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Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 (Select Legislative Instrument No. 18, 2014), 澳大利亚

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 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 (Select Legislative Instrument No. 18, 2014)

Environment (Spent and Redundant

Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2014

Select Legislative Instrument No. 18, 2014

I, Quentin Bryce AC CVO, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of

Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make

the following regulation under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

Dated 13 March 2014

Quentin Bryce


By Her Excellency’s Command

George Brandis QC


OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Contents 1 Name of regulation ............................................................................1

2 Commencement.................................................................................1

3 Authority ...........................................................................................1

4 Guide to this regulation .....................................................................1

5 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments .................................2

6 Repeal of commencement instruments ..............................................2

7 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing

other provisions .................................................................................2

8 Repeal of other redundant instruments ..............................................3

9 Expiry of regulation...........................................................................3

Schedule 1—Repeal of amending and repealing instruments 4

Schedule 2—Repeal of commencement instruments 61

Schedule 3—Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

containing other provisions 62

Schedule 4—Repeal of other redundant instruments 64

Part 1—Instruments past their date of effect 64

Part 2—Other instruments no longer required 65

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Section 1

1 Name of regulation

This regulation is the Environment (Spent and Redundant

Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2014.

2 Commencement

This regulation commences on the day after it is registered.

3 Authority

This regulation is made under the Legislative Instruments Act


4 Guide to this regulation

This regulation repeals legislative instruments that are spent or no

longer required, as authorised by section 48E of the Legislative

Instruments Act 2003.

To assist the reader, the instruments repealed by this regulation are

listed in 4 Schedules.

Schedule 1 deals with solely amending and repealing instruments.

Schedule 2 deals with commencement instruments.

Schedule 3 deals with amending and repealing instruments that

contain application, saving or transitional provisions.

Schedule 4 deals with other instruments that are spent or no longer


This regulation contains saving provisions that apply to the repeals,

in addition to the provision made by section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901. That section applies to this regulation

because of section 13 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

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Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Section 5

5 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

(1) Each instrument mentioned in Schedule 1 is repealed.

(2) The repeal of an instrument by this section does not affect any

amendment or repeal (however described) made by the instrument.

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the effect of section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901 as it applies to the repeal of an instrument

by this section.

6 Repeal of commencement instruments

(1) Each instrument mentioned in Schedule 2 is repealed.

(2) The repeal of an instrument by this section does not affect any

commencement provided by the instrument.

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the effect of section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901 as it applies to the repeal of an instrument

by this section.

7 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other


(1) Each instrument mentioned in Schedule 3 is repealed.

(2) The repeal of an instrument by this section does not affect:

(a) any amendment or repeal (however described) made by the

instrument; or

(b) the continuing operation of any provision of the instrument

made or expressed to be made for an application, saving or

transitional purpose (or that makes provision consequential

or related to such a provision).

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the effect of section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901 as it applies to the repeal of an instrument

by this section.

Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Section 8

8 Repeal of other redundant instruments

(1) Each instrument mentioned in Schedule 4 is repealed.

(2) The repeal of an instrument by this section does not affect:

(a) any amendment or repeal (however described) made by the

instrument; or

(b) the continuing operation of any provision of the instrument

made or expressed to be made for an application, saving or

transitional purpose (or that makes provision consequential

or related to such a provision).

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the effect of section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901 as it applies to the repeal of an instrument

by this section.

9 Expiry of regulation

This regulation expires on the day after it commences, as if it had

been repealed by another regulation.

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Regulation 2014

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Schedule 1—Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Guide to this Schedule

This Schedule repeals amending and repealing legislative

instruments that are spent, and that would have been repealed

automatically under section 48A of the Legislative Instruments Act

2003 if they had been made after the commencement of that

section. This Schedule does not include instruments with an

application, saving or transitional provision: see Schedule 3.

The repeal of an instrument by this Schedule does not affect any

amendment or repeal made by the instrument: see subsection 5(2).

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1 1st Declaration of amendments to Periodic Gazette F2006B11598

No. 29, Friday 21 December 2001 - List of CITES

Species for the purposes of the Act – s303CA - List of

Exempt Native Specimens – s303DB - List of

Specimens Taken to be Suitable for Live Import –

s303EB (made on 17 May 2002)

2 2nd Declaration of amendments to Periodic Gazette F2006B01070

No. 29, Friday 21 December 2001 - Schedule - List of

Specimens Taken to be Suitable for Live Import –

s303EB (made on 15 August 2002)

3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage (Interim F1996B00521

Protection) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 40

4 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage (Interim F1996B00522

Protection) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1986 No. 344

5 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage F2003B00196

Protection Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1),

SR 2003 No. 187

6 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage F2004B00199

Protection Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1),

SR 2004 No. 176

4 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection F1996B00523

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 153

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection F1996B00524

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 420

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection F1996B00525

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 231

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection F1996B00526

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1992 No. 121

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection F1996B00527

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 28

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection F1998B00001

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 No. 2

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01076

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 4 March 2003)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01077

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 24 March 2003)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01087

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 24 April 2003)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01088

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 3 November 2003)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01089

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 21 November 2003)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01090

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 15 December 2003)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01092

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 19 December 2003)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01093

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 18 March 2004)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01094

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 24 March 2004)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01095

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 31 March 2004)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01096

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 12 May 2004)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01098

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 22 June 2004)

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

25 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01099

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 5 August 2004)

26 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01100

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 10 August 2004)

27 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01101

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 11 August 2004)

28 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01102

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 18 August 2004)

29 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01103

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 24 August 2004)

30 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01104

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 8 October 2004)

31 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01106

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 13 October 2004)

32 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01105

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 15 October 2004)

33 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01107

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 7 December 2004)

34 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006B01108

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 13 December 2004)

35 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L00303

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 25 January 2005)

36 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L00258

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 31 January 2005)

37 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L00300

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 9 February 2005)

38 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L00363

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 11 February 2005)

39 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L00526

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 3 March 2005)

40 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L00922

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 11 April 2005)

41 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L01549

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 6 June 2005)

42 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L01994

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 4 July 2005)

6 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L01996

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 6 July 2005)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L02016

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 7 July 2005)

