark Act [Act OG No. 46/2018] provides for the appeal to be submitted to the Administrative Court in Zagreb against first instance decisions in trademark registration procedures rendered by the SIPO.'


主要文本 相关文本
主要文本 主要文本 克罗地亚语 Zakon o žigu i Djela o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o žigu (NN 173/2003, 76/2007, 30/2009, 49/2011, 46/2018)         英语 Trademarks Act and Acts on Amendments to the Trademarks Act (OG Nos. 173/2003, 76/2007, 30/2009, 49/2011 & 46/2018)        
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 Trademarks Act and Acts on Amendments to the Trademarks Act(OG Nos. 173/2003, 76/2007, 30/2009, 49/2011 & 46/2018)

Trademarks Act



NN 173/2003 , in force from January 1, 2004 *NN 76/2007, in force from July 31, 2007

**NN 30/2009, in force from March 17, 2009 ***NN 49/2011, in force from May 7, 2011 ****NN 46/2018, in force from May 26, 2018

Zagreb, May 2018

3May 2018

Trademarks Act and THE ACT ON AMENDMENTS TO THE TRADEMARKS ACT */**/***/****



This Act shall apply to individual, collective and guarantee trademarks which are the subject of a registration or an application for the registration of a trademark filed with the State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter: "the Office"), or of an international registration having effect in the Republic of Croatia.


Article 2 Any sign capable of being represented graphically, particularly words, including personal names, designs, letters, numerals, the shape of goods or of their packaging, three-dimensional forms, colors, as well as the combinations of all the above indicated signs, may be protected as a trademark, provided that such signs are capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from goods or services of another undertaking.


Article 3 (1) Any natural or legal person may be a holder

of a registered trademark or an applicant for the registration of a trademark.

(2) Foreign legal and natural persons not having a principle place of business or a domicile or a habitual residence, respectively, in the Republic of Croatia shall, under this Act, enjoy the same rights as are enjoyed by the persons having a domicile or a real and effective industrial or commercial principle place of business in the Republic of Croatia, if it results from the international treaties binding the Republic of Croatia or from the application of the principle of reciprocity.


(1) In the Republic of Croatia a trademark shall be acquired by registration.

(2) For the purposes of this Act, "registration" shall mean entry of a trademark in the trademark register kept by the Office.


(1) The following shall not be registered:

1. signs, which may not be protected as trademarks in accordance with the requirements set out in Article 2 of this Act,

2. signs, which are devoid of distinctive character in relation to the goods or services for which registration is requested,

3. signs which consist exclusively of signs or indications which may serve, in trade, to designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, or the time of production of the goods or of providing of the service, or to designate other characteristics of the goods or services,

4. signs which consist exclusively of signs or indications which have become customary in the everyday language or in good faith and the established practices of trade,

5. signs which consist exclusively of the shape which results from the nature of the goods as such, or the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result, or the shape which gives substantial value to the goods,

6. signs, which are contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality,

7. signs which are of such a nature as to deceive the public, for instance as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services,

8. signs, which have not been authorized by the competent authorities and are to be refused pursuant to Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (hereinafter: "the Paris Convention".)

9. signs for wines which contain or consist of geographical indications identifying wines and signs for spirits which contain or consist of geographical indications identifying spirits with respect to such wines or spirits not having that geographical origin,

10. signs, which contain the name or abbreviation of the name, national coat of arms, emblem, flag or other official

NN 173/2003, in force from January 1, 2004


Trademarks Act and THE ACT ON AMENDMENTS TO THE TRADEMARKS ACT */**/***/****

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sign of the Republic of Croatia, or a part thereof, and the imitation thereof, except with the authorization of the competent authority of the Republic of Croatia.

(2) Registration shall not be refused to signs specified in paragraph (1) items 2 to 4 of this Article, if the applicant for the registration of a trademark proves that the sign has, before the date of filing of the application for the registration and following the use which has been made of it, acquired a distinctive character in respect of the goods or services for which registration is requested.


(1) Upon an opposition as filed, a sign shall not be registered:

1. if it is identical with an earlier trademark registered for identical goods or services,

2. if because of its identity with, or similarity to, the earlier trademark and the identity or similarity of the goods or services, there is a likelihood of confusion on the part of the public, which includes the likelihood of its association with the earlier trademark.

(2) For the purposes of this Act, "earlier trademark" shall mean:

1. trademarks registered in the Republic of Croatia, enjoying priority right referred to in Articles 17, 18 and 19 of this Act,

2. trademarks registered under international treaties, having effect in the Republic of Croatia, and enjoying priority right referred to in Articles 17, 18 and 19 of this Act,

3. applications for the registration of trademarks referred to in item 1 of this paragraph, provided that the trademarks become registered,

4. trademarks which, on the date of application for the registration of a trademark, or, if priority is claimed, on the date of priority right claimed in the application, are well known in the Republic of Croatia, in the sense in which the words "well known" are used in Article 6bis of the Paris Convention.

(3) Upon opposition as filed by the holder of an earlier trademark, a sign shall not be registered if it is identical with, or similar to,

an earlier trademark and the registration has been requested for goods or services which are not similar to those for which the earlier trademark is registered, where the earlier trademark has a reputation in the Republic of Croatia and where the use of the later trademark without due cause would take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or the reputation of the earlier trademark;

(4) Upon opposition as filed, a sign shall not be registered if its use would infringe one of the following earlier rights:

1. a right to a personal name,

2. a right of personal portrayal,

3. a copyright,

4. industrial property rights.

(5) For the purposes of this Act, "earlier right" shall mean rights acquired on the date which is earlier than the date of application for the registration of a trademark, or, if priority right is claimed, as from the date of priority claimed in the application.

(6) On the basis of opposition as filed, a sign shall not be registered if its use would infringe the right of the person who, at the time of filing of an application for the registration of a trademark, had a firm, provided that such firm or the essential part thereof is identical with or similar to the sign in respect of which the application is filed and provided that identical or similar goods or services are the subject matter of the firm’s activity, unless the applicant had the identical or similar firm at the time of filing the application for registration of a trademark.

(7) On the basis of opposition as filed, a sign shall not be registered if it is identical with, or similar to, an earlier trademark which was registered for identical or similar goods or services and conferred on them a right which has expired for failure to renew the registration of the trademark within a period of not more than two years as from the expiry of the trademark, unless the holder of the earlier trademark gave his consent for the registration of the later trademark or did not use his trademark.

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(1) A registered trademark shall confer on its holder the exclusive rights therein.

(2) The holder shall be entitled to prevent all third parties not having his authorization from using in the course of trade:

1. any sign which is identical with his trademark in relation to goods or services which are identical with those for which the trademark is registered,

2. any sign where, because of its identity with, or similarity to, his trademark and the identity or similarity of the goods or services covered by the trademark and the sign, there is a likelihood of confusion on the part of the public, which includes the likelihood of association of the sign with the trademark,

3. any sign which is identical with, or similar to, his trademark in relation to goods or services which are not similar to those for which the trademark is registered, where the trademark has a reputation in the Republic of Croatia and where use of that sign without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or the reputation of the trademark.

(3) Within the meaning of paragraph (2) of this Article, the holder of a trademark may also prohibit the following:

1. affixing the sign to the goods or to the packaging thereof,

2. offering the goods, or putting them on the market or stocking them for these purposes under that sign, or offering or providing services there under,

3. importing or exporting the goods under the sign,

4. using the sign on business papers and in advertising.

(4) The rights conferred by a trademark shall have effect against third parties as from the date of publication of the registration of a trademark.


Article 8 If the reproduction of a trademark in a dictionary, encyclopedia or similar publications, including those in electronic form, gives the impression that the trademark constitutes the generic name of the goods or services for which it is registered, the publisher of the work shall, on request of the holder of the trademark, ensure that the reproduction of the trademark is, at the latest in the next edition of the publication, accompanied by a note that it is a registered trademark.



Article 9 Where a trademark is registered in the name of the trade agent or a representative of a holder of the trademark, without the holder's authorization, the holder shall be entitled to prohibit the use of this trademark by the agent or representative.


Article 10 (1) A trademark shall not entitle its holder to

prohibit a third party from using, in the course of trade: his own name or address, indications concerning the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, the time of production of goods or of providing of a service, or indications concerning other characteristics of goods or services.

(2) A trademark shall not entitle its holder to prohibit a third party from using, in the course of trade the trademark where it is necessary to indicate the intended purpose of a product or a service, in particular as accessories or spare parts, provided that such sign is used in accordance with established and honest practices in industrial or commercial activity and fair competition.

(3) A trade mark shall not entitle the holder of the trademark to prohibit a third party from using, in the course of trade, an earlier right which only applies in a particular locality if that right is recognized by the laws of the Republic of Croatia and within the limits of the territory in which it is recognized.


Trademarks Act and THE ACT ON AMENDMENTS TO THE TRADEMARKS ACT */**/***/****

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(1) Exhaustion of the right to prohibit the use of a trademark in relation to goods or services shall start having effect by putting these goods or services on the market in the Republic of Croatia by the holder of the trademark or with his authorization.

(2) Paragraph (1) of this Article shall not apply where there are justified reasons for the holder of the trademark to oppose further commercialization of the goods, especially where the condition of the goods is changed or impaired after they have been put on the market.

(3) The exhaustion of the rights referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article may be extended beyond the territory of the Republic of Croatia, if this is in conformity with international treaties, binding the Republic of Croatia.


Article 12 (1) Where the holder of an earlier trademark

has acquiesced, within a continuous period of five years, in the use of a later trademark while being aware of such use, he shall no longer be entitled on the basis of the earlier trademark either to file a request for a declaration that the later trademark is invalid or to oppose the use of the later trademark in relation to the goods or services for which the later trademark has been used, unless the registration of the later trademark was applied for in bad faith.

(2) Paragraph (1) of this Article shall also apply to the holders of earlier rights referred to in Article 6 paragraphs (4) or (6) of this Act.

(3) In the cases referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article, the holder of a later registered trademark shall not be entitled to oppose the use of the earlier right, even though the holder of the earlier right may no longer invoke that right against the later trademark.



(1) A holder of a trademark shall be entitled to use a trademark in relation to the goods or services for which it is registered.

(2) The following shall also constitute the use within the meaning of paragraph (1) of this Article:

1. use of the trademark in a form differing in elements which do not alter the distinctive character of the trademark in respect of the form in which it was registered,

2. affixing of the trademark to goods or to the packaging thereof in the Republic of Croatia concerned solely for export purposes.

(3) Use of the trademark with the authorization of the holder or by any person who has authority to use a collective mark or a guarantee mark shall be deemed to constitute use by the holder.

(4) If, within a continuous period of five years following the date of registration, the holder has not put his trademark to genuine use in the Republic of Croatia in relation to the goods or services for which it is registered, or if such use has been suspended during an uninterrupted period of five years, the consequences of such non-use are prescribed in Article 29, Article 46 paragraph (2) and Article 51 paragraph (5) of this Act, unless there are justified reasons for non- use.



(1) An application for the registration of a trademark shall be filed with the Office.

(2) An applicant cannot, by one application, request registration of more than one sign for which trademark protection is sought.

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Article 15 (1) An application for the registration of a

trademark shall contain:

1. a request for the registration of a trademark,

2. information about the applicant,

3. a list of the goods or services for which the registration is requested,

4. a representation of the sign of which the registration is requested.

(2) An application for the registration of a trademark shall be considered to have been filed if it complies with the requirements set out in paragraph (1) of this Article.

(3) Other elements of the application and the attachments thereto shall be filed in accordance with the Regulations on Trademarks (hereinafter: "the Regulations").


The goods or services in relation to which an application for the registration of a trademark is filed shall be classified in conformity with the International Classification of Goods and Services established by the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks.


(1) If the application for the registration of a trademark is filed in accordance with Article 15 paragraph (1) of this Act, the applicant for the registration of the trademark shall acquire the right of priority on the basis of the application filing date over any other applicant filing later an application for the identical or similar sign for which the registration for the identical or similar goods or services is requested.

(2) Every application filed under multilateral agreements to which the Republic of Croatia is a party also gives rise to a right of priority.


(1) If the applicant for the registration of a trademark has filed the application for the

first time in a Member State of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property (hereinafter: "the Paris Union") or in a Member State of the World Trade Organization, he may, when filing the application for the same trademark in the Republic of Croatia, invoke the date of the first filing, provided that he files the application in the Republic of Croatia within six months from the date of the first filing.

(2) The applicant invoking the union priority right shall indicate, in the application he is filing with the Office, the relevant data on the application he is invoking (State, date and number of the application) and shall attach thereto a true copy of the first application certified by the competent authority of the Member State of the Paris Union or the Member State of the World Trade Organization not later than within three months from the date of filing a priority claim, and the translation of the first application into the Croatian language.


(1) If the applicant for the registration of a trademark has displayed the goods or services designated by a specific sign at an official or officially recognized international exhibition in the Republic of Croatia, in any of the Member States of the Paris Union or in any of the Member States of the World Trade Organization, he may request that the date of the first day of the exhibition of the goods or of providing of the services be accorded as the date of the first application, provided that he files the application in the Republic of Croatia within six months as from that date.

(2) The applicant invoking the exhibition priority right shall, in addition to the application he is filing with the Office, submit a certificate issued by the competent authority of the Member State of the Paris Union or the Member State of the World Trade Organization indicating the type of the exhibition, the venue thereof, its opening and closing dates and the first day of the exhibition of the goods or services specified in the application.


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(1) The administrative tasks relating to the registration of trademarks shall be carried out by the Office.

(2) The administrative decisions made by the Office shall not be subject to any appeal, but an administrative lawsuit may be instituted.


Article 21 (1) The examination of the correctness of the

application shall include the examination of compliance with all the requirements prescribed by this Act and the Regulations.

(2) The application for the registration of a trademark shall be correct:

1. if it is filed in accordance with Article 14 paragraph (2) of this Act,

2. if it is filed in accordance with the requirements set out in Article 15 paragraphs (1) and (3) of this Act.


Article 22 (1) If the application for the registration of a

trademark complies with the requirements set out in Article 15 paragraph (1) of this Act, but is not filed in a way to contain all the necessary elements and attachments in accordance with the Regulations, the Office shall invite the applicant to remedy the deficiencies within 60 days as from the day of receipt of the invitation.

(2) If the applicant remedies the deficiencies in the application in accordance with the invitation referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article within the prescribed time limit, the application shall be considered to be correct as from the beginning.

(3) If the application does not comply with the requirements set out in Article 15 paragraph (1) of this Act, it shall not be considered as the application for the registration of a trademark, and the Office shall invite the applicant to remedy all the found deficiencies within 60 days as from the day of receipt of the invitation.

(4) The date of receipt of the corrected application within the meaning of the paragraph (3) of this Article shall be considered to be the date for establishing the priority right referred to in Article 17 of this Act.

(5) On request of the applicant, the time limit laid down in paragraphs (1) and (3) of this Article may be extended for not more than 60 days.


If the applicant for the registration of a trademark does not, within the prescribed time limit, comply with the invitation sent by the Office and does not remedy the found deficiencies within the meaning of Article 22 paragraphs (1) and (3) of this Act, the application shall be rejected by a decision.


Article 24 (1) The decision on the refusal of the

registration in full or the decision on the refusal of the registration in relation to only some goods or services for which the registration was requested shall not be made before the applicant for the registration of the trademark is notified in writing about the grounds for refusal and invited to withdraw the application or to amend it or to submit his observations on the grounds for refusal of the registration.

(2) The applicant shall have the right to act according to paragraph (1) of this Article within 60 days from the day of the receipt of the written notification of the grounds for refusal of the registration and to submit evidence on the possible new facts that might influence the final decision of the Office.

(3) On request of the applicant, the time limit referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article may be extended for not more than 60 days.


(1) If all the requirements set out in Article 21 paragraph (2) of this Act are complied with, if there are no grounds for refusal of the registration under Article 5 paragraph (1) of this Act, and if the prescribed procedural charges for the publication of an application

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are paid, the application data shall be published in "The Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette" (hereinafter: "the Office official gazette").

(2) The application data to be published in the Office official gazette shall be prescribed by the Regulations.


(1) Following the publication of an application for the registration of a trademark, any natural or legal person and any group or body representing manufacturers, providers of services, traders or consumers, may submit to the Office, within a period of three months from the date of publication of the application for the registration of a trademark, their written opinions, explaining, in particular, the grounds referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) of this Act.

(2) The persons, groups or bodies referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall not be considered parties to the proceedings.

(3) The Office shall send the opinions referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article to the applicant for the registration of a trademark who may submit his observations thereon within 15 days as from the day of receipt of a copy of the opinion.


(1) Within a period of three months from the date of publication of an application for the registration of a trademark, entitled to file with the Office an opposition to registration of the trademark, which may be based only on the grounds for refusal referred to in Article 6 of this Act, shall be:

1. in respect of Article 6 paragraphs (1) and (3) of this Act, the holder of an earlier trademark and the licensee in accordance with Article 39 paragraph (4) or (5) of this Act,

2. the holder of any of the rights referred to in Article 6 paragraph (4) of this Act,

3. the person who had a firm within the meaning of Article 6 paragraph (6) of this Act,

4. the holder of an earlier trademark within the meaning of Article 6 paragraph (7) of this Act.

(2) If, on the date of publication of an application, the earlier trademark, on which the opposition is based, is subject to a pending revocation procedure or a pending procedure for a declaration that the trademark is invalid, the Office shall suspend the opposition procedure until the decision from the earlier initiated revocation procedure or the procedure for a declaration that the trademark is invalid has become final.

(3) The time limit for filing the opposition, laid down in paragraph (1) of this Article, shall not be extended, nor shall it be possible to submit, after the expiry of this time limit, additions to the opposition, which include submissions of additional evidence and documentation supporting the justification of the grounds specified in the opposition.

(4) The opposition shall be filed under conditions and in the manner as prescribed by the Regulations.


(1) The Office shall examine whether the opposition is filed by the person entitled to file the opposition within the meaning of Article 27 paragraph (1) of this Act, whether the opposition is filed within the prescribed time limit and whether it is filed as prescribed by the Regulations.

(2) If the requirements set out in paragraph (1) of this Article are not complied with, the Office shall reject the opposition by a decision.

(3) If the requirements set out in paragraph (1) of this Article are complied with, the Office shall notify the applicant of the opposition as filed, and shall send him a copy of the opposition, inviting him to submit his observations on the opposition within 60 days from the day of receipt of the notification.

(4) The time limit referred to in paragraph (3) of this Article shall not be extended, nor shall it be possible to submit, after the expiry of this time limit, additions to the observations on the opposition, which include submissions of additional evidence and documentation.


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(5) If the applicant does not submit his observations on the opposition within the prescribed time limit, the requested registration of the trademark shall be refused within the limits of the requests referred to in the opposition.

(6) If the Office considers it necessary, it may provide for oral hearings to be held in the opposition procedure.


(1) If the applicant for the registration of a trademark submits his observations on the opposition within the prescribed time limit, the Office shall examine the justification of the grounds specified in the opposition.

(2) If the applicant for the registration of a trademark so requests, the holder of an earlier trademark who has filed the opposition to the registration shall furnish proof that, during the period of five years preceding the date of publication of the application, he has used the trademark in the Republic of Croatia within the meaning of Article 13 paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) of this Act, for the goods or services in respect of which it is registered and which he cites as justification for the opposition, or he shall furnish proof that there are justified reasons for non-use, provided that the earlier trademark has, on the date of publication of the application for the registration of the trademark, been registered for not less than five years.

(3) If the holder does not prove the use of his trademark within the meaning of paragraph (2) of this Article, the opposition shall be refused.

(4) If the earlier trademark has been used in relation to a part only of the goods or services for which it is registered it shall, for the purposes of the examination of the opposition, be deemed to be registered in respect only of that part of the goods or services.

(5) If, in the examination procedure concerning the opposition, the Office finds that the opposition is unjustified, it shall be refused and the decision to that effect shall be sent to the applicant and to the opponent.

(6) If, in the examination procedure concerning the opposition, the Office finds that the opposition is justified, the registration of the

trademark shall be refused or partially granted, and the decision to that effect shall be sent to the applicant and to the opponent.



(1) The applicant for the registration of a trademark may at any time withdraw his application or restrict the list of goods or services contained therein.

(2) If the application has already been published, the withdrawal of the application or restriction of the list of goods or services shall be published in the Office official gazette later on.


TRADEMARK Article 31

(1) On request of the applicant for the registration of a trademark or ex officio, amendments of the application can be made only in cases where it is necessary to correct the name or address of the applicant, errors of wording or of copying, or to correct some other obvious mistakes, provided that such amendments do not require extension of the list of goods or services.

(2) The representation of a sign that is applied for shall not be altered, except where it includes the name and address of the applicant for the registration of a trademark. In that case, on request of the applicant, an alteration, not substantially affecting the identity of the sign as originally entered in the register, may be entered in the register.

(3) If the application for the registration of a trademark has already been published, the amendments of the application shall be published in the Office official gazette later on, subject to the prior payment of the prescribed procedural charges.


(1) If the grounds referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) and Article 6 of this Act do not constitute a barrier to the registration, the trademark shall be entered in the trademark register, subject to the prior payment of the

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procedural charges for the maintenance of the trademark for the first ten-year period and for the publication of the data on the trademark.

(2) If the procedural charges referred to in the paragraph (1) of this Article are not paid, the application for the registration of a trademark shall be rejected by a decision.


33 (1) Any application or a registration of a

trademark may be, on request of the applicant or the holder of the trademark, divided into two or several applications or registrations in respect of the list of the goods or services covered by the application or the registration.

(2) The divisional applications or registrations shall maintain the priority right from the first application or the registration.

(3) The procedure of division of an application or a registration shall be prescribed by the Regulations.

(4) The data concerning divisional applications or registrations shall be entered in the register and published in the Office official gazette.


(1) The data concerning a trademark shall be published in the Office official gazette not later than within three months from the date of entry of the trademark in the register.

(2) The data to be published in the Office official gazette shall be prescribed by the Regulations.


(1) On request of the holder of a trademark, and subject to the prior payment of the prescribed procedural charges for the issuance of the trademark certificate, the Office shall issue the certificate to the holder of the trademark not later than within three months from the date of publication of the trademark in the Office official gazette.

(2) The data to be contained in the trademark certificate shall be prescribed by the Regulations.


Article 36 (1) On request of the holder of a trademark or

ex officio, amendments of the registration of a trademark can be made only in cases where it is necessary to correct the name or address of the holder of the trademark, and errors of wording or of copying, or to correct some other obvious mistakes, provided that such amendments do not require extension of the list of goods or services.

(2) The representation of a trademark shall not be altered during the period of registration or on renewal thereof, except where it includes the name and address of the holder. In that case, on request of the holder, an alteration, not substantially affecting the identity of the trademark as originally entered in the register, may be entered in the register.

(3) Where the registration has already been published, the amendments of the registration shall be published in the Office official gazette later on, subject to the prior payment of the prescribed procedural charges.



(1) On request of the applicant for the registration of a trademark or the holder of a trademark, the Office shall enter in the register all the changes occurring after the filing of the application for the registration of a trademark or after the registration of a trademark, provided that they correspond to the real situation and that they do not affect the representation of the registered trademark.

(2) The changes entered in the trademark register shall be published in the Office official gazette.

(3) The data to be contained in the request for the entry of any change relating to a trademark shall be prescribed by the Regulations.


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(1) The holder of a trademark may transfer his trademark to other persons in respect of some or all of the goods or services for which it is registered.

(2) On request of one of the parties, the transfer of rights shall be entered in the register, if a certified copy of the transfer contract, or the certified part of the contract, or the original certificate of the transfer signed both by the former and the new holder of the right is submitted to the Office.

(3) The transfer of rights shall be published in the Office official gazette and it shall have effect against third parties after the entry thereof in the register.

(4) The request for the entry of the transfer of rights in the register shall be filed under the conditions and in the manner as prescribed by the Regulations.

LICENSE Article 39

(1) A trademark may be licensed for some or all of the goods or services for which it is registered and for the whole or a part of the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

(2) A license may be exclusive or non-exclusive.

(3) The holder of a trademark may invoke the rights conferred by the trademark against a licensee who contravenes any provision of the licensing contract with regard to its duration, the form covered by the registration in which the trademark may be used, the scope of the goods or services for which the license is granted, the territory in which the trademark may be affixed, the quality of the goods manufactured or of the services provided by the licensee.

(4) Without prejudice to the provisions of the licensing contract, the holder of a non- exclusive license may institute proceedings for the infringement of a trademark only if the holder of the trademark consents thereto.

(5) Without prejudice to the provisions of the licensing contract, the holder of an exclusive license may institute proceedings for the infringement of a trademark, if the holder of the trademark, after a formal notice, does not himself institute infringement proceedings within an appropriate period.

(6) On request of one of the parties, the license shall be entered in the register, if a certified copy of the licensing contract, or the certified part of the contract, or the original certificate of granting the license signed both by the licensor and the licensee is submitted to the Office.

(7) If the prescribed fee and procedural charges are paid, the license shall be published in the Office official gazette, and it shall have effect against third parties after the entry thereof in the register.

(8) The request for the entry of the license in the register shall be filed under the conditions and in the manner as prescribed by the Regulations.


(1) A trademark may be subject to the rights in rem and levy of execution.

(2) On request of one of the parties, the rights in rem and levy of execution shall be entered in the register.

(3) Rights in rem and levy of execution shall be published in the Office official gazette and shall have effect against third parties after the entry thereof in the register.

(4) The request for the entry of the rights in rem or levy of execution in the register shall be filed under the conditions and in the manner as prescribed by the Regulations.


Where a trademark is involved in bankruptcy proceedings, on request of the competent authority an indication to that effect shall be entered in the register and published.


Articles 38 to 41 of this Act shall also apply to applications for the registration of a trademark.



The period of protection of a registered trademark shall last ten years counting from the date of filing

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of the application for the registration of a trademark.


