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刑事訴訟程序條例(第221章), 香港 (特区),中国

WIPO Lex中的最新版本
详情 详情 版本年份 2009 日期 制定: 1899年1月1日 文本类型 框架法 主题 知识产权及相关法律的执行 本條例旨在綜合和修訂關於刑事訴訟程序、證據及常規的法律。


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Chapter: 221 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ORDINANCE Gazette Number Version Date
Long title 30/06/1997

To consolidate and amend the laws relating to criminal procedure, evidence and practice. (Replaced 24 of 1950 Schedule) [7 July 1899] (Originally 13 of 1899; 14 of 1906; 31 of 1911; 17 of 1919; 14 of 1929 (Cap 221 of 1950))

Section: 1 Short title 30/06/1997

This Ordinance may be cited as the Criminal Procedure Ordinance.

(Amended 5 of 1924 s. 6)

Section: 2 Interpretation 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires

"appellant" (上訴人) includes a person who has given notice of application for leave to appeal; (Added 34 of 1972 s. 2)

"bailiff" (執達主任) means the bailiff of the court and includes any deputy of the bailiff;

"Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre" (懲教署精神病治療中心) means the Correctional Services

Department Psychiatric Centre set apart as a prison under section 4 of the Prisons Ordinance (Cap 234); (Added 37 of 1973 s. 7) "court" (法院、法庭) means the Court of First Instance acting in the exercise of its criminal jurisdiction; (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2) "court of trial" (主審法院、主審法庭) in relation to an appeal means the court from which the appeal lies; (Added 34 of 1972 s. 2) "hospital order" (入院令) means an order made under section 45, 54 or 54A of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136); (Added 34 of 1972 s. 2. Amended 37 of 1973 s. 7; 46 of 1988 s. 33; 81 of 1997 s. 59) "indictment" (公訴書、公訴程序) includes any criminal information triable by a jury; "medical superintendent" (院長) means the medical superintendent or an assistant medical superintendent of a mental hospital appointed under section 4 of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136); (Added 34 of 1972 s. 2) "mental hospital" (精神病院) means any place declared to be a mental hospital under section 3 of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136); (Added 34 of 1972 s. 2) "property" (財產) includes goods, chattels, money, valuable securities, and every other matter or thing, whether real or personal, upon or with reference to which any offence may be committed; "Registrar" (司法常務官) means the Registrar of the High Court; (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 178) "Rules Committee" (規則委員會) means the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee constituted under section 9; (Added 13 of 1995 s. 22) "specified form" (指明的表格) means a form specified by the Rules Committee under section 9(4); (Added 13 of 1995 s. 22) "under disability" (無行為能力), in relation to an accused person, means under any disability such that apart from this Ordinance it would amount to a bar to his being tried; (Added 34 of 1972 s. 2) "witness order" (證人令) means an order made under section 84(1) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) and "conditional witness order" (附有條件的證人令) shall be construed accordingly; (Added 59 of 1981 s. 3) "witness summons" (證人傳票) means a summons issued under section 34. (Added 59 of 1981 s. 3) (Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 1 of 1912 Schedule; 21 of 1912 s. 2; 5 of 1924 s. 12 & Schedule)

Section: 3 (Repealed 39 of 1999 s. 3) 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3



Section: 4 (Repealed 63 of 1971 s. 11) 30/06/1997
Section: 5 Bringing of prisoners before the court 30/06/1997

The Commissioner of Correctional Services shall, by himself or his deputy, bring each prisoner awaiting trial before the court when his case is called for trial, and during the continuance of the trial shall have him under his charge and custody, and remand him to prison, by permission or order of the court, during the progress of the trial or on any adjournment thereof.

(Amended 1 of 1912 Schedule; 5 of 1924 s. 12; 25 of 1937 s. 3; G.N. 678 of 1938; 63

of 1971 s. 2)

Section: 6 (Repealed 63 of 1971 s. 11) 30/06/1997
Section: 7 Assistance by police 30/06/1997

The police shall afford such assistance as may be necessary to enable the Commissioner of Correctional Services to comply with the requirements of section 5. (Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 5 of 1924 ss. 8 & 12; 25 of 1937 s. 3;

G.N. 678 of 1938; 63 of 1971 s. 3)

Section: 8 (Repealed 63 of 1971 s. 11) 30/06/1997
Section: 9 Rules and orders as to practice and procedure 10 of 2005 08/07/2005

(1) Rules and orders regulating the practice and procedure under this Ordinance shall be made by the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee, which shall consist of-

the Chief Judge, who shall be chairman; (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 9)
a Justice of Appeal appointed by the Chief Judge; (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 9)
a judge of the Court of First Instance appointed by the Chief Judge; (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2; 10 of 2005 s. 9)
the Secretary for Justice or a legal officer nominated by him; (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
the Director of Legal Aid or a legal aid officer nominated by him;
a barrister nominated by the Hong Kong Bar Association;
a solicitor nominated by The Law Society of Hong Kong;
the Registrar, or a Senior Deputy Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the High Court appointed by the Chief Judge, who shall be secretary. (Replaced 13 of 1995 s. 23. Amended 10 of 2005 ss. 9 & 179)

(1A) Rules and orders made by the Rules Committee shall not have effect until approved by the Legislative Council and published in the Gazette. (Added 13 of 1995 s. 23)

Such rules and orders may provide for the times for or within which documents must be filed or notices given, the duties of the various officers of the court, the manner in which cases and arguments are to be presented, and generally for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Ordinance. (Amended 24 of 1950 Schedule; 15 of 1969
2; 13 of 1995 s. 23)
(3) Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and to such rules and orders and any other enactment (including any enactment relating to juries) applicable thereto, the practice and procedure in all criminal causes and matters (including trials for treason or misprision of treason) shall be, as nearly as possible, the same as the practice and procedure from time to time and for the time being in force for similar cases in England.

(4) The Rules Committee may, by notice in the Gazette, specify forms for use under this Ordinance, and such

forms shall be adhered to with such variations and additions as may be necessary. (Added 13 of 1995 s. 23) (Replaced 5 of 1933 s. 2)

(1) Subject to subsection (1A), the Rules Committee may, with the approval of the Legislative Council, make rules providing for the granting of legal aid in criminal cases to persons of limited means which rules, in particular, may- (Amended 13 of 1995 s. 24; 37 of 1996 s. 2)

(a) make provision as to the information to be given by a person seeking or receiving legal aid;
(b) make provision as to the manner in which the rate of a person's disposable income and the amount of his disposable capital are to be computed for the purpose of the rules and the person or authority by whom such computation shall be made;
(c) determine whether any resources are to be treated as disposable income or disposable capital and for taking into account fluctuations of income;
(d) determine the contribution towards costs and expenses to be made by a person receiving legal aid;
(e) determine the extent to which any resources of a person's husband or wife shall be treated as that person's resources for the purpose of the rules;
(f) provide, in relation to infants and in other special cases, for taking into account the resources of other persons;
(g) prescribe the scale of fees and costs which shall be paid to solicitor or counsel acting for an aided person (or submitting any opinion for the purpose of the rules);
(h) prescribe any forms to be used for the purpose of the rules.

(1A) Rules may be made under subsection (1) for the granting of legal aid to accused persons who are not represented by counsel or solicitor (and whether or not such persons are of limited means) for the purposes of assisting the court, within the meaning of section 75(6), in its consideration of the question of fitness to be tried of such persons. (Added 37 of 1996 s. 2)

(2) The expenses of legal aid granted under such rules shall be met from moneys provided by the Legislative

Council. (Added 15 of 1969 s. 3)(See also Cap 91 s. 28(2))

(1) The Rules Committee may, with the approval of the Legislative Council, make rules providing for the payment of an allowance to witnesses in criminal proceedings before any court, and such rules may, in particular, provide for-(Amended 13 of 1995 s. 25)
(a) the classification of witnesses;
(b) the payment of different rates of allowance to different classes of witnesses; and
(c) the rate of allowance which may be paid to witnesses in a particular class.
(2) The expenses of the allowances paid under such rules shall be met from moneys provided by the Legislative Council.

(3) In this section-

(a) "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate;
(b) "witness" (證人) means any person properly attending a court to give evidence, whether or not called to give evidence at the instance of the court, and whether or not he gives evidence, and includes-
(i) a person who conducts a prosecution under section 14 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) and obtains an order for costs under section 69 of that Ordinance; and
(ii) a defendant who obtains an order for costs under section 73A, or section 69 of the Magistrates
Ordinance (Cap 227),
but does not include a person who is-
(A) a police officer attending court in the course of his duties;
(B) an officer of the Correctional Services Department attending court in the course of his duties; or
(C) a prisoner in respect of any occasion on which he is conveyed to court in custody. (Replaced 6

of 1990 s. 2) (Added 56 of 1971 s. 2)

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2



In this Part-

"admitted to bail" (獲准保釋、准予保釋) means the release by a court of a person from detention on his undertaking that he shall surrender to custody on the day that the court may appoint;

"court" (法院、法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate;

"judge" (法官) means a Justice of Appeal, a judge of the Court of First Instance and a deputy judge of the Court of

First Instance; (Replaced 25 of 1998 s. 2) "surrender to custody" (歸押) means appearing before the court on being called on the day as shall have been appointed by the court. (Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)

(1) Subject to this section and section 9G, a court shall order an accused person to be admitted to bail, whether he has been committed for trial or not, when-
(a) he appears or is brought before a court in the course of or in connection with proceedings for the offence of which he is accused; or
(b) he applies to the court before which he is accused to be admitted to bail; or
(c) he applies to a judge under section 9J to be admitted to bail.
(2) An order under subsection (1) may be subject to such conditions as appear to the court to be necessary to secure that the person admitted to bail will not-
(a) fail to surrender to custody as the court may appoint; or
(b) commit an offence while on bail; or
(c) interfere with a witness or pervert or obstruct the course of justice.

(3) Without affecting the generality of subsection (2), the court-

(a) may not make it a condition of admission to bail that a recognizance of bail be taken from the person so admitted but may make it a condition, for the purpose only of securing the surrender of that person to custody as the court may appoint, that a recognizance of bail be taken from a surety;
(b) may make it a condition of admission to bail that the person so admitted-
(i) shall surrender to the court any passport or travel document;
(ii) shall not leave Hong Kong;

(iii) shall report to a police station or the offices of the Independent Commission Against Corruption as the court may specify;

(iv) shall reside at a specified address and be present therein between such times as the court may specify;
(v) shall not enter any place or premises as the court may specify;
(vi) shall not go within such distance of any place or premises as the court may specify;

(vii) shall not contact directly or indirectly such person as the court may specify;

(viii) or any person on his behalf or he and any such person shall, for the purpose only of securing the surrender to custody of the person admitted to bail as the court may appoint, deposit with the court such reasonable sum of money as the court may require.

In considering the suitability of a surety for a proposed recognizance of bail under subsection (3)(a), the court shall have regard to-
(a) the surety's financial resources;
any other matter that appears to the court to be relevant, and any recognizance of bail taken from a surety under that subsection may, if an order under subsection (1) so directs, be taken before any magistrate or before the Commissioner of Correctional Services, the Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Services or a Senior Superintendent or Superintendent of Correctional Services.
(Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)
If on application made to it by a surety from whom a recognizance of bail has been taken a court is satisfied that the surety has reasonable cause to believe that the person for whom he is surety will not surrender to custody as shall have been appointed by the court, the court may order that he be relieved of his obligations as a surety.
Section: 9E Relief from obligation as surety 30/06/1997

(2) On the making of an order under subsection (1), the court shall issue a warrant for the arrest of the person

for whom the surety was provided. (Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)

Section: 9F Prohibition against agreements to indemnify surety 30/06/1997
Any agreement indemnifying or purporting to indemnify any person against any liability which he may incur as a surety to secure the surrender to custody of a person admitted to bail shall be void.
Any person who enters into an agreement of the description mentioned in subsection (1) commits an offence.
An offence under subsection (2) is committed whether the agreement is entered into before or after the person to be indemnified becomes a surety and whether or not he becomes a surety and whether the agreement contemplates compensation in money or money's worth.
Any person who commits an offence under subsection (2) is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $75000 and to imprisonment for 6 months, and on conviction upon indictment to a fine of any amount and to imprisonment for 12 months.
(Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)
The court need not admit an accused person to bail if it appears to the court that there are substantial grounds for believing, whether or not an admission were to be subject to conditions under section 9D(2), that the accused person would-
fail to surrender to custody as the court may appoint; or
commit an offence while on bail; or
interfere with a witness or pervert or obstruct the course of justice.
(2) The court in forming an opinion under subsection (1) may have regard to-
the nature and seriousness of the alleged offence and, in the event of conviction, the manner in which the accused person is likely to be dealt with;
the behaviour, demeanour and conduct of the accused person;
the background, associations, employment, occupation, home environment, community ties and financial position of the accused person;
the health, physical and mental condition and age of the accused person;
the history of any previous admissions to bail of the accused person;
the character, antecedents and previous convictions, if any, of the accused person;
the nature and weight of the evidence of the commission of the alleged offence by the accused person;
any other thing that appears to the court to be relevant.
An accused person need not be admitted to bail if it appears to the court that he should be detained in custody for-
if he has attained the age of 18 years, his own protection; or
if he has not attained the age of 18 years, his own protection, safety or welfare; or
the purpose of further inquiry relating to the determining of the question of whether he should be admitted to bail.
(4) An accused person need not be admitted to bail if-
he is detained in custody
under a sentence of any court; or
for or in connection with a charge of failing to surrender to custody under section 9L; or
the court is satisfied that-
he has previously failed to comply with any condition of bail imposed under section 9D; or
any other court dealing with him in the same proceedings is or has been so satisfied.
An accused person need not be admitted to bail if he is the subject of a hospital order for the time being in force.
An accused person need not be admitted to bail if he is the subject of an order made under section 109B (suspended sentence) for the time being in force and he is before the court under section 109D or 109E.
An accused person need not be admitted to bail if he is the subject of a deportation order for the time being in force made under section 20 of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115).
An accused person need not be admitted to bail if he is before the court under section 5 or 6 of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 298) (breach of probation order; or commission of further offence).
An accused person need not be admitted to bail if he is before the court under section 8 or 9 of the Community Service Orders Ordinance (Cap 378) (breach of community service order; or commission of further offence).
(10) An accused person charged with- (a) murder; or
treason under section 2 of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200), shall be admitted to bail only upon the order of a judge.
If at any hearing the court refuses to admit an accused person to bail the court shall, at each subsequent hearing while the accused remains in custody, consider the question of whether or not he ought to be admitted to bail and-
on the first occasion after that upon which the court first refused to so admit, the court shall hear any argument as to fact or law put to it in support of his admission to bail, whether or not it has previously heard that argument;
on the second or any subsequent occasion after that upon which the court first refused to so admit, the court need not hear any argument as to fact or law put to it in support of his admission to bail, if it has previously heard that argument.
Section: 9G An accused person may be refused bail in particular circumstances 30/06/1997

(Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)

Where a District Judge or magistrate has admitted any person to bail the Secretary for Justice may apply to a judge to review the decision of the District Judge or magistrate. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
Subject to section 9I(3), an application under subsection (1) shall be made by summons before a judge in chambers and supported by affidavit.
The summons may be served on the person admitted to bail at any time before the time appointed therein for the hearing.
On the hearing of the application the Secretary for Justice shall be entitled to put before the judge such relevant argument and such relevant matter as he thinks proper, whether or not the same was before the District Judge or magistrate who made the decision, and the person admitted to bail shall also be entitled to be heard. (Amended

L.N. 362 of 1997)

(5) Notwithstanding subsection (4), if the person admitted to bail fails to appear a judge may hear and determine the application in the absence of the person if he is satisfied that the person has been served with the summons or has refused to accept service of the summons or that all reasonable attempts have been made to serve the summons.

(6) Where a judge has heard an application under this section in the absence of the person admitted to bail, he may rehear the application if he is satisfied that it is just to do so.

Upon hearing the application, a judge may by order confirm, revoke or vary the decision of the District Judge or magistrate, and may make such other order in the matter including an order as to costs as he thinks just.
On the revocation or variation of a decision of the District Judge or magistrate under subsection (7), a judge may issue a warrant for the arrest of the person admitted to bail.
(9) No appeal shall lie from the decision of a judge on an application under this section. (Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)
Where a District Judge or magistrate has made an order admitting any person to bail but the Secretary for Justice states that he wishes to apply for a review of his decision under section 9H, he shall upon application by the Secretary for Justice if the person so admitted is present, order that the person be detained in custody and be brought before a judge at such time and place as the Registrar may appoint. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
Where a District Judge or magistrate makes an order under subsection (1) he shall immediately notify the Registrar who shall cause the person so detained to be brought before a judge as soon as practicable, and in any event within 48 hours, and inform the Secretary for Justice of the time and place at which that will be done. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
When the person so detained is brought before him under this section, a judge may, if he thinks fit, dispense with the requirements of section 9H(2) and (3) and proceed to hear an application under section 9H(1).
If the judge declines to dispense with the requirements of section 9H(2) and (3), he shall order the person so detained to be kept in custody for such time as he deems sufficient to enable section 9H(2) and (3) to be complied with, and may make such other order as he thinks just.
(Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)
Where a District Judge or magistrate has refused to admit a person to bail or has so admitted a person subject to any condition, that person may in the case of a refusal, apply to a judge to be admitted to bail or in the case of an admission to bail subject to any condition, apply to a judge to be admitted to bail without bail being subject to that condition.
On the hearing of an application under subsection (1), a judge may by order confirm, revoke or vary the decision of the District Judge or magistrate, and may make such other order in the matter including an order as to costs as he thinks just.
Section: 9I Custody pending review L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
Section: 9J Review of refusal of bail or conditions of bail 30/06/1997

(Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)

Section: 9K Arrest of persons admitted to bail 30/06/1997

(1) A police officer may without warrant arrest and detain any person admitted to bail if-

the police officer has reasonable grounds for believing that any condition on or subject to which such person was admitted to bail has been or is likely to be broken; or
any police officer has been notified in writing by any surety from whom a recognizance of bail has been taken for that person that the surety believes that that person is likely to fail to surrender to custody as shall have been appointed by a court and for that reason the surety wishes to be relieved of his obligations as surety.
Any person arrested under subsection (1) shall be brought within 24 hours after his arrest or as soon as practicable thereafter before a magistrate except where he was so arrested within the period of 24 hours immediately preceding an occasion on which he is required by virtue of his bail to surrender to custody at any court, in which case he shall be brought before that court.
If it appears to the court before which a person is brought under subsection (2) that any condition of admission to bail has been or is likely to be broken, the court may
(a) order that that person be detained in custody; or
admit that person to bail on the same conditions or on such other conditions as it thinks fit, but if it does not so appear to that court, the court shall release that person from custody and admit him to bail on the same conditions.
(Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)
A person admitted to bail who, without reasonable cause, fails to surrender to custody as shall have been appointed by a court, commits an offence.
A person admitted to bail who, having reasonable cause therefor, has failed to surrender to custody at such time as shall have been appointed by a court, fails to so surrender as soon after that time as is reasonably practicable, commits an offence.
Any person who commits an offence under subsection (1) or (2) is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $75000 and to imprisonment for 6 months, and on conviction upon indictment to a fine of any amount and to imprisonment for 12 months.
Where an offence under subsection (1) or (2) is alleged to have been committed, a court, in the exercise of jurisdiction under this section, may deal with an accused person summarily without a jury and may deal with the case without a charge having been transferred under Part IV of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) or the case having been committed for trial under Part III of that Ordinance.
Section: 9L Offence of failing to surrender to custody as shall have been appointed 30/06/1997

(Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)

Section: 9M Forfeiture on failure to surrender to custody as shall have been appointed 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

If a person admitted to bail fails, without reasonable cause, to surrender to custody as shall have been appointed by a court, a court may, whether or not that person has been convicted of an offence under section 9L(1), order that the whole of part of any
(a) recognizance of bail taken from a surety under section 9D(3)(a); or
sum of money deposited with the court under section 9D(3)(b)(viii), for the purpose of securing his surrender to custody shall be forfeited to the Government. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)
Where a court makes an order under subsection (1), the payment of any sum due as security for a recognizance of bail taken from a surety under section 9D(3)(a) may be enforced as if it were a security to which section 64 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) applies.

(Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)

Section: 9N Procedure in bail proceedings 30/06/1997

In any bail proceedings-

the court may, subject to paragraph (b), make such inquiries of and concerning the person being the subject of those proceedings as the court considers desirable;
the person being the subject of those proceedings shall not be examined or cross-examined by the court or by any other person as to the alleged offence with which he is charged and no inquiry shall be made of him as to that offence alleged;
the informant or prosecutor or any person appearing on behalf of the prosecution may, in addition to any other relevant evidence, submit evidence, whether by affidavit or otherwise-
to prove that the person being the subject of those proceedings has previously been convicted of a criminal offence;
to prove that the person being the subject of those proceedings has been charged with and is awaiting trial on another criminal offence;
(iii) to prove that the person being the subject of those proceedings has previously failed to surrender to custody; (iv) to show the circumstances of the alleged offence, particularly as they relate to the probability of conviction of the person being the subject of those proceedings;
the court may take into consideration any relevant matters agreed upon by the informant or prosecutor
and the person being the subject of those proceedings or his counsel; and
(e) the court may receive and take into account any other material or representations which it considers

credible or trustworthy in the circumstances. (Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)

Section: 9O Aids in proof 30/06/1997

For the purpose of bail proceedings, a certificate purporting to be certified by a clerk of the court which has admitted a person to bail and stating

(a) that the person named in the certificate has been admitted to bail;
(b) the day and time, if any, that the person named in the certificate has undertaken to surrender to custody;
(c) where admission to bail is subject to conditions under section 9D(2), what those conditions are;
(d) that the person named in the certificate has been given notice of such conditions, if any,

shall be evidence of the facts so stated and shall be received in evidence without further proof. (Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)

Section: 9P Restriction on reports of bail proceedings L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

(1) Unless it appears to the court that the interests of public justice otherwise require, no person shall publish in Hong Kong a written report, or broadcast in Hong Kong a report, of any bail proceedings containing any matter other than that permitted under subsection (2).

(2) A report of bail proceedings may contain-
(a) the name of the person being the subject of those proceedings;
(b) the offence with which the person being the subject of those proceedings is charged;
(c) the identity of the court and the name of the magistrate, District Judge or judge, as the case may be;
(d) the names of counsel and solicitors, if any, engaged in the bail proceedings;
(e) the result of the bail proceedings and where the person being the subject of those proceedings is admitted to bail subject to any condition under section 9D(2), the details of any such condition;
(f) where the bail proceedings are adjourned, the date and place to which they are adjourned.
(3) If a report is published or broadcast in contravention of this section, the following persons-
(a) in the case of publication of a written report as part of a newspaper or periodical publication, any proprietor, editor, publisher or distributor thereof;
(b) in the case of a publication of a written report otherwise than as part of a newspaper or periodical publication, the person who publishes or distributes it;
(c) in the case of a broadcast of a report, any person who transmits or provides the programme in which the report is broadcast and any person having functions in relation to the programme corresponding to those of the editor of a newspaper or periodical publication,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $50000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.

(4) Proceedings for an offence under this section shall not be instituted otherwise than by or with the consent of the Secretary for Justice. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

(5) In this section-

"broadcast" (廣播) means sounds or visual images broadcast by wireless telegraphy or by means of a high frequency distribution system over wires, or other paths provided by a material substance and intended for general reception;

"publish" (發布), in relation to a report, means publish the report, either by itself or as part of a newspaper or periodical publication, for distribution to the public. (Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)

Section: 9Q Record of bail proceedings 30/06/1997

A record of all bail proceedings shall be maintained in such manner and form as may be prescribed by rules and orders made for the purposes of this section under section 9 and shall be made available to an accused person and to counsel and solicitors to such extent and on such terms as may be prescribed.


(Added 56 of 1994 s. 2)



Referring back of case

If after receipt of the documents referred to in section 86(1) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) the Secretary for Justice is of opinion that the accused person should not have been committed for trial but that the case should have been dealt with summarily, the Secretary for Justice may, at any time after such receipt, but before an indictment is preferred, refer back the case to the magistrate with directions to deal with the case accordingly, and with such other directions as he may think proper.

(Amended 1 of 1912 Schedule; 6 of 1954 s. 4; 59 of 1992 s. 2; L.N. 362 of 1997)

Where pursuant to an order for transfer made under section 77A of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) (in this section referred to as an "order of transfer") any proceedings stand transferred to the court for trial under subsection (6) of that section and where the Secretary for Justice has instituted proceedings pursuant to section 14(1)(aa), he shall, not more than 21 days after an indictment is preferred against the accused person, but subject to subsection (2), deliver to the Registrar and, unless they have already been served, serve on the accused person- (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
a copy of the indictment;
copies of the statements of those witnesses whom the prosecution intends to call at the trial;
copies of all documentary exhibits; and
a list of the exhibits.
Where the Secretary for Justice considers that it will not be practicable to comply with the requirements in subsection (1) within the period specified in that subsection, he may apply- (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(a) upon the making of the order of transfer, to the District Court judge who makes the order; or
at least 21 days before the date fixed for trial, to a judge, for an extension of that period, and the District Court judge or the judge, as the case may be, may, if he is satisfied that the accused person is not prejudiced thereby, grant such extension as he considers reasonable.
(3) A statement of a witness referred to in subsection (1)(b) shall-
be signed by the person making it;
contain a declaration by the witness to the effect that it is true to the best of his knowledge and belief and that he made the statement knowing that wilfully making a statement which he knows to be false or does not believe to be true may render him liable for a criminal prosecution;
if in a language other than English, be accompanied by an English translation and, if in a language other than Chinese, by a Chinese translation;
if made by a person under 21, give his age; and
purport to have been read over to the person who made the statement in the language used by that person in making the statement or to have been read by that person.
A documentary exhibit referred to in subsection (1)(c) shall, if written in a language other than English, be accompanied by an English translation certified under section 27 of the Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) and, if written in a language other than Chinese, be accompanied by a Chinese translation, unless on an application made in the District Court the District Judge or, on an application made in the court, the judge, directs otherwise on cause shown.
An exhibit which is mentioned in a list of exhibits referred to in subsection (1)(d) shall be clearly identified in a statement of a witness referred to in subsection (1)(b) and the accused person or his counsel or solicitor shall be given reasonable opportunity to examine such exhibit.
Failure to comply with any requirement in subsection (3), (4) or (5) shall not render the service of any documents under subsection (1) or (2) ineffective unless the judge is satisfied that the accused person is prejudiced by such failure.
(Added 59 of 1992 s. 3)
Where the Secretary for Justice fails to comply with the requirements of section 10A(1) within the period specified in that section or where an extension has been granted under section 10A(2), within such extended period- (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
on the date appointed for the commencement of the trial or where that date is adjourned, on such later date, the court shall, on its own motion; or
where, before the day appointed for the commencement of the trial or if that date is adjourned, before such later date, the accused person applies to a judge for his discharge on the ground of such failure, the judge shall,
Section: 10B Discharge of the accused L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

direct that the accused person be discharged in respect of the charges to which the transferred proceedings relate.

(2) A discharge under subsection (1) shall be deemed to be an acquittal. (Added 59 of 1992 s. 3)

Section: 11 Power to refer back for further inquiry L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
At any time after the receipt of the documents relating to the case and before the trial of the accused person, the Secretary for Justice may refer back the case to the magistrate with directions to reopen the inquiry for the purpose of taking evidence or further evidence on a certain point or points to be specified, and with such other directions as he may think proper. (Amended 1 of 1912 Schedule; 6 of 1954 s. 5)
Subject to any express directions which may be given by the Secretary for Justice, the effect of any such reference back to the magistrate shall be that the inquiry shall be reopened and dealt with in all respects as if the accused person had not been committed for trial.
(Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
Any direction given by the Secretary for Justice under section 10 or 11 shall be in writing, signed by him, and shall be complied with by the magistrate.
(2) The Secretary for Justice may at any time add to, alter, or revoke any such direction.
The Secretary for Justice shall transmit forthwith copies of any such direction to the Registrar and to the Commissioner of Correctional Services, and on receipt of a copy of any such direction, the Registrar shall transmit to the committing magistrate all documents in the case that are in his possession or control. (Replaced 6 of 1954 s. 6)
When the Secretary for Justice directs that a case shall be dealt with summarily under section 10 or that an inquiry shall be reopened under section 11, the following provisions shall have effect
where the accused person is in custody, the magistrate may, by an order in writing under his hand, direct the Commissioner of Correctional Services to convey him or cause him to be conveyed to the place where such proceedings are to be held, for the purpose of being dealt with as the magistrate may direct;
where the accused person is on bail, the magistrate shall issue a summons for his attendance at the time and place when and where such proceedings are to be held; and
thereafter the proceedings shall be continued under the provisions of Part III or of Part V of the
Section: 12 Further provisions as to referring back L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227), as the case may be. (Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 5 of 1924 s. 8; L.N. 362 of 1997)

Section: 12A (Repealed 56 of 1994 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 12B (Repealed 56 of 1994 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 12C (Repealed 56 of 1994 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 13 (Repealed 56 of 1994 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 13A (Repealed 56 of 1994 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 13AA (Repealed 56 of 1994 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 13B (Repealed 56 of 1994 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 14 Institution of proceedings by Secretary for Justice L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Institution of proceedings

(1) The Secretary for Justice, if he sees fit to institute criminal proceedings, shall institute such proceedings in the court against the accused person as to him may seem legal and proper- (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

in the case of a committal for trial under section 80C(4) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227), within 7 days of such committal;
(aa) in any case where pursuant to an order of transfer made under section 77A of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336), proceedings stand transferred to the court for trial under subsection (6) of that section, within 21 days of the order; and (Added 59 of 1992 s. 4)
in any other case, on receipt of the documents relating to the case.

(2) Subject to section 16, no court shall inquire into whether or not proceedings have been instituted within the

period specified in subsection (1)(a) or (aa). (Replaced 48 of 1983 s. 4. Amended 59 of 1992 s. 4)

Section: 14A Trial of offences 30/06/1997
Where any provision in any Ordinance creates, or results in the creation of, an offence, the offence shall be triable summarily only, unless
the offence is declared to be treason;
the words "upon indictment" or "on indictment" appear; or (Amended L.N. 54 of 1989)
(Repealed 50 of 1991 s. 4(1))
the offence is transferred to the District Court in accordance with Part IV of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227). (Added 16 of 1970 Schedule)
(2) Where any provision in any Ordinance creates, or results in the creation of, an offence and- (a) the offence is declared to be treason; or
subject to subsection (4), the words "upon indictment" or "on indictment" appear, the offence shall be triable only upon indictment.
(3) (Repealed 50 of 1991 s. 4(1))
Where any provision in any Ordinance creates, or results in the creation of, an offence and the offence is declared to be triable either summarily or upon indictment or to be punishable on summary conviction or on indictment, the offence shall be triable either on indictment or summarily.

(5) Nothing in this section shall affect-

the powers conferred upon a magistrate by the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) or by any other law to try an indictable offence summarily; or
the powers conferred upon the District Court by any law to try indictable offences. (Amended 50 of 1991 s. 4(1))

This provision previously appeared in s. 89 of Cap 1. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s. 14A
of this Ordinance.

Section: 14B Prosecution of offences L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Where any Ordinance provides that no prosecution for an offence shall be commenced without the consent of some person other than the Secretary for Justice, such a provision shall not derogate from the powers of the Secretary for Justice in respect of the prosecution of that offence.

(Added 54 of 1969 s. 7. Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

This provision previously appeared in s. 91A of Cap 1. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s.
14B of this Ordinance.

Section: 15 Right of Secretary for Justice not to prosecute L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
The Secretary for Justice shall not be bound to prosecute an accused person in any case in which he may be of opinion that the interests of public justice do not require his interference.
Whenever the Secretary for Justice declines to file an indictment against any person committed to prison for trial for any indictable offence he may issue a warrant in Form 1 in Schedule 1 to the Registrar, who shall thereupon, unless the person in question has been admitted to bail, by order under his hand and the seal of the court, in Form 2 in Schedule 1, direct the person in whose custody the prisoner may be immediately to discharge him without any fee from imprisonment in respect of the offence mentioned in such order. (5 of 1904 s. 2 incorporated. Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 51 of 1911; 1 of 1912 Schedule; 2 of 1912 Schedule; 17 of 1930 s. 4; 58 of 1994 s. 4)

(Amended 8 of 1912 s. 52; L.N. 362 of 1997)

Section: 16 Discharge of accused after committal without a hearing L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Discharge of accused

Where the accused was committed for trial under section 80C(4) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) or proceedings stand transferred to the court for trial under section 77A(6) of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336), the accused may at any time
(a) if the Secretary for Justice does not institute proceedings within the period specified in section 14(1)(a) or (aa), as the case may be, after the expiration of that period; or
after the filing of the indictment and prior to his arraignment thereon, (Amended L.N. 395 of 1983) apply to a judge for his discharge on the grounds that the evidence disclosed in the documents handed to the court under section 80C(1) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) or, as the case may be, delivered to the Registrar under section 10A, as read with any further evidence the Secretary for Justice has notified the accused he will seek to have admitted at the trial, is insufficient to establish a prima facie case against him for the offence with which he is charged or for any other offence for which he might be convicted upon that charge. (Amended 59 of 1992 s. 5; L.N. 362 of 1997)
(2) If an application is made under subsection (1) in the circumstances specified in paragraph (a) thereof
the judge may, of his own motion or on the application of the accused, require the Secretary for Justice to file indictment within such time, and on such terms (if any) as to costs as may be specified in the order;
subject to any order under paragraph (a), the Secretary for Justice may at any time after an application is made under subsection (1), and before the final determination thereof, file an indictment, but the judge may award costs against him if the applicant has incurred any costs by reason of the late filing of the indictment. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
The judge may after perusal of the documents and after hearing any representations which the accused and the Secretary for Justice may wish to make, direct that the accused shall not be arraigned on the charge, and direct that he be discharged. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(4) Subject to section 81E(3), a discharge under this section shall be deemed to be an acquittal.
An accused who has made an application under subsection (1) and thereafter abandons or does not proceed with his application, may not make a further application or have the application previously made by him reinstated.
Where an indictment has been filed references in this section to the charge shall be construed as references to the charge as set out in the indictment.
Without derogation from the generality of its powers under section 9 the Rules Committee may make rules under that section for regulating and restricting written or broadcast reports of proceedings under this section or section 79G or 81E. (Amended 13 of 1995 s. 26; 69 of 1995 s. 2)
Section 87A(8) and (9) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) shall apply to a contravention of rules under section 9 as read with subsection (7) of this section as they do to a report published or broadcast in contravention of section 87A.

(Added 48 of 1983 s. 4)

Section: 17 Signing of indictments L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997


Every indictment shall be signed by the Secretary for Justice, and shall bear date on the day when it is signed. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(2) (Repealed 35 of 1976 s. 6)
Subject to the provisions of the rules under this Ordinance, charges for more than one offence may be joined in the same indictment. (Replaced 50 of 1991 s. 4)
If one sentence is passed upon any verdict of guilty on an indictment containing more counts than one, the sentence shall be good if any of the counts upon which such verdict has been returned would have justified such sentence.
Section: 18 Joinder of charges in the same indictment 30/06/1997

(17 of 1919 s. 5 incorporated) [cf. 1915 c. 90 s. 4 U.K.]

Section: 19 Offence committed on high seas or in any place outside Hong Kong 23 of 1998; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 23 of 1998 s. 2; 39 of 1999 s. 3

In any indictment for an offence committed on the high seas or in any place outside Hong Kong, an allegation that the person injured was, at the time of the offence charged, within the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts shall be a sufficient allegation of the jurisdiction of the court to hear and determine the case.

(Amended 23 of 1998 s. 2; 39 of 1999 s. 3)

Section: 20 Averment as to money or bank note 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

In any indictment in which it is necessary to make an averment as to any money or any bank note, it shall be sufficient to describe such money or bank note simply as money without specifying any particular coin or bank note; and such allegation, so far as regards the description of the property, shall be sustained by proof of any amount of coin or of any bank note, although the particular species of coin of which such amount was composed, or the particular nature of the bank note, is not proved.

(Amended 34 of 1972 s. 4; 39 of 1999 s. 3)

Section: 21 Charge of previous conviction 30/06/1997

In any court charging the accused person with having been previously convicted, it shall be sufficient to state that the accused person was, at a certain time and place, convicted of an offence punishable on summary conviction or on indictment, as the case may be, without further describing the offence.

(Amended 50 of 1991 s. 4)

Section: 22 General provision as to matters not necessary to be alleged, etc. 30/06/1997

No indictment shall be held insufficient for want of the averment of any matter unnecessary to be proved, or for that any person mentioned in the indictment is designated by a name of office or other descriptive appellation instead of his proper name, or for omitting to state the time at which the offence was committed in any case where time is not of the essence of the offence, or for stating the time imperfectly, or for stating the offence to have been committed on a day subsequent to that of the indictment, or on an impossible day, or on a day that never happened, or for want of any statement of the value or price of any matter or thing, or the amount of damage, injury, or spoil, in any case where the value or price, or the amount of damage, injury, or spoil, is not of the essence of the offence.

Section: 23 Orders for amendment of indictment, separate trial and postponement of trial 30/06/1997
Where, before trial or at any stage of a trial, it appears to the court that the indictment is defective, the court shall make such order for the amendment of the indictment as the court thinks necessary to meet the circumstances of the case unless, having regard to the merits of the case, the required amendments cannot be made without injustice.
(2) Where an indictment is so amended a note of the order for amendment shall be endorsed on the indictment.
Where, before trial or at any stage of a trial, the court is of opinion that a person accused may be prejudiced or embarrassed in his defence by reason of being charged with more than one offence in the same indictment, or that for any other reason it is desirable to direct that the person should be tried separately for any one or more offences charged in an indictment, the court may order a separate trial of any count or counts of such indictment.
Where, before trial or at any stage of a trial, the court is of opinion that the postponement of the trial of a person accused is expedient as a consequence of the exercise of any power of the court under this Ordinance to amend an indictment or to order a separate trial of a count, the court shall make such order as to the postponement of the trial as appears necessary.
(5) Where an order of the court is made under this section for a separate trial or for the postponement of a trial-
if such an order is made during a trial the court may order that the jury are to be discharged from giving a verdict on the count or counts the trial of which is postponed or on the indictment, as the case may be; and
the procedure on the separate trial of a count shall be the same in all respects as if the count had been found in a separate indictment, and the procedure on the postponed trial shall be the same in all respects (if the jury has been discharged) as if the trial had not commenced; and
the court may make such order as to admitting the accused person to bail and as to the enlargement of recognizances and otherwise as the court thinks fit.
Any power of the court under this section shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other power of the court for the same or similar purposes.
(17 of 1919 s. 6 incorporated) [cf. 1915 c. 90 s. 5 U.K.]
Subject to subsection (2) no indictment charging any person with an indictable offence shall be preferred unless-
(a) the person charged has been committed for trial for the offence; or (aa) the proceedings have been transferred to the court pursuant to an order made under section 4 of the Complex Commercial Crimes Ordinance (Cap 394); or (Added 57 of 1988 s. 29)
(ab) pursuant to an order made under section 77A of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) proceedings stand transferred to the court for trial under subsection (6) of that section; or (Added 59 of 1992 s. 6)
(b) the indictment is preferred by the direction or with the consent of a judge; or
(c) the indictment is preferred pursuant to an order made under section 41 of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200).
(2) Where a person charged with an indictable offence has been committed for trial, the indictment against him may include, either in substitution for or in addition to counts charging the offence for which he was committed, any counts founded on facts or evidence disclosed in any depositions, any documents served on the accused under section 80B of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) or any written statements admitted in evidence under section 81A of that Ordinance, being counts which may lawfully be joined in the same indictment. (Amended 34 of 1972 s. 5; 6 of 1990
s. 3)
Section: 24 (Repealed 35 of 1976 s. 7) 30/06/1997
Section: 24A When indictment shall be preferred 30/06/1997


(Added 5 of 1971 s. 4) [cf. 1933 c. 36 s. 2 (2) U.K. ]

Section: 24B Joint trial of indictments L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Where 2 or more indictments each contain any one count alleging the same particulars, other than the names of the persons concerned in the commission of the offence, the court may, on the application of the Secretary for Justice, order that such indictments be tried together.

(Added 61 of 1971 s. 2. Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

Section: 25 Savings and interpretation 30/06/1997
(1) Nothing in sections 18 and 23 or the rules made under section 9 shall affect the law or practice relating to the jurisdiction of a court or the place where an accused person can be tried, nor prejudice or diminish in any respect the obligation to establish by evidence according to law any acts, omissions or intentions which are legally necessary to constitute the offence with which the person accused is charged, nor otherwise affect the laws of evidence in criminal cases. (Amended 35 of 1976 s. 8)
(2) In section 23 and this section "the court" (法院、法庭) means the court before which any indictable offence is tried or prosecuted.

(17 of 1919 s. 7 incorporated. Amended 20 of 1948 s. 4) [cf. 1915 c. 90 s. 8 U.K.]

Section: 26 Filing of indictment 30/06/1997

Filing and service of indictment

Every indictment, when so signed as aforesaid, shall be brought to the Registrar's office and shall be filed by him in the court.

Section: 27 Endorsement of notice of trial 30/06/1997
(1) The Registrar shall endorse on or annex to every indictment and every copy thereof delivered for service a notice of trial, and such notice shall specify the date on which the accused person shall attend before the court to answer to the indictment. (Amended 63 of 1971 s. 4)
(2) The notice may be in Form 4 in Schedule 1 or as near thereto as circumstances will admit. (Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 8 of 1912 s. 52; 58 of 1994 s. 4)
Section: 28 Delivery of copies of the indictment for service and for information 30/06/1997

The Registrar shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the bailiff, for service on the accused person, a copy of the indictment, with the notice of trial endorsed on the same or annexed thereto; and, if there are more accused persons than one, then as many copies as there are persons. The Registrar shall also deliver or cause to be delivered to the bailiff another copy for the information of the Commissioner of Correctional Services.

(Replaced 17 of 1930 s. 5)

Section: 29 Service 30/06/1997
(1) The bailiff shall, as soon as may be after having received the same, deliver to a gaoler the copy and notice for the information of the Commissioner of Correctional Services and to the accused himself the copy and notice for service on the accused. (Replaced 17 of 1930 s. 6)
(2) In any case where the accused person cannot be found, the bailiff shall leave the said copy and notice with some one of his household for him at his dwelling-house, or with some one of his clerks for him at his place of business, and, if none such can be found, shall affix the said copy and notice to the outer or principal door of his dwelling-house. (Amended 13 of 1995 s. 2)
(3) The bailiff shall, at the time of service, explain to the accused person, or to the person, if any, with whom the said copy and notice are left, the nature and exigency thereof.
Section: 30 Return of service 30/06/1997

The bailiff shall forthwith transmit to the Registrar a return in writing, signed by him, of the time and mode of service of the said copy and notice.

Section: 31 Plea of autrefois convict or autrefois acquit 30/06/1997


(1) In criminal proceedings in any court on a plea of autrefois convict or autrefois acquit the accused person may state that he has been previously convicted or acquitted, as the case may be, of the offence charged.

(2) In this section, "court" (法院) includes the District Court and a magistrate.

(Replaced 34 of 1972 s. 6) [cf. 1851 c. 100 s. 28 U.K.]

Section: 32 Inspection of property by party or witnesses 30/06/1997

Inspection of property, etc.

(1) Either party shall be at liberty to apply to the court or a judge for a rule or order for the inspection, by himself or by his witnesses, of any real or personal property, the inspection of which may be material to the proper determination of the issue; and it shall be lawful for the court or judge, if it or he thinks fit, to make such rule or order, on such terms as to costs and otherwise as the court or judge may direct.

(2) In this section, "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 7)

Section: 33 Rule or order for attendance of jury 30/06/1997

It shall be lawful for the court or a judge to make such rules or orders as may be necessary to procure the attendance of a jury for the trial of any case depending in the court, at such time and place and in such manner as the court or judge may think fit.

(Amended 13 of 1995 s. 19)

Section: 34 Summons to witness to attend Court of First Instance or District Court 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2


(1) For the purpose of any criminal proceedings before the court a summons requiring the person to whom it is directed to attend before the court and give evidence or produce any document or thing specified in the summons may be issued out of the court.
(2) If any person in respect of whom a witness summons has been issued applies to the court out of which the summons was issued and satisfied it that he cannot give any material evidence or, as the case may be, produce any document or thing likely to be of material evidence the court may direct that the summons shall be of no effect.
(3) Where on any such application a direction is given that a witness summons shall be of no effect, the person at whose instance the summons was issued may be ordered to pay the whole or any part of the costs of the application.
(4) Any costs payable under such an order shall be taxed by the proper officer of the court and payment of those costs shall be enforceable in the same manner as an order for payment of costs made by the court in a civil case.
(5) A witness summons shall continue to have effect until the conclusion of the proceedings at which the attendance of the witness is required.

(6) In this section "court" (法院、法庭) includes the District Court.

(Replaced 59 of 1981 s. 3) [cf. 1965 c. 69 s. 2 U.K.]

Section: 35 Witness to be notified of date of hearing in Court of First Instance 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2

Witness to be notified of date of hearing in Court of First Instance

(Amended 25 of 1998 s.2)

Where a person is the subject of a witness order and a date is set for the trial at which his attendance is required, the Registrar shall cause to be served upon him notice in writing of the date and time, and of the place, at which that person's attendance is required under the witness order.

(Replaced 59 of 1981 s. 3)

Section: 36 Punishment for disobedience to witness order or summons 30/06/1997

(1) Any person who-

(a) without just excuse disobeys a witness order or a witness summons requiring him to attend before a court; or
(b) refuses to be sworn or to give evidence when duly required to do so, whether or not he is the subject of

a witness order or a witness summons, shall be guilty of a contempt of that court which shall be punishable by that court summarily as a contempt committed in the face of the court.

(2) No person shall by reason of such disobedience or refusal be liable to imprisonment for a period exceeding 2 years.

(3) In this section "court" (法庭) includes the District Court.

(Replaced 59 of 1981 s. 3) [cf. 1965 c. 69 s. 3 U.K.]

Section: 37 Further process to secure attendance of witness 30/06/1997
(1) If the court is satisfied by evidence on oath that a witness in respect of whom a witness order or witness summons is in force is unlikely to comply with the order or summons, the court may issue a warrant to arrest the witness and bring him before it:
Provided that a warrant shall not be issued under this subsection in the case of a witness subject to a conditional witness order unless notice has been given requiring him to attend the trial, nor in the case of a witness subject to a witness summons unless the judge is satisfied by such evidence as aforesaid that the witness is likely to be able to give material evidence or produce any document or thing likely to be material evidence in the proceedings.
(2) Where a witness who is required to attend before a court by virtue of a witness order or a witness summons fails to attend in compliance with the order or summons the court may
(a) in any case, cause to be served on him a notice requiring him to attend the court forthwith or at such time as may be specified in the notice;
(b) if the court is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing that he has failed to attend without just excuse, or if he has failed to comply with a notice under paragraph (a), issue a warrant to arrest him and bring him before the court.
(3) A witness brought before the court in pursuance of a warrant under this section may be remanded by the court in custody or on bail (with or without sureties) until such time as the court may appoint for receiving his evidence or dealing with him under section 36 and where a witness attends a court in pursuance of a notice under this section the court may direct that the notice shall have effect as if it required him to attend at any later time appointed by the court for receiving his evidence or dealing with him as aforesaid.

(4) In this section "court" (法庭) includes the District Court.

(Replaced 59 of 1981 s. 3) [cf. 1965 c. 69 s. 4 U.K.]

Section: 38 Provisions supplementary to section 37 30/06/1997
(1) If the court issuing a warrant in respect of any witness under section 37 is of the opinion that it is appropriate to do so, the court may endorse the warrant for bail, and in any such case
(a) on the arrest of the witness under the warrant he shall, unless he can forthwith be brought before the court specified in the warrant, be taken to a police station; and
(b) the officer in charge of the station shall release him from custody if the witness, and any sureties required by the endorsement and approved by the officer, enter into recognizances of such amount as may be fixed by the endorsement, conditioned for the appearance of the witness before the court specified in the warrant.
(2) If a court issuing a warrant in respect of any witness under section 37 is of the opinion that the evidence of the witness can be dispensed with but that consideration should be given to dealing with him under section 36 it may endorse the warrant as issued for the purpose of section 36.
(3) Where a witness appears before a court in pursuance of a recognizance entered into under section 37 or this section, the court may enlarge his recognizance and those of his sureties, if any, to any later time appointed by the court for receiving the evidence of that person or dealing with him under section 36.
(4) Without prejudice to the enforcement of any recognizance entered into as aforesaid, section 37 shall apply to any witness who fails to attend before a court in compliance with such a recognizance as it applies to a witness who fails to attend in obedience to a witness summons.

(5) In this section "court" (法庭) includes the District Court.

(Replaced 59 of 1981 s. 3) [cf. 1965 c. 69 s. 5 (2), (3), (4) & (5) U.K.]

Section: 38A Abolition of subpoenas in certain proceedings 30/06/1997

No subpoena ad testificandum or subpoena duces tecum shall issue after the commencement* of the Criminal Procedure (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 1981 (59 of 1981) in respect of any criminal proceedings for the purpose of which a witness summons may be issued.

(Added 59 of 1981 s. 3)


[cf. 1965 c. 69 s. 8 U.K.]


* Commencement date: 1 January 1982.

Section: 39 (Repealed 63 of 1971 s. 11) 30/06/1997
Section: 40 (Repealed 63 of 1971 s. 11) 30/06/1997
Section: 41 General mode of trial 30/06/1997



Mode of trial

(1) Every person to be tried before the court shall be tried on an indictment.

Subject to the provisions of section 42 such trial shall be had by and before a judge and a jury. (Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 1 of 1912 Schedule; 5 of 1924 s. 8)
Notwithstanding subsection (2), but without prejudice to section 59, where any issue arises in the trial as to the admissibility of any evidence such issue may be determined before the jury is empanelled. (Added 63 of 1984 s. 2)
Section: 42 Trial at bar L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

On motion made by the Secretary for Justice, a judge shall order that the trial of any indictment shall be had at bar, that is to say, by and before 2 judges and a jury, and such trial shall be had accordingly. (Amended 50 of 1911; 1 of 1912 Schedule; L.N. 362 of 1997)

Section: 43 (Repealed 5 of 1971 s. 12) 30/06/1997
Section: 44 (Repealed 63 of 1971 s. 11) 30/06/1997

Default of appearance

Section: 45 Proceedings on non-appearance of accused person 30/06/1997

(1) Where it appears by the return made by the bailiff that the copy of the indictment and notice of trial has been duly served, and the accused person, on being thrice called on the day appointed for trial, does not appear, a motion may be made on behalf of the prosecution, if the accused person has been admitted to bail, that his sureties, if any, may be called on their recognizances, and, in default of his appearance, that the same may be estreated. (Amended 56 of 1994 s. 5)

(2) On any such application the court shall make such order as it may think just.

Section: 46 Apprehension of accused person not appearing 30/06/1997

Where any person against whom an indictment has been duly preferred, and who is then at large, does not appear to plead to such indictment, whether he is a person admitted to bail or not, the court may issue a warrant for his apprehension.

