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Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975 (consolidated as of December 3, 2015), 澳大利亚

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 Human Services (Medicare) Act 1973 (consolidated as of December 3, 2015)

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Human Services (Medicare)

Regulations 1975

Statutory Rules No. 27, 1975

made under the

Human Services (Medicare) Act 1973

Compilation No. 26

Compilation date: 3 December 2015

Includes amendments up to: SLI No. 212, 2015

Registered: 23 December 2015

Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975 that

shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 3 December 2015 (the

compilation date).

This compilation was prepared on 14 December 2015.

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information

about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled


Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the

compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible

on ComLaw (www.comlaw.gov.au). The details of amendments made up to, but

not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For

more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on

ComLaw for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and


If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by

an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this

compilation, details are included in the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as

modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly,

this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For

more information on any modifications, see the series page on ComLaw for the

compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a

provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007



Part 1—Preliminary 1 Name of Regulations .........................................................................1

2 Commencement.................................................................................1

3 Definitions.........................................................................................1

3A Person affected by an emergency ......................................................3

Part 2—Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act 4 4 Terms used in this Part ......................................................................4

4A Application ........................................................................................4

5 Request information relating to payments .........................................4

6 Classification of care recipients.........................................................4

7 Renewal and change of classifications ..............................................5

8 Certification of residential care service .............................................6

9 Payment of subsidies .........................................................................6

9A Functions relating to financial hardship.............................................7

10 Notification of start of care................................................................8

11 Reconsideration and review of decisions...........................................8

12 Protection of information...................................................................9

13 Powers of officers..............................................................................9

14 Recovery of overpayments—subsidies............................................10

15 Recovery of overpayments—Subsidies and grants..........................10

16 Extension of time for giving information relating to

application .......................................................................................11

17 Aged Care Principles .......................................................................12

Part 3—Prescribed functions—general 13 18 Prescribed functions ........................................................................13

19 Delegated functions .........................................................................13

20 Functions in relation to prescription shopping.................................13

21 Functions in relation to provision of emergency services................16

23 Function in relation to lifetime health cover....................................18

24 Functions in relation to inappropriate practices ...............................18

25 Functions in relation to provision of pharmaceutical benefits .........19

26 Functions in relation to hearing services .........................................20

27 Functions in relation to military compensation................................22

28 Functions in relation to claims for treatment provided under

certain legislation.............................................................................22

29 Function in relation to registration of sonographers ........................23

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

30 Function in relation to mental health care by medical

practitioners .....................................................................................23

30A Functions in relation to National Bowel Cancer Screening


31 Functions in relation to allocation of identification numbers...........25

Part 4—Miscellaneous 26 32 Prescribed period.............................................................................26

Endnotes 27

Endnote 1—About the endnotes 27

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key 29

Endnote 3—Legislation history 30

Endnote 4—Amendment history 33

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Preliminary Part 1

Regulation 1

Part 1—Preliminary

1 Name of Regulations

These Regulations are the Human Services (Medicare)

Regulations 1975.

2 Commencement

These Regulations shall be deemed to have come into operation on

19 September 1974.

3 Definitions

In these Regulations:

Act means the Human Services (Medicare) Act 1973.

Aged Care Act means the Aged Care Act 1997.

Aged Care Department means the Department administered by the

Aged Care Minister.

Aged Care Minister means the Minister administering the Aged

Care Act.

Aged Care Secretary means the Secretary of the Aged Care


Aged Care Transitional Act means the Aged Care (Transitional

Provisions) Act 1997.

approved supplier has the meaning given by subsection 84(1) of

the National Health Act.

de-identified has the meaning given by subsection 6(1) of the

Privacy Act 1988.

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Part 1 Preliminary

Regulation 3

emergency means an emergency or disaster that occurs in

Australia, or that affects one or more Australian citizens or

permanent residents, and includes:

(a) an emergency or disaster that has been the subject of a

declaration under section 80J or 80K of the Privacy Act

1988; or

(b) any circumstance in relation to which the Australian

Government has decided that a program of special assistance

involving the provision of a service, benefit, program or

facility is to be implemented.


1 A natural disaster.

2 A terrorist act.

healthcare providers includes:

(a) medical practitioners; and

(b) prescribers; and

(c) pharmacists; and

(d) approved suppliers; and

(e) dentists; and

(f) State and Territory health departments; and

(g) State and Territory mental health authorities; and

(h) private and public pain management clinics; and

(i) private and public alcohol or drug detoxification centres; and

(j) private and public hospitals.

Health Department means the Department administered by the

Minister administering the National Health Act.

Health Insurance Act means the Health Insurance Act 1973.

lifetime health cover has the meaning given by section 31-1 of the

Private Health Insurance Act.

National Health Act means the National Health Act 1953.

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Preliminary Part 1

Regulation 3A

PBS information means information collected for the

administration of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme established

under Part VII of the National Health Act.

person affected by an emergency has a meaning affected by

regulation 3A.

personal information has the meaning given by subsection 6 (1) of

the Privacy Act 1988.

Pharmaceutical Benefits Regulations means the National Health

(Pharmaceutical Benefits) Regulations 1960.

Private Health Insurance Act means the Private Health Insurance

Act 2007.

reappraisal period is the period under section 27-2 of the Aged

Care Act in which a reappraisal of the classification of the level of

care needed by an aged care recipient must be made.

State or Territory body means:

(a) a State or Territory Minister; or

(b) a Department of a State or Territory; or

(c) a body (whether incorporated or not) established for a public

purpose under a law of a State or Territory.