Article 44 (1) The registration of a trademark may be

renewed indefinite number of times, for the periods of ten years each, provided that the holder of the trademark files with the Office a request for renewal of the registration of the trademark and pays the prescribed fee and procedural charges in the course of the last year of the ten-year period of protection.

(2) The request for renewal of the registration of a trademark may be submitted and the fee and procedural charges paid within the additional period of six months following the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, in which case the amount of the prescribed fee and procedural charges shall be doubled.

(3) The new period of protection shall begin with the day of expiry of the previous ten-year period.

(4) The request for renewal of the registration of a trademark may be filed with the Office by the holder of the trademark or a person expressly authorized by him.

(5) Where the request for renewal of the registration of a trademark is filed in respect of only of some of the goods or services for which the trademark is registered, the registration shall be renewed for those goods or services only.

(6) The renewal of the registration of a trademark shall be entered in the register and published in the Office official gazette.

(7) If the registration is not renewed, the trademark shall cease to have effect from the day of expiry of the period of protection.

(8) The data to be contained in the request for renewal of the registration of a trademark shall be prescribed by the Regulations.


(1) The holder of a trademark may surrender the trademark in respect of some or all of the goods or services for which it is registered by a written declaration.

(2) If a license has been entered in the register, the surrender of the trademark shall only be entered in the register if the holder of the trademark proves that he has informed the licensee of his intention to surrender the trademark.

(3) On the basis of the declaration of surrender, the trademark shall cease to have effect on the day the holder has submitted the declaration of surrender.


(1) The request for revocation of a trademark may be filed with the Office by any natural or legal person.

(2) A trademark may be revoked if, within a continuous period of five years, it has not been put to genuine use in the Republic of Croatia in relation to the goods or services in respect of which it is registered, and there are no justified reasons for non-use.

(3) A trademark may also be revoked if, after the date on which it was registered,

1. in consequence of acts or inactivity of the holder, it has become a common name in the trade for products or services in respect of which it is registered,

2. in consequence of the use made of it by the holder of the trademark or with his authorization, in respect of the goods or services for which it is registered, it is liable to mislead the public, particularly as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of those goods or services.

(4) The request for revocation of a trademark shall be filed under conditions and in the manner as prescribed by the Regulations.


TRADEMARK Article 47

(1) The Office shall examine whether the request for revocation of a trademark is filed in accordance with Article 46 of this Act.

(2) If the request for revocation of a trademark is filed before the expiry of a period of five years from the registration of the trademark the revocation of which is requested, and if it is not filed on the grounds specified in Article


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46 paragraphs (2) and (3), the Office shall reject the request by a decision.

(3) If the request for revocation of a trademark is not filed as prescribed by the Regulations, the Office shall invite the person who filed the request to remedy the deficiencies in the request within 60 days from the day of receipt of the invitation.

(4) If the person who filed the request for revocation of a trademark does not, within the prescribed time limit, comply with the invitation sent by the Office and does not remedy the deficiencies in the request within the meaning of paragraph (3) of this Article, the request shall be rejected by a decision.

(5) If the requirements set out in paragraph (1) of this Article are complied with, the Office shall notify the holder of the trademark of the request for revocation of the trademark as filed, and shall send him a copy of the request, inviting him to submit his observations on the request within 60 days from the day of receipt of the invitation.

(6) On request, the time limits laid down in paragraphs (3) and (5) of this Article may be extended for not more than 60 days.

(7) If the holder of the trademark in respect of which the revocation is requested does not submit his observations on the request within the prescribed time limit, the trademark shall be revoked for those goods or services in respect of which the request was filed.

(8) If the Office considers it necessary, it may provide for oral hearing to be held in the revocation procedure.


Article 48 (1) If the holder of the trademark in respect of

which the revocation is requested submits his observations on the request within the prescribed time limit, the Office shall examine the justification of the grounds specified in the request for revocation of the trademark.

(2) In the examination procedure concerning the request for revocation of a trademark the Office may invite the parties to submit additional evidence, documentation and observations within 60 days from the day of receipt of the invitation.

(3) On request, the time limit laid down in paragraph (2) of this Article may be extended for not more than 60 days.

(4) If the party in the procedure does not respond to the invitation referred to in paragraph (3) of this Article within the prescribed time limit, the Office shall make a decision on the basis of the facts available from the previously submitted documentation.

(5) It may not be requested that a trademark be revoked where genuine use of the trademark has been started or resumed during the interval between expiry of the five-year period of non-use and filing of the request for revocation.

(6) The commencement or resumption of use within a period of three months preceding the filing of the request for revocation, which began, at the earliest, on expiry of the continuous period of five years of non-use, shall be disregarded if preparations for the commencement or resumption occur only after the holder becomes aware that the request for revocation may be filed.

(7) If, in the examination procedure concerning the request for revocation of a trademark, the Office finds that the request is unjustified, the request shall be refused and the decision to that effect shall be sent to the person who has filed the request and to the holder of the trademark in respect of which the revocation is requested.

(8) If, in the examination procedure concerning the request for revocation of a trademark, the Office finds that the request is justified, the trademark shall be revoked in full or partially and the decision to that effect shall be sent to the person who has filed the request and to the holder of the trademark in respect of which the revocation is requested.

(9) When a trademark is revoked it shall be deemed that its effects ceased on the date of the filing of the request for revocation.

(10) The revocation of a trademark shall be entered in the register and published in the Office official gazette.

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Article 49 (1) The procedure for a declaration that a

trademark is invalid shall be carried out by the Office.

(2) If the trademark was not registered in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (1) and Article 5 (1) of this Act, the procedure for a declaration that a trademark is invalid may be initiated ex officio, on request of the state attorney or on request of an interested person.

(3) On the grounds specified in Article 6 of this Act, which shall also apply to the procedure for a declaration that a trademark is invalid, the procedure for a declaration that a trademark is invalid may be initiated:

1. within the meaning of Article 6 paragraphs (1) and (3) of this Act, on request of the holder of an earlier trademark and the licensee in accordance with Article 39 paragraph (4) or (5) of this Act,

2. on request of the holder of any of the rights referred to in Article 6 paragraph (4) of this Act,

3. on request of the person who had a firm within the meaning of Article 6 paragraph (6) of this Act,

4. on request of the holder of an earlier trademark referred to in Article 6 paragraph (7) of this Act.

(4) Where a trademark has not been registered in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 paragraph (1) items 2, 3 or 4 of this Act, it may only be declared invalid if the procedure for a declaration that the trademark is invalid has been initiated within a period of ten years from the date of registration.

(5) A trademark may not be declared invalid on the grounds of an earlier trademark with a reputation if the earlier trademark has not acquired the reputation within the meaning of Article 6 paragraph (3) of this Act up to the date of priority right of the later trademark.

(6) Where the holder of the right referred to in paragraph (3) of this Article has previously filed a request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid, he may not file a new request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid on the basis of any other of the said

rights which he could have invoked in support of his first request.

(7) If, on the date of filing of the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid, the earlier trademark on which the request is based is subject to a pending revocation procedure or a pending procedure for a declaration that the trademark is invalid, the Office shall suspend the procedure until the decision from the earlier initiated revocation procedure or the procedure for a declaration that the trademark is invalid has become final.

(8) The request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid shall be filed under the conditions and in the manner as prescribed by the Regulations.



(1) The Office shall examine whether the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid is filed in accordance with Article 49 paragraphs (3), (4), (5), (6) and (8) of this Act.

(2) If the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid is not filed in accordance with Article 49 paragraphs (3), (4) and (6) of this Act, the Office shall reject the request by a decision.

(3) If the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid is not filed as prescribed by the Regulations, the Office shall invite the person who filed the request to remedy the deficiencies in the request within 60 days from the day of receipt of the invitation.

(4) If the person who filed the request does not, within the prescribed time limit, comply with the invitation sent by the Office and does not remedy the deficiencies in the request within the meaning of paragraph (3) of this Article, the request shall be rejected by a decision.

(5) If the requirements set out in Article 49 of this Act are complied with, the Office shall notify the holder of the contested trademark of the initiated procedure for a declaration that the trademark is invalid, and shall send him a copy of the request, inviting him to submit his observations on the request within 60 days from the day of receipt of the invitation.


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(6) On request, the time limits laid down in paragraphs (3) and (5) of this Article may be extended for not more than 60 days.

(7) If the holder of the contested trademark does not submit his observations on the request for a declaration that the trademark is invalid within the prescribed time limit, the trademark shall be declared invalid for those goods or services in respect of which the procedure was initiated.

(8) If the Office considers it necessary, it may provide for oral hearing to be held in the procedure concerning the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid.



(1) If the holder of the contested trademark submits his observations on the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid within the prescribed time limit, the Office shall examine the justification of the grounds specified in the request.

(2) Where a trademark has not been registered in accordance with Article 3 paragraph (1) and Article 5 paragraph (1) of this Act, the trademark shall be declared invalid only if the grounds for a declaration that a trademark is invalid still exist at the time when the decision on the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid is made.

(3) Where a trademark has not been registered in accordance with Article 5 paragraph (1) items 2, 3 or 4 of this Act, it shall not be declared invalid if the holder of the trademark proves that the trademark has, after the registration and following the use, which has been made of it, acquired a distinctive character in respect of the goods or services for which it is registered.

(4) A trademark may not be declared invalid if the holder of the right referred to in Article 49 paragraph (3) of this Act consented expressly to the registration of that trademark before filing of the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid.

(5) A trademark may not be declared invalid on the ground that there is an earlier conflicting trademark if this earlier trademark does not comply with the requirements of use set out in Article 13 paragraphs (2) to (4), provided

that the earlier trademark has, on the date of filing the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid, been registered for not less than five years.

(6) If the earlier trademark has been used in relation to a part only of the goods or services for which it is registered it shall, for the purposes of the examination of the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid, be considered to be registered in respect only of that part of the goods or services.

(7) In the examination procedure concerning the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid the Office may invite the parties to submit additional evidence, documentation and observations within 60 days from the day of receipt of the invitation.

(8) On request, the time limit laid down in paragraph (7) of this Article may be extended for not more than 60 days.

(9) If the party in the procedure does not respond to the invitation within the prescribed time limit, the Office shall make a decision on the basis of the facts available from the earlier submitted documentation.

(10) If, in the examination procedure concerning the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid, the Office finds that the request is unjustified, the request shall be refused and the decision to that effect shall be sent to the person who has filed the request and to the holder of the contested trademark.

(11) If, in the examination procedure concerning the request for a declaration that a trademark is invalid, the Office finds that the request is justified, the trademark shall be declared invalid in full or partially, and the decision to that effect shall be sent to the person who has filed the request and to the holder of the contested trademark.

(12) Where a trademark is declared invalid, the effects of that trademark shall be considered to have been invalid as from the day of filing the application for the registration of the trademark.

(13) The declaration that a trademark is invalid shall be entered in the register and published in the Office official gazette.

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Article 52 Where the grounds for refusal of the registration of a trademark or for revocation of a trademark or for a declaration that a trademark is invalid exist in respect of only some of the goods or services for which the trademark has been applied for or registered, refusal of the registration or revocation or the declaration that a trademark is invalid shall cover those goods or services only.



Any sign within the meaning of Article 2 of this Act, which is indicated as such in the application for the registration of a trademark, and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of the members or partners of a certain legal person from the goods or services of other undertakings, and which is intended for collective designation of the goods or services put on the market by the members or the partners of that legal person, may be protected as a collective mark.


Any sign within the meaning of the Article 2 of this Act, which serves to designate the quality, origin, manner of production, or other common characteristics of the goods or services of the undertakings that are under the supervision of the holder of a trademark and use that trademark, may be protected as a guarantee mark.


55 (1) The provisions of this Act and the

Regulations shall also apply to collective marks and guarantee marks, unless this part of the Act provides otherwise.

(2) By way of derogation from the provision of Article 5 paragraph (1) item 3 of this Act, signs or indications which may serve, in trade, to designate the geographical origin of the goods or services may be protected as a collective mark.

(3) The mark referred to in paragraph (2) shall not entitle the holder to prohibit a third party to use in the course of trade signs or indications specified in paragraph (2) of this Article, provided that he uses them in accordance with established and honest practices in industrial or commercial activity. In particular, such a mark may not be invoked against a third party who is entitled to use a geographical name.


Article 56 The holder of a collective mark or the applicant for the registration of a collective mark may be legal persons and associations of manufacturers, providers of services, or traders, which may, in their own name, assume obligations and exercise rights, make contracts or perform other legal actions.


A contract on a collective mark shall be filed with the application for the registration of a collective mark and shall contain: the list of names of the persons authorized to use the collective mark, the conditions of membership, the conditions governing such use and provisions relating to the infringement of rights in the case of misuse of the collective mark, or the breach of the provisions of the contract.


Any person who has been authorized to use a collective mark shall be entitled to use it, provided that all the requirements, which this Act prescribes with regard to the use of trademarks, are complied with.


Article 59 (1) The holder of a collective mark must submit

to the Office all the amendments of the contract relating to the use of the collective mark.

(2) Amendments of the contract governing the use of the collective mark shall have effect against third parties after the entry thereof in the register.


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MARKS Article 60

The provisions of this Act and the Regulations on Trademarks shall apply to international registrations of marks the protection of which extends to the territory of the Republic of Croatia under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (hereinafter: "the Madrid Agreement") and the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (hereinafter: "the Protocol"), in all the matters not regulated by these treaties, unless this part of the Act provides otherwise.




(1) An application for the international registration of a mark and requests for recording of a change in the International Register shall be filed with the Office as prescribed by the Madrid Agreement, the Protocol, the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol (hereinafter: "the Common Regulations") and this Act and the Regulations.

(2) If the application for the international registration of a mark or a request for recording of a change in the International Register is not filed as prescribed by the Madrid Agreement, the Protocol, the Common Regulations and the Regulations on Trademarks, the Office shall invite the applicant or the person who filed the request to remedy the deficiencies in the application or the request within 30 days from the day of receipt of the invitation.

(3) On request, the time limit laid down in paragraph (2) of this Article may be extended for not more than 60 days.

(4) If the application for the international registration of a mark is filed in accordance with paragraph (1) of this Article and if the prescribed fee and procedural charges are paid, the Office shall transmit the application to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter: "the International Bureau").

(5) If the applicant for the international registration of a mark or the person who filed the request for recording of a change in the International Register does not, within the prescribed time limit, comply with the invitation sent by the Office, and does not remedy the found deficiencies within the meaning of paragraph (2) of this Article, the application or the request shall be rejected by a decision.

FEES Article 62

All the fees payable under the Madrid Agreement and the Protocol shall be paid directly to the International Bureau.


The date and number of the international registration of a mark shall be entered in the trademark register kept by the Office, provided that the international application resulted in the registration.


MARK Article 64

For the holder of an international registration of a mark the time limit laid down in Article 24 paragraph (2) of this Act shall be replaced by the time limit of four months as from the date of the notification of refusal.


Article 65 (1) For the purposes of international

registrations of marks under the Madrid Agreement and the Protocol, the publication of the application prescribed in Article 25 of this Act shall be replaced by the publication

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in the official gazette of international registrations of marks published by the International Bureau (hereinafter: the international official gazette).

(2) The time limit for filing the opposition to an international registration of a mark shall run from the first day of the month following the month indicated on the edition of the international official gazette in which such mark has been published.

(3) In the procedure concerning the opposition to an international registration of a mark, the Office, in accordance with the Madrid Agreement or the Protocol, shall send to the holder of the international registration of a mark a notification of provisional refusal on the basis of the opposition and shall invite him to appoint a representative who shall, within four months from the date of the notification of refusal, file with the Office a power of attorney. A copy of the opposition shall be sent to the representative after filing of the power of attorney. The time limit for submitting the observations on the opposition is 60 days from the day of receipt of the copy of the opposition by the representative.

(4) The time limits referred to in paragraph (3) of this Article shall not be extended.



MARK Article 66

If, on the basis of an international registration of a mark, an opposition procedure or the procedure for a declaration that a trademark is invalid is initiated, for the purposes of proving the use of a mark, the date of the registration shall be considered to be the date on which the period according to Article 5 paragraph (2) of the Madrid Agreement or Article 5 paragraph (2) subparagraph (a) of the Protocol expired or, if the granting or opposition procedures have not yet been concluded on that date, the date of the notification concerning the final decision of the Office on the grant of protection, sent to the International Bureau.



Article 67 (1) In the procedures concerning the request for

a declaration that an international registration of a mark is invalid and the request for revocation of an international registration of a mark, the Office shall notify the holder of the international registration of a mark of the request and invite him to appoint a representative who, within 60 days from the date of receipt of the invitation, has to file with the Office a power of attorney.

(2) The time limit referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall not be extended.

(3) A copy of the request shall be sent to the representative after filing of the power of attorney. The time limit for submitting the observations on the request is 60 days from the day of receipt of the copy of the request by the representative.

(4) On request, the time limit laid down in paragraph (3) of this Article may be extended for not more than 60 days.

(5) In the procedure for revocation of an international registration of a mark, for the purposes of proving the use of a mark, the date of registration shall be considered to be the date specified in Article 66 of this Act.



Article 68 The Act on the General Administrative Procedure shall apply to particular matters relating to the procedure, not regulated by this Act.


(1) The procedures prescribed by this Act shall be subject to the payment of fees and procedural charges in compliance with the special provisions.

(2) If the fees or procedural charges referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article have not been paid, an application or a request shall be rejected, and in the case of non-payment of the appropriate fee or procedural charges for


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the renewal of a trademark, the trademark shall lapse.


On request of the applicant for the registration of a trademark or the holder of a trademark, and after the prescribed fee and procedural charges have been paid, the Office shall issue a certificate of priority right.


(1) The Office shall keep the trademark register, which contains the data, the entry of which is prescribed by this Act and the Regulations.

(2) Any person shall be entitled to inspect the trademark register.

(3) On request of any interested person, and after the prescribed fee and procedural charges have been paid, the Office shall issue the extract and the printout from the trademark register.


The Office shall publish the official gazette containing all the data the publication of which is prescribed by this Act and the Regulations.

SEARCH Article 73

On the request of any interested person, the Office shall carry out identity and similarity searches of applied for and registered trademarks having effect in the Republic of Croatia.


(1) Natural or legal persons not having a domicile nor a real and effective industrial or commercial principle place of business in the Republic of Croatia may exercise rights arising from this Act in the procedures before the Office only through authorized representatives.

(2) General principles of representation, and special conditions under which the persons specified in paragraph (1) of this Article may exercise rights arising from this Act shall be regulated by special regulations.



Article 75 (1) The holder of a trademark, if his rights

referred to in Article 7 of this Act have been infringed or threatened to be infringed, may, by instituting an action, require from the competent court:

1. establishment of the existence of the infringement of a trademark,

2. prohibition of the committed or intended infringement of a trademark,

3. elimination of a condition caused by the committed infringement of a trademark,

4. ordering to the defendant to inform of the identity of third persons involved in the production and distribution of the infringing goods or services and of their channels of distribution.

5. compensation for damage,

6. publication of the court decision at the expense of the defendant.

(2) The imitation of a trademark, as well as the use of a collective mark and a guarantee mark contrary to the contract on the collective mark or guarantee mark, shall also be considered to be the infringement of a trademark within the meaning of paragraph (1) of this Article.

(3) The proceedings concerning the action within the meaning of paragraph (1) of this Article shall be urgent.


(1) On the request of the plaintiff, the court may order the destruction of the objects unlawfully designated by a trademark, which are in the possession of a defendant.

(2) The court shall decide whether the objects unlawfully designated by a trademark are to be destroyed, made unrecognizable or used in any other way.


The action concerning the infringement of a trademark may be brought within three years from learning about the infringement and the infringer,

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and not later than within five years as from the commitment of the infringement.


(1) If the holder of a trademark makes it likely that his right has been infringed or that there is a likelihood of infringement which might cause the irreparable harm, he may require from the court:

1. ordering of the provisional measure comprising the prohibition of acts infringing the right of the holder of a trademark,

2. provisional seizure of the articles unlawfully designated by a trademark or the exclusion thereof from the circulation;

3. measures comprising the assurance of evidence concerning articles unlawfully designated by a trademark and measures comprising the preservation of the existing situation.

(2) The holder of a trademark may require the ordering of provisional measures even before the action is brought, provided that he brings the action within a period of 20 working days or 31 calendar days, whichever expires later.

(3) If the holder of a trademark does not bring an action within the time limit laid down in paragraph (2) of this Article, the court may, on the request of the defendant, conclude the procedure and lift the required measures.

(4) The judicial authorities may adopt provisional measures without hearing the other party where appropriate, in particular, if any delay is likely to cause irreparable harm to the holder of a trademark, or if there is a demonstrable risk of evidence being destroyed.


(1) The court may impose on the holder of a trademark the compensation for damage if it is proved that the required measures referred to in Article 78 (1) of this Act have been unjustified.

(2) The court may impose on the holder of a trademark the deposit of an adequate amount as a security for the person the

provisional measure has been ordered against.


Article 80 (1) Any legal person who uses somebody else’s

trademark, reproduces it or imitates, affixes it to the goods or the packaging thereof, offers the goods under somebody else’s trademark, puts them on the market or stocks them for these purposes under somebody else’s trademark, imports or exports the goods under somebody else’s trademark, uses somebody else’s trademark when providing services or on business papers and in advertising, without the authorization, shall be punished for the misdemeanor by a fine amounting from HRK 20,000.00 up to 100,000.00 (Article 7).

(2) The natural person shall be punished for a misdemeanor referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article by a fine amounting from HRK 2.000,00 up to 8.000,00.

(3) The responsible person in the legal person shall be punished for a misdemeanor referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, by a fine amounting from HRK 5,000.00 up to 10,000.00.

(4) Articles intended or used for the committed misdemeanors referred to in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of this Article shall be seized, and the court shall decide whether the objects unlawfully designated by a trademark are to be destroyed, made unrecognizable or used in any other way.



A TRADEMARK Article 81

Procedures concerning trademark applications, as filed before the day the application of this Act starts, which are pending on the day the application of this Act starts, shall be carried out in compliance with the provisions of this Act.


(1) The procedures concerning the infringement of a trademark or the rights conferred by an


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application for the registration of a trademark which are pending on the day the application of this Act starts, shall be carried out in compliance with the provisions which were in force up to the day the application of this Act starts.

(2) The procedures concerning the declaration of the decision on the grant of a trademark null and void and the procedures concerning requests for ceasing of the effect of a trademark due to non-use which are pending on the day the application of this Act starts, shall be carried out in compliance with the provisions which were in force up to the day the application of this Act starts.


The matters referred to in: Article 15 paragraph (3); Article 21 paragraph (1); Article 25 paragraph (2); Article 27 paragraph (4); Article 33 paragraph (3); Article 34 paragraph (2); Article 35 paragraph (2); Article 37 paragraph (3); Article 38 paragraph (4); Article 39 paragraph (8); Article 40 paragraph (4); Article 44 paragraph (8); Article 46 paragraph (4); Article 49 paragraph (8); Article 61 paragraph (1); Article 71 paragraph (1) and Article 72 of this Act shall be regulated by the Minister competent for the work of the Office in the Regulations, to be enacted by him upon a proposal of the Director General of the Office up to the day the application of this Act starts.


Article 84 On the day application of this Act starts, the provisions of the Law on Trademarks (Official Gazette No 78/99, 127/99) shall cease to be valid, except for the provisions concerning the representation (Article 59), which shall be applied up to the enactment of a special regulation.


This Act shall enter into force on the eighth day from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia, and shall be applied as from January 1, 2004.

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Article 1 In the Trademarks Act (Official Gazette 173/2003), Article 11 is amended to read: “(1) The placing on the market in the territory of

the Republic of Croatia, or, after the accession of the Republic of Croatia into the full membership of the European Union, in the territory of any of the States of the European Union, or States Parties to the Agreement Creating the European Economic Area, of a product designated by a trademark, by the holder of the trademark, or with his express authorization, shall exhaust for the territory of the Republic of Croatia, the exclusive rights conferred by the trademark in respect to such a product, unless there are justified reasons for the holder of the trademark to retain the exclusive rights conferred by the trademark.”

(2) The justified reasons for the holder of the trademark to oppose further commercialization of the product shall exist, especially where the condition of the product is changed or impaired after it has been put on the market.”

Article 2 Article 20 is amended to read: “(1) The Office shall carry out the administrative

procedures for the registration of a trademark, procedures for the declaration that a trademark is invalid, and shall perform other administrative and professional tasks concerning the protection of trademarks.

(2) The administrative decisions issued by the Office in the first instance may be appealed and the appeals shall be decided on by the Board of Appeal in accordance with the provisions of this Act. The filing of an appeal shall be subject to payment of the administrative fee and procedural charges in accordance with special regulations. If the administrative fee and procedural charges have not been paid up to the expiration of the appeal period, the appeal shall be considered as not filed.

(3) The provisions of the Act on General Administrative Proceedings shall apply to particular matters concerning the procedure referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article, not regulated by this Act.

*NN 76/2007, in force from July 31, 2007

(4) The administrative decisions issued in by the Board of Appeal in the second instance may be subject to administrative disputes, in accordance with the Act on Administrative Disputes.”

Article 3 In Article 39, paragraphs (4) and (5) are deleted. The former paragraphs (6), (7) and (8) become paragraphs (4), (5) and (6).

Article 4 In Article 40, paragraph (2) is amended to read: “(2) A right in rem shall be entered in the register

upon the request of a lien creditor or a lien debtor. The court levying an execution ex officio shall inform the Office without delay of the execution levied upon a trademark for the purpose of the entry of the levy of execution in the register.”

Article 5 In Article 49, paragraph (1) is deleted. The former paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) become paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7).