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L02316

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 10 August 2005),


Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L02371

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 23 August 2005),


Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L02655

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 9 September 2005),


Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L02742

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 12 September

2005), EPBC/s.303EC/SSLI/Amend/005

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L03045

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 21 September

2005), EPBC/s.303EC/SSLI/Amend/002

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L03228

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 13 October 2005),


Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2005L03324

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 24 October 2005),


Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006L00082

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 20 December

2005), EPBC/s.303EC/SSLI/Amend/009

Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006L00610

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 15 February 2006),


Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006L02535

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 21 July 2006),


Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2006L02538

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 26 July 2006),


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Regulation 2014

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

56 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 16 August 2006),



57 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 25 September

2006), EPBC/s.303EC/SSLI/Amend/013


58 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 7 November 2006),



59 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 26 April 2007),



60 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 1 May 2007),



61 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 29 June 2007),



62 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 5 September 2007),



63 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 5 September 2007),



64 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 18 September

2007), EPBC/s.303EC/SSLI/Amend/018


65 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 17 October 2007),



66 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 5 February 2008),



67 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EC (made on 30 July 2008),



Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

68 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 22 December 2008),



69 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 19 March 2009),



70 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 18 June 2009),



71 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 4 August 2009),



72 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s303EB (made on 9 September 2009),



73 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 8 February 2010),



74 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 16 March 2010),



75 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 3 June 2010),



76 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 19 July 2010),



77 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 27 July 2010),



78 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 12 November 2010),



79 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 15 December 2010),



No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal 9

Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

80 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 2 February 2011),



81 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 2 February 2011),



82 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 11 February 2011),



83 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 15 February 2011),



84 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 9 September 2011),



85 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 6 December 2011),



86 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 15 December 2011),



87 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s303EB (made on 9 March 2012),



88 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 5 April 2012),



89 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 27 April 2012),



90 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 8 May 2012),



91 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 8 May 2012),



Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

92 Amendment - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable F2012L01527

for Live Import – s.303EB (made on 26 June 2012),


93 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for F2012L01778

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 16 August 2012),


94 Amendment - List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for F2012L01984

Live Import – s.303EB (made on 10 September 2012),


95 Amendment of List of CITES Species (made on F2006B11597

5 February 2003)

96 Amendment of List of CITES Species (made on F2005L00011

20 December 2004)

97 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02140

on 5 February 2002)

98 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02153

on 5 February 2002)

99 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02154

on 5 February 2002)

100 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02155

on 14 May 2002)

101 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02264

on 20 August 2002)

102 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02156

on 12 September 2002)

103 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02158

on 4 February 2003)

104 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02159

on 11 February 2003)

105 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02161

on 11 February 2003)

106 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02160

on 12 March 2003)

107 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02164

on 7 May 2003)

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Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

108 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02172

on 7 May 2003)

109 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02174

on 7 May 2003)

110 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02171

on 13 May 2003)

111 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02176

on 21 July 2003)

112 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02177

on 27 October 2003)

113 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02178

on 31 October 2003)

114 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02180

on 24 March 2004)

115 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02184

on 16 April 2004)

116 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02187

on 18 April 2004)

117 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02183

on 28 April 2004)

118 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02188

on 7 May 2004)

119 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02189

on 7 June 2004)

120 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02190

on 10 June 2004)

121 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02192

on 9 August 2004)

122 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02194

on 17 August 2004)

123 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02193

on 19 August 2004)

124 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02191

on 30 August 2004)

125 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02218

on 17 September 2004)

12 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

126 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02195

on 11 October 2004)

127 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02196

on 12 October 2004)

128 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02202

on 14 October 2004)

129 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02198

on 15 October 2004)

130 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02199

on 15 October 2004)

131 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02201

on 30 October 2004)

132 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02203

on 1 November 2004)

133 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02223

on 5 November 2004)

134 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02225

on 6 November 2004)

135 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02206

on 8 November 2004)

136 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02215

on 9 November 2004)

137 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02204

on 11 November 2004)

138 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02211

on 11 November 2004)

139 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02213

on 11 November 2004)

140 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02250

on 11 November 2004)

141 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02200

on 12 November 2004)

142 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02209

on 12 November 2004)

143 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02210

on 12 November 2004)

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

144 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02230

on 12 November 2004)

145 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02233

on 13 November 2004)

146 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02234

on 15 November 2004)

147 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02232

on 16 November 2004)

148 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02235

on 16 November 2004)

149 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02227

on 17 November 2004)

150 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02219

on 18 November 2004)

151 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02226

on 18 November 2004)

152 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02229

on 18 November 2004)

153 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02220

on 19 November 2004)

154 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02222

on 19 November 2004)

155 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02236

on 26 November 2004)

156 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02237

on 26 November 2004)

157 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02238

on 26 November 2004)

158 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02239

on 26 November 2004)

159 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02241

on 26 November 2004)

160 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02248

on 26 November 2004)

161 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02243

on 29 November 2004)

14 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

162 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02266

on 29 November 2004)

163 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02247

on 30 November 2004)

164 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006B00287

on 30 November 2004)

165 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02265

on 1 December 2004)

166 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02267

on 6 December 2004)

167 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005B02268

on 16 December 2004)

168 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L00058

on 20 December 2004)

169 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L00429

on 16 February 2005)

170 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L00687

on 17 February 2005)

171 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L00725

on 10 March 2005)

172 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L00787

on 17 March 2005)

173 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L00952

on 17 March 2005)

174 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L01057

on 29 April 2005)

175 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L01809

on 6 May 2005)

176 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L01248

on 23 May 2005)

177 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L02005

on 7 June 2005)

178 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L01803

on 23 June 2005)

179 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L01944

on 29 June 2005)

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

180 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L02227

on 7 July 2005)

181 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L02277

on 28 July 2005)

