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裁判官(行政)規則(第227A章),1933, 香港 (特区),中国

WIPO Lex中的最新版本
详情 详情 版本年份 1997 日期 生效: 1933年1月1日 议定: 1933年1月1日 文本类型 实施规则/实施细则 主题 知识产权及相关法律的执行 香港 (特区)根据TRIPS第63条第2款发给世贸组织的通知中称:


主要文本 相关文本
主要文本 主要文本 汉语 裁判官(行政)規則(第227A章),1933         英语 Magistrates (Administrative) Rules (Chapter 227A), 1933        

Chapter: 227A MAGISTRATES (ADMINISTRATIVE) RULES Gazette Number Version Date

Empowering section 30/06/1997

(Cap 227 sections 35, 62, 63, 64 and 133)

[1 January 1933]

(Originally 41 of 1932 Second Schedule)

Rule: 1 Interpretation 30/06/1997


1. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires- "authorized clerk" (獲授權書記) means in respect of each magistracy any person authorized in writing, by a

magistrate normally sitting at that magistracy, to perform the duties hereinafter referred to; "magistracy" (裁判法院) means any premises, other than those separately used as a juvenile court in accordance with

the provisions of section 3D(2) of the Juvenile Offenders Ordinance (Cap 226), which contain rooms in which a magistrate habitually sits to hear and try any complaint or information;

"transfer" (移交) refers to the transfer of a charge to the District Court. (G.N.A. 91 of 1960)

Rule: 2 Case Register 30/06/1997

(1) There shall be kept in respect of each magistracy a case register in which shall be entered particulars, as required, of every proceeding or matter before a magistrate there sitting taken from the relevant- (L.N. 331 of 1995)

(a) information; or (b) complaint; or (c) claim; or (d) charge sheet; and (e) the magistrate's minutes referred to in section 34 of the Ordinance.

(2) A case register kept under subrule (1) may be kept- (a) in the form of a book; (b) in the form of a disc, card, tape, microchip, sound track or other device on or in which information or

data is recorded or stored by mechanical, electronic, optical or other means; or (c) partly in the form referred to in paragraph (a) and partly in the form referred to in paragraph (b). (L.N.

331 of 1995) (3) A case register kept under subrule (1) may be divided into parts. (L.N. 331 of 1995) (4)-(5) (Repealed L.N. 331 of 1995)

(G.N.A. 91 of 1960)

Rule: 3 Accounts 30/06/1997

(1) The magistrates' clerk shall render an account of all fines, fees and other sums received by him under the Ordinance in such manner and at such times as the Director of Accounting Services may direct. (L.N. 16 of 1977)

(2) The magistrates' clerk shall enter on the day of its receipt each sum of money received by him on any account whatever.

(3) Where payment is deferred or to be made by instalments, the magistrates' clerk shall make a note opposite the appropriate entry in the return, and shall enter the sum in a book called the Instalment Ledger.

(4) When the whole of such sum has been paid or received by distress, or the term of imprisonment imposed in default of payment or of sufficient distress has expired, the magistrates' clerk shall then enter the sum in the account:

Provided that, though the whole of the sum may not have been paid or recovered, the instalments received shall


be accounted for at such times and in such manner as the Director of Accounting Services may direct. (L.N. 16 of 1977; L.N. 453 of 1993)

Rule: 4 Other accounts dispensed with 30/06/1997

When the magistrates' clerk has rendered an account in such form as shall be required by the Director of Accounting Services, he shall not be required to render any other account relating to the same particulars.

(G.N.A. 91 of 1960; L.N. 16 of 1977; L.N. 453 of 1993)

Rule: 5 Returns to Chief Secretary for Administration L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

The magistrates' clerk shall render such returns at such times and in such manner as the Chief Secretary for Administration may direct.

(L.N. 226 of 1976; L.N. 362 of 1997)

Rule: 6 Application of sum due under forfeited security 30/06/1997

Where a magistrate has enforced payment of any sum due by a principal in pursuance of a security under the Ordinance which appears to the magistrate to be forfeited, the sum shall be paid to the magistrates' clerk, and shall be paid and applied by him in accordance with its appropriation in such manner as the Director of Accounting Services may direct.

(L.N. 16 of 1977; L.N. 453 of 1993)

Rule: 7 Form of security 30/06/1997

Any security given under this Ordinance by an oral or written acknowledgment may be in the form of an undertaking.

Rule: 8 Security book 30/06/1997

(1) The magistrates' clerk shall keep a security book, and shall enter therein, with respect to each security given in relation to any proceeding, the name and address of each person bound, showing whether he is bound as principal or as surety, the sum in which each person is bound, the undertaking or condition by which he is bound, the date of the security, and the person before whom it is taken.

(2) Where any such security is not entered into before a magistrate or before the magistrates' clerk, the person before whom it is entered into shall make a return thereof, showing the above particulars, to the magistrates' clerk.