Article 6 After Article 67 a new “Part Ten”: “COMMUNITY TRADEMARK“, as well as headings and Articles 67a to 67i are added to read:

“DEFINITIONS” Article 67a

For the purpose of this Act, the following terms mean: (a) „Regulation on the Community trade mark“ is

the Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community trade mark and its amendments;

(b) a „Community trade mark“ is a trademark as defined in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Regulation on the Community trade mark;

(c) an „application for a Community trade mark“ is an application for registration of a Community trade mark filed in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the Community trade mark;

(d) a “national trademark” is a trademark acquired in the procedure before the Office in accordance with the provisions of this Act;


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(e) a „national application for a trademark“ is an application for a trademark filed with the Office in accordance with the provisions of this Act.


Article 67b The effects of applications for a Community trade mark filed and Community trade marks acquired before the day of the acceptance of the Republic of Croatia into the full membership of the European Union shall extend to the territory of the Republic of Croatia.


Article 67c (1) Within the meaning of Article 6 of this Act, a

Community trade mark shall be an earlier trade mark in relation to national trademark applications which are filed, as well as national trademarks which are acquired on such applications after the day of the acceptance of the Republic of Croatia into the full membership of the European Union.

(2) Within the meaning of Article 6, paragraph (2) item 4 of this Act, an earlier Community trade mark having reputation in the European Union shall be taken into consideration in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (1), item (c) of the Regulation on the Community trade mark .

(3) A national trademark may not be declared to be invalid for the reason of being in conflict with an earlier Community trade mark, if such earlier Community trade mark fails to fulfill the conditions of use provided for in Article 15 of the Regulation on the Community trade mark.


Article 67d If an application for a Community trade mark has been filed with the Office pursuant to Article 25 of the Regulation on the Community trade mark, a fee and charges for forwarding shall be paid in accordance with special regulations.



(1) The Office shall examine a request for conversion of a Community trade mark

application into a national trademark application filed with it in accordance with the provision of Article 109, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on the Community trade mark.

(2) If the request referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article is not drafted in accordance with the provisions of Article 108, paragraph (2) of the Regulation on the Community trade mark, the Office shall invite the applicant to remedy the deficiencies.

(3) If the applicant fails to file observations or remedy the deficiencies in the specified time limit, or if the request referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article fails to comply with the provisions of Article 108, paragraph (2) of the Regulation on the Community trade mark, the Office shall refuse the request referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article. The decision on refusal shall be considered as a decision on the merits of the request.

(4) If the request referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article is in due form, the Office shall carry out a procedure for the trademark registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

(5) The fees and procedural charges for the registration referred to in paragraph (4) of this Article shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

(6) The Office shall notify the person filing the request referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article of the receipt thereof, and shall invite her/him to file a translation of the application into the Croatian language within a period, which shall not be less than 30 and not more than 60 days.

(7) The date of filing, the date of priority and the seniority shall be determined pursuant to Article 108, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on the Community trade mark.

SENIORITY Article 67f

The seniority of a national trademark, within the meaning of Articles 34 and 35 of the Regulation on the Community trade mark, may be claimed for a Community trade mark: - if a national trademark has been acquired before the day of the accession of the Republic of Croatia into the full membership of the European Union; and

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- if a national trademark has priority in relation to the Community trademark for which the seniority is claimed.


Article 67g (1) If the use of a Community trade mark

referred to in Article 67b of this Act conflicts with the use of a national trademark acquired before the day of the acceptance of the Republic of Croatia into the full membership of the European Union, or acquired on a national application, filed before the day of the acceptance of the Republic of Croatia into the full membership of the European Union, the holder of such national trademark may institute a legal action, claiming prohibition of the use in the Republic of Croatia of the Community trade mark, the effect of which is, in accordance with Article 67b of this Act, extended to the territory of the Republic of Croatia. The plaintiff shall prove that the Community trade mark conflicts with his/her national trademark.

(2) If a Community trade mark referred to in Article 67b of this Act could have been refused registration on any of the absolute grounds referred to in Article 5 of this Act, or could have been declared to be invalid on the grounds referred to in Article 49, paragraph (2) of this Act before the day of the acceptance of the Republic of Croatia into the full membership of the European Union, the person having legal interest in it may institute a legal action claiming prohibition of the use of such Community trade mark in the Republic of Croatia. The plaintiff shall prove existence of any of these grounds in relation to the Community trade mark.


Article 67h The provisions on the protection a national trademark in the case of infringement shall apply mutatis mutandis to the protection of a Community trade mark in the case of infringement.


Article 67i (1) In the Republic of Croatia, the Commercial

Court in Zagreb shall be the Community Trade Mark Court competent for the first

instance decisions, within the meaning of the Regulation on the Community trade mark.

(2) In the Republic of Croatia, the High Commercial Court shall be the Community Trade Mark Court competent for the second instance decisions, within the meaning of the Regulation on the Community trade mark.“

The former “Part Ten” becomes “Part Eleven”.

Article 7 After Article 74, a new „Part Twelve“: „APPEAL“ as well as headings and Articles 74a to 74d are inserted to read:

“RIGHT OF APPEAL” Article 74a

(1) Any party entirely or partially adversely affected by the decisions of the Office issued in the first instance shall have the right to file an appeal within 30 days from the day of the communication of the decision.

(2) Other parties to the procedure terminated by a decision appealed shall have the right to be parties to the appeal procedure.


In addition to the indications, which shall be contained in any communication, an appeal shall contain: 1. an indication of the decision appealed;

2. a statement defining whether the decision is contested in its entirety or in part;

3. the grounds for appeal;

4. a statement of reasons for appeal, and all the evidence supporting the appellant’s allegations contained in the appeal;

5. the signature of the appellant

6. a power of attorney, if the appeal is filed through a representative.


(1) The Board of Appeal shall take decisions in sessions, by a majority vote.

(2) The Board of Appeal shall decide on the basis of communications filed by the parties, and if it considers it necessary, or upon the request of any party to the procedure, it may order oral proceedings. The parties shall be summoned to oral proceedings at least 45 days before it takes place.


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(1) The Boards of Appeal for industrial property rights shall decide on the appeals referred to in Article 74a of this Act.

(2) The provisions of the Patent Act shall apply to the composition and organization of the Boards of Appeal referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article.”

Article 8 The former “Part Eleven” becomes “Part Thirteen” A heading above Article 75 is amended to read:


Article 75 is amended to read: “The protection of the rights under this Act may be claimed by a right holder, or a person authorized by her/him pursuant to the general provisions on representation, and, apart from her/him by the holder of the exclusive license, to the extent that he has acquired the right of exploitation of a trademark on the basis of a legal transaction or law.”

Article 9 A heading above Article 76 is amended to read:


Article 76 is amended to read: (1) The holder of a trademark may institute a

legal action against any person who has infringed a trademark by performing without authorization any of the acts referred to in Article 7, paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Act, claiming establishment of the infringement.

(2) The holder of a trademark may institute a legal action against any person who has infringed a trademark by performing without authorization any of the acts referred to in Article 7, paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Act, claiming termination of the infringement and prohibition of such and similar future infringements.

(3) The holder of a trademark may institute a legal action against any person who has by performing any of the acts without authorization caused a serious threat that his trademark might be infringed, claiming desistance from the act concerned and prohibition of the infringement of the trademark.

(4) The claims referred to in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of this Article may also be made against a person who in the course of her/his

economic activities renders services used in the acts infringing a trademark or threatening to infringe it.”

Article 10 A heading above Article 77 is amended to read:


Article 77 is amended to read: “(1) The holder of a trademark may institute a

legal action against any person who has infringed a trademark by performing without authorization any of the acts referred to in Article 7, paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Act, claiming that the products infringing the trademark be removed from the market, seized or destroyed at the expense of that person.

(2) The court shall order the measures referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article against the defendant, unless there are special reasons for not deciding so.

(3) When ordering the measure referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, the court shall take due care that they are proportionate to the nature and seriousness of the infringement.”

Article 11 A heading above Article 78 is amended to read:


Article 78 is amended to read: “(1) The holder of a trademark may take a legal

action against any person who has caused him damage by performing without authorization any of the acts referred to in Article 7, paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Act, claiming damages pursuant to the general rules on the legal redress laid down in the Obligations Act.

(2) The holder of a trademark may institute a legal action against any person who has performed without authorization any of the acts referred to in Article 7, paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Act, claiming payment of remuneration in the amount that he would have claimed, given the circumstances, in the license agreement, if concluded.

(3) The holder of a trademark may take a legal action against any person who has infringed a trademark by performing without authorization any of the acts referred to in Article 7, paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Act, without having basis for it in any legal

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transaction, court decision or the law, and has benefited from it, claiming the recovery or compensation of such benefits pursuant to the general rules on unjust enrichment laid down in the Obligations Act.

(4) The claims referred to in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) shall not be mutually excluding. When deciding on the claims referred to in paragraphs (1), (2) or (3), filed cumulatively, the court shall observe the general principles laid down in the Obligations Act.”

Article 12 A heading above Article 79 is amended to read:


Article 79 is amended to read: “The holder of a trademark may claim that the final judgment even partially upholding the claim for protection of the trademark in the case of infringement is published in the means of public communication at the expense of the defendant. The court shall decide, within the limits of the claim, on the means of public communication in which the judgment shall be published, and whether it shall be published entirely or partially. If the court decides that only a part of the judgment shall be published, it shall order, within the limits of the claim, that at least the dispositive part of it and, if necessary, the part of the judgment specifying the infringement concerned and the person, having committed it, is published.”

Article 13 After Article 79, headings and Articles 79a to 79e are inserted to read:


(1) The holder of a trademark who has instituted civil proceedings for the protection of the trademark in the case of infringement may claim the provision of information on the origin and distribution channels of the goods infringing his trademark.

(2) The claim referred to in Article 1 may be made in the form of a legal action or a provisional measure against:

- a person who has been sued in the civil proceedings referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article;

- a person who is within her/his economic activities in possession of the goods suspected of infringing a trademark;

- a person who provides, within her/his economic activities, services suspected of infringing a trademark;

- persons who provide, within their economic activities, services used in the activities suspected of infringing a trademark;

- a person who is indicated by any of the mentioned persons as being involved in the manufacture or distribution of the goods or the provision of the services suspected of infringing a trademark;

(3) The claim referred to in Article 1 may also be included in a gradual legal action as the first claim, provided that a person acting as a counter party to the defendant is also included in the main claim.

(4) The claim for information on the origin of the goods and distribution channels of the goods and services referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article may include in particular:

- information on the names and addresses of the producers, distributors, suppliers and other previous holders of the goods and providers of the services, respectively, as well as the intended wholesalers and retailers;

- information on the quantities produced, delivered, received or ordered, as well as the price obtained for the goods or services concerned.

(5) The person required to provide the information referred to in this Article may refuse to provide such information on the same grounds as those allowing the refusal to present evidence as a witness pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Civil Proceedings. If the person concerned refuses to provide information without justified reasons, she/he shall be responsible for the damage incurred, pursuant to the provisions of the Obligations Act.

(6) The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the provisions on the manner of use of confidential information in civil and criminal proceedings, the provisions regulating the responsibility for misuse of the right to acquire information, and the provisions regulating the processing and protection of personal data.

(7) The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 79c


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and 79d of this Act regulating the taking of evidence.


Article 79b (1) Upon the request of the holder of a

trademark who makes it likely that her/his trademark has been infringed or threatened to be infringed, the court may order any provisional measure comprising the termination or prevention of the infringement, and in particular:

- order the opposing party to cease or desist from, the acts infringing a trademark; the court may also issue such order against an intermediary whose services are being used by a third party to infringe a trademark;

- order the seizure or removal from the market of the goods unlawfully designated by a trademark.

(2) Upon the request of the holder of a trademark who makes it likely that his trademark has been infringed on a commercial scale for the purpose of acquiring commercial or economic benefit, and that such infringement has threatened to cause him irreparable damage, the court may, in addition to the provisional measures referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, order the seizure of the movable and immovable property of the opposing party, not directly related to the infringement, including the blocking of his bank accounts and other assets.

(3) For the purpose of ordering and eforcing the provisional measure referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article, the court may require from the opposing party or other relevant persons disposing with it, the communication of the banking, financial and other economic information, or the access to other relevant information and documents. The court shall ensure the protection of confidentiality of such information, and prohibit any misuse thereof.

(4) The provisional measure referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article may be ordered without informing the opposing party thereof, if the applicant for measures makes it likely that otherwise the provisional measure would not be effective, or that irreparable damage is threatened to occur. The provisional measure referred to in paragraph

(2) of this Article may be ordered without informing the opposing party thereof, if the applicant for measures makes it likely that otherwise the provisional measure would not be effective, or that, taking into consideration a very serious circumstances of the infringement, this would be necessary. If a provisional measure is ordered without informing the opposing party thereof, the court shall communicate a decision on the provisional measure to the opposing party, promptly upon its enforcement.

(5) In the decision ordering a provisional measure the court shall specify the duration of such measure, and, if the measure has been ordered before the institution of a legal action, the period, within which the applicant for measures shall institute a legal action to justify the measure, which shall not be less than 20 working days and not more than 31 calendar days, from the day of communication of the decision to the applicant for measures, whichever expires later.

(6) The provisions of the Execution Act shall apply to matters, not regulated by this Article.

(7) The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the possibility to order provisional measures pursuant to other provisions of this Act, and the provisions of the Execution Act.


Article 79c (1) Upon the request of the holder of a

trademark who makes it likely that his trademark has been infringed or threatened to be infringed, the court may order a provisional measure comprising the preservation of evidence.

(2) By the provisional measure referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, the court may order in particular:

- preparation of a detailed description of the goods made likely to infringe a trademark, with or without taking of samples;

- seizure of the goods made likely to infringe a trademark;

- seizure of the materials and implements used in the production and distribution of the goods made likely to infringe a

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trademark and the documentation relating thereto.

(3) The provisional measure referred to in this Article may be ordered even without informing the opposing party thereof, if the applicant for measures makes it likely that there is a risk of evidence being destroyed or irreparable damage of incurring. If a provisional measure is ordered without informing the opposing party thereof, the court shall communicate a decision on the provisional measure to the opposing party, promptly upon its enforcement.

(4) In the decision ordering a provisional measure the court shall specify the duration of the measure, and, if the measure has been ordered before the institution of a legal action, the period, within which the applicant for measures shall institute a legal action to justify the measure, which shall not be less than 20 working days and not more than 31 calendar days, from the day of communication of the decision to the applicant for measures, whichever expires later.

(5) The provisions of the Execution Act shall apply to matters, not regulated by this Article.

(6) The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to the possibility of the court to order provisional measures comprising the preservation of evidence pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Civil Proceedings.


(1) Where a party to the civil proceedings invokes evidence claiming that it lies with the opposing party or under its control, the court shall invite the opposing party to present such evidence within a specified time limit.

(2) Where the holder of a trademark as a plaintiff in a legal action claims that the infringement of a trademark has been committed on a commercial scale for the purpose of acquiring commercial or economic benefit, and has make it likely during the proceedings, and where he invokes in the proceedings banking, financial or similar economic documents, papers or the like evidence, claiming that they lie with the opposing party or under its control, the court shall invite the opposing party to

present such evidence within a specified time limit.

(3) Where the party, which is invited to present evidence, denies that the evidence lies with it or under its control, the court may take evidence to establish such a fact.

(4) The provisions of the Act on Civil Proceedings relating to the right of refusal to present evidence as a witness shall apply mutatis mutandis to the right of the party to refuse to present evidence.

(5) The court shall, taking into consideration all the circumstances of the case, decide at its own discretion, on the importance of the fact that the party having the evidence refuses to comply with the court’s decision ordering it to present evidence, or denies, contrary to the court’s opinion, that the evidence lies with it.

(6) Against the decision of the court referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) a separate appeal shall not be allowed.


ACTS Article 79e

(1) A procedure concerning the infringement of the rights under this Act shall be expeditious.

(2) The provisions of the Act on Civil Proceedings, and the Execution Act, respectively, shall apply to the procedures concerning the infringement of a trademark.

(3) Upon the request of the court or any of the parties to the procedure concerning the infringement of a trademark, the Office or the Board of Appeal, respectively, shall promptly accept a request for the declaration of the decision on the registration of a trademark invalid, filed before or during the civil action and shall subject it to the expeditious proceedings. The court shall, taking into consideration the circumstances of the case, decide whether it shall decide on the stay of proceedings up to the final decision on the request for the declaration of the decision on the registration of a trademark invalid, or not.”

Article 14 The former “Part Twelve” becomes “Part Fourteen”. In Article 80, paragraph (1) is amended to read:


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“Any legal person who uses a sign which is identical with or similar to somebody else’s trademark, reproduces it or imitates, affixes it to the goods or the packaging thereof, offers the goods designated by such a sign, puts them on the market or stocks them for such purposes, imports or exports the goods designated by such a sign, uses such a sign when providing services or on business papers and in advertising, without authorization, shall be punished for the misdemeanor by a fine amounting from HRK 20 000.00 up to 100 000.00 (Article 7 paragraph (2) items 1 and 2).” In paragraph (2) number “8,000.00” is replaced by number “10 000.00”. After paragraph (3), paragraph (4) is added to read: “(4) A natural person – a craftsman or other self- employed person, respectively, shall be punished for the misdemeanor, referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, by a fine amounting from HRK 5 000.00 to 50 000.00, where the misdemeanor has been committed in the performance of her/his activities as a craftsman or other self-employed person, respectively.” In the former paragraph (4), which becomes paragraph (5), numbers “1, 2 and 3” are replaced by numbers “1, 2, 3 and 4”.


(1) The administrative disputes instituted before the Administrative Court before 1 June 2008 shall be completed before the Administrative Court in accordance with the provisions, which were in force up to that date.

(2) A party, which instituted a legal action before the Administrative Court before 1 June 2008, in accordance with the provisions which were in force up to that date, may require from the Administrative Court to stay the proceedings, provided that it has filed within 30 days from that date an appeal based on the same grounds and with the same statement of reasons as are those contained in the legal action, where an appeal against such administrative decision is admissible pursuant to the provisions of this Act. The administrative decision issued on such appeal in the second instance, may be subject to an administrative dispute pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Administrative Disputes.”

Article 16 The procedures concerning the protection of a trademark in the case of infringement, pending on the date of the entry into force of this Act, shall be completed in accordance with the provisions, which were in force before the entry into force of this Act.

Article 17 The Ordinance referred to in Article 83 of the Trademarks Act (Official Gazette 173/2003) shall be shall be aligned with the provisions of this Act, on a proposal given by the Director General of the Office, by the Minister responsible for the work of the Office, not later than within 3 months from the entry into force of this Act.

Article 18 This Act shall enter into force on the eight day following the day of its publication in the Official Gazette, with the exception of Articles 2 and 7 thereof, which shall enter into force on 1 June 2008, and Article 6, which shall enter into on the day of the acceptance of the Republic of Croatia into the European Union.

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Article 1 In the Trademarks Act (OG 173/03 and 76/07) in Article 5 paragraph (1) item 2 after the words “are devoid of” the word “any” is added. Item 11 is added to read: “11. signs which contain or consist of designations of origin or geographical indications, in effect in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, if a request for the registration of a trademark has been filed after the filing date of a request for the registration of a designation of origin or a geographical indication within the scope provided by legislation, by virtue of which such designations are registered, and which refer to the same type of products and services”.

Article 2 In Article 6, paragraph (8) is added to read: “(8) Upon an opposition as filed, a sign shall not be registered in the name of a trade agent or representative of a trademark holder without his authorization, unless a trade agent or representative justifies his action”.

Article 3 In Article 25, paragraph (1) is amended to read: “(1) If all the requirements set out in Article 21, paragraph (2) of this Act are complied with, and if there are no grounds for refusal of the registration under Article 5, paragraph (1) of this Act, the application data shall be published in “The Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette “ (hereinafter: the Office official gazette)”.

Article 4 In Article 27, paragraph (1), item 5 is added to read: “5. the holder of an earlier trademark within the meaning of Article 6, paragraph (8) of this Act”.

Article 5 In Article 35, paragraph (1), the words: “not later than within three months from the date of publication of the trademark”, are replaced by the words: “after the publication of a registered trademark”.

**NN 30/2009, in force from March 17, 2009

Article 6 After Article 36, a new heading and Article 36a are added to read:


(1) If the applicant for a trademark registration or the holder of a trademark has failed to comply with a time limit for an act in a procedure before the Office, and that failure has the direct consequence of causing the loss of rights conferred by the trademark application or trademark, he may file a request for the continued processing with respect to the trademark application or trademark. The Office shall authorise the continued processing, provided that the applicant:

1. files a request for the continued processing and performs all the omitted acts within the prescribed time limit, referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article, and

2. pays the administrative fee and procedural charges.

(2) A request for the continued processing may be filed within two months from the day on which he learned about the legal consequences referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article.

(3) If the omitted acts have not been performed within the time limit referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article, or if the administrative fees and procedural charges have not been paid, a request for the continued processing shall be deemed not to be filed, and the conclusion to that effect shall be issued by the Office.

(4) A request for the continued processing shall not be filed, if failure to comply with concerns the time limit:

1. referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article, 2. for filing the request referred to in Article

18 and Article 19 of this Act, 3. for filing the request referred to in Article

44 of this Act,


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4. for filing the appeal referred to in Article 74a of this Act,

5. for filing a request for restitutio in integrum pursuant to the provisions of the Act on General Administrative Proceedings,

6. for all the acts in the procedures before the Office involving several parties.

(5) If the Office complies with the requirement referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, the consequences of having failed to comply with a time limit shall be deemed not to have occurred, and all the decisions and conclusions issued by the Office concerning the failure shall be revoked.

Article 7 In Article 38, a new paragraph (2) is added to read: “(2) In case of a trademark transfer in respect of some of the products and/or services only, for which the trademark is registered, such registration shall be divided in accordance with the provisions of Article 33 of this Act”. The former paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) become paragraphs (3), (4) and (5).

Article 8 In Article 49, paragraph (2), item 4, after the words: “of the Act” a full stop is replaced by a comma, and item 5 is added to read: “5. on request of the holder of the earlier trademark referred to in Article 6, paragraph (8) of this Act”. After paragraph (2), a new paragraph (3) is added to read: “(3) The procedure for a declaration that a trademark is invalid may be initiated on the request of an interested person also in the case where the holder of the trademark, requested to be declared invalid was acting in bad faith at the moment of filing an application for the registration of such trademark. The former paragraphs (3) and (4) become paragraphs (4) and (5). In the former paragraph (5), which becomes paragraph (6), number “3” is replaced by number “2”. The former paragraphs (6) and (7), become paragraphs (7) and (8).

Article 9 In Article 50, paragraph (1), numbers “3, 4, 5, 6 and 8” are replaced by numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8”.

Article 10 In Article 51, paragraph (4), the words: ”paragraph (3)” are replaced by the words: “paragraphs (2) and (3)”.

Article 11 Article 54 is amended to read: “Any sign within the meaning of Article 2 of this Act, which is intended to designate the quality, origin, manner of production, or other common characteristics of the goods or services may be protected as a guarantee mark. The holder of a guarantee mark is not entitled to use a guarantee mark by himself, however, he shall be entitled to authorize and supervise such use in respect of entrepreneurs who have the authorization to use a guarantee mark pursuant to the Contract on a Guarantee Mark”.

Article 12 After Article 63, a new heading and Article 63a are added to read:



(1) Where, on or before the day of cancellation of an international registration from the International Register all the requirements, laid down under the Protocol, for the conversion (transformation) of an international registration of a mark, as protected in the territory of the Republic of Croatia into a national trademark are complied with, such trademark shall, upon the request of its holder, be entered in the trademark register kept by the Office pursuant to this Act, subject to the prior payment of the procedural charges for the maintenance of the trademark for the first ten-year period and the publication of the trademark data.

(2) The date of the international registration of the trademark, which is the basis for conversion (transformation) shall be taken as the date of registration of the national trademark, resulting from the conversion (transformation), carried out in accordance with pursuant to paragraph (1) of this Article.

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(3) An international registration of a mark, which is not protected in the territory of the Republic of Croatia on or before the day of cancellation of the international registration from the International Register, in respect of which the procedures and measures are taken before the Office, and are pending on or before the day of filing a request for conversion (transformation), are deemed to be integral parts of the procedure for a national trademark application, in compliance with the provision of this Act.

(4) The date of the international trademark registration for which the extension of protection to the territory of the Republic of Croatia is requested, shall be taken as the date of the national trademark application referred to in paragraph (3) of this Article, resulting from a request for conversion (transformation)”.

Article 13 The heading above Article 66 is amended to read: “PROVING THE USE OF AN INTERNATIONAL

REGISTRATION OF A MARK” Article 66 is amended to read: “(1) For the purpose of proving the use of an

international registration of a mark in the opposition procedure, procedure for the declaration that a trademark is invalid, and the revocation procedure relating to an international registration of a mark, the date of the expiry of a one-year period running from the day following the date of notification communicated by the International Bureau concerning the request for the extension of protection of the international registration of a mark to the territory of the Republic of Croatia, shall be taken as the date of the international trademark registration.

(2) If, upon the expiry of a one-year period referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article, the procedure concerning a request for the extension of protection of an international registration of a trademark to the territory of the Republic of Croatia has not yet been concluded the date on which the Office notified the International Bureau its final decision on the grant of protection, shall be taken as the date of the international registration”.

Article 14 In Article 67, paragraph (5) is deleted.

Article 15 In Article 67c, paragraph (1), the words: “a Community trademark shall be an earlier trademark” are replaced by the words: “an application for a Community trademark and a Community trademark shall be earlier trademarks”.

Article 16 The heading above Article 67e is amended to read: “CONVERSION OF A COMMUNITY TRADEMARK APPLICATION AND A COMMUNITY TRADEMARK INTO A NATIONAL TRADEMARK APPLICATION”. Article 67e is amended to read: “(1) Upon a request for conversion of a

Community trademark application, or a Community trademark, respectively, into a national trademark application, filed pursuant to the provision of Article 109, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on the Community trade mark, the Office shall carry out the procedure for the trademark registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

(2) The administrative fees and procedural charges for the registration referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of this Act and other regulations.