182 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L02279

on 5 August 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/014

183 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03312

on 11 October 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/017

184 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03798

on 28 October 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/015

185 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03689

on 28 October 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/018

186 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03692

on 7 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/016

187 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03763

on 7 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/020

188 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03688

on 16 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/019

189 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03830

on 26 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/021

190 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03848

on 26 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/031

191 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03813

on 27 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/026

192 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03814

on 27 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/043

193 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03824

on 28 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/022

194 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03841

on 28 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/025

195 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03828

on 28 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/027

196 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03827

on 28 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/028

197 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03810

on 28 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/029

16 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

198 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03826

on 28 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/032

199 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03806

on 28 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/033

200 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03842

on 28 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/034

201 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03832

on 28 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/038

202 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03819

on 29 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/023

203 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03815

on 29 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/024

204 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03839

on 29 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/035

205 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03822

on 29 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/036

206 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03825

on 29 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/037B

207 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03844

on 29 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/040

208 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03845

on 29 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/041

209 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03836

on 29 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/042

210 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03846

on 29 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/044

211 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2005L03847

on 30 November 2005), EPBC303DC/SFS/2005/037A

212 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L00369

on 1 February 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/001

213 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L00374

on 2 February 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/002

214 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L01015

on 17 February 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/003

215 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L00647

on 24 February 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/05

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

216 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L00649

on 24 February 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/06

217 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L00651

on 24 February 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/07

218 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L00650

on 24 February 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/08

219 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L01460

on 14 April 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/004

220 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L01661

on 30 May 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/011

221 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L02881

on 14 June 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/010

222 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2006L02854

on 29 August 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/014

223 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L01467

on 17 November 2006), EPBC303DC/SFS/2006/015

224 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L00229

on 29 January 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/02

225 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L00228

on 29 January 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/03

226 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L00252

on 31 January 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/01

227 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L00877

on 28 March 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/04

228 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L01329

on 7 May 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/05

229 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L01344

on 9 May 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/06

230 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L02700

on 21 August 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/08

231 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L02699

on 23 August 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/09

232 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04128

on 26 September 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/11

233 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L03919

on 28 September 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/10

18 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

234 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04358

on 12 November 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/12

235 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04396

on 16 November 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/13

236 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04395

on 16 November 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/14

237 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04567

on 28 November 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/19

238 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04570

on 28 November 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/21

239 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04569

on 28 November 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/22

240 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04568

on 29 November 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/20

241 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04964

on 19 December 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/23

242 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2007L04961

on 19 December 2007), EPBC303DC/SFS/2007/24

243 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L00265

on 31 January 2008), EPBC/s.303DC/WTA/2008/001

244 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L00327

on 6 February 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/02

245 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L00325

on 6 February 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/03

246 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L00324

on 6 February 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/04

247 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L00326

on 6 February 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/06

248 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L00380

on 12 February 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/07

249 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L00381

on 12 February 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/08

250 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L00599

on 21 February 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/05

251 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L00931

on 18 March 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/09

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

252 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L01135

on 10 April 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/10

253 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L01096

on 10 April 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/12

254 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L01095

on 10 April 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/13

255 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L01323

on 11 April 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/11

256 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L01165

on 22 April 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/14

257 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L01164

on 22 April 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/15

258 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L01321

on 30 April 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/18

259 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L01685

on 16 May 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/17

260 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L02306

on 24 June 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/20

261 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L02307

on 24 June 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/21

262 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L02729

on 22 July 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/22

263 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L02730

on 22 July 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/23

264 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04059

on 20 October 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/27

265 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04166

on 22 October 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/29

266 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04167

on 22 October 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/30

267 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04176

on 23 October 2008), EBPC303DC/SFS/2008/28

268 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04312

on 8 November 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/33

269 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04453

on 12 November 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/32

20 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

270 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04417

on 13 November 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/25

271 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04363

on 19 November 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/31

272 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04364

on 19 November 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/36

273 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04385

on 21 November 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/34

274 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04395

on 21 November 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/35

275 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2008L04532

on 27 November 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/39

276 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L00008

on 22 December 2008), EPBC303DC/SFS/2008/40

277 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L00730

on 25 February 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/01

278 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L00732

on 25 February 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/02

279 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L00720

on 25 February 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/03

280 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L00721

on 25 February 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/04

281 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L00729

on 25 February 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/05

282 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L01184

on 23 March 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/08

283 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L01185

on 23 March 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/09

284 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L01183

on 24 March 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/06

285 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L01218

on 30 March 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/07

286 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L01613

on 24 April 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/11

287 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02074

on 18 May 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/10

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

288 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02098

on 25 May 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/12

289 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02099

on 25 May 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/14

290 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02100

on 25 May 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/15

291 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02102

on 26 May 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/13

292 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02101

on 26 May 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/16

293 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02401

on 15 June 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/17

294 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02455

on 18 June 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/18

295 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02626

on 25 June 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/19

296 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02625

on 25 June 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/21

297 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02669

on 25 June 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/22

298 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02664

on 25 June 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/23

299 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02667

on 25 June 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/24

300 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02911

on 15 July 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/26

301 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02912

on 15 July 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/27

302 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L02971

on 24 July 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/25

303 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L03461

on 28 August 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/XX

304 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L03606

on 11 September 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/28

305 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L03605

on 11 September 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/29

22 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

306 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L03709

on 23 September 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/30

307 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L03953

on 14 October 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/34

308 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L03952

on 14 October 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/35

309 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04028