3A Person affected by an emergency

In these Regulations, a reference to a person affected by an

emergency includes:

(a) a person who is indirectly affected by the emergency; and

(b) an individual who has a family member who is directly or

indirectly affected by the emergency; and

(c) an unincorporated organisation that is directly or indirectly

affected by an emergency.

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Part 2 Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act

Regulation 4

Part 2—Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act

4 Terms used in this Part

A term that is used in this Part and in the Aged Care Act has the

same meaning in this Part as it has in that Act.

Note: The following terms are defined in clause 1 of Schedule 1 to the Aged

Care Act:

 aged care service

 approved provider

 flexible care subsidy

 protected information

 recoverable amount

 residential care service.

4A Application

This Part sets out prescribed functions for paragraph 5(1)(e) of the


5 Request information relating to payments

It is a prescribed function of the Chief Executive Medicare, on

behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to request an approved provider

to give the Chief Executive Medicare information relating to

payments made under the Aged Care Act or the Aged Care

Transitional Act, in accordance with subsection 9-3(1) of the Aged

Care Act.

6 Classification of care recipients

Each of the following is a prescribed function of the Chief

Executive Medicare:

(a) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to classify a care

recipient in accordance with section 25-1 of the Aged Care

Act according to the level of care the care recipient needs,

relative to the needs of other care recipients;

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act Part 2

Regulation 7

(b) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to receive an appraisal

of the level of care needed by a care recipient made under

section 25-3 (and for the purposes of sections 26-1 and 26-2)

of the Aged Care Act;

(c) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to decide under

subsection 26-2(2) of the Aged Care Act, and having regard

to any relevant information under subsection 26-2(3) of that

Act, whether an appraisal of a care recipient was sent in

sufficient time to be received by the Aged Care Secretary, in

the ordinary course of events, within the period specified in

paragraph 26-1(a) or (b) as the case may be.

7 Renewal and change of classifications

The Chief Executive Medicare has the following functions, to be

carried out on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary:

(a) in accordance with section 27-6 of the Aged Care Act:

(i) to receive a reappraisal of the level of care needed by a

care recipient; and

(ii) to renew the classification of a care recipient;

(b) to make a decision under subsection 27-8(2) of the Aged

Care Act:

(i) about whether a reappraisal of the level of care needed

by a care recipient was sent in sufficient time to be

received, in the ordinary course of events, within the

reappraisal period; and

(ii) having regard to any relevant information under

subsection 27-8(3) of that Act;

(c) if the Chief Executive Medicare, acting on behalf of the Aged

Care Secretary, is not satisfied that a reappraisal received

outside the reappraisal period was sent in sufficient time—to

notify the approved provider under subsection 27-8(4) of the

Aged Care Act;

(d) to change a classification of a care recipient in accordance

with subsection 29-1(1) of the Aged Care Act;

(e) in accordance with subsection 29-1(3) of the Aged Care Act,

to review a classification of a care recipient before changing

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Part 2 Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act

Regulation 8

the recipient’s classification under subsection 29-1(1) of that


(f) in accordance with subsection 29-1(4) of the Aged Care Act,

to notify an approved provider that is providing care to a care

recipient that the classification of the care recipient has


8 Certification of residential care service

It is a prescribed function of the Chief Executive Medicare to keep

a record of the payment of application fees for certification of a

residential care service received under paragraph 38-1(2)(b) of the

Aged Care Act.

9 Payment of subsidies

(1) Subject to subregulation (3), each of the following is a prescribed

function of the Chief Executive Medicare:

(a) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to perform the

functions conferred on the Aged Care Secretary by:

(i) Parts 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of the Aged Care Act; and

(ii) Parts 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of the Aged Care Transitional Act;

(b) on behalf of the Commonwealth, to make payments of

subsidies, and do anything necessary for the purpose of

making such payments, in accordance with any of the

provisions mentioned in paragraph (a).

(2) Each of the following is also a prescribed function of the Chief

Executive Medicare:

(a) to make a record of information obtained in performing a

function specified by subregulation (1);

(b) to disclose that information to the Aged Care Minister, Aged

Care Secretary or an officer of the Aged Care Department for

use by that person in the exercise of powers under the Aged

Care Act or the Aged Care Transitional Act.

(3) It is not a prescribed function of the Chief Executive Medicare to

do any of the following:

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act Part 2

Regulation 9A

(a) approve a form that the Aged Care Secretary is required to

approve under:

(i) Part 3.1 or 3.2 of the Aged Care Act; or

(ii) Part 3.1 or 3.2 of the Aged Care Transitional Act;

(b) make a determination under section 42-5 of the Aged Care


(c) revoke a determination under section 42-6 of the Aged Care


(d) make a determination under:

(i) subsection 44-20(5) or (6) of the Aged Care Act; or

(ii) subsection 44-20(5) or (6) of the Aged Care Transitional


(e) under section 44-20A of the Aged Care Act:

(i) require a person to give information or produce a

document; or

(ii) make a determination;

(f) perform a function or exercise a power of the Aged Care

Minister in relation to the determination or payment of a

subsidy under any of the provisions in paragraph (1)(a);

(g) enter into an agreement in relation to the payment of flexible

care subsidy, in accordance with Part 2 of Chapter 4 of the

Subsidy Principles 2014.

9A Functions relating to financial hardship

(1) Subject to subregulation (2), each of the following is a prescribed

function of the Chief Executive Medicare, to be carried out on

behalf of the Aged Care Secretary:

(a) to perform the functions conferred on the Aged Care

Secretary by Division 52K of the Aged Care Act;

(b) to perform the functions conferred on the Aged Care

Secretary by sections 57-14 and 57-15 of the Aged Care

Transitional Act;

(c) to perform the functions conferred on the Aged Care

Secretary by sections 57A-9 and 57A-10 of the Aged Care

Transitional Act.