(Amended 56 of 1994 s. 6)


Section: 47 Abolition of outlawry 30/06/1997

Outlawry in criminal cases shall be abolished.

(Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4)

Section: 48 (Repealed 46 of 1967 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 49 Arraignment of accused person 30/06/1997


(1) The accused person shall be placed at the bar unfettered and not in prison clothes, unless the court sees cause to direct otherwise.
(2) The indictment shall then be read over to him by the Registrar, and explained, if necessary, by the Registrar or the interpreter of the court; and he shall be required to plead instantly thereto, unless he objects to the want of due service of the indictment and notice of trial, and the court finds that he has not been duly served therewith.
(3) Where the accused person is a corporation, a plea in writing may be entered by its representative, and if either the corporation does not appear by a representative or, though it does so appear, fails to enter as aforesaid any plea, the court shall order a plea of not guilty to be entered and the trial shall proceed as though the corporation had duly entered a plea of not guilty. (Added 11 of 1962 s. 2)
(4) In this section and in section 87 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227), the expression "representative" (代表) in relation to a corporation means a person duly appointed by the corporation to represent it for the purpose of doing any act or thing which the representative of a corporation is by this section or by section 87 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) authorized to do, but a person so appointed shall not, by virtue only of being so appointed, be qualified to act on behalf of the corporation before any court for any other purpose. A representative for the purposes of this section and section 87 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) need not be appointed under the seal of the corporation, and a statement in writing purporting to be signed by a managing director of the corporation, or by any person (by whatever name called) having, or being one of the persons having, the management of the affairs of the corporation, to the effect that the person named in the statement has been appointed as the representative of the corporation for the purposes of this section or of section 87 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) shall be admissible without further proof as prima facie evidence that that person has been so appointed. (Added 11 of 1962 s. 2)
Section: 50 Effect of plea of not guilty 30/06/1997

The accused person, on being arraigned, by pleading generally the plea of not guilty, shall, by such plea, without further form, be deemed to have put himself upon the country for trial.

Section: 51 Trial of offences 30/06/1997

(1) If a person is arraigned on an indictment-

(a) he shall in all cases be entitled to make a plea of not guilty in addition to any special plea;
(b) he may plead not guilty to the offence specifically charged in the indictment but guilty to another offence of which he might be found guilty on that indictment;
(c) if he stands mute of malice, or will not answer directly to the indictment, the court may order a plea of not guilty to be entered on his behalf, and he shall then be treated as having pleaded not guilty. (Amended 24 of 1993 s. 8)
(2) If on the trial of any information, charge or indictment for any offence other than treason it is proved that the accused is not guilty of that offence but the allegations in the information, charge or indictment amount to or include, whether expressly or by implication, an allegation of another offence falling within the jurisdiction of the court of trial, he may be found guilty of that other offence or of an offence of which he could be found guilty on an information, charge or indictment specifically charging that other offence.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2) any allegation of an offence shall be taken as including an allegation of attempting to commit that offence; and where a person is charged with attempting to commit an offence or with any assault or other act preliminary to an offence but not with the completed offence, then he may be convicted of the offence charged notwithstanding that he is shown to be guilty of the completed offence.
(4) Where a person arraigned on an indictment pleads not guilty of an offence charged in the indictment but guilty of some other offence of which he might be found guilty on that charge, and he is convicted on that plea of guilty without trial for the offence of which he has pleaded not guilty then, whether or not the 2 offences are separately charged in distinct counts, his conviction of the one offence shall be an acquittal of the other.
(5) Any power to bring proceedings for an offence by criminal information is abolished.
(6) Subsections (1) and (2) shall apply to an indictment containing more than one count as if each count were a separate indictment.
(7) In subsection (2), "court of trial" (主審法院) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 8)

(Replaced 5 of 1971 s. 5) [cf. 1967 c. 58 s. 6 U.K.]

Section: 51A Entry of verdict of not guilty by order of judge 30/06/1997

Where an accused person arraigned on an indictment pleads not guilty and the prosecutor proposes to offer no evidence against him, the court before which the accused person is arraigned may, if it thinks fit, order that a verdict of not guilty shall be recorded without the accused person being given in charge to a jury, and the verdict shall have the same effect as if the accused person had been tried and acquitted.

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 5)

[cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 17 U.K.]

Section: 52 (Repealed 50 of 1991 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 53 Objection of substance to indictment 30/06/1997
(1) No objection to an indictment shall be taken by way of demurrer, but if an indictment does not state in substance an indictable offence or states an offence not triable by the court, the accused person may move the court to quash it or in arrest of judgment. (Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4)
(2) If such motion is made before the accused person pleads, the court shall either quash the indictment or amend it. (Amended 50 of 1911; 1 of 1912 Schedule)
(3) If the defect in the indictment appears to the court during the trial, and the court does not think fit to amend the indictment, it may either quash the indictment or leave the objection to be taken in arrest of judgment. (Amended 50 of 1911; 1 of 1912 Schedule)
(4) If the indictment is quashed, the court may direct the accused person to be detained in custody until such time or for such period as the court may order or to be released on bail, and may order him to plead to another indictment when called on at the same time or during that period, as the case may be. (Amended 50 of 1911; 1 of 1912 Schedule; 6 of 1990 s. 4)
Section: 54 Competence of person charged in criminal cases 23 of 2003 04/07/2003


(1) Every person charged with an offence, whether charged solely or jointly with any other person, shall be a

competent witness for the defence at every stage of the proceedings: (Amended 23 of 2003 s. 3) Provided as follows-

(a) a person so charged shall not be called as a witness in pursuance of this section except upon his own application;
(b) the failure of any person charged with an offence to give evidence shall not be made the subject of any comment by the prosecution; (Amended 23 of 2003 s. 3)
(c)-(d) (Repealed 23 of 2003 s. 3)
a person charged and being a witness in pursuance of this section may be asked any question in cross-examination notwithstanding that it would tend to criminate him as to the offence charged;
a person charged and called as a witness in pursuance of this section shall not be asked, and if asked shall not be required to answer, any question tending to show that he has committed or been convicted of or been charged with any offence other than that wherewith he is then charged, or is of bad character, unless
the proof that he has committed or been convicted of such other offence is admissible evidence to show that he is guilty of the offence wherewith he is then charged; or
he has personally or by his advocate asked questions of the witnesses for the prosecution with a view to establish his own good character, or has given evidence of his good character, or the nature or conduct of the defence is such as to involve imputations on the character of the prosecutor or the witnesses for the prosecution; or
(iii) he has given evidence against any other person charged in the same proceedings; (Amended 50 of 1981 s. 2)
a person charged and called as a witness in pursuance of this section shall, unless otherwise ordered by the court, give his evidence from the witness box or other place from which the other witnesses give their evidence. (14 of 1906 s. 2 incorporated. Amended 20 of 1948 s. 4; 23 of 2003 s. 3)

(2) Notwithstanding any rule of law, the right of a person charged to make a statement without being sworn is

hereby abolished. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 9) [cf. 1898 c. 36 s. 1 U.K.]

Section: 55 Evidence of person charged 30/06/1997

Where the only witness to the facts of the case called by the defence is the person charged, he shall be called as a witness immediately after the close of the evidence for the prosecution. (14 of 1906 s. 3 incorporated) [cf. 1898 c. 36 s. 2 U.K.]

Section: 56 Right of reply L.N. 362 of 1997; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

(1) The fact that the person charged has been called as a witness shall not of itself confer on the prosecution the right of reply. (14 of 1906 s. 4 incorporated. Amended 34 of 1972 s. 10)

(2) Upon the trial of any person charged with an offence-

the prosecution shall not be entitled to the right of reply on the ground only that the Secretary for Justice or the Solicitor General appears for the HKSAR at the trial; and (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997; 39 of 1999 s. 3)
the time at which the prosecution is entitled to exercise the right shall, notwithstanding any rule of law, be after the close of the evidence for the defence and before the closing speech (if any) by or on behalf of the person charged. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 10) [cf. 1964 c. 34 s. 1(1) U.K.]

[cf. 1898 c. 36 s. 3 U.K.]

Section: 57 Competence and compellability of accused's spouse or former spouse 23 of 2003 04/07/2003
The husband or wife of an accused shall be competent to give evidence on behalf of the accused or a coaccused and, subject to subsection (5), shall be competent to give evidence for the prosecution.
Subject to subsection (5), the husband or wife of an accused shall be compellable to give evidence on behalf of the accused.
Subject to subsection (5), the husband or wife of an accused shall be compellable-
(a) to give evidence for the prosecution but only in respect of any specified offence with which the accused or a co-accused is charged; or
(b) to give evidence on behalf of a co-accused but only in respect of any specified offence with which the co-accused is charged.
(4) An offence is a specified offence for the purposes of subsection (3) if-
(a) it involves an assault on, or an injury or threat of injury to, the husband or wife of the accused;
(b) it involves causing the death of, an assault on, or an injury or threat of injury to, a child of the family who-
(i) at the material time was under the age of 16 years or was a mentally incapacitated person; or
(ii) at the time when the evidence is given is a mentally incapacitated person;
(c) it is a sexual offence alleged to have been committed in respect of a child of the family who
(i) at the material time was under the age of 16 years or was a mentally incapacitated person; or
(ii) at the time when the evidence is given is a mentally incapacitated person; or
(d) it consists of attempting or conspiring to commit, or of aiding, abetting, counselling, procuring or inciting the commission of, an offence falling within paragraph (a), (b) or (c).
(5) Subject to subsection (6), where an accused and the husband or wife of the accused are standing trial together, neither spouse shall at the trial be competent to give evidence for the prosecution under subsection (1), or be compellable to give evidence under subsection (2) or (3).
(6) Subsection (5) shall not apply to either spouse who is no longer liable to be convicted of any offence in the trial (whether as a result of pleading guilty or for any other reason).
(7) Section 7 of the Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) (privilege of husband and wife) and section 8(2) of that Ordinance (evidence of access) shall not apply to the husband or wife of an accused, where the husband or wife is giving evidence for the prosecution, or on behalf of the accused or a co-accused, in circumstances in which he or she is compellable to do so under subsection (2) or (3), as the case may be.
(8) Section 65A of the Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) (privilege against incrimination of self or spouse in criminal proceedings) shall not apply to the husband or wife of an accused, where the husband or wife is giving evidence for the prosecution, or on behalf of a co-accused, in circumstances in which he or she is compellable to do so under subsection (3).
(9) Subject to subsection (10), a former husband or wife of an accused shall be competent and compellable to give evidence as if he or she had never been married to the accused.
A former husband or wife of an accused shall not, as regards matters that occurred during his or her marriage to the accused, be compellable to give evidence for the prosecution, or on behalf of a co-accused, unless the former husband or wife would be so compellable under subsection (3) if he or she were still married to the accused.
The failure to call the husband or wife of an accused to give evidence on behalf of the accused or a coaccused shall not be made the subject of any question or comment by the prosecution.
In this section-"accused"(被控人) means a person charged with an offence; "child of the family" (家庭子女) means
(a) a natural or adopted child of the accused or the husband or wife of the accused; or
(b) a person to whom the accused or the husband or wife of the accused stands in loco parentis; "co-accused" (同案被控人), in relation to an accused, means a person standing trial together with the accused; "mentally incapacitated person" (精神上無行為能力的人) means a mentally disordered person within the meaning


of section 2(1) of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) or a mentally handicapped person within the meaning of that section; "sexual offence" (性罪行) means an offence under Part VI or XII of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200).

(13) For the purposes of subsection (3), the age of a child of the family at the material time shall be deemed to

be or to have been that which appears to the court to be or to have been his age at that time. (Replaced 23 of 2003 s. 4)

(1) Where the husband or wife of an accused is called to give evidence for the prosecution, or on behalf of a coaccused, in circumstances in which he or she is compellable to give evidence under section 57(3), the husband or wife may at any time apply to the court for an exemption from the obligation to give evidence.

(2) Where an application for an exemption is made to a court under subsection (1) and the court is satisfied-

(a) that, if the husband or wife were to give evidence for the prosecution or on behalf of the co-accused, as the case may be, there would be a substantial risk of-
(i) serious harm being caused to the relationship between the husband or wife and the accused; or
(ii) serious emotional, psychological or economic consequences for the husband or wife; and
(b) that, having regard to the nature and gravity of the offence charged and the importance at the trial of the evidence that the husband or wife is in a position to give, there is insufficient justification for exposing the husband or wife to that risk,

the court may exempt the husband or wife, wholly or in part, from the obligation to give evidence.

(3) Where a court is constituted by a judge and jury, an application for an exemption made under subsection (1) shall be heard and determined by the judge in the absence of the jury.
(4) The fact that the husband or wife of an accused has applied for, or been granted or refused, an exemption under this section shall not be made the subject of any question or comment by the prosecution.
(5) Where the husband or wife of an accused is called to give evidence for the prosecution, or on behalf of a coaccused, in circumstances in which he or she is compellable to give evidence under section 57(3), the court must be satisfied that the husband or wife is aware of his or her right to apply for an exemption under subsection (1).

(6) In this section, the terms "accused" (被控人) and "co-accused" (同案被控人) have the same meaning as

in section 57. (Added 23 of 2003 s. 4)

Section: 58 Application 23 of 2003 04/07/2003

Expanded Cross Reference:
54, 55, 56, 57, 57A

Sections 54 to 57A shall apply to all criminal proceedings, notwithstanding any other provision in force at the time of their enactment, and in sections 54 to 57A, "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate. <* Note - Exp. X-Ref.: Sections 54, 55, 56, 57, 57A *>

(14 of 1906 s. 6 incorporated. Amended 20 of 1948 s. 4; 23 of 2003 s. 5)

[cf. 1898 c. 36 s. 6 U.K.]

Section: 59 Statements of accused persons 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

If on a trial by jury of a person accused of an offence, a statement alleged to have been made by such accused person is admitted in evidence, all evidence relating to the circumstances in which the alleged statement was made shall be admissible for the purpose of enabling the jury to decide upon the weight (if any) to be given to the statement; and, if any such evidence has been taken in the absence of the jury before the admission of the statement, the HKSAR and such accused person shall have the right to have any such evidence retaken in the presence of the jury.

(Added 45 of 1949 s. 2. Amended 20 of 1948 s. 4; 39 of 1999 s. 3)

Section: 60 Abolition of corroboration rule in respect of alleged accomplices 30/06/1997

(1) Any requirement whereby at a trial by and before a judge and jury it is obligatory for the judge to give the jury a warning about convicting the accused on the uncorroborated evidence of a person merely because that person is an alleged accomplice of the accused is hereby abrogated.

(2) Any requirement that is applicable at a trial by a judge or magistrate and corresponds to the requirement

mentioned in subsection (1) is hereby abrogated. (Added 83 of 1994 s. 2)

Note: The application of this section is affected by section 1(2) of the Criminal Procedure (Amendment) (No. 3) Ordinance 1994 (83 of 1994).

Section: 61 (Repealed 5 of 1971 s. 12) 30/06/1997
Section: 62 (Repealed 5 of 1971 s. 12) 30/06/1997
Section: 63 Proof of previous convictions 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

Proof of certain matters

In any criminal proceedings a previous conviction against any person may be proved in the manner prescribed in this section in addition to any other method of proving such conviction.
(2) There shall be produced to the court or magistrate the following-
a certificate in Form 6 in Schedule 1 signed by a police officer authorized in that behalf by the Commissioner of Police certifying the particulars of any previous convictions extracted from the criminal records kept by him, and certifying that copies of the finger-prints exhibited to the certificate are copies of the finger-prints appearing from such records;
a certificate in Form 7 in Schedule 1 signed by the police officer present at the taking of the fingerprints from the person before the court or magistrate in exercise of the powers conferred by section 59 of the Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232), or by order of the court or magistrate under this section, certifying that the finger-prints exhibited to the certificate are those of such person;
a certificate in Form 8 in Schedule 1 signed by a police officer authorized in that behalf by the Commissioner of Police certifying that the copies of the finger-prints exhibited to Form 6 and the finger-prints exhibited to Form 7 are those of the same person. (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)
Any certificate issued under this section and purporting to be signed by a police officer shall until the contrary is proved be deemed to have been signed by such police officer and shall be evidence of the facts stated therein.
Where no certificate in Form 7 is available the court or magistrate may order that the person before the court shall have his finger-prints taken and that such a certificate shall be prepared.
Where it is desired to prove a conviction in any part of the Commonwealth, the court or magistrate may accept a certificate in Form 6 purporting to be signed by the person stated therein to be the person having control of the relevant criminal records, and such certificate shall be evidence of the facts stated therein. (Amended 39 of 1999
3) (Replaced 31 of 1958 s. 2)
Section: 64 Proof on trial of plea of autrefois convict or acquit L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

On the trial of an issue on a plea of autrefois convict or autrefois acquit, the depositions transmitted to the Registrar or Secretary for Justice on the former trial, together with the judge's notes, if available, and the depositions transmitted to the Registrar on the subsequent charge, shall be admissible in evidence to prove or disprove the identity of the charges.

(Amended 6 of 1954 s. 7; L.N. 362 of 1997)

Section: 65 (Repealed 5 of 1971 s. 12) 30/06/1997
Section: 65A Proof of criminal intent 30/06/1997
A court or jury, in determining whether a person has committed an offence-
(a) shall not be bound in law to infer that he intended or foresaw a result of his acts or omissions by reason only of its being a natural and probable consequence of those acts or omissions; but
(b) shall decide whether he did intend or foresee that result by reference to all the evidence, drawing such inferences from the evidence as appear proper in the circumstances.
(2) In this section, "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Amended 35 of 1976 s. 9)


(Added 5 of 1971 s. 6) [cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 8 U.K.]

(1) In any criminal proceedings, other than committal proceedings, a written statement by any person shall, subject to the conditions contained in subsection (2), be admissible as evidence to the like extent as oral evidence to the like effect by that person.

(2) A statement may be tendered in evidence under subsection (1) if

(a) the statement purports to be signed by the person who made it;
(b) the statement contains a declaration by that person to the effect that it is true to the best of his knowledge and belief;
(c) before the hearing at which the statement is tendered in evidence, a copy of the statement is served, by or on behalf of the party proposing to tender it, on each of the other parties to the proceedings; and
(d) none of the other parties or their solicitors, within 14 days from the service of the copy of the statement, serves a notice on the party so proposing objecting to the statement being tendered in evidence under this section:

Provided that paragraphs (c) and (d) shall not apply if the parties agree before or during the hearing that the statement shall be so tendered.

(3) If a statement tendered in evidence under subsection (1)-

(a) is made by a person under the age of 21, it shall give his age;
(b) is made by a person who cannot read it, it shall be read to him before he signs it and shall be accompanied by a declaration by the person who so read the statement to the effect that it was so read;
(c) subject to any directions of the court, is made in a language other than an official language, it shall be accompanied by a translation in an official language and, unless otherwise agreed by or on behalf of the prosecutor and defendant (or, if more than one, all the defendants), the translation shall be certified by the court translator; (Amended 20 of 1988 s. 2; 51 of 1995 s. 13)
(d) refers to any other document as an exhibit, the copy served on any other party to the proceedings under subsection (2)(c) shall be accompanied by a copy of that document or by such information as may be necessary in order to enable the party on whom it is served to inspect that document or a copy thereof.
(4) Notwithstanding that a written statement made by any person may be admissible as evidence by virtue of this section-
(a) the party by whom or on whose behalf a copy of the statement was served may call the person making the statement to give evidence; and
(b) the court may, of its own motion or on the application of any party to the proceedings either before or during the hearing, require the person making the statement to attend before the court and give evidence.
(5) So much of any statement as is admitted in evidence by virtue of this section shall, unless the court otherwise directs, be read aloud at the hearing and where the court so directs an account shall be given orally of so much of any statement as is not read aloud.
(6) Any document or object referred to as an exhibit and identified in a written statement admitted in evidence under this section shall be treated as if it had been produced as an exhibit and identified in court by the maker of the statement.
(7) A document required by this section to be served on any person may be served-
(a) by delivering it to him or to his solicitor; or
(b) in the case of a body corporate, by delivering it to the secretary or clerk of the body at its registered or principal office or by sending it by registered post addressed to the secretary or clerk of that body at that office.
(8) In this section, "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 11)

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 6) [cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 9 U.K.]

(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, any fact of which oral evidence may be given in any criminal proceedings may be admitted for the purpose of those proceedings by or on behalf of the prosecutor or defendant and the admission by any party of any such fact under this section shall as against that party be conclusive evidence in those proceedings of the fact admitted.
(2) An admission under this section-
(a) may be made before or during the proceedings;
(b) if made otherwise than in court, shall be in writing;
(c) if made in writing by an individual, shall purport to be signed by the person making it and, if so made by a body corporate, shall purport to be signed by a director or manager, or the secretary or clerk, or some other similar officer of the body corporate;
(d) if made on behalf of a defendant who is an individual, shall be made by his counsel or solicitor;
(e) if made at any stage before the trial by a defendant who is an individual, must be approved by his counsel or solicitor (whether at the time it was made or subsequently) before or during the proceedings in question;
(f) may be made in either official language. (Added 51 of 1995 s. 14)
(3) An admission under this section for the purpose of proceedings relating to any matter shall be treated as an admission for the purpose of any subsequent criminal proceedings relating to that matter (including any appeal or retrial).
(4) An admission under this section may with the leave of the court be withdrawn in the proceedings for the purpose of which it is made or any subsequent criminal proceedings relating to the same matter.

(5) In this section, "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 12)

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 6) [cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 10 U.K.]

(1) On a trial on indictment the defendant shall not without the leave of the court adduce evidence in support of an alibi unless, before the end of the prescribed period, he gives notice of particulars of the alibi.
(2) Without prejudice to subsection (1), on any such trial the defendant shall not without the leave of the court call any other person to give evidence in support of an alibi unless-
(a) the notice under subsection (1) includes the name and address of the witness or, if the name and address is not known to the defendant at the time he gives the notice, any information in his possession which might be of material assistance in finding the witness;
(b) if the name or the address is not included in that notice, the court is satisfied that the defendant, before giving the notice, took and thereafter continued to take all reasonable steps to secure that the name or address would be ascertained;
(c) if the name or the address is not included in that notice, but the defendant subsequently discovers the name or address or receives other information which might be of material assistance in finding the witness, he forthwith gives notice of the name, address or other information, as the case may be;
(d) if the defendant is notified by or on behalf of the prosecutor that the witness has not been traced by the name or at the address given, he forthwith gives notice of any such information which is then in his possession or, on subsequently receiving any such information, forthwith gives notice of it.
(3) The court shall not refuse leave under this section if it appears to the court that the defendant was not informed in accordance with the provisions of section 85A of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227), section 77B of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) or section 4 of the Complex Commercial Crimes Ordinance (Cap 394), as the case may be, of the requirements of this section. (Amended 57 of 1988 s. 30; 59 of 1992 s. 7)
(4) Any evidence tendered to disprove an alibi may, subject to any directions by the court as to the time it is to be given, be given before or after evidence is given in support of the alibi.

(5) Any notice purporting to be given under this section on behalf of the defendant by his solicitor shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to be given with the authority of the defendant.

(6) A notice under subsection (1) shall either be given in court during, or at the end of, the committal proceedings or upon the making of an order of transfer under section 4 of the Complex Commercial Crimes Ordinance (Cap 394) or where proceedings stand transferred to the court under section 77A(6) of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336), as the case may be, or be given in writing to the prosecutor, and a notice under subsection (2)(c) or (d) shall be given in writing to the prosecutor. (Amended 57 of 1988 s. 30; 59 of 1992 s. 7)
(7) A notice required by this section to be given to the prosecutor may be given by delivering it to the Secretary for Justice or by leaving it at the Secretary for Justice's office, or by sending it by registered post addressed to the Secretary for Justice at his office. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

(8) In this section-

"evidence in support of an alibi" (證明不在犯罪現場的證據) means evidence tending to show that by reason of the presence of the defendant at a particular place or in a particular area at a particular time he was not, or was unlikely to have been, at the place where the offence is alleged to have been committed at the time of its alleged commission;

"the prescribed period" (訂明期間) means the period expiring not less than 10 days prior to the commencement of the trial or in relation to proceedings transferred to the court under section 4 of the Complex Commercial Crimes Ordinance (Cap 394), such period as may be prescribed by the judge at the trial. (Amended 57 of 1988 s. 30)

(9) In computing the prescribed period there shall be disregarded any day which is a general holiday under the General Holidays Ordinance (Cap 149). (Amended 35 of 1998 s. 5)
(Added 5 of 1971 s. 6) [cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 11 U.K.]
(1) Following the committal of any person or the transfer of any charge or proceedings or action or matter for trial in the court, or the making of an order for the retrial of any person in the court, if any party to the proceedings proposes to adduce expert evidence (whether of fact or opinion) in the proceedings (otherwise than in relation to sentence) he shall as soon as practicable, unless in relation to the evidence in question he has already done so-
(a) furnish the other party or parties with a statement in writing of any finding or opinion which he proposes to adduce by way of such evidence; and
(b) where a request in writing is made to him in that behalf by any other party, provide that party also with a copy of (or if it appears to the party proposing to adduce the evidence to be more practicable, a reasonable opportunity to examine) the record of any observation, test, calculation or other procedure on which such finding or opinion is based and any document or other thing or substance in respect of which any such procedure had been carried out.
(2) A party may by notice in writing waive his right to be furnished with any of the matters mentioned in subsection (1) and, in particular, may agree that the statement mentioned in subsection (1)(a) may be furnished to him orally and not in writing.
(3) If a party has reasonable grounds for believing that the disclosure of any evidence in compliance with the requirements imposed by subsection (1) might lead to the intimidation, or attempted intimidation, of any person on whose evidence he intends to rely in the proceedings, or otherwise to the course of justice being interfered with, he shall not be obliged to comply with those requirements in relation to that evidence.
(4) Where, in accordance with subsection (3), a party considers that he is not obliged to comply with the requirements imposed by subsection (1) with regard to any evidence in relation to any other party, he shall give notice in writing to that party to the effect that the evidence is being withheld and the grounds therefor.
(5) A party who seeks to adduce expert evidence in any proceedings and who fails to comply with subsection
(1) shall not adduce that evidence in those proceedings without the leave of the court.
(6) This section shall not have effect in relation to any proceedings in which a person has been committed for trial or ordered to be retried, or in which any charge or proceedings or action or matter has been transferred, before the date on which this section comes into force.

[cf. S.I. 1987/716 U.K.]

(7) In subsection (1), "document" (文件) includes, in addition to a document in writing

(a) any map, plan, graph or drawing;
(b) any photograph;
(c) any disc, tape, sound track or other device in which sounds or other data (not being visual images) are embodied so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced therefrom; and
(d) any film (including microfilm), negative, tape, or other device in which one or more visual images are embodied so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced therefrom.

[cf. 1968 c. 64 s. 10(1) U.K.]

(8) In this section, "court" (法院、法庭) includes the District Court. (Added 68 of 1995 s. 8)

Where in any criminal proceedings it is necessary to prove sexual intercourse, buggery or bestiality, it shall not be necessary to prove the completion of the intercourse by the emission of seed, but intercourse shall be deemed complete upon proof of penetration only.

(Added 1 of 1978 s. 8. Amended 90 of 1991 s. 27)

Transfer of proceedings

(1) Where an indictment is preferred against an accused person and before he is arraigned, the Secretary for Justice may apply to the court for an order that the proceedings against the accused person be transferred before a magistrate to be dealt with summarily or to be transferred to the District Court. (Amended L.N. 440 of 1993; L.N. 362 of 1997)
(2) Any application under subsection (1) shall be made to a judge by way of motion, notice of which shall be supported by an affidavit showing the grounds on which the application is made.
(3) A copy of the notice of motion and the affidavit shall be served on the accused person not less than 21 days before the date named in the notice for hearing the motion, unless the judge otherwise directs.
(4) On an application being made under subsection (1), the judge may, if he considers it fit having regard to the interests of justice, make an order allowing the application (in this section and section 65G referred to as an "order of transfer"), or refuse the application and may in either case make such order as to costs as he considers appropriate.
(5) Where an order of transfer is made the judge shall appoint a date on which the accused person is required to appear or be brought before a magistrate or the District Court as may be applicable.
(6) The date appointed under subsection (5) shall not be earlier than 21 days from the date of the order of transfer.

(7) (a) Upon making an order of transfer to the District Court, the judge shall say to the accused person- "I must warn you that at your trial you may not be permitted to give evidence of an alibi or call witnesses in support of an alibi unless you have earlier given particulars of the alibi and of the witnesses. You may give those particulars now to this court or to the prosecutor not less than 10 days prior to the commencement of your trial.",

or words to that effect and if it appears to the judge that the accused person may not understand the meaning of the word "alibi", he shall explain it to him. (Amended 13 of 1995 s. 49)

(b) If the accused person is not present in court upon the making of an order to transfer to the District Court the clerk of the court shall forward to the accused person by registered post written notice, in the English and Chinese languages, of the warning required by paragraph (a). (Added 13 of 1995 s. 49)

(8) Where the judge has given the warning required by subsection (7)(a) or the clerk of the court has forwarded to the accused person written notice under subsection (7)(b), the clerk of the court shall give the accused person written notice of the provisions of section 75A of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336). (Amended 13 of 1995 s. 49)
(8A) The written notices required by subsections (7) and (8) shall be sent to the accused person not less than 28 days before the date set for trial. (Added 13 of 1995 s. 49)
(9) Where an application is made under subsection (1), the entire proceedings before the court shall be stayed until the application is disposed of unless the judge otherwise orders in respect of any matter.
At the time of making an order of transfer, the judge may remand the accused person in custody or on bail as he may consider appropriate.
Unless the judge otherwise orders in respect of any matter, an order of transfer shall operate to terminate the proceedings before the court.
(12) An order of transfer shall not be subject to appeal.
This section shall not apply in relation to any proceedings which stand transferred to the court pursuant to section 77A of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336).

(14) Where apart from this subsection the court does not have jurisdiction to hear and determine an application

made under subsection (1), this subsection shall confer such jurisdiction. (Added 59 of 1992 s. 8)

Section: 65G Delivery of the order of transfer 30/06/1997

Within 21 days after an order of transfer is made, a sealed copy of the order of transfer shall be delivered by the Registrar

if the proceedings are transferred to be dealt with by a magistrate, to the first clerk of the magistracy at which the accused person is required to appear;
if the proceedings are transferred to the District Court, to the Registrar of the District Court. (Added 59 of 1992 s. 8)
Section: 65H Application may be made in a multi-defendant or multi-count situation 30/06/1997
An application for an order under section 65F(4) may be made in relation to one or more accused persons in any proceedings or one or more counts in an indictment.
Any reference to proceedings in sections 10A, 14(1)(aa), 16(1), 24A(1), 65F (other than in subsection (9) thereof) and 65G shall be construed as being a reference to proceedings as respects the accused person to whom the order referred to in subsection (1) relates or, when appropriate, the count to which it relates.

(Added 59 of 1992 s. 8)

Section: 66 (Repealed 59 of 1992 s. 9) 30/06/1997

Case punishable on summary conviction

Section: 66A (Repealed 49 of 1996 s. 3) 30/06/1997

Verdict and judgment

Section: 67 (Repealed 6 of 1990 s. 5) 30/06/1997
Section: 67A Computation of sentences of imprisonment 30/06/1997
The length of any sentence of imprisonment imposed on a person by a court shall be treated as reduced by any period during which he was in custody by reason only of having been committed to custody by an order of a court made in connection with any proceedings relating to the sentence or the offence for which it was passed, or with any proceedings from which those proceedings arose, but where the person was, in respect of the offence for which the sentence of imprisonment was imposed, subject to an earlier order made under-
section 3 of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 298);
section 36 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227); or
section 109B of this Ordinance, any such period of custody falling before the earlier order was made shall be disregarded for the purposes of this section.

(1A) The length of any sentence of imprisonment imposed on a person by a court shall also be treated as reduced by any period during which he was, immediately prior to his first appearance in court in connection with any proceeding relating to the offence for which the sentence of imprisonment was imposed, in custody

(a) of the police, Customs and Excise Department or Independent Commission Against Corruption in connection with that offence; or
(b) under Part VII of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) in connection with that offence. (Added 13 of 1995 s. 54)
(2) For the purposes of this section a suspended sentence shall be treated as a sentence of imprisonment when it takes effect under section 109C and as being imposed by the order under which it takes effect.
(3) No period of custody, other than a period which would have been taken into account immediately before the commencement of the Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance 1983 (46 of 1983) for the purpose of reducing a term of imprisonment, shall be taken into account for the like purpose under this section unless it falls after the commencement of the Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance 1983 (46 of 1983).
(3A) No period of custody, other than a period which would have been taken into account immediately before the commencement of the amendment to this section effected by the Administration of Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 1995 (13 of 1995) for the purpose of reducing a term of imprisonment, shall be taken into account for the like purpose under this section unless it falls after that commencement. (Added 13 of 1995 s. 54)
(4) Any reference in this or any other Ordinance to the length of any sentence of imprisonment shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to the sentence pronounced by the court and not the sentence as reduced by this section.

(5) In this section "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Replaced 46 of 1983 s. 2) [cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 67 U.K.]

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

(1) When imposing a discretionary life sentence on a person for an offence, the judge must specify as part of the sentence a minimum term that the person must serve for the offence.
(2) If, when imposing an indeterminate sentence of imprisonment on a person for an offence, the judge is of the opinion that there are matters relating to the person or the offence which should be recorded for the purpose of reviewing the sentence in the future, the judge must make a report in writing to the Chief Executive specifying those matters. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)
(Added 86 of 1997 s. 44)
(1) As soon as practicable after the commencement* of this section and in any event within 6 months after such commencement, the Secretary for Justice must, in respect of each prescribed prisoner, apply to the court for a determination by a judge under this section.
(2) If, within 6 months after the commencement* of this section, the Secretary for Justice does not make any application in respect of any prescribed prisoner under subsection (1), the prescribed prisoner may also apply to the court for a determination by a judge under this section.
(3) Subject to subsection (4), the judge hearing an application under subsection (1) or (2) must determine the minimum term that the prescribed prisoner must serve for the relevant offence.
(4) Where the prescribed prisoner is serving the relevant sentence in respect of the conviction of murder committed when he was under 18 years of age, then, subject to the consent of the prescribed prisoner to the application of this subsection to him, the judge has the discretion as to whether-
(a) to make a determination under subsection (3); or
(b) to determine instead that the relevant sentence be quashed, and be substituted by a sentence of imprisonment for a fixed term of such duration as the judge considers appropriate.
(5) In making a determination under this section-
subject to paragraph (b), the judge may take into account any material submitted to him by the Secretary for Justice or the prescribed prisoner that is, in his opinion, relevant to the determination; and
the judge must not take into account the previous recommendation or the previous determination.
Notwithstanding subsections (3) and (5), if the term determined under subsection (3) (whether or not also by application of subsection (4)(a)) as the minimum term that the prescribed prisoner must serve for the relevant offence is longer than the term specified as the minimum term to be served by the prescribed prisoner for the relevant offence under the previous recommendation, the term so determined is, for all purposes, to be treated as equal to the term so specified.
If, when making a determination under subsection (3) (whether or not also by application of subsection (4)(a)), the judge is of the opinion that there are any special considerations or circumstances relating to the prescribed prisoner or the relevant offence which should be taken into account in any future review of the relevant sentence, the judge must make a report in writing to the Chief Executive specifying details of those special considerations or circumstances.

(Replaced 22 of 2004 s. 2)


Commencement date: 16 July 2004.

Section: 67D Further provisions relating to applications under section 67C and related procedural matters 22 of 2004 16/07/2004
An application by the Secretary for Justice or a prescribed prisoner under section 67C(1) or (2) is to be
in writing; and
in the case of an application under section 67C(1), by the Secretary for Justice or any person holding one of the offices in the Department of Justice mentioned in Schedule 1 to the Legal Officers Ordinance (Cap 87); or
in the case of an application under section 67C(2), by the prescribed prisoner.
No charge is to be payable for any application under section 67C(1) or (2).
As soon as practicable after the Secretary for Justice has made an application in respect of a prescribed prisoner under section 67C(1), the Secretary for Justice must serve a copy of the application on the prescribed prisoner.
For the purposes of an application in respect of a prescribed prisoner under section 67C(1) or (2), the Registrar must, as soon as practicable after a request in writing has been made to him by the Secretary for Justice or the prescribed prisoner, as the case may be, as the person by whom the application is to be made, deliver to the Secretary for Justice or the prescribed prisoner, as the case may be-
a copy of the record, if available, of the proceedings relating to the relevant sentence; and
a copy of any report concerning the prescribed prisoner which was before the court which passed the relevant sentence.
Where an application has been made in respect of a prescribed prisoner under section 67C(1) or (2), the Secretary for Justice or the prescribed prisoner may apply to a judge for-
(a) a copy of the record, if available, of the proceedings concerning the prescribed prisoner (whether relating to the relevant offence or the relevant sentence) or any part or parts of the record; and
a copy of any document in the possession of the Registrar, and if the judge is satisfied that it is necessary and practicable to do so, the judge must direct the Registrar to deliver the copy to both the Secretary for Justice and the prescribed prisoner.
Without prejudice to section 123, all proceedings conducted before a judge for the purposes of an application under section 67C(1) or (2) (other than any proceedings conducted before a judge for the purposes of an application under subsection (5)) must be held in open court.

(Replaced 22 of 2004 s. 2)

Section: 67E Sections 67C and 67D no longer to apply if prescribed prisoners cease to serve relevant sentence 22 of 2004 16/07/2004

Where a prescribed prisoner ceases to serve the relevant sentence at any time after the commencement* of

section 67C but before any determination is made in respect of the prescribed prisoner under that section-

(a) sections 67C and 67D then cease to apply to the prescribed prisoner; and
(b) without limiting the generality of paragraph (a), any proceedings relating to the prescribed prisoner under section 67C and any appeal or other proceedings arising from or preliminary or incidental to such proceedings are, to the extent that they have not been completed, then to be treated as having been discontinued.

(Replaced 22 of 2004 s. 2)


*** Commencement date: 16 July 2004.

Section: 67F Effect of section 67C determinations on previous orders under section 15(1)(b) of Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance 22 of 2004 16/07/2004
(1) Where, before any determination is made under section 67C(3) (whether or not also by application of section 67C(4)(a)) in respect of a prescribed prisoner, any order has been made under section 15(1)(b) of the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance (Cap 524) in respect of the prescribed prisoner (whether or not any such order has been renewed under section 15(4) of that Ordinance)-
(a) the determination does not affect the validity or effect of the order or the order as renewed from time to time under section 15(4) of that Ordinance; and
(b) sections 12(2) and 15(3) of that Ordinance are, for all purposes, not to be regarded as having application to and in relation to the order or the order as renewed from time to time under section 15(4) of that Ordinance.
(2) Where, before any determination is made under section 67C(4)(b) in respect of a prescribed prisoner, any order has been made under section 15(1)(b) of the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance (Cap 524) in respect of the prescribed prisoner (whether or not any such order has been renewed under section 15(4) of that Ordinance), upon the making of the determination-
(a) without prejudice to section 27 of that Ordinance, the order ceases to have effect; and
(b) for the purpose of requiring the prescribed prisoner to serve the remainder (if any) of the sentence of imprisonment by which the relevant sentence is substituted under the determination
(i) the Commissioner of Correctional Services must recall the prescribed prisoner to prison; and
(ii) section 26 of that Ordinance applies to and in relation to the prescribed prisoner as it applies to

and in relation to a prisoner referred to in subsection (1) of that section. (Added 22 of 2004 s. 2)

Section: 67G Interpretation 22 of 2004 16/07/2004

(1) In sections 67B, 67C, 67D, 67E and 67F and this section"discretionary life sentence" (酌情性終身監禁刑罰) has the same meaning as in the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance (Cap 524); "Executive discretion" (行政酌情決定) has the same meaning as in the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance (Cap 524); "mandatory life sentence" (強制性終身監禁刑罰) has the same meaning as in the Long-term Prison Sentences

Review Ordinance (Cap 524); "prescribed prisoner" (訂明囚犯) means any prisoner-

(a) to whom any of the relevant provisions applied at their commencement; and
(b) who at all times between such commencement and the commencement of section 67C has been, and at the commencement of section 67C is still-
(i) serving a discretionary life sentence in respect of the conviction of any offence;
(ii) serving a mandatory life sentence in respect of the conviction of murder committed when the prisoner was under 18 years of age; or

(iii) detained at Executive discretion in respect of the conviction of any offence; "previous determination" (原先裁定), in relation to a prescribed prisoner, means the determination of the Chief

Executive specifying the minimum term to be served by the prescribed prisoner for the relevant offence and notified to the prescribed prisoner by letter dated 2 April 1998, 9 April 1998, 30 April 1998, 11 June 1998 or 16 July 1999, as the case may be;

"previous recommendation" (原先建議), in relation to a prescribed prisoner, means the recommendation of the Chief Justice to the Chief Executive specifying the minimum term to be served by the prescribed prisoner for the relevant offence and dated 15 December 1997, 28 August 1998 or 9 April 1999, as the case may be;

"relevant offence" (有關罪行), in relation to a prescribed prisoner, means

(a) where the prescribed prisoner is within the description of paragraph (b)(i) of the definition of "prescribed prisoner", the offence described in that paragraph;
(b) where the prescribed prisoner is within the description of paragraph (b)(ii) of the definition of "prescribed prisoner", the offence of murder described in that paragraph; or
(c) where the prescribed prisoner is within the description of paragraph (b)(iii) of the definition of

"prescribed prisoner", the offence described in that paragraph; "relevant provisions" (有關條文) means-

(a) section 67C as originally enacted by the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance (Cap 524); and
(b) section 67D as originally enacted by the Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance 1998 (6 of

1998); "relevant sentence" (有關刑罰), in relation to a prescribed prisoner, means

(a) where the prescribed prisoner is within the description of paragraph (b)(i) of the definition of "prescribed prisoner", the discretionary life sentence described in that paragraph;
(b) where the prescribed prisoner is within the description of paragraph (b)(ii) of the definition of "prescribed prisoner", the mandatory life sentence described in that paragraph; or
(c) where the prescribed prisoner is within the description of paragraph (b)(iii) of the definition of "prescribed prisoner", the detention at Executive discretion described in that paragraph.

(2) In sections 67C and 67D, any reference to judge is a reference to a judge of the court, a recorder of the court

or a deputy judge of the court. (Added 22 of 2004 s. 2)

Section: 68 Cumulative sentences 30/06/1997

Where the court sentences any person to undergo a term of imprisonment for an offence, and such person is already undergoing, or is at the same time of the court sentenced to undergo, imprisonment for another offence, it shall be lawful for the court to direct that such imprisonment shall commence at any time during or at the expiration of the term of imprisonment which such person is then undergoing or has been so previously sentenced to undergo, as aforesaid.

(Amended 46 of 1983 s. 3; 6 of 1990 s. 6)

[cf. 1827 c. 28 s. 10 U.K.]

Section: 69 Abolition of certain forms of punishment 30/06/1997

There is abolished so much of the punishment for any offence as consists in any general forfeiture of lands or of goods and chattels or in being removed from Hong Kong or otherwise incapacitated to sue or be sued. (Replaced 50 of 1991 s. 4)

Section: 70 (Repealed 24 of 1993 s. 9) 30/06/1997
Section: 71 (Repealed 50 of 1991 s. 4) 30/06/1997
Section: 72 (Repealed 39 of 1996 s. 23) 30/06/1997


(Amended 23 of 2002 s. 6)

Section: 73 Power to award compensation 30/06/1997
Where a person is convicted of an offence, the court may, in addition to passing such sentence as may otherwise by law be passed or making an order under section 107(1), order the person so convicted to pay to any aggrieved person such compensation for
personal injury;
loss of or damage to property; or
both such injury and loss or damage, as it thinks reasonable.
The amount ordered as compensation under subsection (1) shall be deemed a judgment debt due to the person entitled to receive the same from the person so convicted. (Amended 23 of 2002 s. 7)
(3) If before an order for compensation is made, any money (a) was taken from the person so convicted on his apprehension, arrest, being taken into custody or his surrender to custody; or
was paid into court by the person so convicted, the court may, on making the order, order that the compensation be paid out of any money so taken or paid. (Added 23 of 2002 s. 7)
Subsection (3) shall not apply to any money that is a first charge for the benefit of the Director of Legal Aid within the meaning of section 18A(1) of the Legal Aid Ordinance (Cap 91). (Added 23 of 2002 s. 7)

(5) Payment of the compensation may be enforced at the instance of any person entitled thereto in the same

way as a judgment debt. (Added 23 of 2002 s. 7) (Replaced 48 of 1972 s. 4)

Section: 73A (Repealed 39 of 1996 s. 23) 30/06/1997
Section: 74 Acquittal on grounds of insanity 81 of 1997 15/08/1997

Arraignment and trial of insane person

Where any act or omission is charged against any person as an offence, and it is given in evidence on trial of such person for that offence that he was insane, so as not to be responsible according to law for his actions at the time when the act was done or the omission made, then, if it appears to the jury before whom such person is tried that he did the act or made the omission charged, but was insane as aforesaid at the time when he did or made the same, the jury shall return a special verdict that the accused person is not guilty by reason of insanity. (Amended 81 of 1997

(2) Section 75(7) shall apply to this section as it applies to section 75. (Added 81 of 1997 s. 59)

(Replaced 34 of 1972 s. 13) [cf. 1964 c. 84 s. 1; 1883 c. 38 s. 2 U.K.]

Section: 75 Fitness to be tried 32 of 2000 09/06/2000
This section applies where on the trial of a person the question arises (at the instigation of the defence or otherwise) whether the accused is under a disability, that is to say, under any disability such that apart from this Ordinance it would constitute a bar to his being tried. (Replaced 37 of 1996 s. 3)
The court, if having regard to the nature of the supposed disability is of opinion that it is expedient so to do and in the interests of the accused person, may postpone consideration of the said question (hereinafter referred to as "the question of fitness to be tried") until any time up to the opening of the case for the defence, and if before the question of fitness to be tried falls to be determined the jury return a verdict of acquittal on the count or each of the

counts on which the accused person is being tried that question shall not be determined.

(3) Subject to subsection (2), the question of fitness to be tried shall be determined as soon as it arises.
(4) The question of fitness to be tried shall be determined by a jury, and-
(a) where it falls to be determined on the arraignment of the accused person, then if the trial proceeds the accused person shall be tried by-
(i) where paragraph (a) of the definition of "court" is applicable, a jury other than the jury which determined that question;
(ii) in any other case, the same jury which determined that question;
(b) where it falls to be determined at any later time, it shall be determined by
(i) where paragraph (a) of the definition of "court" is applicable, a separate jury or the jury by whom the accused person is being tried, as the court may direct;
(ii) in any other case, the same jury by whom the accused person is being tried. (Replaced 37 of 1996 s. 3)
(5) A jury shall not make a determination under subsection (4) except on the written or oral evidence of 2 or more registered medical practitioners (of whom not less than 2 shall be psychiatrists on the Specialist Register established under section 6(3) of the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap 161)). (Replaced 37 of 1996 s. 3. Amended 32 of 2000 s. 11)
(6) In this section-"court" (法庭) means
(a) the Court of First Instance acting in the exercise of its criminal jurisdiction; (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(b) the District Court acting in the exercise of its criminal jurisdiction; or
(c) a magistrate;

"verdict of acquittal" (無罪的裁決) does not include a special verdict that the accused person is not guilty by reason of insanity. (Replaced 37 of 1996 s. 3)

(7) In this section, any reference to a jury shall, where the trial concerned takes place in the District Court or before a magistrate, be read as a reference to a District Judge or the magistrate, as the case may be. (Added 37 of 1996 s. 3)
(Replaced 34 of 1972 s. 13) [cf. 1964 c. 84 s. 4 U.K.]
(1) Where in accordance with section 75 it is determined by a jury that an accused person is under disability, then-
(a) without prejudice to any proceedings for the purposes of paragraph (b)(ii), the trial shall not proceed or further proceed;
(b) the jury shall determine-
(i) on the evidence (if any) already given in the trial; and
(ii) on such evidence as may be adduced or further adduced by the prosecution or adduced by a

person appointed by the court for the purpose of this section to put the case for the defence, whether they are satisfied, as respects the count or each of the counts on which the accused person was to be or was being tried, that he did the act or made the omission charged against him as the offence;

(c) if the jury are so satisfied as respects that count or any of those counts, they shall make a finding that the accused person did that act or made that omission;
(d) if the jury are not so satisfied as respects that count or any of those counts, they shall return a verdict of acquittal as if on the count concerned the trial had proceeded to a conclusion.
(2) Section 75(6) and (7) shall apply to this section as it applies to section 75.
(3) For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that-
(a) evidence that may be adduced under subsection (1)(b)(ii) includes the testimony of witnesses;
(b) the law applicable in criminal proceedings shall be the law applicable in any proceedings arising under

subsection (1)(b). (Added 37 of 1996 s. 4)

Section: 76 Orders to be made 32 of 2000 09/06/2000
This section applies where
under section 74 a special verdict is returned that an accused person is not guilty by reason of insanity; or
under sections 75 and 75A a finding is recorded that an accused person is under disability and that he did the act or made the omission charged against him.
Subject to subsection (3), the court shall-
if it is satisfied, on the written or oral evidence of 2 or more registered medical practitioners (of whom not less than 2 shall be psychiatrists on the Specialist Register established under section 6(3) of the Medical Registration Ordinance (Cap 161)), that it is necessary in the interests or the welfare of the accused person or for the protection of other persons that the accused person be admitted to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital, make an order that the accused person be admitted- (Amended 32 of 2000 s. 12)
in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 4, to that Centre; or
to such mental hospital as may be specified by the Chief Executive, (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3) as the case may be; or
make in respect of the accused person such one of the following orders as it thinks most suitable in all the circumstances of the case, namely-
a guardianship order under Part IIIA of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136);
a supervision and treatment order under Part IIIB of that Ordinance;

(iii) an order for his absolute discharge.

(3) Subsection (2)(b) shall not apply where the offence to which the special verdict or the finding relates is an offence the sentence for which is fixed by law.

For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that-
the court may not make an order referred to in subsection (2)(b)(i) or (ii) where it is prohibited from so doing by virtue of the provisions of Part IIIA or IIIB, as the case may be, of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136);
the fact that the court makes an order referred to in subsection (2)(b)(i) or (ii) in any case where subsection (1)(b) is applicable shall not of itself prevent the accused person from being tried in respect of the act or omission charged against him should he subsequently cease either to be subject to that order or to be under disability (but without prejudice to the operation again of sections 75 and 75A in respect of the accused person).
Section 75(6) and (7) shall apply to this section as it applies to section 75. (Replaced 37 of 1996 s. 4)
Section: 76A Evidence by prosecution of insanity or diminished responsibility 30/06/1997

Where on a trial for murder the accused person contends-

that at the time of the alleged offence he was insane so as not to be responsible according to law for his actions; or
that at that time he was suffering from such abnormality of mind as is specified in section 3(1) of the

Homicide Ordinance (Cap 339) (diminished responsibility), the court shall allow the prosecution to adduce or elicit evidence tending to prove the other of those contentions, and may give directions as to the stage of the proceedings at which the prosecution may adduce such evidence.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 13) [cf. 1964 c. 84 s. 6 U.K.]