on 26 October 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/36

310 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04071

on 29 October 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/32

311 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04072

on 29 October 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/33

312 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04203

on 11 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/38

313 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04204

on 11 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/39

314 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04232

on 13 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/40

315 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04356

on 24 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/43

316 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04359

on 24 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/44

317 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04354

on 24 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/45

318 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04358

on 24 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/46

319 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04372

on 26 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/37

320 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04386

on 27 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/47

321 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04401

on 30 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/48

322 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04399

on 30 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/49

323 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04400

on 30 November 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/50

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

324 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2009L04698

on 17 December 2009), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/51

325 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00184

on 6 January 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/41

326 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00180

on 6 January 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2009/42

327 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00502

on 17 February 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/02

328 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00519

on 19 February 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/03

329 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00517

on 19 February 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/04

330 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00650

on 5 March 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/07

331 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00652

on 5 March 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/08

332 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00656

on 10 March 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/09

333 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00707

on 11 March 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/05

334 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00708

on 11 March 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/06

335 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00767

on 22 March 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/11

336 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00770

on 25 March 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/14

337 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00769

on 25 March 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/15

338 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00973

on 13 April 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/12

339 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00974

on 13 April 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/13

340 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L00961

on 13 April 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/17

341 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01066

on 22 April 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/16

24 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

342 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01065

on 22 April 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/22

343 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01168

on 29 April 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/23

344 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01165

on 29 April 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/24

345 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01099

on 29 April 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/25

346 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01321

on 17 May 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/26

347 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01324

on 17 May 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/27

348 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01490

on 25 May 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/18

349 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01590

on 9 June 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/28

350 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01780

on 22 June 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/30

351 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L01817

on 23 June 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/29

352 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02297

on 12 August 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/32

353 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02296

on 12 August 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/33

354 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02298

on 12 August 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/34

355 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02300

on 12 August 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/35

356 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02299

on 12 August 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/36

357 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02392

on 17 August 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/37

358 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02393

on 17 August 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/38

359 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02406

on 27 August 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/41

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

360 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02540

on 23 September 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/43

361 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02541

on 23 September 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/44

362 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02566

on 28 September 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/45

363 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02716

on 28 September 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/46

364 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02717

on 28 September 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/47

365 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02715

on 28 September 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/48

366 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02714

on 12 October 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/49

367 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02706

on 12 October 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/50

368 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02800

on 19 October 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/31

369 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02811

on 20 October 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/39

370 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02943

on 1 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/42

371 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02944

on 1 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/51

372 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02945

on 1 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/53

373 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L02942

on 1 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/54

374 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03023

on 10 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/62

375 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03034

on 15 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/56

376 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03036

on 15 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/64

377 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03047

on 16 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/55

26 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

378 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03073

on 16 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/63

379 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03057

on 17 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/57

380 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03058

on 17 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/58

381 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03060

on 17 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/65

382 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03062

on 17 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/66

383 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03124

on 25 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/67

384 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03123

on 25 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/68

385 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03230

on 29 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/59

386 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03231

on 29 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/60

387 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03232

on 29 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/61

388 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03229

on 29 November 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/69

389 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03233

on 7 December 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/72

390 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2010L03287

on 13 December 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/63

391 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00097

on 17 December 2010), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/73

392 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00143

on 12 January 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/19

393 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00142

on 12 January 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2010/20

394 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00140

on 17 January 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/01

395 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00193

on 1 February 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/04

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

396 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00294

on 16 February 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/05

397 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00324

on 24 February 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/02

398 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00322

on 24 February 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/03

399 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00515

on 23 March 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/06

400 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00597

on 30 March 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/07

401 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00599

on 11 April 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/08

402 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00598

on 11 April 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/09

403 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00726

on 3 May 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/10

404 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00725

on 3 May 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/11

405 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L00853

on 23 May 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/13

406 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01055

on 10 June 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/14

407 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01280

on 17 June 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/12

408 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01277

on 22 June 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/15

409 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01289

on 22 June 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/16

410 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01517

on 18 July 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/17

411 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01515

on 18 July 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/21

412 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01584

on 27 July 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/19

413 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01637

on 10 August 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/20

28 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

414 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01711

on 11 August 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/22

415 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01658

on 15 August 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/23

416 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01686

on 16 August 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/24

417 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01684

on 16 August 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/25

418 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01769

on 23 August 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/18

419 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01812

on 28 August 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/27

420 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01891

on 6 September 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/28

421 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01890

on 8 September 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/26

422 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01974

on 21 September 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/30

423 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01970

on 21 September 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/31

424 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L01989

on 28 September 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/32

425 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02052

on 4 October 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/29

426 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02118

on 12 October 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/34

427 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02164

on 12 October 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/35

428 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02120

on 19 October 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/38

429 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02121

on 19 October 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/39

430 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02159

on 20 October 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/36

431 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02158

on 26 October 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/42

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

432 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02276

on 3 November 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/37

433 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02278

on 3 November 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/40

434 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02399

on 14 November 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/41

435 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02398

on 14 November 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/43

436 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02385