(3) The Office shall notify the person filing the request referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article of the receipt thereof and shall invite him/her to file a translation of the Community trademark application into the Croatian language, within a period of 60 days.

(4) The date of filing, the date of priority and the seniority shall be determined pursuant to the provision of Article 108, paragraph (3) of the Regulation on the Community trade mark”.

Article 17 In Article 67g, paragraph (2) is deleted.

Article 18 This Act shall enter into force on the eighth day following day of the publication thereof in the “Official Gazette”.


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May 2018


Article 1 In the Trademarks Act („Official Gazette“ Nos. 173/03, 76/07 and 30/09), in Article 20, paragraph (2), the words “administrative decisions” are replaced by the word “decisions”, and the last sentence is deleted. Paragraph (3) is deleted. In the former paragraph (4), which becomes paragraph (3), the words “administrative decisions” are replaced by the word “decisions”.

Article 2 In Article 22, paragraph (1), the words “shall invite the applicant” are replaced by the words “shall order the applicant by a conclusion”, and the word “invitation” is replaced by the word “conclusion”. In paragraph (2), the words “with the invitation” are replaced by the words “with the conclusion”. In paragraph (3), the words “shall invite the applicant” are replaced by the words “shall order the applicant by a conclusion”, and the word “invitation” is replaced by the word “conclusion”.

Article 3 In Article 23, the word “invitation” is replaced by the word “conclusion”, and the Croatian word translated as “by a decision” is replaced by another Croatian word translated as “by a decision”.

Article 4 In Article 24, paragraph (1) is amended to read: “(1) If the Office finds that any of the reasons for the refusal of a trademark according to Article 5, paragraph (1) of this Act exists, it shall notify the applicant for the registration of a trademark in writing of the grounds for refusal and shall invite him to file observations and to submit evidence on the possible new facts that might influence the final decision of the Office.” In paragraph (2) the words “and to submit evidence on the possible new facts that might influence the final decision of the Office” are deleted. After paragraph (3), paragraphs (4) and (5) are added to read:

***NN 49/2011, in force from May 7, 2011

“(4) If the applicant for the registration of a trademark fails to file within the prescribed time limit his observations on the notification of the grounds for refusal of the registration in respect of all the goods or services for which the registration has been applied for, or fails to challenge the grounds for such refusal, a decision on the total refusal of the registration shall be issued. “(5) If the applicant for the registration of a trademark fails to file within the prescribed time limit his observations on the notification of the partial refusal of the registration of a trademark, or if in the course of the procedure concerning the observations on the notification of the grounds for refusal of the registration in respect of all the goods or services for which registration has been applied for, it has been found that a sign does not comply with the requirements for registration in respect of only some of the goods or services for which the registration has been applied for, a partial decision on the refusal of the registration shall be issued.”

Article 5 In Article 25, a new paragraph (2) is added to read: “(2) Where the registration of a trademark is partially refused in accordance with Article 24 paragraph (5) of this Act, the application data relating to the goods or services for which the registration applied for may be granted shall be published after this partial decision becomes final.” The former paragraph (2) becomes paragraph (3).

Article 6 In Article 28 paragraph (2), the Croatian word translated as “by a decision” is replaced by another Croatian word translated as “by a decision”.

Article 7 In Article 29, a new paragraph (3) is added to read: “(3) The Office shall transmit a copy of the observations on a request for the proof of use furnished by the holder of an earlier trademark to the applicant for the registration of a trademark and shall invite him to file his observations within a period of 30 days from the day of receipt of the invitation.”. The former paragraphs (3), (4) and (5) become paragraphs (4), (5) and (6). After the former paragraph (6), which becomes paragraph (7), paragraphs (8) and (9) are added to read:

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“(8) The applicant for the registration of a trademark and opponent may, in a request signed by both of them and filed in the course of the examination procedure concerning the opposition, request the Office to suspend the examination procedure concerning the opposition for the purpose of attempting to reach a settlement. (9) The Office shall continue the examination procedure concerning the opposition on request either of the applicant for the registration of a trademark or the opponent, and not later than within a period of 24 months from the filing of the first request referred to in paragraph (8) of this Article, if the procedure has not been concluded up to the expiry of that period.”

Article 8 In Article 30, after paragraph (2), paragraph (3) is added to read: “(3) If the applicant for the registration of a trademark restricts the list of goods and services after an opposition to the registration of a trademark as filed, the Office shall notify the opponent of the restriction of the list of goods or services, and shall invite him to state whether he insists on the opposition as filed, within a period of 15 days from the day of receipt of the invitation. If the opponent fails to notify the Office that he insists on the opposition as filed, the Office shall consider that he has withdrawn his opposition, and shall discontinue the opposition procedure.

Article 9 In Article 32, paragraph (1) is amended to read: “(1) If the grounds referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) and Article 6 of this Act do not constitute a barrier to the registration, the Office shall order the applicant by a conclusion to pay the prescribed procedural charges for the maintenance of the trademark for the first ten-year period and for the publication of the trademark data within a period of 30 days from the day of receipt of the conclusion. In paragraph (2), the Croatian word translated as “by a decision” is replaced by another Croatian word translated as “by a decision”. After paragraph (2), paragraph (3) is added to read: “(3) If the charges referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article are paid on time, a trademark shall be entered in the Register of Trademarks.”

Article 10 In Article 36a, paragraph (3) is amended to read: “(3) If the omitted acts have not been performed within the time limit referred to in paragraph (2) of

this Article, a request for the continued processing shall be rejected by a decision.”

Article 11 In Article 39, paragraph (4) is amended to read: “(4) On request of one of the parties, a license shall be entered in the register, if an extract from the licensing contract indicating the parties to that contract and the rights being licensed, certified as being a true extract from that contract or the original certificate of granting the license, signed by both the licensor and the licensee has been filed with the Office.

Article 12 In Article 40 paragraph (4) the words “or levy of execution” are deleted.

Article 13 In Article 47 paragraph (2) the Croatian word translated as “by a decision” is replaced by another Croatian word translated as “by a decision”. In paragraph (3) the words “shall invite the person who filed the request” are replaced by the words “shall order the person who filed the request by a conclusion”, and the word “invitation” is replaced by the word “conclusion”. In paragraph (4), the word “invitation” is replaced by the word “conclusion”, and the Croatian word translated as “by a decision” is replaced by another Croatian word translated as “by a decision”. Paragraph (6) is deleted. After the former paragraph (7), which becomes paragraph (6), new paragraphs (7) and (8) are added to read: “(7) The Office shall transmit a copy of the observations on the request for revocation of a trademark furnished by the holder of a trademark to the person who filed a request for the revocation of a trademark and shall invite him to file his observations within a period of 60 days from the day of receipt of the invitation.” (8) On request, the time limits referred to in paragraphs (3), (5) and (7) of this Article may be extended for not more than 60 days.” The former paragraph (8) becomes paragraph (9).

Article 14 In Article 48, paragraph (1) is amended to read: “(1) After the expiry of the time limit referred to in Article 47 paragraph (7) of this Act, the Office shall examine the justification of the grounds specified in the request for revocation of the trademark.”


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Article 15 In Article 50 paragraph (2), the Croatian word translated as “by a decision” is replaced by another Croatian word translated as “by a decision”. In paragraph (3) the words “shall invite the person who filed the request” are replaced by the words “shall order the person who filed the request by a conclusion”, and the word “invitation” is replaced by the word “conclusion”. In paragraph (4) the word “invitation” is replaced by the word “conclusion”, and the Croatian word translated as “by a decision” is replaced by another Croatian word translated as “by a decision”.

Article 16 In Article 61 paragraph (2), the words “shall invite the applicant” are replaced by the words “shall order the applicant by a conclusion”, and the word “invitation” is replaced by the word “conclusion”. Paragraph (5) is amended to read: “(5) If the applicant for the international registration of a mark or the person who filed the request for recording of a change in the International Register does not, within the prescribed time limit, comply with the conclusion sent by the Office, and does not remedy the found deficiencies within the meaning of paragraph (2) of this Article, or if the application or request according to the Madrid Agreement, the Protocol and the Common Regulations may not be filed with the Office, the application or the request shall be rejected by a decision.”

Article 17 In Article 67 paragraph (1), the words “shall invite him” are replaced by the words “shall order him by a conclusion”, and the word “invitation” is replaced by the word “conclusion”.

Article 18 In Article 67e paragraph (3), the words “shall invite him/her” are replaced by the words “shall order him/her by a conclusion”.

Article 19 The heading above Article 68 is amended to read:

“CORRECTION OF MISTAKES” Article 68 is amended to read: “(1) Where the entry in the register of a trademark or the publication of an application or a registration of a trademark contains a mistake attributable to the Office, the Office shall correct the mistake ex officio or on request of the party.

(2) A request for the correction of a mistake referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall not be subject to payment of any fee or procedural charges. (3) The Office shall publish the correction of mistakes made in accordance with this Article.”

Article 20 After Article 68, a heading and Article 68a are added to read:


(1) An application for the registration of a trademark may be filed with the Office directly in writing, by post, or by electronic means. (2) Requests for the initiation of other procedures governed by this Act shall be filed with the Office directly in writing, or by post. (3) The requirements and manner in which an application for the registration of a trademark and other requests for the initiation of procedures shall be communicated to the Office shall be prescribed by the Regulations.

Article 21 In Article 69, paragraph (2) is deleted.

Article 22 In Article 74a, the Croatian word translated as “a decision” in the appropriate grammatical number and case is replaced by another Croatian word translated as “a decision” in the appropriate grammatical number and case.

Article 23 The Minister responsible for the work of the Office shall, on a proposal given by the Director General of the Office, harmonize the Regulations referred to in Article 83 of the Trademarks Act (“Official Gazette” Nos. 173/03, 76/07 and 30/09) with the provisions of this Act not later than within a period of two months from the day of the entry into force of this Act.

Article 24 This Act shall enter into force on the eighth day following the day of the publication thereof in the “Official Gazette”.

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Article 1

In the Trademarks Act (»Official Gazette«, No. 173/03, 54/05, 76/07, 30/09 and 49/11), in Article 20 paragraphs (2) and (3) shall be amended to read:

»(2) The decisions issued by the Office cannot be appealed, but an administrative dispute can be instituted before the Administrative Court in Zagreb.

(3) The procedure referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article is urgent.«.

Article 2 In Article 36a paragraph (4), point 4 shall be deleted. Former points 5 and 6 shall become points 4 and 5.

Article 3 The heading of Part Twelve: »APPEAL«, headings above Articles and Articles 74a to 74d shall be deleted.

Article 4 After the words: »the Office« in Article 79e paragraph (3), the commas and the words: »or the Board of Appeal, respectively,« shall be deleted.


The Minister responsible for supervision of the work of the State Intellectual Property Office shall harmonise the Trademark Regulations (»Official Gazette«, No. 117/07, 66/11, 125/13 and 43/17) with the provisions of this Act within 30 days from the day of the entry into force of this Act.

Article 6

(1) Administrative procedures instituted by the provisions of the Trademarks Act (»Official Gazette«, No. 173/03, 54/05, 76/07, 30/09 and 49/11) where the State Intellectual Property Office as the first instance authority issued the decision until the day of the entry into force of this Act shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of that Act and the regulations issued pursuant to that Act.

****NN 46/2018, in force from May 26, 2018

(2) Boards of Appeal in the field of industrial property rights established and appointed on the basis of the Patents Act (»Official Gazette«, No. 173/03, 54/05, 87/05, 76/07, 30/09, 128/10, 49/11 and 76/13) shall continue to operate in accordance with the provisions of that Act and the regulations issued pursuant to that Act until all the administrative procedures referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article are completed by reaching final decisions, after which they shall cease to operate. (3) If, because of dismissal of the president or members of the Boards of Appeal referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article, it is not possible to determine the Board of Appeal to decide on an appeal, the procedure of electing or appointing the president or necessary number of members of the Boards of Appeal can exceptionally be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Patents Act (»Official Gazette«, No. 173/03, 54/05, 87/05, 76/07, 30/09, 128/10, 49/11 and 76/13), for the needs of resolving the case referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article.

Article 7

This Act shall enter into force on the eighth day following the day of its publication in the »Official Gazette«.

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 Zakon o žigu i Djela o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o žigu (NN 173/2003, 76/2007, 30/2009, 49/2011, 46/2018)



ZAKONA O ŽIGU*/**/***/****

NN 173/2003, 31. 10. 2003. (u primjeni od 01. 01. 2004.) *NN 76/2007, 23. 07. 2007. (u primjeni od 31. 07. 2007.) **NN 30/2009, 09. 03. 2009. (u primjeni od 17. 03. 2009.) ***NN 49/2011, 29. 04. 2011. (u primjeni od 07. 05. 2011.)

****NN 46/2018, 18. 05. 2018. (u primjeni od 26. 05. 2018.)

Zagreb, svibanj 2018.




Članak 1. Ovaj se Zakon primjenjuje na individualne, zajed-

ničke i jamstvene žigove koji su predmet registracije ili prijave za registraciju žiga podnesene Državnom zavodu za intelektualno vlasništvo Republike Hrvatske (u daljnjem tekstu: Zavod), ili su predmet međunarodne registracije koja vrijedi u Republici Hrvatskoj.


Članak 2. Kao žig može se zaštititi svaki znak koji se može

grafički prikazati, osobito riječi, uključujući osobna imena, crteže, slova, brojke, oblike proizvoda ili njihova pakiranja, trodimenzijske oblike, boje, kao i kombinacije svih naprijed navedenih znakova, pod uvjetom da su prikladni za razlikovanje proizvoda ili usluga jednoga poduzetnika od proizvoda ili usluga drugoga poduzetnika.


Članak 3. (1) Nositelj registriranoga žiga ili podnositelj prijave

za registraciju žiga može biti fizička ili pravna osoba. (2) Strane pravne i fizičke osobe koje nemaju

sjedište, odnosno prebivalište ili uobičajeno boravište na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske uživaju prema ovom Zakonu jednaka prava kao osobe koje imaju prebivalište ili stvarno i djelatno industrijsko ili trgovačko sjedište u Republici Hrvatskoj, ako to proizlazi iz međunarodnih ugovora koji obvezuju Republiku Hrvatsku ili iz primjene načela uzajamnosti.


Članak 4. (1) Žig se u Republici Hrvatskoj stječe registracijom. (2) Za potrebe ovoga Zakona, pojam »registracija«

znači upis žiga u registar žigova koji vodi Zavod.


Članak 5. (1) Neće se registrirati: 1. znakovi koji se ne mogu zaštititi kao žig u skladu

s uvjetima iz članka 2. ovoga Zakona, 2. znakovi koji nemaju razlikovni karakter u odnosu

na proizvode ili usluge za koje je zatražena registracija, 3. znakovi koji se sastoje isključivo od oznaka ili

podataka koji u trgovini mogu služiti za označavanje vrste, kakvoće, količine, namjene, vrijednosti, zemljopisnoga podrijetla ili vremena proizvodnje proizvoda ili pružanja usluge, ili za označavanje drugih karakteristika proizvoda,

4. znakovi koji se sastoje isključivo od oznaka ili podataka koji su postali uobičajeni u svakodnevnom govoru ili u dobroj vjeri i ustaljenoj trgovačkoj praksi,

5. znakovi koji se sastoje isključivo od oblika koji proizlazi iz same vrste proizvoda, ili oblika proizvoda potrebnoga za postizanje nekoga tehničkog rezultata, ili oblika koji proizvodima daje bitnu vrijednost,

6. znakovi koji su protivni javnom interesu ili prihvaćenim moralnim načelima,

7. znakovi koji mogu javnost dovesti u zabludu, primjerice u odnosu na vrstu, kakvoću ili zemljopisno podrijetlo proizvoda ili usluga,

8. znakovi koji nemaju odobrenje nadležnih tijela i koji moraju biti odbijeni prema članku 6.ter. Pariške konvencije za zaštitu industrijskoga vlasništva (u daljnjem tekstu »Pariška konvencija«),

9. znakovi za vina koji sadržavaju ili se sastoje od zemljopisnih oznaka koje služe za označavanje vina i znakovi za jaka alkoholna pića koji sadržavaju ili se sastoje od zemljopisnih oznaka koje služe za označavanje jakih alkoholnih pića, u odnosu na vina ili jaka alkoholna pića koja nisu toga zemljopisnog podrijetla,

10. znakovi koji sadržavaju naziv ili kraticu, državni grb, amblem, zastavu ili drugi službeni znak Republike Hrvatske ili nekoga njezina dijela te njihovo oponašanje, osim uz odobrenje nadležnoga tijela Republike Hrvatske.

(2) Znakovima navedenim u stavku 1. točki 2., 3. i 4. ovoga članka neće biti odbijena registracija ako podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga dokaže da je znak prije dana podnošenja prijave i slijedom njegove uporabe stekao razlikovni karakter u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge za koje je zatražena registracija.


Članak 6. (1) Na temelju podnesenoga prigovora neće se

registrirati ni znak: 1. ako je istovjetan s ranijim žigom registriranim za

istovjetne proizvode ili usluge, 2. ako zbog njegove istovjetnosti ili sličnosti s rani-

jim žigom i istovjetnosti ili sličnosti proizvoda ili usluga postoji vjerojatnost dovođenja javnosti u zabludu, što uk- ljučuje vjerojatnost dovođenja u svezu s ranijim žigom.

(2) Za potrebe ovoga Zakona pod pojmom »raniji žig« razumijevaju se:

1. žigovi registrirani u Republici Hrvatskoj koji uživaju ranije pravo prvenstva iz članka 17., 18. i 19. ovoga Zakona,


NN 173/2003 (u primjeni od 01.01.2004.)


2. žigovi registrirani na temelju međunarodnih spo- razuma koji vrijede u Republici Hrvatskoj i koji uživaju ranije pravo prvenstva iz članka 17., 18. i 19. ovoga Zakona,

3. prijave za registraciju žigova iz točke 1. ovoga stavka, pod uvjetom da žigovi budu registrirani,

4. žigovi koji su na dan prijave za registraciju žiga ili, ako je zatraženo pravo prvenstva, na datum prava prvenstva zatraženog u prijavi, dobro poznati u Republi- ci Hrvatskoj u smislu u kojemu se riječi »dobro poznat« rabe u članku 6.bis. Pariške konvencije.

(3) Na temelju podnesenoga prigovora nositelja ranijega žiga neće se registrirati ni znak ako je istovjetan s ranijim žigom ili sličan ranijem žigu, a zatražena je registracija za proizvode ili usluge koji nisu slični onima za koje je registriran raniji žig kada raniji žig ima ugled u Republici Hrvatskoj i kada bi uporaba kasnijega žiga bez opravdanoga razloga nepošteno iskoristila razlikovni karakter ili ugled ranijega žiga ili im naštetila.

(4) Na temelju podnesenoga prigovora znak neće biti registriran ako bi njegova uporaba vrijeđala neko od sljedećih ranijih prava:

1. pravo na osobno ime, 2. pravo na osobnu sliku, 3. autorsko pravo, 4. prava industrijskoga vlasništva. (5) Za potrebe ovoga Zakona pod pojmom »ranije

pravo« razumijevaju se prava stečena na datum koji je raniji od datuma prijave za registraciju žiga ili, ako je zatraženo pravo prvenstva, od datuma prava prvenstva zatraženog u prijavi.

(6) Na temelju podnesenoga prigovora znak neće biti registriran ako bi njegova uporaba vrijeđala pravo osobe koja je u vrijeme podnošenja prijave za regi- straciju žiga imala tvrtku, pod uvjetom da je ta tvrtka ili bitni dio tvrtke istovjetan s prijavljenim znakom ili sličan prijavljenom znaku i pod uvjetom da su istovjetni ili slični proizvodi ili usluge predmet djelatnosti te tvrtke, osim ako je podnositelj prijave u trenutku prijave imao istovjetnu ili sličnu tvrtku.

(7) Na temelju podnesenoga prigovora znak neće biti registriran ako je istovjetan s ranijim žigom ili sličan ranijem žigu koji je bio registriran za istovjetne ili slične proizvode ili usluge, a iz kojega proizlazi pravo koje je isteklo zbog neproduženja registracije žiga u razdoblju od najviše dvije godine od datuma isteka vrijednosti žiga, osim ako je nositelj ranijega žiga dao svoju sugla- snost za registraciju kasnijega žiga ili nije rabio svoj žig.



Članak 7. (1) Registrirani žig nositelju daje isključiva prava

koja proizlaze iz toga žiga. (2) Nositelj žiga ima pravo spriječiti sve treće strane

da bez njegova odobrenja u trgovačkom prometu rabe: 1. svaki znak koji je istovjetan s njegovim žigom

u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge koje su istovjetne s

onima za koje je žig registriran, 2. svaki znak kad, zbog istovjetnosti s njegovim

žigom ili sličnosti njegovu žigu i istovjetnosti ili sličnosti proizvodima ili uslugama obuhvaćenima tim žigom i tim znakom, postoji vjerojatnost dovođenja javnosti u zabludu, što uključuje vjerojatnost dovođenja u svezu toga znaka i žiga,

3. svaki znak koji je istovjetan s njegovim žigom ili sličan njegovu žigu u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge koji nisu slični onima za koje je žig registriran, kad taj žig ima ugled u Republici Hrvatskoj i kad uporaba toga znaka bez opravdanoga razloga nepošteno iskorištava razlikovni karakter ili ugled žiga ili im šteti.

(3) U smislu stavka 2. ovoga članka nositelj žiga može zabraniti i sljedeće:

1. isticanje znaka na proizvodima ili njihovim pa- kiranjima,

2. nuđenje proizvoda, ili njihovo stavljanje na tržište ili skladištenje u te svrhe pod tim znakom, ili nuđenje ili pružanje usluga pod tim znakom,

3. uvoz ili izvoz proizvoda obilježenih tim znakom, 4. uporabu znaka na poslovnim dokumentima i u

reklamira‑nju. (4) Prava koja proizlaze iz žiga imaju učinak prema

trećim stranama od datuma objave registracije žiga.


Članak 8. Ako navođenje žiga u rječniku, enciklopediji ili slič‑

nim publikacijama, uključujući i one u elektroničkom obliku, ostavlja dojam da je taj žig generički naziv za proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran, na zahtjev nositelja žiga izdavač mora osigurati, najkasnije u sljedećem izdanju određene publikacije, da navođenje žiga bude popraćeno napomenom da je žig registriran.



Članak 9. Kad je žig registriran na ime trgovačkoga zastupnika

ili predstavnika nositelja žiga bez odobrenja nositelja žiga, nositelj ima pravo zabraniti uporabu toga žiga od strane zastupnika ili predstavnika.


Članak 10. (1) Žig ne daje nositelju pravo zabraniti trećoj

strani uporabu u trgovačkom prometu: njezina imena ili adrese, podataka koji se odnose na vrstu, kakvoću, količinu, namjenu, vrijednost, zemljopisno podrijetlo, vrijeme proizvodnje proizvoda ili pružanja usluge, ili podataka koji se odnose na druge karakteristike proizvoda ili usluga.

(2) Žig ne daje nositelju pravo zabraniti trećoj strani uporabu žiga u trgovačkom prometu kad je tim žigom potrebno naznačiti namjenu proizvoda ili usluge,


posebno ako je riječ o priboru ili rezervnim dijelovima, pod uvjetom da se taj znak rabi u skladu s ustaljenom i poštenom praksom u industrijskoj ili trgovačkoj djelatnosti i poštenim tržišnim natjecanjem.

(3) Žig ne daje nositelju žiga pravo zabraniti trećoj strani da u trgovačkom prometu rabi ranije pravo koje se odnosi samo na određeni lokalitet, ako je to pravo priznato prema pravnim propisima Republike Hrvatske i u granicama područja na kojemu je priznato.


Članak 11. (1) Iscrpljenje prava na zabranu uporabe žiga za

proizvode ili usluge nastupa njihovim stavljanjem na tržište Republike Hrvatske od strane samog nositelja žiga ili uz njegovo odobrenje.

(2) Stavak 1. ovoga članka ne primjenjuje se kad postoje opravdani razlozi da se nositelj žiga usprotivi daljnjoj komercijalizaciji proizvoda, osobito kad je sta- nje proizvoda promijenjeno ili pogoršano nakon što su stavljeni na tržište.

(3) Iscrpljenje prava iz stavka 1. ovoga članka može se proširiti i na teritorij izvan Republike Hrvatske, ako je to u skladu s međunarodnim ugovorima koji obvezuju Republiku Hrvatsku.


Članak 12. (1) Kad nositelj ranijega žiga u neprekinutom raz-

doblju od pet godina svjesno trpi uporabu kasnijega žiga, nema više pravo na temelju ranijega žiga podnijeti zahtjev za proglašavanje kasnijega žiga ništavim ili se usprotiviti uporabi kasnijega žiga u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge za koje se rabi kasniji žig, osim ako je prijava za registraciju kasnijega žiga podnesena u zloj vjeri.

(2) Stavak 1. ovoga članka primjenjuje se i na no- sitelje ranijih prava iz članka 6. stavka 4. ili stavka 6. ovoga Zakona.

(3) U slučajevima iz stavka 1. i 2. ovoga članka, no- sitelj kasnije registriranoga žiga nema pravo usprotiviti se uporabi ranijega prava iako se nositelj ranijega prava na to pravo više ne može pozvati protiv kasnijega žiga.



Članak 13. (1) Nositelj žiga ima pravo rabiti svoj žig u odnosu

na proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran. (2) Uporabom žiga u smislu stavka 1. ovoga članka

smatrat će se i sljedeće: 1. uporaba žiga u obliku koji se razlikuje u elemen-

tima koji ne mijenjaju razlikovni karakter žiga u odnosu na oblik u kojem je registriran,

2. obilježavanje žigom proizvoda ili njihovih pakira- nja u Republici Hrvatskoj samo u svrhu izvoza.