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Part 2 Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act

Regulation 10

(2) It is not a prescribed function of the Chief Executive Medicare to

approve a form that the Aged Care Secretary is required to approve

under a provision mentioned in subregulation (1).

10 Notification of start of care

(1) Each of the following is a prescribed function of the Chief

Executive Medicare, to be carried out on behalf of the Aged Care


(a) to receive notice under subsection 63-1B(2) of the Aged Care

Act of a care recipient who enters a residential care service;

(b) to receive notice under Division 2 of Part 3 of the

Accountability Principles 2014 of a care recipient who starts

to be provided with home care.

(2) The prescribed functions in subregulation (1) do not include the

function of approving the form in which notice is to be given.

11 Reconsideration and review of decisions

Each of the following is a prescribed function of the Chief

Executive Medicare, to be carried out on behalf of the Aged Care


(a) to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Aged

Care Secretary under Part 6.1 of the Aged Care Act for a

reviewable decision described in any of the following items

of the table in section 85-1 of that Act:

(i) items 28 to 31;

(ii) items 39AA and 39AB;

(iii) items 45 to 49B;

(iv) items 53 to 53D;

(v) items 53F to 53H;

(b) to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Aged

Care Secretary under Part 6.1 of the Aged Care Transitional

Act for a reviewable decision described in any of the

following items of the table in section 85-1 of that Act:

(i) items 39AA to 41;

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act Part 2

Regulation 12

(ii) items 44 to 46;

(iii) items 48 to 53C;

(c) to act in any legal proceeding that concerns the exercise of

powers or performance of functions by the Chief Executive

Medicare under paragraph (a) or (b).

12 Protection of information

Each of the following is a prescribed function of the Chief

Executive Medicare:

(a) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to make decisions, and

exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Aged

Care Secretary under section 86-3 of the Aged Care Act and

to disclose protected information as permitted by those


(b) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to make information

about an aged care service publicly available as permitted by

subsections 86-9(1) and (2) of the Aged Care Act.

13 Powers of officers

Each of the following is a prescribed function of the Chief

Executive Medicare:

(a) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to appoint a person by

written instrument under section 90-3 of the Aged Care Act

to be an authorised officer for the purposes of section 93-1 of

that Act, but only in relation to a matter described in

paragraph 93-1(2)(b) of that Act;

(b) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to obtain information

and documents in accordance with subsection 93-1 (1) of the

Aged Care Act, by requiring a person to attend before an

authorised officer, but only in relation to a matter described

in paragraph 93-1(2)(b) of that Act;

(c) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to cause an identity

card to be issued in accordance with section 94-1 of the Aged

Care Act:

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Part 2 Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act

Regulation 14

(i) to each person appointed by the Chief Executive

Medicare under the function prescribed by

paragraph (a); and

(ii) which specifies, in addition to the matters mentioned in

subsections 94-1(2) and (3) of the Aged Care Act, that

the person to whom the card is issued is appointed as an

authorised officer only in relation to a matter described

in paragraph 93-1(2)(b) of that Act.

14 Recovery of overpayments—subsidies

(1) Each of the following is a prescribed function of the Chief

Executive Medicare:

(a) to investigate whether the Commonwealth has paid to a

person, by way of subsidy under Chapter 3 of the Aged Care

Act or Chapter 3 of the Aged Care Transitional Act, an

amount that is a recoverable amount;

(b) on behalf of the Commonwealth, to take action to recover an

amount that is a recoverable amount (or part of it):

(i) under section 95-2 of the Aged Care Act, in a court of

competent jurisdiction; or

(ii) by any other means;

(c) on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, to determine to do

anything permitted by section 95-6 of the Aged Care Act in

relation to a debt or class of debts arising, or an amount of a

debt payable, under Chapter 3 of that Act or Chapter 3 of the

Aged Care Transitional Act.

(2) In this regulation:

recoverable amount has the meaning given by subsection 95-1(1)

of the Aged Care Act.

15 Recovery of overpayments—Subsidies and grants

(1) Each of the following is a prescribed function of the Chief

Executive Medicare:

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act Part 2

Regulation 16

(a) to decide, for section 95-3 of the Aged Care Act, if a

recoverable amount (or part of it) that an approved provider

is liable to pay should be deducted from one or more other

amounts payable to the approved provider under that Act or

the Aged Care Transitional Act;

(b) to decide, for section 95-4 of the Aged Care Act, if a

recoverable amount (or part of it) should be deducted from

one or more other amounts payable under that Act or the

Aged Care Transitional Act to a transferee (within the

meaning given by section 95-4 of the Aged Care Act);

(c) to decide:

(i) if the Commonwealth is liable to make a refund to a

transferee (within the meaning given by section 95-5 of

the Aged Care Act) under subsection 95-5(1) of that

Act; and

(ii) if the Commonwealth is liable to make a refund under

subsection 95-5(1) of the Aged Care Act—the amount

of the refund payable to a transferee mentioned in

subparagraph (i) in accordance with subsection 95-5(2)

of that Act.

16 Extension of time for giving information relating to application

(1) It is a prescribed function of the Chief Executive Medicare, on

behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, under subsection 96-7(2) of the

Aged Care Act:

(a) to receive and consider an applicant’s request to extend a

period in which the applicant has been requested to give

further information in relation to an application under that

Act; and

(b) to extend the period if the Chief Executive Medicare

considers it appropriate to do so.

(2) It is a prescribed function of the Chief Executive Medicare, on

behalf of the Aged Care Secretary, under subsection 96-7(2) of the

Aged Care Transitional Act:

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Part 2 Prescribed functions—Aged Care Act

Regulation 17

(a) to receive and consider an applicant’s request to extend a

period in which the applicant has been requested to give

further information in relation to an application under that

Act; and

(b) to extend the period if the Chief Executive Medicare

considers it appropriate to do so.