on 16 November 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/44

437 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02415

on 22 November 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/33

438 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2011L02656

on 6 December 2011), EPBC303DC/SFS/2011/48

439 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00071

on 16 January 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/01

440 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00108

on 19 January 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/04

441 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00193

on 24 January 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/05

442 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00093

on 27 January 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/02

443 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00094

on 27 January 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/03

444 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00107

on 30 January 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/06

445 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00145

on 31 January 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/07

446 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00146

on 31 January 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/08

447 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00150

on 1 February 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/09

448 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00297

on 9 February 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/11

449 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00337

on 10 February 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/10

30 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

450 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00338

on 10 February 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/12

451 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00610

on 13 March 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/13

452 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00688

on 19 March 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/14

453 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00687

on 19 March 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/15

454 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00673

on 23 March 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/19

455 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00674

on 23 March 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/20

456 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00766

on 28 March 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/17

457 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00821

on 10 April 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/21

458 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00872

on 11 April 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/24

459 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00914

on 15 April 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/26

460 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L00915

on 16 April 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/16

461 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01000

on 27 April 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/25

462 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01001

on 7 May 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/27

463 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01070

on 18 May 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/28

464 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01163

on 30 May 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/29

465 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01214

on 12 June 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/30

466 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01241

on 13 June 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/31

467 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01597

on 26 June 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/36

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

468 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01375

on 27 June 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/34

469 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01376

on 27 June 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/35

470 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01596

on 28 June 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/33

471 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01619

on 29 June 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/32

472 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01577

on 16 July 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/37

473 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01629

on 20 July 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/38

474 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01659

on 30 July 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/42

475 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01677

on 2 August 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/41

476 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01717

on 10 August 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/45

477 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01748

on 22 August 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/46

478 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01800

on 30 August 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/43

479 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01799

on 30 August 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/44

480 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01867

on 11 September 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/52

481 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01910

on 17 September 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/47

482 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01908

on 17 September 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/50

483 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01909

on 17 September 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/51

484 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01911

on 21 September 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/53

485 Amendment of List of Exempt Native Specimens (made F2012L01913

on 21 September 2012), EPBC303DC/SFS/2012/54

32 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

486 Amendment of the List of Migratory Species (made on F2007B00765

3 December 2002)

487 Amendment of the List of Migratory Species (made on F2007L00574

27 February 2007)

488 Amendment of the List of Migratory Species (made on F2009L01063

12 March 2009)

489 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on F2007L00362

10 January 2007)

490 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on F2007L03587

2 September 2007)

491 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on F2008L00342

7 February 2008)

492 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on 16 June F2010L01731


493 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on 18 June F2010L01735


494 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on F2010L02689

8 October 2010)

495 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on 7 April F2011L00622


496 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on F2011L02705

5 December 2011)

497 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on F2012L00762

28 March 2012)

498 Amendment to List of CITES Species (made on F2012L01924

12 September 2012)

499 Amendment to the List of Migratory Species (made on F2012L01950

20 September 2012)

500 Amendment to the list of threatened species under F2007L01219

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (52) (made on

11 April 2007)

501 Amendment to the list of threatened species under F2009L00040

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (72) (made on

15 December 2008)

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

502 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (84) (made on

2 February 2011)


503 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (86) (made on

17 November 2009)


504 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (87) (made on

23 September 2009)


505 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (94) (made on

29 June 2010)


506 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (95) (made on

16 December 2009)


507 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (98) (made on

13 July 2010)


508 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (100) (made on

23 November 2010)


509 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (101) (made on

12 April 2010)


510 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (105) (made on

14 March 2011)


Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

511 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (105) (made on

16 May 2011)


512 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (106) (made on

2 February 2011)


513 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (107) (made on

9 September 2011)


514 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (108) (made on

14 March 2011)


515 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (110) (made on

23 December 2010)


516 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (111) (made on

2 February 2011)


517 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (112) (made on

2 February 2011)


518 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (115) (made on

6 December 2010)


519 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (116) (made on

20 January 2011)


No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal 35

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

520 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (119) (made on

1 August 2011)


521 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (120) (made on

6 December 2011)


522 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (123) (made on

20 September 2012)


523 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (124) (made on

3 March 2012)


524 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (125) (made on

1 August 2011)


525 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (126) (made on

20 December 2011)


526 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (127) (made on

12 September 2011)


527 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (128) (made on

27 April 2012)


528 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (129) (made on

14 March 2012)


Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

529 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (130) (made on

3 April 2012)


530 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (134) (made on

13 April 2012)


531 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (138) (made on

17 September 2012)


532 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (133) (made

on 27 April 2012)


533 Amendment to the list of threatened species under

section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (135) (made

on 14 August 2012)


534 Amendment to the Register of Critical Habitat pursuant

to section 207A of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


535 Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 6


536 Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 No. 40


537 Antarctic Seals Conservation Repeal Regulations 2007,

SLI 2007 No. 143


538 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Amendment

Proclamation 2010 (No. 1)


539 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Amendment

Proclamation 2011 (No. 1)


540 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection — Historic

Sites and Monuments) Amendment Proclamation 2010

(No. 1)


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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

541 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection — Historic F2011L02672

Sites and Monuments) Amendment Proclamation 2011

(No. 1)

542 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) (Waste F1998B00214

Management) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998

No. 231

543 Cairns Area Plan of Management Amendment 1999 F2006B00833

(No. 1)

544 Cairns Area Plan of Management Amendment 2002 F2006B00927

(No. 1)

545 Cairns Area Plan of Management Amendment 2004 F2006B00928

(No. 1)

546 Cairns Area Plan of Management Amendment 2005 F2005L03457

(No. 1)

547 Cairns Area Plan of Management Amendment 2008 F2008L04583

(No. 1)

548 Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment F2002B00008

(Application of Criminal Code) Regulations 2002

(No. 1), SR 2002 No. 8

549 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2007L01923

Act 1999 - Proclamation (made on 28 June 2007)

550 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2001B00260

Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 179

551 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2001B00394

Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 2), SR 2001 No. 306

552 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2001B00567

Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 3), SR 2001 No. 327

553 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2002B00082

Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 83

554 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2003B00371

Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 354

555 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2005L02017

Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 167

556 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2005L03473

Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 251

Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

557 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2006L01832

Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 131

558 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2007L00410

Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 9

559 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2009L01795

Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 80

560 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2009L04193

Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 3), SLI 2009 No. 302

561 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2009L04539

Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 4), SLI 2009 No. 365

562 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2010L01366

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 100

563 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2011L02102

Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 191

564 Environment Protection and Management (Amendment) F2007B00573

Ordinance 1990, No. 1 of 1990

565 Environment Protection and Management (Amendment) F2007B00575

Ordinance 1991, No. 1 of 1991

566 Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment F2001B00281

Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 199

567 Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Regulations F1997B02080

(Amendment), SR 1984 No. 423

568 Exercise of powers and duties (made on 18 August F2005L03454


569 Fuel Quality Information Standard (Ethanol) F2006L00179

Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 1)

570 Fuel Quality Standards Amendment Determination 2004 F2006B01343

(No. 1)

571 Fuel Quality Standards Amendment Regulations 2001 F2001B00343

(No. 1), SR 2001 No. 255

572 Fuel Quality Standards Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00117

(No. 1), SR 2002 No. 116

573 Fuel Quality Standards Amendment Regulations 2003 F2003B00372

(No. 1), SR 2003 No. 355

574 Fuel Quality Standards Amendment Regulations 2008 F2008L03632

(No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 203

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

575 Fuel Standard (Automotive Diesel) Amendment F2005L01417

Determination 2005 (No. 1)

576 Fuel Standard (Automotive Diesel) Amendment F2009L00692

Determination 2009 (No. 1)

577 Fuel Standard (Biodiesel) Amendment F2006B01377

Determination 2004 (No. 1)

578 Fuel Standard (Biodiesel) Amendment F2009L00693

Determination 2009 (No. 1)

579 Fuel Standard (Diesel) Amendment Determination 2001 F2006B01358

(No. 1)

580 Fuel Standard (Diesel) Amendment Determination 2002 F2006B01359

(No. 1)

581 Fuel Standard (Petrol) Amendment Determination 2001 F2006B01340

(No. 1)

582 Fuel Standard (Petrol) Amendment Determination 2002 F2006B01341

(No. 1)

583 Fuel Standard (Petrol) Amendment Determination 2003 F2006B01342

(No. 1)

584 Fuel Standard (Petrol) Amendment Determination 2005 F2005L01418

(No. 1)

585 Fuel Standard (Petrol) Amendment Determination 2007 F2007L03952

(No. 1)

586 Fuel Standard (Petrol) Amendment Determination 2008 F2008L02296

(No. 1)