(3) Uporaba žiga s odobrenjem nositelja ili od strane neke osobe ovlaštene za uporabu zajedničkoga žiga ili jamstvenoga žiga smatrat će se uporabom od strane nositelja.

(4) Ako u neprekinutom razdoblju od pet godina nakon registracije nositelj nije stvarno rabio svoj žig na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran, ili ako je takva uporaba obustavljena tijekom neprekinutoga razdoblja od pet godina, posljedice takve neuporabe propisane su u članku 29., članku 46. stavku 2. i članku 51. stavku 5. ovoga Zakona, osim ako postoje opravdani razlozi za neuporabu.



Članak 14. (1) Prijava za registraciju žiga podnosi se Zavodu. (2) Podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga ne može

jednom prijavom zahtijevati registraciju više znakova koji se žele zaštititi kao žig.


Članak 15. (1) Prijava za registraciju žiga mora sadržavati: 1. zahtjev za registraciju žiga, 2. podatke o podnositelju prijave, 3. popis proizvoda ili usluga za koje se traži regi-

stracija, 4. izgled znaka koji se želi registrirati. (2) Smatra se da je prijava za registraciju žiga

pod‑nesena ako udovoljava uvjetima iz stavka 1. ovoga članka.

(3) Drugi sastojci i prilozi uz prijavu moraju biti podneseni u skladu s Pravilnikom o žigu (u daljnjem tekstu: Pravilnik).


Članak 16. Proizvodi ili usluge u odnosu na koje se podnosi

prijava za registraciju žiga klasificiraju se prema Me- đunarodnoj klasifikaciji proizvoda i usluga utvrđenoj Nicanskim sporazumom o međunarodnoj klasifikaciji proizvoda i usluga za registraciju žigova.


Članak 17. (1) Ako je prijava za registraciju žiga podnesena u

skladu s člankom 15. stavkom 1. ovoga Zakona, pod- nositelj prijave za registraciju žiga stječe pravo prven- stva na temelju datuma podnošenja prijave u odnosu na svakoga drugog podnositelja koji kasnije podnese prijavu za istovjetan ili sličan znak koji se želi registrirati za istovjetne ili slične proizvode ili usluge.

(2) Pravo prvenstva proizlazi i iz svake prijave koja


je podnesena prema multilateralnim ugovorima kojih je Republika Hrvatska stranka.


Članak 18. (1) Ako je podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga prvi

put podnio prijavu u nekoj državi članici Pariške unije za zaštitu industrijskoga vlasništva (u daljnjem tekstu: Pariška unija) ili u državi članici Svjetske trgovinske organizacije, može se, prilikom podnošenja prijave za isti žig u Republici Hrvatskoj, pozvati na datum prvoga podnošenja, pod uvjetom da prijavu u Republici Hrvat- skoj podnese u roku od šest mjeseci od datuma prvoga podnošenja.

(2) Podnositelj prijave koji se poziva na unijsko pra- vo prvenstva mora u prijavi koju podnosi Zavodu navesti bitne podatke o prijavi na koju se poziva (država, datum i broj prijave), priložiti prijepis prve prijave ovjeren od nadležnoga tijela države članice Pariške unije ili države članice Svjetske trgovinske organizacije, najkasnije u roku od tri mjeseca od dana podnošenja zahtjeva za priznanje prava prvenstva, i prijevod prve prijave na hrvatski jezik.


Članak 19. (1) Ako je podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga

izlagao proizvode ili usluge obilježene određenim znakom na službenoj ili službeno priznatoj međunarodnoj izložbi u Republici Hrvatskoj, u nekoj od država članica Pariške unije ili u državi članici Svjetske trgovinske organizacije, može zahtijevati da mu se kao datum prve prijave prizna datum prvoga dana izlaganja proizvoda ili pružanja usluga, pod uvjetom da prijavu u Republici Hrvatskoj podnese u roku od šest mjeseci od toga datuma.

(2) Podnositelj prijave koji se poziva na izložbeno pravo prvenstva dužan je uz prijavu koju podnosi Zavodu podnijeti potvrdu izdanu od strane nadležnoga tijela države članice Pariške unije ili države članice Svjetske trgovinske organizacije iz koje su vidljivi podaci o vrsti izložbe, mjestu njezina održavanja, datumu otvaranja i zatvaranja i prvom danu izlaganja proizvoda ili usluga navedenih u prijavi.



Članak 20. (1) Upravne poslove koji se odnose na registraciju

žigova obavlja Zavod. (2) Protiv upravnih akata koje donosi Zavod nije

dopuštena žalba, ali se može pokrenuti upravni spor.


Članak 21. (1) Postupak ispitivanja urednosti prijave obuhva-

ća ispitivanje svih uvjeta propisanih ovim Zakonom i Pravilnikom.

(2) Prijava za registraciju žiga je uredna: 1. ako je podnesena u skladu s člankom 14. stav-

kom 2. ovoga Zakona, 2. ako je podnesena u skladu s uvjetima propisani-

ma u članku 15. stavku 1. i 3. ovoga Zakona.


Članak 22. (1) Ako prijava za registraciju žiga udovoljava

uvjetima iz članka 15. stavka 1. ovoga Zakona, ali nije podnesena tako da sadržava sve potrebne sastojke i priloge u skladu s Pravilnikom, Zavod poziva podno- sitelja prijave da u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka poziva uredi prijavu.

(2) Ako podnositelj prijave u propisanom roku uredi prijavu u skladu s pozivom iz stavka 1. ovoga članka, smatrat će se da je prijava od početka bila uredna.

(3) Ako prijava ne udovoljava uvjetima iz članka 15. stavka 1. ovoga Zakona, ne smatra se prijavom za registraciju žiga te Zavod poziva podnositelja da u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka poziva ukloni sve utvrđene nedostatke.

(4) Datum primitka prijave uređene u smislu stavka 3. ovoga članka smatra se datumom za utvrđivanje prava prvenstva iz članka 17. ovoga Zakona.

(5) Na zahtjev podnositelja prijave, rok iz stavka 1. i 3. ovoga članka može se produžiti najviše za 60 dana.


Članak 23. Ako podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga u određe-

nom roku ne postupi prema pozivu Zavoda i ne ukloni utvrđene nedostatke u smislu članka 22. stavka 1. i 3. ovoga Zakona, prijava se zaključkom odbacuje.


Članak 24. (1) Rješenje o odbijanju registracije u cijelosti ili

rješenje o odbijanju registracije u odnosu na samo neke proizvode ili usluge za koje je zatražena registracija ne može se donijeti prije nego što podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga bude pisanim putem obaviješten o razlozima odbijanja i pozvan da odustane od prijave ili da je izmijeni ili da se očituje o razlozima zbog kojih se registracija odbija.

(2) Podnositelj prijave ima pravo u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka pisane obavijesti o razlozima odbijanja zatražene registracije postupiti u skladu sa stavkom 1. ovoga članka te podnijeti dokaze o mogućim novim činjenicama koje bi mogle utjecati na konačnu odluku Zavoda.

(3) Na zahtjev podnositelja prijave, rok iz stavka 2.


ovoga članka može se produžiti najviše za 60 dana.


Članak 25. (1) Ako je udovoljeno svim uvjetima iz članka 21.

stavka 2. ovoga Zakona ako ne postoje razlozi za odbijanje registracije prema članku 5. stavku 1. ovoga Zakona i ako je plaćena propisana naknada troškova za objavu prijave, podaci iz prijave objavljuju se u »Hr- vatskom glasniku intelektualnog vlasništva« (u daljnjem tekstu: službeno glasilo Zavoda.)

(2) Podaci iz prijave koji se objavljuju u službenom glasilu Zavoda propisat će se Pravilnikom.


Članak 26. (1) Nakon objave prijave za registraciju žiga, svaka

fizička ili pravna osoba i svaka grupa ili tijelo koje predstavlja proizvođače, pružatelje usluga, trgovce ili potrošače, može Zavodu, u roku od tri mjeseca od datuma objave prijave za registraciju žiga, pisanim putem dostaviti svoje mišljenje u kojem se obrazlažu razlozi, osobito oni iz članka 5. stavka 1. ovoga Zakona.

(2) Osobe, grupe ili tijela iz stavka 1. ovoga članka neće se smatrati strankama u postupku.

(3) Mišljenja iz stavka 1. ovoga članka Zavod dostavlja podnositelju prijave za registraciju žiga, koji se može na njih očitovati u roku od 15 dana od dana primitka primjerka dostavljenoga mišljenja.


Članak 27. (1) Prigovor na registraciju žiga, koji se može

temeljiti samo na razlozima za odbijanje iz članka 6. ovoga Zakona, ima Zavodu pravo podnijeti u roku od tri mjeseca od datuma objave prijave za registraciju žiga:

1. u odnosu na članak 6. stavak 1. i 3. ovoga Zako- na nositelj ranijega žiga i stjecatelj licencije u skladu s člankom 39. stavkom 4. ili 5. ovoga Zakona,

2. nositelj nekoga od prava iz članka 6. stavka 4. ovoga Zakona,

3. osoba koja je imala tvrtku u smislu članka 6. stavka 6. ovoga Zakona,

4. nositelj ranijega žiga u smislu članka 6. stavka 7. ovoga Zakona.

(2) Ako je na datum objave prijave protiv ranijega žiga na kojemu se temelji prigovor u tijeku postupak opoziva ili postupak proglašenja žiga ništavim, Zavod će u postupku povodom prigovora zastati do pravomoć- nosti rješenja iz ranije pokrenutih postupaka opoziva ili proglašavanja žiga ništavim.

(3) Rok za podnošenje prigovora propisan u stav- ku 1. ovoga članka ne može se produžavati, niti se izvan toga roka mogu podnositi dopune prigovora koje uključuju podnošenje dodatnih dokaza i dokumentacije kojom se opravdava utemeljenost razloga navedenih u prigovoru.

(4) Prigovor mora biti podnesen pod uvjetima i na

način koji će se propisati Pravilnikom.


Članak 28. (1) Zavod ispituje je li prigovor podnijela osoba koja

ima pravo podnijeti prigovor u smislu članka 27. stavka 1. ovoga Zakona, je li prigovor podnesen u propisanome roku te je li podnesen kako je propisano Pravilnikom.

(2) Ako nije udovoljeno uvjetima iz stavka 1. ovoga članka, Zavod zaključkom odbacuje prigovor.

(3) Ako je udovoljeno uvjetima iz stavka 1. ovoga članka, Zavod obavješćuje podnositelja prijave o podnesenom prigovoru, dostavlja mu primjerak prigovora i poziva ga da se u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka obavijesti očituje na prigovor.

(4) Rok iz stavka 3. ovoga članka ne može se produžavati, niti se izvan toga roka mogu podnositi dopune očitovanja koje uključuju podnošenje dodatnih dokaza i dokumentacije.

(5) Ako se podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga ne očituje na prigovor u propisanome roku, zatražena registracija žiga odbija se u granicama zahtjeva navedenih u prigovoru.

(6)Ako to ocijeni potrebnim, Zavod može u postupku povodom prigovora odrediti usmenu raspravu.


Članak 29. (1) Ako se podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga

očituje na prigovor u propisanome roku, Zavod ispituje opravdanost razloga navedenih u prigovoru.

(2) Ako to zatraži podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga, nositelj ranijega žiga koji je podnio prigovor na registraciju mora dokazati da je tijekom razdoblja od pet godina, koje prethodi datumu objave prijave, rabio žig u Republici Hrvatskoj u smislu članka 13. stavka 2., 3. i 4. ovoga Zakona za proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran i koje navodi kao razlog za prigovor, ili mora dokazati da postoje opravdani razlozi za neuporabu, pod uvjetom da je raniji žig na datum objave prijave za registraciju žiga bio registriran najmanje pet godina.

(3) Ako nositelj ne dokaže uporabu svojega žiga u smislu stavka 2. ovoga članka, prigovor će biti odbijen.

(4) Ako je raniji žig rabljen u odnosu samo na dio proizvoda ili usluga za koje je registriran, za potrebe ispitivanja prigovora smatrat će se da je registriran samo za taj dio proizvoda ili usluga.

(5)Ako Zavod u postupku ispitivanja prigovora utvrdi da je prigovor neutemeljen, prigovor se odbija i o tome se dostavlja rješenje podnositelju prijave i podnositelju prigovora.

(6)Ako Zavod u postupku ispitivanja prigovora utvrdi da je prigovor utemeljen, registracija žiga se odbija ili djelomično odobrava i o tome se dostavlja rješenje podnositelju prijave i podnositelju prigovora.



Članak 30. (1) Podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga može u

svakom trenutku odustati od svoje prijave ili ograničiti popis proizvoda ili usluga navedenih u prijavi.

(2)Ako je prijava već objavljena, odustanak od prija- ve ili ograničenje popisa proizvoda ili usluga naknadno se objavljuje u službenom glasilu Zavoda.


Članak 31. (1) Na zahtjev podnositelja prijave za registraciju

žiga ili po službenoj dužnosti, izmjene u prijavi mogu se izvršiti samo u slučajevima kada je potrebno izvršiti ispravak imena ili adrese podnositelja prijave, pogreš- ke u tekstu ili prijepisu ili ispravak neke druge očite pogreš‑ke, pod uvjetom da te izmjene ne zahtijevaju proširenje popisa proizvoda ili usluga.

(2) Izgled prijavljenoga znaka ne može se mijenjati, osim kad sadržava naziv i adresu podnositelja prijave za registraciju žiga. U tom se slučaju, na zahtjev pod- nositelja prijave, u registar može unijeti izmjena koja ne utječe bitno na identitet znaka koji je prvobitno upisan u registar.

(3) Ako je prijava za registraciju žiga već objavljena, izmjene u prijavi objavljuju se naknadno u službenom glasilu Zavoda, uz uvjet da je prethodno plaćena pro- pisana naknada troškova.


Članak 32. (1) Ako razlozi navedeni u članku 5. stavku 1. i član-

ku 6. ovoga Zakona ne čine zapreku za registraciju, žig se upisuje u registar žigova, uz uvjet da je prethodno plaćena propisana naknada troškova za održavanje žiga u vrijednosti tijekom prvoga desetogodišnjeg razdoblja i za objavu podataka o žigu.

(2) Ako naknada troškova iz stavka 1. ovoga članka ne bude plaćena, prijava za registraciju žiga zaključkom se odbacuje.


Članak 33. (1) Svaka prijava ili registracija žiga može se, na

zahtjev podnositelja prijave ili nositelja žiga, razdvojiti u dvije ili više prijava ili registracija u odnosu na popis proizvoda ili usluga obuhvaćen prijavom ili registracijom.

(2) Razdvojene prijave ili registracije zadržavaju pravo prvenstva iz prve prijave ili registracije.

(3) Postupak razdvajanja prijave ili registracije pro- pisat će se Pravilnikom.

(4) Podaci o razdvojenim prijavama ili registracijama upisuju se u registar i objavljuju u službenom glasilu Zavoda.


Članak 34. (1) Podaci o žigu objavljuju se u službenom glasilu

Zavoda najkasnije tri mjeseca od datuma upisa žiga u registar.

(2) Podaci koji se objavljuju u službenom glasilu Zavoda propisat će se Pravilnikom.


Članak 35. (1) Na zahtjev nositelja žiga i uz uvjet da je

prethod‑no plaćena propisana naknada troškova za izdavanje isprave o žigu, Zavod nositelju žiga izdaje ispravu najkasnije tri mjeseca od datuma objave žiga u službenom glasilu Zavoda.

(2) Podaci koje sadržava isprava o žigu propisat će se Pravilnikom.


Članak 36. (1) Na zahtjev nositelja žiga ili po službenoj duž-

nos‑ti izmjene u registraciji žiga mogu se izvršiti samo u slučajevima kada je potrebno izvršiti ispravak imena ili adrese nositelja žiga, pogreške u tekstu ili prijepisu ili ispravak neke druge očite pogreške, pod uvjetom da te izmjene ne zahtijevaju proširenje popisa proizvoda ili usluga.

(2) Izgled registriranoga žiga ne može se mijenjati tijekom trajanja registracije ili prilikom produženja regi- stracije žiga, osim kad sadržava naziv i adresu nositelja. U tom se slučaju, na zahtjev nositelja, u registar može unijeti izmjena koja ne utječe bitno na identitet žiga koji je prvobitno upisan u registar.

(3) Ako je registracija već objavljena, izmjene u registraciji naknadno se objavljuju u službenom glasilu Zavoda, uz uvjet da je prethodno plaćena propisana naknada troškova.



Članak 37. (1) Na zahtjev podnositelja prijave za registraciju

žiga ili nositelja žiga Zavod upisuje u registar sve pro- mjene do kojih je došlo nakon podnošenja prijave za registraciju žiga ili nakon registracije žiga, pod uvjetom da one odgovaraju pravom stanju i nemaju utjecaja na izgled registriranoga žiga.

(2) Promjene upisane u registar žigova objavljuju se u službenom glasilu Zavoda.

(3) Podaci koje treba sadržavati zahtjev za upis bilo koje promjene na žigu propisat će se Pravilnikom.



Članak 38. (1) Nositelj žiga može prenijeti svoj žig na druge

osobe u odnosu na neke ili u odnosu na sve proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran.

(2) Na zahtjev jedne od strana prijenos prava upi- suje se u registar, ako je Zavodu podnesen ovjerovljeni prijepis ugovora o prijenosu prava ili ovjerovljeni izvadak iz ugovora ili izvornik potvrde o prijenosu prava potpisan od bivšega i novoga nositelja prava.

(3) Prijenos prava objavljuje se u službenom glasilu Zavoda, a ima učinak prema trećim stranama nakon upisa u registar.

(4) Zahtjev za upis prijenosa prava u registar mora biti podnesen pod uvjetima i na način koji će se propisati Pravilnikom.


Članak 39. (1) Žig može biti predmetom licencije za sve pro-

izvode ili usluge za koje je registriran ili samo za dio tih proizvoda ili usluga, te za cijeli ili za dio teritorija Republike Hrvatske.

(2) Licencija može biti isključiva ili neisključiva. (3) Nositelj žiga može se pozvati na prava koja

proizlaze iz žiga protiv stjecatelja licencije koji krši neku odredbu iz ugovora o licenciji u odnosu na nje- zino trajanje, registracijom obuhvaćen oblik u kojemu se žig može rabiti, opseg proizvoda ili usluga za koje je licencija dana, teritorij na kojem se žig može isticati, kakvoću proizvedenih proizvoda ili usluga pruženih od strane stjecatelja licencije.

(4) Ne dovodeći u pitanje odredbe iz ugovora o licenciji, stjecatelj neisključive licencije može pokretati postupke zbog povrede žiga samo uz pristanak nosi- telja žiga.

(5) Ne dovodeći u pitanje odredbe iz ugovora o licenciji, stjecatelj isključive licencije može pokretati postupke zbog povrede žiga ako nositelj žiga, nakon službene obavijesti, sam ne pokrene odgovarajući postupak zbog povrede žiga u odgovarajućem roku.

(6) Na zahtjev jedne od strana licencija se upisuje u registar, ako je Zavodu podnesen ovjerovljeni prijepis ugovora o licenciji ili ovjerovljeni izvadak iz ugovora ili izvornik potvrde o davanju licencije potpisan od dava- telja i stjecatelja licencije.

(7) Ako su uplaćene propisana pristojba i naknada troškova, licencija se objavljuje u službenom glasilu Zavoda, a ima učinak prema trećim stranama nakon upisa u registar.

(8) Zahtjev za upis licencije mora biti podnesen pod uvjetima i na način koji će se propisati Pravilnikom.


Članak 40. (1) Žig može biti predmetom zaloga i predmetom


(2) Na zahtjev jedne od strana, zalog ili ovrha upi- suju se u registar.

(3) Zalog i ovrha objavljuju se u službenom glasilu Zavoda, a imaju učinak prema trećim stranama nakon upisa u registar.

(4) Zahtjev za upis zaloga ili ovrhe mora biti podnesen pod uvjetima i na način koji će se propisati Pravilnikom.


Članak 41. Kad je žig predmet stečaja, na zahtjev nadležnoga

tijela taj se podatak upisuje u registar i objavljuje.


Članak 42. Članci od 38. do 41. ovoga Zakona primjenjuju se

i na prijave za registraciju žiga.




Članak 43. Razdoblje zaštite registriranoga žiga traje deset

godina računajući od datuma podnošenja prijave za registraciju žiga.


Članak 44. (1) Registracija žiga može se produžavati neogra-

ničen broj puta, i to za razdoblja od po deset godina, pod uvjetom da nositelj žiga tijekom posljednje godine trajanja desetogodišnjega razdoblja zaštite Zavodu podnese zahtjev za produženje registracije žiga i uplati propisanu pristojbu i naknadu troškova postupka.

(2) Zahtjev za produženje registracije žiga može biti podnesen i pristojba i naknada troškova mogu biti uplaćene u dodatnom roku od šest mjeseci nakon isteka razdoblja navedenoga u stavku 1. ovoga članka, pri čemu se propisana pristojba i naknada troškova plaćaju u dvostrukom iznosu.

(3) Novo razdoblje zaštite započinje danom isteka prethodnoga desetogodišnjeg razdoblja.

(4) Zahtjev za produženje registracije žiga Zavodu može podnijeti nositelj žiga ili osoba koju on izričito ovlasti.

(5) Kada se zahtjev za produženje registracije žiga podnosi u odnosu na samo neke proizvode ili usluge za koje je žig registriran, registracija žiga će se produžiti samo za te proizvode ili usluge.

(6) Produženje registracije žiga upisuje se u registar i objavljuje u službenom glasilu Zavoda.

(7) Ako se registracija ne produži, žig prestaje vri- jediti od dana isteka razdoblja zaštite.


(8) Podaci koje treba sadržavati zahtjev za produ- ženje registracije žiga propisat će se Pravilnikom.


Članak 45. (1) Nositelj žiga može se pisanom izjavom odreći

žiga u odnosu na neke ili u odnosu na sve proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran.

(2) Ako je u registar upisana licencija, odricanje od žiga će se upisati u registar samo ako nositelj žiga dokaže da je stjecatelja licencije obavijestio o svojoj namjeri da se odrekne žiga.

(3) Na temelju izjave o odricanju žig prestaje vrijediti od dana kad nositelj podnese izjavu o odricanju.


Članak 46. (1) Zahtjev za opoziv žiga Zavodu može podnijeti

svaka fizička ili pravna osoba. (2) Žig može biti opozvan ako se u neprekinutom

razdoblju od pet godina nije stvarno rabio u Republici Hrvatskoj u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran, a ne postoje opravdani razlozi za neuporabu.

(3) Žig može biti opozvan i u slučaju ako, nakon dana registracije:

1. zbog djelovanja ili nedjelovanja nositelja postane u trgovini uobičajeni naziv za proizvode ili usluge u odnosu na koje je registriran,

2. zbog uporabe od strane nositelja žiga ili s nje- govim odobrenjem, a u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran, može javnost dovesti u zabludu, osobito u pogledu vrste, kakvoće ili zemljopisnoga podrijetla tih proizvoda ili usluga.

(4) Zahtjev za opoziv žiga mora biti podnesen pod uvjetima i na način koji će se propisati Pravilnikom.


Članak 47. (1) Zavod ispituje je li zahtjev za opoziv žiga pod-

nesen u skladu s člankom 46. ovoga Zakona. (2) Ako je zahtjev za opoziv žiga podnesen prije

isteka razdoblja od pet godina od registracije žiga čiji se opoziv traži i ako nije podnesen iz razloga navedenih u članku 46. stavku 2. i 3., Zavod zaključkom odbacuje zahtjev.

(3) Ako zahtjev za opoziv žiga nije podnesen kako je propisano Pravilnikom, Zavod poziva podnositelja zahtjeva da u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka poziva uredi zahtjev.

(4) Ako podnositelj zahtjeva za opoziv žiga u pro- pisanom roku ne postupi prema pozivu Zavoda i ne uredi zahtjev u smislu stavka 3. ovoga članka, zahtjev se zaključkom odbacuje.

(5) Ako je udovoljeno uvjetima iz stavka 1. ovoga članka, Zavod obavješćuje nositelja žiga o podnesenom zahtjevu za opoziv, dostavlja mu primjerak zahtjeva i poziva ga da se u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka

obavijesti očituje na zahtjev. (6) Na zahtjev, rokovi iz stavka 3. i 5. ovoga članka

mogu se produžiti najviše za 60 dana. (7) Ako se nositelj žiga u odnosu na koji se zahtijeva

opoziv ne očituje na zahtjev u propisanom roku, žig se opoziva za one proizvode ili usluge u odnosu na koje je zahtjev podnesen.

(8)Ako to ocijeni potrebnim, Zavod može u postupku povodom zahtjeva za opoziv odrediti usmenu raspravu.


Članak 48. (1) Ako se nositelj žiga u odnosu na koji se zahtijeva

opoziv očituje na zahtjev u propisanome roku, Zavod ispituje opravdanost razloga navedenih u zahtjevu za opoziv žiga.

(2) U postupku ispitivanja zahtjeva za opoziv žiga Zavod može pozivati stranke na podnošenje dodatnih dokaza, dokumentacije i očitovanja u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka poziva.

(3) Na zahtjev, rok iz stavka 2. ovoga članka može se produžiti najviše za 60 dana.

(4) Ako stranka u postupku ne odgovori na poziv iz stavka 3. ovoga članka u propisanom roku, Zavod dono- si odluku na temelju raspoloživih činjenica iz prethodno dostavljene dokumentacije.

(5) Ne može se zahtijevati da žig bude opozvan kad stvarna uporaba žiga započne ili se nastavi tijekom vremenskoga razmaka između isteka petogodišnjega razdoblja neuporabe i podnošenja zahtjeva za opoziv.