Section: 77 (Repealed 24 of 1993 s. 10) 30/06/1997


(Amended 13 of 1981 s. 7)

Section: 78 (Repealed 13 of 1981 s. 7) 30/06/1997
Section: 79 Record of proceedings and inspection thereof L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Record of proceedings

(1) A record (whether made by means of shorthand notes, by mechanical means or otherwise) kept in accordance with rules made under section 9, or such other record as the trial judge may direct, shall be taken of the proceedings at the trial of any person on indictment who, if convicted, is entitled or may be authorized to appeal to the Court of Appeal.
(2) A record taken under subsection (1) shall be open for inspection without fee or reward by
(a) a judge;
(b) the Registrar;
(c) the Secretary for Justice; (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(d) a judge or deputy judge of the District Court;
(e) the registrar of the District Court;
(f) a party interested or his legal representative;
(g) any person, or his legal representative, who satisfies the Registrar that such inspection is reasonably required in connection with actual or potential civil or criminal proceedings by or against that person;
(h) any person who satisfies the Registrar that there is good and sufficient reason for that inspection.
(3) A decision by the Registrar to refuse permission to inspect shall be final.
(4) The right to inspect under subsection (2) shall include the right to a copy of the record subject, in the case of applicants under subsection (2)(g) and (h), to payment of the prescribed fee.
(5) Disclosure of the contents of a record under subsection (2) shall not amount to a breach of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 297).
(6) For the purposes of subsection (2) "a party interested" (有利害關係的一方) means the prosecutor or the person convicted or any person named in, or immediately affected by, any order made by the trial judge or any other person authorized to act on behalf of any such person.

(Replaced 13 of 1995 s. 43)

Section: 79A Interpretation L.N. 232 of 2003 19/12/2003



In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires- "child" (兒童) means a person who

(a) in the case of an offence of sexual abuse
(i) is under 17 years of age; or
(ii) for the purposes of section 79C, if the person was under that age when a video recording to which section 79C applies was made in respect of him, is under 18 years of age; or
(b) in the case of an offence to which this Part applies, other than an offence of sexual abuse-

(i) is under 14 years of age; or

(ii) for the purposes of section 79C, if the person was under that age when a video recording to which section 79C applies was made in respect of him, is under 15 years of age; "court" (法院、法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate;

"live television link" (電視直播聯繫) means a system in which a courtroom and another room located in the same premises as the courtroom are equipped with, and linked by, a closed circuit television system-

(a) that is capable of allowing-
(i) persons in the courtroom to see and hear persons in the other room; and
(ii) persons in the other room to hear, or see and hear, persons in the courtroom;
(b) for the purpose of persons in the other room giving evidence in the proceedings taking place in the

courtroom, and includes a similar system linking a room in which a magistrate is taking a deposition in writing under section 79E with another room from which the person gives evidence for the purpose of the deposition;

"mentally incapacitated person" (精神上無行為能力的人) means a person who is mentally disordered or mentally handicapped, as the case may be, within the meaning of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136); (Replaced 81

of 1997 s. 59) "notice of transfer" (移交通知) means a notice served under section 79F; "offence of cruelty" (殘暴罪行) means an offence against section 26 or 27 of the Offences against the Person

Ordinance (Cap 212); "offence of sexual abuse" (性虐待罪行) means

(a) an offence against Part VI or Part XII, other than sections 126, 147A and 147F, of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200); or

(b) an offence against section 3 of the Prevention of Child Pornography Ordinance (Cap 579); (Replaced 31 of 2003 s. 19) "statement" (陳述) includes any representation of fact, whether made in words or otherwise; "video recording" (錄影紀錄) means a recording, on any medium, from which a moving image may by any means be

produced and includes the accompanying sound-track. (Added 69 of 1995 s. 3)

(1) In this section-

"witness in fear" (在恐懼中的證人) means a witness whom the court hearing the evidence is satisfied, on reasonable grounds, is apprehensive as to the safety of himself or any member of his family if he gives evidence.

(2) Where a child, other than the defendant, is to give evidence, or be examined on video recorded evidence given under section 79C, in proceedings in respect of-
(a) an offence of sexual abuse;
(b) an offence of cruelty; or
(c) an offence which involves an assault on, or injury or a threat of injury to, a person and the offence is triable-
(i) on indictment; or
(ii) either summarily or on indictment, the court may, on application or on its own motion, permit the child to give evidence or be examined by way of a live television link, subject to such conditions as the court considers appropriate in the circumstances.
(3) Where a mentally incapacitated person, including one who is a defendant, is to give evidence, or be examined on video recorded evidence given under section 79C, in proceedings in respect of an offence that is triable(Amended 81 of 1997 s. 59)
(a) on indictment; or
(b) either summarily or on indictment, the court may, on application or on its own motion, permit the person to give evidence or be examined by way of a live television link, subject to such conditions as the court considers appropriate in the circumstances.
(4) Where a witness in fear is to give evidence in proceedings in respect of any offence, the court may, on application or on its own motion, permit the person to give evidence by way of a live television link, subject to such conditions as the court considers appropriate in the circumstances.
(5) Where a person is giving evidence in proceedings or being examined by way of a live television link, the place from which he is giving the evidence shall, for all purposes in connection with such proceedings, be deemed to be part of the courtroom in which such proceedings are taking place.

(Added 69 of 1995 s. 3)

(1) In this section-

"adult" (成年人) means

(a) a police officer;
(b) a social worker or clinical psychologist who is employed by the Government.

(2) Where in proceedings in respect of-

(a) an offence of sexual abuse;
(b) an offence of cruelty; or
(c) an offence which involves an assault on, or injury or a threat of injury to, a person and the offence is triable-

(i) on indictment; or

(ii) either summarily or on indictment, a video recording has been made of an interview between an adult and a child who is not a defendant and the interview relates to any matter in issue in the proceedings, the video recording may, with leave of the court, be given in evidence.
(3) Where in proceedings in respect of an offence that is triable- (a) on indictment; or
(b) either summarily or on indictment, a video recording has been made of an interview between an adult and a mentally incapacitated person, including a mentally incapacitated person who is a defendant where such a defendant and his counsel so request, and the interview relates to any matter in issue in the proceedings, the video recording may, with leave of the court, be given in evidence.
(4) Where a video recording is tendered in evidence under this section, the court shall grant leave to admit the recording unless
(a) it appears that the child or mentally incapacitated person will not be available for cross-examination;
(b) any rules of court requiring disclosure of the circumstances in which the recording was made have not been complied with to the satisfaction of the court; or
(c) the court is of the opinion, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, that in the interests of

justice the recording ought not to be admitted, and where the court grants such leave it may, if it is of the opinion that in the interests of justice any part of the recording ought not to be admitted, direct that that part shall be excluded.

(5) In considering whether any part of a video recording ought to be excluded, the court shall consider whether any prejudice to the defendant, or one of the defendants, which might result from the admission of that part is outweighed by the desirability of showing the whole, or substantially the whole, of the recorded interview.
(6) Where a video recording is admitted-
(a) the child or mentally incapacitated person shall be called by the party who tendered the recording in evidence;
(b) the child or mentally incapacitated person shall not be examined in chief, save with leave of the court, on any matter which, in the opinion of the court, has been dealt with in his recorded testimony.
(7) Where a video recording is given in evidence, any statement made by the child or mentally incapacitated person which is disclosed by the recording shall be treated as if given by that witness in direct oral testimony and accordingly
(a) any such statement shall be admissible evidence of any fact of which such testimony from him would be admissible;
(b) no such statement shall be capable of corroborating any other evidence given by him, and in estimating the weight, if any, to be attached to such a statement, regard shall be had to all the circumstances from which any inference can reasonably be drawn as to its accuracy or otherwise.
(8) A magistrate inquiring into an indictable offence at committal proceedings may consider any video recording in respect of which leave for its production as evidence is to be sought at the trial, notwithstanding that the child witness or the mentally incapacitated witness is not called at the committal proceedings.

(9) Nothing in this section shall prejudice the admissibility of any video recording which would be admissible

apart from this section. (Added 69 of 1995 s. 3. Amended 81 of 1997 s. 59)

The Chief Judge may make rules or give directions respecting- (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 16)

the giving of evidence by way of a live television link; and
the admission and use of video recorded interviews as evidence in proceedings to which this Part

applies. (Added 69 of 1995 s. 3)

(1) Where a child, other than one who is the defendant, is to give evidence in proceedings in respect of-

an offence of sexual abuse;
an offence of cruelty; or
an offence which involves an assault on, or injury or a threat of injury to, a person and the offence is triable-

(i) on indictment; or

either summarily or on indictment, and in respect of such proceedings-
(i) for good reason it is unavoidable that a trial cannot be heard without delay; or
exposure to a full trial would endanger the physical or mental health of the child, a party to the proceedings may apply for leave for a deposition in writing to be taken from the child by a magistrate.
Where a mentally incapacitated person is to give evidence in proceedings in respect of an offence that is triable-
(a) on indictment; or
either summarily or on indictment, and in respect of such proceedings-
for good reason it is unavoidable that a trial cannot be heard without delay; or
exposure to a full trial would endanger the physical or mental health of the mentally incapacitated

person, a party to the proceedings may apply for leave for a deposition in writing to be taken from the mentally incapacitated person, including a mentally incapacitated person who is a defendant where such a defendant and his counsel so request, by a magistrate. (Amended 81 of 1997 s. 59)

(3) The court shall not grant leave to take a deposition under this section unless-

in the case of-
an unavoidable delay, the application is supported by, where the proceedings are in-
the High Court, a certificate of the Registrar of the High Court; (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
the District Court, a certificate of the Chief District Judge; or
a magistrate's court, a certificate of the Chief Magistrate, stating the reason why an early and speedy trial is not possible; or
danger to physical or mental health, the application is supported by an affidavit or written affirmation of a registered medical practitioner setting forth the reasons for his belief that there is such danger;
the applying party has given the other party reasonable notice of his intention to take the deposition; and
in the case of an unavoidable delay, it is satisfied that the delay is so great that it is in the interests of justice to have a deposition taken.
Where the application is based on danger to physical or mental health, the court hearing the application may summon the medical practitioner who made the affidavit or affirmation to appear to answer questions or be cross-examined.
Where leave has been granted, a magistrate may take the deposition at any time before the trial of the offence commences.
(6) A deposition shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the magistrate stating-
the grounds on which leave was granted for taking the deposition;
the date and place it was taken;
the names of those present while it was taken;
that the deposition was taken in the presence of the other party and that he or his counsel or solicitor was given a full opportunity to cross-examine the child or mentally incapacitated person, as the case may be; (Amended 81 of 1997 s. 59)
that, except in the case of a child giving unsworn evidence, the usual oath was administered to the person prior to the deposition being taken;
that the evidence so taken was reduced into writing and read over to the child or mentally incapacitated person, as the case may be, and was signed by- (Amended 81 of 1997 s. 59)
him, unless by reason of his tender age or mental incapacity he is incapable of signing his name; and
the magistrate who took the deposition.
A deposition taken in accordance with this section is admissible as evidence without further proof at the trial of the offence to which the deposition relates.
Except with leave of the court, a witness in respect of whom a deposition has been taken under this section shall not be examined or cross-examined in any subsequent hearing on any matter which in the court's opinion has been dealt with in the deposition.
In taking a deposition the magistrate may, on application or on his own motion, allow testimony to be given by way of a live television link, subject to such conditions as the magistrate considers appropriate in the circumstances.

(Added 69 of 1995 s. 3)

(1) Where

(a) a person has been charged with-

an offence of sexual abuse;
an offence of cruelty; or

(iii) an offence which involves an assault on, or injury or a threat of injury to, a person and the offence is triable-

on indictment; or
either summarily or on indictment;

(b) a child was the victim of the offence with which the person has been charged, and the Director of Public Prosecutions is of the opinion-

that the evidence of the offence would be sufficient for the person charged to be committed for trial; and
that it is necessary for the purpose of avoiding any prejudice to the welfare of the child that the case should be taken over and proceeded with without delay by the Court of First Instance, (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)

the Director of Public Prosecutions may serve a notice of transfer on the relevant magistrate certifying his opinion, together with an affidavit setting out the reasons for such opinion. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

(2) Where

a person has been charged with any offence that is triable-
on indictment; or
either summarily or on indictment;
a mentally incapacitated person was the victim of the offence with which the person has been charged,

(Amended 81 of 1997 s. 59) and the Director of Public Prosecutions is of the opinion-

that the evidence of the offence would be sufficient for the person charged to be committed for trial; and
that it is necessary for the purpose of avoiding any prejudice to the welfare of the mentally incapacitated person that the case should be taken over and proceeded with without delay by the Court of First Instance, (Amended 81 of 1997 s. 59; 25 of 1998 s. 2)

the Director of Public Prosecutions may serve a notice of transfer on the relevant magistrate certifying his opinion, together with an affidavit setting out the reasons for such opinion. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

A notice of transfer shall be served on the magistrate before the person charged elects to have the charge heard at a preliminary inquiry under section 80C(1)(b) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227).
On or before the day the notice of transfer is served on the magistrate, copies of the documents referred to in section 80B(1) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) shall be served on the defendant and the originals filed with the magistrate, and that section 80B applies to those documents to the extent possible.
On the service of the notice of transfer, the magistrate shall, without further examination or inquiry, forthwith order that the defendant stand committed for trial in the Court of First Instance on the charge specified in the notice of transfer and shall so inform the defendant or cause him to be so informed. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
Sections 85A and 86 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) apply to a committal under this section subject to the following
the defendant may, at any time before he is arraigned, apply to the Court of First Instance to have the charge specified in the notice of transfer dismissed; (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
the reference in section 86(1)(b) of that Ordinance to documents handed in by the prosecutor shall be read as referring to the originals of the documents filed under subsection (4) of this section.

(7) A person committed under this section shall be deemed to have been committed for the purposes of section

24A(1)(a) and (2). (Added 69 of 1995 s. 3)

Where a notice of transfer has been served, any person to whom the notice relates may, at any time before he is arraigned (and whether or not an indictment has been preferred against him), apply orally or in writing to the Court of First Instance to be discharged. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
The court shall, if it appears to it that the evidence against the applicant would not be sufficient for a jury properly to convict him, direct that he not be arraigned on the charge and direct that he be discharged.
No oral application may be made under subsection (1) unless the applicant has given the court written notice of his intention to make the application.
Oral evidence may be given on such an application only with the leave of the court or by its order; and the court shall grant leave or make an order only if it appears to it, having regard to any matters stated in the application for leave, that the interests of justice require it to do so.
No leave or order under subsection (4) shall be granted or made in relation to oral evidence from a child or mentally incapacitated person who is alleged- (Amended 81 of 1997 s. 59)
to be a person against whom an offence to which the notice of transfer relates was committed; or
to have witnessed the commission of such an offence.
If the court grants leave permitting, or makes an order requiring, a person to give oral evidence, but that person does not do so, the court may disregard any document indicating the evidence that he might have given.
(7) Subject to section 81E(3), a discharge under this section shall be deemed to be an acquittal.
The Chief Judge may make rules or give directions for the purposes of this section and, without prejudice to the generality of this subsection, the rules or directions may make provision- (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 17)
as to the time or stage in the proceedings at which anything required to be done is to be done (unless the court grants leave to do it at some other time or stage);
as to the contents and form of notices or other documents;
as to the manner in which evidence is to be submitted; and
as to persons to be served with notices or other material.

(9) Rules or directions made under subsection (8) shall not have effect until approved by the Legislative

Council and published in the Gazette. (Part IIIA added 69 of 1995 s. 3)




(1) In this Part-

"sentence" (刑罰), in relation to an offence, includes any order made by a court in dealing with an offender, including a hospital order. (Amended 20 of 1979 s. 3)

(2) Any power of the Court of Appeal to pass a sentence includes a power to make a recommendation for deportation under section 21 of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115).

(Replaced 34 of 1972 s. 15) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 50 U.K.]

Reservation of question of law

(1) The judge of the court of trial may reserve for the consideration of the Court of Appeal any question of law which may arise on the trial of any indictment.
(2) In exercising his power under subsection (1), the judge may act either of his own motion or on the application of the Secretary for Justice or the defence. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(3) A judge may, if he reserves a question of law under subsection (1) and the accused person has been convicted-
(a) postpone judgment until the question has been considered and decided; and
(b) commit the person convicted to prison or admit him to bail, with or without one or more sufficient sureties, and in such sum as he may think fit, conditioned to appear at such time or times as the judge may direct and receive judgment.

(4) Upon consideration of a question reserved under subsection (1), the Court of Appeal may

(a) affirm or quash the conviction or order a new trial; and
(b) make such other orders as may be necessary to give effect to its decision:

Provided that the Court of Appeal may, notwithstanding that it is of opinion that the question so reserved might be decided in favour of the convicted person, affirm the conviction if it considers that no miscarriage of justice has actually occurred.

(Replaced 34 of 1972 s. 15)

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2

Review of sentence on the application of the Secretary for Justice

(1) The Secretary for Justice may, with the leave of the Court of Appeal, apply to the Court of Appeal for the review of any sentence (other than a sentence which is fixed by law) passed by any court, other than the Court of Appeal, on the grounds that the sentence is not authorized by law, is wrong in principle or is manifestly excessive or manifestly inadequate. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

(2) An application under subsection (1) shall

(a) be in writing signed by the Secretary for Justice; (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(b) be accompanied by the documents, or copies of the documents, specified in subsection (2A);
(c) be filed with the Registrar within 21 days, or within such further time as the Court of Appeal may allow, after the date on which the sentence was passed or any proceedings for the review, under section 104 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227), of the sentence or of the conviction on which the sentence was passed, were withdrawn or disposed of. (Amended 20 of 1979 s. 4)

(2A) The following documents are specified for the purpose of subsection (2)(b)-

(a) in the case of a sentence passed by a magistrate, a statement of the facts found by him or admitted before him and of the reasons for the sentence;
(b) in the case of a sentence passed by a District Judge, the statement of the reasons for the verdict placed on record in accordance with section 80 of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) and a statement of the reasons for the sentence;
(c) in the case of a sentence passed by a judge of the High Court, the record of the whole of the proceedings before him other than the evidence given in any trial that took place in those proceedings; (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(d) in any case, any report concerning the respondent which was before the court which passed the sentence. (Added 20 of 1979 s. 4)

(2B) The documents, or copies of the documents, specified in subsection (2A) shall be delivered to the Secretary for Justice within 7 days of a request therefor being made in writing to the magistrate or District Judge who passed the sentence or, if the sentence was passed by a judge of the High Court, to the Registrar. (Added 20 of 1979 s. 4. Amended L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 s. 2)

(3) The Court of Appeal may order a respondent to be detained in custody until an order has been made under section 81B(1).
(4) The Court of Appeal may, if it seems fit, on the application of a respondent, admit the respondent to bail pending the hearing of the application.
(5) The Court of Appeal may, if it refuses an application, award against the Secretary for Justice such amount of costs as it may determine, save that the amount shall not, if the respondent is legally aided, exceed the total of the contributions which he is liable to make. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(6) In this section and sections 81B and 81C- "respondent" (答辯人) means a person on whom a sentence has been passed.

(Added 18 of 1972 s. 2. Amended 20 of 1979 s. 4) [cf. N.Z. Crimes Act 1961 s. 383]

(1) Upon the hearing of the application the Court of Appeal may, by order-

(a) if it thinks that the sentence was not authorized by law, was wrong in principle or was manifestly excessive or manifestly inadequate, quash the sentence passed by the court and pass such other sentence (whether more or less severe) warranted in law in substitution therefor as it thinks ought to have been passed;
(b) in any other case, refuse to alter the sentence.

(2) The Secretary for Justice and the respondent shall have the right to be heard on the hearing of the review of a sentence. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

(2A) The Court of Appeal may hear and determine an application for the review of a sentence notwithstanding that the respondent is not present, if the respondent has been served with an application or notice of it. (Added 20 of 1979 s. 5)

(3) For the purposes of this section the Court of Appeal may exercise any of the powers conferred by section

83V. (Added 18 of 1972 s. 2. Amended 34 of 1972 s. 16)

(1) The Court of Appeal shall not review a sentence under section 81B if the respondent has-

(a) appealed against the conviction in respect of which the sentence was passed, unless the appeal has been withdrawn or disposed of; (Replaced 20 of 1979 s. 6)
(b) applied under section 104 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) to a magistrate to review his decision, unless the application has been withdrawn or disposed of; or
(c) applied under section 105 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) to a magistrate to state a case, unless the application has been withdrawn or disposed of.

(2) Nothing in section 81B shall prejudice the exercise of a right of appeal conferred on a convicted person by this or any other Ordinance, but the Court of Appeal may hear together an application for the review of a sentence and an appeal by the respondent under this Part against the sentence. (Amended 20 of 1979 s. 6)

(Added 18 of 1972 s. 2. Amended 34 of 1972 s. 17; 40 of 1978 s. 2)

Section: 81D Reference to Court of Appeal of question of law following acquittal L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Reference of question of law

Where a person tried on indictment has been acquitted (whether in respect of the whole or part of the indictment) the Secretary for Justice may, if he desires the opinion of the Court of Appeal on a question of law which has arisen in the case, refer that question to the Court of Appeal which shall, in accordance with this section, consider the point and give its opinion on it. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
For the purpose of its consideration of a question referred to them under this section the Court of Appeal shall hear argument-
by, or by counsel on behalf of, the Secretary for Justice; (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
if the acquitted person desires to present any argument, by counsel on his behalf or, with the leave of the Court of Appeal, by the acquitted person himself; and
if the Court of Appeal so directs, by counsel appointed as amicus curiae by the Registrar.
Where, on a question being referred to the Court of Appeal under this section, the acquitted person appears by counsel for the purpose of presenting any argument to the Court of Appeal, he shall be entitled to his costs, that is to say to the payment out of the general revenue of such sums as are reasonably sufficient to compensate him for any expenses properly incurred by him for the purpose of being represented on the reference; and any amount recoverable under this subsection shall be ascertained as soon as practicable by the Registrar.
A reference under this section shall not affect the trial in relation to which the reference is made or any acquittal in that trial.

(Added 20 of 1979 s. 7) [cf. 1972 c. 71 s. 36 U.K.]

Section: 81E Appeal to Court of Appeal following discharge L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Appeal against a discharge (Amended 57 of 1988 s. 31)

Where any person has been discharged under section 16 or 79G or under section 22 of the Complex Commercial Crimes Ordinance (Cap 394), the Secretary for Justice may appeal to the Court of Appeal against that person's discharge. (Amended 57 of 1988 s. 32; 69 of 1995 s. 4; L.N. 362 of 1997)
(2) The appeal may be-
on any ground which involves a question of law;
on the ground that the documents and evidence before the court were sufficient to establish a prima facie case against the accused for the offence set out in the charge or for any other offence for which he might be convicted upon that charge.
The Court of Appeal may, if it allows an appeal under this section, quash the acquittal of the accused and order him to be tried.
The Court of Appeal may, in ordering a trial, make such orders as appear to it to be necessary for the custody, or admission to bail, of the person ordered to be tried.

(5) The provisions of section 81D(2) and (3) shall apply to an appeal under this section as they do to an appeal

under section 81D(1). (Added 48 of 1983 s. 4)

Section: 81F Appeal to Court of Appeal against order quashing indictment L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
Where the court quashes an indictment, the Secretary for Justice may appeal to the Court of Appeal against the order quashing the indictment. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
(2) The appeal may be made only on a ground which involves a question of law.
The Court of Appeal may, if it allows an appeal under this section, set aside the order and order the accused to be tried.
The Court of Appeal may, in ordering a trial, make such orders as appear to it to be necessary for the detention, or admission to bail, of the person ordered to be tried for so long as the trial is pending.
The provisions of section 81D(2) shall apply to an appeal under this section as they do to an appeal under section 81D(1).

(6) (a) In an appeal under this section, the Court of Appeal may order the payment out of the public revenue of-

the costs of the accused; or
any part of the costs of the accused as the Court of Appeal may think fit.
The costs of the accused payable under paragraph (a)(i) shall be such sums as appear to the Court of Appeal reasonably sufficient to compensate the accused for any expenses properly incurred by him in the appeal, including any proceedings preliminary or incidental thereto or in the court of trial or before a magistrate.
The amount of the costs of the accused payable under paragraph (a)(i) shall, except where the amount

is fixed by the Court of Appeal, be ascertained by the Registrar. (Added 68 of 1995 s. 9)

Section: 82 Right of appeal 30/06/1997

Appeal against conviction on indictment

A person convicted of an offence on indictment may appeal to the Court of Appeal against his conviction.
The appeal may be-
on any ground which involves a question of law alone; and
with the leave of the Court of Appeal, on any ground which involves a question of fact alone, or a question of mixed law and fact, or on any other ground which appears to the Court of Appeal to be a sufficient ground of appeal;

but if the judge of the court of trial grants a certificate that the case is fit for appeal on a ground which involves a question of fact, or a question of mixed law and fact, an appeal lies under this section without the leave of the Court of Appeal.

(Replaced 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 1 U.K.]

Section: 83 Grounds for allowing appeal under s. 82 30/06/1997
Except as provided by this Ordinance, the Court of Appeal shall allow an appeal against conviction if it thinks
that the conviction should be set aside on the ground that under all the circumstances of the case it is unsafe or unsatisfactory; or (Amended 50 of 1981 s. 3)
that the judgment of the court of trial should be set aside on the ground of a wrong decision on any question of law; or
that there was a material irregularity in the course of the trial, and in any other case shall dismiss the appeal:
Provided that the Court of Appeal may, notwithstanding that it is of opinion that the point raised in the appeal might be decided in favour of the appellant, dismiss the appeal if it considers that no miscarriage of justice has actually occurred.
In the case of an appeal against conviction the Court of Appeal shall, if it allows the appeal, quash the conviction.
An order of the Court of Appeal quashing a conviction shall, except when under section 83E the appellant is ordered to be retried, operate as a direction to the court of trial to enter, instead of the record of conviction, a judgment and verdict of acquittal.
(Replaced 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 2 U.K.]
This section applies on an appeal against conviction, where the appellant has been convicted of an offence and the jury could on the indictment have found him guilty of some other offence, and on the finding of the jury it
Section: 83A Power to substitute conviction of alternative offence 30/06/1997


appears to the Court of Appeal that the jury must have been satisfied of facts which proved him guilty of the other offence.

The Court of Appeal may, instead of allowing or dismissing the appeal, substitute for the verdict found by the jury a verdict of guilty of the other offence, and pass such sentence in substitution for the sentence passed at the trial as may be authorized by law for the other offence, not being a sentence of greater severity.
(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 3 U.K.]
This section applies where on an appeal against conviction on an indictment containing 2 or more counts, the Court of Appeal allows the appeal in respect of part of the indictment.
The Court of Appeal may in respect of any count on which the appellant remains convicted pass such sentence, in substitution for any sentence passed thereon at the trial, as it thinks proper and is authorized by law for the offence of which he remains convicted on that count.
(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s . 4 (1) & (2) U.K. ]
This section applies on an appeal against conviction by a person in whose case the jury has found a special verdict.
If the Court of Appeal considers that a wrong conclusion has been arrived at by the court of trial on the effect of the jury's verdict it may, instead of allowing the appeal, order such conclusion to be recorded as appears to it to be in law required by the verdict, and pass such sentence in substitution for the sentence passed at the trial as may be authorized by law.
Section: 83B Sentence where appeal allowed on part of an indictment 30/06/1997
Section: 83C Disposal of appeal against conviction on special verdict 30/06/1997

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 5 U.K.]

Section: 83D Substitution of finding of insanity or unfitness to plead 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

(1) Where, on an appeal against conviction, the Court of Appeal is of opinion

that the proper verdict would have been one of not guilty by reason of insanity; or
that the case is not one where there should have been a verdict of acquittal, but that there should have

been a finding that the accused person was under disability, the Court of Appeal shall make an order that the appellant be admitted to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or such mental hospital as may be specified by the Chief Executive. (Amended 37 of 1973 s. 7; 39 of 1999 s. 3)

Schedule 5 shall apply with respect to the consequences and effect of an order made by the Court of Appeal under this section. (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)
On making an order under this section in the case of any person, the Court of Appeal may give such directions as it thinks fit for his conveyance to a place of safety and his detention there pending his admission to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or the mental hospital within the relevant period specified by Schedule 5. (Amended 37 of 1973 s. 7; 58 of 1994 s. 4)
In section 52 of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) (which relates to the removal to a mental hospital of persons serving sentences of imprisonment and is applied by subsection (5) of the section to other forms of detention) references to a person serving a sentence of imprisonment shall be construed as not including references to a person subject to an order of the Court of Appeal under this section.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c . 19 s. 6 U.K.]

Section: 83E Power to order retrial 30/06/1997


(1) Where the Court of Appeal allows an appeal against conviction and it appears to the Court of Appeal that the interests of justice so require, it may order the appellant to be retried.

(2) A person shall not under this section be ordered to be retried for any offence other than-

the offence of which he was convicted at the original trial and in respect of which his appeal is allowed as mentioned in subsection (1);
an offence of which he could have been convicted at the original trial on an indictment for the first-mentioned offence; or
an offence charged in an alternative count of the indictment in respect of which the jury were

discharged from giving a verdict in consequence of convicting him of the first-mentioned offence. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 7 U.K.)

Section: 83F Supplementary provisions as to retrial 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2

A person who is to be retried for an offence in pursuance of an order under section 83E shall be tried on a fresh indictment preferred by direction of the Court of Appeal, and shall be tried before such court as the Court of Appeal may direct (being the Court of First Instance or, if the offence is within the jurisdiction of the District Court, the District Court) or, if no such direction is given, before the court by which he was originally tried. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
The Court of Appeal may, on ordering a retrial, make such orders as appear to it to be necessary or expedient-
for the custody or admission to bail of the person ordered to be retried pending his retrial; or
for the retention pending retrial of any property or money forfeited, restored or paid by virtue of the original conviction or any order made on that conviction.
If the person ordered to be retried was, immediately before the determination of his appeal, liable to be detained in pursuance of an order under Part IV of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136)
that order shall continue in force pending the retrial as if the appeal had not been allowed; and
any order made by the Court of Appeal under this section for his custody or admission to bail shall have effect subject to the said order.

(4) Schedule 6 shall have effect with respect to the procedure in the case of a person ordered to be retried and

the sentence which may be passed if the retrial results in his conviction. (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4) (Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 8 U.K.]

Section: 83G Appeal against sentence following conviction on indictment 30/06/1997

Appeal against sentence

A person who has been convicted of an offence on indictment may appeal to the Court of Appeal against any sentence (not being a sentence fixed by law) passed on him for the offence, whether passed on his conviction or in subsequent proceedings.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 9 U.K.]

Section: 83H Appeal against sentence in other cases dealt with at the Court of First Instance 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2

This section has effect for providing rights of appeal against sentence when a person is dealt with by the Court of First Instance (otherwise than on appeal from a magistrate) for an offence of which he was not convicted on indictment. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(2) The proceedings from which an appeal against sentence lies under this section are those where an offender-
is committed by a magistrate under section 81B (3) of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227); or
having been made the subject of a probation order or an order for conditional discharge or given a suspended sentence, appears or is brought before the court to be further dealt with for his offence.
An offender dealt with for an offence in the Court of First Instance in a proceeding to which subsection (2) applies may appeal to the Court of Appeal in any of the following cases- (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
where either for that offence alone or for that offence and other offences for which sentence is passed in the same proceeding, he is sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 6 months or more; or
where the sentence is one which the court convicting him had not power to pass; or
where the court in dealing with him for the offence makes in respect of him
a recommendation for deportation; or
an order disqualifying him from holding or obtaining a driving licence to drive a motor vehicle under Part VIII of the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374); or (Amended 75 of 1982 s. 114)
(iii) an order under section 109C.
For the purposes of subsection (3)(a), any 2 or more sentences are to be treated as passed in the same proceeding if-
they are passed on the same day; or
they are passed on different days but the court in passing any one of them states that it is treating that

one together with the other or others as substantially one sentence, and consecutive terms of imprisonment and terms which are wholly or partly concurrent are to be treated as a single term.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 10 U.K.]

An appeal against sentence, whether under section 83G or 83H, lies only with the leave of the Court of Appeal.
Where the court, in dealing with an offender on his conviction on indictment, or in a proceeding to which section 83H(2) applies, has passed on him 2 or more sentences in the same proceeding (which expression has the same meaning in this subsection as it has for the purposes of section 83H), being sentences against which an appeal lies under section 83G or 83H, an appeal or application for leave to appeal against any one of those sentences shall be treated as an appeal or application in respect of both or all of them.
On an appeal against sentence the Court of Appeal, if it considers that the appellant should be sentenced differently for an offence for which he was dealt with by the court below, may
quash any sentence or order which is the subject of the appeal; and
in place of it pass such sentence or make such order as it thinks appropriate for the case (whether more or less severe) and as the court below had power to pass or make when dealing with him for the offence.
The power of the Court of Appeal under subsection (3) to pass a sentence which the court below had power to pass for an offence shall, notwithstanding that the court below made no order under section 109C(1) in respect of a suspended sentence previously passed on the appellant for another offence, include power to deal with him in respect of that suspended sentence where the court below-
could have so dealt with him if it had not passed on him a sentence of detention in a training centre quashed by the Court of Appeal under subsection (3)(a); or
did so deal with him in accordance with section 109C(1)(d) by making no order in respect of the suspended sentence.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 11 U.K.]

Section: 83J Appeal against verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity 30/06/1997

Appeal in cases of insanity

A person in whose case there is returned a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity may appeal to the Court of Appeal against the verdict-

on any ground of appeal which involves a question of law alone; and
with the leave of the Court of Appeal, on any ground which involves a question of fact alone, or question of mixed law and fact, or on any other ground which appears to the Court of Appeal to be a sufficient ground of appeal,

but if the judge of the court of trial grants a certificate that the case is fit for appeal on a ground which involves a question of fact, or a question of mixed law and fact, an appeal lies under this section without the leave of the Court of Appeal.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 12 U.K.]

Section: 83K Disposal of appeal under s. 83J 30/06/1997
Subject to the provisions of this section, the Court of Appeal shall allow an appeal under section 83J if it is of opinion
that the verdict should be set aside on the ground that under all the circumstances of the case it is unsafe or unsatisfactory; or
that the order of the court giving effect to the verdict should be set aside on the ground of a wrong decision of any question of law; or
that there was a material irregularity in the course of the trial, and in any other case shall dismiss the appeal.
The Court of Appeal may dismiss an appeal under section 83J if of opinion that, notwithstanding that the point raised in the appeal might be decided in favour of the appellant, no miscarriage of justice has actually occurred.
(3) Where apart from this subsection- (a) an appeal under section 83J would fall to be allowed; and
none of the grounds for allowing it relates to the question of the insanity of the accused person, the Court of Appeal may dismiss the appeal if it is of opinion that, but for the insanity of the accused person, the proper verdict would have been that he was guilty of an offence other than the offence charged.
(4) Where an appeal under section 83J is allowed, the following provisions apply
if the ground, or one of the grounds, for allowing the appeal is that the finding of the jury as to the insanity of the accused person ought not to stand and the Court of Appeal is of opinion that the proper verdict would have been that he was guilty of an offence (whether the offence charged or any other offence of which the jury could have found him guilty), the Court of Appeal-
shall substitute for the verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity a verdict of guilty of that offence; and
shall have the like powers of punishing or otherwise dealing with the appellant, and other powers, as the court of trial would have had if the jury had come to the substituted verdict; and
in any other case, the Court of Appeal shall substitute for the verdict of the jury a verdict of acquittal.
An order of the Court of Appeal allowing an appeal in accordance with this section shall operate as a direction to the court of trial to amend the record to conform with the order.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 13 U.K.]

Section: 83L Hospital order on disposal of appeal 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

(1) Where, on an appeal under section 83J, the Court of Appeal is of opinion that the case is not one where


there should have been a verdict of acquittal but that there should have been a finding that the accused person was under disability, the Court of Appeal shall make an order that the appellant be admitted to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or such mental hospital as may be specified by the Chief Executive. (Amended 37 of 1973 s. 7; 39 of 1999 s. 3)

(2) Where in accordance with section 83K(4)(b) the Court of Appeal substitutes a verdict of acquittal, and it is of opinion

that the appellant is suffering from mental disorder of a nature or degree which warrants his detention in a mental hospital under observation (with or without medical treatment) for at least a limited period; and
that he ought to be so detained in the interests of his own health or safety or with a view to the

protection of other persons, the Court of Appeal shall make an order that the appellant be admitted for observation to such mental hospital as may be specified by the Chief Executive. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)

Schedule 5 shall apply with respect to the consequences and effect of an order made by the Court of Appeal under this section. (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)
On making an order under this section in the case of any person, the Court of Appeal may give such directions as it thinks fit for his conveyance to a place of safety and his detention there pending his admission to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital within the relevant period specified in Schedule 5. (Amended 37 of 1973 s. 7; 58 of 1994 s. 4)
In section 52 of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) (which relates to the removal to a mental hospital of persons serving sentences of imprisonment and is applied by subsection (5) of that section also to persons in other forms of detention) references to a person serving a sentence of imprisonment shall be construed as not including references to a person subject to an order of the Court of Appeal under subsection (1).

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 14 U.K.]

Unfitness to stand trial

(1) Where there has been a determination under section 75 of the question of a person's fitness to be tried, and the jury has returned a finding that he is under disability, the person may appeal to the Court of Appeal against the finding.

(2) An appeal under this section may be-

on any ground of appeal which involves a question of law alone; and
with the leave of the Court of Appeal, on any ground which involves a question of fact alone, or a question of mixed law and fact, or on any other ground which appears to the Court of Appeal to be a sufficient ground of appeal,

but if the judge of the court of trial grants a certificate that the case is fit for appeal on a ground which involves a question of fact, or a question of mixed law and fact, an appeal lies under this section without the leave of the Court of Appeal.

Subject to subsection (4), section 75(6) and (7) shall apply to this section as it applies to section 75. (Added 37 of 1996 s. 6)
Without prejudice to the operation of sections 105 and 113 of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227), this section shall not apply to a determination under section 75 made by a magistrate. (Added 37 of 1996 s. 6)

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 15 U.K.]

(1) The Court of Appeal shall allow an appeal under section 83M if it is of opinion

that the finding of the court of trial should be set aside on the ground that under all the circumstances of the case it is unsafe or unsatisfactory; or
that the order of the court giving effect to the finding should be set aside on the ground of a wrong decision of any question of law; or
that there was a material irregularity in the course of the determination of the question of fitness to be

tried, and in any other case (except one to which subsection (2) of this section applies) shall dismiss the appeal; but it may dismiss the appeal if of opinion that, notwithstanding that the point raised in the appeal might be decided in favour of the appellant, no miscarriage of justice has actually occurred.

An appeal under section 83M may, in a case where the question of fitness to be tried was determined later than on arraignment, be allowed by the Court of Appeal (notwithstanding that the finding was properly come to) if the Court of Appeal is of opinion that the case is one in which the accused person should have been acquitted before the question of fitness to be tried was considered; and, if an appeal is allowed under this subsection, the Court of Appeal shall, in addition to quashing the finding, direct a verdict of acquittal to be recorded (but not a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity).
Subject to subsection (2) of this section, where an appeal under section 83M is allowed, the appellant may be tried accordingly for the offence with which he was charged, and the Court of Appeal may make such orders as appear to it to be necessary or expedient pending any such trial for his custody, admission to bail or continued detention under the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136); and Schedule 7 shall have effect for applying provisions in Part IV of that Ordinance to persons in whose case an order is made by the Court of Appeal under this subsection. (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 16 U.K.]

Further provisions relating to appeals and questions of law reserved

Except where, in the opinion of the Court of Appeal, a miscarriage of justice has actually occurred, no judgment shall be stayed or reversed under section 81 and no appeal shall be allowed under section 83, 83K or 83N-

on the ground of any defect which, if pointed out before the jury were empanelled or during the progress of the trial, might have been amended by the court of trial; or
because of any error committed in summoning or swearing a juror; or
because of any objection which might have been stated as a ground of challenge of a juror; or
because of any informality in the swearing of a witness. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 18)

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

Review by Court of Appeal of cases tried on indictment

Where a person has been convicted on indictment or been tried on indictment and found not guilty by reason of insanity, or been found by a jury to be under disability, the Chief Executive may, if he thinks fit, at any time either-
refer the whole case to the Court of Appeal and the case shall then be treated for all purposes as an appeal to the Court of Appeal by that person; or
if he desires the assistance of the Court of Appeal on any point arising in the case, refer that point to the Court of Appeal for its opinion thereon, and the Court of Appeal shall consider the point so referred and furnish the Chief Executive with its opinion thereon accordingly.
A reference by the Chief Executive under this section may be made by him either on an application by the person referred to in subsection (1), or without any such application.

(3) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that this section also applies in a case where an appeal has

been heard and determined by the Court of Final Appeal. (Added 79 of 1995 s. 50) (Added 34 of 1972 s. 18. Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)

[cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 17 U.K.]

Section: 83Q Initiating procedure 30/06/1997

Procedure from notice of appeal to hearing

(1) A person who wishes to appeal under this Part to the Court of Appeal, or to obtain the leave of that Court to appeal, shall give notice of appeal or, as the case may be, notice of application for leave to appeal, in such manner as may be provided by rules and orders made under section 9.
(2) Notice of appeal, or of application for leave to appeal, shall be given within 28 days from the date of the conviction, verdict or finding appealed against, or, in the case of appeal against sentence, from the date on which sentence was passed, or, in the case of an order made or treated as made on conviction, from the date of the making of the order:

Provided that, where sentence was passed more than 7 days after the date of conviction, verdict or finding, notice of appeal, or of application for leave to appeal, against the conviction, verdict or finding may be given within 28 days from the date on which sentence was passed.

(3) The time for giving notice under this section may be extended, either before or after it expires, by the Court

of Appeal. (4)-(5) (Repealed 24 of 1993 s. 11)

(6) (a) Where a protected prisoner of war or protected internee has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 2 years or more, the time within which he must give notice of appeal or of an application for leave to appeal shall, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), be the period from the date of his conviction or, in the case of an appeal against sentence, of his sentence to the expiration of 10 days after the date on which he received a notice given- (Amended 24 of 1993 s. 11)

(i) in the case of a protected prisoner of war, by an officer of Her Majesty's forces;
(ii) in the case of a protected internee, by or on behalf of the Commissioner of Correctional Services, that the protecting power has been notified of his conviction and sentence. (Replaced L.N. 346 of 1982)

(b) For the purposes of this subsection, the expression "protected prisoner of war" (受保護的戰俘), "protected internee" (受保護的囚犯) and "the protecting power" (保護當局) have the meanings assigned to them by the Geneva Conventions Act, 1957, as applied to Hong Kong by the Geneva

Conventions Act (Colonial Territories) Order in Council 1959*. [cf. 1968 c. 19 Sch. 5 Part I U.K.] (Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 18 U.K.]


* See Revised Edition: App. III, p. BF 1.

Section: 83R Bail 79 of 1995 s. 50 01/07/1997

(1) The Court of Appeal may, if it thinks fit, on the application of an appellant, admit him to bail pending the determination of his appeal. (Amended 56 of 1994 s. 7)

(2) (Repealed 79 of 1995 s. 50)

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 19 U.K.]

Section: 83S Disposal of groundless appeal 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

If it appears to the Registrar that a notice of an appeal purporting to be a ground of appeal which involves a question of law alone does not show any substantial ground of appeal, he may refer the appeal to the Court of Appeal for summary determination; and where the case is so referred the Court of Appeal may, if it considers that the appeal is frivolous or vexatious, and can be determined without adjourning it for a full hearing, dismiss the appeal summarily,


without calling on anyone to attend the hearing or to appear for the HKSAR thereon. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 18. Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 20 U.K.]

Section: 83T Preparation of case for hearing 30/06/1997

(1) The Registrar shall-

take all necessary steps for obtaining a hearing of any appeal or application of which notice is given to him and which is not referred and dismissed summarily under section 83S; and
obtain and lay before the Court of Appeal in proper form all documents, exhibits and other things which appear necessary for the proper determination of the appeal or application.

(2) Rules and orders made under section 9 may enable an appellant to obtain from the Registrar any documents or things, including copies or reproductions of documents, required for his appeal.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 21 U.K.]

Section: 83U Right of appellant to be present 79 of 1995 01/07/1997

The hearing

A defendant shall be entitled to be present at the hearing of an application for leave to appeal and an appeal unless the Court of Appeal, where it considers it necessary in the interests of justice or public order or security to do so, orders otherwise. (Replaced 79 of 1995 s. 50)
(2) (Repealed 79 of 1995 s. 50)
The power of the Court of Appeal to pass sentence on a person may be exercised although he is for any reason not present.
(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 22 U.K.]
For the purposes of this Part, the Court of Appeal may, if it thinks it necessary or expedient in the interests of justice-
order the production of any document, exhibit or other thing connected with the proceedings, the production of which appears to it necessary for the determination of the case;
order any witness who would have been a compellable witness in the proceedings from which the appeal lies to attend for examination and be examined before the Court of Appeal whether or not he was called in those proceedings; and
subject to subsection (3), receive the evidence, if tendered, of any witness.
Without prejudice to subsection (1), where evidence is tendered to the Court of Appeal thereunder the Court of Appeal shall, unless it is satisfied that the evidence, if received, would not afford any ground for allowing the appeal, exercise its powers of receiving it if-
it appears to it that the evidence is likely to be credible and would have been admissible in the proceedings from which the appeal lies on an issue which is the subject of the appeal; and
it is satisfied that it was not adduced in those proceedings but there is a reasonable explanation for the failure to adduce it.
Subsection (1)(c) applies to any witness (including the appellant) who is a competent but not a compellable witness. (Amended 3 of 2003 s. 6)
For the purposes of this Part, the Court of Appeal may, if it thinks it necessary or expedient in the interests of justice, order the examination of any witness whose attendance might be required under subsection (1)(b) to be conducted, in manner provided by rules and orders made under section 9, before any judge or officer of the Court of Appeal or other person appointed by the Court of Appeal for the purpose, and allow the admission of any depositions so taken as evidence before the Court of Appeal.
In no case shall any sentence be increased by reason of or in consideration of any evidence which was not given at the trial.
Where the husband or wife of an appellant or respondent is required to be examined under subsection (1)(b) or (4), other than on behalf of the appellant or respondent concerned, the husband or wife may apply to the Court of Appeal for an exemption from the requirement to be so examined. (Added 23 of 2003 s. 6)
Where the husband or wife of an appellant or respondent has the right to apply to the Court of Appeal for an exemption under subsection (6), the Court of Appeal must be satisfied that the husband or wife is aware of such a right. (Added 23 of 2003 s. 6)
Where the husband or wife of an appellant or respondent applies to the Court of Appeal for an exemption under subsection (6), the Court of Appeal may exercise the same powers that a court may exercise under section 57A(2), and that section shall apply with such modifications as the circumstances require. (Added 23 of 2003 s. 6)
Section 7 of the Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) (privilege of husband and wife) and section 8(2) of that Ordinance (evidence of access) shall not apply to the husband or wife of an appellant or respondent, where the husband or wife is being examined under subsection (1)(b) or (4). (Added 23 of 2003 s. 6)
Section 65A of the Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) (privilege against incrimination of self or spouse in criminal proceedings) shall not apply to the husband or wife of an appellant or respondent, where the husband or wife is being examined under subsection (1)(b) or (4), other than on behalf of the appellant or respondent concerned. (Added 23 of 2003 s. 6)
Section: 83V Evidence 23 of 2003 04/07/2003

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 23 U.K.]

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

Other matters depending on result of appeal

The time during which an appellant is in custody pending the determination of his appeal shall, subject to any direction which the Court of Appeal may give to the contrary, be reckoned as part of the term of any sentence to which he is for the time being subject.
Where the Court of Appeal gives a contrary direction under subsection (1), it shall state its reasons for doing so; and it shall not give any such direction where-
leave to appeal has been granted; or
a certificate has been given by the judge of the court of trial under section 82; or
the case has been referred to it by the Chief Executive under section 83P. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)
Where an appellant is admitted to bail under section 83R, the time during which he is at large after being so admitted shall be disregarded in computing the term of any sentence to which he is for the time being subject.
The term of any sentence passed by the Court of Appeal under section 83A, 83B, 83C, 83I or 83K(4) shall, unless the Court of Appeal otherwise directs, begin to run from the time when it would have begun to run if passed in the proceedings from which the appeal lies.
(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 29 U.K.]
The operation of an order for the restitution of property to a person made on a conviction on indictment shall (unless the court of trial direct to the contrary in any case in which, in its opinion, the title to the property is not in dispute) be suspended-
in any case until the expiration of 28 days from the date of conviction; and
where notice of appeal or of application for leave to appeal is given within 28 days from the date of conviction, until the determination of the appeal.
In cases where the operation of such an order is suspended until the determination of the appeal, the order shall not take effect as to the property in question if the conviction is quashed on appeal.
Provision may be made by rules and orders made under section 9 for securing the safe custody of any property, pending the suspension of the operation of any such order.

(4) The Court of Appeal may by order annul or vary any order made by the court of trial for the restitution of

property to any person, although the conviction is not quashed; and the order, if annulled, shall not take effect and, if varied, shall take effect as so varied. (Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 30 U.K.]

Section: 83XX (Repealed 39 of 1996 s. 23) 30/06/1997
Section: 83Y Powers of Court of Appeal under Part IV which are exercisable by single judge 25 of 1998 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2


The powers of the Court of Appeal under this Part which are specified in subsection (2) and the power to give directions under section 156(5) of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) may be exercised by a single judge in the same manner as they may be exercised by the Court of Appeal and subject to the same provisions. (Amended 25 of 1978 s. 5)
(2) The said powers are the following-
to give leave to appeal;
to extend the time within which notice of appeal or of application for leave to appeal may be given;
to allow an appellant to be present at any proceedings;
to order a witness to attend for examination;
to admit an appellant to bail;
to make orders under section 83F(2) and discharge or vary such orders;
to give directions under section 83W(1);
to give leave to apply for the review of a sentence under section 81A;
to make orders under section 83XX for the payment of costs; (Added 2 of 1978 s. 4)
to order a respondent to be detained in custody under section 81A(3). (Added 20 of 1979 s. 8)
If the single judge refuses an application on the part of an appellant or applicant to exercise in his favour any of the powers above specified, the appellant or applicant shall be entitled to have the application determined by the Court of Appeal.
The references in this section to a single judge are to a single judge of the Court of Appeal or of the Court of First Instance. (Added 29 of 1978 s. 2. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 18) [cf. 1968 c. 19 s. 31 U.K.]