587 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2012L00675

Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 36

588 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2000B00009

Regulations 2000 (No. 1), SR 2000 No. 5

589 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2001B00063

Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 12

590 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2001B00259

Regulations 2001 (No. 2), SR 2001 No. 178

591 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2001B00278

Regulations 2001 (No. 3), SR 2001 No. 197

592 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2001B00395

Regulations 2001 (No. 4), SR 2001 No. 307

40 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

593 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2002B00071

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 72

594 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2002B00072

Regulations 2002 (No. 2), SR 2002 No. 73

595 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2002B00112

Regulations 2002 (No. 3), SR 2002 No. 112

596 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2002B00173

Regulations 2002 (No. 4), SR 2002 No. 177

597 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2002B00225

Regulations 2002 (No. 6), SR 2002 No. 224

598 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2002B00346

Regulations 2002 (No. 7), SR 2002 No. 338

599 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2003B00029

Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 20

600 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2003B00210

Regulations 2003 (No. 2), SR 2003 No. 200

601 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2003B00305

Regulations 2003 (No. 3), SR 2003 No. 293

602 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2004B00021

Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 No. 15

603 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2004B00052

Regulations 2004 (No. 2), SR 2004 No. 39

604 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2004B00074

Regulations 2004 (No. 3), SR 2004 No. 60

605 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2004B00162

Regulations 2004 (No. 4), SR 2004 No. 143

606 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2004B00392

Regulations 2004 (No. 5), SR 2004 No. 333

607 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2005B00036

Regulations 2004 (No. 6), SR 2004 No. 379

608 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2005L01929

Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 155

609 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2005L03455

Regulations 2005 (No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 252

610 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2005L04030

Regulations 2005 (No. 3), SLI 2005 No. 309

No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

611 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2006L01809

Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 132

612 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2006L03349

Regulations 2006 (No. 2), SLI 2006 No. 267

613 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2006L04022

Regulations 2006 (No. 3), SLI 2006 No. 342

614 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2007L00516

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 32

615 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2008L04577

Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 262

616 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2011L02645

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 255

617 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (Aquaculture) F2007L00537

Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 33

618 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01951

(Amendment), SR 1985 No. 169

619 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01952

(Amendment), SR 1986 No. 1

620 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01953

(Amendment), SR 1987 No. 247

621 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01955

(Amendment), SR 1989 No. 269

622 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01956

(Amendment), SR 1989 No. 367

623 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01957

(Amendment), SR 1989 No. 368

624 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01958

(Amendment), SR 1990 No. 9

625 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01959

(Amendment), SR 1990 No. 35

626 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01960

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 63

627 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01961

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 257

628 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01962

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 296

42 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

629 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01964

(Amendment), SR 1993 No. 188

630 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01965

(Amendment), SR 1993 No. 206

631 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01966

(Amendment), SR 1993 No. 266

632 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1997B00990

(Amendment), SR 1996 No. 277

633 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1997B02614

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 96

634 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1997B02814

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 326

635 Great Barrier Reef Region (Prohibition of Mining) F2009L04192

Repeal Regulations 2009, SLI 2009 No. 303

636 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F2001B00284

Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 203

637 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F2003B00095

Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 83

638 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F2005L00156

Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 20

639 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F2005L03452

Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 253

640 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F2007L00553

Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 34

641 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F2008L04513

Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 231

642 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F2010L02115

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 229

643 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F1999B00005

(Fees) Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1), SR 1999

No. 6

644 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F1996B00065

(Fees) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 285

645 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) F1999B00075

(OECD Decision) Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1),

SR 1999 No. 74

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

646 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports)

(OECD Decision) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1),

SR 2004 No. 73


647 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports)

(Waigani Convention) Amendment Regulations 1999

(No. 1), SR 1999 No. 312


648 Historic Shipwrecks Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1979 No. 124


649 Historic Shipwrecks Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1980 No. 391


650 Historic Shipwrecks Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1983 No. 24


651 Historic Shipwrecks Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1990 No. 115


652 Inclusion of a threatening process in the list of key

threatening processes under section 183 of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Act 1999 (12) (made on 6 September 2009)


653 Inclusion of a threatening process in the list of key

threatening processes under section 183 of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Act 1999 (13) (made on 23 December 2009)


654 Inclusion of key threatening processes in the list of key

threatening processes under section 183 of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Act 1999 (made on 24 July 2001)


655 Inclusion of key threatening processes in the list of

threatened key threatening processes under section 183

of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (made on 9 March 2001)


656 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under s178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 29 March



657 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under s178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

4 December 2001)


44 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

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No. 18, 2014

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

658 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 9 March



659 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 14 July



660 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 2 August



661 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

15 September 2001)


662 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

24 September 2001)


663 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 5 October



664 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 1 July



665 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 4 July



666 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

20 November 2002)


No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal 45

Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

667 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 4 March



668 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 24 April



669 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 24 April



670 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 26 May



671 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 3 June



672 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 21 July



673 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 14 August



674 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

3 November 2003)


675 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

19 February 2004)


Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

676 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 5 May



677 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 22 June



678 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 22 June



679 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

7 December 2004)


680 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

25 January 2005)


681 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

21 February 2005)


682 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 31 March



683 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 5 April



684 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 13 May



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Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

685 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 19 May



686 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 24 May



687 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on 17 June



688 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (made on

2 September 2005)


689 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (31/01/2005)


690 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (31/01/2005)


691 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (37) (made on

26 October 2005)


692 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (38) (made on

9 November 2006)


693 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (40) (made on

4 May 2006)


694 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (41) (made on

12 July 2006)


48 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

No. 18, 2014

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

695 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (42) (made on

14 August 2006)


696 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (43) (made on

14 August 2006)


697 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (44) (made on

14 August 2006)


698 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (45) (made on

14 August 2006)


699 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (46) (made on

5 September 2006)


700 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (47) (made on

6 September 2006)


701 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (48) (made on

10 November 2006)


702 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (49) (made on

23 November 2006)


703 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (50) (made on

10 November 2006)


No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal 49

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

704 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (51) (made on

9 January 2007)


705 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (53) (made on

7 December 2007)


706 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (54) (made on

7 December 2007)


707 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (55) (made on

7 December 2007)


708 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (56) (made on

7 December 2007)


709 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (57) (made on

7 December 2007)


710 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (58) (made on

18 December 2007)


711 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (59) (made on

14 November 2008)


712 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (60) (made on

24 January 2008)


Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal No. 18, 2014

Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

713 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (61) (made on

16 February 2008)


714 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (62) (made on

14 November 2008)


715 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (63) (made on

19 December 2008)


716 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (64) (made on

19 December 2008)


717 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (65) (made on

1 September 2008)


718 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (66) (made on

19 December 2008)


719 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (67) (made on

20 November 2008)


720 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (68) (made on

19 December 2008)


721 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (68) (made on

19 December 2008)


No. 18, 2014 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal 51

Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

722 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (69) (made on

19 December 2008)


723 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (70) (made on

19 December 2008)


724 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (71) (made on

19 December 2008)


725 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (73) (made on

17 December 2008)


726 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (74) (made on

19 December 2008)


727 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (75) (made on

11 January 2009)


728 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (77) (made on

26 May 2009)


729 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (78) (made on

22 May 2009)


730 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (79) (made on

14 April 2009)


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Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