(6) Početak ili nastavak uporabe u razdoblju od tri mjeseca koje prethodi podnošenju zahtjeva za opoziv, a koje je započelo najranije nakon isteka neprekinutoga petogodišnjeg razdoblja neuporabe, ne uzima se u obzir ako su pripreme za početak ili nastavak uporabe počele tek nakon što je nositelj saznao da zahtjev za opoziv može biti podnesen.

(7) Ako Zavod u postupku ispitivanja zahtjeva za opoziv žiga utvrdi da je zahtjev neutemeljen, zahtjev se odbija i o tome se dostavlja rješenje podnositelju zahtje- va i nositelju žiga u odnosu na koji je opoziv zatražen.

(8) Ako Zavod u postupku ispitivanja zahtjeva za opoziv žiga utvrdi da je zahtjev utemeljen, žig se opoziva djelomično ili u cijelosti i o tome se dostavlja rješenje podnositelju zahtjeva i nositelju žiga u odnosu na koji je opoziv zatražen.

(9) Kad je žig opozvan, smatra se da su njegovi učinci prestali od datuma podnošenja zahtjeva za opoziv.

(10) Opoziv žiga upisuje se u registar žigova i objavljuje se u službenom glasilu Zavoda.


Članak 49. (1) Postupak za proglašavanje žiga ništavim provodi

Zavod. (2) Ako žig nije registriran u skladu s odredbama iz

članka 3. stavka 1. i članka 5. stavka 1. ovoga Zako- na, postupak za proglašavanje žiga ništavim može biti


pokrenut po službenoj dužnosti, na zahtjev državnoga odvjetnika ili na zahtjev zainteresirane osobe.

(3) Na temelju razloga iz članka 6. ovoga Zakona, koji se primjenjuje i na postupak proglašavanja žiga ništavim, postupak za proglašavanje žiga ništavim može se pokrenuti:

1. u odnosu na članak 6. stavak 1. i 3. ovoga Zakona na zahtjev nositelja ranijega žiga i stjecatelja licencije u skladu s člankom 39. stavkom 4. ili 5. ovoga Zakona,

2. na zahtjev nositelja nekoga od prava iz članka 6. stavka 4. ovoga Zakona,

3. na zahtjev osobe koja je imala tvrtku u smislu članka 6. stavka 6. ovoga Zakona,

4. na zahtjev nositelja ranijega žiga iz članka 6. stavka 7. ovoga Zakona.

(4) Kad žig nije registriran u skladu s odredbama iz članka 5. stavka 1. točke 2., 3. ili 4. ovoga Zakona, može biti proglašen ništavim samo ako je postupak za proglašavanje žiga ništavim pokrenut u roku od deset godina od datuma registracije.

(5) Žig ne može biti proglašen ništavim na temelju ranijega žiga koji ima ugled ako raniji žig nije stekao ugled u smislu članka 6. stavka 3. ovoga Zakona do datuma prava prvenstva kasnijega žiga.

(6) Ako je nositelj prava iz stavka 3. ovoga članka ranije već podnio zahtjev za proglašavanje žiga ništa- vim, ne može podnijeti novi zahtjev za proglašavanje žiga ništavim na temelju nekoga drugog od spomenutih prava na koje se mogao pozvati u prvom zahtjevu.

(7) Ako je na datum podnošenja zahtjeva za progla- šavanje žiga ništavim protiv ranijega žiga, na kojemu se temelji zahtjev, u tijeku postupak opoziva ili postupak proglašavanja žiga ništavim, Zavod će zastati s po- stupkom do pravomoćnosti rješenja iz ranije pokrenutih postupaka opoziva ili proglašavanja žiga ništavim.

(8) Zahtjev za proglašavanje žiga ništavim mora biti podnesen pod uvjetima i na način koji će se propisati Pravilnikom.


Članak 50. (1) Zavod ispituje je li zahtjev za proglašavanje žiga

ništavim podnesen u skladu s člankom 49. stavkom 3., 4., 5., 6. i 8. ovoga Zakona.

(2) Ako zahtjev za proglašavanje žiga ništavim nije podnesen u skladu s člankom 49. stavkom 3., 4. i 6. ovoga Zakona, Zavod zaključkom odbacuje zahtjev.

(3) Ako zahtjev za proglašavanje žiga ništavim nije podnesen kako je propisano Pravilnikom, Zavod poziva podnositelja zahtjeva da u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka poziva uredi zahtjev.

(4) Ako podnositelj zahtjeva u propisanom roku ne postupi prema pozivu Zavoda i ne uredi zahtjev u smislu stavka 3. ovoga članka, zahtjev se zaključkom odbacuje.

(5) Ako je udovoljeno uvjetima iz članka 49. ovoga Zakona, Zavod obavješćuje nositelja osporavanoga žiga o pokrenutom postupku za proglašavanje žiga

ništavim, dostavlja mu primjerak zahtjeva i poziva ga da se u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka obavijesti očituje na zahtjev.

(6) Na zahtjev, rokovi iz stavka 3. i 5. ovoga članka mogu se produžiti najviše za 60 dana.

(7) Ako se nositelj osporavanoga žiga ne očituje na zahtjev za proglašavanje žiga ništavim u propisanom roku, žig se proglašava ništavim za one proizvode ili usluge u odnosu na koje je postupak pokrenut.

(8) Ako to ocijeni potrebnim, Zavod može u postup- ku povodom zahtjeva za proglašavanje žiga ništavim odrediti usmenu raspravu.


Članak 51. (1) Ako se nositelj osporavanoga žiga očituje na

zahtjev za proglašavanje žiga ništavim u propisanome roku, Zavod ispituje opravdanost razloga navedenih u zahtjevu.

(2) Kad žig nije registriran u skladu s odredbama iz članka 3. stavka 1. i članka 5. stavka 1. ovoga Zakona, žig će biti proglašen ništavim samo ako razlozi za pro- glašavanje žiga ništavim još uvijek postoje u trenutku donošenja rješenja o proglašavanju žiga ništavim.

(3) Kad žig nije registriran u skladu s odredbama iz članka 5. stavka 1. točke 2., 3. ili 4. ovoga Zakona, neće biti proglašen ništavim ako nositelj žiga dokaže da je žig nakon registracije i slijedom njegove uporabe stekao razlikovni karakter u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge za koje je registriran.

(4) Žig ne može biti proglašen ništavim ako je no- sitelj prava iz članka 49. stavka 3. ovoga Zakona dao izričit pristanak na registraciju toga žiga prije podnoše- nja zahtjeva za proglašavanje žiga ništavim.

(5) Žig ne može biti proglašen ništavim iz razloga što je u sukobu s ranijim žigom ako taj raniji žig ne udovoljava uvjetima o uporabi iz članka 13. stavka od 2. do 4. ovoga Zakona, pod uvjetom da je taj raniji žig na datum podnošenja zahtjeva za proglašavanje žiga ništavim bio registriran najmanje pet godina.

(6) Ako je raniji žig rabljen samo u odnosu samo na dio proizvoda ili usluga za koje je registriran, za potrebe ispitivanja zahtjeva za proglašavanje žiga ni- štavim smatrat će se da je registriran samo za taj dio proizvoda ili usluga.

(7) U postupku ispitivanja zahtjeva za proglašavanje žiga ništavim Zavod može pozivati stranke na podnoše- nje dodatnih dokaza, dokumentacije i očitovanja u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka poziva.

(8) Na zahtjev, rok iz stavka 7. ovoga članka može se produžiti najviše za 60 dana.

(9) Ako stranka ne odgovori na poziv iz stavka 8. ovoga član‑ka u propisanom roku, Zavod donosi odluku na temelju raspoloživih činjenica iz prethodno dostav- ljene dokumentacije.

(10) Ako Zavod u postupku ispitivanja zahtjeva za proglašavanje žiga ništavim utvrdi da je zahtjev neute- meljen, zahtjev se odbija i o tome se dostavlja rješenje


podnositelju zahtjeva i nositelju osporavanoga žiga. (11) Ako Zavod u postupku ispitivanja zahtjeva za

proglašavanje žiga ništavim utvrdi da je zahtjev uteme- ljen, žig se proglašava ništavim djelomično ili u cijelosti i o tome se dostavlja rješenje podnositelju zahtjeva i nositelju osporavanoga žiga.

(12) Kad je žig proglašen ništavim, smatra se da su njegovi učinci ništavi od dana podnošenja prijave za registraciju žiga.

(13) Proglašavanje žiga ništavim upisuje se u regi- star žigova i objavljuje se u službenom glasilu Zavoda.


Članak 52. Kad razlozi za odbijanje registracije žiga ili za

opoziv žiga ili za proglašavanje žiga ništavim postoje u odnosu na samo neke proizvode ili usluge za koje je žig prijavljen ili registriran, odbijanje registracije ili opoziv ili proglašavanje žiga ništavim obuhvaća samo te proizvode ili usluge.



Članak 53. Kao zajednički žig može se zaštititi svaki znak u

smislu članka 2. ovoga Zakona koji je kao takav na- značen u prijavi za registraciju žiga i koji je prikladan za razlikovanje proizvoda ili usluga članova ili partnera određene pravne osobe od proizvoda ili usluga drugih poduzetnika i koji je namijenjen za zajedničko označa- vanje proizvoda ili usluga stavljenih na tržište od strane članova ili partnera te pravne osobe.


Članak 54. Kao jamstveni žig može se zaštititi svaki znak u

smislu članka 2. ovoga Zakona koji je namijenjen za označavanje kakvoće, podrijetla, načina proizvodnje ili drugih zajedničkih obilježja proizvoda ili usluga po- duzetnika koji su pod nadzorom nositelja žiga i koji taj žig rabe.


Članak 55. (1) Odredbe ovoga Zakona i Pravilnika primjenjuju

se i na zajedničke žigove i na jamstvene ili certifikacijske žigove, osim ako u ovom dijelu Zakona nije propisano drukčije.

(2) Odstupajući od odredbe iz članka 5. stavka 1. točke 3. ovoga Zakona, znakovi ili oznake koji u trgovini mogu služiti za označavanje zemljopisnoga podrijetla proizvoda ili usluga mogu se zaštititi kao zajednički žig.

(3) Žig iz stavka 2. ovoga članka ne daje nositelju pravo da trećoj strani u trgovačkom prometu zabrani uporabu znakova ili oznaka iz stavka 2. ovoga članka, pod uvjetom da ih rabi u skladu s ustaljenom i pošte- nom praksom u industrijskoj ili trgovačkoj djelatnosti. Posebno se na takav žig ne može pozvati protiv treće strane koja ima pravo rabiti zemljopisni naziv.


Članak 56. Nositelj zajedničkoga žiga i podnositelj prijave za

registraciju zajedničkoga žiga mogu biti pravne osobe i udruženja proizvođača, pružatelja usluga ili trgovaca koja u svoje ime mogu preuzimati obveze i ostvarivati prava, sklapati ugovore ili obavljati druge pravne radnje.


Članak 57. Ugovor o zajedničkom žigu podnosi se uz prijavu

za registraciju žiga i mora sadržavati: popis osoba ovla- štenih za uporabu zajedničkoga žiga, uvjete članstva, uvjete koji određuju takvu uporabu i odredbe koje se odnose na povredu prava u slučaju zlouporabe zajed- ničkoga žiga ili kršenja odredaba ugovora.


Članak 58. Pravo na uporabu zajedničkoga žiga ima svaka

osoba ovlaštena za njegovu uporabu, pod uvjetom da je udovoljeno svim uvjetima koje ovaj Zakon propisuje u odnosu na uporabu žigova.


Članak 59. (1) Nositelj zajedničkoga žiga mora podnijeti Zavo-

du sve izmjene i dopune ugovora koje se odnose na uporabu zajedničkoga žiga.

(2) Izmjene i dopune ugovora kojim se uređuje uporaba zajedničkoga žiga imaju učinak prema trećim stranama nakon upisa u registar.





Članak 60. Na međunarodne registracije žigova, čija je zaštita

proširena na teritorij Republike Hrvatske prema Madrid- skom sporazumu o međunarodnoj registraciji žigova (u daljnjem tekstu: Madridski sporazum) i Protokolu koji


se odnosi na Madridski sporazum (u daljnjem tekstu: Protokol), primjenjuju se odredbe ovoga Zakona i Pra- vilnika o žigu u svim pitanjima koja nisu uređena tim ugovorima, osim ako odredbe ovoga dijela Zakona ne propisuju drukčije.



Članak 61. (1) Prijava za međunarodnu registraciju žiga i

zahtjevi za upis promjena u međunarodnom registru podnose se Zavodu kako je propisano Madridskim sporazumom, Protokolom, Zajedničkim pravilnikom Madridskoga sporazuma i Protokola (u daljenjem tek- stu: Zajednički pravilnik), ovim Zakonom i Pravilnikom.

(2) Ako prijava za međunarodnu registraciju žiga ili zahtjev za upis promjena u međunarodnom registru nisu podneseni kako je propisano Madridskim sporazumom, Protokolom, Zajedničkim pravilnikom i Pravilnikom o žigu, Zavod poziva podnositelja prijave ili zahtjeva da u roku od 30 dana od dana primitka poziva uredi prijavu ili zahtjev.

(3) Na zahtjev, rok iz stavka 2. ovoga članka može se produžiti najviše za 60 dana.

(4) Ako je prijava za međunarodnu registraciju žiga podnesena u skladu sa stavkom 1. ovoga članka i ako su uplaćene propisana pristojba i naknada troškova, Zavod prosljeđuje prijavu Međunarodnom uredu Svjet- ske organizacije za intelektualno vlasništvo (u daljnjem tekstu: Međunarodni ured).

(5) Ako podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga ili zahtjeva za upis promjena u međunarodnom registru u propisanom roku ne postupi prema pozivu Zavoda i ne ukloni utvrđene nedostatke u smislu stavka 2. ovoga članka, prijava ili zahtjev zaključkom se odbacuje.


Članak 62. Sve pristojbe koje se moraju platiti prema Madrid-

skom sporazumu i Protokolu plaćaju se izravno Među- narodnom uredu.


Članak 63. Datum i broj međunarodne registracije žiga upisuje

se u registar žigova koji vodi Zavod, ako je međuna- rod‑na prijava rezultirala registracijom.


Članak 64. Za nositelja međunarodne registracije žiga rok iz

članka 24. stavka 2. ovoga Zakona zamjenjuje se ro- kom od četiri mjeseca od datuma obavijesti o odbijanju zaštite.


Članak 65. (1) Za potrebe međunarodnih registracija žigova

prema Madridskom sporazumu i Protokolu, objava pri- jave propisana u članku 25. ovoga Zakona zamjenjuje se objavom međunarodne registracije žiga u službenom glasilu o međunarodnim registracijama žigova koje izda- je Međunarodni ured (u daljnjem tekstu: međunarodno službeno glasilo).

(2) Rok za podnošenje prigovora na međunarodnu registriraciju žiga počinje teći od prvoga dana mjeseca koji slijedi mjesec naznačen na izdanju međunarod- noga službenoga glasila u kojemu je ta međunarodna registracija žiga objavljena.

(3) U postupku povodom prigovora na međuna- rodnu registraciju žiga Zavod, u skladu s Madridskim sporazumom ili Protokolom, nositelju međunarodne registracije žiga dostavlja obavijest o privremenom odbijanju na temelju prigovora i poziva ga da imenuje zastupnika koji u roku od četiri mjeseca od datuma obavijesti o odbijanju mora Zavodu dostaviti punomoć o zastupanju. Primjerak prigovora dostavlja se zastu- pniku nakon podnošenja punomoći o zastupanju. Rok za očitovanje na prigovor je 60 dana od dana primitka primjerka prigovora od strane zastupnika.

(4) Rokovi iz stavka 3. ovoga članka ne mogu se produžavati.



Članak 66. Ako je na temelju međunarodne registracije žiga

pokrenut postupak prigovora i postupak proglašavanja žiga ništavim, za potrebe dokazivanja uporabe žiga datumom njezine registracije smatra se datum kojega je istekao rok iz članka 5. stavka 2. Madridskoga sporazu- ma ili članka 5. stavka 2. podstavka a) Protokola ili, ako na taj datum postupak odobravanja zaštite ili postupak po prigovoru još nije bio okončan, datum obavijesti o konačnoj odluci Zavoda o odobravanju zaštite upućene Međunarodnom uredu.



Članak 67. (1) U postupcima povodom zahtjeva za proglaša-

vanje međunarodne registracije žiga ništavom i za- htjeva za opoziv međunarodne registracije žiga Zavod obavješćuje nositelja međunarodne registracije žiga o pod‑nesenom zahtjevu i poziva ga da imenuje zastu- pnika koji u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka poziva mora Zavodu dostaviti punomoć o zastupanju.

(2) Rok iz stavka 1. ovoga članka ne može se produžavati.

(3) Primjerak zahtjeva dostavlja se zastupniku na-


kon podnošenja punomoći o zastupanju. Rok za očito- vanje na zahtjev je 60 dana od dana primitka primjerka zahtjeva od strane zastupnika.

(4) Na zahtjev, rok iz stavka 3. ovoga članka može se produžiti najviše za 60 dana.

(5) U postupku opoziva međunarodne registracije žiga, za potrebe dokazivanja uporabe, datumom njezi- ne registracije smatra se datum propisan u članku 66. ovoga Zakona.




Članak 68. Na pojedina pitanja postupka, koja nisu uređena

ovim Zakonom, primjenjivat će se odredbe Zakona o općem upravnom postupku.


Članak 69. (1) Za postupke propisane ovim Zakonom plaćaju

se pristojbe i naknade troškova postupka u skladu s posebnim propisima.

(2) Ako pristojbe ili naknade troškova iz stavka 1. ovoga članka ne budu plaćene, prijava ili zahtjev će se odbaciti, a u slučaju neplaćanja odgovarajuće pristojbe ili naknade troškova za produženje vrijednosti žiga, žig prestaje vrijediti.


Članak 70. Na zahtjev podnositelja prijave za registraciju žiga

ili nositelja žiga i nakon uplate propisane pristojbe i naknade troškova, Zavod izdaje svjedodžbu o pravu prvenstva.


Članak 71. (1) Zavod vodi registar žigova koji sadržava podatke

čiji je upis propisan ovim Zakonom i Pravilnikom. (2) Svaka osoba ima pravo uvida u registar žigova. (3) Na zahtjev svake zainteresirane osobe i nakon

uplate propisane pristojbe i naknade troškova, Zavod izdaje izvadak i ispis iz registra žigova.


Članak 72. Zavod izdaje službeno glasilo u kojemu se objav-

ljuju svi podaci čija je objava propisana ovim Zakonom i Pravilnikom.


Članak 73. Zavod obavlja, na zahtjev svake zainteresirane

osobe, usluge pretraživanja na istovjetnost i sličnost prijavljenih i registriranih žigova koji vrijede u Republici Hrvatskoj.


Članak 74. (1) Fizičke ili pravne osobe koje nemaju prebivalište

ili stvarno i djelatno industrijsko ili trgovačko sjedište u Republici Hrvatskoj mogu ostvarivati prava iz ovoga Zakona u postupcima pred Zavodom samo preko ovlaš‑tenih zastupnika.

(2) Opća načela zastupanja i posebni uvjeti na temelju kojih osobe iz stavka 1. ovoga članka mogu ostvarivati prava iz ovoga Zakona uređeni su posebnim propisima.



Članak 75. (1) Nositelj žiga, ako su mu povrijeđena ili ugrožena

prava iz članka 7. ovoga Zakona, može tužbom zahti- jevati od nadležnoga suda:

1. utvrđivanje postojanja povrede žiga, 2. zabranu izvršene ili namjeravane povrede žiga, 3. uklanjanje stanja nastaloga izvršenom povredom

žiga, 4. nalaganje tuženiku davanja obavijesti o identitetu

trećih osoba uključenih u proizvodnju i distribuciju robe ili usluga koje povređuju žig te o njihovim distribucijskim kanalima,

5. naknadu štete, 6. objavljivanje presude na trošak tuženika. (2) Povredom žiga u smislu stavka 1. ovoga članka

smatra se i njegovo oponašanje, kao i uporaba zajed- ničkoga žiga i jamstvenoga žiga protivno ugovoru o zajedničkome žigu ili jamstvenome žigu.

(3) Postupak povodom tužbe u smislu stavka 1. ovoga članka je hitan.


Članak 76. (1) Na zahtjev tužitelja sud može narediti uništenje

predmeta koji su protupravno obilježeni žigom, a nalaze se u posjedu tuženika.

(2) Sud odlučuje o tome hoće li se predmeti pro- tupravno obilježeni žigom uništiti, učiniti neraspoznat- ljivim ili će se uporabiti na drugi način.



Članak 77. Tužba zbog povrede žiga može se podnijeti u roku

od tri godine od saznanja za povredu i počinitelja, a najkasnije pet godina od izvršene povrede.


Članak 78. (1) Ako nositelj žiga učini vjerojatnim da je njegovo

pravo povrijeđeno ili da postoji opasnost od povrede, zbog čega mu prijeti nenadoknadiva šteta, može od suda zahtijevati:

1. izricanje privremene mjere zabrane obavljanja postupaka kojima se vrijeđa pravo nositelja žiga,

2. privremeno oduzimanje predmeta protupravno obilježenih žigom ili njihovo isključenje iz prometa,

3. mjere za osiguranje dokaza o predmetima pro- tupravno obilježenih žigom i mjere za očuvanje posto- jećega stanja.

(2) Nositelj žiga može zahtijevati izricanje privreme- nih mjera i prije podnošenja tužbe, uz uvjet da tužbu podnese u roku od 20 radnih dana ili 31 kalendarskoga dana, ovisno o tome koji je rok dulji.

(3) Ako nositelj žiga ne podnese tužbu u roku iz stavka 2. ovoga članka, sud može na temelju zahtjeva tuženika postupak obustaviti i ukinuti zahtijevane mjere.

(4) Sudske vlasti mogu po potrebi donijeti privre- mene mjere bez saslušanja druge stranke, osobito ako postoji vjerojatnost da svaka odgoda nositelju žiga nanese nenadoknadivu štetu ili ako je očigledno da postoji opasnost od uništenja dokaza.


Članak 79. (1) Sud može odrediti nositelju žiga naknadu štete

ako se dokaže da su zahtijevane mjere iz članka 78. stavka 1. ovoga Zakona neutemeljene.

(2) Sud može odrediti nositelju žiga polog odgova- rajućega novčanog iznosa radi osiguranja osobe protiv koje se izriče privremena mjera.


Članak 80. (1) Novčanom kaznom od 20.000,00 do 100.000,00

kuna kaznit će se za prekršaj pravna osoba koja tuđi žig neovlašteno rabi, reproducira ili oponaša, ističe na proizvodima ili pakiranjima, nudi proizvode obilježene tuđim žigom, stavlja ih na tržište ili skladišti u te svrhe pod tuđim žigom uvozi ili izvozi proizvode obilježene tuđim žigom, tuđi žig rabi pri pružanju usluga ili na poslovnim dokumentima i u reklamiranju (članak 7.).

(2) Za prekršaj iz stavka 1. ovoga članka kaznit će se novčanom kaznom od 2.000,00 do 8.000,00 kuna fizička osoba.

(3) Za prekršaj iz stavka 1. ovoga članka kaznit će se novčanom kaznom od 5.000,00 do 10.000,00 kuna

odgovorna osoba u pravnoj osobi. (4) Proizvodi koji su bili namijenjeni ili uporabljeni

za počinjene prekršaje iz stavka 1., 2. i 3. ovoga član- ka oduzet će se, a sud će odlučiti o tome hoće li se predmeti protupravno obilježeni žigom uništiti, učiniti neraspoznatljivim ili će se uporabiti na drugi način.



Članak 81. Postupci povodom prijava žigova koje su podnese-

ne prije dana početka primjene ovoga Zakona, a koji nisu završeni do dana početka primjene ovoga Zakona, nastavit će se prema odred‑bama ovoga Zakona.


Članak 82. (1) Postupci zbog povrede žiga ili prava iz prijave za

registraciju žiga, koji do dana početka primjene ovoga Zakona nisu završeni, dovršit će se prema propisima koji su bili na snazi do dana početka primjene ovoga Zakona.

(2) Postupci za proglašavanje rješenja o priznanju žiga ništavim i postupci povodom zahtjeva za prestanak vrijednosti žiga zbog neuporabe koji do dana početka primjene ovoga Zakona nisu završeni dovršit će se prema propisima koji su bili na snazi do dana početka primjene ovoga Zakona.


Članak 83. Pitanja iz članaka: 15. stavka 3.; 21. stavka 1.; 25.

stavka 2.; 27. stavka 4.; 33. stavka 3.; 34. stavka 2.; 35. stavka 2.; 37. stavka 3.; 38. stavka 4.; 39. stavka 8.; 40. stavka 4.; 44. stavka 8.; 46. stavka 4.; 49. stavka 8.; 61. stavka 1.; 71. stavka 1. i članka 72. ovoga Zakona uredit će ministar nadležan za rad Zavoda pravilnikom koji će donijeti na prijedlog ravnatelja Zavoda do početka primjene ovoga Zakona.


Članak 84. Danom početka primjene ovoga Zakona prestaju

važiti odredbe Zakona o žigu (»Narodne novine«, br. 78/99. i 127/99.), osim odredbe o zastupanju (članak 59.) koja se primjenjuje do donošenja posebnoga propisa.


Članak 85. Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu osmoga dana od dana

objave u »Narodnim novinama«, a primjenjuje se od 1. siječnja 2004.



Članak 1. U Zakonu o žigu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03.)

članak 11. mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Stavljanjem u promet od strane nositelja žiga

ili uz njegovu izričitu suglasnost, na području Republike Hrvatske, odnosno nakon stupanja Republike Hrvatske u punopravno članstvo Europske unije na području neke od država Europske unije odnosno država koje su stran- ke ugovornice Ugovora o Europskom ekonomskom prostoru, proizvoda koji je obilježen tim žigom, iscrpljuju se za područje Republike Hrvatske isključiva prava koja proizlaze iz žiga u odnosu na taj proizvod, osim ako postoje opravdani razlozi na temelju kojih nositelj žiga pridržava isključiva prava koja proizlaze iz žiga.