17 Aged Care Principles

(1) This regulation applies if:

(a) it is a prescribed function of the Chief Executive Medicare

under this Part to perform a function, or exercise a power, of

the Aged Care Secretary on behalf of the Aged Care

Secretary; and

(b) the performance of that function or the exercise of that power

by the Aged Care Secretary requires or permits the Aged

Care Secretary to act under, or in accordance with, a

provision of any Principles made under section 96-1 of the

Aged Care Act or section 96-1 of the Aged Care Transitional


(2) It is a prescribed function of the Chief Executive Medicare to act

on behalf of the Aged Care Secretary under, or in accordance with,

the relevant provision of the Principles.

(3) This regulation is for the avoidance of doubt.

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Prescribed functions—general Part 3

Regulation 18

Part 3—Prescribed functions—general

18 Prescribed functions

For paragraph 5(1)(e) of the Act, this Part prescribes functions of

the Chief Executive Medicare.

19 Delegated functions

(1) A prescribed function is to perform functions delegated to the

Chief Executive Medicare under:

(a) a law of the Commonwealth; or

(b) a law of a State or Territory.

(2) Paragraph (1)(b) applies only if the Chief Executive Medicare is

allowed by sections 8AD and 8AE of the Act to perform the


20 Functions in relation to prescription shopping

(1) A prescribed function is to detect and prevent prescription

shopping, which includes the functions mentioned in this


(2) The Chief Executive Medicare may use PBS information

(including personal information) for the performance of the

functions mentioned in this regulation.

(3) The education and prevention function is to:

(a) promote awareness of the Prescription Shopping Program to

healthcare providers, prescription shoppers and the general

public; and

(b) promote measures to assist healthcare providers to manage

prescription shoppers or people who may be at risk of

prescription shopping; and

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Part 3 Prescribed functions—general

Regulation 20

(c) educate healthcare providers and prescription shoppers about

the law and requirements within which the Prescription

Shopping Program operates; and

(d) encourage prescription shoppers to have a nominated

prescriber; and

(e) encourage prescribers to become nominated prescribers; and

(f) encourage communication between prescribers, approved

suppliers and pharmacists; and

(g) discourage inefficient and improper use of pharmaceutical


(4) The identification and detection function is to:

(a) identify prescription shoppers, prescribers prescribing

pharmaceutical benefits to prescription shoppers and

approved suppliers supplying pharmaceutical benefits to

prescription shoppers; and

(b) establish and maintain databases containing information

about prescription shoppers; and

(c) detect and identify prescription shoppers who may be

improperly using, stockpiling, swapping, diverting or

illegally dealing with pharmaceutical benefits.

(5) The disclosure function is to:

(a) disclose PBS information about whether a person is or is not

a prescription shopper; and

(b) disclose PBS information about a prescription shopper to:

(i) the prescription shopper; and

(ii) a prescriber, to assist the prescriber to make decisions

about prescribing to a prescription shopper who has

visited or is visiting that prescriber or is a patient of that

prescriber; and

(iii) an approved supplier who is proposing to supply, or has

supplied, pharmaceutical benefits to the prescription

shopper, to assist the approved supplier (or a pharmacist

employed by the approved supplier) to make decisions

about supplying pharmaceutical benefits to that

prescription shopper.

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Prescribed functions—general Part 3

Regulation 20

(6) The Chief Executive Medicare may perform the disclosure

function for the following purposes:

(a) administering and enforcing the Chief Executive Medicare’s

functions under the National Health Act;

(b) protecting public revenue;

(c) discouraging inefficient and improper use of pharmaceutical


(7) The evaluation and reporting function is to use PBS information

and information collected by the Chief Executive Medicare under

the National Health Act to:

(a) evaluate the Prescription Shopping Program; and

(b) report (using de-identified PBS information) to the Health

Department and other bodies on the administration and

outcomes of the Program.

(8) In this regulation:

nominated prescriber, in relation to a prescription shopper, means

a prescriber nominated by the prescription shopper from time to

time to be that person’s main prescriber.

prescriber means a person who is authorised to prescribe a

pharmaceutical benefit or purports to be authorised to prescribe a

pharmaceutical benefit.

prescription shopper has the meaning given by subregulation (9).

Prescription Shopping Program means the program administered

by the Department and the Health Department to reduce doctor


target pharmaceutical benefits means pharmaceutical benefits in

any of the following categories of the Anatomical Therapeutic

Chemical classification system:

(a) N02 (Analgesics);

(b) N03 (Antiepileptics);

(c) N04 (Anti-Parkinson Drugs);

(d) N05 (Psycholeptics);

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Part 3 Prescribed functions—general

Regulation 21

(e) N06 (Psychoanaleptics);

(f) N07 (Other central nervous system drugs);

(g) R03 (Drugs for obstructive airway diseases);

(h) C10A (Serum lipid reducing agents);

(i) A02B (Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux


(j) J01 (Antibacterials for systemic use);

(k) M01 (Anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic products);

(l) A10A (Insulin and analogues);

(m) C02 (Antihypertensives).

Note: The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system is

published by the World Health Organisation’s Collaborating Centre

for Drug Statistics Methodology.

(9) In this regulation, prescription shopper means a person who,

within any 3 month period:

(a) has had supplied to him or her pharmaceutical benefits

prescribed by 6 or more different prescribers; or

(b) has had supplied to him or her a total of 25 or more target

pharmaceutical benefits; or

(c) has had supplied to him or her a total of 50 or more

pharmaceutical benefits.