731 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (80) (made on

17 June 2009)


732 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (81) (made on

20 October 2009)


733 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (82) (made on

7 October 2009)


734 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (83) (made on

19 May 2009)


735 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (85) (made on

7 December 2009)


736 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (88) (made on

7 December 2009)


737 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (89) (made on

10 December 2009)


738 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (90) (made on

1 December 2009)


739 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (91) (made on

9 February 2010)


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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

740 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (92) (made on

23 December 2009)


741 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (96) (made on

14 July 2010)


742 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (99) (made on

2 February 2011)


743 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (102) (made on

23 December 2010)


744 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (103) (made on

23 December 2010)


745 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (104) (made on

4 February 2011)


746 Inclusion of species in the list of threatened species

under section 178 of the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (113) (made on

23 December 2010)


747 Inclusion of threatening processes in the list of key

threatening processes under section 183 of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Act 1999 (made on 10 July 2002)


748 Inclusion of threatening processes in the list of key

threatening processes under section 183 of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Act 1999 (made on 4 March 2003)


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Regulation 2014

OPC60246 - B

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

749 Inclusion of threatening processes in the list of key F2005B02702

threatening processes under section 183 of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Act 1999 (made on 4 August 2003)

750 Inclusion of threatening process in the list of key F2005L00886

threatening processes under section 183 of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Act 1999 (made on 25 January 2005)

751 Inclusion of threatening process in the list of key F2005L00887

threatening processes under section 183 of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Act 1999 (made on 5 April 2005)

752 Inclusion of threatening process in the list of key F2006L00968

threatening processes under section 183 of the

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

Act 1999 (39) (made on 23 March 2006)

753 List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable for Live Import F2006B01078

– s303EB (made on 20 November 2002)

754 List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable for Live Import F2006B01075

– s303EB (made on 17 February 2003)

755 Migratory Birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1982 F2009B00234

(Australian Antarctic Territory), No. 1 of 1982

756 Migratory Birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1982 F2009B00230

(Territory of Heard and McDonald Islands), No. 1 of


757 Migratory Birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1983 F2009B00235

(Australian Antarctic Territory), No. 1 of 1983

758 Migratory Birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1983 F2009B00231

(Territory of Heard and McDonald Islands), No. 1 of


759 Migratory Birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1985 F2009B00236

(Australian Antarctic Territory), No. 1 of 1985

760 Migratory Birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1985 F2009B00232

(Territory of Heard and McDonald Islands), No. 1 of


761 Migratory Birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1988 F2009B00237

(Australian Antarctic Territory), No. 1 of 1988

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Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

762 Migratory Birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1988 F2009B00233

(Territory of Heard and McDonald Islands), No. 1 of


763 Minor Minor Variation to the National Environment F2011L02074

Protection (Air Toxics) Measure 2011

764 Minor Variation to the National Environment Protection F2007B01120

(Movement of Controlled Waste Between States and

Territories) Measure (made on 15 October 2004)

765 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 - F2008B00725

Proclamation (made on 21 October 1985)

766 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 - F2009B00244

Proclamation (made on 19 December 1985)

767 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 - F2009B00246

Proclamation (made on 13 November 1989)

768 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 - F2009B00247

Proclamation (made on 21 June 1991)

769 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 - F2008B00726

Proclamation (made on 27 May 1993)

770 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 - F2008B00736

Proclamation (made on 27 May 1993)

771 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 - F2008B00734

Proclamation (made on 24 January 1996)

772 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 - F2007B00698

Proclamation (made on 29 October 1997)

773 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 - F2007B00688

Proclamation (made on 25 May 2000)

774 Ordinances Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) F2008B00076

Ordinance 2002 (No. 1) (Australian Antarctic Territory),

No. 1 of 2002

775 Ordinances Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) F2008B00477

Ordinance 2002 (No. 1) (Territory of Heard and

McDonald Islands), No. 1 of 2002

776 Ozone Protection Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1), F1999B00074

SR 1999 No. 73

777 Ozone Protection Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), F2003B00294

SR 2003 No. 279

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

778 Ozone Protection Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1),

SR 2004 No. 16


779 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

(Import Levy) Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1),

SLI 2012 No. 109


780 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1),

SLI 2012 No. 110


781 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 2),

SLI 2012 No. 169


782 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1),

SR 2004 No. 296


783 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2),

SR 2004 No. 380


784 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 3),

SR 2004 No. 381


785 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1),

SLI 2005 No. 71


786 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2),

SLI 2005 No. 90


787 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 3),

SLI 2005 No. 254


788 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1),

SLI 2006 No. 237


789 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 2),

SLI 2006 No. 312


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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

790 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1),

SLI 2007 No. 217


791 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 2),

SLI 2007 No. 335


792 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1),

SLI 2008 No. 136


793 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1),

SLI 2009 No. 4


794 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 2),

SLI 2009 No. 171


795 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1),

SLI 2011 No. 64


796 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 2),

SLI 2011 No. 256


797 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

(Manufacture Levy) Amendment Regulation 2012

(No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 111


798 Product Stewardship (Oil) Amendment Regulations 2000

(No. 1), SR 2000 No. 353


799 Product Stewardship (Oil) Amendment Regulations 2003

(No. 1), SR 2003 No. 47


800 Product Stewardship (Oil) Amendment Regulations 2003

(No. 2), SR 2003 No. 294


801 Product Stewardship (Oil) Amendment Regulations 2004

(No. 1), SR 2004 No. 74


802 Product Stewardship (Oil) Amendment Regulations 2005

(No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 4


803 Product Stewardship (Oil) Amendment Regulations 2006

(No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 144


58 Environment (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

804 Product Stewardship (Oil) Amendment Regulations 2006 F2006L04055

(No. 2), SLI 2006 No. 343

805 Product Stewardship (Oil) Amendment Regulations 2008 F2008L00920

(No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 28

806 Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) F2012L01248

Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 112

807 Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) F2011L02470

Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 212

808 Schedule - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable for F2006B01071

Live Import – s303EB (made on 12 September 2002)

809 Schedule - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable for F2006B01072

Live Import – s303EB (made on 24 September 2002)

810 Schedule - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable for F2006B01073

Live Import – s303EB (made on 10 October 2002)

811 Schedule - List of Specimens Taken to be Suitable for F2006B01074

Live Import – s303EB (made on 10 December 2002)