Section: 83Z Power to bail convicted person 30/06/1997

A person need not be admitted to bail in connection with an offence if he has been convicted of that offence, but where any court has jurisdiction to remand that person in custody or to admit him to bail pending sentence or appeal, the court may make such orders as appear to it to be necessary for the detention or the admission to bail of that person and, in making any such order, shall have regard to-

pending sentence, the likelihood of a custodial sentence;
pending appeal against conviction or sentence, the likelihood of the sentence being completed before the disposal of the appeal or of the appeal being allowed; and
any other matter that appears to the court to be relevant. (Added 56 of 1994 s. 8)
Section: 83ZA (Repealed 79 of 1995 s. 50) 79 of 1995 01/07/1997



(Added 34 of 1972 s.19)

Restitution of property

(1) Subject to the provisions of the Pawnbrokers Ordinance (Cap 166), where any person is convicted of an indictable offence, any property found in his possession, or in the possession of any other person for him, may be ordered by the court or magistrate to be delivered to the person who appears to the court or magistrate to be entitled thereto. (Replaced 17 of 1930 s. 8)
(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent any magistrate or the court from ordering the return to any person charged with an indictable offence, or to any person named by the magistrate or the court, of any property found in the possession of the person so charged or in the possession of any other person for him, or of any portion thereof, if the magistrate or the court is of opinion that such property or portion thereof can be returned consistently with the interests of justice and with the safe custody or otherwise of the person so charged. (Amended 5 of 1924 Schedule; 17 of 1930 s. 8)

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

Criminal bankruptcy orders

(1) Where a person is convicted of an offence before the court and it appears to the court that

(a) as a result of the offence, or of that offence taken together with any other relevant offences, loss or damage (not attributable to personal injury) has been suffered by one or more persons whose identity is known to the court; and

(b) the amount, or aggregate amount, of the loss or damage exceeds $150000, the court may, in addition to dealing with the offender in any other way (but not if it makes a compensation order against him under section 73), make an order, to be called a criminal bankruptcy order, against him in respect of the offence or, as the case may be, that offence and any other relevant offences.
    1. (2) In subsection (1) "relevant offences" (有關罪行) means offences
      1. (a) of which the person in question is convicted in the same proceedings;
      2. (b) which the court takes into consideration in determining its sentence; or
      3. (c) which, whether or not they are specifically charged or admitted, a judge of the court is satisfied are proved by the evidence adduced by the prosecution in the same proceedings.
    1. (3) A criminal bankruptcy order shall specify
      1. (a) the amount of the loss or damage appearing to the court to have resulted from the offence or, if more than one, the total amount appearing to have resulted from all the offences;
      2. (b) the person or persons appearing to the court to have suffered that loss or damage;
      3. (c) the amount of that loss or damage which it appears to the court that person, or each of those persons, has suffered; and
      4. (d) the date which appears to the court to be the earliest date on which the offence or, if more than one, the earliest of the offences, was committed.
(4) A criminal bankruptcy order may be made against 2 or more offenders in respect of the same loss or damage.
(5) The Chief Executive in Council may by order amend subsection (1)(b) by substituting, for the amount specified therein, such amount as may be specified in the order. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)

(6) In this section "court" (法庭) includes the District Court. (Added 20 of 1979 s. 9)

[cf. 1973 c. 62 s. 39 U.K.]

Section: 84B Appeals in the case of criminal bankruptcy orders 79 of 1995 s. 50 01/07/1997

(1) No appeal shall lie against the making of a criminal bankruptcy order.

Where a person successfully appeals to the Court of Appeal against this conviction of an offence by virtue of which such an order was made, the Court of Appeal shall rescind the order unless he was convicted in the same proceedings of another offence of which he remains convicted and a criminal bankruptcy order could have been made without reference to loss or damage caused by the first-mentioned offence; and where, accordingly, the Court of Appeal does not rescind the order it shall amend it by striking out so much of it as relates to loss or damage caused by the offence in respect of which the conviction is quashed.
Where on an appeal by a person against his conviction of an offence by virtue of which a criminal bankruptcy order was made the Court of Appeal substitutes a verdict of guilty of another offence, the Court of Appeal shall-
rescind the order if a criminal bankruptcy order could not have been made against that person if he had originally been convicted of that other offence;
in any other case, amend the order so far as may be required in consequence of the substitution of a verdict of guilty of the other offence.
Where the Court of Appeal rescinds or amends a criminal bankruptcy order, the rescission or amendment shall not take effect
in any case until the expiration of 14 days from the date of the decision of the Court of Appeal;
if within that period an application is made for leave to appeal to the Court of Final Appeal against the Court of Appeal's decision on the appeal against conviction, so long as the appeal is pending; and (Amended 79 of 1995 s. 50)
if on such an appeal the conviction is restored by the Court of Final Appeal. (Amended 79 of 1995 s. 50)
For the purposes of subsection (4) an appeal to the Court of Final Appeal shall be treated as pending until any application for leave to appeal is disposed of and, if leave to appeal is granted, until the appeal is disposed of; and if no application for leave to appeal is made before the expiration of 14 days from the date of the decision of the Court of Appeal, the rescission or amendment shall take effect at the end of that time. (Amended 79 of 1995 s. 50)

(Added 20 of 1979 s. 9) [cf. 1973 c. 62 s. 40 U.K.]

Section: 85 Transmission and effect of calendar of sentences L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

Calendar of sentences

At the end of each month or as soon as conveniently may be thereafter, a copy of the calendar of sentences, under the hand of a judge and the seal of the court, shall be transmitted by the Registrar to the Chief Secretary for Administration. (Amended 63 of 1971 s. 5; L.N. 362 of 1997)
A similar copy shall also be transmitted by the Registrar to the Commissioner of Correctional Services, who shall record the same, and such calendar shall be a sufficient warrant for receiving and detaining all prisoners named therein, and for carrying into effect all sentences set forth therein, other than sentences of death. (Amended 5 of 1924
12; 25 of 1937 s. 3; G.N. 678 of 1938)
In the event of the copy of a calendar kept by the Commissioner of Correctional Services being lost or destroyed, a fresh copy, signed and sealed as above mentioned, shall be delivered by the Registrar to the Commissioner of Correctional Services and shall have the same effect as the copy first given to that officer. (Amended 5 of 1924 s. 12; 25 of 1937 s. 3; G.N. 678 of 1938)
At the end of each day's sitting of the court, the Registrar shall deliver to the Commissioner of Correctional Services or his deputy a certificate, in Form 5 in Schedule 1, of all sentences passed by the court during that day. (Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 8 of 1912 s. 52; 5 of 1924 s. 12; 25 of 1937 s. 3; G.N. 678 of 1938; 63 of 1971 s. 6; 58 of 1994 s. 4)
Such certificate shall be a sufficient warrant to the Commissioner of Correctional Services for receiving into his custody all prisoners named therein, and for carrying into effect all sentences described therein, other than sentences of death, until the calendar of sentences for that month is received by him. (Amended 5 of 1924 s. 12; 25 of 1937 s. 3; G.N. 678 of 1938; 63 of 1971 s. 6)
Section: 86 Delivery and effect of certificate of sentences after each day 30/06/1997


Section: 87 (Repealed 50 of 1991 s. 4) 30/06/1997

Undergoing sentence, etc.

Section: 88 Filing of original documents 30/06/1997

When a case has been finally disposed of, the Registrar shall file in his office or otherwise deal with as the court may direct, all the original documents in that case which have been transmitted to him by the committing magistrate. (Replaced 6 of 1954 s. 8)

Section: 89 Aiders, abettors and accessories 30/06/1997



Any person who aids, abets, counsels or procures the commission by another person of any offence shall be guilty of the like offence. (Replaced 5 of 1971 s. 7) [cf. 1861 c. 94 s. 8 U.K.; 1952 c. 55 s. 35 U.K.]

Section: 90 Penalties for assisting offenders L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
If a person has committed an arrestable offence, any other person who, knowing or believing him to be guilty of the offence or of some other arrestable offence, does, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, any act with intent to impede his apprehension or prosecution shall be guilty of an offence.
If on the trial of an indictment for an arrestable offence the jury are satisfied that the offence charged (or some other offence of which the accused might on that charge be found guilty) was committed, but find the accused not guilty of it, they may find him guilty of any offence under subsection (1) of which they are satisfied that he is guilty in relation to the offence charged (or that other offence).
(3) A person guilty of an offence under subsection (1) shall be liable-
on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for 10 years; or
on summary conviction, to a fine of $5000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
No proceedings shall be instituted for an offence under subsection (1) except with the consent of the Secretary for Justice. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)

(5) Nothing in subsection (4) shall prevent the arrest, or the issue of a warrant for the arrest, of any person for

an offence under subsection (1), or the remand in custody or on bail of a person charged with such an offence. (Replaced 5 of 1971 s. 7) [cf. 1967 c. 58 s. 4 U.K.]

Section: 91 Penalties for concealing offences L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
If a person has committed an arrestable offence, any other person who, knowing or believing that the offence or some other arrestable offence has been committed, and that he has information which might be of material assistance in securing the prosecution or conviction of an offender for it, accepts or agrees to accept for not disclosing that information any consideration shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for 2 years.
If a person causes any wasteful employment of the police by knowingly making to any person a false report tending to show that an offence has been committed, or to give rise to apprehension for the safety of any person or
property, or tending to show that he has information material to any police inquiry he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $2000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
No prosecution shall be instituted for an offence under subsection (1) except with the consent of the Secretary for Justice. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
The compounding of an offence other than treason shall not be an offence otherwise than under this section.
(Repealed 50 of 1991 s. 4) (Replaced 5 of 1971 s. 7) [cf. 1967 c. 58 s. 5 U.K.]
Section: 92 (Repealed 5 of 1971 s. 7) 30/06/1997
Section: 93 (Repealed 5 of 1971 s. 7) 30/06/1997
Section: 94 (Repealed 5 of 1971 s. 7) 30/06/1997
Section: 94A Negative averments 30/06/1997



(1) It shall not be necessary in an indictment, charge, complaint or information alleging an offence to negative any exception or exemption from or qualification to the operation of the law creating the offence.

For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that in criminal proceedings-
it is not necessary for the prosecution to negative by evidence any matter to which this subsection applies; and
the burden of proving the same lies on the person seeking to avail himself thereof.
This section applies to criminal proceedings in the District Court or a magistrate's court.
The matters to which subsection (2) applies are any licence, permit, certificate, authorization, permission,

lawful or reasonable authority, purpose, cause or excuse, exception, exemption, qualification or other similar matter. (Added 5 of 1971 s. 8)

Section: 95 Mode of stating ownership of property of partners, etc. 30/06/1997

Ownership of property

Where, in any document in any proceeding under this Ordinance, it is necessary to state the ownership of any property which belongs to or is in possession of more than one person, it shall be sufficient to name one of such persons and to state such property to belong to the person so named and another or others, as the case may be.
Where, in any such document, it is necessary to mention, for any purpose whatsoever, any partners or other joint owners or possessors, it shall be sufficient to describe them in manner aforesaid.

(3) The provisions of this section shall be construed to extend to all joint-stock companies and associations,

societies, and trustees. [cf. 1826 c. 64 s. 14 U.K.]

Section: 96 Mode of stating ownership of church, etc. 30/06/1997

Where, in any such document, it is necessary to state the ownership of any church, chapel, or building set apart for religious worship, or of anything belonging to or being in the same, it shall be sufficient to state that such church, chapel, or building, or such thing is the property of the clergyman, or of the officiating minister, or of the church body or the church-wardens of such church, chapel or building, without its being necessary to name him or them.


(Amended 51 of 1911; 2 of 1912 Schedule)

Section: 97 Mode of stating ownership of public property 30/06/1997

Where, in any such document, it is necessary to state the ownership of any work or building made, erected, or maintained, either in whole or in part, at the expense of the Government, or of any city, town, or village, or of anything belonging to or being in or used in relation to the same, or of anything provided for the use of the poor or of any public institution or establishment, or of any materials or tools provided or used for making, altering, or repairing any such work or building or any public road or highway, or of any other property whatsoever of the Government it shall be sufficient to state that such property is the property of the Government, or of the city, town, or village, as the case may be, without naming any of the inhabitants thereof.

(Amended 50 of 1911; 51 of 1911; 1 of 1912 Schedule; 2 of 1912

Schedule; 21 of 1912 s. 2)

[cf. 1826 c. 64 ss. 15 & 16 U.K.]

Section: 98 (Repealed 21 of 1970 Second Schedule) 30/06/1997
Section: 99 (Repealed 21 of 1970 Second Schedule) 30/06/1997
Section: 100 Abolition of presumption of coercion of married woman by husband 30/06/1997

Coercion by husband

Any presumption of law that an offence committed by a wife in the presence of her husband is committed under the coercion of the husband is hereby abolished, but on a charge against a wife for any offence other than treason or murder it shall be a good defence to prove that the offence was committed in the presence of, and under the coercion of, the husband.

(Added 17 of 1930 s. 9)

[cf. 1925 c. 86 s. 47 U.K.]

Section: 101 Summary apprehension of offender in certain cases 30/06/1997

Apprehension of offenders

(1) (Repealed 5 of 1971 s. 9)

Any person may arrest without warrant any person whom he may reasonably suspect of being guilty of an arrestable offence. (Replaced 70 of 1967 s. 2)
Any person to whom any property is offered to be sold, pawned, or delivered, and who has reasonable ground to suspect that any arrestable offence has been or is about to be committed on or with respect to such property, may, and, if he can, shall, without warrant, apprehend the person offering the same and take possession of the property so offered. (Amended 70 of 1967 s. 2)
Every person who finds any person in possession of any property which he, on reasonable grounds, suspects to have been obtained by means of an arrestable offence may arrest such last-mentioned person without warrant and take possession of the property. (Amended 70 of 1967 s. 2)
Every person who arrests any person under any of the provisions herein contained shall (if the person making the arrest is not himself a police officer) deliver the person so arrested, and the property, if any, taken possession of by him, to some police officer in order that he may be conveyed as soon as reasonably may be before a magistrate, to be by him dealt with according to law, or himself convey him before a magistrate, as soon as reasonably may be, for that purpose. (Amended 51 of 1911; 2 of 1912 Schedule)
Nothing in this section shall affect the powers of apprehension conferred upon constables or other persons by any other enactment. (Amended 51 of 1911; 2 of 1912 Schedule)
A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large.
Subsection (1) shall replace the rules of the common law on the question when force used for a purpose mentioned in the subsection is justified by that purpose.
Section: 101A Use of force in making arrest, etc. 30/06/1997

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 10) [cf. 1967 c. 58 s. 3 U.K.]

Section: 101B (Repealed 49 of 1996 s. 4) 30/06/1997

Attempts, penalties, proceedings, etc.

(Added 89 of 1993 s. 32)

Section: 101C Reference to an offence to include aiding, etc. 30/06/1997

(1) Where

(a) any Ordinance confers a power or imposes a duty which is to be exercised or performed consequent upon a conviction of an offence or in relation to a person who is detained in custody for an offence; or

a reference is otherwise made in any Ordinance to an offence, then that power or duty or that reference shall be deemed to be also exercisable or performable consequent upon a conviction of, or include a reference to, as the case may be-
(Repealed 49 of 1996 s. 5)
aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring that offence;
(iii) (Repealed 49 of 1996 s. 5) (iv) an incitement to commit that offence. (Added 64 of 1983 s. 2)
Subsection (1) shall apply to powers of imposing pecuniary penalties and of forfeiture, seizure and search, and to powers and discretions to cancel, suspend or refuse to issue any licence, permit or other authorization, but nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorize the imposition of any sentence of imprisonment otherwise than in default of payment of any pecuniary penalty which may be imposed by virtue of this section. (Amended 24 of 1993 s. 13)

This provision previously appeared in s. 82 of Cap 1. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s. 101C
of this Ordinance.

Section: 101D Acts constituting 2 or more offences 30/06/1997

Where any act constitutes 2 or more offences, whether under the same Ordinance or otherwise, the offender shall be liable to be prosecuted and punished for any or all such offences but shall not be liable to be punished twice for the same offence.

This provision previously appeared in s. 83 of Cap 1. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s. 101D
of this Ordinance.

Section: 101E Liability of directors, etc. 30/06/1997

Where a person by whom an offence under any Ordinance has been committed is a company and it is proved that the offence was committed with the consent or connivance of a director or other officer concerned in the management of the company, or any person purporting to act as such director or officer, the director or other officer shall be guilty of the like offence.

(Amended 67 of 1975 s. 5)

This provision previously appeared in s. 84 of Cap 1. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s. 101E
of this Ordinance.

Section: 101F Penalties prescribed to be deemed maximum penalties 30/06/1997

Where in any Ordinance a penalty is prescribed for an offence under that Ordinance, such provision shall imply

(a) that such offence shall be punishable upon conviction by a penalty not exceeding the penalty prescribed; and
(b) if the amount of the fine is unspecified, that such offence shall, without prejudice to any law against excessive or unreasonable fines or assessments, be punishable by a fine of any amount.

This provision previously appeared in s. 86 of Cap 1. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s. 101F
of this Ordinance.

Section: 101G Statement of penalty at end of section 30/06/1997

Where in any Ordinance a penalty is set out at the foot of any section or part thereof the same shall mean that any contravention of that section or part shall be an offence under such Ordinance punishable upon conviction by a penalty not exceeding the penalty so set out.

This provision previously appeared in s. 87 of Cap 1. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s. 101G
of this Ordinance.

Section: 101H Certain penalties may be cumulative 30/06/1997

Where in any Ordinance more than one penalty is prescribed for an offence, the use of the word "and" shall mean that the penalties may be inflicted alternatively or cumulatively.

This provision previously appeared in s. 88 of Cap 1. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s. 101H
of this Ordinance.

Section: 101I Punishment of indictable offences 10 of 2008 09/05/2008
(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (5), where a person is convicted of an offence which is an indictable offence and for which no penalty is otherwise provided by any Ordinance, he shall be liable to imprisonment for 7 years and a fine. (Amended 12 of 1986 s. 2; 50 of 1991 s. 4(1); 49 of 1996 s. 6; 10 of 2008 s. 15)
(2) Where a person is convicted of
(a) (Repealed 12 of 1986 s. 2)
(b) (Repealed 49 of 1996 s. 6)
(c) incitement, to commit an offence for which a maximum penalty is provided by any Ordinance, and no penalty is otherwise provided by any Ordinance for such conspiracy or incitement, he shall be liable to be sentenced to that maximum penalty. (Amended 12 of 1986 s. 2)
(3) (Repealed 24 of 1993 s. 14)
(4) (Repealed 49 of 1996 s. 6)
(5) Where a person is convicted of an offence of perverting the course of justice at common law, he shall be liable to be sentenced at the discretion of the court to imprisonment for any term and a fine of any amount, subject to any limitations as to the maximum term or terms of imprisonment and the maximum fine which such court may lawfully impose under the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) or the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227). (Added 10 of 2008 s. 15)

(6) In subsection (5), court (法院) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Added 10 of 2008 s. 15) (Replaced 64 of 1983 s. 3)

This provision previously appeared in s. 90 of Cap 1. By virtue of 89 of 1993 s. 27, it was re-enacted as s. 101I
of this Ordinance.

Section: 101J Amendment of penalty 30/06/1997

(1) Subject to subsection (2), where an act or omission is an offence and the penalty for the offence is amended between the time a person commits an offence and he is convicted of the offence, the offender is liable to the penalty prescribed at the time of the offence.

(2) If the amended penalty is a lighter penalty, the offender is liable to the lighter penalty. (Added 89 of 1993 s. 33)

Section: 102 Disposal of property connected with offences 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

Disposal of property

(1) Where

any property has come into the possession of a court, the police or the Customs and Excise Service in connection with any offence;
it appears to a court that an offence has been committed in respect of any property in the possession of the court, the police or the Customs and Excise Service; or
it appears to a court that any property in the possession of the court, the police or the Customs and

Excise Service has been used in the commission of an offence, then, whether or not the offence was committed or appears to have been committed in Hong Kong, a court may dispose of such property in the manner provided in this section. (Amended 46 of 1977 s. 16)

(2) Of its own motion or upon application, a court may

in respect of property to which subsection (1)(a) applies-
make an order for the delivery of any such property to the person who appears to the court to be entitled thereto;
where the person so entitled is unknown or cannot be found, make an order that the property be sold or retained in the possession of the court, the police or the Customs and Excise Service; or (Amended 46 of 1977 s. 16; 13 of 1995 s. 56)
(iii) if the property is of no value, order that the property be destroyed; and (Added 13 of 1995 s. 56)
in respect of property to which subsection (1)(b) or (c) applies-
deal with such property under paragraph (a) in the like manner as property to which subsection (1)(a) applies; or
make an order for the forfeiture of the property.
Save where the property is perishable, no order for the delivery, sale or forfeiture of property shall be made under subsection (2) unless the court is satisfied that the property will not be required as an exhibit in any proceedings before a court.
Where under subsection (2) a court orders the sale or retention of property, and no person establishes a claim to the property or the proceeds of sale thereof within 6 months from the date such order is made, the property or the proceeds of sale shall become the property of the Government. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)
An order made under subsection (2), other than an order for the retention of property, shall not, except when the property is a live animal, bird or fish or is perishable, be carried out until the period allowed for making an appeal against the order has expired or, where such an appeal is duly made, until the appeal has been finally determined or abandoned.
Where by any other Ordinance it is provided that any particular property or class of property shall or may be forfeited, destroyed or disposed of, then the provisions of such Ordinance shall prevail.
The power conferred on a court by subsection (2)(b)(ii) to order the forfeiture of property shall not apply in respect of immovable property or any aircraft, motor vehicle or ship.

(8) In this section "court" (法院、法庭) includes a magistrate.

(Replaced 70 of 1967 s. 4)

Section: 103 Seizure of things intended for use in commission of indictable offence 30/06/1997

Any magistrate or the court may order the seizure of any instruments, materials or things which there is reason to believe are provided or prepared, or being prepared, with a view to the commission of any indictable offence, and the same may be dealt with under section 102 as though it were property to which subsection (1)(c) of that section applies.

(Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 5 of 1924 s. 8; 70 of 1967 s. 5)

Section: 104 Search warrant 30/06/1997

An order made under section 103 may be enforced by a search warrant.
(Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 5 of 1924 s. 8; 70 of 1967 s. 6)

Section: 105 Report of property found upon person apprehended 30/06/1997

If, on the apprehension of any person charged with an indictable offence, any property is taken from him, a report shall be made by the police to the magistrate or the court of the fact of such property having been taken from such person and of the particulars of such property.

Section: 106 Application of money found upon person apprehended 30/06/1997

If, on the apprehension of any person charged with an indictable offence, any money is taken from him, the court may, in its discretion, in case of the conviction of such person, order such money or any part thereof to be applied to the payment of any costs, or costs and compensation, directed to be paid by such person.

Section: 106A Presumption and determination of age 30/06/1997

Presumption and determination of age

(1) Where the age of any person at any time is material for the purposes of any provision in this Ordinance or any other Ordinance regulating the powers of a court in relation to offenders, his age at the material time shall be deemed to be or to have been that which appears to the court, after considering any available evidence, to be or to have been his age at that time.

(2) In this section, "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate.

(Added 33 of 1979 s. 2) [cf. 1948 c. 58 s. 80 (3) U.K. ]

Section: 107 Power to permit conditional release of offenders 30/06/1997

Probation of first offenders

(1) Where any person has been convicted on indictment of any offence punishable with imprisonment, and the court is of opinion that, having regard to the character, antecedents, age, health, or mental condition of the person charged, or to the trivial nature of the offence, or to the extenuating circumstances under which the offence was committed, it is inexpedient to inflict any punishment or any other than a nominal punishment, the court may, in lieu of imposing a sentence of imprisonment, make an order discharging the offender conditionally on his entering into a recognizance, with or without sureties, to be of good behaviour and to appear for sentence when called on at any time during such period, not exceeding 3 years, as may be specified in the order. (Amended 12 of 1960 s. 3)

(2) The court may, where it makes an order under this section, further order that the offender shall pay such

costs of the proceedings as the court thinks reasonable. (Amended 48 of 1972 s. 4) (Replaced 27 of 1937 Schedule)

[cf. 1907 c. 17 s. 1 (2) & (3) U.K.]

Section: 108 Provision in case of offender failing to observe conditions of release 30/06/1997
(1) In any such case the court or a magistrate, if satisfied by information on oath that the offender has failed to observe any of the conditions of his recognizance, may issue a warrant for his apprehension, or may, if it or he thinks fit, instead of issuing a warrant in the first instance, issue a summons to the offender and his sureties (if any) requiring him or them to attend at such court as may be specified in the summons.
(2) The offender, when apprehended, shall, if not brought forthwith before the court, be brought before a magistrate.
(3) The magistrate before whom an offender on apprehension is brought, or before whom he appears in pursuance of such summons as aforesaid, may remand him in custody or on bail until he can be brought before the court.
(4) An offender so remanded to custody may be committed during remand to a prison, or, if he is a child or young person under the age of 16, to a place of detention provided under the Juvenile Offenders Ordinance (Cap 226).
(5) The court, on being satisfied that a person bound by his recognizance to appear for conviction and sentence has failed to observe any condition of his recognizance, may forthwith, without further proof of his guilty, convict and sentence him for the original offence.

(Replaced 2 of 1937 Schedule) [cf. 1907 c. 17 s. 6 U.K.]

Section: 109 Conditions as to abode of sureties 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

The court, before directing the release of an offender under section 107, shall be satisfied that the sureties, if any, have fixed places of abode or regular occupation in Hong Kong. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3) [cf. 1887 c. 25 s. 3 U.K.]

Section: 109A Restriction on imprisonment of persons between 16 and 21 years of age 30/06/1997

Imprisonment of young offenders

(1) No court shall sentence a person of or over 16 and under 21 years of age to imprisonment unless the court is of opinion that no other method of dealing with such person is appropriate; and for the purpose of determining whether any other method of dealing with any such person is appropriate the court shall obtain and consider information about the circumstances, and shall take into account any information before the court which is relevant to the character of such person and his physical and mental condition.

(1A) This section shall not apply to a person who has been convicted of any offence which is declared to be an excepted offence by Schedule 3. (Added 5 of 1971 s. 10A. Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)

(2) In this section "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Amended 35 of 1976 s. 11)

(Added 66 of 1967 Schedule) [cf. 1948 c. 58 s . 17 (2) U.K.]

Section: 109AA Supervision orders 30/06/1997

Supervision of young prisoners on release from prison

(1) In the case of a person who, before attaining the age of 25 years, is released from imprisonment or completes after such release a period of supervision ordered under section 7(2) of the Prisoners (Release under


Supervision) Ordinance (Cap 325), the Commissioner of Correctional Services shall, subject to subsections (1A) and

(2) of this section, make a supervision order under this section if the sentence of imprisonment which that person has served, or in respect of which the order under section 7(2) of that Ordinance was made, was for a term-

of 3 months or more;
other than in default of payment of a sum of money; and
which that person began to serve-
before he attained the age of 21 years; and
after 1 May 1980. (Replaced 59 of 1987 s. 21)

(1A) No supervision order shall be made under subsection (1) on the release of a person from imprisonment where he is so released subject to supervision under section 7(1) of the Prisoners (Release under Supervision) Ordinance (Cap 325). (Added 59 of 1987 s. 21)

(2) No supervision order shall be made under subsection (1) on the release of a person in respect of whom- (Amended 24 of 1986 s. 6; 6 of 1990 s. 7)

(aa) a removal order made under section 19 of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115), or deportation order made under section 20 of that Ordinance, is in force; (Added 6 of 1990 s. 7)

there is revived upon his release a detention order, supervision order, or recall order, that was suspended under section 6A of the Drug Addiction Treatment Centres Ordinance (Cap 244); or (Amended 6 of 1990 s. 7)
there is revived upon his release a sentence of detention in a training centre, a supervision notice, or an order of recall, that was suspended under section 5A of the Training Centres Ordinance (Cap 280). (Amended 6 of 1990 s. 7)
A supervision order under subsection (1) shall contain conditions that the person against whom it is made shall-
subject to subsections (4) and (5), be subject to supervision by such organization or person as may be specified therein for a period commencing on the date of his release from prison and expiring not more than 12 months thereafter; and
while under supervision, comply with such requirements, including requirements as to residence, as may be specified therein.
The Commissioner of Correctional Services may at any time cancel or vary the terms of a supervision order under subsection (1).
A supervision order under subsection (1) shall-
be suspended in its operation for any period during which the person against whom it was made-
is detained pursuant to a recall order under section 109AB; or
is serving a term of imprisonment of less than 3 months,
but shall not by reason of any such suspension expire more than 12 months after the date on which it
was made;
cease to have effect where the person against whom it was made
is ordered to serve a term of imprisonment of 3 months or more;
is ordered to be detained in an addiction treatment centre under the Drug Addiction Treatment Centres Ordinance (Cap 244);
(iii) is ordered to be detained in a training centre under the Training Centres Ordinance (Cap 280);
is made the subject of a probation order under section 3 of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 298); or
attains the age of 26.
A person who fails to comply with a supervision order under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence

and liable on conviction to a fine of $5000 and to imprisonment for 12 months. (Added 14 of 1980 s. 2)

Where the Commissioner of Correctional Services is satisfied that a person against whom a supervision order under subsection (1) of section 109AA is in force has failed to comply with the order, he may, if such person earned remission under rule 69 of the Prison Rules (Cap 234 sub. leg. ) in respect of the period of imprisonment which ended on his release from prison referred to in that subsection, make a recall order against him requiring him to return to prison.
Subject to subsections (3) and (4), a person against whom a recall order is made under subsection (1) may be detained in prison for a period equivalent to the amount of the remission that was earned by him.
The Commissioner of Correctional Services may at any time release a person who is detained pursuant to a recall order under subsection (1).

(4) A recall order under subsection (1) shall cease to have effect where the person against whom it was made

is ordered to serve a term of imprisonment;
is ordered to be detained in an addiction treatment centre under the Drug Addiction Treatment Centres Ordinance (Cap 244);
is ordered to be detained in a training centre under the Training Centres Ordinance (Cap 280);
is made the subject of a probation order under section 3 of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 298); or
attains the age of 26. (Added 14 of 1980 s. 2)

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

If a person against whom a recall order is made under section 109AB(1) is at large at the time it is made, he shall be deemed to be unlawfully at large.
A police officer may, if he reasonably suspects that a recall order under section 109AB(1) is in force against a person and that that person is unlawfully at large, arrest him and take him to a prison.
(2A) An officer of the Correctional Services Department specified in a supervision order made under section 109AA in respect of a person against whom a recall order has been made under section 109AB(1) or such other officer of that Department as the Commissioner of Correctional Services may substitute for the officer so specified by a variation of the terms of that supervision order may, if he reasonably suspects that that recall order is in force against that person and that that person is unlawfully at large, arrest him and take him to a prison. (Added 14 of 1988 s. 2)
Any period during which a person against whom a recall order under section 109AB(1) is in force is unlawfully at large shall be disregarded in calculating the period for which he may be detained under the recall order, unless the Chief Executive otherwise directs in a particular case. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)

(Added 14 of 1980 s. 2)

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

Suspended sentences

A court which passes a sentence of imprisonment for a term of not more than 2 years for an offence, other than an excepted offence, may order that the sentence shall not take effect unless, during a period specified in the order, being not less than 1 year nor more than 3 years from the date of the order, the offender commits in Hong Kong another offence punishable with imprisonment and thereafter a court having power to do so orders under section 109C that the original sentence shall take effect. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)
A court which passes a suspended sentence on any person for an offence shall not make a probation order in his case in respect of another offence of which he is convicted by or before the court or for which he is dealt with by the court.
(3) On passing a suspended sentence the court-
may impose such conditions as it thinks fit;
shall explain to the offender in ordinary language his liability under section 109C if during the operational period he commits an offence punishable with imprisonment or breaks any condition imposed under paragraph (a).
If a court has passed a suspended sentence on any person, and that person is subsequently sentenced to detention in a training centre, he shall cease to be liable to be dealt with in respect of the suspended sentence unless

the subsequent sentence or any conviction or finding on which it was passed is quashed on appeal.

(5) Subject to any provision to the contrary contained in this or any other Ordinance-

a suspended sentence which has not taken effect under section 109C shall be treated as a sentence of imprisonment for the purposes of all Ordinances except any Ordinance which provides for disqualification for or loss of office, or forfeiture of pensions, of persons sentenced to imprisonment; and
where a suspended sentence has taken effect under section 109C, the offender shall be treated for the purposes of the said excepted Ordinances as having been convicted on the ordinary date on which the period allowed for making an appeal against an order under section 109C expires or, if such an appeal is made, the date on which it is finally disposed of or abandoned or fails for non-prosecution.

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 11) [cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 39 U.K.]

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2

If an offender is convicted of an offence punishable with imprisonment committed during the operational period of a suspended sentence or if, during such period, he breaks a condition imposed under section 109B(3)(a) and either he is so convicted by or before a court having power under section 109D to deal with him in respect of the suspended sentence or he subsequently appears or is brought before such a court, then, unless the sentence has already taken effect, that court shall consider his case and deal with him by one of the following methods-
the court may order that the suspended sentence shall take effect with the original term unaltered;
it may order that the sentence shall take effect with the substitution of a greater or lesser term for the original term;
it may by order vary the original order under section 109B(1) by substituting for the period specified therein a period expiring not later than 3 years from the date of the variation; or
it may make no order with respect to the suspended sentence, and a court shall make an order under paragraph (a) of this subsection unless the court is of opinion that it would be unjust to do so in view of all the circumstances which have arisen since the suspended sentence was passed, including the facts of the subsequent offence, and where it is of that opinion the court shall state its reasons.
Where a court orders that a suspended sentence shall take effect, with or without any variation of the original term, the term of such sentence shall commence on the expiration of another term of imprisonment passed on the offender by that or another court, unless the court is of opinion that, by reason of special circumstances, the sentence should take effect immediately.
In proceedings for dealing with an offender in respect of a suspended sentence which take place before the Court of First Instance any question whether the offender has been convicted of an offence punishable with imprisonment committed during the operational period of the suspended sentence shall be determined by the court and not by the verdict of a jury. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
Where a court deals with an offender under this section in respect of a suspended sentence the clerk of the court shall notify the clerk of the court which passed the sentence of the method adopted.
Where on consideration of the case of an offender a court makes no order with respect to a suspended sentence, the clerk of the court shall record that fact.
For the purposes of any Ordinance conferring rights of appeal in criminal cases any such order made by a court shall be treated as a sentence passed on the offender by that court for the offence for which the suspended sentence was passed.

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 11) [cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 40 U.K.]

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2

(1) An offender may be dealt with in respect of a suspended sentence by any court before which he appears or is brought.
(2) Where an offender is convicted by a magistrate of an offence punishable with imprisonment and the magistrate is satisfied that the offence was committed during the operational period of a suspended sentence passed by the Court of First Instance or the District Court- (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(a) the magistrate may, if he thinks fit, commit him in custody or on bail to the court having power to deal with him in respect of the suspended sentence; and
(b) if he does not, shall give written notice of the conviction to the clerk of the court by which the suspended sentence was passed.
(3) The court to which a magistrate commits an offender under subsection (2) shall be the court by which the suspended sentence was passed, except that the magistrate may commit him to some other court if, having regard to the time when and the place where he is likely to be dealt with in respect of the suspended sentence by the court by which that sentence was passed, it would be more convenient that he should be dealt with by that other court.
(4) For the purpose of this section and section 109E a suspended sentence passed on an offender on appeal shall be treated as having been passed by the court by which he was originally sentenced.

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 11) [cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 41 U.K.]

Section: 109E Discovery of further offences 25 of 1998; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2; 39 of 1999 s. 3

(1) If it appears to a judge, a District Judge or a magistrate that an offender has been convicted in Hong Kong of an offence punishable with imprisonment committed during the operational period of a suspended sentence and that he has not been dealt with in respect of the suspended sentence, the judge, District Judge or magistrate may issue a summons requiring the offender to appear at the place and time specified therein, or may, subject to the following provisions of this section, issue a warrant for his arrest. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)
(2) A magistrate shall not issue a summons under this section except on information and shall not issue a warrant under this section except on information in writing and on oath.
(3) A summons or warrant issued under this section shall direct the offender to appear or to be brought before the court by which the suspended sentence was passed, but if a warrant is so issued requiring him to be brought before the Court of First Instance or the District Court and he cannot forthwith be brought before that court because that court is not being held, the warrant shall have effect as if it directed him to be brought before a magistrate and the magistrate shall commit him in custody or on bail to the Court of First Instance or District Court. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 11) [cf. 1967 c. 80 s. 42 U.K.]

Section: 109F Breach of condition 30/06/1997

If, during the operational period of a suspended sentence, an offender is guilty of the breach of any condition imposed on him by a court under section 109B(3)(a), he shall be liable to be dealt with as if, during such period, he had been convicted of an offence punishable with imprisonment.

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 11)

Section: 109G Interpretation 30/06/1997

In sections 109B, 109C, 109D, 109E and 1O9F-

"court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate; (Amended 35 of 1976 s. 12)

"excepted offence" (例外罪行) means an offence declared to be an excepted offence by Schedule 3; (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)

"operational period" (實施期間), in relation to a suspended sentence, means the period specified in an order made


under section 109B(1).

(Added 5 of 1971 s. 11)

Section: 109H (Repealed 74 of 1976 s. 2) 30/06/1997
Section: 109I Power to bind over to keep the peace 30/06/1997

A judge, a District Judge or a magistrate shall have, as ancillary to his jurisdiction, the power to bind over to keep the peace, and power to bind over to be of good behaviour, a person who or whose case is before the court, by requiring him to enter into his own recognizances or to find sureties or both, and committing him to prison if he does not comply.

(Added 47 of 1997 s. 10)

[cf. 1968 c. 69 s. 1 U.K.]

Section: 110 Preparation of list of persons making default on recognizance 30/06/1997

Enforcing recognizance

(1) The Registrar shall, once a month, make out a list or lists of persons bound by recognizance to appear or to do any other thing, or who have been bound for the appearance of any other person or for his doing any other thing, and who have made default, or whose principal, or other person for whom they are so bound, has made default, to appear or to do such other thing; and the Registrar shall, if he is able to do so, state the cause why such default has been made. (Amended 50 of 1911; 1 of 1912 Schedule; 17 of 1931 s. 2; 63 of 1971 s. 7)

(2) The list or lists so made out shall be examined, and, if necessary, corrected and signed by the judge, and

shall be delivered by the Registrar to the bailiff. (Amended 17 of 1931 s. 2) [cf. 1826 c. 64 s. 31 U.K.]

Section: 111 Issue of writ of execution 30/06/1997

A writ of execution shall be issued from the Registrar's office against every such person who is liable on a recognizance in respect of any such default, and shall be delivered to the bailiff; and such writ shall be the authority of the bailiff for levying and recovering such forfeited recognizance on the real and personal property of such person and for taking into custody the body of such person, in case sufficient real or personal property is not found whereon levy may be made.

Section: 112 Apprehension and detention of person making default where recognizance is unsatisfied 30/06/1997

Every person who is arrested under the provisions of section 111 shall be committed to prison and be there kept until ordered to appear before the court on such day as the Registrar may appoint, there to abide the decision of the court, unless in the meantime the forfeited recognizance, or a sum of money in lieu or satisfaction thereof, is paid, together with all costs and expenses in consequence of his arrest and detention:

Provided that if any person so arrested and imprisoned gives to the bailiff good and sufficient bail for his appearance before the court on the appointed day, to abide the decision of the court, and for the payment of the forfeited recognizance or a sum of money in lieu or satisfaction thereof, together with such costs as may be awarded by the court, then it shall be lawful for the bailiff, and he is hereby required, forthwith to cause such person to be discharged out of custody.

(Amended 50 of 1911 s. 4; 63 of 1971 s. 8)

Section: 113 Failure of such person when released to appear on appointed day 30/06/1997

If such person fails to appear before the court on the appointed day in pursuance of his undertaking in that

behalf, the court may order that a writ of execution be issued from the Registrar's office against the surety or sureties of the person so bound as aforesaid, and such writ shall be delivered to the bailiff, who shall proceed as therein directed: (Amended 63 of 1971 s. 9)

Provided that the court may, in its discretion, order the discharge of the whole or any part of the forfeited recognizance or of the sum of money paid or to be paid in lieu or satisfaction thereof.

Section: 113A Power of court to fine 30/06/1997

General power to fine

(1) Where a person is convicted of any offence, other than an offence for which the sentence is fixed by law, the court may, if it is not precluded from sentencing him by the exercise of some other power (such as the power to make a probation order under section 3 of the Probation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 298)), impose a fine in lieu of or in addition to dealing with such person in any other way in which the court has power to deal with him, subject however to any enactment requiring him to be dealt with in a particular way.
(2) If the court imposes a fine on any person under subsection (1), the court may make an order-
(a) allowing time for the payment of the amount of the fine; and
(b) directing payment of that amount by instalments of such amounts and on such dates respectively as may be specified in the order. [cf. 1973 c. 62 s. 31 U.K.]
(3) If the court imposes a fine on any person under subsection (1), the court shall make an order fixing a term of imprisonment not exceeding 12 months which that person is to undergo if any sum which he is liable to pay is not duly paid.

(4) In this section, "court" (法庭) includes the District Court.

(Added 50 of 1981 s. 4) [cf. 1973 c. 62 s. 30 (1) U.K.]

Section: 113B Levels of fines for offences 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

(1) Where an Ordinance provides for a fine for an offence by reference to a level, the fine applicable for the offence is the amount shown for that level in Schedule 8.
(2) Where a provision in an Ordinance specifies a level of fine that may be prescribed under subsidiary legislation, the level specified is a reference to the level as set out in Schedule 8.
(3) The Chief Executive in Council may by regulation amend the amounts set out in Schedule 8 to reflect his opinion of the effect of inflation on the value of the amounts set out in the Schedule since the date when the Schedule came into operation or since the date that the amounts in the Schedule were last amended. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)

(Added 58 of 1994 s. 2)

Section: 113C Provision for fines for offences L.N. 109 of 2009 01/09/2009

(1) In this section, "excluded fine" (非規定罰款) means-

(a) a fine of an amount greater than the maximum amount set out in the table in subsection (2);
(b) a daily fine or daily penalty; and
(c) a fixed penalty within the meaning of the Housing Ordinance (Cap 283), the Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contraventions) Ordinance (Cap 237), the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance (Cap 240), the Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness Offences) Ordinance (Cap 570) or the Fixed Penalty (Smoking Offences) Ordinance (Cap 600). (Amended 24 of 2001 s. 20; 26 of 2008 s. 19)
(2) Where an Ordinance provides for a fine, other than an excluded fine, for an offence expressed as an amount of money, the fine shall be deemed to be a fine at the level relevant to the amount of the fine in the following table-
Where a provision in an Ordinance specifies a fine, other than an excluded fine, expressed as an amount of money that may be prescribed under subsidiary legislation, the fine shall be deemed to be a fine at the level relevant to the amount of the fine in the table in subsection (2).
The Chief Executive in Council may by regulation amend the amounts set out in the table in subsection (2) to reflect his opinion of the effect of inflation on the value of the amounts set out in the table since the date that the amounts in the table were last amended. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)
The Secretary for Justice may in the loose-leaf edition of the laws published under the Laws (Loose-leaf Publication) Ordinance 1990 (51 of 1990) alter the text of an Ordinance so that it corresponds with the changes deemed to have been made under this section. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
Fine Level applied
$1 to $2000 Level 1
$2001 to $5000 Level 2
$5001 to $10000 Level 3
$10001 to $25000 Level 4
$25001 to $50000 Level 5
$50001 to $100000 Level 6

(Added 58 of 1994 s. 2)

Fines, forfeitures, and contempts

Subject to the provisions of this section, where a fine is imposed by, or a recognizance is forfeited before, a court, an order may be made in accordance with the provisions of this section-
allowing time for the payment of the amount of the fine or the amount due under the recognizance;
directing payment of the said amount by instalments of such amounts and on such dates respectively as may be specified in the order;
fixing a term of imprisonment which the person liable to make the payment is to undergo if any sum which he is liable to pay is not duly paid or recovered;
in the case of a recognizance, discharging the recognizance or reducing the amount due thereunder. (Amended 35 of 1976 s. 13)
Where any person liable for the payment of a fine or a sum due under a recognizance to which this section applies is sentenced by the court to, or is serving or otherwise liable to serve, a term of imprisonment, the court may order that any term of imprisonment fixed under subsection (1)(c) shall not begin to run until after the end of the first-mentioned term of imprisonment.
The power conferred by this section to discharge a recognizance or reduce the amount due thereunder shall be in addition to the powers conferred by any other enactment relating to the discharge, cancellation, mitigation or reduction of recognizances or sums forfeited thereunder.
Where any such order as aforesaid is made directing payment by instalments of a fine or the amount due under a recognizance, and default is made in the payment of any one instalment, the same proceedings may be taken as if default had been made in payment of all the instalments then remaining unpaid.
Where any such order as aforesaid is made fixing a term of imprisonment in default of payment of a fine or the amount due under a recognizance, then-
on payment of the fine or the said amount to the officer responsible for the recovery thereof, or (if the person in respect of whom the order was made is in prison) to the Commissioner of Correctional Services, the order shall cease to have effect; and, if the said person is in prison and is not liable to be detained for any other cause, he shall forthwith be discharged;
on payment to the said officer or to the Commissioner of Correctional Services of a part of the fine or of the amount due under the recognizance, the total number of days in the term of imprisonment shall be reduced proportionately, that is to say, by such number of days as bears to the said total number of days less one day the proportion most nearly approximating to, without exceeding, the proportion which the part paid bears to the amount of the fine or the amount due under the recognizance.

(6) In reducing the number of days in the term of imprisonment under subsection (5)(b), the term of such imprisonment to be reduced shall be deemed, at any given time, to have been reduced by any period of remission earned under the Prison Rules (Cap 234 sub. leg.).

(7) For the purposes of this section, "court" (法庭) includes the District Court. (Amended 35 of 1976 s. 13) (Replaced 12 of 1960 s. 4)

Section: 115 Power to grant conditional pardon L.N. 362 of 1997; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3


A magistrate or the court may, with the consent in writing of the Secretary for Justice, order that a pardon be granted to any person accused or suspected of, or committed for trial for any indictable offence, on condition of his giving full and true evidence on any preliminary inquiry or any trial; and such order shall have effect as a pardon by the Chief Executive, but may be withdrawn by the magistrate or the court on proof that such person has withheld evidence or given false evidence.

(Amended 50 of 1911; 1 of 1912 Schedule; L.N. 362 of 1997; 39 of 1999 s. 3)

Section: 116 Effect of pardon 30/06/1997

In every case where either a free or conditional pardon is granted to any person, the discharge of the offender in the case of a free pardon, and the performance of the condition, in the case of a conditional pardon, shall have the same effect as a pardon has in the like cases under the public seal.

(Amended 50 of 1911; 21 of 1912 s. 2) [cf. 1827 c. 28 s. 13 U.K.]

Section: 117 Recording of pardon 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

(1) Whenever the Chief Executive is pleased to grant to any offender a pardon under the public seal, the Registrar shall be bound, on the direction of the Chief Executive, to record such pardon in the book to be kept by him for that purpose and to endorse such pardon with the word "Recorded" and with his signature. (Amended 50 of 1911; 21 of 1912 s. 2; 39 of 1999 s. 3)

(2) Every such pardon shall be valid and effectual for all purposes whatsoever, and it shall be the duty of all

courts, judges, magistrates, officers, and others, on production thereof, to take notice of and to give effect to the same. (Amended 24 of 1993 s. 12)

Section: 118 Saving of prerogative of mercy 39 of 1999 01/07/1997

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

Subject as hereinbefore provided, nothing in this Ordinance shall affect the power vested in the Chief Executive to pardon offences or commute penalties. (Amended 50 of 1911; 1 of 1912 Schedule; 39 of 1999 s. 3)

Section: 119 Prohibition of proceedings in error 30/06/1997

Error, etc.
No proceeding in error shall be taken upon any trial under the provisions of this Ordinance.


Section: 120 Interpretation of reference to information 30/06/1997

Where, in any Ordinance, or in any rules, regulation, by-law, or order, or in any other document of whatever kind, reference is made to an information in the court in respect of an indictable offence, such reference shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be taken as applying to an indictment in the court.

Section: 121 Repeal of rules and orders 30/06/1997

All rules and orders of the court which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance shall and the same are hereby declared to be of no force or effect whatsoever.

Section: 122 Power to exclude public from criminal courts 30/06/1997
(1) Any judge, District Judge or magistrate may, if he considers it necessary in the interests of justice or public order or security, direct that, save as provided in subsection (3) or with the permission of a public officer acting under his direction, no person shall be in the court in which such judge, District Judge or magistrate sits in the exercise of his criminal jurisdiction or in the building, or within the curtilage of the building, in which that court sits.
(2) The Chief Justice may, if he considers it necessary in the interests of justice or public order or security, direct that, save as provided in subsection (3) or with the permission of a public officer acting under his direction, no person shall be in any court hearing any criminal proceedings or in any building, or within the curtilage of any building, in which that court sits.
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply to a person who is required to be in any such court or any such building by virtue of his office or profession or an order of a court or who is otherwise required for the purposes of any proceedings, whether civil or criminal, to be in any such court or any such building or to any one person representing a newspaper or news agency.
(4) Any person who contravenes any direction of a judge, District Judge or magistrate under subsection (1) or of the Chief Justice under subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $5000 and to imprisonment for 6 months and may be forcibly removed by any police officer from the court or building or the curtilage of the building, as the case may be.
(5) Notwithstanding any other law, the exclusion of persons from any court or any building by or in accordance with a direction of a judge, District Judge or magistrate under subsection (1) or of the Chief Justice under subsection
(2) shall not affect the validity of the proceedings of that court or of any court which sits in that building as the case may be.
(6) Nothing in subsection (1) or (2) shall derogate from or affect the power of any judge, District Judge or magistrate to order the exclusion from the court in which he sits of members of the public where the proper administration of justice so requires.

(7) In this section "court" (法庭) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Amended 35 of 1976 s. 14) (Added 37 of 1968 s . 2)

Section: 123 Criminal proceedings may be held in camera and nondisclosure of identity of witnesses in certain cases 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997

Amendments retroactively made -see 25 of 1998 s. 2

(1) Notwithstanding any other law but subject to the provisions of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap 383), if it appears to a court that it is necessary so to do in the interests of justice or public order or security, the court may order that the whole of the proceedings before it in respect of any offence or, having regard to the reason for making such an order, any appropriate part of such proceedings shall take place in a closed court. (Replaced 68 of 1995 s. 10)

(1A) (a) Notwithstanding the making of an order under subsection (1) in respect of certain proceedings and subject to paragraph (b), such an order shall not apply to the following matters in those proceedings-

(i) the arraignment of the accused person;
(ii) the reading of the summary of facts with respect to the accused person;

(iii) the delivery of verdict by a jury or a court (as the case may be);

(iv) the pronouncement of sentence by a court.

(b) Where the court is satisfied that in the special circumstances of the case, the non-application of an order made under subsection (1) to the matter referred to in paragraph (a)(ii) will prejudice the interests of justice or public order or security, the court may determine that such an order shall apply to that matter referred to in paragraph (a)(ii). (Added 68 of 1995 s. 10)

(1B) (a) A person aggrieved by an order made under subsection (1) may appeal to the Court of Appeal, if the Court of Appeal grants leave, against such an order and the decision of the Court of Appeal shall be final.