(10) Paragraph (9)(a) does not include a prescriber who is a specialist

within the meaning of subsection 3(1) of the Health Insurance Act

and who has prescribed pharmaceutical benefits to a person in that


21 Functions in relation to provision of emergency services

(1) The following are prescribed functions:

(a) providing a service, benefit, program or facility to a person

affected by an emergency (an emergency service);

(b) participating in disaster policy and planning activities,

including activities undertaken by disaster policy and

planning committees.

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Prescribed functions—general Part 3

Regulation 21

(2) Without limiting subregulation (1), the Chief Executive Medicare

may perform the functions for, or under an arrangement with, a

State or Territory body.

(3) The function mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) includes the following:

(a) establishing and maintaining a register of persons affected by

the emergency;

(b) receiving, processing, investigating, deciding and paying

claims for assistance;

(c) operating a telephone enquiry line;

(d) providing call centre assistance;

(e) making arrangements for health assessments and other

assistance in relation to health care;

(f) referring a person to another organisation if the person

requires assistance provided by that organisation;

(g) working with, and providing information to, other

government and non-government bodies in relation to the

provision of assistance;

(h) providing information to a State or Territory body about a

person affected by the emergency that will assist the State or

Territory body to provide a payment, benefit or other

assistance to the person;

(i) undertaking action (including starting legal proceedings) to

recover payments that should not have been made;

(ij) disclosing statistical information (including de-identified

information from the register mentioned in paragraph (a))

about assistance provided;

(k) undertaking compliance, audit, review, investigation,

enforcement and recovery services ancillary to the

emergency service.

(4) Information in subregulation (3) includes personal information.

(5) If the Chief Executive Medicare provides an emergency service to

a person, or the person makes a request for an emergency service,

the Chief Executive Medicare may:

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Part 3 Prescribed functions—general

Regulation 23

(a) collect information about the person or the person’s family,

including personal information; and

(b) maintain records about the emergency service or the request.

23 Function in relation to lifetime health cover

(1) A prescribed function is to assist the Health Department with

communications to members of the public about lifetime health


(2) This function includes:

(a) identifying persons who have become subject to, or will soon

become subject to, the operation of lifetime health cover; and

(b) providing persons identified under paragraph (a) with

information about lifetime health cover received by the Chief

Executive Medicare from the Health Department; and

(c) providing information and reports on matters relating to

lifetime health cover to the Health Department.

(3) In performing this function, the Chief Executive Medicare may use

personal information collected for the performance of the medicare


24 Functions in relation to inappropriate practices

(1) The following are prescribed functions:

(a) devising and implementing measures to:

(i) prevent practitioners and other persons from engaging

in inappropriate practice; and

(ii) detect cases where practitioners or other persons have

engaged in inappropriate practice in relation to

rendering or initiating services; and

(iii) prevent or detect activities relating to claims for

medicare benefits, or receipt of medicare benefits, that

may constitute an offence under the Health Insurance

Act, the Crimes Act 1914 or the Criminal Code;

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Prescribed functions—general Part 3

Regulation 25

(b) if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a person has

engaged in inappropriate practice, investigating the conduct

of the person to decide whether to make a request under

subsection 86(1) of the Health Insurance Act for the

provision of services by the person to be reviewed;

(c) investigating cases where there are reasonable grounds to

suspect that:

(i) an act in relation to a claim for medicare benefits, or

receipt of medicare benefits, may constitute an offence

under the Health Insurance Act, the Crimes Act 1914 or

the Criminal Code; or

(ii) a person may have committed an offence against

section 23DP, 106D or 106EA, or subsection 19D(2),

19D(7), 106E(1) or 106E(2), of the Health Insurance


(d) if an investigation under paragraph (c) discloses enough

evidence for a prosecution, referring the case and the

evidence to the Australian Federal Police or the Director of

Public Prosecutions;

(e) undertaking action (including starting legal proceedings) to

recover from a person an amount of medicare benefit that is

recoverable by the Commonwealth, including under the

Health Insurance Act.

(2) In this regulation:

inappropriate practice has the meanings given by section 82 of the

Health Insurance Act.

practitioner has the meaning given by section 81 of the Health

Insurance Act.

service has the meaning given by section 81 of the Health

Insurance Act.

25 Functions in relation to provision of pharmaceutical benefits

The following are prescribed functions:

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Part 3 Prescribed functions—general

Regulation 26

(a) processing claims for payment relating to the provision of

pharmaceutical benefits under Part VII of the National Health

Act, and making payments of those claims;

(b) on behalf of the Repatriation Commission, processing claims

for payment relating to the provision of pharmaceutical

benefits under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 and the

Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment)

Act 2006, and making payments of those claims;

(c) on behalf of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation

Commission, processing claims for payment relating to the

provision of pharmaceutical benefits under the Military

Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004, and making

payments of those claims;

(d) devising and implementing measures to prevent or detect

contraventions of Part VII of the National Health Act or the

Pharmaceutical Benefits Regulations;

(e) investigating cases where there are reasonable grounds to

suspect that an act in relation to the provision of a

pharmaceutical benefit may constitute an offence under the

National Health Act, the Pharmaceutical Benefits

Regulations, the Crimes Act 1914 or the Criminal Code;

(f) if an investigation under paragraph (e) discloses enough

evidence for a prosecution, referring the case and the

evidence to the Australian Federal Police or the Director of

Public Prosecutions;

(g) undertaking action (including starting legal proceedings) to

recover from a person an amount relating to a pharmaceutical

benefit that is recoverable by the Commonwealth, including

under the National Health Act or the Pharmaceutical Benefits


26 Functions in relation to hearing services

(1) The following are prescribed functions:

(a) acting as the claims acceptance body for section 21 of the

Hearing Services Administration Act 1997;

(b) acting as the claims payment body for that section.