(2) Opravdani razlozi da se nositelj žiga usprotivi daljnjoj komercijalizaciji proizvoda postoje osobito onda kada je stanje proizvoda promijenjeno ili pogoršano nakon što je proizvod stavljen u promet.«

Članak 2. Članak 20. mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Zavod provodi upravni postupak za registraci-

ju žiga, za proglašenje žiga ništavim te obavlja druge upravne i stručne poslove u pogledu zaštite žiga.

(2) Protiv upravnih akata koje je u prvom stupnju donio Zavod dopuštena je žalba o kojoj od- lučuje Žalbeno vijeće u skladu s odredbama ovoga Zakona. Za podnošenje žalbe plaća se upravna pristojba i naknada troškova u skladu s posebnim propisima. Ako upravna pristojba i naknada troškova postupka nisu plaćene do isteka roka za žalbu, smatra se da žalba nije podnesena.

(3) Za pojedina pitanja iz postupka iz stavka 1. i 2. ovoga članka koja nisu uređena ovim Zakonom, primje- njuju se odredbe Zakona o općem upravnom postupku.

(4) Protiv upravnih akata koje je u drugom stupnju donijelo Žalbeno vijeće može se voditi upravni spor u skladu sa Zakonom o upravnim sporovima.«

Članak 3. U članku 39. stavci 4. i 5. brišu se. Dosadašnji stavci 6., 7. i 8. postaju stavci 4.,

5. i 6.

Članak 4. U članku 40. stavak 2. mijenja se i glasi: »(2) Na zahtjev založnog vjerovnika ili založnog

dužnika založno pravo upisuje se u registar. Sud koji provodi ovrhu po službenoj dužnosti bez odgode oba- vješćuje Zavod o pokrenutoj ovrsi na žigu radi upisa u registar.«

Članak 5. U članku 49. stavak 1. briše se. Dosadašnji stavci 2., 3., 4,. 5., 6., 7. i 8. postaju

stavci 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. i 7.

Članak 6. Iza članka 67. dodaje se novi »Dio deseti«: »ŽIG

ZAJEDNICE » te naslovi i članci 67.a do 67.i koji glase: »ZNAČENJE POJMOVA».

Članak 67.a U smislu ovoga Zakona pojedini izrazi imaju slje-

deće značenje: a) »Uredba o žigu Zajednice« je Uredba Vijeća (EZ)

40/94 od 20. prosinca 1993. o žigu Zajednice i njezine izmjene i dopune,

b) »žig Zajednice« je žig kako je definiran u članku 1. stavku 1. Uredbe o žigu Zajednice,

c) »prijava žiga Zajednice« je prijava za registraciju žiga Zajednice koja je podnesena u skladu s odredbama Uredbe o žigu Zajednice,

d) »nacionalni žig« je žig stečen u postupku pred Zavodom u skladu s odredbama ovoga Zakona,

e) »nacionalna prijava žiga« je prijava žiga pod- nesena Zavodu u skladu s odredbama ovoga Zakona.


Članak 67.b Učinci prijava žigova Zajednice podnesenih i ži-

gova Zajednice stečenih prije dana prijama Republike Hrvatske u punopravno članstvo Europske unije, pro- širuju se na područje Republike Hrvatske.


Članak 67.c (1) U smislu članka 6. ovoga Zakona, žig

Zajednice je raniji žig u odnosu na nacionalne prijave žiga koje su podnesene, kao i na nacionalne žigove koji su na temelju takvih prijava stečeni nakon dana prijama Republike Hrvatske u punopravno članstvo Europske unije.

(2) U smislu članka 6. stavka 2. točke 4. ovoga Zakona, raniji žig Zajednice koji ima ugled u Europskoj uniji uzima se u obzir u skladu s odredbama članka 9. stavka 1. točke c) Uredbe o žigu Zajednice.

(3) Nacionalni žig ne može biti proglašen ništavim iz razloga što je u sukobu s ranijim žigom Zajednice ako taj raniji žig Zajednice ne udovoljava uvjetima o uporabi propisanim u članku 15. Uredbe o žigu Zajednice.


Članak 67.d Ako je u skladu sa člankom 25. Uredbe o žigu

Zajednice Zavodu podnesena prijava žiga Zajednice, plaća se pristojba i naknada troškova za prosljeđivanje

*NN 76/2007 (u primjeni od 31.07.2007.)


u skladu s posebnim propisima.


Članak 67.e (1) Zavod ispituje zahtjev za pretvaranje prijave žiga

Zajednice u nacionalnu prijavu žiga koji mu je dostavljen u skladu s odredbom članka 109. stavka 3. Uredbe o žigu Zajednice.

(2) Ako zahtjev iz stavka 1. ovoga članka nije sastavljen u skladu s odredbama iz članka 108. stavka 2. Uredbe o žigu Zajednice, Zavod poziva podnositelja da ispravi nedostatke.

(3) Ako se podnositelj u ostavljenom roku ne očituje ili ne ispravi nedostatke ili ako zahtjev iz stavka 1. ovoga članka ne udovoljava odredbama članka 108. stavka 2. Uredbe o žigu Zajednice, Zavod odbija zahtjev iz stavka 1. ovoga članka. Odluka o odbijanju smatra se odlukom o meritumu zahtjeva.

(4) Ako je zahtjev iz stavka 1. ovoga članka uredan, Zavod provodi postupak za registraciju žiga u skladu s odredbama ovoga Zakona.

(5) Pristojbe i naknade troškova u postupku registracije iz stavka 4. ovoga članka plaćaju se u skladu s odredbama ovoga Zakona.

(6) Zavod obavještava podnositelja zahtjeva iz stav- ka 1. ovoga članka o njegovom primitku i poziva ga da u roku koji ne može biti kraći od 30 niti dulji od 60 dana dostavi prijevod prijave na hrvatski jezik.

(7) Datum podnošenja, datum prvenstva i senioritet određuju se u skladu sa člankom 108. stav- kom 3. Uredbe o žigu Zajednice.


Članak 67.f Senioritet nacionalnog žiga u smislu članka 34. i 35.

Uredbe o žigu Zajednice može se zahtijevati u odnosu na žig Zajednice:

– ako je nacionalni žig stečen prije dana stupanja Republike Hrvatske u punopravno članstvo Europske unije i

– ako nacionalni žig ima prioritet prema žigu Zajednice u odnosu na kojeg se senioritet zahtijeva.


Članak 67.g (1) Ako se uporaba žiga Zajednice iz članka 67.b

ovoga Zakona suprotstavlja uporabi nacionalnog žiga stečenog prije dana prijma Republike Hrvatske u punopravno članstvo Europske unije, odnosno stečenog na temelju nacionalne prijave podnesene prije dana prijama Republike Hrvatske u punopravno članstvo Europske unije, nositelj takvog nacionalnog žiga može tužbom zahtijevati zabranu uporabe u Republici Hrvat- skoj žiga Zajednice kojem je učinak u skladu s člankom 67.b ovoga Zakona proširen na područje Republike Hrvatske. Podnositelj tužbe mora dokazati da se žig Zajednice suprotstavlja njegovom nacionalnom žigu.

(2) Ako u odnosu na žig Zajednice iz članka 67.b ovoga Zakona postoji neki od apsolutnih razloga za odbijanje registracije iz članka 5. ovoga Zakona zbog kojih se mogla odbiti registracija ili razloga iz članka 49. stavka 2. ovoga Zakona zbog kojih se žig mo- gao proglasiti ništavim prije dana prijama Republike Hrvatske u punopravno članstvo Europske unije, osoba koja ima pravni interes može tužbom zahtijevati zabranu uporabe takvog žiga Zajednice u Republici Hrvatskoj. Podnositelj tužbe mora dokazati postojanje nekog od ovih razloga u odnosu na žig Zajednice.


Članak 67.h Na zaštitu u slučaju povrede žiga Zajednice prim‑je-

njuju se na odgovarajući način odredbe o zaštiti u slučaju povrede nacionalnog žiga.


Članak 67.i (1) Trgovački sud u Zagrebu je u Republici

Hrvatskoj sud žiga Zajednice nadležan za odlučivanje u prvom stupnju, u smislu Uredbe o žigu Zajednice.

(2) Visoki trgovački sud je u Republici Hrvatskoj sud žiga Zajednice nadležan za odlučivanje u drugom stupnju, u smislu Uredbe o žigu Zajednice.«

Dosadašnji »Dio deseti« postaje »Dio jedana‑esti«.

Članak 7. Iza članka 74. dodaje se novi »Dio dvanaesti«:

»ŽALBA« te naslovi i članci 74.a do 74.d koji glase: »PRAVO ŽALBE».

Članak 74.a (1) Protiv odluka Zavoda donesenih u prvom stup‑

nju, stranka čijem zahtjevu u cijelosti ili u dijelu nije udovoljeno ima pravo žalbe u roku od 30 dana od dana dostave odluke.

(2) Druge stranke u postupku koji je okončan odlu- kom protiv koje se podnosi žalba imaju pravo biti stranke u žalbenom postupku.


Članak 74.b Pored podataka koje mora imati svaki podnesak,

žalba treba sadržavati: 1. naznaku rješenja protiv kojeg se podnosi, 2. određenu izjavu o tome da se rješenje pobija u

cijelosti ili u nekom dijelu, 3. razloge zbog kojih se žalba podnosi, 4. obrazloženje žalbe, te sve dokaze kojima

podnositelj žalbe potvrđuje svoje navode iz žalbe, 5. potpis podnositelja žalbe, 6. punomoć ako se žalba podnosi putem




Članak 74.c (1) Žalbeno vijeće odlučuje na sjednicama, većinom

glasova. (2) Žalbeno vijeće odlučuje na temelju podnesaka

stranaka, a kada smatra da je to potrebno ili kada stranka u postupku to zahtijeva, može odrediti održava- nje usmene rasprave. Stranke se na usmenu raspravu pozivaju najmanje 10 dana prije održavanja.


Članak 74.d (1) O žalbama iz članka 74.a ovoga Zakona odlučuju

žalbena vijeća u području prava industrijskog vlasništva. (2) Na sastav i ustrojstvo žalbenih vijeća iz stavka

1. ovoga članka primjenjuju se odredbe Zakona o patentu.«

Članak 8. Dosadašnji »Dio jedanaesti« postaje »Dio

trinaesti«. Naslov iznad članka 75. mijenja se i glasi: »OSOBE

OVLAŠTENE ZAHTIJEVATI ZAŠTITU PRAVA«. Članak 75. mijenja se i glasi: »Osim nositelja prava, odnosno osobe koju on

ovlasti u skladu s općim propisima o zastupanju, za- š‑titu prava iz ovoga Zakona može zahtijevati i nositelj isključive licencije u onoj mjeri u kojoj je stekao pravo na iskorištavanje žiga na temelju pravnog posla ili zakona.«

Članak 9. Naslov iznad članka 76. mijenja se i glasi: »ZA-


Članak 76. mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Prot iv osobe koja je neovlaštenim

poduzimanjem neke od radnji iz članka 7. stavka 2. i 3. ovoga Zakona povrijedila žig, nositelj žiga može tužbom zahtijevati utvrđenje povrede.

(2 ) Pro t i v osobe ko ja je neov laš ten im poduzimanjem neke od radnji iz članka 7. stavka 2. i 3. ovoga Zakona povrijedila žig, nositelj žiga može tužbom zahtijevati prestanak povrede i zabranu takve i slične povrede ubuduće.

(3) Protiv osobe koja je neovlaštenim poduzimanjem neke radnje prouzročila ozbiljnu prijetnju da će žig biti povrijeđen, nositelj žiga može tužbom zahtijevati pre- stanak poduzimanja te radnje i zabranu povrede žiga.

(4) Zahtjevi iz stavaka 1., 2. i 3. ovoga članka mogu se postaviti i protiv osobe koja u obavljanju svoje gospodarske djelatnosti pruža usluge koje se koriste u radnjama kojima se povrjeđuje žig odnosno od kojih prijeti povreda žiga.«

Članak 10. Naslov iznad članka 77. mijenja se i glasi: »ZA-


Članak 77. mijenja se i glasi: » (1) Protiv osobe koja je neovlaštenim poduzima-

njem neke od radnji iz članka 7. stavaka 2. i 3. ovoga Zakona povrijedila žig, nositelj žiga može tužbom zahti- jevati da se na njezin teret, proizvodi koji su obilježeni znakom kojima se povređuje žig povuku iz prometa, oduzmu ili unište.

(2) Mjere iz stavka 1. ovoga članka sud će odrediti na teret tuženika, osim ako postoje osobiti razlozi da tako ne odluči.

(3) Prilikom određivanja mjera iz stavka 1. ovoga članka sud će paziti da one budu razmjerne naravi i intenzitetu povrede.«

Članak 11. Naslov iznad članka 78. mijenja se i glasi:


Članak 78. mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Protiv osobe koja je neovlaštenim poduzima-

njem neke od radnji iz članka 7. stavka 2. i 3. ovoga Zakona nositelju žiga prouzročila štetu, on može tužbom zahtijevati popravljanje štete prema općim pravilima o popravljanju štete iz Zakona o obveznim odnosima.

(2) Protiv osobe koja je neovlašteno poduzela neku od radnji iz članka 7. stavka 2. i 3. ovoga Zakona, nositelj žiga može tužbom zahtijevati plaćanje nakna- de u iznosu kojeg je s obzirom na okolnosti mogao zahtijevati u ugovoru o licenciji, da je sklopljen.

(3) Protiv osobe koja je bez osnove u pravnom poslu, odluci suda ili zakonu, neovlaštenim podu- zimanjem neke od radnji iz članka 7. stavka 2. i 3. ovoga Zakona povrijedila žig te time stekla neku korist, nositelj žiga može tužbom zahtijevati vraća- nje ili naknađivanje tih koristi prema općim pravilima o stjecanju bez osnove iz Zakona o obveznim odnosima.

(4) Zahtjevi iz stavaka 1., 2. i 3. se međusobno ne isključuju. Prilikom odlučivanja o kumulativno postavljenim zahtjevima iz stavaka 1., 2. ili 3. sud će paziti na opća načela iz Zakona o obveznim odnosima.«

Članak 12. Naslov iznad članka 79. mijenja se i glasi:

»ZAHTJEV ZA OBJAVOM PRESUDE«. Članak 79. mijenja se i glasi: »Nositelj žiga može zahtijevati da pravomoćna

presuda kojom se makar i djelomično udovoljilo zahtjevu usmjerenom na zaštitu žiga u slučaju povre- de, bude objavljena u sredstvima javnog priopćavanja na trošak tuženika. Sud će, u granicama tužbenog zahtjeva, odlučiti u kojem će sredstvu javnog priopća- vanja presuda biti objavljena te hoće li se objaviti cijela presuda ili njezin dio. Ako sud odluči da se objavi samo dio presude, odredit će, u granicama tužbenog zahtje- va, da se objavi barem izreka i prema potrebi onaj dio presude iz kojeg je vidljivo o kakvoj se povredi radi i tko je povrijedio žig.«


Članak 13. Iza članka 79. dodaju se naslovi i članci 79.a do 79.e


Članak 79.a (1) Nositelj žiga koji je pokrenuo parnični postupak

za zaštitu žiga u slučaju povrede može zahtijevati do- stavu podataka o podrijetlu i distribucijskim kanalima robe ili usluga kojima se povrjeđuje njegov žig.

(2) Zahtjev iz članka 1. se može postaviti u obliku tužbe ili privremene mjere protiv:

– osobe koja je tužena u parničnom postupku iz stavka 1. ovoga članka,

– osobe koja u obavljanju svoje gospodarske dje- latnosti posjeduje robu za koju se sumnja da se njome povrjeđuje žig,

– osobe koja u obavljanju svoje gospodarske djelatnosti daje usluge za koje se sumnja da se njima povrjeđuje žig,

– osobe koje u obavljanju svoje gospodarske dje- latnosti daju usluge koje se koriste u radnjama za koje se sumnja da se njima povrjeđuje žig,

– osobe koja je od jedne od navedenih osoba ozna- čena kao osoba koja sudjeluje u proizvodnji ili distribuciji roba ili davanju usluga za koje se sumnja da se njima povređuje žig.

(3) Zahtjev iz članka 1. se može postaviti i kao prvi zahtjev u stupnjevitoj tužbi, ako je osoba protiv koje se postavlja tuženik i u glavnom zahtjevu.

(4) Zahtjev za dostavom podataka o podrijetlu roba i distribucijskim kanalima roba ili usluga iz stavka 1. ovoga članka može obuhvaćati osobito:

– podatke o imenima i adresama proizvođača i d is t r ibutera, dobav l jača i drug ih pr i jašn j ih posjednika robe odnosno davatelja usluga, kao i pro- davača na veliko i prodavača na malo kojima je ta roba namijenjena,

– podatke o količinama proizvedene, izrađene, isporučene, primljene ili naručene robe ili usluga, kao i cijenama ostvarenim za odnosnu robu i usluge.

(5) Osoba prema kojoj je postavljen zahtjev na dostavu podataka iz ovoga članka može odbi- ti dostavu tih podataka iz istih razloga iz kojih se prema pravilima Zakona o parničnom postupku može uskratiti svjedočenje. Ako odbije dostavu podataka bez opravdanog razloga, odgovara za štetu u skladu s odredbama Zakona o obveznim odnosima.

(6) Odredbe ovoga članka su bez utjecaja na propise o načinu korištenja povjerljivih podataka u građanskim i kaznenim postupcima, na propise kojima se uređuje odgovornost za zlouporabu prava na dobivanje podataka, te na propise kojima se uređuje obrada i zaštita osobnih podataka.

(7) Odredbe ovoga članka su bez utjecaja na odred- be iz članka 79.c i 79.d ovoga Zakona kojima se uređuje pribavljanje dokaza.


Članak 79.b (1) Na zahtjev nositelja žiga koji učini vjerojatnim da

mu je žig povrijeđen ili da prijeti opasnost od povrede žiga, sud može odrediti bilo koju privremenu mjeru koja je usmjerena na prestanak ili sprječavanje povrede, a osobito:

– naložiti protivniku osiguranja da prestane, odnosno odustane od radnji kojima se povređuje žig; ovaj nalog sud može izreći i protiv posrednika čije usluge koriste treće osobe da bi povrijedile žig;

– odrediti oduzimanje ili isključenje iz prometa pro- izvoda koji su protupravno obilježeni žigom.

(2) Na zahtjev nositelja žiga koji učini vjerojatnim da mu je žig povrijeđen u obavljanju gospodarske djelatnosti s ciljem pribavljanja gospodarske ili ekonomske koristi, te da mu zbog takve povrede prijeti nenadoknadiva šteta, pored privremenih mjera iz stavka 1. ovoga članka, sud može odrediti i oduzimanje pokretnina ili nekretnina u vlasništvu protivnika osiguranja koje nisu u neposrednoj vezi s povredom, kao i zabranu raspolaganja sredstvima na računu kod financijskih institucija i raspolaganja drugom imovinom.

(3) Radi određivanja i provedbe privremene mjere iz stavka 2. ovoga članka sud može zahtijevati od protivnika osiguranja ili drugih osoba koje time ras‑polažu, dostavu bankovnih, financijskih i drugih ekonomskih podataka, ili pristup drugim potrebnim podacima i dokumentima. Sud je dužan osigurati čuvanje tajnosti, te zabraniti svaku zlouporabu ovih podataka.

(4) Privremena mjera iz stavka 1. ovoga član- ka se može izreći i bez obavješćivanja protivnika osiguranja ako predlagatelj osiguranja učini vjerojatnim da u protivnom privremena mjera neće biti učinkovita, ili da prijeti opasnost od nastanka nenadoknadive štete. Privremena mjera iz stavka 2. ovoga članka se može izreći i bez obavješćivanja protivnika osigura- nja ako predlagatelj osiguranja učini vjerojatnim da u protivnom privremena mjera neće biti učinkovita ili da je s obzirom na osobito teške okolnosti povrede to potrebno. Ako je privremena mjera izrečena bez oba- vješćivanja protivnika osiguranja, sud će rješenje o privremenoj mjeri, odmah po njenoj provedbi, dostaviti protivniku osiguranja.

(5) U rješenju kojim se određuje privremena mje- ra sud će odrediti i trajanje te mjere, a ako je mjera određena prije podnošenja tužbe, i rok u kojemu predlagatelj osiguranja mora podnijeti tužbu radi opravdanja mjere, koji ne može biti kraći od 20 radnih odnosno 31 kalendarski dan od dana dostave rješenja predlagatelju osiguranja, ovisno o tome koji kasnije istječe.

(6) Na pitanja koja nisu uređena u ovom članku primjenjuju se odredbe Ovršnog zakona.

(7) Odredbe ovoga članka su bez utjecaja na mogućnost određivanja privremenih mjera prema drugim odredbama ovoga Zakona i odredbama Ovršnog zakona.



Članak 79.c (1) Na zahtjev nositelja žiga koji učini vjerojat‑nim

da mu je žig povrijeđen ili da prijeti opasnost od povrede žiga, sud može odrediti privremenu mjeru radi osiguranja dokaza.

(2) Privremenom mjerom iz stavka 1. ovoga članka sud može osobito odrediti:

– izradu detaljnog opisa robe za koju se učini vjerojatnim da se njome povređuje žig, uz ili bez uzimanja primjeraka,

– oduzimanje robe za koju se učini vjerojatnim da se njome povređuje žig,

– oduzimanje materijala i sredstava što su upotrijebljeni za izradu i distribuciju robe za koju se učini vjerojatnim da se njome povređuje žig, te dokumentacije koja se na to odnosi.

(3) Privremena mjera iz ovoga članka se može izreći i bez obavješćivanja protivnika osiguranja ako predlagatel j osiguranja učini vjerojatnim da prijeti opasnost od uništenja dokaza ili od nastanka nenadoknadive štete.Ako je prviremena mjera izrečena bez obavješćivanja protivnika osiguranja, sud će rje- šenje o privremenoj mjeri, odmah po njenoj provedbi, dostaviti protivniku osiguranja.

(4) U rješenju kojim se određuje privremena mje- ra sud će odrediti i trajanje te mjere, a ako je mjera određena prije podnošenja tužbe, i rok u kojemu predlagatelj osiguranja mora podnijeti tužbu radi oprav‑ danja mjere, koji ne može biti kraći od 20 radnih, odno- sno 31 kalendarski dan od dana dostave rješenja pred- lagatelju osiguranja, ovisno o tome koji kasnije istječe.

(5) Na pitanja koja nisu uređena u ovom članku primjenjuju se odredbe Ovršnog zakona.

(6) Odredbe ovoga članka ne utječu na mogućnost suda da naloži mjere za osiguranje dokaza u skladu s odredbama Zakona o parničnom postupku.


Članak 79.d (1) Kada se stranka u parničnom postupku poziva

na dokaz i tvrdi da se on nalazi kod druge stranke ili pod njezinom kontrolom, sud će tu stranku pozvati da podnese taj dokaz, ostavljajući joj za to određeni rok.

(2) Kada nositelj žiga kao tužitelj u tužbi tvrdi da se dogodila povreda žiga u obavljanju gospodarske djelatnosti radi stjecanja gospodarske ili ekonomske koristi i tijekom postupka učini to vjerojatnim, te kada se u postupku poziva na bankovne, financijske ili slične ekonomske dokumente, isprave i slične dokaze i tvrdi da se oni nalaze kod druge stranke ili pod njezinom kontrolom, sud će tu stranku pozvati da podnese te dokaze, ostavljajući joj za to određeni rok.

(3) Kada stranka koja je pozvana na podnošenje dokaza poriče da se dokaz nalazi kod nje ili pod njezi- nom kontrolom, sud može radi utvrđivanja te činjenice izvoditi dokaze.

(4) U pogledu prava stranke da uskrati podnošenje

dokaza na odgovarajući se način primjenjuju odredbe Zakona o parničnom postupku o pravu na uskratu svjedočenja.

(5) Sud će, s obzirom na sve okolnosti, po svom vlastitom uvjerenju ocijeniti od kakva je značenja to što stranka kod koje se dokaz nalazi neće postupiti po rješenju suda kojim joj se nalaže da podnese dokaz ili protivno uvjerenju suda poriče da se dokaz nalazi kod nje.

(6) Protiv odluke suda iz stavka 1.i 2. ovoga članka nije dopuštena posebna žalba.


Članak 79.e (1) Postupak zbog povrede prava iz ovoga Zakona

je hitan. (2) Na postupke zbog povrede žiga se

primjenjuju odredbe Zakona o parničnom postupku odnosno Ovršnog zakona.

(3) Na zahtjev suda ili neke od stranaka u postupku zbog povrede žiga Zavod odnosno Žalbeno vijeće će odmah uzeti u rad zahtjev za proglašenjem ništavim rješenja o registraciji žiga koji je podnesen prije ili u tijeku parnice i žurno po njemu postupati. Sud će obzi- rom na okolnosti slučaja odlučiti hoće li odrediti prekid postupka do konačne odluke o zahtjevu za proglašenje ništavim rješenja o registraciji žiga.«

Članak 14. Dosadašnji »Dio dvanaesti« postaje »Dio četrna-

esti«. U članku 80. stavak 1. mijenja se i glasi: » (1) Novčanom kaznom od 20.000,00 do 100.000,00

kuna kaznit će se pravna osoba koja znak koji je istovjetan ili sličan tuđem žigu neovlašteno rabi, reproducira ili oponaša, ističe na proizvodima ili pakiranjima, nudi proizvode obilježene takvim znakom, stavlja ih na tržište ili skladišti u te svrhe, uvozi ili izvozi proizvode obilježene takvim znakom, takav znak rabi pri pružanju usluga ili na poslovnim dokumentima i u reklamiranju (članak 7. stavak 2. točke 1. i 2.).«

U stavku 2. brojka »8.000,00« zamjenjuje se broj- kom»10.000,00«.