(b) On an application for leave to appeal under this subsection, the Court of Appeal shall have power to give such directions as appear to it to be appropriate and, without prejudice to the generality of this paragraph, power-
(i) to order the production in court of any transcript or note of proceedings or other document;
(ii) to give directions as to persons who are to be parties to the appeal or who may be parties to it if they wish and as to service of documents on any person.
(c) Subject to any rules of court made by virtue of paragraph (e), any party to an appeal under this subsection may give evidence before the Court of Appeal orally or in writing.
(d) On the hearing of an appeal under this subsection the Court of Appeal shall have power-
(i) to stay any proceedings in any other court until after the appeal is disposed of;
(ii) to confirm, reverse or vary the order complained of; and
(iii) to make such order as to costs as it thinks fit.
(e) Without prejudice to the generality of section 54 of the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) and section 9, rules of court may make in relation to criminal proceedings satisfying specified conditions special provision as to practice and procedure to be followed in relation to criminal proceedings taking place in closed court and appeals from orders made under subsection (1) and may in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of this paragraph, provide that paragraph (c) shall not have effect. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(f) Notwithstanding any other law but subject to the provisions of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap 383), if it appears to the Court of Appeal that it is necessary so to do in the interests of justice or public order or security, the Court of Appeal may order that the whole of the hearing of an appeal under this subsection or, having regard to the reason for making such an order, any appropriate part of such hearing shall take place in a closed court. (Added 68 of 1995 s. 10)

(2) In any case where a court may make an order under subsection (1), the court may, whether or not it makes an order under that subsection, order that no question shall be put to any specified witness in the proceedings before it if the answer thereto would lead, or tend to lead, to disclosure of the name or address of any witness in the proceedings; but the court may require any such witness to record the name and address of a witness in the proceedings in writing and to deliver it into the custody of the court. (Replaced 35 of 1976 s. 15)

(3) In this section "court" (法庭、法院) includes the District Court and a magistrate. (Amended 35 of 1976 s.

15) (Added 37 of 1968 s. 2)

The Legislative Council may, by resolution, from time to time amend Schedule 3.
(Added 5 of 1971 s. 12A. Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)

Schedule: 1 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997
Remarks: Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2; 39 of 1999 s. 3 (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)

FORM 1 [section 15(2)]

HONG KONG. Be it remembered that the Secretary for Justice declines to file any indictment against detained in the custody of upon a charge of . Given under my hand this day of 19 . Secretary for Justice To the Registrar of the High Court. (Added and amended 8 of 1912 s. 52. Amended L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 s. 2; 39 of 1999 s. 3)

FORM 2 [section 15(2)]


[L.S.] To

Whereas is detained in your custody under the warrant of

upon a charge of and whereas the Secretary for Justice declines to file any indictment against the said you are therefore hereby authorized and required forthwith to discharge the said from your custody without fee or reward.

Given under my hand and the seal of the court the day of

19 .

Registrar. (Added and amended 8 of 1912 s. 52. Amended L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 s. 2)

(Repealed 35 of 1976 s.16)

FORM 4 [section 27] Notice of Trial of Indictment IN THE HIGH COURT OF HONG KONG To A.B. Take notice that you will answer to this indictment [or to the indictment whereof this is a true copy] at the High Court, Victoria, on the day of 19 . (Signed)

Registrar. (Replaced 63 of 1971 s. 10. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)

FORM 5 [section 86]

Certificate of Sentences


To the

This is to certify that the undermentioned persons were sentenced this day to undergo the undermentioned punishment namely-


A.B., imprisonment



C.D., imprisonment


Dated this day of 19 . (Signed)

Registrar. (Replaced 63 of 1971 s. 10. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)

FORM 6 [section 63]

Certificate of Previous Conviction

To the ................................

This is to certify that

the following conviction(s) is/are recorded in the criminal records in my custody relating to the person whose name appears on such records as .................................. and whose finger-prints appear therein also, and
the finger-prints exhibited to this certificate are true copies thereof.

Signed ........................................................ Authorized to sign by Commissioner of Police under section 63(2)(a). (Added 31 of 1958 s. 3)

FORM 7 [section 63]

Certificate of Finger-printing

To the ........................

This is to certify that the finger-prints exhibited to this certificate were taken on ................ day
of ......................................... at the ................................................................................ from the person
of ...................................in my presence and that at that time such person-

was under arrest in connection with the offence of ...................................................
had appeared before this court and had been charged with the offence of ..................

[Delete that which is inapplicable.]

Signed ............................................... (Added 31 of 1958 s. 3)

FORM 8 [section 63]

Certificate of Comparison of Finger-prints

To the.......................................

This is to certify that the copies of finger-prints exhibited to the Certificate of Previous Conviction dated..................................................................................................................... in respect of a person named .................................................................................................. and the finger-prints exhibited to the Certificate of Finger-printing dated .................................... ........ in respect of a person named ......................................................................................... are those of the same person.

Authorized to sign by Commissioner
of Police under section 63(2)(c).
(Added 31 of 1958 s. 3)

[sections 109A, 109G & 124] (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)
The following offences are declared to be excepted offences
1. Manslaughter.
  1. Rape or attempted rape.
  2. Affray.
  3. Any offence against section 4, 5 or 6 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134).
  4. Any offence contrary to section 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 36 or 42 of the Offences against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212).
    1. Any offence or attempted offence against section 122 of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200). (Amended 1 of 1978
    2. s. 8)
  5. An offence under any section in Part III of the Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance (Cap 238). (Replaced 68 of 1981 s. 56)
  6. Any offence against section 10 or 12 of the Theft Ordinance (Cap 210).
  7. Any offence against section 33 of the Public Order Ordinance (Cap 245). (Added L.N. 250 of 1972)
  8. Any offence under section 4 or 10 of the Weapons Ordinance (Cap 217). (Added 69 of 1981 s. 19) (Added 5 of 1971 s. 12B)

Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

[section 76] (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)

1. (1) An order for admission to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or to a mental hospital under section 76(2)(a) shall be sufficient authority for- (Amended 37 of 1996 s. 7)

(a) in the case of admission to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre, the Commissioner of Correctional Services; or

in the case of admission to a mental hospital, any person acting under the authority of the Chief Executive, to take the person to whom the order relates and convey him at any time within the period of 28 days (beginning with the date on which the order was made) to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or the mental hospital specified by the Chief Executive. (Replaced 37 of 1973 s. 7)
The court by which any such order as aforesaid is made may give such directions as it thinks fit for the conveyance of a person to whom the order relates to a place of safety and his detention therein pending his admission to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or the mental hospital within the said period of 28 days.
Where a person is admitted within the said period to the Correctional Service Department Psychiatric Centre or the mental hospital specified by the Chief Executive under section 76(2)(a), such order shall be sufficient authority for the Commissioner of Correctional Services or the medical superintendent to detain him therein in accordance with section 45 of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) as applied by paragraph 2 of this Schedule. (Amended 37 of 1996 s. 7)

2. A person who is admitted to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital in pursuance of an order under section 76(2)(a) shall be treated for the purposes of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) as if he had been so admitted in pursuance of a hospital order made (on the date of the order under section 76(2)(a)) under section 45 of that Ordinance without an endorsement under subsection (1A) of that section. (Amended 46 of 1988 s. 33; 37 of 1996 s. 7)

3. If while a person is detained in a mental hospital in pursuance of an order under section 76(2)(a) the Chief Executive, after consultation with the medical superintendent, is satisfied that the person can properly be tried, the Chief Executive may by order direct that such person be remitted-

(a) to a prison; or

(b) to a training centre established under section 3 of the Training Centres Ordinance (Cap 280), for trial at the court (within the meaning of section 75(6)) where but for the first-mentioned order he would have been tried, and on his arrival at the prison or training centre, as the case may be, the first-mentioned order shall cease to have effect. (Added 37 of 1996 s. 7)

4. If the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Commissioner of Correctional Services, is satisfied that a person detained in the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre in pursuance of an order under section 76(2)(a) can properly be tried-

the Chief Executive may by order direct that the person be detained in the custody of the Commissioner of Correctional Services for trial at the court (within the meaning of section 75(6)) where but for the first-mentioned order he would have been tried; and
the first-mentioned order shall cease to have effect if the Chief Executive makes an order under sub-

subparagraph (a). (Added 37 of 1996 s. 7) (Added 34 of 1972 s. 20. Amended 37 of 1973 s. 7; 39 of 1999 s. 3) [cf. 1964 c. 84 Sch. 1 U.K.; 1968 c. 19 Sch. 5 Paras. 1 & 2(1) U.K.]


Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 39 of 1999 s. 3

[sections 83D & 83L] (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)

1. (1) An order for admission to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital under section 83D or 83L shall be sufficient authority for the Commissioner of Correctional Services or any other person directed to do so by the court to take the person to whom the order relates and convey him at any time within the relevant period to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or the mental hospital specified by the Chief Executive.

The relevant period for the purposes of this paragraph is-
in relation to an order under section 83D or 83L(1), 28 days;
in relation to an order under section 83L(2), 7 days, the said period to begin in either case with the date on which the order was made.
Where a person is admitted within the relevant period to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or the mental hospital specified by the Chief Executive under section 83D or, as the case may be, section 83L, the order shall be sufficient authority for the Commissioner of Correctional Services or the medical superintendent to detain him in accordance with the provisions of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, as those provisions apply by virtue of those paragraphs. (Amended 39 of 1999 s. 3)

2. A person who is admitted to the Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre or a mental hospital in pursuance of an order under section 83D or 83L(1) shall be treated for the purposes of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) as if he had been so admitted in pursuance of a hospital order made (on the date of the order made under section 83D or 83L(1)) under section 45 of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) without any period or detention being specified in the order and without an endorsement under subsection (1A) of that section. (Amended 46 of 1988

s. 33)

3. A person who is admitted to a mental hospital in pursuance of an order under section 83L(2) shall be treated for the purposes of Part III of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) as if he had been admitted (on the date of the order made under section 83L(2)) in pursuance of an application for admission for observation duly made under the said Part III. (Amended 46 of 1988 s. 33)

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 20. Amended 37 of 1973 s. 7) [cf. 1968 c. 19 Sch. 1 U.K.]

[section 83F] (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)


1. On a retrial, section 70 of the Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) (admissibility in evidence in criminal proceedings of deposition of person dead, etc.) shall not apply to the depositions of any person who gave evidence at the original trial or to any written statement by such a person tendered under section 81A of the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) in the committal proceedings before the original trial; but a transcript of the record of the evidence given by any witness at the original trial may, with the leave of the judge, be read as evidence-

(a) by agreement between the prosecution and the defence; or
(b) if the judge is satisfied that the witness is dead or unfit to give evidence or to attend for that purpose, or that

all reasonable efforts to find him or secure his attendance have been made without success, and in either case may be so read without further proof, if verified in accordance with rules and orders made under section 9.

Sentence on conviction at retrial

2. (1) Where a person ordered to be retried is again convicted on retrial, the court before which he is convicted may pass in respect of the offence any sentence authorized by law.

(2) Without prejudice to its power to impose any other sentence, the court before which an offender is convicted on retrial may pass in respect of the offence any sentence passed in respect of that offence on the original conviction notwithstanding that, on the date of the conviction on retrial, the offender has ceased to be of an age at which such a sentence could otherwise be passed.
(3) Where the person convicted on retrial is sentenced to imprisonment or other detention, the sentence shall begin to run from the time when a like sentence passed at the original trial would have begun to run; but in computing the term of his sentence or the period for which he may be detained thereunder, as the case may be, there shall be disregarded-
(a) any time before his conviction on retrial which would have been disregarded in computing that term or period if the sentence had been passed at the original trial and the original conviction had not been quashed; and
(b) any time during which he was at large after being admitted to bail under section 83F(2).
(4) Section 67A shall apply to any sentence imposed on conviction on retrial as if it had been imposed on the original conviction.

(5) In this paragraph "sentence" (刑罰) has the meaning assigned by section 80.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 20) [cf. 1968 c. 19 Sch. 2 U.K.]


[section 83N] (Amended 58 of 1994 s. 4)

Order for custody pending trial

1. Where an order is made by the Court of Appeal under section 83N(3) of this Ordinance for a person to be


kept in custody pending trial, sections 52A, 53, 54 and 54A of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136), shall apply to him as they apply to the persons listed in section 53(2)(a) to (d) of the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136). (Amended 46 of 1988 s. 33)

Order for continued detention under Mental Health Ordinance

2. Where an order is made by the Court of Appeal under section 83N(3) of this Ordinance for a person's continued detention under the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136), Part IV of that Ordinance (admission of patients concerned in criminal proceedings and transfer of patients under sentence) shall apply to him as if he had been ordered under the said subsection (3) to be kept in custody pending trial and were detained in pursuance of a transfer order or an order under section 54A of that Ordinance.

(Added 34 of 1972 s. 20. Amended 37 of 1973 s. 7) [cf. 1968 c. 19 Sch. 3 U.K.]

[section 113B]
Level 1 $2000
Level 2 $5000
Level 3 $10000
Level 4 $25000
Level 5 $50000
Level 6 $100000
(Added 58 of 1994 s. 3)
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章: 221 刑事訴訟程序條例 憲報編號 版本日期
詳題 30/06/1997

本條例旨在綜合和修訂關於刑事訴訟程序、證據及常規的法律。 (由1950年第24號附表代替)



條: 1 簡稱 30/06/1997



條: 2 釋義 10 of 2005 08/07/2005


“入院令”(hospital order) 指根據《精神健康條例》(第136章)第45、54或54A條作出的命令; (由1972年第34號第2條增補。由1973年第37號第7條修訂;由1988年第46號第33條修訂;由1997年第81號第59條修訂)

“上訴人”(appellant) 包括已發出申請上訴許可的通知的人; (由1972年第34號第2條增補)

“公訴書”、“公訴程序”(indictment) 包括任何可在有陪審團的情況下審訊的刑事告發;

“司法常務官”(Registrar) 指高等法院的司法常務官; (由2005年第10號第178條修訂)

“主審法院”、“主審法庭”(court of trial) 就一宗上訴而言,指該宗上訴所來自的法院或法庭; (由1972年第34號第2條增補)

“法院”、“法庭”(court) 指在行使本身的刑事司法管轄權時行事的原訟法庭; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

“指明的表格”(specified form) 指由規則委員會根據第9(4)條指明的表格; (由1995年第13號第22條增補)

“院長”(medical superintendent) 指根據《精神健康條例》(第136章)第4條委任的精神病院院長或副院長; (由1972年第34號第2條增補)


“規則委員會”(Rules Committee) 指根據第9條組成的刑事訴訟程序規則委員會; (由1995年第13號第22條增補)

“執達主任”(bailiff) 指法院的執達主任,並包括執達主任的任何副手;

“無行為能力”(under disability) 就一名被控人而言,指若無本條例即會對審訊該名被控人構成禁制的任何無行為能力; (由1972年第34號第2條增補)

“精神病院”(mental hospital) 指根據《精神健康條例》(第136章)第3條宣布為精神病院的任何地方; (由1972年第34號第2條增補)

“證人令”(witness order) 指根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第84(1)條作出的命令,而“附有條件的證人令”(conditional witness order) 須據此解釋; (由1981年第59號第3條增補)

“證人傳票”(witness summons) 指根據第34條發出的傳票; (由1981年第59號第3條增補)

“懲教署精神病治療中心”(Correctional Services Department Psychiatric Centre) 指根據《監獄條例》(第234章)第4條闢作監獄的懲教署精神病治療中心。 (由1973年第37號第7條增補) (由1911年第50號第4條修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂;由1912年第21號第2條修訂;由1924年第5號第12條及附表修訂)

條: 3 (1999年第39號第3條廢除) 39 of 1999 01/07/1997


具追溯力的適應化修訂─見1999年第39號第3第I部 法院事務

條: 4 (1971年第63號第11條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 5 將囚犯帶到法庭席前 30/06/1997



條: 6 (1971年第63號第11條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 7 由警方協助 30/06/1997

警方須提供所需協助,使懲教署署長能遵從第5條的規定。 (由1911年第50號第4條修訂;由1924年第5號第8及12條修訂;由1937年第25號第3條修訂;由1938年第678號政府公告修訂;由1971年第63號第3條修訂)

條: 8 (1971年第63號第11條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 9 關於常規與程序的規則及命令 10 of 2005 08/07/2005


(a) 高等法院首席法官,並由他擔任主席一職;
(b) 由高等法院首席法官委任的一名上訴法庭法官;
(c) 由高等法院首席法官委任的一名原訟法庭法官;
(d) 律政司司長或一名由律政司司長提名的律政人員; (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(e) 法律援助署署長或一名由法律援助署署長提名的法律援助主任;
(f) 由香港大律師公會提名的一名大律師;
(g) 由香港律師會提名的一名律師;
(h)司法常務官或一名由高等法院首席法官委任的高等法院高級副司法常務官或副司法常務官,以擔任秘書一職。 (由1995年第13號第23條代替。由1998年第25號第2條修訂;由2005年第10號第9及179條修訂)


  1. 該等規則及命令可對下述事宜作出規定:即必須將文件送交存檔或發出通知的時間或期限、法院各人員的職責、提出案及論點的方式,以及概括而言,本條例條文的更有效施行。 (由1950年第24號附表修訂;由1969年第15號第2條修訂;由1995年第13號第23條修訂)
  2. (3) 在符合本條例的條文以及適用於所有刑事訟案及事宜(包括叛逆罪或隱匿叛逆罪的審訊)的常規與程序的規則、命令及任何其他成文法則(包括任何關於陪審團的成文法則)的規定下,該等常規與程序須盡量與不時及當其時在英格蘭施行於類似案件者相同。


作必需的更改及增補。 (由1995年第13號第23條增補) (由1933年第5號第2條代替)




(a) 就尋求或接受法律援助的人所須提供的資料訂定條文;
(c) 決定任何資源是否須視作可動用收入或可動用資產,並對收入的波動的考慮作規定;
(d) 釐定接受法律援助的人就訟費及開支而須支付的分擔費用;
(e) 釐定就本規則而言任何人的丈夫或妻子的資源中須視作該人的資源的範圍;
(f) 對幼年人及其他特別個案,就所須予考慮的其他人的資源訂定條文;
(h) 訂明為施行本規則而須予使用的表格。

(1A) 根據第(1)款可訂立規則,給予無大律師或律師代表的被控人(不論該等被控人是否經濟能力有限)法律援助,目的是協助第75(6)條所指的法庭考慮該等被控人是否適宜受審的問題。 (由1996年第37號第2條增補)

(2) 根據上述規則給予的法律援助所需開支,由立法會的撥款支付。 (由1969年第15號第3條增補。由1999年第39號第3條修訂) (亦見第91章第28(2)條) 附註:

條: 9B 向證人支付津貼的規則 25 of 1998; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997


(1)規則委員會經立法會批准,可訂立規則規定向在任何法庭席前進行的刑事法律程序中的證人支付津貼,該等規則特別可規定─ (由1995年第13號第25條修訂)

(a) 證人的分類;
(b) 向不同類別的證人支付不同款額的津貼;及
(c) 可支付予某一類別證人的津貼款額。
  1. (2) 根據上述規則支付的津貼所需開支,由立法會的撥款支付。
    1. (3) 在本條中─
      1. (a) “法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
        1. (b) “證人”(witness) 指任何正式出庭以提供證據的人,不論是否由法庭提出傳召他提供證據,亦不論他是否提供證據,並包括─
          1. (i) 根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第14條進行檢控並根據該條例第69條取得支付訟費命令的人;及
          2. (ii) 根據第73A條或《裁判官條例》(第227章)第69條取得支付訟費命令的被告人, 但不包括以下的人─
          3. (A) 在執行職責過程中出庭的警務人員;
          4. (B) 在執行職責過程中出庭的懲教署人員;或
          5. (C) 就任何事由而在扣押中被送往法庭的囚犯。 (由1990年第6號第2條代替) (由1971年第56號第2條增補。由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
條: 9C 釋義 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997





在本部中─ “法官”(judge) 指上訴法庭法官、原訟法庭法官及原訟法庭暫委法官; (由1998年第25號第2條代替) “法院”、“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂) “獲准保釋”、“准予保釋”(admitted to bail) 指法庭基於某人對法庭承諾在法庭指定的日期歸押而

將該人從羈留中釋放; “歸押”(surrender to custody) 指在法庭指定的日期被傳召時出現於法庭席前。

條: 9D 被控人獲准保釋的權利 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



221 -刑事訴訟程序條例

    1. 除本條及第9G條另有規定外,法庭在下列情況中須命令被控人獲准保釋,不論被控人是否已被交付審訊─
      1. (a)他在就他所被控的罪行而進行的法律程序的過程中出現或被帶到法庭席前,或與該等法律程序相關而出現或被帶到法庭席前;或
      2. (b) 他在某法庭席前被控而他向該法庭申請准予保釋;或
      3. (c) 他根據第9J條向法官申請准予保釋。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
        1. (2) 根據第(1)款作出的命令可附加法庭覺得所需的條件,以確保獲准保釋的人不會─
          1. (a) 不按照法庭的指定歸押;或
          2. (b) 在保釋期間犯罪;或
          3. (c) 干擾證人或破壞或妨礙司法公正。
        1. (3) 在不影響第(2)款的一般性的原則下,法庭─
          1. (a)無須規定獲准保釋的條件為獲准保釋的人須作出保釋擔保,但可為確保該人會按照法庭的指定歸押的目的(只可為此目的),規定條件為須由擔保人作出保釋擔保;
            1. (b) 可規定獲准保釋的條件為獲准保釋的人─
              1. (i) 須向法庭交出任何護照或旅行證件;
              2. (ii) 不得離開香港;
              3. (iii) 須向法庭所指明的警署或廉政公署辦事處報到; (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
              4. (iv) 須於指明的地址居住並於法庭所指明的時間逗留在其內;
              5. (v) 不得進入法庭所指明的任何地方或處所;
              6. (vi) 不得進入法庭所指明的任何地方或處所某一距離的範圍內;
              7. (vii) 不得直接或間接與法庭所指明的任何人接觸;
              8. (viii) 或任何代表他的人或他本人連同任何代表他的人,須將一筆法庭規定的合理款項存放於法院,但此舉目的只可是為確保獲准保釋的人會按照法庭的指定歸押。
      1. (4) 法庭在考慮擔保人就第(3)(a)款所指的建議中的保釋擔保是否適合時,須顧及─
    2. (a) 擔保人的財務資源;
  1. (b) 法庭覺得有關的任何其他事宜, 如根據第(1)款作出的命令有所指示,任何根據該款須由擔保人作出的保釋擔保,可在任何裁判官席前作出,或可在懲教署署長、懲教署副署長、懲教事務高級監督或懲教事務監督面前作出。
    1. 如法庭應作出保釋擔保的擔保人的申請,信納擔保人有合理因由相信他所擔保的人將不會按照法庭的指定歸押,則法庭可命令寬免該人作為擔保人的責任。
    2. (2) 法庭根據第(1)款作出命令時,須發出手令逮捕擔保人所擔保的人。
    1. 任何協議,如是彌償或其意是彌償某人作為擔保人以確保獲准保釋的人會歸押而可招致的任何法律責任的,均屬無效。
    2. (2) 任何人訂立屬第(1)款所述種類的協議,即屬犯罪。
  2. 不論該等協議是在會獲彌償的人成為擔保人之前或之後訂立,不論該人有否成為擔保人,亦不論協議是否預算以金錢或金錢等值作出補償,仍屬犯第(2)款所訂的罪行。
  3. 任何人犯第(2)款所訂的罪行,一經循簡易程序定罪,可處罰款$75000及監禁6個月,而一經循公訴程序定罪,則可處任何款額的罰款及監禁12個月。



    1. 法庭如覺得有實質理由相信(不論假若准予保釋會否根據第9D(2)條施加條件作規限)被控人會有下列行為,則無須准予被控人保釋─
      1. (a) 不按照法庭的指定歸押;或
      2. (b) 在保釋期間犯罪;或
      3. (c) 干擾證人或破壞或妨礙司法公正。
        1. (2) 法庭於達致第(1)款所指的意見時,可顧及─
          1. (a) 指稱罪行的性質及嚴重性,以及一旦定罪時,相當可能處置被控人的方式;
          2. (b) 被控人的行為、態度及操守;
          3. (c) 被控人的背景、交往、工作、職業、家庭環境、社會聯繫及財務狀況;
          4. (d) 被控人的健康、身體和精神狀況及年齡;
          5. (e) 被控人以往任何獲准保釋的歷史;
          6. (f) 被控人的品格、經歷及以往定罪(如有的話);
          7. (g) 被控人犯被指稱罪行的證據的性質及分量;
          8. (h) 法庭覺得有關聯的任何其他事宜。
        1. (3) 法庭如覺得為以下原因被控人應予羈留扣押,則無須准予保釋─
          1. (a) 被控人已屆18歲,而羈留扣押是為保障他本人;或
          2. (b) 被控人未屆18歲,而羈留扣押是為保障他本人、他本人的安全或福利;或
          3. (c) 為決定被控人應否獲准保釋的問題而作進一步查訊。
        1. (4) 如屬以下情況,則無須准予被控人保釋─
            1. (a) 他正─
              1. (i) 因為任何法庭所判處的刑罰而被羈留扣押;或
              2. (ii) 因第9L條所訂的沒有歸押的控罪或與該控罪相關而被羈留扣押;或
            1. (b) 法庭信納─
              1. (i) 他曾經沒有遵從根據第9D條施加的任何保釋條件;或
              2. (ii) 有在同一法律程序中處置他的任何其他法庭如此信納或已如此信納。
      1. (5) 如被控人是一項當其時生效的入院令的標的,則無須准予保釋。
  1. (6) 如被控人是根據第109B條(緩刑)所作而當其時生效的命令的標的,並且是在第109D或109E條所指的情況下到法庭席前的,則無須准予保釋。
  2. 如被控人是根據《入境條例》(第115章)第20條所作而當其時生效的遞解離境令的標的,則無須准予保釋。 (由1997年第80號第103條修訂)
  3. (8) 如被控人是在《罪犯感化條例》(第298章)第5或6條(觸犯感化令;或再行犯罪)所指的情況下到法庭席前的,則無須准予保釋。
    1. 如被控人是在《社會服務令條例》(第378章)第8或9條(觸犯社會服務令;或再行犯罪)所指的情況下到法庭席前的,則無須准予保釋。
    2. (10) 被控人如被控告─
    3. (a) 謀殺罪;或
  4. (b) 《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第2條所訂的叛逆罪, 則只可在法官的命令下才可獲准保釋。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)


條: 9H 律政司司長就區域法院法官或裁判官准予保釋的決定而作出的覆核申請 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



  1. 凡區域法院法官或裁判官准予任何人保釋,律政司司長可向法官申請覆核區域法院法官或裁判官的決定。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
    1. 除第9I(3)條另有規定外,根據第(1)款提出的申請,須以傳票方式在內庭於法官席前提出,並以誓章支持。
    2. (3) 傳票可在其內所指定的聆訊時間之前的任何時間,送達獲准保釋的人。
  2. 在聆訊申請時,律政司司長有權在法官席前提出律政司司長認為恰當的有關聯的論點及有關聯的事宜,不論該等論點及事宜是否曾在作出決定的區域法院法官或裁判官席前提出,而獲准保釋的人亦有權獲得聆聽。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  3. 儘管第(4)款已有規定,如獲准保釋的人沒有出現,而法官信納該人已獲送達傳票或拒絕接受傳票的送達,或信納已盡一切合理努力以嘗試送達傳票,則法官可在該人缺席的情況下,就該申請進行聆訊和作出裁定。
  4. 凡法官已根據本條在獲准保釋的人缺席的情況下聆訊任何申請,如法官信納再次聆訊該申請是公正的,法官可再次聆訊該申請。
  5. 法官在聆訊申請後,可藉命令確認,撤銷或更改區域法院法官或裁判官的決定,並可就此事宜作出法官認為公正的其他命令,包括關於訟費的命令。
  6. 法官在根據第(7)款撤銷或更改區域法院法官或裁判官的決定時,可發出手令逮捕獲准保釋的人。

(9) 不得就法官對根據本條提出的申請所作的決定提出上訴。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

條: 9I 等候覆核時的扣押 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



  1. 凡區域法院法官或裁判官已命令准予任何人保釋,但律政司司長述明擬根據第9H條申請覆核區域法院法官或裁判官的決定,則在律政司司長提出申請時,如獲准保釋的人在場,區域法院法官或裁判官須命令將該人羈留扣押,並於司法常務官指定的時間及地點帶到法官席前。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  2. 凡區域法院法官或裁判官根據第(1)款作出命令,區域法院法官或裁判官須立即通知司法常務官,而司法常務官須在切實可行的範圍內盡快安排將被如此羈留的人帶到法官席前,且無論如何須在48小時內帶到,並須將帶到的時間及地點通知律政司司長。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  3. 當被如此羈留的人根據本條被帶到法官席前,法官如認為適合,可免除第9H(2)及(3)條的規定,並著手聆訊根據第9H(1)條提出的申請。


以使第9H(2)及(3)條獲得遵從,並可作出他認為公正的其他命令。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

條: 9J 拒絕保釋或保釋條件的覆核 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997





的決定,並可就此事宜作出法官認為公正的其他命令,包括關於訟費的命令。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

條: 9K 逮捕獲准保釋的人 30/06/1997

(1) 如屬以下情況,任何警務人員可無須手令而逮捕和羈留任何獲准保釋的人─

  1. 根據第(1)款逮捕任何人後,須在該人被逮捕後24小時內,或在其後切實可行的範圍內盡快將該人帶到一名裁判官席前,但如該人因其保釋而在某一時刻須向任何法庭歸押,而該人在緊接該時刻前24小時內如此被逮捕,則屬例外,而在該情況下,該人須被帶到該法庭席前。
    1. 根據第(2)款而將任何人帶到法庭席前,如法庭覺得准予保釋的任何條件已遭違反或相當可能遭違反,則法庭可─
    2. (a) 命令將該人羈留扣押;或
    1. (b) 准予該人保釋,但須受同樣的條件或法庭認為適合的其他條件所約束, 但如法庭並不覺得如此,則法庭須將該人從扣押中釋放,並以同樣的條件准予該人保釋。
    2. (1) 獲准保釋的人如無合理因由而沒有按照法庭的指定歸押,即屬犯罪。
  2. 獲准保釋的人如有合理因由而沒有按照法庭的指定時間歸押,但沒有在該時間後在合理可行的範圍內盡快歸押,即屬犯罪。
  3. 任何人犯第(1)或(2)款所訂的罪行,一經循簡易程序定罪,可處罰款$75000及監禁6個月,而一經循公訴程序定罪,則可處任何款額的罰款及監禁12個月。
  4. 凡有人被指稱犯第(1)或(2)款所訂的罪行,法庭根據本條行使司法管轄權時,可在無陪審團的情況下循簡易程序處置被控人,並可在並無控罪根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第IV部移交的情況下處理案件,或可在案件並未根據該條例第III部交付審訊的情況下處理案件。
條: 9L 沒有按照法庭的指定歸押的罪行 30/06/1997
條: 9M 因沒有按照法庭的指定歸押而進行的沒收 39 of 1999 01/07/1997



    1. 如任何獲准保釋的人無合理因由而沒有按照法庭的指定歸押,則不論該人是否已就根據第9L(1)條所訂的罪行而被定罪,法庭亦可命令將作用為確保該人會歸押的任何─
    2. (a) 根據第9D(3)(a)條由擔保人作出的保釋擔保;或
  1. (b) 根據第9D(3)(b)(viii)條存放於法院的款項, 全部或部分沒收歸政府所有。(由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
  2. 凡法庭根據第(1)款作出命令,任何作為根據第9D(3)(a)條由擔保人作出的保釋擔保的保證而須付的款項,其繳付可予以強制執行,猶如該筆款項是《裁判官條例》(第227章)第64條適用的保證一樣。
條: 9N 保釋法律程序的進行方式 30/06/1997


(i) 證明是該等法律程序的標的之人曾經就某刑事罪行被定罪;
(ii) 證明是該等法律程序的標的之人已被控告另一項刑事罪行,並正在等候審訊;
(iii) 證明是該等法律程序的標的之人曾經沒有歸押;
(e) 法庭可收取並考慮法庭認為在有關情況下屬可信或可靠的任何其他資料或申述。
條: 9O 證明的協助 30/06/1997


(a) 證明書內指名的人已獲准保釋;
(b) 證明書內指名的人承諾的歸押日期及時間(如有的話);
(c) 准予保釋的條件(如准予保釋是根據第9D(2)條施加的條件作規限);

(d) 已就該等條件(如有的話)向證明書內指名的人給予通知, 即為如此述明的事實的證據,並須收取為證據而無須再加證明。

條: 9P 對報導保釋法律程序的限制 L.N. 362of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



    1. 除非法庭覺得為了社會公正而有所需要,否則任何人不得就任何保釋法律程序,在香港以書面發布或廣播載有任何並非第(2)款所准許發布或廣播的事宜的報導。
    2. (2) 保釋法律程序的報導可載有─
      1. (a) 是該等法律程序的標的之人的姓名;
      2. (b) 是該等法律程序的標的之人所被控告的罪行;
      3. (c) 法庭的名稱,以及裁判官、區域法院法官或法官的姓名(視屬何情況而定); (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      4. (d) 在保釋法律程序中受聘的大律師及律師的姓名(如有的話);
      5. (e)保釋法律程序的結果及(如是該等法律程序的標的之人獲准保釋但須受第9D(2)條所指的任何條件規限)任何該等條件的詳情;
      6. (f) (凡保釋法律程序被押後)押後至何日及何地。
    1. 如違反本條而發布或廣播報導,以下的人即屬有罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$50000及監禁6個月─
      1. (a) (如屬作為報章或期刊的一部分而發布的書面報導)報章或期刊的任何東主、編輯、出版人或發行人;
      2. (b) (如屬並非作為報章或期刊的一部分而發布的書面報導)發布或分發該報導的人;
      3. (c) (如屬廣播的報導)任何傳播或提供包括廣播該項報導的節目的人,以及任何對該節目而言職能相當於報章或期刊編輯的人。
  1. 除非由律政司司長或經律政司司長同意,否則不得就本條所訂的罪行提起法律程序。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  2. (5) 在本條中─ “發布”(publish) 就報導而言,指將報導單獨發布或作為報章或期刊一部分發布,以分發給公眾; “廣播”(broadcast) 指透過無線電訊,或透過利用導線或其他物料造成線路的高頻率播送系統,將聲


條: 9Q 保釋法律程序的紀錄 30/06/1997

一份關於所有保釋法律程序的紀錄,須以根據第9條為施行本條而訂立的規則及作出的命令所訂明的方式及形式備存,並須按照訂明的範圍及條件供被控人、大律師及律師取用。 (第IA部由1994年第56號第2條增補)

條: 10 發回案件作簡易程序處理的權力 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

第II部 審訊前的法律程序 案件發回





    1. 凡依據一項根據《區域法院條例》(第336章)第77A條作出的移交令(在本條提述為“移交令”),任何法律程序根據該條第(6)款移交法院審訊,而凡律政司司長已依據第14(1)(aa)條提起法律程序,則除第(2)款另有規定外,律政司司長須於針對被控人的公訴書提出後21天或之前將以下文件交付司法常務官,並將其送達被控人(除非該等文件已送達被控人)─ (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
      1. (a) 公訴書文本一份;
      2. (b) 控方擬在審訊時傳召的證人的陳述書文本;
      3. (c) 所有文件證物的文本;及
      4. (d) 證物清單一份。
    1. 凡律政司司長認為在第(1)款指明的期間內遵從該款的規定並不切實可行,律政司司長可─ (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
    2. (a) 在移交令作出時,向作出該命令的區域法院法官申請;或
    1. (b) 最遲在已編定的審訊日期21天前,向一名法官申請, 將該期間延展;而該區域法院法官或該法官(視屬何情況而定)如信納被控人不會因此而蒙受損害,則可批給他認為合理的延展。
    2. (3) 第(1)(b)款所提述的證人陳述書─
      1. (a) 須由作出該陳述書的人簽署;
      2. (b)須載有證人的聲明,表明陳述書盡其所知所信是真實的,而他在作出該陳述書時,亦知悉故意作出他明知是虛假或並不相信是真實的陳述,可令他遭受刑事檢控;
      3. (c) 如並非用英文寫成,則須附有英文譯本;如並非用中文寫成,則須附有中文譯本;
      4. (d) 如由21歲以下的人作出,則須述明該人的年齡;及
      5. (e)須宣稱已用作出該陳述書的人在作出該陳述書時所用的語言向該人覆讀或已由該人閱讀。
  1. 如第(1)(c)款所提述的文件證物並非用英文寫成,則須附有根據《證據條例》(第8章)第27條經核證的英文譯本,而如並非用中文寫成,則須附有中文譯本,但如區域法院法官或法官應在區域法院或法庭提出的申請並基於所表明的因由而另有指示,則屬例外。
  2. 第(1)(d)款所提述的證物清單中述及的證物,須在第(1)(b)款所提述的證人陳述書內清楚地予以識別,並須給予被控人或其大律師或律師合理機會以查驗該證物。


效,但如法官信納被控人因該等規定不獲遵從而蒙受損害,則作別論。 (由1992年第59號第3條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂) 附註:

條: 10B 被控人的釋放 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997


(1)凡律政司司長沒有在第10A(1)條指明的期間內遵從該條的規定,或(凡已根據第10A(2)條獲批給延展)沒有在獲批給的延展期間內遵從第10A(1)條的規定─ (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

(a) 則法庭須在所指定的展開審訊日期(或如該日期已押後,則在該較後的日期)主動指示;或

等規定不獲遵從為理由向法官申請釋放,則法官須指示, (由1998年第25號第2條修訂) 就移交的法律程序所關乎的控罪而言,釋放被控人。

(2) 根據第(1)款作出的釋放,須當作為裁定無罪。 (由1992年第59號第3條增補)

條: 11 發回案件作進一步查訊的權力 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

(1)在收到關於案件的文件後並在被控人的審訊前,律政司司長可隨時將案件發回裁判官,並指示重新展開查訊,以就所指明的一項論點或多於一項論點錄取證據或進一步證據,以及給予律政司司長認為恰當的其他指示。 (由1912年第1號附表修訂;由1954年第6號第5條修訂)


須重新展開並須在各方面猶如被控人未有被交付審訊一樣而予以處理。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

條: 12 關於發回案件的其他條文 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
    1. 律政司司長根據第10或11條發出的任何指示,須以書面發出並經其簽署,而裁判官須予遵從。
    2. (2) 律政司司長可隨時增補、更改或撤銷任何該等指示。
  1. 律政司司長須隨即將任何該等指示的文本傳送司法常務官及懲教署署長,而司法常務官在收到一份該等指示的文本時,須將案件中由他管有或控制的所有文件傳送將被控人交付審訊的裁判官。 (由1954年第6號第6條代替)
    1. 律政司司長根據第10條指示案件須循簡易程序處理時,或根據第11條指示查訊須重新展開時,以下條文即具效力─
      1. (a)凡被控人是在扣押中,裁判官可藉親筆簽署的書面命令,指示懲教署署長將被控人送往或安排送往該等法律程序進行的地點,以按裁判官的指示處置;
      2. (b)凡被控人是在保釋期間,裁判官須發出傳票,傳召被控人於法律程序進行的時間及地點出庭;及
      3. (c)在此之後,法律程序須根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第III部或第V部的條文(視屬何情

況而定)繼續進行。 (由1911年第50號第4條修訂;由1924年第5號第8條修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂) 附註:

條: 12A (1994年第56號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 12B (1994年第56號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 12C (1994年第56號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 13 (1994年第56號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 13A (1994年第56號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 13AA (1994年第56號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 13B (1994年第56號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 14 由律政司司長提起法律程序 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



(1)律政司司長如認為適合提起刑事法律程序,須於下列期限內,針對被控人提起他看來是合法和恰當的在法院的法律程序─ (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

(b) 如屬任何其他案件,則於收到關於該案件的各項文件時。


起。 (由1983年第48號第4條代替。由1992年第59號第4條修訂)

條: 14A 罪行的審訊 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



    1. (1) 凡條例中任何條文訂出罪行或達致訂出罪行,該罪行只可循簡易程序審訊,除非─
      1. (a) 該罪行聲明為叛逆罪;
      2. (b) 該條文載有“循公訴程序”等字;或 (由1989年第54號法律公告修訂)
      3. (c) (由1991年第50號第4(1)條廢除)
      4. (d) 該罪行已按照《裁判官條例》(第227章)第IV部移交區域法院審理。 (由1970年第16號附表增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  1. (2) 凡條例中任何條文訂出罪行或達致訂出罪行,且─

(a) 該罪行聲明為叛逆罪;或

(b) 載有“循公訴程序”等字,則在不抵觸第(4)款的條文下, 該罪行只可循公訴程序審訊。
(3) (由1991年第50號第4(1)條廢除)

(5) 本條並不影響─

(b) 由法律授予區域法院審訊可公訴罪行的權力。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂) (由1991年第50號第4(1)條修訂)

註: 本條文以往曾在第1章第89條出現。憑藉1993年第89號第27條,現重新制定為本條例第14A條。

條: 14B 罪行的檢控 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

凡條例訂定開始進行檢控一項罪行之前須獲某非律政司司長的人同意,該條文並不減損律政司司長對檢控該罪行的有關權力。 (由1969年第54號第7條增補。由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

註: 本條文以往曾在第1章第91A條出現。憑藉1993年第89號第27條,現重新制定為本條例第14B條。

條: 15 律政司司長不提出檢控的權利 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
  1. 律政司司長在任何案件中如認為為了社會公正而不需要其參與,則並非一定需要檢控任何被控人。
  2. 每當律政司司長不就任何可公訴罪行而針對已被交付監獄候審的人將公訴書送交存檔時,律政司司長可向司法常務官發出採用附表1表格1格式的手令,而除非該人已獲准保釋,否則司法常務官須隨即藉採用附表2表格2格式的由他親筆簽署和蓋有法院印章的命令,指示扣押該囚犯的人就該命令所述及的罪行,立即將該囚犯從監禁中釋放而不收取任何費用。 (將1904年第5號第2條編入。由1911年第50號第4條修訂;由1911年第51號修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂;由1912年第2號附表修訂;由1930年第17號第4條修訂;由1994年第58號第4條修訂)


條: 16 被控人被交付審訊後未經聆訊的釋放 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



221 -刑事訴訟程序條例


(1) 凡根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第80C(4)條將被控人交付審訊,或法律程序根據《區域法院條例》(第336章)第77A(6)條移交法院審訊─

(b)被控人可在公訴書送交存檔後,但須在就公訴書被公訴提控前, (由1983年第395號法

律公告修訂) 隨時向法官申請將他釋放,所基於的理由是根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第80C(1)條遞交法院的文件或根據第10A條交付司法常務官的文件(視屬何情況而定)所披露的證據,連同律政司司長已知會被控人他將謀求在審訊中令法庭接納的任何其他證據一併理解時,並不足以就他所被控告的罪行,或就他基於該控罪而可能被定罪的任何其他罪行,針對他而確立表面的案。 (由1992年第59號第5條修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(2) 如根據第(1)款在該款(a)段指明的情況下提出申請─

(b)除非有命令根據(a)段作出,否則律政司司長可在有申請根據第(1)款提出後的任何時間,但須在該申請獲最終裁定之前,將一份公訴書送交存檔,如因過時將該份公訴書送交存檔而令申請人招致任何訟費,法官可判令律政司司長支付訟費。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    1. (3) 法官在詳閱文件和聆聽被控人及律政司司長作出的申述(如有的話)後,可指示被控人無須就控罪被公訴提控,並指示將被控人釋放。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    2. (4) 在不抵觸第81E(3)條的條文下,根據本條作出的釋放須當作為裁定無罪。
    1. 被控人如已根據第(1)款提出申請,而其後放棄或不繼續進行其申請,則不得提出進一步申請或將他以往所曾提出的申請恢復。
    2. (6) 凡已將公訴書送交存檔,則本條內對控罪的提述須解釋為對公訴書所列控罪的提述。
  1. 在不減損規則委員會根據第9條所具有的權力的一般性的原則下,規則委員會可根據該條訂立規則,以規管和限制就根據本條或第79G或81E條進行的法律程序作書面或廣播報導。 (由1995年第13號第26條修訂;由1995年第69號第2條修訂)


訂立的規則的違反,一如其適用於違反第87A條而發布或廣播的報導。 (由1983年第48號第4條增補)


(1) 每份公訴書均須由律政司司長簽署,並須註有簽署當日的日期。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

  1. (2) (由1976年第35號第6條廢除)
  2. 在符合根據本條例訂立的規則下,就多於一項罪行提出的控罪,可合併於同一公訴書內。



(將1919年第17號第5條編入) [比照1915 c. 90 s. 4 U.K.]

條: 19 在公海或香港以外任何地方所犯罪行 23 of 1998; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997





條: 20 對金錢或鈔票的聲言 39 of 1999 01/07/1997





條: 21 以往定罪的指控 30/06/1997

在任何指控被控人以往曾被定罪的法庭內,述明被控人曾於某時某地就某可循簡易程序定罪或公訴程序定罪(視屬何情況而定)而判罰的罪行而被定罪,即已足夠,無須進一步描述該罪行。 (由1991年第50號第4條修訂)

條: 22 關於無須指稱的事宜等的一般規定 30/06/1997


條: 23 修訂公訴書的命令、分開審訊的命令及押後審訊的命令 30/06/1997


221 -刑事訴訟程序條例


(2) 凡公訴書經如此修訂,公訴書上須註有修訂的命令的註明。

  1. 凡在審訊前或在審訊的任何階段,法庭認為某被控人因在同一公訴書內被控告多於一項罪行,其抗辯可能遭受損害或妨礙,或認為因任何其他理由,宜指示該人應就任何公訴書內所控告的任何一項或多於一項的罪行分開受審,法庭可命令將該公訴書內的任何一項或多於一項罪名作分開審訊。
    1. 凡在審訊前或在審訊的任何階段,法庭認為由於法庭根據本條例行使任何權力修訂公訴書或命令將一項罪名作分開審訊而將被控人的審訊押後是合宜的,法庭須就押後審訊作出看來是需要的命令。
    2. (5) 凡根據本條作出分開審訊或押後審訊的法庭命令─
      1. (a)如該命令是在審訊中作出,法庭可命令解除陪審團就押後審訊的一項或多於一項罪名或就有關公訴書(視屬何情況而定)作出裁決的職責;及
      2. (b)分開審訊一項罪名的程序,在各方面均與猶如該罪名是另載於一份公訴書內的程序一樣,而經押後的審訊的程序,在各方面(如陪審團已被解除職責)均與猶如審訊未有展開一樣;及
      3. (c) 法庭可就准予被控人保釋、增延擔保及其他方面,作出其認為適合的命令。
  2. 法院根據本條具有的任何權力,是增補而非減損法院就相同或相類目的而具有的任何其他權力。

(將1919年第17號第6條編入) [比照1915 c. 90 s. 5 U.K.]



    1. 在不抵觸第(2)款的規定下,除非有以下情況,否則不得提出控告任何人某可公訴罪行的公訴書─
        1. (a) 被控告的人已因該罪行被交付審訊;或 (aa)法律程序已依據一項根據《複雜商業罪行條例》(第394章)第4條作出的命令移交法院;或 (由1988年第57號第29條增補)
        2. (ab) 依據一項根據《區域法院條例》(第336章)第77A條作出的命令,法律程序根據該條第(6)款移交法院審訊;或 (由1992年第59號第6條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      1. (b) 公訴書是按某法官的指示或經其同意而提出的;或 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      2. (c) 公訴書是依據一項根據《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第41條作出的命令而提出的。
  1. 凡被控告可公訴罪行的人已被交付審訊,針對他的公訴書,可包括任何罪名以代替或增補他所被控告的罪行(他是因該罪行被交付審訊的)的罪名,而該等代替或增補的罪名所根據的事實或證據,是已在任何書面供詞、根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第80B條送達被控人的任何文件或任何根據該條例第81A條接納為證據的書面陳述內披露的,並且該等罪名是可合法地合併於同一公訴書內的。 (由1972年第34號第5條修訂;由1990年第6號第3條修訂)

(由1971年第5號第4條增補) [比照1933 c. 36 s. 2(2) U.K.]

條: 24B 公訴書的合併審訊 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

凡有2份或多於2份公訴書,而每份所包含的任何一項罪名,除與犯罪有關的人的姓名或名稱外,所指稱的其他詳情均相同,法庭可應律政司司長的申請,命令將該等公訴書一併審訊。 (由1971年第61號第2條增補。由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

條: 25 保留條文及釋義 30/06/1997
  1. 第18及23條或根據第9條訂立的規則,不得影響關於可審訊被控人的法院或地方的司法管轄權的法律或常規,亦不在任何方面損害或減少按照法律須藉證據證明任何作為、不作為或意圖的義務,而該等作為、不作為或意圖在法律上為構成被控人所被控告罪行所需者,亦不在其他方面影響刑事案件中的證據法。 (由1976年第35號第8條修訂)
  2. (2) 在第23條及本條中,“法院”、“法庭”(the court) 指任何法院或法庭而可公訴罪行是在其席前審訊或檢控的。

(將1919年第17號第7條編入。由1948年第20號第4條修訂) [比照1915 c. 90 s. 8 U.K.]

條: 26 公訴書的存檔 30/06/1997

公訴書的存檔和送達 每份公訴書經如前述般簽署後,須送往司法常務官辦公室,並由司法常務官在法院存檔。

條: 27 審訊通知的註明 30/06/1997
  1. 司法常務官須在每份公訴書及每份為送達而交付的公訴書文本上註明或附上審訊通知,而該通知須指明被控人須到法庭席前就公訴書作出答辯的日期。 (由1971年第63號第4條修訂)
  2. 通知可採用附表1表格4的格式,或在情況許可下盡量近似的格式。 (由1911年第50號第4條修訂;由1912年第8號第52條修訂;由1994年第58號第4條修訂)
條: 28 交付公訴書文本以作送達和通知 30/06/1997



條: 29 送達 30/06/1997
  1. 執達主任收到上述公訴書文本後,須盡快將有關文本及通知交付監獄看守員以知會懲教署署長,亦須盡快將有關文本及通知交付被控人本人以對被控人作送達。 (由1930年第17號第6條代替)
  2. 如不能尋獲被控人,執達主任須將上述文本及通知在被控人的住宅交予被控人住戶的一名成員代收,或在被控人的營業地點交予一名文員代收;如上述的人均不能尋獲,則須將上述文本及通知張貼在被控人的住宅外門或大門上。 (由1995年第13號第2條修訂)
  3. (3) 執達主任在送達時,須向被控人或代收文本及通知的人(如有的話)解釋該文本及通知的性質及迫切性。
條: 30 送達的回報 30/06/1997



條: 31 曾就同一罪行被定罪或曾就同一罪行獲裁定無罪的答辯 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997





(2) 在本條中,“法院”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1972年第34號第6條代替) [比照 1851 c. 100 s. 28 U.K.]