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Prescribed functions—general Part 3

Regulation 26

(2) Subregulation (1) has effect only when a declaration that the Chief

Executive Medicare is the claims acceptance body or the claims

payment body for the purposes of section 21 of the Hearing

Services Administration Act 1997 is in force.

(3) Each of the functions in subregulation (1) includes:

(a) recovering a service provider debt under section 24 of the

Hearing Services Administration Act 1997 if:

(i) the debt is apparent from the records of the Chief

Executive Medicare; or

(ii) the Health Department notifies the Chief Executive

Officer of the debt; and

(b) disclosing the following information to the Health

Department about a claim accepted or paid by the Chief

Executive Medicare:

(i) client number;

(ii) voucher number;

(iii) date on which the claim was submitted;

(iv) date on which the claim was processed;

(v) date of the service to which the claim relates;

(vi) provider number;

(vii) practitioner number;

(viii) site identification;

(ix) item number;

(x) hearing loss details for right and left ears;

(xi) details of the device fitted to the client, whether fitted to

the left or right ear, and fitting configuration;

(xii) date on which the device was fitted;

(xiii) details of top-up devices;

(xiv) contracted service provider’s certification details;

(xv) client certification details;

(xvi) cost to the client;

(xvii) payment details;

(xviii) a code showing the reason a claim or an element of a

claim was rejected;

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Part 3 Prescribed functions—general

Regulation 27

(xix) any other details about the processing of the claim.

(4) In this regulation:

client means a person who received a hearing service for which a

claim has been made.

contracted service provider has the meaning given by section 4 of

the Hearing Services Administration Act 1997.

hearing services has the meaning given by section 4 of the

Hearing Services Administration Act 1997.

voucher has the meaning given by section 4 of the Hearing

Services Administration Act 1997.

27 Functions in relation to military compensation

The following are prescribed functions:

(a) processing, on behalf of the Military Rehabilitation and

Compensation Commission, claims for compensation under

Chapter 6 of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation

Act 2004;

(b) making payments for those claims.

28 Functions in relation to claims for treatment provided under

certain legislation

The following are prescribed functions:

(a) processing, on behalf of the Repatriation Commission and

the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission,

claims for payment in relation to:

(i) the provision of medical treatment under Division 2 of

Part IV of the Seamen’s War Pensions and Allowances

Regulations, as in force on 30 June 1994; and

(ii) the provision of treatment under the following Acts:

(A) Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests

(Treatment) Act 2006;

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Prescribed functions—general Part 3

Regulation 29

(B) Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act


(C) Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation

Act 1988;

(D) Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986;

(b) making payments for those claims.

29 Function in relation to registration of sonographers

A prescribed function is to establish and maintain a register of


30 Function in relation to mental health care by medical


A prescribed function is to establish and maintain a register of

medical practitioners who may provide focused psychological

strategies under the Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists

and General Practitioners through the Medicare Benefits Schedule

Initiative administered by the Health Department.

30A Functions in relation to National Bowel Cancer Screening


(1) The following are prescribed functions:

(a) to establish, maintain and administer a register of:

(i) bowel cancer screening test results; and

(ii) the screening and detection history of people described

in subregulation (2); and

(iii) other relevant information in relation to such people;

(b) to invite people to undergo bowel cancer screening at

appropriate intervals;

(c) to supply faecal occult blood test kits to people;

(d) to provide personal information about a person’s bowel

cancer screening and detection history to a medical

practitioner to assist the medical practitioner in advising the

person about options for the person’s clinical management;

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Part 3 Prescribed functions—general

Regulation 30A

(e) to provide personal information about a person to the

Department administered by the Minister administering the

Health Insurance Act 1973 to assist in investigating

complaints and other matters raised by, or concerning, the


(f) to provide personal information to the Australian Institute of

Health and Welfare to assist in:

(i) assessing the accuracy of screening tests; and

(ii) monitoring, and control of the quality of performance

of, the functions mentioned in this subregulation;

(g) to provide personal information to State and Territory

Departments and authorities with responsibility for health

matters, to assist in arranging follow-up of people who have

had positive screening test results;

(h) to provide de-identified information to:

(i) the Department administered by the Minister

administering the Health Insurance Act 1973; and

(ii) the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare;

to assist in monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the

program constituted by the functions mentioned in this


(i) to make payments on behalf of the Commonwealth to

medical practitioners, or other persons authorised by medical

practitioners to receive the payments, for the transfer of


(2) For subparagraphs (1)(a)(ii) and (iii), the people are as follows:

(a) people undergoing bowel cancer screening;

(b) people whom the Chief Executive Medicare invites to

undergo bowel cancer screening;

(c) people whom the Chief Executive Medicare:

(i) considers inviting to undergo bowel cancer screening;


(ii) decides not to invite to undergo the screening.

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007

Prescribed functions—general Part 3

Regulation 31

(3) The following information may be used for the purposes of the

functions mentioned in subregulation (1):

(a) information acquired by a person in the performance of the

person’s duties, or in the exercise of the person’s powers or

functions, under the Health Insurance Act 1973;

(b) information acquired by a person in the performance of the

person’s duties, or in the exercise of the person’s powers or

functions, under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986.

(4) The program constituted by the functions mentioned in

subregulation (1) is to be known as the National Bowel Cancer

Screening Register.