Iza stavka 3. dodaje se novi stavak 4. koji glasi: »(4) Za prekršaj iz stavka 1. ovoga članka kaznit

će se novčanom kaznom od 5.000,00 do 50.000,00 kuna fizička osoba obrtnik, odnosno osoba koja obavlja drugu samostalnu djelatnost, kada su prekršaj počinile u vezi s obavljanjem svog obrta odnosno samostalne djelatnosti.«

U dosadašnjem stavku 4., koji postaje stavak 5., brojke: »1., 2. i 3.« zamjenjuju se brojkama: »1.,2.,3. i 4.«


Članak 15. (1) Upravni sporovi koji su prije 1. lipnja 2008. već

pokrenuti pred Upravnim sudom dovršit će se pred


Upravnim sudom u skladu s odredbama koje su bile na snazi do tog datuma.

(2) Stranka koja je do 1. lipnja 2008. podnijela tužbu Upravnom sudu u skladu s odredbama koje su bile na snazi do tog datuma, može zahtijevati od Upravnog suda da prekine postupak ako je u roku od 30 dana od tog datuma podnijela žalbu u skladu s odredbama ovoga Zakona zbog istih razloga i s istim obrazloženjem kao u tužbi, ako je žalba protiv takvog upravnog akta prema odredbama ovoga Zakona dopuštena. Protiv upravnog akta kojeg se na temelju te žalbe donese u drugom stupnju, može se pokrenuti upravni spor, u skladu s odredbama Zakona o upravnim sporovima.«

Članak 16. Postupci koji se na dan stupanja na snagu ovoga

Zakona vode zbog zaštite žiga od povrede, dovršit će

se prema propisima koji su bili na snazi prije stupanja na snagu ovoga Zakona.

Članak 17. Pravilnik iz članka 83. Zakona o žigu (»Narodne

novine, br. 173/03.) uskladit će s odredbama ovoga Zakona ministar nadležan za rad Zavoda, na prijedlog ravnatelja Zavoda, najkasnije u roku od 3 mjeseca od dana stupanja na snagu ovoga Zakona.

Članak 18. Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu osmoga dana od dana

objave u »Narodnim novinama«, osim članka 2. i 7. koji stupaju na snagu 1. lipnja 2008. i članka 6. koji stupa na snagu danom prijama Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju.



Članak 1. U Zakonu o žigu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03. i

76/07.) u članku 5. stavku 1. točki 2. iza riječi: »nemaju« dodaje se riječ: »nikakav«.

Dodaje se točka 11. koja glasi: »11. znakovi koji sadržavaju ili se sastoje od oznaka

izvornosti ili oznaka zemljopisnog podrijetla koji vrije- de na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske, ako je zahtjev za registraciju žiga podnesen nakon datuma podnošenja zahtjeva za registraciju oznake izvornosti ili oznake zemljopisnog podrijetla, u opsegu koji je predviđen propisima na temelju kojih su te oznake registrirane i koji se odnose na istu vrstu proizvoda i usluga.«

Članak 2. U članku 6. dodaje se stavak 8. koji glasi: »(8) Na temelju podnesenog prigovora, osim ako tr-

govački zastupnik ili predstavnik opravda svoj postupak, znak neće biti registriran na ime trgovačkog zastupnika ili predstavnika nositelja žiga bez njegova odobrenja.«

Članak 3. U članku 25. stavak 1. mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Ako je udovoljeno svim uvjetima iz članka 21.

stavka 2. ovoga Zakona i ako ne postoje razlozi za odbijanje registracije prema članku 5. stavku 1. ovoga Zakona, podaci iz prijave objavljuju se u »Hrvatskom glasniku intelektualnog vlasništva« (u daljnjem tekstu: službeno glasilo Zavoda).«

Članak 4. U članku 27. stavku 1. dodaje se točka 5. koja glasi: »5. nositelj ranijeg žiga u smislu članka 6. stavka

8. ovoga Zakona.«

Članak 5. U članku 35. stavku 1. riječi: »najkasnije tri mjeseca

od datuma objave žiga« zamjenjuju se riječima: »nakon objave registriranog žiga.«

Članak 6. Iza članka 36. dodaju se naslov i članak 36.a koji


Članak 36.a (1) Ako je podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga

ili nositelj žiga propustio u roku izvršiti neku radnju u postupku pred Zavodom čega je neposredna posljedica gubitak prava iz prijave žiga ili gubitak žiga, može pod- nijeti zahtjev za nastavak postupka u vezi s prijavom žiga ili žigom. Zavod će dopustiti nastavak postupka, pod uvjetom da podnositelj:

1. podnese zahtjev za nastavak postupka i izvrši sve propuštene radnje u roku iz stavka 2. ovoga članka i

2. uplati upravnu pristojbu i naknadu troškova upravnoga postupka.

(2) Zahtjev za nastavak postupka može se podnijeti u roku od dva mjeseca od dana saznanja za pravne posljedice iz stavka 1. ovoga članka.

(3) Ako propuštene radnje nisu izvršene u roku iz stavka 2. ovoga članka ili ako upravna pristojba i naknada troškova upravnoga postupka nisu plaćene, smatrat će se da zahtjev za nastavak postupka nije ni podnesen, o čemu Zavod donosi zaključak.

(4) Zahtjev za nastavak postupka ne može se pod- nijeti ako je propušten rok:

1. iz stavka 2. ovoga članka, 2. za podnošenje zahtjeva iz članka 18. i 19. ovoga

Zakona, 3. za podnošenje zahtjeva iz članka 44. ovoga

Zakona, 4. za podnošenje žalbe iz članka 74.a ovoga Za-

kona, 5. za podnošenje zahtjeva za povrat u prijašnje

stanje prema odredbama Zakona o općem upravnom postupku,

6. za sve radnje u postupcima pred Zavodom u kojima sudjeluje više stranaka.

(5) Ako je Zavod udovoljio zahtjevu iz stavka 1. ovo- ga članka, smatrat će se da posljedice propuštanja roka nisu nastupile, te će se poništiti sva rješenja i zaključci koje je donio u svezi s propuštanjem.«

Članak 7. U članku 38. dodaje se novi stavak 2. koji glasi: »(2) U slučaju prijenosa žiga u odnosu na samo

neke od proizvoda i/ili usluga za koje je žig registriran, registracija će se razdvojiti u skladu s odredbama članka 33. ovoga Zakona.«

Dosadašnji stavci 2., 3. i 4. postaju stavci 3., 4. i 5.

Članak 8. U članku 49. stavku 2. točki 4. iza riječi: »Zakona«

točka se zamjenjuje zarezom te se dodaje točka 5. koja glasi:

»5. na zahtjev nositelja ranijeg žiga iz članka 6. stavka 8. ovoga Zakona.«

Iza stavka 2. dodaje se novi stavak 3. koji glasi: »(3) Postupak za proglašavanje ništavim može se

pokrenuti na zahtjev zainteresirane osobe i u slučaju kada je nositelj žiga čije se proglašenje ništavim zahti- jeva u trenutku podnošenja prijave za registraciju toga žiga postupao u zloj vjeri.«

Dosadašnji stavci 3. i 4. postaju stavci 4. i 5. U dosadašnjem stavku 5. koji postaje stavak 6.

brojka: »3.« zamjenjuje se brojkom »2.«. Dosadašnji stavci 6. i 7. postaju stavci 7. i 8.

**NN 30/2009 (u primjeni od 17. 03. 2009.)


Članak 9. U članku 50. stavku 1. brojke: »3., 4., 5., 6. i 8.«

zamjenjuju se brojkama: »2., 3., 4., 5., 6. i 8.«.

Članak 10. U članku 51. stavku 4. riječi: »stavka 3.« zamjenjuju

se riječima: »stavka 2. i 3.«.

Članak 11. Članak 54. mijenja se i glasi: »Kao jamstveni žig može se zaštititi svaki znak u

smislu članka 2. ovoga Zakona koji je namijenjen za označavanje kakvoće, podrijetla, načina proizvodnje ili drugih zajedničkih obilježja proizvoda ili usluga. Nositelj jamstvenog žiga nije ovlašten na samostalnu uporabu jamstvenoga žiga, već je, u odnosu na poduzetnike koji prema Ugovoru o jamstvenom žigu imaju ovlaštenje na uporabu jamstvenog žiga, ovlašten odobravati i nadzirati takvu uporabu.«

Članak 12. Iza članka 63. dodaju se naslov i članak 63.a koji



Članak 63.a (1) Ako su na dan ili prije dana brisanja međunarod-

ne registracije iz međunarodnog registra ispunjene sve pretpostavke koje su Protokolom propisane za pretvara- nje (transformaciju) međunarodno registriranog žiga koji je zaštićen na području Republike Hrvatske u nacionalni žig, takav žig će se na zahtjev njegova nositelja upisati u registar žigova koji vodi Zavod prema ovome Zakonu, uz uvjet da je prethodno plaćena naknada troškova za održavanje žiga u vrijednosti tijekom prvog desetogo- dišnjeg razdoblja te za objavu podataka o žigu.

(2) Kao datum registracije nacionalnog žiga nasta- log pretvaranjem (transformacijom) u skladu sa stavkom 1. ovoga članka, uzima se datum međunarodne registra- cije žiga koji je osnova za pretvaranje (transformaciju).

(3) Međunarodno registrirani žig koji nije zaštićen na području Republike Hrvatske na dan ili prije dana brisa- nja međunarodne registracije iz međunarodnog registra, u odnosu na kojeg su postupci i mjere poduzeti pred Zavodom te koji su na dan ili prije dana podnošenja za- htjeva za pretvaranje (transformaciju) u tijeku, smatraju se sastavnim dijelom postupka nacionalne prijave žiga koji se provodi u skladu s odredbama ovoga Zakona.

(4) Kao datum nacionalne prijave žiga iz stavka 3. ovoga članka koja proizlazi iz zahtjeva za pretvaranje (transformaciju) uzima se datum međunarodne regi- stracije žiga za koju je zatraženo proširenje zaštite na područje Republike Hrvatske.«

Članak 13. Naslov iznad članka 66. mijenja se i glasi: »DOKA-


Članak 66. mijenja se i glasi:

»(1) Za potrebe dokazivanja uporabe međunarodno registriranog žiga u postupku povodom prigovora, u postupku proglašavanja žiga ništavim te u postupku opoziva međunarodno registriranog žiga, kao datum međunarodne registracije žiga uzima se datum kada je istekao jednogodišnji rok koji teče od dana koji slijedi nakon datuma obavijesti (notifikacije) Međunarodnog ureda o zahtjevu za proširenje zaštite međunarodno registriranog žiga na područje Republike Hrvatske.

(2) Ako istekom jednogodišnjeg roka iz stavka 1. ovoga članka postupak povodom zahtjeva za proširenje zaštite međunarodno registriranog žiga na područje Republike Hrvatske nije okončan, kao datum među- narodne registracije uzima se datum kada je Zavod obavijestio Međunarodni ured o svojoj konačnoj odluci o odobravanju zaštite.«

Članak 14. U članku 67. stavak 5. briše se.

Članak 15. U članku 67.c stavku 1. riječi: »žig Zajednice je raniji

žig« zamjenjuju se riječima: »prijava žiga Zajednice i žig Zajednice su raniji žigovi«.

Članak 16. Naslov iznad članka 67.e mijenja se i glasi: »PRE-


Članak 67.e mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Na temelju zahtjeva za pretvaranje prijave

žiga Zajednice, odnosno žiga Zajednice u nacionalnu prijavu žiga podnesenog u skladu s odredbom članka 109. stavka 3. Uredbe o žigu Zajednice, Zavod provo- di postupak za registraciju žiga sukladno odredbama ovoga Zakona.

(2) Upravne pristojbe i naknade troškova u postupku registracije iz stavka 1. ovoga članka plaćaju se u skladu s odredbama ovoga Zakona i drugim propisima.

(3) Zavod obavještava podnositelja zahtjeva iz stavka 1. ovoga članka o njegovom primitku te ga po- ziva da u roku od 60 dana dostavi prijevod prijave žiga Zajednice na hrvatski jezik.

(4) Datum podnošenja, datum prvenstva i seniorite određuju se u skladu sa odredbom članka 108. stavka 3. Uredbe o žigu Zajednice.«

Članak 17. U članku 67.g stavak 2. briše se.

Članak 18. Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu osmoga dana od dana

objave u »Narodnim novinama«.

24 ***NN 49/2011, 29. 04. 2011. (u primjeni od 07. 05. 2011.)


Članak 1. U Zakonu o žigu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03.,

76/07. i 30/09.) u članku 20. stavku 2. riječi: »upravnih akata« zamjenjuju se riječju: »rješenja«, a zadnja re- čenica briše se.

Stavak 3. briše se. U dosadašnjem stavku 4., koji postaje stavak 3., ri-

ječi: »upravnih akata« zamjenjuju se riječju: »rješenja«.

Članak 2. U članku 22. stavku 1. riječi: »poziva podnositelja«

zamjenjuju se riječima: »zaključkom nalaže podnosite- lju«, a riječ: »poziva« zamjenjuje se riječju: »zaključka«.

U stavku 2. riječ: »pozivom« zamjenjuje se riječju: »zaključkom«.

U stavku 3. riječi: »poziva podnositelja« zamjenjuju se riječima: »zaključkom nalaže podnositelju«, a riječ: »poziva« zamjenjuje se riječju: »zaključka«.

Članak 3. U članku 23. riječ: »pozivu« zamjenjuje se riječju:

»zaključku«, a riječ: »zaključkom« zamjenjuje se riječju: »rješenjem«.

Članak 4. U članku 24. stavak 1. mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Ako Zavod utvrdi da postoji neki od razloga za

odbijanje žiga prema članku 5. stavku 1. ovoga Zakona pisanim putem obavijestit će podnositelja prijave za registraciju žiga o razlozima odbijanja i pozvati ga da se očituje i podnese dokaze o mogućim novim činjenicama koje bi mogle utjecati na konačnu odluku Zavoda.«.

U stavku 2. riječi: »te podnijeti dokaze o mogućim novim činjenicama koje bi mogle utjecati na konačnu odluku Zavoda« brišu se.

Iza stavka 3. dodaju se stavci 4. i 5. koji glase: »(4) Ako se podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga

ne očituje u propisanom roku na obavijest o odbijanju u odnosu na sve proizvode ili usluge za koje je zatražena registracija ili u svom očitovanju ne ospori razloge takva odbijanja, donosi se rješenje o odbijanju registracije u cijelosti.

(5) Ako se podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga ne očituje u propisanom roku na obavijest o djelomičnom odbijanju registracije žiga ili ako se u postupku povodom očitovanja na obavijest o odbijanju u odnosu na sve proizvode ili usluge za koje je zatražena registracija utvrdi da znak ne udovoljava uvjetima za registraciju u odnosu na samo neke proizvode ili usluge za koje je zatražena registracija, donosi se djelomično rješenje o odbijanju registracije.«.

Članak 5. U članku 25. dodaje se novi stavak 2. koji glasi: »(2) Kada je registracija žiga djelomično odbijena

sukladno članku 24. stavku 5. ovoga Zakona podaci iz prijave u odnosu na proizvode ili usluge za koje se zatražena registracija može odobriti objavit će se po pravomoćnosti toga djelomičnog rješenja.«.

Dosadašnji stavak 2. postaje stavak 3.

Članak 6. U članku 28. stavku 2. riječ: »zaključkom« zamje-

njuje se riječju: »rješenjem«.

Članak 7. U članku 29. dodaje se novi stavak 3. koji glasi: »(3) Zavod će podnositelju prijave za registraciju

žiga proslijediti primjerak očitovanja na zahtjev za dokaz uporabe nositelja ranijeg žiga i pozvati ga da se očituje u roku od 30 dana od dana primitka poziva.«.

Dosadašnji stavci 3., 4. i 5. postaju stavci 4., 5. i 6. Iza dosadašnjeg stavka 6., koji postaje stavak 7.,

dodaju se stavci 8. i 9. koji glase: »(8) Podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga i pod-

nositelj prigovora mogu zahtjevom koji oboje potpišu i podnesu tijekom postupka ispitivanja prigovora zatražiti da Zavod zastane sa postupkom ispitivanja prigovora u svrhu pokušaja sklapanja nagodbe.

(9) Zavod će nastaviti s postupkom ispitivanja prigo- vora na zahtjev bilo podnositelja prijave za registraciju žiga ili podnositelja prigovora a najkasnije u roku od 24 mjeseca od podnošenja prvog zahtjeva iz stavka 8. ovoga članka ako do isteka toga roka postupak ne bude okončan.«.

Članak 8. U članku 30. iza stavka 2. dodaje se stavak 3. koji

glasi: »(3) Ako podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga

ograniči popis proizvoda ili usluga nakon podnesenog prigovora na registraciju žiga, Zavod će podnositelja prigovora obavijestiti o ograničenju popisa proizvoda ili usluga te ga pozvati da se u roku od 15 dana od dana primitka poziva očituje ostaje li i dalje pri podnesenom prigovoru. Ako podnositelj Zavod ne obavijesti da ostaje pri podnesenom prigovoru, Zavod će smatrati da je od prigovora odustao te će obustaviti postupak po prigovoru.«.

Članak 9. U članku 32. stavak 1. mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Ako razlozi navedeni u članku 5. stavku 1. i

članku 6. ovoga Zakona ne čine zapreku za registraciju,


Zavod će podnositelju prijave zaključkom naložiti da plati propisanu naknadu troškova za održavanje žiga u vrijednosti tijekom prvoga desetogodišnjeg razdoblja i za objavu podataka o žigu u roku od 30 dana od dana primitka tog zaključka.«.

U stavku 2. riječ: »zaključkom« zamjenjuje se riječ- ju: »rješenjem«.

Iza stavka 2. dodaje se stavak 3. koji glasi: »(3) Ako naknada troškova iz stavka 1. ovoga

članka bude uplaćena u roku žig se upisuje u registar žigova.«.

Članak 10. U članku 36.a stavak 3. mijenja se i glasi: »(3) Ako propuštene radnje nisu izvršene u roku iz

stavka 2. ovoga članka zahtjev za nastavak postupka se rješenjem odbacuje.«.

Članak 11. U članku 39. stavak 4. mijenja se i glasi: »(4) Na zahtjev jedne od strana licencija se upisuje

u registar, ako je Zavodu podnesen izvadak iz ugovora o licenciji iz kojeg se vide stranke toga ugovora i prava koja se licenciraju, ovjeren kao stvaran izvadak iz toga ugovora ili izvornik potvrde o davanju licencije potpisan od davatelja i stjecatelja licencije.«.

Članak 12. U članku 40. stavku 4. riječi: »ili ovrhe« brišu se.

Članak 13. U članku 47. stavku 2. riječ: »zaključkom« zamje-

njuje se riječju: »rješenjem«. U stavku 3. riječi: »poziva podnositelja« zamjenjuju

se riječima »zaključkom nalaže podnositelju«, a riječ: »poziva« zamjenjuje se riječju: »zaključka«.

U stavku 4. riječ: »pozivu« zamjenjuje se riječju: »zaključku«, a riječ: »zaključkom« zamjenjuje se riječju »rješenjem«.

Stavak 6. briše se. Iza dosadašnjeg stavka 7., koji postaje stavak 6.,

dodaju se novi stavci 7. i 8. koji glase: »(7) Zavod će podnositelju zahtjeva za opoziv žiga

proslijediti primjerak očitovanja na zahtjev za opoziv nositelja žiga i pozvati ga da se očituje u roku od 60 dana od dana primitka poziva.

(8) Na zahtjev, rokovi iz stavka 3., 5. i 7. ovoga članka mogu se produžiti najviše za 60 dana.«.

Dosadašnji stavak 8. postaje stavak 9.

Članak 14. U članku 48. stavak 1. mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Nakon proteka roka iz članka 47. stavka 7.

ovoga Zakona, Zavod ispituje opravdanost razloga navedenih u zahtjevu za opoziv žiga.«.

Članak 15. U članku 50. stavku 2. riječ: »zaključkom« zamje-

njuje se riječju: »rješenjem«. U stavku 3. riječi: »poziva podnositelja« zamjenjuju

se riječima: »zaključkom nalaže podnositelju«, a riječ: »poziva« zamjenjuje se riječju: »zaključka«.

U stavku 4. riječ: »pozivu« zamjenjuje se riječju: »zaključku«, a riječ: »zaključkom« zamjenjuje se riječju: »rješenjem«.

Članak 16. U članku 61. stavku 2. riječi: »poziva podnositelja«

zamjenjuju se riječima: »zaključkom nalaže podnosite- lju«, a riječ: »poziva« zamjenjuje se riječju: »zaključka«.

Stavak 5. mijenja se i glasi: »(5) Ako podnositelj prijave za registraciju žiga ili

zahtjeva za upis promjena u međunarodnom registru u propisanom roku ne postupi prema zaključku Zavoda i ne ukloni utvrđene nedostatke u smislu stavka 2. ovo- ga članka, ili ako prijavu ili zahtjev prema Madridskom sporazumu, Protokolu te Zajedničkim pravilnikom nije moguće podnijeti Zavodu, prijava ili zahtjev se rješenjem odbacuju.«.

Članak 17. U članku 67. stavku 1. riječi: »poziva ga« zamjenjuju

se riječima: »zaključkom mu nalaže«, a riječ: »poziva« zamjenjuje se riječju: »zaključka«.

Članak 18. U članku 67.e stavku 3. riječi: »ga poziva« zamje-

njuju se riječima: »mu zaključkom nalaže«.

Članak 19. Naslov iznad članka 68. mijenja se i glasi: »ISPRAV-

LJANJE POGREŠAKA«. Članak 68. mijenja se i glasi: »(1) Kada upis u registar žiga ili objava prijave ili

registracije žiga sadrži pogrešku do koje je došlo propu- stom Zavoda, Zavod će ispraviti pogrešku po službenoj dužnosti ili na zahtjev stranke.

(2) Za zahtjev za ispravak pogreške iz stavka 1. ovoga članka ne plaća se pristojba i naknada troškova.

(3) Zavod će objaviti ispravke pogrešaka učinjene u skladu s ovim člankom.«.

Članak 20. Iza članka 68. dodaje se naslov i članak 68.a koji


Članak 68. a (1) Prijava za registraciju žiga može se podnijeti

Zavodu neposredno u pisanom obliku, poštom ili elek- troničkim putem.

(2) Zahtjevi za pokretanje ostalih postupaka uređe- nih ovim Zakonom podnose se Zavodu neposredno u


pisanom obliku ili poštom. (3) Uvjeti i način na koji se prijava za registraciju žiga

te ostali zahtjevi za pokretanje postupaka dostavljaju Zavodu propisat će se Pravilnikom.«

Članak 21. U članku 69. stavak 2. briše se.

Članak 22. U članku 74.a riječ: »odluka« u odgovarajućem

broju i padežu zamjenjuje se riječju: »rješenje« u odgovarajućem broju i padežu.

Članak 23. Ministar nadležan za rad Zavoda, na prijedlog

ravnatelja Zavoda, uskladit će Pravilnik iz članka 83. Zakona o žigu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03., 76/07. i 30/09.) s odredbama ovoga Zakona najkasnije u roku od dva mjeseca od dana stupanja na snagu ovoga Zakona.

Članak 24. Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu osmoga dana od dana

objave u »Narodnim novinama«.


Članak 1. U Zakonu o žigu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03.,

54/05., 76/07., 30/09. i 49/11.) u članku 20. stavci 2. i 3. mijenjaju se i glase:

»(2) Protiv rješenja Zavoda žalba nije dopuštena, ali se može pokrenuti upravni spor pred Upravnim sudom u Zagrebu.

(3) Postupak iz stavka 2. ovoga članka je hitan.«.

Članak 2. U članku 36.a stavku 4. točka 4. briše se. Dosadašnje točke 5. i 6. postaju točke 4. i 5.

Članak 3. Naziv dijela dvanaestog: »ŽALBA«, naslovi iznad

članaka i članci 74.a do 74.d brišu se.

Članak 4. U članku 79.e stavku 3. iza riječi: »Zavod« riječi:

»odnosno Žalbeno vijeće« brišu se.


Članak 5. Ministar nadležan za nadzor nad radom Državnog

zavoda za intelektualno vlasništvo uskladit će Pravilnik o žigu (»Narodne novine«, br. 117/07., 66/11., 125/13. i 43/17.) s odredbama ovoga Zakona u roku od 30 dana od dana stupanja na snagu ovoga Zakona.

Članak 6. (1) Upravni postupci započeti po odredbama

Zakona o žigu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03., 54/05., 76/07., 30/09. i 49/11.) u kojima je Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo kao tijelo prvog stupnja donio rješenje do dana stupanja na snagu ovoga Zakona, dovršit će se po odredbama toga Zakona i propisa donesenih na temelju toga Zakona.

(2) Žalbena vijeća u području prava industrijskog vlasništva osnovana i imenovana temeljem Zakona o patentu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03., 54/05., 87/05., 76/07., 30/09., 128/10., 49/11. i 76/13.) nastavljaju s radom sukladno odredbama toga Zakona i propisa donesenih na temelju toga Zakona dok svi upravni postupci iz stavka 1. ovoga članka ne budu pravomoćno riješeni, nakon čega prestaju s radom.

(3) U slučaju da zbog razrješenja predsjednika ili članova Žalbenih vijeća iz stavka 2. ovoga članka ne bude moguće odrediti Žalbeno vijeće koje odlučuje o žalbi, iznimno se može provesti postupak izbora i imenovanja predsjednika ili potrebnog broja članova Žalbenih vijeća sukladno odredbama Zakona o patentu (»Narodne novine«, br. 173/03., 54/05., 87/05., 76/07., 30/09., 128/10., 49/11. i 76/13.), za potrebe rješavanja predmeta iz stavka 1. ovoga članka.

Članak 7. Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu osmoga dana od dana

objave u »Narodnim novinama«.


****NN 46/2018, 18. 05. 2018. (u primjeni od 26. 05. 2018.)

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