條: 32 由一方或證人查驗財產 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997





(2) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1972年第34號第7條增補) (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

條: 33 規定陪審團出庭的規令或命令 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



法庭或法官可作出所需的規令或命令,以促致陪審團按法庭或法官認為適合的時間、地點及方式為任何於法院待決案件的審訊而出庭。 (由1995年第13號第19條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

條: 34 傳召證人出席原訟法庭或區域法院的傳票 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997




  1. 為進行法庭席前的任何刑事法律程序,法庭可發出傳票規定傳票所致予的人須到法庭席前和提供證據或交出傳票內指明的任何文件或物件。
  2. 如已獲發證人傳票的人向發出傳票的法庭申請,並令法庭信納他不能提供任何具關鍵性的證據或交出任何相當可能屬關鍵性證據的文件或物件(視屬何情況而定),則法庭可作出傳票無效的指示。
  3. 凡法庭應任何該等申請而發出證人傳票無效的指示,可命令要求發出傳票的人支付該申請的全部或部分訟費。
    1. 任何根據該命令須予支付的訟費,須由法院的適當人員評定,而該等訟費可予強制執行支付,方式與強制執行法庭在民事案件中作出的支付訟費命令的方式相同。
      1. (5) 證人傳票在規定證人出庭的法律程序完結前繼續有效。
      2. (6) 在本條中,“法院”、“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1981年第59號第3條代替) [比照 1965 c. 69 s. 2 U.K.]

條: 35 將原訟法庭聆訊的日期通知證人 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



將原訟法庭聆訊的日期通知證人(由1998年第25號第2條修訂) 凡某人是證人令的標的,而規定他須出庭的審訊日期已編定,司法常務官須安排向他送達述明根據證人令規定該人須出庭的日期、時間及地點的書面通知。 (由1981年第59號第3條代替)

條: 36 對不服從證人令或證人傳票的懲罰 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



(1) 任何人─

(a) 沒有確當的辯解而不服從規定他須到某法庭席前的證人令或證人傳票;或

的), 即屬就藐視該法庭有罪,該罪可由該法庭循簡易程序予以懲處,如同是在法庭席前犯的藐視罪一樣。

  1. (2) 任何人不得因上述的不服從或拒絕而被判處為期超逾2年的監禁。
  2. (3) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1981年第59號第3條代替) [比照 1965 c. 69 s. 3 U.K.]



    1. 如法庭藉經宣誓而提供的證據信納正在生效的證人令或證人傳票所關乎的證人相當可能不遵從命令或傳票,法庭可發出逮捕該證人和將他帶到法庭席前的手令:
    2. 但如證人是受附有條件的證人令約束的,則除非已發出規定他須出席審訊的通知,否則不得根據本款發出手令;而如證人是受證人傳票約束的,則除非法官藉如前述般的證據信納證人在法律程序中相當可能有能力提供具關鍵性的證據或交出任何相當可能屬具關鍵性證據的文件或物件,否則亦不得根據本款發出手令。
  1. 凡憑藉證人令或證人傳票被規定到法庭席前的證人沒有遵從證人令或證人傳票出庭,法庭可─

(a) 在任何情況下安排向他送達規定他須隨即出庭或按通知所指明時間出庭的通知;



(4) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1981年第59號第3條代替) [比照 1965 c. 69 s. 4 U.K.]



    1. 根據第37條就任何證人發出手令的法庭,如認為就保釋在手令上作註明是適當的,則可在手令上就保釋作註明,而在任何該等情況下─
      1. (a)根據手令逮捕該證人後,除非能隨即將其帶到手令所指明的法庭席前,否則須帶往警署;及
      2. (b)如該證人以及註明所規定並經警署主管人員批准的任何擔保人,按照註明所指定的款額作出擔保,作為該證人須於手令所指明的法庭席前出現的條件,則警署主管人員須將該證人從扣押中釋放。
  1. 根據第37條就任何證人發出手令的法庭,如認為該證人的證據屬不需要,但對根據第36條將他處置應給予考慮,則可在手令上註明手令是為施行第36條而發出的。
  2. 凡證人依據一項根據第37條或本條作出的擔保而出現法庭席前,法庭可將他的擔保或擔保人的擔保(如有的話),增延至法庭為收取他的證據或根據第36條將他處置而指定的任何較後時間。
  3. 在不損害強制執行任何如前述般作出的擔保的原則下,第37條適用於任何沒有遵從該擔保而出庭的證人,一如其適用於沒有服從證人傳票而出庭的證人。

(5) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1981年第59號第3條代替) [比照 1965 c. 69 s. 5(2), (3), (4) & (5) U.K.]

條: 38A 在某些法律程序中傳召證人出庭令的廢除 30/06/1997


(由1981年第59號第3條增補) [比照 1965 c. 69 s. 8 U.K.]


* 生效日期:1982年1月1日。

# “《1981年刑事訴訟程序(雜項條文)條例》”乃“Criminal Procedure (MiscellaneousProvisions) Ordinance 1981”之譯名。

條: 39 (1971年第63號第11條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 40 (1971年第63號第11條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 41 審訊的一般方式 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997






(1) 每一名須在法庭席前受審的人,均須循公訴程序受審。

  1. 除第42條另有規定外,審訊須由一位法官會同陪審團於其席前進行。 (由1911年第50號第4條修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂;由1924年第5號第8條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  2. 儘管第(2)款已有規定,在不損害第59條的原則下,凡在審訊中出現關於任何證據的可接納性的爭論點,該爭論點仍可在選任陪審團之前予以裁定。 (由1984年第63號第2條增補)
條: 42 會審 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



221 -刑事訴訟程序條例

法官應律政司司長的動議,須命令任何公訴書的審訊須作會審,即由2位法官會同陪審團於其席前審訊,而該審訊須據此進行。 (由1911年第50號修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

條: 43 (1971年第5號第12條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 44 (1971年第63號第11條廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 45 被控人不出現時的法律程序 30/06/1997

(1)凡就執達主任作出的回報所見,公訴書的文本及審訊通知已妥為送達,而在所指定審訊當天,被控人在經過三次傳召後仍沒有出現,如被控人已獲准保釋,則可代表控方動議就被控人的擔保人(如有的話)所作擔保而傳召被控人的擔保人,如後者不出現,則該擔保可予以沒收。 (由1994年第56號第5條修訂)

(2) 在有任何該等申請提出時,法庭須作出其認為公正的命令。

條: 46 拘捕不出現的被控人 30/06/1997

凡有針對某人的公訴書已妥為提出,而該人正不在羈留中,如該人不出現對該公訴書作出答辯,則不論他是否一名獲准保釋的人,法庭仍可發出拘捕他的手令。 (由1994年第56號第6條修訂)

條: 47 剝奪法律保護的廢除 30/06/1997



條: 48 (1967年第46號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 49 被控人的公訴提控 30/06/1997


  1. 被控人須置於犯人欄內,不得扣上銬鐐和不得穿上囚衣,但如法庭認為有因由另作指示,則屬例外。
  2. 司法常務官然後須向被控人宣讀公訴書,並在有需要時須由司法常務官或法庭的傳譯人員向他解釋公訴書;而被控人須即時對公訴書作出答辯,但如他以公訴書及審訊通知未有妥為送達而提出反對,而法庭裁斷公訴書及審訊通知沒有妥為送達被控人,則屬例外。
    1. 凡被控人是法團,可由法團的代表以書函作出答辯,而如法團沒有代表出庭,或雖有代表出庭,卻沒有如前述般作出任何答辯,則法庭須命令登錄不認罪的答辯,而審訊即須猶如法團已正
    2. 式作出不認罪的答辯一樣進行。 (由1962年第11號第2條增補)
  3. 在本條及《裁判官條例》(第227章)第87條中,就任何法團而言,“代表”(representative)一詞指獲該法團正式委任代表該法團進行任何作為或事情的人,而該作為或事情是本條或《裁判官條例》(第227章)第87條授權該法團的代表進行的,但獲如此委任的人不得僅憑藉獲如此委任而即具資格代表該法團就任何其他目的在任何法庭席前行事。就本條及《裁判官條例》(第227章)第87條而言,委任代表無需使用法團印章;如有一份書面陳述看來是由該法團的董事總經理或有權管理該法團事務的任何人或任何其中一人(不論其職稱為何)所簽署,意謂就本條或《裁判官條例》(第227章)第87條而言,該陳述書所指名的人已獲委任為該法團的代表,則該陳述書無須再加證明即可接納為該人已獲如此委任的表面證據。 (由1962年第11號第2條增補)




(1) 如任何人就某公訴書而被公訴提控─

(a) 在任何情況下,除可作出任何特別的答辯外,他有權作出不認罪的答辯;
(c)如他出於惡意而保持緘默,或不直接回答公訴書,法庭可命令代他登錄不認罪的答辯,而他即被視作已作出不認罪的答辯。 (由1993年第24號第8條修訂)
  1. 如在審訊任何並非叛逆罪的罪行而提出的告發、指控或公訴書時,經證明被控人於該罪行無罪,但告發、指控或公訴書中的指稱(不論明示或隱含地)構成或包括屬主審法院司法管轄權範圍內的另一罪行的指稱,則可裁斷被控人就該另一罪行有罪,或可裁斷被控人就假若有明確控告該另一罪行的告發、指控或公訴書時他可被裁斷有罪的罪行有罪。
  2. 就第(2)款而言,一項罪行的指稱,須視為包括企圖犯該罪行的指稱;凡任何人被控告企圖犯某罪行或被控告犯任何在犯某罪行之前所作的襲擊或其他行為,而不是被控告既遂罪行,則即使顯示他就既遂罪行有罪,仍可就他所被控告的罪行將他定罪。
    1. 凡就某公訴書被公訴提控的人對該公訴書所控告的罪行作出不認罪的答辯,但對可就該控罪而裁斷他有罪的另一罪行作出認罪的答辯,而該人是基於該認罪的答辯而在沒有對他作出不認罪的答辯的罪行進行審訊的情況下被定罪的,則不論該2項罪行是否以不同罪名來分別控告,該人就一項罪行被定罪,即為就另一項罪行獲裁定無罪。
      1. (5) 任何藉刑事告發就罪行提出法律程序的權力現予廢除。
      2. (6) 第(1)及(2)款適用於包含多於一項罪名的公訴書,猶如每一項罪名均為一獨立公訴書一樣。
  3. (7) 在第(2)款中,“主審法院”(court of trial) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1972年第34號第8條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1971年第5號第5條代替) [比照 1967 c. 58 s. 6 U.K.]

條: 51A 由法官命令登錄無罪裁決 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997




(由1971年第5號第5條增補。) [比照1967 c. 80 s. 17 U.K.]

條: 52 (1991年第50號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 53 就公訴書的實質事項提出反對 30/06/1997
  1. 不得藉抗訴就公訴書提出反對,但如公訴書在實質上並無述明任何可公訴的罪行,或述明任何並非可由法院審訊的罪行,則被控人可動議法庭撤銷公訴書或阻止判決。 (由1911年第50號第4條修訂)
  2. (2) 如該動議在被控人答辯之前提出,法庭須撤銷公訴書或將之修訂。 (由1911年第50號修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂)
  3. 如在審訊時法庭覺得公訴書欠妥,而法庭認為並不適合將之修訂,法庭可撤銷公訴書或讓反對提出以阻止判決。 (由1911年第50號修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂)
  4. 如公訴書被撤銷,法庭可指示將被控人羈留扣押某段期間或直至某時間為止,期間或時間按法庭所命令者而定,或可指示准予被控人保釋外出,並可命令被控人在同一時間或在該段期間內(視屬何情況而定)當被傳召時就另一公訴書作出答辯。(由1911年第50號修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂;由1990年第6號第4條修訂)
條: 54 刑事案件中被控告的人的作證資格 L.N. 178 of 2008 01/01/2009


(1) 每一名被控告(不論是單獨被控告或是與任何其他人一同被控告)某罪行的人,均有資格在法

律程序的每一階段作辯方的證人︰ (由2003年第23號第3條修訂) 但須符合下列情況─

(a) 除非被如此控告的人自己申請,否則不得依據本條傳召他為證人;
(b) 控方不得就被控告某罪行的人沒有提供證據一事作出任何評論; (由2003年第23號第3條修訂)
(c)-(d) (由2003年第23號第3條廢除)
(i) 證明他已犯該另一罪行或已就該另一罪行被定罪是可接納的證據,以顯示他就當
(ii) 他已親自或透過他的訟辯人向控方證人提問,目的是證明他自已品格良好,或已就他的良好品格提供證據,或抗辯的性質或進行抗辯時涉及貶損檢控人或控方證人的品格;或 (由2008年第178號法律公告修訂)
(iii) 他已在同一法律程序中針對被控告的任何其他人而提供證據; (由1981年第50號第2條修訂)
(g)被控告並依據本條傳召為證人的人,除非法庭另有命令,否則須在證人席內或其他證人提供證據的其他地方提供證據。 (將1906年第14號第2條編入。由1948年第20號第4條修訂;由2003年第23號第3條修訂)

(2) 即使有任何法律規則,被控告的人未經宣誓而作陳述的權利於此廢除。 (由1972年第34號第

9條增補) [比照 1898 c. 36 s. 1 U.K.]

條: 55 被控告的人的證據 30/06/1997

凡辯方所傳召的證明案件事實的唯一證人是被控告的人時,他須在緊接控方提供證據完畢後被傳召為證人。 (將1906年第14號第3條編入) [比照1898 c. 36 s. 2 U.K.]

條: 56 答覆的權利 L.N. 362 of 1997; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997



    1. (1) 被控告的人被傳召為證人此一事實,本身並不賦予控方作出答覆的權利。 (將1906年第14號第4條編入。由1972年第34號第10條修訂)
    2. (2) 在審訊被控告某罪行的人時─
      1. (a)控方不得僅以律政司司長或法律政策專員在審訊中代表特區出庭為理由而有作出答覆的權利;及 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
      2. (b)即使有任何法律規則,控方有權行使該權利的時間,是辯方提供證據完畢之後及被控
    1. 被控人的丈夫或妻子有資格為被控人或同案被控人提供證據,而除第(5)款另有規定外,亦有資格為控方提供證據。
      1. (2) 除第(5)款另有規定外,被控人的丈夫或妻子可予強迫為被控人提供證據。
        1. (3) 除第(5)款另有規定外—
          1. (a)僅就被控人或同案被控人被控告的指明罪行而言,被控人的丈夫或妻子可予強迫為控方提供證據;或
          2. (b)僅就同案被控人被控告的指明罪行而言,被控人的丈夫或妻子可予強迫為同案被控人
告的人自己或由人代表作出結案陳詞 (如有的話 )之前。 (由 1972年第 34號第 10條增補)
[比照1964 c. 34 s. 1(1) U. K.]
[比照1898 c. 36 s. 3 U.K. ]
條: 57 被控人的配偶或前配偶的作證資格及可否予以強迫作證 23 of 2003 04/07/2003


(4) 任何罪行如符合以下說明,即就第(3)款而言屬指明罪行—

(a) 涉及襲擊、傷害或恐嚇傷害被控人的丈夫或妻子;
(b) 涉及襲擊、傷害或恐嚇傷害家庭子女或導致家庭子女死亡,而該名子女—
(i) 在關鍵時間不足16歲或屬精神上無行為能力的人;或
(ii) 在有關證據被提供的時間屬精神上無行為能力的人;
(c) 屬指稱就家庭子女而犯的性罪行,而該名子女—
(i) 在關鍵時間不足16歲或屬精神上無行為能力的人;或
(ii) 在有關證據被提供的時間屬精神上無行為能力的人;或
(d) 由企圖、串謀、協助、教唆、慫使、促致或煽惑犯(a)、(b)或(c)段所指的罪行所構成。
  1. 除第(6)款另有規定外,凡被控人與其丈夫或妻子一同受審,則任何一方配偶均沒有資格根據第(1)款為控方提供證據,亦不得根據第(2)或(3)款而屬可予強迫提供證據。
  2. 如任何一方配偶已不再可在有關審訊中被裁定犯任何罪行(不論是因認罪或因任何其他原因),則第(5)款不適用於該配偶。
  3. 凡被控人的丈夫或妻子在根據第(2)或(3)款(視屬何情況而定)屬可予強迫為控方或被控人或同案被控人提供證據的情況下如此提供證據,則《證據條例》(第8章)第7條(丈夫及妻子的特權)及該條例第8(2)條(交合的證據)不適用於該名丈夫或妻子。
  4. 凡被控人的丈夫或妻子在根據第(3)款屬可予強迫為控方或同案被控人供證據的情況下如此提供證據,則《證據條例》(第8章)第65A條(刑事法律程序中免導致自己或配偶入罪的特權)不適用於該名丈夫或妻子。
  5. 除第(10)款另有規定外,被控人的前夫或前妻有資格並可予強迫提供證據,猶如他或她從未與被控人結婚一樣。
  6. 被控人的前夫或前妻不可予以強迫就於其與被控人的婚姻期間發生的事宜為控方或同案被控人提供證據,但如該名前夫或前妻假若仍然與被控人有婚姻關係即會根據第(3)款屬可予強迫如此提供證據的話,則屬例外。
  7. 控方不得就被控人的丈夫或妻子沒有被傳召為被控人或同案被控人提供證據一事,提出任何問題或作出任何評論。
    1. 在本條中— “同案被控人”(co-accused) 就被控人而言,指與被控人一同受審的人; “性罪行”(sexual offence) 指《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第VI或XII部所訂的罪行; “家庭子女”(child of the family) 指—
    2. (a) 被控人的親生或領養子女,或被控人的丈夫或妻子的親生或領養子女;或
  8. (b) 由被控人或被控人的丈夫或妻子代替其父母的地位的人; “被控人”(accused) 指被控以某罪行的人; “精神上無行為能力的人”(mentally incapacitated person) 指《精神健康條例》(第136章)第2(1)條所指



或曾經是該名家庭子女當時的年齡。 (由2003年第23號第4條代替)


(2) 凡被控人的丈夫或妻子根據第(1)款向法庭申請豁免,而法庭—

(a) 信納如該名丈夫或妻子為控方或同案被控人(視屬何情況而定)提供證據,即有相當程度的—
(i) 對該名丈夫或妻子與被控人的關係造成嚴重損害的風險;或
(ii) 對該名丈夫或妻子造成嚴重的情緒、心理或經濟方面的後果的風險;及

中的重要性之後,信納並沒有足夠理由讓該名丈夫或妻子承受該風險, 則法庭可豁免該名丈夫或妻子,使他或她無須負上提供證據的完全或部分責任。

  1. 凡法庭是由法官及陪審團組成的,根據第(1)款提出的豁免申請須在陪審團不在場的情況下由法官聆訊和裁定。
  2. 控方不得就被控人的丈夫或妻子曾根據本條申請豁免、獲得豁免或遭拒絕批予豁免的事實,提出任何問題或作出任何評論。
  3. 凡被控人的丈夫或妻子在根據第57(3)條屬可予強迫提供證據的情況下,被傳召為控方或同案被控人提供證據,則法庭必須信納該名丈夫或妻子已知悉其根據第(1)款申請豁免的權利。

(6) 在本條中,“被控人”(accused) 及“同案被控人”(co-accused)兩詞語的涵義與第57條中該

等詞語的涵義相同。 (由2003年第23號第4條增補)

條: 58 適用範圍 23 of 2003 04/07/2003

詳列交互參照: 54,55,56,57,57A

儘管在制定第54至57A條時有任何其他有效的條文,第54至57A條仍適用於所有刑事法律程序,而在第54至57A條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 〈* 註─詳列交互參照:第54,55,56,57,57A條 *〉



[比照 1898 c. 36 s. 6 U.K.]

條: 59 被控人的陳述 39 of 1999 01/07/1997





條: 60 廢除關於指稱從犯的佐證規則 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



221 -刑事訴訟程序條例

(1)如根據任何規定,在法官會同陪審團主持的審訊中以及在法官會同陪審團席前進行的審訊中,法官純因某人是被控人的指稱從犯而必須就根據該人的無佐證證據將被控人定罪一事向陪審團給予警告,則該規定現予廢止。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)


止。 (由1994年第83號第2條增補)

註: 本條的適用是受《1994年刑事訴訟(修訂)(第3號)條例》#(1994年第83號)第1(2)條影響。 # “《1994年刑事訴訟(修訂)(第3號)條例》”乃“Criminal Procedure (Amendment) (No.

3) Ordinance 1994”之譯名。

條: 61 (1971年第5號第12條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 62 (1971年第5號第12條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 63 以往定罪的證明 39 of 1999 01/07/1997




    1. 在任何刑事法律程序中,針對任何人的以往定罪,除任何其他證明該定罪的方式外,亦可藉本條訂明的方式予以證明。
    2. (2) 以下文件須向法庭或裁判官交出─
        1. (a)經警務處處長就此授權的一名警務人員簽署的採用附表1表格6格式的證明書,核證摘錄自他所備存的刑事紀錄的任何以往定罪的詳情,並核證附於證明書作為證物的指紋副本是見於該等紀錄上的指紋副本;
        2. (b)(如行使《警隊條例》(第232章)第59條所賦予的權力或藉法庭或裁判官根據本條作出的命令而套取在法庭或裁判官席前的人的指紋)套取指紋時在場的警務人員所簽署的採用附表1表格7格式的證明書,核證附於證明書作為證物的指紋是該名在法庭或裁判官席前的人的;
      1. (c)經警務處處長就此授權的一名警務人員簽署的採用附表1表格8格式的證明書,核證附於表格6作為證物的指紋副本及附於表格7作為證物的指紋副本是同一人的。 (由1994年第58號第4條修訂)
  1. 任何根據本條發出並看來是由一名警務人員簽署的證明書,須當作由該警務人員所簽署,並為其內述明的事實的證據,直至相反證明成立為止。
  2. 凡並無一份採用表格7格式的證明書,法庭或裁判官可命令套取在法庭席前的人的指紋,並可命令製備該份證明書。
  3. 凡意欲證明在英聯邦的任何地方的定罪,一份採用表格6格式的證明書,如看來是由證明書內述明為控制有關刑事紀錄的人簽署的,則法庭或裁判官可予接納,而該證明書即為其內述明的事

實的證據。 (由1999年第39號第3條修訂)


條: 64 對曾就同一罪行被定罪或曾就同一罪行獲裁定無罪的答辯作審訊時的證明 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997





條: 65 (1971年第5號第12條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 65A 犯罪意圖的證明 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



(1) 法庭或陪審團在裁定某人有否犯某罪行時─

(2)在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1976年第35號第9條修訂;由1998
[比照 1967 c. 80 s. 8 U.K.]
條: 65B 藉書面陳述提出證明 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997




(2) 陳述書如符合下述條件,可根據第(1)款提出作為證據─

(a) 陳述書看來是由作出陳述書的人簽署;
(b) 陳述書載有由該人作出的聲明,表明盡其所知所信,陳述書內容是真實的;


    1. (3) 根據第(1)款提出作為證據的陳述書,如─
      1. (a) 由21歲以下的人作出,則須述明該人的年齡;
      2. (b)由不能閱讀陳述書的人作出,則須在他簽署前向他讀出,並須附有由如此讀出陳述書的人所作的聲明,表明陳述書已如此讀出;
      3. (c) 用並非法定語文的語文寫成,則須附有法定語文譯本(法庭另有指示者除外),而除非檢控人及被告人(如被告人多於一名,則為所有被告人)或其代表另外同意,否則譯本須經法庭翻譯人員核證; (由1988年第20號第2條修訂;由1995年第51號第13條修訂)
      4. (d)提述任何其他文件作為證物,根據第(2)(c)款送達法律程序的任何另一方的文本,須附有該文件的文本,或附有使獲送達的一方能查驗該文件或其文本的所需資料。
    1. (4) 即使任何人所作出的書面陳述憑藉本條可接納為證據─
      1. (a) 送達或由他人代為送達陳述書文本的一方,仍可傳召作出陳述書的人以提供證據;及
      2. (b)法庭可在聆訊進行之前或進行期間主動或應法律程序的任何一方的申請,要求作出陳述書的人到法庭席前和提供證據。
  1. 除非法庭另有指示,否則陳述書憑藉本條接納為證據的部分,須在聆訊時朗讀,而凡法庭有所指示,陳述書中未經朗讀的部分,須以口述方式作出交代。
    1. 任何文件或物件,如在根據本條接納為證據的書面陳述中被提述為證物並予以識別,須視作猶如已被作出陳述書的人在法庭交出作為證物並予以識別一樣。
    2. (7) 本條規定送達任何人的文件,可藉以下方式送達─
      1. (a) 交付該人或其律師;或
      2. (b)如屬法人團體,則交付法人團體的註冊辦事處或總辦事處的秘書或文員,或以掛號郵遞寄交,並以法人團體該辦事處的秘書或文員為收件人。
  2. (8) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1972年第34號第11條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1971年第5號第6條增補) [比照 1967 c. 80 s. 9 U.K.]



    1. 在符合本條的規定下,任何可在刑事法律程序中提出口頭證據證明的事實,可由檢控人或被告人或其代表就該等法律程序而言作出承認,而任何一方根據本條對任何該等事實的承認,就針對該一方而言,在該等法律程序中須為已獲承認事實的不可推翻的證據。
    2. (2) 根據本條作出的承認─
      1. (a) 可在該等法律程序進行之前或進行期間作出;
      2. (b) 如非在法庭上作出,須以書面作出;
      3. (c)如由個人以書面作出,須宣稱由作出的人簽署,如由法人團體作出,則須宣稱由法人團體的董事或經理、秘書或文員、或另一名相類的高級人員所簽署;
      4. (d) 如是代表屬個人的被告人作出,須由其大律師或律師作出;
      5. (e)如是由屬個人的被告人在審訊前的任何階段作出,必須在有關法律程序進行之前或進行期間經其大律師或律師同意(不論是在承認作出時或在其後)。
      6. (f) 可用其中一種法定語文作出。 (由1995年第51號第14條增補)
  1. 根據本條為關於任何事宜的法律程序作出的承認,須視作為關於該事宜的任何繼後的刑事法律程序(包括任何上訴或重審)作出的承認。
  2. 根據本條為某法律程序作出的任何承認,如經法庭許可,在該法律程序中或關於同一事宜的任何繼後的刑事法律程序中,可予以撤回。
    1. (5) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1972年第34號第12條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    2. (由1971年第5號第6條增補) [比照 1967 c. 80 s. 10 U.K.]
  3. 在循公訴程序進行的審訊中,被告人除非是在訂明期間完結前提交不在犯罪現場詳情的通知,否則未經法庭許可,不得援引證明不在犯罪現場的證據。
    1. 在不損害第(1)款的原則下,在任何該等審訊中,被告人未經法庭許可,不得傳召任何其他人提供證明不在犯罪現場的證據,但如屬下述情況,則不在此限─
      1. (a)根據第(1)款提交的通知包括證人的姓名及地址,或如被告人提交通知時並不知悉證人的姓名及地址,則包括他所管有的對找尋該證人可能有關鍵性幫助的資料;
      2. (b)如該通知並無包括該姓名或地址,但法庭信納被告人在提交該通知之前,並在提交該通知後繼續採取一切合理步驟使該姓名或地址得以確定;
      3. (c)如該通知並無包括該姓名或地址,但被告人其後發現該姓名或地址或獲得其他對找尋該證人可能有關鍵性幫助的資料,他立即就該姓名、地址或資料(視屬何情況而定)提交通知;
      4. (d)如檢控人或他人代檢控人通知被告人謂未能根據所提交的姓名或地址找到該證人,而被告人立即就他當時所管有的任何該等資料提交通知,或在其後獲得任何該等資料時,立即提交有關的通知。
  4. (3) 如法庭覺得被告人未曾按照《裁判官條例》(第227章)第85A條或《區域法院條例》(第336章)第77B條或《複雜商業罪行條例》(第394章)第4條的條文(視屬何情況而定)知悉本條的規定,則法庭不得拒絕給予本條所指的許可。 (由1988年第57號第30條修訂;由1992年第59號第7條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  5. 任何提出以反駁不在犯罪現場的證據,可在證明不在犯罪現場的證據提供之前或之後提供,但如法庭就提供該證據的時間另有指示,則屬例外。
  6. 任何看來是由被告人的律師代被告人根據本條提交的通知,除非相反證明成立,否則須當作經被告人授權提交。
  7. 根據第(1)款提交的通知,須在交付審判程序期間或完結後,或根據《複雜商業罪行條例》(第394章)第4條作出移交令時,或法律程序根據《區域法院條例》(第336章)第77A(6)條移交法院時(視屬何情況而定),在法庭上提交,或以書面方式向檢控人提交,而根據第(2)(c)或(d)款提交的通知則須以書面方式向檢控人提交。 (由1988年第57號第30條修訂;由1992年第59號第7條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  8. 根據本條規定向檢控人提交的通知,可藉交付律政司司長或留在律政司司長辦公室而提交,或以掛號郵遞寄往律政司司長辦公室並以律政司司長為收件人而提交。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

(8) 在本條中─

“訂明期間”(the prescribed period)指屆滿時間是在審訊展開前不少於10天之時的期間,或就根據《複雜商業罪行條例》(第394章)第4條移交法院的法律程序而言,指由法官在審訊時訂明的期間; (由1988年第57號第30條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

“證明不在犯罪現場的證據”(evidence in support of an alibi) 指傾向於顯示被告人因於某時間在某地點或某地方出現而於指稱的犯罪時間並不在或相當不可能在指稱的犯罪現場的證據。

(9)在計算訂明期間時,不得將任何根據《公眾假期條例》(第149章)規定為公眾假期的日子計算在內。 (由1998年第35號第5條修訂)

(由1971年第5號第6條增補) [比照 1967 c. 80 s. 11 U.K.]






  1. 任何一方可藉書面通知放棄獲提供第(1)款所述及的任何事物的權利,尤其可同意以口述方式而非書面方式向他提供第(1)(a)款所述及的陳述。
  2. 如任何一方有合理理由相信,為遵從第(1)款施加的規定而披露任何證據可能導致該一方擬在法律程序中倚靠的證據的提供人受恐嚇或導致有人企圖對該人恐嚇,或可能導致司法公正受妨礙,則就該證據而言,他無須遵從該等規定。
  3. 凡任何一方按照第(3)款的規定認為對任何另一方無須就任何證據遵從第(1)款施加的規定,他須以書面通知該一方,表明該證據不予披露並列明理由。
  4. 謀求在任何法律程序中援引專家證據但沒有遵從第(1)款規定的一方,未經法庭許可,不得在該等法律程序中援引此等證據。
  5. 在任何法律程序中,如某人在本條開始生效的日期之前已被交付審訊或被命令重審,或任何控罪、法律程序、訴訟或事宜在本條開始生效的日期之前已被移交,則本條對該等法律程序不具效力。

[比照S.I. 1987/716 U.K.]

(7) 在第(1)款中,“文件”(document) 除書面文件外,亦包括─

(a) 任何地圖、圖則、圖表或繪圖;
(b) 任何照片;

而所載有的視覺圖像能在有或無其他設備的協助下重現。 [比照 1968 c. 64 s. 10(1) U.K.]

(8) 在本條中“法院”、“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂) (由1995年第68號第8條增補)

凡在任何刑事法律程序中,有需要證明性交、肛交或獸交,無須以射出精子證明交合完成,而單憑證明插入,即當作完成交合。 (由1978年第1號第8條增補。由1991年第90號第27條修訂)




  1. 凡有公訴書針對某被控人提出,在該被控人被公訴提控前,律政司司長可向法院申請一項將針對該被控人的法律程序移交裁判官席前循簡易程序處理或移交區域法院的命令。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  2. 根據第(1)款提出的申請,須藉動議向法官提出,而動議的通知須附有列明申請理由的誓章作支持。
  3. 動議通知及誓章的文本,須在通知指明是聆訊動議的日期前21天或之前送達被控人,但如法官另有指示,則屬例外。
  4. 在接獲根據第(1)款提出的申請後,法官如顧及司法公正的原則而認為適合,可作出批准申請的命令(在本條及第65G條提述為“移交令”)或拒絕申請,而在批准或拒絕申請的情況下,均可就訟費作出其認為適當的命令。
    1. 凡作出移交令,法官須指定日期,被控人須於該日期出現或被帶到裁判官或區域法院席前(以適用者為準)。
      1. (6) 根據第(5)款指定的日期,不得早於自移交令日期計算的21天。
      2. (7) (a) 法官在作出移交區域法院的移交令時,須向被控人說─


或說意思相同的話,而法官如覺得被控人或許不明白“不在犯罪現場”一詞的涵意,他須將該詞涵義向他解釋。 (由1995年第13號第49條修訂)

(b)如作出移交區域法院的命令時,被控人不在法庭內,該法庭的書記須以掛號郵遞向被控人遞送關於(a)段所規定的警告的中英文書面通知。 (由1995年第13號第49條增補)

    1. 凡法官已作出第(7)(a)款所規定的警告或法庭的書記已根據第(7)(b)款向被控人遞送書面通知,法庭的書記須向被控人發出關於《區域法院條例》(第336章)第75A條的條文的書面通知。 (由1995年第13號第49條修訂)
    2. (8A) 第(7)及(8)款所規定的書面通知,須在編定的審訊日期前28天或之前送交被控人。 (由1995年第13號第49條增補)
    1. 凡有申請根據第(1)款提出,在法庭席前的整項法律程序須予擱置,直至申請已獲處置為止,但如法官就任何事宜另作命令,則屬例外。
      1. 在作出移交令時,法官可將被控人還押羈留或予以保釋,視乎法官認為適當而定。
      2. 除非法官就任何事宜另作命令,否則移交令具有終止法庭席前的法律程序的效力。
      3. 不得就移交令提出上訴。
      4. 本條不適用於依據《區域法院條例》(第336章)第77A條移交法院的法律程序。
      5. 凡若無本款法院本無司法管轄權對根據第(1)款提出的申請作聆訊和裁定,則本款賦予有關

的司法管轄權。 (由1992年第59號第8條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

條: 65G 移交令的交付 L.N. 247 of 2000 01/09/2000


(a) (如法律程序是移交裁判官處置)交付被控人須出現的裁判法院的書記長;
(b) (如法律程序是移交區域法院)交付區域法院的司法常務官。 (由1998年第25號第2條修

訂;由2000年第28號第47條修訂) (由1992年第59號第8條增補)

條: 65H 在多名被告人或多項控罪的情況下可提出申請 30/06/1997
  1. 要求根據第65F(4)條作出命令的申請,可在任何法律程序中就一名或多於一名被控人提出,或就公訴書內一項或多於一項的罪名提出。
  2. 在第10A、14(1)(aa)、16(1)、24A(1)、65F(第65F條的第(9)款除外)及65G條中對法律程序的任何提述,須解釋為對就第(1)款所提述命令所關乎的被控人而進行的法律程序的提述,或(在適當情況下)對就第(1)款所提述命令所關乎的罪名而進行的法律程序的提述。


條: 66 (1992年第59號第9條廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 66A (1996年第49號第3條廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 67 (1990年第6號第5條廢除 ) 30/06/1997
條: 67A 監禁刑罰的計算 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



    1. 就法庭所施加於某人的任何監禁刑罰的長短而言,如法庭就任何與該刑罰或判處該刑罰的罪行有關的法律程序或就任何產生該等法律程序的法律程序作出任何命令,而該人僅因該命令被交付扣押,則該刑期須視作減去該人在扣押中的期間,但如該人是就施加該監禁刑罰的罪行而受根據下述條文作出的一項先前命令約束─
      1. (a) 《罪犯感化條例》(第298章)第3條;
      2. (b) 《裁判官條例》(第227章)第36條;或
  1. (c) 本條例第109B條, 則在該項先前命令作出之前的任何上述扣押期間,不得就本條而言予以計算。

(1A) 就法庭所施加於某人的任何監禁刑罰的長短而言,如該人在緊接就任何與施加該監禁刑罰的罪行有關的法律程序而首次出現法庭之前,曾就該罪行而被下述部門扣押或根據下述條文被扣押,則該刑期亦須視作減去該段在扣押中的期間─

(a) 警方、香港海關或廉政公署;或 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(b) 根據《入境條例》(第115章)第VII部。 (由1995年第13號第54條增補。由1997年第80號第103條修訂)
  1. 就本條而言,根據第109C條執行緩刑時須將緩刑視作為監禁刑罰,並須視作由執行緩刑所根據的命令施加。
    1. (3) 就縮短監禁刑期而言,除在緊接《1983年刑事訴訟程序(修訂)條例》*(1983年第46號)生效日期之前本應予以計算的扣押期間外,任何扣押期間均不得根據本條為相同目的而予以計算,但如扣押期間是在《1983年刑事訴訟程序(修訂)條例》*(1983年第46號)生效日期之後的,則屬例外。
    2. (3A)就縮短監禁刑期而言,除在緊接《1995年司法(雜項規定)條例》(1995年第13號)對本條所作修訂的生效日期之前本應予以計算的扣押期間外,任何扣押期間均不得根據本條為相同目的而予以計算,但如扣押期間是在該生效日期之後的,則屬例外。 (由1995年第13號第54條增補)
  2. 在本條例或任何其他條例中對任何監禁刑罰的長短的任何提述,除文意另有所指外,須解釋為對法庭所宣告的刑罰的提述,而非對根據本條所縮短刑罰的提述。

(5) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1983年第46號第2條代替) [比照 1967 c. 80 s. 67 U.K.]


* “《1983年刑事訴訟程序(修訂)條例》”乃“Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance 1983”之譯名。

條: 67B 須就被判處終身監禁刑罰的人指明最低刑期 25 of 1998; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997



  1. 法官在就某罪行而判處任何人酌情性終身監禁刑罰時,須指明該人就該罪行而必須服的最低刑期,以作為該刑罰的部分。
    1. 如法官在就某罪行而判處任何人無限期監禁刑罰時,認為為日後覆核該刑罰的目的有與該人或該罪行有關的事宜須予記錄,則法官須以書面向行政長官作出報告,指明該等事宜。 (由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
    2. (由1997年第86號第44條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  2. 律政司司長必須在本條生效*後,在切實可行的範圍內盡快(而無論如何必須在本條生效後的6個月內)就每名訂明囚犯向法院申請由法官根據本條作出裁定。
條: 67C 就某些現有囚犯作出裁定 22 of 2004 16/07/2004


221 -刑事訴訟程序條例


  1. 除第(4)款另有規定外,聆訊根據第(1)或(2)款提出的申請的法官必須裁定有關訂明囚犯必須就有關罪行而服的最低刑期。
    1. 如有關訂明囚犯正在就他於未滿18歲時犯的謀殺罪的定罪而服有關刑罰,則在該囚犯同意本款適用於他的情況下,法官有酌情決定權決定—
      1. (a) 根據第(3)款作出裁定;或
      2. (b)以裁定撤銷有關刑罰替代,並以一項固定刑期的監禁刑罰取代有關刑罰,刑期的長短按法官認為適當而定。
    2. (5) 法官在根據本條作出裁定時—
      1. (a)除(b)段另有規定外,可考慮律政司司長或有關訂明囚犯呈交予他而他認為對該裁定屬相干的任何材料;及
      2. (b) 不得考慮原先建議或原先裁定。
  2. 儘管有第(3)及(5)款的規定,如根據第(3)款(不論是否亦因第(4)(a)款的適用而根據第(3)款)裁定為某訂明囚犯必須就有關罪行而服的最低刑期的刑期,長於根據原先建議指明為該囚犯必須就該罪行而服的最低刑期的刑期,則就所有目的而言,如此裁定的刑期須視作與如此指明的刑期相同。
  3. 如法官在根據第(3)款(不論是否亦因第(4)(a)款的適用而根據第(3)款)作出裁定時,認為有任何關乎有關訂明囚犯或有關罪行的特別考慮因素或情況應在日後對有關刑罰的覆核中予以考慮,則法官必須向行政長官提交書面報告,指明該等考慮因素或情況的細節。



    1. (1) 律政司司長或某訂明囚犯根據第67C(1)或(2)條提出的申請—
      1. (a) 須以書面作出;及
        1. (b) 須—
          1. (i) (如屬根據第67C(1)條提出的申請)由律政司司長或由一名擔任《律政人員條例》(第87章)附表1所述的律政司職位中某一職位的人士簽署;或
          2. (ii) (如屬根據第67C(2)條提出的申請)由該訂明囚犯簽署。
  1. (2) 根據第67C(1)或(2)條提出申請,無須繳付費用。
(3) 律政司司長必須在根據第67C(1)條就某訂明囚犯提出申請後,在切實可行的範圍內盡快將申請書的文本送達該囚犯。
(a) 關乎有關刑罰的法律程序的紀錄(如有的話)的文本;及
(b) 在判處有關刑罰的法庭席前呈交而關於該訂明囚犯的任何報告的文本。
(b) 司法常務官管有的任何文件的文本, 而法官如信納指示司法常務官將該等文本交付律政司司長以及該訂明囚犯,是有需要和切實可行
條: 67D 關乎根據第67C條提出的申請及有關程序事宜的其他條文 22 of 2004 16/07/2004


條: 67E 如訂明囚犯不再服有關刑罰則第67C67D條不再適用 22 of 2004 16/07/2004


(a) 第67C及67D條即不再適用於該訂明囚犯;及



(1) 凡在根據第67C(3)條(不論是否亦因第67C(4)(a)條的適用而根據第67C(3)條)就某訂明囚犯作出任何裁定之前,已根據《長期監禁刑罰覆核條例》(第524章)第15(1)(b)條就該囚犯作出任何命令(不論該命令是否已根據該條例第15(4)條續期)—
(a) 該裁定不影響該命令或不時根據該條例第15(4)條續期的該命令的有效性或效力;及
(2) 凡在根據第67C(4)(b)條就某訂明囚犯作出任何裁定之前,已根據《長期監禁刑罰覆核條例》(第524章)第15(1)(b)條就該囚犯作出任何命令(不論該命令是否已根據該條例第15(4)條續期),則在該裁定作出時—
(a) 在不損害該條例第27條的原則下,該命令即不再具有效力;及
(b) 為要求該訂明囚犯繼續服根據該裁定取代有關刑罰的監禁刑罰的餘下刑期(如有的話)—
(i) 懲教署署長必須將該訂明囚犯召回監獄;及
條: 67F 67C條的裁定對根據《長期監禁刑罰覆核條例》第 15(1)(b)條作出的原先命令的影響 22 of 2004 16/07/2004

款提述的囚犯,並就該條第(1)款提述的囚犯而適用。 (由2004年第22號第2條增補)

條: 67G 釋義 22 of 2004 16/07/2004

(1) 在第67B、67C、67D、67E及67F條及本條中— “行政酌情決定”(Executive discretion)的涵義與《長期監禁刑罰覆核條例》(第524章)中該詞的涵義

相同; “有關刑罰”(relevant sentence) 就訂明囚犯而言—


決定的拘留; “有關條文”(relevant provisions) 指—

(a) 《長期監禁刑罰覆核條例》(第524章)原先制定的第67C條;及

(b) 《1998年刑事訴訟程序(修訂)條例》(1998年第6號)原先制定的第67D條; “有關罪行”(relevant offence) 就訂明囚犯而言—
(a) 如該訂明囚犯符合“訂明囚犯”的定義的(b)(i)段的描述,指該段描述的罪行;
(b) 如該訂明囚犯符合“訂明囚犯”的定義的(b)(ii)段的描述,指該段描述的謀殺罪;或
(c) 如該訂明囚犯符合“訂明囚犯”的定義的(b)(iii)段的描述,指該段描述的罪行; “訂明囚犯”(prescribed prisoner) 指符合以下說明的囚犯—
(a) 任何有關條文在生效時適用於他;及
(b) 在有關條文生效至第67C條生效之間的所有時間,一直(且在第67C條生效時仍然)—
(i) 就任何罪行的定罪而服酌情性終身監禁刑罰;
(ii) 就他於未滿18歲時犯的謀殺罪的定罪而服強制性終身監禁刑罰;或
(iii) 就任何罪行的定罪而被拘留等候行政酌情決定;

“原先建議”(previous recommendation) 就訂明囚犯而言,指日期為1997年12月15日、1998年8月28日或1999年4月9日(視屬何情況而定)、由終審法院首席法官向行政長官作出的、指明該囚犯須就有關罪行而服的最低刑期的建議;

“原先裁定”(previous determination)就訂明囚犯而言,指藉註明日期為1998年4月2日、1998年4月9日、1998年4月30日、1998年6月11日或1999年7月16日(視屬何情況而定)的函件通知該囚犯的、由行政長官作出的、指明該囚犯須就有關罪行而服的最低刑期的裁定;

“酌情性終身監禁刑罰”(discretionary life sentence) 的涵義與《長期監禁刑罰覆核條例》(第524章)中該詞的涵義相同; “強制性終身監禁刑罰”(mandatory life sentence) 的涵義與《長期監禁刑罰覆核條例》(第524章)中該詞的涵義相同。

(2) 在第67C及67D條中,提述法官即提述法院的法官、特委法官或暫委法官。 (由2004年第22號第2條增補)


(由1983年第46號第3條修訂;由1990年第6號第6條修訂) [比照1827 c. 28 s. 10 U.K.]

任何罪行的懲罰中,屬概括地沒收土地或財物及實產、或移離香港、或喪失起訴或被起訴的資格者,現予廢除。 (由1991年第50號第4條代替)

條: 70 (1993年第24號第9條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 71 (1991年第50號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 72 (1996年第39號第23條廢除) 30/06/1997



條: 73 判給補償的權力 30/06/1997
    1. 凡某人就某罪行被定罪,法庭除可判處依法可判處的刑罰或根據第107(1)條作出命令外,亦可命令被如此定罪的人就以下事宜付給任何受屈的人一筆法庭認為合理的補償─
      1. (a) 人身傷害;
      2. (b) 財產損失或損壞;或
      3. (c) 人身傷害及財產損失或損壞。
    1. 根據第(1)款命令作為補償的款額,須當作為被如此定罪的人欠有權收取該補償的人的經判定債項。 (由2002年第23號第7條修訂)
    2. (3) 如在補償令作出之前,被如此定罪的人—
    3. (a) 於被拘捕、逮捕、拘押或自動接受拘押時,曾被取去任何款項;或
  1. (b) 曾向法庭付給任何款項, 則法庭在作出該命令時,可命令從任何如此取去或付給的款項中支付該筆補償。(由2002年第23號第7條增補)
  2. 第(3)款不適用於作為《法律援助條例》(第91章)第18A(1)條所指的為使法律援助署署長受益的第一押記的款項。 (由2002年第23號第7條增補)


同。 (由2002年第23號第7條增補) (由1972年第48號第4條代替)

條: 73A (1996年第39號第23條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 74 基於精神錯亂的理由而被裁定無罪 L.N. 412 of 1997 15/08/1997



(2) 第75(7)條須一如其適用於第75條般適用於本條。 (由1997年第81號第59條增補) (由1972年第34號第13條代替)

[比照1883 c. 38 s. 2 U.K.;比照1964 c. 84 s. 1 U.K.]

  1. 如在某人的審訊中,出現被控人是否無行為能力(即若無本條例即會對審訊該名被控人構成禁制的任何無行為能力)的問題(不論是否由辯方提出),則本條適用。 (由1996年第37號第3條代替)
    1. 法庭如顧及據稱的無行為能力的性質後,認為合宜並為了維護被控人的利益,可將上述問題(下文提述為“是否適宜受審的問題”)的考慮押後直至辯方開始抗辯的案為止的任何時間,而如在是否適宜受審的問題作裁定前,陪審團對被控人受審的該項罪名或每項罪名,均作出無罪的裁決,則無須就該問題作裁定。
      1. (3) 除第(2)款另有規定外,當是否適宜受審的問題出現時,即須予以裁定。
        1. (4) 是否適宜受審的問題須由陪審團裁定,而─
            1. (a) 凡該問題是在被控人被公訴提控時裁定,則如審訊繼續進行,被控人須由─
              1. (i) (如“法庭”的定義的(a)段適用的話)裁定該問題的陪審團以外的陪審團審訊;
              2. (ii) (在任何其他情況下)裁定該問題的同一陪審團審訊;
          1. (b) 凡該問題是在任何較後的時間裁定,須由─

(i) (如“法庭”的定義的(a)段適用的話)另一陪審團或正在審訊被控人的陪審團(視乎法庭指示而定)裁定;

(ii) (在任何其他情況下)審訊被控人的同一陪審團裁定。 (由1996年第37號第3條代替)

  1. 陪審團除非是基於2名或多於2名註冊醫生(其中不少於2名須是根據《醫生註冊條例》(第161章)第6(3)條設立的專科醫生名冊上的精神科醫生)的書面或口頭證據,否則不得根據第(4)款作出裁定。 (由1996年第37號第3條代替。由2000年第32號第11條修訂)
    1. (6) 在本條中─ “法庭”(court) 指─
      1. (a) 在行使本身的刑事司法管轄權時行事的原訟法庭; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      2. (b) 在行使本身的刑事司法管轄權時行事的區域法院;或 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      3. (c) 裁判官;

“無罪的裁決”(verdict of acquittal) 不包括被控人因精神錯亂而無罪的特別裁決。 (由1996年第37號第3條代替)

(7)在本條中,如有關的審訊是在區域法院或裁判官席前進行,凡對陪審團的任何提述,須理解為對區域法院法官或裁判官(視屬何情況而定)的提述。 (由1996年第37號第3條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1972年第34號第13條代替) [比照 1964 c. 84 s. 4 U.K.]

條: 75A 關於無行為能力的被控人是否有作出被控告的作為或有被控告的不作為的裁定 30/06/1997

(1) 凡陪審團按照第75條裁定被控人無行為能力,則─

(b) 陪審團須基於─
(i) 已在審訊中提供的證據(如有的話);及
(ii) 控方所援引或進一步援引的證據或法庭為施行本條而指定提出辯方的案的人所援引的證據,


  1. (2) 第75(6)及(7)條適用於本條,一如其適用於第75條。
    1. (3) 為免生疑問,特此宣布─
      1. (a) 可根據第(1)(b)(ii)款援引的證據包括證人的證供;
      2. (b) 適用於刑事法律程序的法律,即為適用於根據第(1)(b)款產生的任何法律程序的法律。 (由1996年第37號第4條增補)
    1. (1) 凡有以下情況,本條即適用─
      1. (a) 有被控人因精神錯亂而無罪的特別裁決根據第74條作出;或
      2. (b)有一項被控人屬無行為能力並有作出所被控告的作為或有被控告的不作為的裁斷根據第75及75A條記錄在案。
    1. (2) 除第(3)款另有規定外,法庭─
        1. (a)如基於2名或多於2名註冊醫生(其中不少於2名須是根據《醫生註冊條例》(第161章)第6(3)條設立的專科醫生名冊上的精神科醫生)的書面或口頭證據,信納為被控人的利益或福利,或為保護他人着想,有需要將被控人收納入懲教署精神病治療中心或精神病院,則法庭須作出以下命令─ (由2000年第32號第12條修訂)
          1. (i) 按照附表4的條文將被控人收納入該中心;或
          2. (ii) 將被控人收納入行政長官所指明的精神病院, (由1999年第39號第3條修訂) 視屬何情況而定;或
        1. (b) 就被控人作出法庭認為就個案的所有情況而言以下命令中的最適合者,即─
          1. (i) 根據《精神健康條例》(第136章)第IIIA部作出的監護令;
          2. (ii) 根據該條例第IIIB部作出的監管和治療令;
          3. (iii) 無條件釋放被控人的命令。
  2. (3) 凡特別裁決或裁斷所關乎的罪行是一項刑罰為法律所固定者,則第(2)(b)款不適用。
    1. (4) 為免生疑問,特此宣布─
      1. (a) 凡憑藉《精神健康條例》(第136章)第IIIA或IIIB部(視屬何情況而定)的條文,禁止法庭作出第(2)(b)(i)或(ii)款所提述的命令,法庭不可作出該命令;
      2. (b)法庭在第(1)(b)款適用的情況下作出第(2)(b)(i)或(ii)款所提述的命令此一事實,如被控人後來不再受該命令約束或不再是無行為能力,事實的本身並不阻止被控人就所被控告的作為或不作為受審(但不損害第75及75A條對被控人的再次實施)。
  3. (5) 第75(6)及(7)條適用於本條,一如其適用於第75條。 (由1996年第37號第4條代替)


(a) 在犯指稱的罪行時,他是精神錯亂以至按照法律他無須為自己的行為負責;或

責神志失常), 則法庭須容許控方援引或引出傾向於證明該兩項辯稱中的另一項辯稱的證據,並可就控方在法律程序中可援引該證據的階段作出指示。

(由1972年第34號第13條增補) [比照1964 c. 84 s. 6 U.K.]