31 Functions in relation to allocation of identification numbers

The following are prescribed functions:

(a) allocating identification numbers for the purposes of the

National Health Act to medical practitioners and to

participating dental practitioners;

(b) allocating identification numbers for the purposes of the

Health Insurance Act to the following persons in relation to

the person’s places of practice:

(i) practitioners;

(ii) approved pathology practitioners;

(iii) participating midwives;

(iv) participating nurse practitioners;

(v) participating optometrists;

(vi) persons providing health services determined under

section 3C of that Act.

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Part 4 Miscellaneous

Regulation 32

Part 4—Miscellaneous

32 Prescribed period

For paragraph 41C(8)(a) of the Act, the prescribed period is the

period of 2 years that commenced on 1 January 1981.

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007


Endnote 1—About the endnotes


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnotes about misdescribed amendments and other matters are included in a

compilation only as necessary.

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that

has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes

commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving

or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at

the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information

about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance

with a provision of the law.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe

the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can

be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled

law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included

in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the

abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment

included in the amendment history.

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Endnote 1—About the endnotes

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Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

A = Act o = order(s)

ad = added or inserted Ord = Ordinance

am = amended orig = original

amdt = amendment par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

/sub-subparagraph(s)c = clause(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x pres = present

Ch = Chapter(s) prev = previous

def = definition(s) (prev…) = previously

Dict = Dictionary Pt = Part(s)

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

Div = Division(s) Reg = Regulation/Regulations

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have reloc = relocated

effect renum = renumbered

F = Federal Register of Legislative Instruments rep = repealed

gaz = gazette rs = repealed and substituted

LI = Legislative Instrument s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003 Sch = Schedule(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

effect SLI = Select Legislative Instrument

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment SR = Statutory Rules

cannot be given effect Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

mod = modified/modification SubPt = Subpart(s)

No. = Number(s) underlining = whole or part not

commenced or to be commenced

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration or Commencement Application, saving

gazettal and transitional


1975 No. 27 25 Feb 1975 19 Sept 1974

1976 No. 21 30 Jan 1976 30 Jan 1976 —

1976 No. 146 22 July 1976 22 July 1976 —

1982 No. 249 1 Oct 1982 1 Oct 1982 —

1983 No. 88 30 June 1983 30 June 1983 —

1983 No. 152 1 Sept 1983 r. 1: 29 Oct 1982 —


1 Sept 1983

1984 No. 321 2 Nov 1984 2 Nov 1984 —

1985 No. 41 24 Apr 1985 24 Apr 1985 —

1985 No. 70 20 May 1985 20 May 1985 —

1986 No. 127 6 June 1986 6 June 1986 —

1987 No. 165 31 July 1987 1 Aug 1987 —

1989 No. 55 14 Apr 1989 14 Apr 1989 —

1989 No. 96 26 May 1989 r. 3: 24 Apr 1985 r. 5

rr. 2 and 4:

22 May 1986


26 May 1989

1989 No. 195 17 July 1989 17 July 1989 —

1991 No. 443 19 Dec 1991 19 Dec 1991 —

1992 No. 241 29 July 1992 29 July 1992 —

1993 No. 81 17 May 1993 17 May 1993 —

1993 No. 89 28 May 1993 1 May 1993 —

1993 No. 197 20 July 1993 1 May 1993 —

1993 No. 217 17 Aug 1993 1 Apr 1993 —

1994 No. 102 19 Apr 1994 19 Apr 1994 —

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration or Commencement Application, saving

gazettal and transitional


1994 No. 257 28 July 1994 28 July 1994 r. 4

1994 No. 404 8 Dec 1994 8 Dec 1994 —

1994 No. 450 30 Dec 1994 rr. 3 and 4.4–4.6: —

9 June 1993


30 Dec 1994

1995 No. 24 28 Feb 1995 28 Feb 1995 —

1995 No. 286 10 Oct 1995 10 Oct 1995 —

1995 No. 375 6 Dec 1995 1 Jan 1996 —

1995 No. 440 22 Dec 1995 1 Jan 1996 —

1996 No. 159 24 July 1996 1 Aug 1996 —

1996 No. 322 23 Dec 1996 1 Dec 1996 —

1997 No. 286 8 Oct 1997 8 Oct 1997 —

1997 No. 332 3 Dec 1997 3 Dec 1997 —

1997 No. 396 24 Dec 1997 1 Jan 1998 —

1998 No. 67 24 Apr 1998 27 Apr 1998 (see r. 1 —

and Gazette 1998, No.


1998 No. 103 27 May 1998 27 May 1998 —

1998 No. 124 9 June 1998 r. 4: 15 June 1998 —

Remainder: 10 June


2001 No. 276 5 Oct 2001 rr. 1–3 and Schedule 1: —

5 Oct 2001

Remainder: 1 Dec 2001

(see r. 2 and Gazette

2001, No. GN41)

2001 No. 277 5 Oct 2001 5 Oct 2001 —

2002 No. 142 27 June 2002 1 July 2002 —

2002 No. 253 31 Oct 2002 1 Nov 2002 —

2003 No. 161 26 June 2003 26 June 2003 —

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Endnote 3—Legislation history

Number and year FRLI registration or Commencement Application, saving

gazettal and transitional


2004 No. 182 1 July 2004 1 July 2004 —

2005 No. 207 19 Sept 2005 1 Oct 2005 (r 2) —


2005 No. 220 19 Oct 2005 20 Oct 2005 (r 2) —


2009 No. 197 3 Aug 2009 4 Aug 2009 (r 2) —


2011 No. 120 30 June 2011 1 July 2011 (r 2) —


81, 2014 16 June 2014 1 July 2014 (s 2) —


212, 2015 2 Dec 2015 3 Dec 2015 (s 2(1) —

(F2015L01917) item 1)