(3) The security book, and any certified extract therefrom, shall be evidence of the several matters hereby required to be entered in the security book in like manner as if the security book were the register.

Rule: 9 Notice to principal of forfeiture of security 30/06/1997

(1) Not less than 2 clear days before a warrant of distress is issued for a sum due by a principal in pursuance of a forfeited security under the Ordinance, the magistrates' clerk issuing the warrant shall cause notice of the forfeiture to be served on the principal.

(2) Service of the notice may be effected either by prepaid letter sent to the address mentioned in the security, or as service of a summons may be effected under the Ordinance.

Rule: 10 Application to vary order for sureties 30/06/1997

An application under section 62 of the Ordinance shall be an application for a summons requiring the complainant to show cause why the order made on his complaint should not be varied.


Rule: 11 Payment by defendant 30/06/1997

When an order of commitment for non-payment of money is issued, the defendant may, at any time before he is delivered into the custody of the gaoler, pay to the officer holding the order the amount endorsed thereon as that on the payment of which he may be discharged, and, on receiving that amount, the officer shall discharge the defendant, and shall forthwith pay over the amount to the magistrates' clerk.

Rule: 12 Discharge of prisoner on payment 30/06/1997

(1) The sum endorsed on the order of commitment as that on payment of which the prisoner may be discharged may be paid to the magistrates' clerk.

(2) Where it is paid to the clerk, he shall sign a certificate of the payment, and, on receiving the certificate by post or otherwise, the gaoler in whose custody the prisoner then is shall forthwith discharge the prisoner.

Rule: 13 Direction that money found on defaulter shall not be applied in satisfaction of fine


Where the defendant is committed to prison or other place of detention, any direction given under section 38 of the Ordinance shall be endorsed on the warrant of commitment.

(G.N.A. 78 of 1956)

Rule: 14 Costs of plaintiff or complainant in enforcing order 30/06/1997

All costs incurred by the plaintiff or complainant in endeavouring to enforce an order shall, unless a magistrate otherwise orders, be enforceable by warrant of distress and sale or by imprisonment not exceeding (42 days) 6 weeks, unless the same shall be sooner paid.

Rule: 15 Custody of exhibits 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997

Remarks: Amendments retroactively made-see 25 of 1998 s. 2

(1) Except insofar as the magistrate may direct all exhibits in the case shall remain in the custody of the magistrates' clerk or of such person as the magistrate may direct until an appeal has been lodged or the period during which an appeal may be lodged has expired.

(2) After the expiration of the period during which an appeal may be lodged or, in the case of an appeal, after the exhibits have been returned to the magistrates' clerk by the Registrar of the High Court as provided by rule 19(2) the magistrates' clerk shall, subject to any order which the magistrate may make, return all exhibits to the persons who originally produced the same:

Provided that any such exhibit as to which an order for restitution may have been made by the magistrate or by a judge of the Court as the case may be, shall not be returned except under the direction of the magistrate or of the judge of the Court as the case may be. (25 of 1998 s. 2)

(G.N.A. 82 of 1954)

Rule: 16 Delivery of additional copy of case stated 30/06/1997


In all cases of appeal to the Court of Appeal on questions of law under Part VII of the Ordinance, the party setting down the appeal for argument shall, at the time of setting down the appeal for argument and when the appeal is to be heard before 2 judges, furnish the Registrar with an additional copy of the case stated and of the depositions, if any, attached thereto; and if he fails to do so the other party to such appeal may, on the day following, deliver such copy as ought to have been delivered by the party making default; and the party making default shall not be heard until he has paid for such additional copy or deposited with the Registrar a sufficient sum to pay for such copy.


Rule: 17 Mode stating case 30/06/1997

Every case stated under Part VII of the Ordinance shall be divided into paragraphs which, as nearly as may be, shall be confined to a distinct portion of the subject, and every paragraph shall be numbered consecutively.

Rule: 18 Costs of drawing and copying case 30/06/1997

The costs of drawing and copying any such case as aforesaid which does not in substance comply with the requirements of rule 17 shall not be allowed on taxation, unless the Court of Appeal or the judge before whom the appeal is heard specially so directs.

Rule: 19 Transmission of exhibits on appeal 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997

Remarks: Amendments retroactively made-see 25 of 1998 s. 2

(1) Whenever the magistrates' clerk shall receive notice of any appeal in accordance with section 114(b) of the Ordinance or the magistrate has received a request to sign and state a case in accordance with section 105 of the Ordinance, the magistrates' clerk shall transmit all exhibits in the case to the Registrar of the High Court or to such person as the Registrar may direct at the same time as he transmits the notice of appeal to the Registrar, in accordance with the provisions of section 116(1) of the Ordinance. (25 of 1998 s. 2)

(2) All such exhibits other than such documents as are usually kept by the Registrar shall, after the determination of the appeal and subject to any order which the Court may make, be returned to the magistrates' clerk for disposal as provided in rule 15(2).