條: 77 (1993年第24號第10條廢除) 30/06/1997



條: 78 (1981年第13號第7條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 79 法律程序的紀錄及查閱 L.N. 247 of 2000 01/09/2000


    1. 假若循公訴程序被審訊的任何人被定罪,他即有權或可獲授權向上訴法庭提出上訴者,則須就其審訊的法律程序,擬備一份按照根據第9條訂立的規則備存的紀錄(不論是以速記紀錄、機械方法或其他方法製作),或擬備主審法官所指示的其他紀錄。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
        1. (2) 根據第(1)款錄取的紀錄須公開供以下的人查閱,不收費用或報酬─
          1. (a) 法官; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
          2. (b) 司法常務官;
          3. (c) 律政司司長; (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
          4. (d) 區域法院法官或區域法院暫委法官; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
          5. (e) 區域法院司法常務官; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂;由2000年第28號第47條修訂)
          6. (f) 有利害關係的一方或其法律代表;
          7. (g)任何人或其法律代表,而該人或該法律代表令司法常務官信納就由該人提出或針對該人的現存或潛在的民事或刑事法律程序而言,作出有關查閱是有合理需要的;
          8. (h) 任何令司法常務官信納作出有關查閱是有好的及足夠的理由的人。
      1. (3) 司法常務官拒絕准許查閱的決定是最終決定。
    1. 根據第(2)款作出查閱的權利,包括取得有關紀錄文本一份的權利,但如屬第(2)(g)及(h)款所指的申請人,則須繳付訂明的費用。
    2. (5) 根據第(2)款披露一份紀錄的內容,並不構成違反《罪犯自新條例》(第297章)。
  1. (6) 就第(2)款而言,“有利害關係的一方”(a party interested) 指檢控人或被定罪的人,或主審法官作出的任何命令所指名或直接受該命令影響的任何其他人,或獲授權代表任何上述的人行事的任何其他人。


條: 79A 釋義 L.N. 232 of 2003 19/12/2003


在本部中,除文意另有所指外─ “性虐待罪行”(offence of sexual abuse) 指—


(b) 違反《防止兒童色情物品條例》(第579章)第3條的罪行; (由2003年第31號第19條代替) “法院”、“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂) “兒童”(child) 指以下的人─

(a) 在性虐待罪行的個案中─
(i) 指不足17歲的人;或
(ii) 就第79C條而言,則指不足18歲的人(如接受第79C條適用的錄影紀錄的人當其時不足17歲);或
(b) 在本部適用的罪行的個案中(性虐待罪行除外)─
(i) 指不足14歲的人;或
(ii) 就第79C條而言,則指不足15歲的人(如接受第79C條適用的錄影紀錄的人當其時不

足14歲); “移交通知”(notice of transfer) 指根據第79F條送達的通知; “陳述”(statement) 包括任何關於事實的申述,不論是以語言文字或其他方式作出; “殘暴罪行”(offence of cruelty) 指違反《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第26或27條的罪行; “電視直播聯繫”(live television link) 指裝設於法庭及位於同一處所的另一房間內的一套互相聯繫的


(a) 該閉路電視系統可讓─

(i) 法庭內的人看見和聽見另一房間內的人;及
(ii) 另一房間內的人聽見或看見和聽見法庭內的人;

(b) 該閉路電視系統是為另一房間內的人在法庭所進行的法律程序中提供證據而裝設的, 並包括將裁判官根據第79E條錄取書面供詞所在的房間與該人為作出書面供詞而提供證據所在的另一房間聯繫的一套相類系統;

“精神上無行為能力的人”(mentally incapacitated person) 指《精神健康條例》(第136章)所指的患有精神紊亂或屬弱智(視屬何情況而定)的人; (由1997年第81號第59條代替) “錄影紀錄”(video recording)指在任何媒體內的紀錄,而該紀錄可藉任何方法產生移動的影像,並包括附連的聲軌。

(1) 在本條中─

“在恐懼中的證人”(witness in fear) 指任何證人,而聆訊該證人的證據的法庭基於合理理由信納該證人如提供證據他即會對其本身或其家庭成員的安全感到憂慮。

    1. 凡一名兒童(被告人除外)將在就以下罪行進行的法律程序中提供證據,或就根據第79C條所提供的錄影紀錄證據接受訊問─
      1. (a) 性虐待罪行;
      2. (b) 殘暴罪行;或
      3. (c) 涉及襲擊、傷害或恐嚇傷害某人的罪行,而該罪行─
    2. (i) 可循公訴程序審訊;或
    1. (ii) 可循簡易程序或公訴程序審訊, 法庭可應申請或主動准許該兒童藉電視直播聯繫方式提供證據或接受訊問,並可施加法庭認為在有
    2. 關情況下屬恰當的條件規限。
    1. (3) 凡一名精神上無行為能力的人(包括是被告人者)將在就以下罪行進行的法律程序中提供證據或就根據第79C條所提供的錄影證據接受訊問─ (由1997年第81號第59條修訂)
    2. (a) 可循公訴程序審訊的罪行;或
  1. (b) 可循簡易程序或公訴程序審訊的罪行, 法庭可應申請或主動准許該人藉電視直播聯繫方式提供證據或接受訊問,並可施加法庭認為在有關情況下屬恰當的條件規限。
  2. 凡一名在恐懼中的證人將在就任何罪行進行的法律程序中提供證據,法庭可應申請或主動准許該人藉電視直播聯繫方式提供證據,並可施加法庭認為在有關情況下屬恰當的條件規限。
  3. 凡某人藉電視直播聯繫方式在法律程序中提供證據或接受訊問,他提供證據所在的地方,就與該等法律程序相關的所有目的而言,須當作為進行該等法律程序的法庭的一部分。
    1. (1) 在本條中─ “成年人”(adult) 指─
      1. (a) 警務人員;
      2. (b) 政府所僱用的社會工作者或臨床心理學家。
    2. (2) 凡在就以下罪行進行的法律程序中─
      1. (a) 性虐待罪行;
      2. (b) 殘暴罪行;或
      3. (c) 涉及襲擊、傷害或恐嚇傷害某人的罪行,而該罪行─
    3. (i) 可循公訴程序審訊;或
    1. (ii) 可循簡易程序或公訴程序審訊, 一名成年人與一名兒童(並非被告人)之間的會面已作錄影紀錄,而該會面是關於法律程序中的任何爭論事宜,經法庭許可,可提供該錄影紀錄作為證據。
    2. (3) 凡在就以下罪行進行的法律程序中─
    3. (a) 可循公訴程序審訊的罪行;或
  4. (b) 可循簡易程序或公訴程序審訊的罪行, 一名成年人與一名精神上無行為能力的人(包括是被告人的精神上無行為能力的人,而他及他的出庭代訟律師有此要求)之間的會面已作錄影紀錄,而該會面是關於法律程序中的任何爭論事宜,經法庭許可,可提供該錄影紀錄作為證據。
    1. 如根據本條將錄影紀錄提出作為證據,除非有以下情況,否則法庭須給予許可以接納該紀錄─
      1. (a) 看來該兒童或精神上無行為能力的人將不能出席接受盤問;
      2. (b) 規定披露作該紀錄的情況的法院規則未獲遵從至令法庭滿意的程度;或
  5. (c) 法庭在顧及該案的所有情況下,認為為了司法公正,該紀錄不應予以接納, 凡法庭給予許可,但認為為了司法公正,該紀錄的任何部分不應予以接納,可指示摒除該部分。
    1. 法庭在考慮應否摒除任何錄影紀錄的某部分時,須考慮顯示錄影會面的全部或絕大部分的好處,較諸接納該部分的錄影紀錄對被告人或其中一名被告人所可能造成的損害,是否更為重要。
        1. (6) 凡某錄影紀錄獲接納─
          1. (a) 提出該紀錄作為證據的一方須傳召該兒童或精神上無行為能力的人;
          2. (b)除非經法庭許可,否則不得就法庭認為已在錄影證供中獲處理的任何事宜向該兒童或精神上無行為能力的人進行主問。
      1. 凡將錄影紀錄提供作為證據,紀錄所披露的任何由該兒童或精神上無行為能力的人作出的



(b) 任何該等陳述均不能作為該證人所提供的任何其他證據的佐證, 並在估計須給予該陳述的分量(如有的話)時,須顧及可因而就該陳述的準確與否作出任何合理推論的所有情況。

(9) 如任何錄影紀錄若無本條的條文亦會是可接納的,則本條不損害該錄影紀錄的可接納性。 (由1997年第81號第59條修訂)

高等法院首席法官可就以下事宜訂立規則或作出指示─ (由2005年第10號第16條修訂)

(a) 藉電視直播聯繫方式提供證據;及
(b) 在本部適用的法律程序中,錄影會面作為證據的接納及使用。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(1) 凡一名兒童(是被告人者除外)將在就以下罪行進行的法律程序中提供證據─

(a) 性虐待罪行;
(b) 殘暴罪行;或
(c) 涉及襲擊、傷害或恐嚇傷害某人的罪行,而該罪行─

(i) 可循公訴程序審訊;或

(ii) 可循簡易程序或公訴程序審訊, 且就上述法律程序而言─
(i) 因為好的理由,無可避免地審訊的聆聽不可能無延誤地進行;或
(ii) 面對全面審訊會危害該兒童的身體或精神健康, 法律程序的一方可申請許可由裁判官為該兒童錄取書面供詞。
(2) 凡精神上無行為能力的人將在就以下罪行進行的法律程序中提供證據─ (a) 可循公訴程序審訊的罪行;或
(b) 可循簡易程序或公訴程序審訊的罪行, 且就上述法律程序而言─
(i) 因為好的理由,無可避免地審訊的聆聽不可能無延誤地進行;或
(ii) 面對全面審訊會危害該精神上無行為能力的人的身體或精神健康, 法律程序的一方可申請許可由裁判官為該精神上無行為能力的人(包括是被告人的精神上無行為能力的人,而他及他的出庭代訟律師有此要求)錄取書面供詞。 (由1997年第81號第59條修訂)
(3) 除非有以下情況,否則法庭不得根據本條給予許可,錄取書面供詞─
(a) 如屬─
(i) 無可避免的延誤,則在以下的法律程序中,該申請有下述證明書作支持─
(A) 在高等法院的法律程序中,有高等法院司法常務官的證明書; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(B) 在區域法院的法律程序中,有首席區域法院法官的證明書;或 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(C) 在裁判法院的法律程序中,有總裁判官的證明書, 述明不可能提早及快速進行審訊的理由;或
(ii) 對身體或精神健康有危險,則該申請有由註冊醫生的誓章或書面非宗教式誓詞作支持,列出他相信有該危險的理由;
(b) 申請的一方已就錄取書面供詞的意向,向另一方發出合理通知;及
(c) 如屬無可避免的延誤,則法庭信納延誤嚴重以至於為了司法公正而須錄取書面供詞。
  1. (5) 凡已給予許可,裁判官可在罪行的審訊展開前的任何時間錄取書面供詞。
    1. (6) 書面供詞須附連述明以下事宜並由裁判官簽署的證明書─
      1. (a) 給予錄取書面供詞的許可的理由;
      2. (b) 錄取書面供詞的日期及地點;
      3. (c) 錄取書面供詞時在場的人的姓名;
      4. (d)書面供詞是在另一方在場時錄取的,且該一方或其大律師或律師已獲給予充分機會以盤問該兒童或精神上無行為能力的人(視屬何情況而定); (由1997年第81號第59條修訂)
      5. (e)在錄取供詞前已向該人進行如常的監誓(但在未經宣誓的情況下提供證據的兒童則屬例外);
        1. (f)如此錄取的證據已轉為文字紀錄,並已向該兒童或該精神上無行為能力的人(視屬何情況而定)覆讀,且已由以下的人簽署─ (由1997年第81號第59條修訂)
          1. (i) 該兒童或該精神上無行為能力的人,但因稚年或心智上無行為能力而未能簽署其姓名者除外;及 (由1997年第81號第59條修訂)
          2. (ii) 錄取該書面供詞的裁判官。
(1) 凡─ (a) 某人被控告以下罪行─
(i) 性虐待罪行;
(ii) 殘暴罪行;或
(iii) 涉及襲擊、傷害或恐嚇傷害某人的罪行,而該罪行─
(A) 可循公訴程序審訊;或
(B) 可循簡易程序或公訴程序審訊;
(b) 該人所被控告的罪行的受害人是一名兒童, 而刑事檢控專員認為─
(i) 該罪行的證據足以將被控告的人交付審訊;及
(ii) 為避免損害該兒童的福利,該案件有需要無延誤地由原訟法庭接手並作處理, (由1998

年第25號第2條修訂) 刑事檢控專員可將一份證明其意見的移交通知,連同一份列出該意見所根據的理由的誓章,送達有關的裁判官。 (2) 凡─

(a) 某人被控告可循以下程序審訊的罪行─
(i) 公訴程序;或
(ii) 簡易程序或公訴程序;
(b) 該人所被控告的罪行的受害人是一名精神上無行為能力的人, (由1997年第81號第59條

修訂) 而刑事檢控專員認為─

(i) 該罪行的證據足以將被控告的人交付審訊;及

接手並作處理, (由1998年第25號第2條修訂;由1997年第81號第59條修訂) 刑事檢控專員可將一份證明其意見的移交通知,連同一份列出該意見所根據的理由的誓章,送達有關的裁判官。

  1. 移交通知須在被控告的人根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第80C(1)(b)條選擇在初級偵訊中就控罪進行聆訊之前送達。
  2. (4) 《裁判官條例》(第227章)第80B(1)條所提述的文件的副本,須在移交通知送達裁判官之日或之前送達被告人,正本則須在該日或之前送交裁判官存檔,而該第80B條在可能的範圍內適用於該等文件。
  3. 移交通知送達後,裁判官須隨即命令將被告人就移交通知所指明的控罪交付原訟法庭審訊,而不作進一步的訊問或研訊,並須將此事通知被告人或安排令他知悉此事。(由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    1. (6) 《裁判官條例》(第227章)第85A及86條在不抵觸以下情況下適用於根據本條作出的交付審判 ─
      1. (a)被告人可在被公訴提控前的任何時間,向原訟法庭申請將移交通知所指明的控罪撤銷; (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      2. (b)該條例第86(1)(b)條中對檢控人所提交的文件的提述,須解釋為對根據本條第(4)款送交存檔的文件正本的提述。
    2. (7) 根據本條被交付審判的人須當作已為施行第24A(1)(a)及(2)條而被交付審訊。
  4. 凡移交通知已送達,任何該通知關乎的人可在被公訴提控前的任何時間(不論是否已針對他提出公訴書),以口述或書面形式向原訟法庭申請釋放。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  5. 法庭如覺得針對申請人的證據不足以使陪審團將申請人予以適當定罪,則須指示無須就該控罪將申請人公訴提控,並須指示將其釋放。
  6. 除非申請人已就其提出申請的意向發出書面通知予法庭,否則不得根據第(1)款提出口頭申請。
  7. 只有經法庭許可或藉法庭命令始可就上述申請提供口頭證據;而法庭顧及在許可申請中所述明的任何事宜後,覺得為了司法公正而有所需要,方可給予許可或作出命令。
    1. 就被指稱是以下的人的兒童或精神上無行為能力的人的口頭證據而言,不得根據第(4)款給予許可或作出命令─ (由1997年第81號第59條修訂)
      1. (a) 移交通知所關乎的罪行是對該人而犯的;或
      2. (b) 目擊犯該罪行的人。
    1. 如法庭給予許可准許或作出命令規定某人提供口頭證據,但該人未有如此行事,法庭可不理會顯示該人本會提供的證據的任何文件。
    2. (7) 在不抵觸第81E(3)條的條文下,根據本條作出的釋放,即當作為裁定無罪。
    1. 高等法院首席法官可為施行本條訂立規則或作出指示,而在不損害本款的一般性的原則下,該等規則或指示可就以下事宜訂定條文─(由1998年第25號第2條修訂;由2005年第10號第17條修訂)
      1. (a)對任何按規定須在法律程序中作出的事情,其作出的時間或階段(除非法庭給予許可在另一時間或階段作出該事情);
      2. (b) 通知或其他文件的內容及格式;
      3. (c) 呈交證據的方式;及
      4. (d) 須予送達通知或其他資料的人。


(由1999年第39號第3條修訂) (第IIIA部由1995年第69號第3條增補)


上訴、保留和轉交的法律問題和覆核 (由1979年第20號第2條修訂)


(1) 在本部中─

“刑罰”(sentence),就罪行而言,包括法庭處置罪犯時作出的任何命令,包括入院令在內。 (由1979年第20號第3條修訂)

(2)上訴法庭判處刑罰的任何權力,包括根據《入境條例》(第115章)第21條作出遞解離境建議的權力。 (由1997年第80號第103條修訂)

(由1972年第34號第15條代替) [比照 1968 c. 19 s. 50 U.K.]




(1) 主審法庭的法官可將在公訴書的審訊中出現的任何法律問題保留,待上訴法庭考慮。

(2) 法官可主動或應律政司司長或辯方的申請而根據第(1)款行使其權力。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

    1. (3) 法官如根據第(1)款保留法律問題,而被控人已被定罪,則可─
      1. (a) 押後判決,直至法律問題已獲考慮和決定為止;及
      2. (b)將被定罪的人交付監獄,或在有一名或多於一名有足夠條件的擔保人或無擔保人的條件下以法官認為適合的款額准予保釋,作為須在法官所指示的某個時間或各個時間出現和接受判決的條件。
    1. (4) 上訴法庭在考慮根據第(1)款保留的問題時,可─
    2. (a) 確認或撤銷該項定罪或命令重新審訊;及
  1. (b) 作出為實施其決定所需的其他命令: 但如上訴法庭認為實際上並無司法不公,則即使上訴法庭認為就如此保留的法律問題或會作出

對被定罪的人有利的決定,上訴法庭仍可確認該項定罪。 (由1972年第34號第15條代替。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)




(1)律政司司長經上訴法庭許可,可就上訴法庭以外任何法庭所判處的刑罰(法律所固定的刑罰除外),基於該刑罰並非經法律認可、原則上錯誤、或明顯過重或明顯不足的理由,向上訴法庭申請覆核。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

(2) 根據第(1)款提出的申請─

(a) 須以書面提出並由律政司司長簽署; (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(b) 須附有第(2A)款所指明的文件或文件的副本;
(c)須於判處刑罰之日後21天內或上訴法庭所容許的更長時間內,或根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第104條就覆核刑罰或覆核所判處刑罰的定罪而進行的任何法律程序被撤回或獲處置之日後21天內或上訴法庭所容許的更長時間內,送交司法常務官存檔。 (由1979年第20號第4條修訂)

(2A) 就第(2)(b)款而言,所指明的文件如下─

(d) 在任何案件中,任何關於答辯人而又在判處刑罰的法庭席前呈交的報告。 (由1979年第20號第4條增補)

(2B)第(2A)款所指明的文件或文件的副本,須在為此以書面向判處刑罰的裁判官或區域法院法官提出要求後7天內,或如該刑罰是由高等法院法官判處的,則須在為此以書面向司法常務官提出要求後7天內,交付律政司司長。 (由1979年第20號第4條增補。由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

  1. (3) 上訴法庭可命令將答辯人羈留扣押,直至根據第81B(1)條作出命令為止。
  2. (4) 上訴法庭如覺得適合,可應答辯人的申請,准予答辯人保釋,以聽候申請的聆訊。
  1. 上訴法庭如拒絕申請,可判令律政司司長支付上訴法庭所裁定的訟費款額,但如答辯人獲得法律援助,該款額不得超逾答辯人所須支付的分擔費用的總額。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  2. (6) 在本條以及第81B及81C條中─ “答辯人”(respondent) 指已被判處刑罰的人。

(由1972年第18號第2條增補。由1979年第20號第4條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂) [比照 N.Z. Crimes Act 1961 s. 383] 附註:

條: 81B 上訴法庭對刑罰的覆核 L.N. 362of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997


(1) 上訴法庭在聆訊申請時─

(b) 在任何其他情況下,可藉命令拒絕更改刑罰。

(2)律政司司長及答辯人在覆核刑罰的聆訊中均有權獲得聆聽。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

(2A) 如答辯人已獲送達申請書或申請的通知,則即使答辯人沒有出庭,上訴法庭仍可聆訊和裁定覆核刑罰的申請。 (由1979年第20號第5條增補)

(3) 為施行本條,上訴法庭可行使第83V條所賦予的任何權力。 (由1972年第18號第2條增補。由1972年第34號第16條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

條: 81C 上訴法庭根據第 81B條覆核刑罰所受的限制 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



    1. (1) 如答辯人有以下情況,上訴法庭不得根據第81B條覆核刑罰─
      1. (a) 已就所判處刑罰的定罪提出上訴,但如該上訴已撤回或獲處置,則不在此限; (由1979年第20號第6條代替)
      2. (b)已根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第104條向裁判官申請覆核其決定,但如該申請已撤回或獲處置,則不在此限;或
      3. (c)已根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第105條向裁判官申請作出案件呈述,但如該申請已撤回或獲處置,則不在此限。
  1. 第81B條不損害被定罪的人對本條例或任何其他條例所賦予上訴權利的行使,但上訴法庭可

將覆核刑罰的申請及答辯人根據本部針對刑罰而提出的上訴合併聆訊。 (由1979年第20號第6條修訂) (由1972年第18號第2條增補。由1972年第34號第17條修訂;由1978年第40號第2條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

條: 81D 在裁定無罪後將法律問題轉交上訴法庭 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997




(1) 凡循公訴程序受審的人已獲裁定無罪(不論是關於公訴書的全部或部分),律政司司長如意欲上訴法庭就案件所出現的一項法律問題給予意見,可將該問題轉交上訴法庭,而上訴法庭須按照本條考慮該論點並就此給予意見。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)

(2) 為考慮根據本條所轉交的問題,上訴法庭須聆聽─

(a) 由律政司司長或由代表律政司司長的出庭代訟律師作出的論點; (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
(b) (如獲裁定無罪的人意欲提出任何論點)由大律師代表獲裁定無罪的人提出的論點,或如經上訴法庭許可,則由獲裁定無罪的人自己提出的論點;及
(c) 如上訴法庭有所指示,由獲司法常務官委任為法庭之友的大律師提出的論點。


(4) 根據本條作出的轉交,不影響轉交所關乎的審訊或在該審訊中作出的任何無罪裁定。

(由1979年第20號第7條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂) [比照1972 c. 71 s. 36 U.K.]



針對釋放的上訴 (由1988年第57號第31條修訂)

    1. 凡任何人根據第16或79G條或根據《複雜商業罪行條例》(第394章)第22條獲釋放,律政司司長可針對該人的釋放向上訴法庭提出上訴。 (由1988年第57號第32條修訂;由1995年第69號第4條修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
        1. (2) 上訴可基於以下的理由─
          1. (a) 任何涉及法律問題的理由;
          2. (b)就控罪書內列明的罪行或被控人可就該控罪書而被定罪的任何其他罪行而言,在法庭席前的文件及證據足以針對被告人構成表面證據。
      1. (3) 上訴法庭如根據本條判決上訴得直,可撤銷被控人的無罪裁定並命令該人受審。
  1. 上訴法庭在命令進行審訊時,可作出上訴法庭覺得為了將被命令受審的人扣押或准予保釋而所需的命令。


出的上訴。 (由1983年第48號第4條增補)



(1) 凡法庭撤銷公訴書,律政司司長可針對撤銷公訴書的命令向上訴法庭提出上訴。 (由1997年


  1. (2) 上訴只可基於涉及法律的問題而提出。
  2. (3) 上訴法庭如根據本條判決上訴得直,可將該命令作廢並命令被控人受審。
  1. 上訴法庭在命令進行審訊時,可作出上訴法庭覺得為了將被命令受審的人在聽候審訊期間羈留或准予保釋而所需的命令。
  2. 第81D(2)條的條文適用於根據本條提出的上訴,一如該等條文適用於根據第81D(1)條提出的上訴。

(6) (a) 在根據本條提出的上訴中,上訴法庭可命令從公共收入撥款支付─

(i) 被控人的訟費;或
(ii) 被控人訟費的任何部分,以上訴法庭認為適合者為準。

務官確定。 (由1995年第68號第9條增補)




  1. (1) 循公訟程序被定罪的人可針對其定罪向上訴法庭提出上訴。
    1. (2) 上訴可基於以下的理由─
      1. (a) 任何僅涉及法律問題的理由;及
      2. (b) (經上訴法庭許可)任何僅涉及事實問題的理由,或是涉及法律兼事實問題的理由,或上

訴法庭覺得是足夠的上訴理由的任何其他理由; 但如主審法庭的法官發給一份證明書,證明該案件適合基於涉及事實問題的理由或涉及法律兼事實問題的理由提出上訴,則可無需經上訴法庭許可而根據本條提出上訴。

(由1972年第34號第18條代替。由1998年第25號第2條修訂) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 1 U.K.]

(1) 除本條例另有規定外,上訴法庭如認為有以下情況,須判決針對定罪的上訴得直─

(a) 在案件的所有情況下,定罪並不穩妥或並不令人滿意而應予作廢;或 (由1981年第50號第3條修訂)
(b) 因曾就任何法律問題作出錯誤決定的理由,主審法庭的判決應予作廢;或

(c) 在審訊過程中有重大的不當之處, 而在任何其他情況下,上訴法庭須駁回上訴:


(2) 如屬針對定罪的上訴,上訴法庭如判決上訴得直,須撤銷定罪。

    1. 上訴法庭撤銷定罪的命令,除根據第83E條上訴人被命令重審的情況外,須具有指示主審法庭登錄無罪的判決及裁決以代替定罪紀錄的作用。
    2. (由1972年第34號第18條代替) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 2 U.K.]
  1. 如在針對定罪的上訴中,上訴人曾就某罪行被定罪,但陪審團本可就有關公訴書裁斷上訴人就另一罪行有罪,而依據陪審團的裁斷,上訴法庭覺得陪審團定已信納證明上訴人就該另一罪行有罪的事實,則本條適用。
    1. 上訴法庭可將裁斷該另一罪行有罪的裁決取代陪審團裁斷所得的裁決,並就該另一罪行判處法律所認可的而並非較嚴的刑罰,以取代在審訊時所判處的刑罰,而非判決上訴得直或駁回上訴。
    2. (由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 3 U.K.]
  2. 如任何公訴書包含2項或多於2項罪名,而在針對就該公訴書的定罪的上訴中,上訴法庭就公訴書的某部分判決上訴得直,則本條適用。
  3. 上訴法庭可就上訴人仍被定罪的任何罪名,判處其認為恰當及法律所認可的對上訴人仍就該罪名被定罪的罪行判處的刑罰,以取代在審訊時就該罪名而判處的刑罰。
條: 83A 取代交替罪行的定罪的權力 30/06/1997
條: 83B 判決就公訴書的某部分提出的上訴得直時的刑罰 30/06/1997

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 4(1) & (2) U.K.]

條: 83C 處置針對就特別裁決作出的定罪而提出的上訴 30/06/1997

(1) 如任何人因案件經陪審團裁斷後作出特別裁決而針對定罪提出上訴,則本條適用。


(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 5 U.K.]

條: 83D 以精神錯亂或不適宜答辯的裁斷作取代 39 of 1999 01/07/1997



(1) 凡有上訴針對定罪而提出時,上訴法庭認為─

(a) 恰當裁決本應是因精神錯亂而無罪;或

出, 上訴法庭須作出命令將上訴人收納入懲教署精神病中心或行政長官所指明的精神病院。 (由1973年第37號第7條修訂;由1999年第39號第3條修訂)

  1. (2) 就上訴法庭根據本條作出的命令的後果及效力而言,附表5適用。 (由1994年第58號第4條修訂)
  2. 上訴法庭根據本條就任何人作出命令時,可作出其認為適合的指示,將該人送往安全地方和羈留在該處,聽候在附表5指明的有關期間內收納入懲教署精神病中心或精神病院。 (由1973年第37號第7條修訂;由1994年第58號第4條修訂)
  3. 在《精神健康條例》(第136章)第52條中(該條關於將正在服監禁刑罰的人移往精神病院,並藉該條的第(5)款而適用於其他形式的羈留),對正在服監禁刑罰的人的提述,須解釋為不包括對受上訴法庭根據本條作出的命令約束的人的提述。

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 6 U.K.]



(2) 除以下罪行外,不得根據本條命令將任何人重審─

(b) 該人在原來審訊中本可就首述罪行的公訴書而被定罪的另一罪行;或

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 7 U.K.]



    1. 如依據一項根據第83E條作出的命令將某人就某罪行重審,該人須就上訴法庭指示提出的新的公訴書受審,並須在上訴法庭指示的法庭或法院受審(即原訟法庭,或如該罪行屬區域法院的司法管轄權範圍內,即區域法院),或如並無作出該等指示,則在該人原先受審的法院受審。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    2. (2) 上訴法庭在命令重審時,可就以下事宜作出其覺得必需或合宜的命令─
      1. (a) 在聽候重審期間,將被命令重審的人扣押或准予保釋;或
      2. (b)在聽候重審期間,將憑藉原來定罪或就該定罪所作命令而已沒收、歸還或支付的財產或金錢扣留。
    1. 如在緊接被命令重審的人的上訴獲裁定前,可依據一項根據《精神健康條例》(第136章)第IV部作出的命令將該人羈留─
      1. (a) 則該命令在聽候重審期間繼續有效,猶如該上訴未獲判決得直一樣;及
      2. (b)上訴法庭根據本條作出的將該人扣押或准予保釋的任何命令,在不抵觸上述命令的情況下具有效力。


力。 (由1994年第58號第4條修訂) (由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 8 U.K.]




任何人如循公訴程序就某罪行被定罪,可針對他就該罪行而被判處的任何刑罰(並非法律所固定的刑罰)向上訴法庭提出上訴,不論該刑罰是他被定罪時所判處或是在繼後的法律程序中所判處的。 (由1972年第34號第18條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 9 U.K.]

條: 83H 針對在原訟法庭處理的其他案件中判處的刑罰而提出的上訴 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



    1. (1) 如任何人就他並非循公訴程序被定罪的罪行而由原訟法庭處置(來自裁判官的上訴除外),則本條就提供針對刑罰而提出上訴的權利方面具有效力。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    2. (2) 根據本條有權針對刑罰而提出的上訴所來自的法律程序為─
      1. (a) 罪犯經裁判官根據《裁判官條例》(第227章)第81B(3)條交付審判的法律程序;或
      2. (b)罪犯是感化令或有條件釋放令的標的或已被判緩刑,並就其罪行出現或被帶到法庭席前作進一步處置的法律程序。
    1. 在原訟法庭於第(2)款適用的法律程序中就某罪行而被處置的罪犯,在以下任何一種情況下均可向上訴法庭提出上訴─ (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      1. (a)凡該罪犯單就該罪行或就該罪行連同在同一法律程序中判處刑罰的其他罪行,被判處監禁6個月或多於6個月;或
      2. (b) 凡刑罰並非為將該罪犯定罪的法庭所有權判處者;或
        1. (c) 凡就該罪行而將該罪犯處置的法庭就該罪犯─
          1. (i) 作出遞解離境的建議;或
          2. (ii) 根據《道路交通條例》(第374章)第VIII部作出取消該罪犯持有或領取駕駛汽車的駕駛執照資格的命令;或 (由1982年第75號第114條修訂)
          3. (iii) 根據第109C條作出命令。
    2. (4) 就第(3)(a)款而言,任何2項或多於2項的刑罰如有以下情況須視作在同一法律程序中判處─
    3. (a) 該等刑罰在同一日判處;或
  1. (b)該等刑罰在不同之日判處,但法庭在判處任何一項該等刑罰時,述明將該項刑罰與另外一項或多於一項的刑罰視作實質上為一項刑罰, 並且分期執行的監禁刑期及全部或部分同期執行的刑期,須視作為單一刑期。

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 10 U.K.]



  1. 針對刑罰的上訴,不論是根據第83G或83H條提出,均須經上訴法庭許可始有權提出。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  2. 凡法庭在處置循公訴程序被定罪的罪犯時或在第83H(2)條適用的法律程序中,於同一法律程序中(該詞在本款中具有的涵義與為施行第83H條而具有者相同)對該罪犯判處2項或多於2項的刑罰,而該等刑罰根據第83G或83H條是可被針對而提出上訴的,則針對任何一項該等刑罰而提出的上訴或上訴許可申請,須視作針對該2項刑罰或所有刑罰而提出的上訴或申請。
    1. 在針對刑罰的上訴中,上訴法庭如認為應對下級法庭就某罪行所處置的上訴人,就該罪行判處不同的刑罰,則可─
      1. (a) 撤銷是上訴標的之任何刑罰或命令;及
      2. (b)改為判處上訴法庭認為適合該案件的刑罰或作出其認為適合該案件的命令(不論是否較嚴),而該刑罰或命令是下級法庭就該罪行處置上訴人時有權判處的刑罰或作出的命令。
    1. 即使下級法庭並無根據第109C(1)條對上訴人以往就另一罪行被判處的緩刑作出命令,上訴法庭根據第(3)款就下級法庭有權判處刑罰的罪行判處刑罰的權力,包括在以下情況下就該緩刑處置上訴人的權力─
      1. (a)下級法庭若非已對他判處羈留在教導所的刑罰本可將他如此處置,而上訴法庭已根據第(3)(a)款撤銷該刑罰;或
      2. (b) 下級法庭不就該緩刑作出命令,而藉此已按照第109C(1)(d)條將他如此處置。

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 11 U.K.]





(a) 任何僅涉及法律問題的上訴理由;及
(b) (經上訴法庭許可)任何僅涉及事實問題的理由,或是涉及法律兼事實問題的理由,或上

訴法庭覺得是足夠的上訴理由的任何其他理由, 但如主審法庭的法官發給一份證明書,證明該案件適合基於涉及事實問題的理由或涉及法律兼事實問題的理由提出上訴,則可無須經上訴法庭許可而根據本條提出上訴。

(由1972年第34號第18條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 12 U.K.]

    1. 除本條的條文另有規定外,上訴法庭如認為有以下情況,須判決根據第83J條提出的上訴得直─
      1. (a) 在案件的所有情況下,裁決並不穩妥或並不令人滿意而應予作廢;或
      2. (b) 因曾就任何法律問題作出錯誤決定的理由,使裁決生效的法庭命令應予作廢;或
  1. (c) 在審訊過程中有重大的不當之處, 而在任何其他情況下,上訴法庭須駁回上訴。
    1. 即使上訴法庭認為或會就上訴中所提出的論點作出對上訴人有利的決定,如認為實際上並無司法不公,則仍可駁回根據第83J條提出的上訴。
        1. (3) 凡若非有本款─
          1. (a) 根據第83J條提出的上訴本會獲判決得直;及
          2. (b)任何一項判決得直的理由均與被控人精神錯亂的問題無關,上訴法庭如認為若非被控人精神錯亂,恰當的裁決本應是他就某項並非被控告罪行的罪行有罪,則可駁回上訴。
        1. (4) 凡根據第83J條提出的上訴獲判決得直,以下條文適用─
            1. (a)如判決上訴得直的理由或其中一項理由是陪審團就被控人精神錯亂作出的裁斷不應成立,而上訴法庭認為恰當的裁決本應是他就某罪行有罪(不論是被控告的罪行或陪審團本可裁斷他有罪的任何其他罪行),上訴法庭─
              1. (i) 須以就該罪行有罪的裁決取代因精神錯亂而無罪的裁決;及
              2. (ii) 具有懲罰或以其他方法處置上訴人的相同權力及其他權力,一如主審法庭若在陪審團作出該項作取代的裁決時本應具有者;及
          1. (b) 在任何其他情況下,上訴法庭須以無罪的裁決取代陪審團的裁決。
  2. 上訴法庭按照本條判決上訴得直的命令,具有指示主審法庭修訂紀錄以符合該命令的作用。

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 13 U.K.]



    1. 凡有上訴根據第83J條提出,上訴法庭認為案件屬於本不應作出無罪的裁決的案件,而本應作出被控人是無行為能力的裁斷,上訴法庭須作出命令將上訴人收納入懲教署精神病中心或行政長官所指明的精神病院。 (由1973年第37號第7條修訂;由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
    2. (2) 凡上訴法庭按照第83K(4)(b)條以無罪的裁決作取代,並認為─
    3. (a)上訴人所患精神紊亂的性質或程度,足以成為將他羈留在精神病院內最少一段有限期間以作觀察(接受或不接受醫藥治療)的理由;及
  1. (b) 為他本人健康或安全着想或為保障他人,應將他如此羈留, 上訴法庭須命令將上訴人收納入行政長官所指明的精神病院以作觀察。 (由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
  2. (3) 就上訴法庭根據本條作出的命令的後果及效力而言,附表5適用。 (由1994年第58號第4條修訂)
    1. 上訴法庭根據本條就任何人作出命令時,可作出其認為適合的指示,將該人送往安全地方和羈留在該處,聽候在附表5指明的有關期間內收納入懲教署精神病中心或精神病院。 (由1973年第
    2. 37號第7條修訂;由1994年第58號第4條修訂)
  3. 在《精神健康條例》(第136章)第52條中(該條關於將正在服監禁刑罰的人移往精神病院,並藉該條的第(5)款而適用於其他形式的羈留),對正在服監禁刑罰的人的提述,須解釋為不包括對受上訴法庭根據第(1)款作出的命令約束的人的提述。

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 14 U.K.]




(1)凡已根據第75條對某人是否適宜受審的問題作出裁定,而陪審團已作出該人是無行為能力的裁斷,該人可針對該裁斷向上訴法庭提出上訴。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(2) 根據本條提出的上訴可基於以下的理由─

(a) 任何僅涉及法律問題的上訴理由;及
(b) (經上訴法庭許可)任何僅涉及事實問題的理由,或是涉及法律兼事實問題的理由,或上

訴法庭覺得是足夠的上訴理由的任何其他理由, 但如主審法庭的法官發給一份證明書,證明該案件適合基於涉及事實問題的理由或涉及法律兼事實問題的理由提出上訴,則可無需經上訴法庭許可而根據本條提出上訴。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

  1. 在不抵觸第(4)款的規定下,第75(6)及(7)條適用於本條,一如其適用於第75條。 (由1996年第37號第6條增補)
  2. 在不損害《裁判官條例》(第227章)第105及113條的實施的原則下,本條不適用於裁判官根據第75條作出的裁定。 (由1996年第37號第6條增補)

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 15 U.K.]

(1) 上訴法庭如認為有以下情況,須判決根據第83M條提出的上訴得直─

(a) 在案件的所有情況下,主審法庭的裁斷並不穩妥或並不令人滿意而應予作廢;或
(b) 因曾就任何法律問題作出錯誤決定的理由,使裁斷生效的法庭命令應予作廢;或
(c) 在裁決是否適宜受審的問題的過程中有重大的不當之處, 而在任何其他情況下(本條第(2)款所適用的情況除外),上訴法庭須駁回上訴;而即使上訴法庭認為或會就上訴中所提出的論點作出對上訴人有利的決定,如認為實際上並無司法不公,則仍可駁回上訴。

些人的案件中作出命令,為使該條例第IV部的條文適用於該等人,附表7具有效力。 (由1994年第58號第4條修訂) (由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 16 U.K.]

條: 83O 禁止基於指明的理由而擱置或推翻判決或判決上訴得直 30/06/1997



(b) 因在傳召陪審員或在執行陪審員宣誓方面出錯;或
(c) 因任何本可述明為反對某人出任陪審員的理由;或
(d) 因證人的宣誓形式不當。 (由1972年第34號第18條增補)
條: 83P 由行政長官作出的轉交 79 of 1995; 25 of 1998; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997




    1. 如某人循公訴程序被定罪或循公訴程序受審和被裁斷因精神錯亂而無罪或被陪審團裁斷為無行為能力,行政長官如認為適合,可在任何時間─
      1. (a)將整宗案件轉交上訴法庭,而該案件就所有目的而言,須視作為該人向上訴法庭提出的上訴;或
      2. (b)如他意欲上訴法庭就案件中出現的任何論點給予協助,可將該論點轉交上訴法庭以取得其意見,而上訴法庭須考慮該如此轉交的論點,並須據此就該論點向行政長官提供意見。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  1. 行政長官根據本條作出的轉交,可應第(1)款所提述的人的申請而作出或在無該申請的情況下作出。
  2. (3) 為免生疑問,特此宣布,本條亦適用於上訴已經由終審法院聆訊和裁定的案件。 (由1995年第79號第50條增補)

(由1972年第34號第18條增補。由1999年第39號第3條修訂) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 17 U.K.]

條: 83Q 提出上訴的程序 25 of 1998 01/07/1997



221 -刑事訴訟程序條例


  1. 擬根據本部向上訴法庭提出上訴或向上訴法庭取得上訴許可的人,須以根據第9條訂立的規則及作出的命令所規定的方式,發出上訴通知或申請上訴許可的通知(視屬何情況而定)。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    1. 上訴通知或申請上訴許可的通知,須自上訴所針對的定罪、裁決或裁斷之日起計28天內提出,或如屬針對刑罰而提出的上訴,則自判處刑罰之日起計28天內提出,或如屬定罪時作出或視為定罪時作出的命令,則自該命令作出之日起計28天內提出:
    2. 但如刑罰是在定罪、裁決或裁斷之日後多於7天才判處,針對該定罪、裁決或裁斷的上訴通知或申請上訴許可的通知,可自判處刑罰之日起計28天內提出。
    1. (3) 根據本條發出通知的期限,可在期限屆滿前或屆滿後由上訴法庭延展。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      1. (由1993年第24號第11條廢除)
        1. (6) (a)凡受保護的戰俘或受保護的囚犯被判處2年或多於2年的監禁,儘管第(1)款的條文已有規定,他必須發出上訴通知或申請上訴許可的通知的期限,是自其定罪之日或(如屬針對刑罰而提出的上訴)自其被判處刑罰之日至他接獲由以下的人發出通知之日後10天屆滿為止的期間─ (由1993年第24號第11條修訂)
          1. (i) 如屬受保護的戰俘,由英軍軍官發出;
          2. (ii) 如屬受保護的囚犯,由懲教署署長或其代表發出, 該通知是述明保護當局已獲悉其定罪及刑罰。 (由1982年第346號法律公告代替)

(b)就本款而言,“受保護的戰俘”(protected prisoner of war)、“受保護的囚犯”(protected internee)及“保護當局”(the protecting power) 等詞,具有藉《1959年日內瓦公約法令(殖民地)樞密院頒令》*而適用於香港的《1957年日內瓦公約法令》+所給予它們的涵義。[比照 1968 c. 19 Sch. 5 Part I U.K.]

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照 1968 c. 19 s. 18 U.K.]


見附錄III BF1頁。
“《1959年日內瓦公約法令(殖民地)樞密院頒令》”乃“Geneva Conventions Act (Colonial Territories) Order in Council 1959”之譯名。
+ “《1957年日內瓦公約法令》”乃“Geneva Conventions Act, 1957”之譯名。
條: 83R 保釋 79 of 1995 s. 50 01/07/1997

(2) (由1995年第79號第50條廢除)

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 19 U.K.]

條: 83S 無理由上訴的處置 14 of 2003 09/05/2003


221 -刑事訴訟程序條例

瑣屑無聊或無理纏擾且無需押後作全面聆訊即可予以裁定,則可循簡易程序將該上訴駁回,而無需因此傳召任何人出席聆訊或傳召任何人代表特區就聆訊出庭。 (由1972年第34號第18條增補。由1999年第39號第3條修訂;由2003年第14號第24條修訂) [比照 1968 c. 19 s. 20 U.K.]

條: 83T 案件聆訊的準備 30/06/1997

(1) 司法常務官須─



(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 21 U.K.]

條: 83U 上訴人出席的權利 79 of 1995; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997




(1)被告人有權出席申請上訴許可的聆訊和上訴的聆訊,但如上訴法庭認為為了司法公正、公安或安全有所需要而另作命令,則屬例外。 (由1995年第79號第50條代替。由1999年第39號第3條修訂)

  1. (2) (由1995年第79號第50條廢除)
  2. (3) 上訴法庭判處任何人刑罰的權力,即使該人因任何理由而沒有出席,仍可予以行使。

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 22 U.K.]

條: 83V 證據 23 of 2003 04/07/2003

(1) 為施行本部,上訴法庭如認為為了司法公正而屬必需或合宜─

(c) 在符合第(3)款的規定下,可收取任何證人的證據(如有提出的話)。
    1. 在不損害第(1)款的原則下,如有證據根據該款向上訴法庭提出,除非上訴法庭信納該證據收取後不會成為任何判決上訴得直的理由,否則須在下列情況下行使其收取該證據的權力─
      1. (a)上訴法庭覺得該證據相當可能可信,以及在上訴所來自的法律程序中就作為上訴標的之爭論點本為可接納者;並且
      2. (b) 信納在該等法律程序中並無援引該證據,但對沒有援引該證據有合理解釋。
  1. 第(1)(c)款適用於任何有資格提供證據但並非可予強迫提供證據的證人(包括上訴人)。 (由2003年第23號第6條修訂)
  2. 就本部而言,上訴法庭如認為為了司法公正而屬必需或合宜,則可命令根據第(1)(b)款可能被規定出庭的任何證人接受訊問,訊問須在上訴法庭的任何法官或人員席前,或在上訴法庭為此目的而委任的任何其他人席前,以根據第9條訂立的規則及作出的命令所規定的方式進行,上訴法庭並可容許接納任何如此錄取的書面供詞作為在上訴法庭席前的證據。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  3. 在任何情況下,刑罰均不得因任何在審訊時沒有提供的證據或在考慮該證據後而有所增加。
  4. (6) 凡上訴人或答辯人的丈夫或妻子根據第(1)(b)或(4)款須接受訊問(為有關的上訴人或答辯人提供證據除外),該名丈夫或妻子可向上訴法庭申請豁免,使他或她無須如此接受訊問。 (由2003年第23號第6條增補)
  5. 凡上訴人或答辯人的丈夫或妻子具有根據第(6)款向上訴法庭申請豁免的權利,則上訴法庭必須信納該名丈夫或妻子已知悉該權利。 (由2003年第23號第6條增補)
  6. 凡上訴人或答辯人的丈夫或妻子根據第(6)款向上訴法庭申請豁免,則上訴法庭可行使法庭根據第57A(2)條可行使的相同權力,而該條經作出視乎情況所需的變通後適用。 (由2003年第23號第6條增補)
  7. 凡上訴人或答辯人的丈夫或妻子根據第(1)(b)或(4)款接受訊問,則《證據條例》(第8章)第7條(丈夫及妻子的特權)及該條例第8(2)條(交合的證據)不適用於該名丈夫或妻子。 (由2003年第23號第6條增補)
  8. 凡上訴人或答辯人的丈夫或妻子根據第(1)(b)或(4)款接受訊問(為有關的上訴人或答辯人提供證據除外),則《證據條例》(第8章)(刑事法律程序中免導致自己或配偶入罪的特權)第65A條不適用於該名丈夫或妻子。 (由2003年第23號第6條增補)

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照 1968 c. 19 s. 23 U.K.]




  1. 除上訴法庭有相反指示外,上訴人在聽候對其上訴作裁定時在扣押中的時間,須作為他當其時所受刑罰的部分刑期計算。
    1. 凡上訴法庭根據第(1)款作出相反指示,上訴法庭須述明如此行事的理由;而凡有以下情況,上訴法庭不得作出任何該等指示─
      1. (a) 已給予上訴許可;或
      2. (b) 主審法庭的法官已根據第82條發給一份證明書;或 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      3. (c) 案件是由行政長官根據第83P條轉交上訴法庭的。 (由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
  2. 凡根據第83R條上訴人獲准保釋,他獲准保釋後不在羈留中的時間,在計算他當其時所受刑罰的刑期時,不得計算在內。
    1. 除非上訴法庭另有指示,否則上訴法庭根據第83A、83B、83C、83I或83K(4)條所判處的任何刑罰的刑期的開始計算時間,須與該刑期若是在上訴所來自的法律程序中判處則本應開始計算的
    2. 時間一樣。 (由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 29 U.K.]
    1. 在循公訴程序定罪時作出的向某人復還財產的命令(除非主審法庭於任何情況中認為財產所有權並無爭議而作出相反指示)須在下列期間暫緩執行─
      1. (a) 在任何情況下,直至自定罪之日起計28天屆滿為止;及
      2. (b)凡自定罪之日起計28天內發出上訴通知或申請上訴許可的通知,直至上訴獲裁定為止。
  3. 如該命令暫緩實施直至上訴獲裁定為止,一旦該定罪在上訴中被撤銷,則該命令不得對有關財產生效。
  4. 根據第9條訂立的規則及作出的命令可作出規定,以確保財產在聽候暫緩執行任何該等命令期間獲安全保管。
  5. 雖然定罪並無被撤銷,上訴法庭仍可藉命令廢止或更改任何由主審法庭作出的向任何人復還財產的命令;該命令如被作廢,則不得生效,如被更改,則須按如此被更改的方式生效。
條: 83X 定罪後復還財產 30/06/1997

(由1972年第34號第18條增補) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 30 U.K.]