Act Number Assent Commencement Application,

and year date saving and



Health Legislation 54, 1983 1 Oct 1983 s 71(2): 1 Oct 1983 —

Amendment Act 1983 (s 2(1))

Health Insurance 159, 1997 11 Nov Sch 2: 11 Nov 1997 Sch 2 (items 4–6)

Commission (Reform 1997 (s 2(1))

and Separation of

Functions) Act 1997

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Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

Part 1

Part 1 heading................................ad. 2005 No. 220

r. 1.................................................rs. 2001 No. 277; 2005 No. 207

rs. 2011 No. 120

r. 2A ..............................................ad. 1976 No. 146

am. 1987 No. 165; 1989 Nos. 96 and 195

renum r 3.......................................2005 No. 207

r. 3.................................................rs. 2005 No. 220

(prev r 2A) am. 2009 No. 197

r. 3.................................................rs. 2011 No. 120

am No 81, 2014; No 212, 2015

r. 3A ..............................................ad. 2009 No. 197

rs. 2011 No. 120

r. 2AB............................................ad. 1994 No. 450

am. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3.................................................rep. 1982 No. 249

ad. 1983 No. 88

rep. Act No. 54, 1983

ad. 1985 No. 70

am. 1987 No. 165; 1992 No. 241; 1994 No. 257; 1996 No. 322; Act

No. 159, 1997; 1998 No. 103

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3A ..............................................ad. 1987 No. 165

am. 1994 No. 257; Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3B ..............................................ad. 1989 No. 55

am. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

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Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r. 3C ..............................................ad. 1989 No. 55

am. 1989 No. 195; Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3D ..............................................ad. 1989 No. 195

am. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3E...............................................ad. 1989 No. 195

am. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3F...............................................ad. 1992 No. 241

am. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3G ..............................................ad. 1993 No. 81

am. 1993 No. 217; Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3H ..............................................ad. 1993 No. 89

rs. 1997 No. 332

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3I................................................ad. 2004 No. 182

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3J ...............................................ad. 1994 No. 102

am. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3K ..............................................ad. 1994 No. 102

am. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3L...............................................ad. 1994 No. 102

am. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3M .............................................ad. 1994 No. 102

am. 1995 No. 24; Act No. 159, 1997; 2001 No. 276

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3N ..............................................ad. 1994 No. 102

am. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3P...............................................ad. 1994 No. 404

am. 1995 No. 286; 1996 Nos. 159 and 322; Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 1998 No. 124

r. 3Q ..............................................ad. 1995 No. 375

am. 1995 No. 440; Act No. 159, 1997

rs. 1997 No. 286

rep. 1998 No. 124

r. 3R .............................................ad. 1998 No. 67

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3S...............................................ad. 2001 No. 277

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3T...............................................ad. 2002 No. 142

am. 2002 No. 253

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3U ..............................................ad. 2003 No. 161

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3V ..............................................ad. 2003 No. 161

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 3W .............................................ad. 2003 No. 161

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 4.................................................rep. 1982 No. 249

ad. 1983 No. 152

rs. 1985 No. 41

am. 1989 No. 96; Act No. 159, 1997; 2001 No. 277

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 4A ..............................................ad. 1985 No. 41

rs. 1989 No. 195

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am. 1993 Nos. 81 and 197; 1994 Nos. 404 and 450; 1995 Nos. 24 and 375;

1997 No. 396

rs. Act No. 159, 1997

rep. 2005 No. 207

r. 4B ..............................................ad. 1986 No. 127

am. 1991 No. 443

rep. 2005 No. 207

Part 2

r. 4 .................................................ad. 2005 No. 220

r. 4A ..............................................ad. 2009 No. 197

r. 5.................................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120

rs No 81, 2014

r. 6.................................................ad. 1976 No. 146

rep. 2005 No. 207

ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2009 No. 197; No 81, 2014

r. 7.................................................ad. 2005 No. 220

rs. 2009 No. 197

am. 2011 No. 120; No 81, 2014

r. 8.................................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120

r. 9.................................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120

rs No 81, 2014

r 9A ...............................................ad No 81, 2014

r. 10 ...............................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120

rs No 81, 2014

r. 11 ...............................................ad. 2005 No. 220

rs. 2009 No. 197

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

am. 2011 No. 120

rs No 81, 2014

r. 12 ...............................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120; No 81, 2014

r. 13 ...............................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120; No 81, 2014

r. 14 ...............................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120; No 81, 2014

r. 15 ...............................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120; No 81, 2014

r. 16 ...............................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120; No 81, 2014

r. 17 ...............................................ad. 2005 No. 220

am. 2011 No. 120; No 81, 2014

Part 3

Part 3 heading................................ad. 2005 No. 220

rs. 2011 No. 120

Part 3.............................................rs. 2011 No. 120

r. 5.................................................rs. 1976 No. 21

rep. 1982 No. 149

ad. 1984 No. 321

renum r 18.....................................2005 No. 220

r. 18 ...............................................rs. 2011 No. 120

r. 19 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 20 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 21 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 22 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

rep No 81, 2014

r. 23 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 24 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 25 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2015C01007


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected How affected

r. 26 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 27 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 28 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 29 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 30 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r 30A .............................................ad No 212, 2015

r. 31 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

Part 4

Part 4.............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

r. 32 ...............................................ad. 2011 No. 120

Schedule 1.....................................ad. 1976 No. 146

rep. 2005 No. 207

Schedule 2.....................................ad. 1976 No. 146

rep. 2005 No. 207

Schedule 2A................................ad. 1996 No. 159

rep. 1998 No. 124

Schedule 3.....................................ad. 1995 No. 375

rep. 1997 No. 286

Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 1975

Compilation No. 26 Compilation date: 3/12/15 Registered: 23/12/15


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