(G.N.A. 82 of 1954)

Rule: 20 Citation 30/06/1997


These rules may be cited as the Magistrates (Administrative) Rules.

Schedule: SCHEDULE (Repealed L.N. 331 of 1995) 30/06/1997


 《裁判官 (行政)規則》

章: 227A 《裁判官(行政)規則》 憲報編號 版本日期

賦權條文 30/06/1997




條: 1 釋義 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997





“移交”(transfer) 指將控罪移交至區域法院; (1998年第25號第2條)

“裁判法院”(magistracy) 指任何設有裁判官慣常用作聆訊及審理申訴或告發案件的房間的處所,


“獲授權書記”(authorized clerk) 就每所裁判法院而言,指獲通常在有關裁判法院聆訊的裁判官



條: 2 案件登記冊 30/06/1997

(1) 須就每所裁判法院備存一份案件登記冊,將在裁判官席前審理的每宗法律程序或事項的所

需詳情予以記錄,而此等詳情須摘自有關的─ (1995年第331號法律公告)

(a) 告發;或

(b) 申訴;或

(c) 申索;或

(d) 控告書;及

(e) 本條例第34條所提述由裁判官作出的紀錄。

(2) 根據第(1)款備存的案件登記冊可─

(a) 以簿冊形式備存;

(b) 以藉機械、電子、光學或其他方法於其上或其內記錄或儲存資料的紀錄碟、紀錄卡、


(c) 部分以(a)段所提述的形式而部分以(b)段所提述的形式備存。 (1995年第331號法律


(3) 根據第(1)款備存的案件登記冊可分為不同部分。 (1995年第331號法律公告)

(4)-(5) (由1995年第331號法律公告廢除)


227A - 《裁判官(行政)規則》 1

條: 3 帳目 30/06/1997

(1) 裁判官書記須按照庫務署署長指示的方式,並在其指示的時間,提交帳目,開列他根據本


(2) 裁判官書記須於收款當日將他就任何帳目所收到的每筆款項,予以記錄。

(3) 如延遲繳付或分期繳付款項,裁判官書記須在報表上的有關記項旁加以備註,並須將有關


(4) 如有關款項已悉數繳付或藉扣押財物而悉數收





條: 4 無須提交的其他帳目 30/06/1997



條: 5 提交政務司司長的報表 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997



條: 6 因保證的承諾須予履行而須繳的款項的運用 30/06/1997





條: 7 保證的形式 30/06/1997


條: 8 保證登記冊 30/06/1997

(1) 裁判官書記須備存一本保證登記冊,並須將每項就任何法律程序所作保證的有關詳情記入



(2) 如上述保證並非在裁判官或裁判官書記面前作出,則上述保證在其面前作出的人須將一份


(3) 保證登記冊及其經核證的任何摘錄,即為證明須在保證登記冊上記錄的各事項的證據,猶


227A - 《裁判官(行政)規則》 2

條: 9 通知主事人有關保證的承諾須予履行事 30/06/1997

(1) 裁判官書記如發出財物扣押令,以追討一名主事人因根據本條例作出的保證的承諾須予履



(2) 通知書可採用將已付郵資的信件寄往保證書上所述地址的方式完成送達,亦可採用根據本


條: 10 申請更改有關擔保人的命令 30/06/1997



條: 11 被告人的付款 30/06/1997




條: 12 付款後釋放犯人 30/06/1997

(1) 拘押令上所註明可令某名犯人獲釋的款項,可付予裁判官書記。

(2) 裁判官書記在收取該筆款項後,須簽署一份付款證明書,而當時羈押該名犯人的監獄負責


條: 13 在欠繳罰款的人身上發現的款項不得用以抵償罰款的指示 30/06/1997



條: 14 原告人或申訴人強制執行命令的費用 30/06/1997




條: 15 證物的保管 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



(1) 除裁判官另有指示外,案件中的所有證物均須一直由裁判官書記或由裁判官所指示的人保


(2) 在上訴期限屆滿後,或如屬上訴案,則在高等法院司法常務官按第19(2)條將證物交還裁判



227A - 《裁判官(行政)規則》 3


或法院法官(視屬何情況而定)指示下交還,否則不得交還。 (1998年第25號第2條)


條: 16 額外的案件呈述副本的送交 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997










條: 17 案件呈述的格式 30/06/1997



條: 18 草擬及複印案件呈述的費用 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997






條: 19 上訴時證物的轉交 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



(1) 每當裁判官書記按照本條例第114(b)條收取任何上訴通知書,或每當裁判官收到要求他按



人。 (1998年第25號第2條)

(2) 所有上述證物,除通常由司法常務官保存的文件外,均須在上訴已有裁定後,並在符合法



227A - 《裁判官(行政)規則》 4

條: 20 引稱 30/06/1997


本規則可引稱為《裁判官 (行政)規則》。

附表: 附表(1995年第331號法律公告廢除) 30/06/1997

227A - 《裁判官(行政)規則》 5


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