812 Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Amendment F2002B00322

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 312

813 Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Amendment F2009L02985

Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 191

814 Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Amendment F2010L00746

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 48

815 Update of the List of Migratory Species (made on F2009L01064

12 March 2009)

816 Update of the List of Migratory Species (made on F2010L00033

11 December 2009)

817 Variation to National Environment Protection F2010L03003

(Movement of Controlled Wastes between States and

Territories) Measure (No. 1) (made on 4 November


818 Variation to the National Environment Protection F2007B01143

(Ambient Air Quality) Measure for Particles as PM2.5

819 Variation to the National Environment Protection F2009L02125

(Diesel Vehicle Emissions) Measure 2009 (No. 1)

820 Variation to the National Environment Protection F2007L02572

(National Pollutant Inventory) Measure 2007 (No. 1)

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Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

821 Variation to the National Environment Protection

(National Pollutant Inventory) Measure 2008 (No. 1)


822 Water Amendment (Murray-Darling Basin Agreement)

Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 184


823 Water Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008

No. 204


824 Water Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 2), SLI 2008

No. 229


825 Water Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 3), SLI 2008

No. 285


826 Water Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009

No. 174


827 Water Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010

No. 83


828 Water Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011

No. 117


829 Water Charge (Termination Fees) Amendment

Rules 2011


830 Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Amendment

Declaration 2005 (No. 1)


831 Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Amendment

Declaration 2006 (No. 1)


832 Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Amendment

Declaration 2007 (No. 1)


833 Whitsundays Plan of Management Amendment 1999 F2006B00703

834 Whitsundays Plan of Management Amendment 2002

(No. 1)


835 Whitsundays Plan of Management Amendment 2005

(No. 1)


836 Whitsundays Plan of Management Amendment 2008

(No. 1)


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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Repeal of commencement instruments Schedule 2

Schedule 2—Repeal of commencement instruments

Guide to this Schedule

This Schedule repeals commencement instruments that are spent,

and that would have been repealed automatically under

section 48B of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 if they had

been made after the commencement of that section.

The repeal of an instrument by this Schedule does not affect any

commencement the instrument provides for: see subsection 6(2).

Repeal of commencement instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1 Proclamation for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait F2007L01489

Islander Heritage Protection Amendment Act 2006

(made on 23 May 2007)

2 Proclamation for the Environment and Heritage F2006L04046

Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2006 (made on

13 December 2006)

3 Proclamation for the Environment and Heritage F2007L00129

Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2006 (made on

15 January 2007)

4 Proclamation for the Environment and Heritage F2007L00411

Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2006 (made on

15 February 2007)

5 Proclamation for the Product Stewardship Act 2011 F2011L01586

(made on 28 July 2011)

6 Proclamation for the Water Amendment Act 2008 (made F2008L04656

on 12 December 2008)

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Schedule 3 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Schedule 3—Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Guide to this Schedule

This Schedule repeals amending and repealing legislative

instruments that also contain application, saving or transitional

provisions. The amendments and repeals have happened, and the

application, saving or transitional provisions are no longer

required. The instruments do not contain any other substantive


To assist the reader, the location of each application, saving or

transitional provision in an instrument is identified in brackets after

its name, with ―s‖ used to indicate the provision (e.g. ―s. 4‖ may

refer to section 4, regulation 4, clause 4 or the fourth provision of

some other type as appropriate).

The repeal of an instrument by this Schedule does not affect any

amendment or repeal made by the instrument: see

paragraph 7(2)(a). Also, to ensure that the repeal of the application,

saving or transitional provisions does not have any unforeseen

effect, and to remove any doubt that may otherwise exist, any

continuing operation they may have is preserved: see

paragraph 7(2)(b).

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation F2009L04164

Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 2) (s. 4), SLI 2009

No. 301

Environment Protection and Management Amendment F2009L02987

Ordinance 2009 (No. 1) (s. 4), Ordinance 2009 No. 2

Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment F2009L01220

Regulations 2009 (No. 1) (s. 4), SLI 2009 No. 57

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions Schedule 3

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F1999B00255

Regulations 1999 (No. 1) (s. 4), SR 1999 No. 252

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment F2009L04191

Regulations 2009 (No. 1) (s. 4), SLI 2009 No. 304

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01954

(Amendment) (s. 12), SR 1988 No. 185

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations F1996B01963

(Amendment) (s. 15), SR 1992 No. 69

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas F2010L00945

Management Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1)

(s. 4), SLI 2010 No. 64

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 1 Instruments past their date of effect

Schedule 4—Repeal of other redundant instruments

Guide to this Schedule

This Schedule repeals legislative instruments that are spent or no

longer required, and that are not covered by the previous


More information about why the instruments are spent or no longer

required is provided in the explanatory statement accompanying

this regulation.

The repeal of an instrument by this Schedule does not affect any

amendment or repeal made by the instrument: see

paragraph 8(2)(a). Also, to ensure that the repeal of the application,

saving or transitional provisions does not have any unforeseen

effect, and to remove any doubt that may otherwise exist, any

continuing operation they may have is preserved: see

paragraph 8(2)(b).

Part 1—Instruments past their date of effect

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage F2009B00018

Protection Act 1984 - Declaration under section 10

(made on 15 May 1992)

2 Commonwealth Great Australian Bight Marine Park F2005L01162

Management Plan 2005-2012

3 Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve F2005L02346

Management Plan (made on 11 August 2005)

4 Uluru - Kata Tjuta Plan of Management (made on F2007B00594

15 March 2000)

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Other instruments no longer required Part 2

Part 2—Other instruments no longer required

Other instruments no longer required

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of F2011L00327

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (made on 4 February 2011)

Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of F2011L00326

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (made on 10 February 2011)

Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of F2011L02412

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (made on 11 November 2011)

Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of F2011L02417

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (made on 11 November 2011)

Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of F2011L02420

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (made on 11 November 2011)

Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of F2012L00686

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (EC97) (made on 14 March


Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of F2012L01781

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (EC 107) (made on 14 August


Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of F2012L01843

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (EC 117) (made on 28 August


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Regulation 2014

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Other instruments no longer required

Other instruments no longer required

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

9 Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (EC 121) (made on 6 March



10 Inclusion of ecological communities in the list of

threatened ecological communities under section 181 of

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 (EC 122) (made on 11 May



11 National Environment Protection (National Pollutant

Inventory) Measure (made on 20 June 2000)


12 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

Management (Control on Discharge of Scheduled

Substances — Startup Date) Proclamation 2008 (made

on 12 December 2008)


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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014L00275


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