條: 83XX (1996年第39號第23條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 83Y 可由單一名法官行使的上訴法庭根據第 IV部具有的權力 25 of 1998 01/07/1997




(1)上訴法庭根據本部具有而在第(2)款所指明的權力,及根據《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第156(5)條發出指示的權力,可由單一名法官行使,方式與上訴法庭行使該等權力的方式一樣,並受相同條文約束。 (由1978年第25號第5條修訂)

    1. (2) 該等權力如下─
      1. (a) 給予上訴許可;
      2. (b) 延展發出上訴通知或申請上訴許可的通知的期限;
      3. (c) 容許上訴人出席任何法律程序;
      4. (d) 命令證人出庭接受訊問;
      5. (e) 准予上訴人保釋;
      6. (f) 根據第83F(2)條作出命令和撤銷或更改該等命令;
      7. (g) 根據第83W(1)條作出指示;
      8. (h) 給予許可根據第81A條申請覆核刑罰;
      9. (i) 就訟費的支付根據第83XX條作出命令; (由1978年第2號第4條增補)
      10. (j) 根據第81A(3)條作出將答辯人羈留扣押的命令。 (由1979年第20號第8條增補)
  1. 如上訴人或申請人就上述指明的任何權力的行使提出申請,以使其受惠,而單一名法官拒


(4) 在本條中,凡提述單一名法官,即提述上訴法庭或原訟法庭的單一名法官。 (由1978年第29號第2條增補)

(由1972年第34號第18條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂) [比照1968 c. 19 s. 31 U.K.]

條: 83Z 准許被定罪的人保釋的權力 30/06/1997


(a) (如屬聽候判刑)判處扣押刑罰的可能性;
(b) (如屬聽候針對定罪或刑罰提出上訴)刑罰的刑期於上訴獲處置前屆滿的可能性或上訴獲判決得直的可能性;及
(c) 法庭覺得有關的任何其他事宜。 (由1994年第56號第8條增補)
條: 83ZA (1995年第79號第50條廢除) 79 of 1995 01/07/1997
條: 84 在定罪時復還財產 30/06/1997


繼審訊後的其他法律程序 (由1972年第34號第19條增補)


  1. 除《當押商條例》(第166章)的條文另有規定外,凡任何人就可公訴罪行被定罪,任何被發現由他管有或由任何其他人代他管有的財產,可由法庭或裁判官命令交付法庭或裁判官覺得有權獲得該財產的人。 (由1930年第17號第8條代替)
  2. 如裁判官或法庭認為將任何被發現由一名被控告可公訴罪行的人管有或由任何其他人代他管有的財產或其任何部分,歸還該被控人或歸還裁判官或法庭所指名的任何人,是無礙司法公正的,亦無礙於將如此被控告的人妥為扣押或關於該人的其他事情,則本條不阻止任何裁判官或法庭作出如此歸還財產的命令。 (由1924年第5號附表修訂;由1930年第17號第8條修訂)
條: 84A 針對被定罪的人的刑事破產令 25 of 1998; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997




(1) 凡某人於法庭席前就某罪行被定罪,而法庭覺得─

221 -刑事訴訟程序條例


(b) 損失或損害的款額或合計款額超逾$150000, 法庭除可用任何其他方式處置該罪犯外(但如法庭根據第73條針對他作出補償令,則屬例外),亦可就該罪行或就該罪行連同任何其他有關罪行(視屬何情況而定)作出針對他的命令,稱為刑事破產令。
    1. (2) 在第(1)款中,“有關罪行”(relevant offences) 指─
      1. (a) 有關的人在同一法律程序中被定罪的罪行;
      2. (b) 法庭在裁定刑罰時予以考慮的罪行;或
      3. (c)獲法庭一名法官信納已在同一法律程序中經控方援引證據證明的罪行,而不論該等罪行是否經明確地予以控告或承認。
    1. (3) 刑事破產令須指明─
      1. (a)法庭覺得是由該罪行導致的損失或損害的款額,或如罪行多於一項,則須指明法庭覺得是由所有罪行導致的損失或損害的總款額;
      2. (b) 法庭覺得有蒙受該項損失或損害的人;
      3. (c) 法庭覺得該人或該等人中的每一人所蒙受的損失或損害的款額;及
      4. (d)法庭覺得是犯該罪行的最早日期,或如罪行多於一項,則指明其覺得是犯最先犯的罪行的最早日期。
  1. (4) 刑事破產令可就同一項損失或損害針對2名或多於2名的罪犯作出。
行政長官會同行政會議可藉命令修訂第(1)(b)款,以命令所指明的款額取代該款所指明的款額。 (由1999年第39號第3條修訂)

(6) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1979年第20號第9條增補) [比照 1973 c. 62 s. 39 U.K.]



(1) 不得針對作出刑事破產令而提出上訴。

  1. 凡某人針對其就某罪行的定罪向上訴法庭上訴成功,而有刑事破產令曾憑藉該定罪作出,則上訴法庭須撤銷該命令,但如該人在同一法律程序中已就另一罪行被定罪,而該定罪仍有效,並即使不參照首述罪行所引致的損失或損害仍應可作出刑事破產令,則作別論;如上訴法庭不據此撤銷該命令,則須將之修訂,方式是剔除該命令中關於定罪被推翻的罪行所引致的損失或損害的部分。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    1. 凡某人針對其就某罪行而被判的定罪提出上訴,而有刑事破產令曾憑藉該定罪作出,如上訴法庭以就另一罪行有罪的裁決作取代,則上訴法庭─
      1. (a)須撤銷該命令(假若該人原先是就該另一罪行被定罪即本不能針對該人作出刑事破產令);
      2. (b)在任何其他情況下,須因應以就該另一罪行有罪的裁決作取代而在所需的範圍內對該命令作出修訂。
    2. (4) 凡上訴法庭撤銷或修訂刑事破產令,撤銷或修訂在下列期間內或情況下不得生效─
      1. (a) 在任何情況下,直至自上訴法庭作出決定之日起計14天屆滿為止;
        1. (b)如在該段期間內,有針對上訴法庭就針對定罪的上訴所作決定而向終審法院上訴的許
        2. 可申請提出,則在聽候上訴期間;及 (由1995年第79號第50條修訂)
      2. (c) 如終審法院應此上訴而回復定罪的裁決。 (由1995年第79號第50條修訂)
  2. 就第(4)款而言,向終審法院上訴須視作處於聽候階段,直至上訴許可的申請獲處置為止,又如獲給予上訴許可,則直至上訴獲處置為止;且如自上訴法庭作出決定之日起計14天屆滿前,無人提出上訴許可申請,則撤銷或修訂在該段期間終結時生效。 (由1995年第79號第50條修訂)

(由1979年第20號第9條增補) [比照1973 c. 62 s. 40 U.K.]

條: 85 判刑日誌的傳送及效力 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998 01/07/1997




  1. 司法常務官須在每個月的月底或其後在方便之時盡快將一份經一名法官簽署並蓋有法院印章的判刑日誌傳送給政務司司長。 (由1971年第63號第5條修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  2. 司法常務官亦須將一份相類文本傳送給懲教署署長,懲教署署長須予以記錄,而該日誌是足夠的權力憑證,藉此可接收和羈留日誌內所指名的所有囚犯,並執行日誌內列明的所有刑罰,但死刑除外。 (由1924年第5號第12條修訂;由1937年第25號第3條修訂;由1938年第678號政府公告修訂)
  3. 如懲教署署長所備存的判刑日誌文本遺失或銷毀,司法常務官須將一份經如上所述方式簽署和蓋印的新文本交付懲教署署長,而新文本與最初交給該人員的文本具有相同的效力。 (由1924年第5號第12條修訂;由1937年第25號第3條修訂;由1938年第678號政府公告修訂)
  4. 法庭每日開庭完結時,司法常務官須向懲教署署長或其副手提交一份採用附表1表格5格式的證明書,列明法庭在該日判處的所有刑罰。 (由1911年第50號第4條修訂;由1912年第8號第52條修訂;由1924年第5號第12條修訂;由1937年第25號第3條修訂;由1938年第678號政府公告修訂;由1971年第63號第6條修訂;由1994年第58號第4條修訂)
  5. 該份證明書是給予懲教署署長的足夠權力憑證,藉此可接收證明書內所指名的所有囚犯,予以扣押,並施行證明書內描述的所有刑罰(死刑除外),直至他收到該月份的判刑日誌為止。 (由1924年第5號第12條修訂;由1937年第25號第3條修訂;由1938年第678號政府公告修訂;由1971年第63號第6條修訂)
條: 86 每日完結時判刑證明書的交付及效力 30/06/1997
條: 87 (1991年第50號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997


條: 88 將正本文件存檔 30/06/1997




條: 89 協助犯,教唆犯及從犯 30/06/1997



任何人協助,教唆,慫使或促致另一人犯任何罪行,即屬就同一罪行有罪。 (由1971年第5號第7條代替) [比照1861 c. 94 s. 8 U.K.;比照1952 c. 55 s. 35 U.K.]

條: 90 協助罪犯的罰則 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997
  1. 如某人犯可逮捕的罪行,而任何其他人知悉或相信該人就該罪行或另一可逮捕罪行有罪,並在無合法權力依據或合理辯解的情況下,作出任何作為而意圖妨礙拘捕或檢控該人,即屬有罪。
    1. 如在循公訴程序審訊可逮捕的罪行時,陪審團信納有人已犯被控告的罪行(或被控人就該控罪或會被裁斷有罪的另一罪行),但裁斷被控人就該罪行無罪,而陪審團如信納該人就被控告的罪行(或該另一罪行)而言,犯第(1)款所訂的任何罪行,則可裁斷該人就第(1)款所訂的任何罪行有罪。
    2. (3) 任何人就第(1)款所訂的罪行有罪─
      1. (a) 如循公訴程序定罪,可處監禁10年;或
      2. (b) 如循簡易程序定罪,可處罰款$5000及監禁2年。
  2. (4) 除經律政司司長同意外,不得就第(1)款所訂的罪行提起法律程序。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
    1. 第(4)款不阻止就第(1)款所訂的罪行逮捕或發出逮捕令以逮捕任何人,亦不阻止將被控告該罪行的人還押羈留或予以保釋。
    2. (由1971年第5號第7條代替) [比照1967 c. 58 s. 4 U.K.]
  3. 如某人犯可逮捕的罪行,而任何其他人知悉或相信有人已犯該罪行或另一可逮捕的罪行,並知悉或相信他有在確保罪犯就該罪行而被檢控或定罪方面可能有關鍵性幫助的資料,但接受或同意接受任何不披露該資料的代價,即屬有罪,如循公訴程序定罪,可處監禁2年。
  4. 如某人明知而向任何人作出虛報,內容傾向於顯示已有人犯某罪行,或傾向於對任何人或財產的安全引起憂慮,或傾向顯示他有對警方的調查具關鍵作用的資料,因而導致任何警力的浪費,即屬有罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$2000及監禁6個月。
  5. (3) 除經律政司司長同意外,不得就第(1)款所訂的罪行提起法律程序。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂)
  6. (4) 除本條所訂者外,有代價地就罪行(叛逆罪除外)不予檢控或作出任何妨礙檢控的行為,並非一項罪行。
條: 91 隱瞞罪行的罰則 L.N. 362 of 1997 01/07/1997

(5) (由1991年第50號第4條廢除)

(由1971年第5號第7條代替) [比照1967 c. 58 s. 5 U.K.]附註:

條: 92 (1971年第5號第7條廢除 ) 30/06/1997
條: 93 (1971年第5號第7條廢除 ) 30/06/1997
條: 94 (1971年第5號第7條廢除 ) 30/06/1997
條: 94A 否定的聲言 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997






    1. (2) 為免生疑問,特此宣布在刑事法律程序中─
      1. (a) 控方無須藉證據否定本款適用的任何事宜;及
      2. (b) 謀求利用上述事宜的人有責任舉證證明上述事宜。
  1. (3) 本條適用於區域法院或裁判法院的刑事法律程序。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
  2. 第(2)款適用的事宜指任何特許、許可證、證明書、授權、許可、合法或合理的權力依據、

目的、因由或辯解、例外、豁免、限制或其他相類事宜。 (由1971年第5號第8條增補)

條: 95 述明合夥人等的財產擁有權的方式 30/06/1997


  1. 在根據本條例進行的任何法律程序中的任何文件中,凡有需要述明任何屬於多於一人或由多於一人管有的財產的擁有權,只須將該等人士中的一人指名,並述明該財產屬於該被如此指名的人及另一人或其他人等(視屬何情況而定)即已足夠。
  2. 凡在任何該等文件中,不論為任何目的而有需要述及任何合夥人或其他聯名擁有人或管有人,只須以前述方式對他們作出描述即已足夠。

(3) 本條的條文須解釋為適用範圍擴及所有的合股公司及組織、社團及受託人。 [比照1826 c. 64 s. 14 U.K.]

條: 96 述明教會的財產擁有權等的方式 30/06/1997




條: 97 述明公眾財產擁有權的方式 30/06/1997




[比照1826 c. 64 ss. 15 & 16 U.K.]

條: 98 (1970年第21號附表2廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 99 (1970年第21號附表2廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 100 已婚婦女遭丈夫脅迫的推定的廢除 30/06/1997



(由1930年第17號第9條增補) [比照1925 c. 86 s. 47 U.K.]

條: 101 在某些案件中循簡易程序拘捕罪犯 30/06/1997


(1) (由1971年第5號第9條廢除)

  1. 任何人可無需手令而逮捕任何他合理地懷疑犯了可逮捕的罪行的人。(由1967年第70號第2條代替)
  2. 任何人如獲他人提出向他售賣、當押或交付任何財產,而他有合理理由懷疑已有或即將有任何可逮捕的罪行對該財產或就該財產而犯,他可無需手令而拘捕向他提出售賣、當押或交付該財產的人,並取得該被提出予以售賣、當押或交付的財產的管有,而如果他能夠的話,則必須如此行事。 (由1967年第70號第2條修訂)
  3. 任何人如發現任何人管有任何他有合理理由懷疑該人是藉可逮捕的罪行而取得的財產,可無需手令而逮捕最後述及的人,並取得該財產的管有。 (由1967年第70號第2條修訂)
  4. (5) 根據載於此的任何條文逮捕任何人的每一人(如作出逮捕的人本身不是警務人員),須將如此逮捕的人及他已取得管有的財產(如有的話)交付警務人員,以便在合理的範圍內盡快將該人帶到裁判官席前,以待裁判官按照法律處理,或為該目的而親自在合理的範圍內盡快將該人帶到裁判官席前。 (由1911年第51號修訂;由1912年第2號附表修訂)
  5. 本條不影響任何其他成文法則賦予警員或其他人的拘捕權力。 (由1911年第51號修訂;由1912年第2號附表修訂)
  6. 任何人於防止罪案時或於進行或協助合法逮捕罪犯或疑犯或非法地不在羈留中的人時,可使用就當時環境而言屬於合理的武力。
  7. 普通法中關於何時為第(1)款所述任何目的而使用武力,即因該目的而屬正當地使用武力的規定,由第(1)款予以取代。
條: 101A 作出逮捕時武力的使用等 30/06/1997

(由1971年第5號第10條增補) [比照1967 c. 58 s. 3 U.K.]

條: 101B (1996年第49號第4條廢除) 30/06/1997



條: 101C 提述罪行包括提述犯罪企圖等 30/06/1997

(1) 凡條例─


(b) 在其他情況下提述罪行, 該權力或職責須當作亦可在以下罪行裁定成立後行使或執行,所提述罪行須當作包括提述以下罪行 ─
(i) (由1996年第49號第5條廢除)
(ii) 協助、教唆、慫使或促致他人犯該罪行;
(iii) (由1996年第49號第5條廢除)
(iv) 煽惑他人犯該罪行。 (由1983年第64號第2條增補)
第(1)款適用於施加罰款以及作出沒收、檢查及搜查的權力,亦適用於取消、暫時吊銷或拒發牌照、許可證或其他授權書的權力及酌情決定權,但本條不得當作為授權判處監禁,除非所判監禁是因欠繳憑藉本條可施加的罰款所致。 (由1993年第24號第13條修訂)

註: 上述條文以往曾在第1章第82條出現。憑藉1993年第89號第27條,現分別重新制定為本條例第101C條。

條: 101D 構成兩項或多項罪行的作為 30/06/1997


221 -刑事訴訟程序條例

註: 上述條文以往曾在第1章第83條出現。憑藉1993年第89號第27條,現分別重新制定為本條例第101D條。

條: 101E 董事等的責任 30/06/1997



註: 上述條文以往曾在第1章第84條出現。憑藉1993年第89號第27條,現分別重新制定為本條例第101E條。

條: 101F 訂明的刑罰視為最高刑罰 30/06/1997


(a) 罪行裁定成立後,可判處不超逾該條例所訂明的刑罰;及

註: 上述條文以往曾在第1章第86條出現。憑藉1993年第89號第27條,現分別重新制定為本條例第101F條。

條: 101G 條末的刑罰說明 30/06/1997


註: 上述條文以往曾在第1章第87條出現。憑藉1993年第89號第27條,現分別重新制定為本條例第101G條。

條: 101H 某些刑罰可一併判處 30/06/1997


註: 上述條文以往曾在第1章第88條出現。憑藉1993年第89號第27條,現分別重新制定為本條例第101H條。

條: 101I 可公訴罪行 (包括串謀及煽惑他人犯罪 )的懲罰 10 of 2008 09/05/2008
    1. 在不抵觸第(2)及(5)款的條文下,任何人被裁定犯了一項可公訴罪行,而除此處外,並無任何條例訂定該罪的刑罰,則可處監禁7年及罰款。(由1986年第12號第2條修訂;由1991年第50號第4(1)條修訂;由1996年第49號第6條修訂;由2008年第10號第15條修訂)
    2. (2) 任何人被裁定─
      1. (a) (由1986年第12號第2條廢除)
      2. (b) (由1996年第49號第6條廢除)
    1. (c) 煽惑他人犯某罪項, 而條例雖訂定該罪項的最高刑罰,但除此處外,並無任何條例訂定串謀或煽惑他人犯該罪項的刑罰,則可判處該罪項的最高刑罰。 (由1986年第12號第2條修訂)
      1. (3) (由1993年第24號第14條廢除)
      2. (4) (由1996年第49號第6條廢除)
  1. 凡任何人被裁定犯了普通法中妨礙司法公正的罪行,該人可在法院的酌情決定下,被處以任何刑期的監禁及任何款額的罰款,但上述監禁及罰款須受根據《區域法院條例》(第336章)或《裁判官條例》(第227章)該法院可依法判處的最高監禁刑期及最高罰款額的限制所規限。 (由2008年第10號第15條增補)

(6) 在第(5)款中,“法院”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由2008年第10號第15條增補) (由1983年第64號第3條代替)

註: 上述條文以往曾在第1章第90條出現。憑藉1993年第89號第27條,現重新制定為本條例第101I條。

條: 101J 刑罰的修訂 30/06/1997


(2) 如經修訂的刑罰是較輕的刑罰,則可處該罪犯較輕的刑罰。 (由1993年第89號第33條增補)

條: 102 與罪行相關的財產的處置 39 of 1999 01/07/1997




(1) 凡─

(a) 任何財產如因與任何罪行相關而歸由法院、警方或香港海關管有;
(b) 法院覺得有人曾就法院、警方或香港海關所管有的任何財產犯某罪行;或
(c) 法院覺得有人曾在犯某罪行時使用法院、警方或香港海關所管有的任何財產, 則不論該罪行是否在香港犯的或看來是在香港犯的,法庭均可以本條訂定的方式處置該財產。 (由1977年第46號第16條修訂)
(2) 法庭可主動或應申請─
(a) 就第(1)(a)款適用的財產─
(i) 作出命令將任何該等財產交付法庭覺得有權獲得該財產的人;
(ii) 凡如此有權獲得該財產的人身分不詳或不能尋獲,可作出命令將該財產售賣,或由法院、警方或香港海關保留管有;或 (由1977年第46號第16條修訂;由1995年第13號第56條修訂)
(iii) 如該財產無價值,則可命令銷毀該財產;及 (由1995年第13號第56條增補)
(b) 就第(1)(b)或(c)款適用的財產─
(i) 根據(a)段以與處理第(1)(a)款適用的財產相同的方式處理該財產;或
(ii) 作出將該財產沒收的命令。
凡法庭根據第(2)款命令售賣或扣留財產,而自作出該命令之日起計6個月內,無人就財產或其售賣得益證明有申索權,財產或其售賣得益即成為政府的財產。 (由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
  1. (7) 第(2)(b)(ii)款賦予法庭命令沒收財產的權力,不適用於不動產或任何飛機、汽車或船舶。
  2. (8) 在本條中,“法院”、“法庭”(court) 包括裁判官。 (由1967年第70號第4條代替)
條: 103 擬用作犯可公訴罪行的物件的檢取 30/06/1997



條: 104 搜查令 30/06/1997

根據第103條作出的命令可藉搜查令予以強制執行。 (由1911年第50號第4條修訂;由1924年第5號第8條修訂;由1967年第70號第6條修訂)

條: 105 關於在被拘捕的人身上發現財產的報告 30/06/1997


條: 106 在被拘捕的人身上發現的款項的應用 30/06/1997


221 -刑事訴訟程序條例

條: 106A 對年齡的推定及決定 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997





(2) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂) (由1979年第33號第2條增補) [比照 1948 c. 58 s. 80(3) U.K.]

條: 107 准許有條件釋放罪犯的權力 30/06/1997


  1. 凡任何人就任何可懲處監禁的罪行循公訴程序被定罪,而法庭經顧及被控告的人的品格、經歷、年齡、健康或精神狀況,或罪行的輕微性質,或可使罪責減輕的發生罪行的情況,認為不宜處以任何懲罰或任何並非象徵式懲罰的懲罰,法庭可不施加監禁刑罰,而代以作出有條件釋放該罪犯的命令,條件為該罪犯(有擔保人或無擔保人)作出擔保、保證保持行為良好,並在該命令所指明的期間(不超逾3年)內,於被傳召時出庭聽候判處刑罰。 (由1960年第12號第3條修訂)
    1. (2) 凡根據本條作出命令,法庭可另外命令罪犯須支付法庭認為合理的法律程序訟費。 (由1972年第48號第4條修訂)
    2. (由1937年第27號附表代替) [比照1907 c. 17 s. 1(2) & (3) U.K.]
    1. 在任何上述情況下,法庭或裁判官如基於經宣誓而作的告發而信納罪犯沒有遵守其擔保的任何條件,可發出將他拘捕的手令,或如法庭或裁判官認為適合,可向罪犯及其擔保人(如有的話)發出傳票,要求他或他們於傳票指明的法庭出庭,而非先行發出手令。
    2. (2) 拘捕罪犯後,如不能隨即將他帶到法庭席前,則須將他帶到裁判官席前。
  2. 如罪犯在被拘捕後被帶到裁判官席前,或依據前述傳票而出現裁判官席前,裁判官可將罪犯還押羈留或予以保釋,直至可將他帶到法庭席前為止。
  3. 被如此還押羈留的罪犯,在還押期間可被交付監獄,或如是兒童或不足16歲的少年人,則可交付根據《少年犯條例》(第226章)規定的拘留地方。
  4. 法庭如信納受本身擔保約束而須出庭聽候定罪及判刑的人,沒有遵守其擔保的任何條件,可無需有進一步的該人有罪的證明而隨即將該人定罪並就其原有罪行判刑。
條: 108 罪犯沒有遵守釋放條件時的條文 30/06/1997

(由1937年第2號附表代替) [比照1907 c. 17 s. 6 U.K.]法庭根據第107條指示釋放罪犯前,須信納擔保人(如有的話)在香港有固定居所或固定職業。 [比照1887 c. 25 s. 3 U.K.]

條: 109 關於擔保人居所的條件 30/06/1997
條: 109A 對監禁年齡在 1621歲之間的人的限制 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997




    1. 對任何年屆16歲或超過16歲而未屆21歲的人,法庭除非認為沒有其他適當的方法可處置該人,否則不得判處監禁;就決定任何其他處置該人的方法是否適當而言,法庭須取得和考慮有關情況的資料,並須顧及在法庭席前的任何關於該人的品格與其健康及精神狀況的資料。
    2. (1A)本條不適用於就附表3宣布為例外罪行的罪行而被定罪的人。 (由1971年第5號第10A條增補。由1994年第58號第4條修訂)
  1. (2) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1976年第35號第11條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(由1967年第66號附表增補) [比照 1948 c. 58 s. 17(2) U.K.]

條: 109AA 監管令 30/06/1997


    1. 任何人如在年屆25歲前獲釋出獄,或如此獲釋後服滿一段根據《囚犯(監管下釋放)條例》(第325章)第7(2)條命令作出的監管期,則除本條第(1A)和(2)款的條文另有規定外,如該人已服滿的或根據該條例第7(2)條作出的命令所關乎的監禁刑罰的刑期是─
      1. (a) 3個月或多於3個月;
      2. (b) 非因欠繳某筆款項而判處;並且
      3. (c) 於以下時間由該人開始服刑─
    2. (i) 該人年屆21歲之前;及
  1. (ii) 在1980年5月1日之後, 則懲教署署長須根據本條作出監管令。 (由1987年第59號第21條代替)

(1A) 如該人在獲釋出獄時根據《囚犯(監管下釋放)條例》(第325章)第7(1)條須受監管,則在該人如此獲釋時,不得根據第(1)款作出監管令。 (由1987年第59號第21條增補)

(2) 如任何人是在以下情況獲釋,則不得根據第(1)款作出監管令─ (由1986年第24號第6條修訂)

(aa)就該人根據《入境條例》(第115章)第19條作出的遣送離境令或根據該條例第20條作出的遞解離境令正生效; (由1990年第6號第7條增補。由1997年第80號第103條修訂)

(b)根據《教導所條例》(第280章)第5A條暫緩執行的羈留在教導所的刑罰、監管通知書或召回令在該人獲釋時恢復生效。 (由1990年第6號第7條修訂)
    1. (3) 根據第(1)款作出的監管令須載有下述條件,即命令所針對的人─
      1. (a) (在不抵觸第(4)及(5)款的條文下)須接受命令所指明的機構或人監管,監管期間由該人獲釋出獄之日起開始,而屆滿時間不得超逾獲釋後12個月;及
      2. (b) 在監管期內,須遵從命令所指明的規定,包括對住所的規定。
  1. (4) 懲教署署長可隨時取消或更改根據第(1)款作出的監管令的條款。
    1. (5) 根據第(1)款作出的監管令─
        1. (a) 在命令所針對的人有以下情況的期間,須暫緩執行─
          1. (i) 該人依據一項根據第109AB條作出的召回令而被羈留;或
          2. (ii) 該人正在服少於3個月的監禁刑期, 但不得因任何上述暫緩執行而在作出的日期後超逾12個月才屆滿;
        1. (b) 凡命令所針對的人有以下情況,該命令即不再具有效力─
          1. (i) 被命令服3個月或多於3個月的監禁刑期;
          2. (ii) 根據《戒毒所條例》(第244章)被命令羈留於戒毒所;
          3. (iii) 根據《教導所條例》(第280章)被命令羈留於教導所;
          4. (iv) 根據《罪犯感化條例》(第298章)第3條成為感化令的標的;或
          5. (v) 年屆26歲。
  2. 任何人沒有遵從根據第(1)款作出的監管令,即屬有罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$5000及監禁12

個月。 (由1980年第14號第2條增補)

  1. 凡懲教署署長信納根據第109AA條第(1)款作出的監管令對某人有效,而該人沒有遵從該命令,如根據《監獄規則》(第234章,附屬法例)第69條該人就監禁期間獲得減刑,而該監禁期間於該人在該款所提述的情況下獲釋出獄時完結,則懲教署署長可針對他作出召回令,規定他須回到監獄。
    1. 在不抵觸第(3)及(4)款的條文下,根據第(1)款作出的召回令所針對的人,可被羈留在獄中,羈留期間相等於他所獲得的減刑期。
      1. (3) 懲教署署長可隨時釋放依據一項根據第(1)款作出的召回令而被羈留的人。
        1. (4) 凡根據第(1)款作出的召回令所針對的人有以下情況,該命令即不再具有效力─
          1. (a) 被命令服一段監禁刑期;
          2. (b) 根據《戒毒所條例》(第244章)被命令羈留於戒毒所;
          3. (c) 根據《教導所條例》(第280章)被命令羈留於教導所;
          4. (d) 根據《罪犯感化條例》(第298章)第3條成為感化令的標的;或
          5. (e) 年屆26歲。 (由1980年第14號第2條增補)



  1. 如根據第109AB(1)條所作出的召回令所針對的人,在召回令作出時不在羈留中,則須當作非法地不在羈留中。
    1. 警務人員如合理地懷疑根據第109AB(1)條作出的召回令對某人有效,以及該人是非法地不在羈留中,則可將他逮捕並將他帶往監獄。
    2. (2A)如已有一項召回令根據第109AB(1)條針對某人作出,根據第109AA條就該人作出的監管令所指明的懲教署人員,或懲教署署長藉更改該監管令的條款而代替該如此指明的人員的另一名懲教署人員,如合理地懷疑該項召回令對該人有效,以及該人是非法地不在羈留中,則可將他逮捕並將他帶往監獄。 (由1988年第14號第2條增補)
  2. 除非行政長官在個別案件中另有指示,否則根據第109AB(1)條作出的召回令對某人有效而該人又非法地不在羈留中的期間,在計算根據召回令該人可被羈留的期間時,不得計算在內。 (由1999年第39號第3條修訂)



  1. 如法庭就並非例外罪行的罪行,判處刑期不超逾2年的監禁刑罰,法庭可作出命令,規定除非在命令所指明的期間(自命令之日起不少於1年及不超逾3年)內,有關的罪犯在香港犯另一可懲處監禁的罪行,而隨後有權根據第109C條命令原來刑罰須予執行的法庭如此作出命令,否則該刑罰不得予以執行。
    1. 如某法庭就某罪行而判處任何人緩刑,則不得在該人的個案中,就該人已由該法庭或已在該法庭席前定罪的另一罪行或由該法庭處置該人的另一罪行,作出感化令。
    2. (3) 法庭在判處緩刑時─
      1. (a) 可施加法庭認為適合的條件;
      2. (b)須以日常用語向罪犯解釋,他如在緩刑的實施期間犯了可懲處監禁的罪行或違反根據
    3. (a)段施加的任何條件,根據第109C條他須負的法律責任。
  2. 如法庭已對任何人判處緩刑,而該人後來被判處羈留於教導所,則不得就該緩刑對該人作出處置,但如該後來的刑罰或判處該刑罰所基於的任何定罪或裁斷在上訴時被撤銷,則作別論。

(5) 除本條例或任何其他條例所載的條文另有相反的規定外─


(由1971年第5號第11條增補) [比照1967 c. 80 s. 39 U.K.]



    1. 如罪犯就於緩刑的實施期間所犯的可懲處監禁的罪行被定罪,或如在該段期間內,他違反根據第109B(3)(a)條施加的條件,並被根據第109D條有權就該緩刑處置他的法庭將他如此定罪或在該法庭席前被如此定罪,或他在其後出現該法庭席前或被帶到該法庭席前,則除非該刑罰已經執行,否則該法庭須考慮他的情況,並用以下其中一種方法將他處置─
      1. (a) 法庭可命令緩刑須予執行而原來刑期不變;
      2. (b) 法庭可命令該刑罰須予執行,但原來刑期則由較長或較短的刑期代替;
      3. (c)法庭可藉命令更改根據第109B(1)條作出的原來命令,方式是將原來命令所指明的期間,改由另一期間代替,而該另一期間的屆滿時間不得為自作出更改當日起計3年之後;或
  1. (d) 法庭可就該緩刑不作出任何命令, 而除非法庭考慮到自判處緩刑以來所出現的所有情況,包括其後所犯罪行的事實,認為根據本款(a)段作出命令並不公正,否則須如此行事,而凡法庭認為如此,則須述明其理由。
  2. 凡某法庭命令緩刑須予執行,不論原來刑期是否有所更改,該刑罰的刑期須由該法庭或另一法庭對罪犯所判處的另一監禁刑期屆滿時開始,但如該法庭認為由於情況特別,該刑罰應立即生效,則屬例外。
  3. 凡在原訟法庭席前進行的就緩刑對罪犯作出處置的法律程序中,任何關於罪犯是否已就於緩刑的實施期間所犯的可懲處監禁的罪行而被定罪的問題,須由法庭裁定,而不是由陪審團的裁決裁定。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
    1. 凡某法庭根據本條就一項緩刑對罪犯作出處置,該法庭的書記須將所採用的方法通知判處該刑罰的法庭的書記。
    2. (5) 凡某法庭在考慮罪犯的個案後,就緩刑不作出命令,該法庭的書記須將此事記錄在案。
  4. 就任何賦予在刑事案件中提出上訴的權利的條例而言,法庭所作出的任何上述命令,須視為法庭就被判處緩刑的罪行而對罪犯所判處的刑罰。

(由1971年第5號第11條增補) [比照1967 c. 80 s. 40 U.K.]



(1) 在任何法庭席前出現或被帶到任何法庭席前的罪犯,可由該法庭就緩刑而作出處置。

    1. 凡某罪犯被裁判官就一項可懲處監禁的罪行定罪,而裁判官信納該罪行是在原訟法庭或區域法院所判處的緩刑的實施期間犯的─ (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
      1. (a)如裁判官認為適合,可將該罪犯在扣押或保釋下交付有權就該緩刑對他作出處置的法庭;及
      2. (b) 裁判官如不如此行事,須向判處該緩刑的法庭的書記發出關於該定罪的書面通知。
  1. 裁判官根據第(2)款將罪犯交付的法庭,須是判處該緩刑的法庭,但裁判官如顧及判處該緩刑的法庭就該緩刑而相當可能對罪犯作出處置的時間和地點,認為罪犯由另一法庭處置會更為方便,則可將罪犯交付該另一法庭。
  2. (4) 就本條及第109E條而言,罪犯在上訴時所被判處的緩刑須視作由原來判處他的法庭所判處。

(由1971年第5號第11條增補) [比照1967 c. 80 s. 41 U.K.]





  1. 除非有告發,否則裁判官不得根據本條發出傳票,以及除非有經宣誓而作的書面告發,否則裁判官不得根據本條發出手令。
  2. 根據本條發出的傳票或手令須指示罪犯於判處他緩刑的法庭席前出席或將他帶到該法庭席前,但若如此發出的手令規定將罪犯帶到原訟法庭或區域法院的法庭席前,而因為該法庭不開庭,而不能立即將他帶到該法庭席前,該手令具有猶如指示將該罪犯帶到裁判官席前的效力,而裁判官須將他在扣押或保釋下交付原訟法庭或區域法院。

(由1971年第5號第11條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂) [比照1967 c. 80 s. 42 U.K.]

條: 109F 違反條件 30/06/1997

如在緩刑的實施期間,罪犯有犯違反法庭根據第109B(3)(a)條對他施加的任何條件,則可對他作出處置,猶如他在該期間內就可懲處監禁的罪行被定罪一樣。 (由1971年第5號第11條增補)

條: 109G 釋義 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



在第109B、109C、109D、109E及109F條中─ “例外罪行”(excepted offence) 指附表3宣布為例外罪行的罪行; (由1994年第58號第4條修訂) “法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官; (由1976年第35號第12條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂) “實施期間”(operational period) 就緩刑而言,指根據第109B(1)條作出的命令所指明的期間。


條: 109H (1976年第74號第2條廢除) 30/06/1997
條: 109I 判被告人簽保以保證遵守法紀的權力 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997





[比照1968 c. 69 s. 1 U.K.]附註:

條: 110 擬備沒有履行擔保者的名單 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



(1)司法常務官須每月一次擬備一份或多於一份關於下述的人的名單,即受擔保約束須出現或作任何其他事情的人,或為任何其他人的出現或作任何其他事情而受擔保約束的人,而該人並沒有出現或作上述的其他事情,或該人所擔保的人,或該人受擔保約束而擔保的其他人沒有出現或作上述的其他事情;如能如此做的話,司法常務官須述明沒有出現或作上述的其他事情的因由。 (由1911年第50號修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂;由1931年第17號第2條修訂;由1971年第63號第7條修訂)


署,並須由司法常務官交付執達主任。 (由1931年第17號第2條修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂) [比照1826 c. 64 s. 31 U.K.]

條: 111 執行令狀的發出 30/06/1997


條: 112 凡擔保未獲清償時對沒有履行擔保者的拘捕及羈留 30/06/1997




條: 113 該人在獲釋時沒有按指定的日期出現 30/06/1997

如該人沒有依照就此作出的承諾而於指定的日期出現法庭席前,法庭可命令司法常務官的辦事處針對如前述般受擔保約束者的一名或多於一名擔保人發出執行令狀,而該令狀須交付執達主任,執達主任則須着手按令狀內的指示行事: (由1971年第63號第9條修訂)


條: 113A 法庭施加罰款的權力 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997


221 -刑事訴訟程序條例



    1. 凡某人就任何罪行(刑罰已由法律所固定者除外)被定罪,法庭如並無因為要行使另一權力(例如根據《罪犯感化條例》(第298章)第3條作出感化令的權力)而不能判處該人,則除任何成文法則規定該人須受某一特定方式處置外,法庭可施加罰款以代替法庭有權處置該人的任何其他方式,亦可在以該等其他方式處置該人外,再施加罰款。
    2. (2) 如法庭根據第(1)款對任何人施加罰款,可作出以下命令─
      1. (a) 寬限繳付罰款的款額的時間;及
      2. (b) 指示按命令所分別指明的款額及日期分期繳付該款額。 [比照1973 c. 62 s. 31 U.K.]
  1. 如法庭根據第(1)款對任何人判處罰款,須作出命令固定一段如該人有法律責任繳付的款項未獲妥為繳付則該人須服的監禁刑期,但該段監禁刑期不得超逾12個月。

(4) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂) (由1981年第50號第4條增補) [比照 1973 c. 62 s. 30(1) U.K.]



  1. 凡某條例以提述某級數的方式訂定某罪行的罰款,適用於該罪行的罰款是附表8中該級數所示的款額。
  2. 凡某條例的條文指明可由附屬法例訂明的罰款的級數,所指明的級數是對附表8所列出的該級數的提述。
  3. 行政長官會同行政會議可藉規例修訂附表8所列出的款額,以反映他認為自該附表實施之日以來或自該附表所載款額對上一次修改之日以來,通貨膨脹對該附表所列出的款額的價值的影響。(由1999年第39號第3條修訂)


(1) 在本條中,“非規定罰款”(excluded fine) 指─

(a) 款額大於第(2)款列表所列出的最高款額的罰款;
(b) 每日罰款或每日罰則;及

(c)《房屋條例》(第283章)、《定額罰款(交通違例事項)條例》(第237章)、《定額罰款(刑事訴訟)條例》(第240章)、《定額罰款(公眾地方潔淨罪行)條例》(第570章)或《定額罰款(吸煙罪行)條例》(第600章)所指的定額罰款。 (由2001年第24號第20條修訂;由2008年第26號第19條修訂)

    1. (2) 凡某條例訂定某罪行的罰款(非規定罰款除外)是以某款額來表達,該罰款須當作為屬以下列表所載適用於該款額的級數的罰款─
    2. 列表
  1. (3) 凡某條例的條文指明某罰款(非規定罰款除外),並以由附屬法例訂明的某款額來表達,該罰款須當作為屬第(2)款列表所載適用於該款額的級數的罰款。
  2. 行政長官會同行政會議可藉規例修訂第(2)款列表所列出的款額,以反映他認為自本條實施之日以來或自該附表所載款額對上一次修改之日以來,通貨膨脹對該列表所列出的款額的價值的影響。 (由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
罰款 適用級數
$1至$2000 第1級
$2001至$5000 第2級
$5001至$10000 第3級
$10001至$25000 第4級
$25001至$50000 第5級
$50001至$100000 第6級


改某條例的文本,使其與當作已根據本條作出的更改相應。 (由1997年第362號法律公告修訂) (由1994年第58號第2條增補)




    1. 在符合本條條文的規定下,凡由法庭判處罰款或於法庭席前沒收擔保,可按照本條的條文作出以下命令─
      1. (a) 寬限繳付罰款的款額或根據擔保須付的款額的時間;
      2. (b) 指示按命令所分別指明的款額及日期分期繳付上述款額;
      3. (c) 固定一段如某人有法律責任繳付的款項未獲妥為繳付或討回則該人須服的監禁刑期;
      4. (d) (如屬擔保)解除擔保或減少根據擔保須付的款額。 (由1976年第35號第13條修訂)
  1. 凡有法律責任繳付本條適用的罰款或根據擔保須付的款項的人,被法庭判處一段監禁刑期,或正在服或須服一段監禁刑期,法庭可命令根據第(1)(c)款所固定的任何監禁刑期,須在首述的監禁刑期完結後方開始計算。
  2. 本條所賦予的解除擔保或減少根據擔保須付的款額的權力,是增補任何其他成文法則所賦予的關乎解除、取消、減輕或減少擔保或根據擔保沒收的款項的權力。
    1. 凡有任何前述的命令作出,指示分期繳付罰款或根據擔保須付的款額,在其中任何一期款項欠繳時,可提出的法律程序,是猶如餘下未付的各期款項均已欠繳者一樣。
    2. (5) 凡有任何前述的命令作出,就欠繳罰款或欠繳根據擔保須付的款額而定下監禁刑期,則─
      1. (a) 在向負責追討的人員或(如該命令所針對的人是在獄中)向懲教署署長繳付罰款或上述款額後,該命令即不再具有效力;而如上述的人是在獄中,且並無任何其他因由可將他羈留,則須立刻將他釋放;
      2. (b)在向上述人員或懲教署署長繳付部分罰款或部分根據擔保須付的款額後,監禁刑期的總日數須按比例縮減,即所縮減的日數在上述總日數減一天的日數中所佔的比例,須盡量接近(但不得超逾)已付款的部分在罰款的款額或根據擔保須付的款額中所佔的比例。
  3. 在根據第(5)(b)款縮減監禁刑期的日數時,須予縮減的監禁刑期在任何時間,均須當作已按根據《監獄規則》(第234章,附屬法例)獲得的減刑期而縮減。

(7) 就本條而言,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院。 (由1976年第35號第13條修訂;由1998年第25

號第2條修訂) (由1960年第12號第4條代替)

條: 115 授予有條件赦免的權力 L.N. 362 of 1997; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997





(由1911年第50號修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂; 由1999年第


條: 116 赦免的效力 30/06/1997


(由1911年第50號修訂;由1912年第21號第2條修訂) [比照1827 c. 28 s. 13 U.K.]

條: 117 赦免的紀錄 39 of 1999 01/07/1997



(1)每當行政長官恩准授予任何罪犯經公印作出的赦免,司法常務官在接到行政長官的指示時,必須將該赦免記錄在他為此目的而備存的紀錄冊內,並在該赦免上批註“Recorded”一詞和簽署。 (由1911年第50號條訂;由1912年第21號第2條修訂;由1999年第39號第3條修訂)


官、人員及其他人,均有責任予以認知並使其生效。 (由1993年第24號第12條修訂)

條: 118 恩赦權的保留 39 of 1999 01/07/1997



221 -刑事訴訟程序條例

除上文另有規定外,本條例不影響歸於行政長官的赦免罪行或減輕刑罰的權力。 (由1911年第50號修訂;由1912年第1號附表修訂;由1999年第39號第3條修訂)

條: 119 更正錯誤法律程序的禁止 30/06/1997

錯誤等 不得就根據本條例的條文進行的審訊進行更正錯誤法律程序。

條: 120 告發的提述的釋義 30/06/1997


條: 121 規則及命令的廢除 30/06/1997



條: 122 不准公眾進入刑事法庭的權力 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997



  1. 任何法官、區域法院法官或裁判官,如認為為了司法公正、公安或安全有所需要,可指示任何人不得身處該法官、區域法院法官或裁判官行使刑事司法管轄權時開庭的法庭內,或身處該法庭開庭的建築物內或身處該建築物的範圍內,但如屬第(3)款所規定者,或獲得根據其指示行事的公職人員的許可,則屬例外。
  2. 終審法院首席法官如認為為了司法公正、公安或安全有所需要,可指示任何人不得身處任何聆訊刑事法律程序的法庭內,或身處該法庭開庭的建築物內或身處該建築物的範圍內,但如屬第
  3. 款所規定者,或獲得根據其指示行事的公職人員的許可,則屬例外。
  4. 第(1)及(2)款不適用於下述的人,即憑藉其職位或專業或法庭命令須身處該法庭或該建築物的人,或就任何法律程序(不論民事或刑事)而須身處該法庭或該建築物的人,或代表報紙或通訊社的任何一人。
  5. 任何人如違反法官、區域法院法官或裁判官根據第(1)款或終審法院首席法官根據第(2)款作出的指示,即屬有罪,一經定罪,可處罰款$5000及監禁6個月,並可被警務人員從有關法庭或建築物或建築物的範圍(視屬何情況而定)強行移走。
  6. 即使有其他法律,藉或按照法官、區域法院法官或裁判官根據第(1)款或終審法院首席法官根據第(2)款作出的指示而不准任何人進入任何法庭或建築物,不影響在該法庭或任何在該建築物內開庭的法庭(視屬何情況而定)的法律程序的有效性。
  7. 第(1)或(2)款不減損或影響任何法官、區域法院法官或裁判官因妥為執行司法公正而需要命令不准公眾人士進入其開庭所在的法庭的權力。

(7) 在本條中,“法庭”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1976年第35號第14條修訂) (由1968年第37號第2條增補。由1998年第25號第2條修訂) 附註:

條: 123 在某些案件中刑事法律程序可藉非公開形式進行和不披露證人的身分 25 of 1998 s. 2 01/07/1997


(1)即使有其他法律,但在符合《香港人權法案條例》(第383章)的條文的規定下,如法庭覺得為了司法公正、公安或安全有所需要,法庭可命令就任何罪行而於其席前進行的整項法律程序,或在顧及作出該命令的理由後,命令上述法律程序的任何適當部分,在非公開法庭進行。 (由1995年第68號第10條代替)


(i) 被控人的公訴提控;
(ii) 宣讀有關被控人的案情撮要;
(iii) 由陪審團或法庭(視屬何情況而定)宣告裁決;
(iv) 由法庭宣告刑罰。


(1B)(a)如上訴法庭給予許可,對根據第(1)款作出的命令感到受屈的人,可針對該命令向上訴法庭提出上訴,而上訴法庭的決定是最終決定。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

(i) 命令在法庭上交出法律程序的任何謄本或紀錄或其他文件;
(ii) 就各名作為上訴之中一方的人或如願意的話可作為上訴之中一方的各人,以及就向任何人送達文件作出指示。
(d) 在聆訊根據本款提出的上訴時,上訴法庭具有權力─
(i) 擱置在任何其他法庭進行的法律程序,直至上訴獲處置為止;
(ii) 確認、推翻或更改申訴所關乎的命令;及
(iii) 就訟費作出其認為適合的命令。
(e)在不損害《高等法院條例》(第4章)第54條及本條例第9條的一般性的原則下,就符合指明條件的刑事法律程序而言,法院規則可為關於在非公開法庭進行刑事法律程序及對根據第(1)款作出的命令提出的上訴所須遵從的常規及程序,訂立特別條文,尤其可(但在不損害本段的一般性的原則下)訂定(c)段不具效力。 (由1998年第25號第2條修訂)
(f)即使有其他法律,但在符合《香港人權法案條例》(第383章)的條文的規定下,如上訴法庭覺得為了司法公正、公安或安全有所需要,上訴法庭可命令根據本款提出的整項上訴聆訊,或在顧及作出該命令的理由後,命令上述聆訊的任何適當部分,在非公開法庭進行。 (由1995年第68號第10條增補)

(2)在任何法庭可根據第(1)款作出命令的情況下,不論是否根據該款作出命令,法庭均可命令不得在其席前的法律程序中,向任何指明的證人提出答案會引致或傾向於引致披露該法律程序中的任何證人的姓名或地址的問題;但法庭可要求任何上述證人以書面記錄該法律程序中的任何證人的姓名及地址,並交付法庭保管。 (由1976年第35號第15條代替)

(3) 在本條中,“法庭”、“法院”(court) 包括區域法院及裁判官。 (由1976年第35號第15條修

訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂) (由1968年第37號第2條增補)



立法會可不時藉決議修訂附表3。 (由1971年第5號第12A條增補。由1994年第58號第4條修訂; 由1999年第39號第3條修訂)

附表: 1 L.N. 362 of 1997; 25 of 1998; 39 of 1999 01/07/1997




表格1 [第15(2)條]



的 將任何公訴書送交存檔。

於19 年 月 日由本人親筆簽署。


致:高等法院司法常務官。 (由1912年第8號第52條增補和修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂;由1999年第39號第3條修訂)

表格2 [第15(2)條]




鑑於 根據 所發出 的手令被你羈留扣押,控罪為 ,並鑑於律政司司長不針對上述 將任何 公訴書送交存檔,故特此授權並要求你立即將上述 從扣押中釋放而不收取任何費用或報酬。

於19 年 月 日由本人親筆簽署及蓋有法院印章。

司法常務官 (由1912年第8號第52條增補和修訂;由1997年第362號法律公告修訂;由1998年第25號第2條修訂)



表格4 [第27條]






司法常務官 (由1971年第63號第10條代替。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

表格5 [第86條]



致: 特此證明下述各人今天已被判處須受下述懲罰,即─

A.B. 個月 監禁

C.D. 個月 監禁

日期:19 年 月 日


司法常務官 (由1971年第63號第10條代替。由1998年第25號第2條修訂)

表格6 [第63條]


致: .................................................. 特此核證─

(a) 以下定罪是記錄於本人所保管的刑事紀錄,是關於以 .................................
(b) 附於本證明書作為證物的指紋是該等指紋的真實副本。

簽署 ..................................................... 由警務處處長根據第63(2)(a) 條授權簽署 (由1958年第31號第3條增補)

表格7 [第63條]


致: ..................................................
特此核證附於本證明書作為證物的指紋,是在本人面前於 ........年 .....月 .....日
在 ......................................................... 從 ........................................... 手上而套取的,而當時該人─

(a) 因以下罪行被逮捕: .........................................................................................
(b) 已在本法庭席前出現並被控告以下罪行: .....................................................


簽署 ................................................. (由1958年第31號第3條增補)

表格8 [第63條]


致: ..................................................

特此核證附於日期為 ................................................... 的以往定罪證明書作為證
物的關於姓名為 ............................ 的人的指紋副本,與附於日期為 .........................
的指紋證明書作為證物的關於姓名為 ................................................... 的人的指紋副本,屬同一人所有。

簽署 ..................................................... 由警務處處長根據第63(2)(c) 條授權簽署 (由1958年第31號第3條增補)

[第109A、109G及124條] (由1994年第58號第4條修訂)


  1. 1. 誤殺。
  2. 2. 強姦或企圖強姦。
  3. 3. 毆鬥。
  4. 4. 違反《危險藥物條例》(第134章)第4、5或6條的任何罪行。
  5. 違反《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第10、11、12、13、14、17、19、20、21、22、23、28、29、30、36或42條的任何罪行。
  6. 6. 違反《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第122條的任何罪行或任何企圖罪行。 (由1978年第1號第8條修訂)
  7. 7. 《火器及彈藥條例》(第238章)第III部任何一條所訂的罪行。 (由1981年第68號第56條代替)
  8. 8. 違反《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第10或12條的任何罪行。
  9. 9. 違反《公安條例》(第245章)第33條的任何罪行。 (由1972年第250號法律公告增補)
  10. 10. 《武器條例》(第217章)第4或10條所訂的任何罪行。 (由1981年第69號第19條增補) (由1971年第5號第12B條增補)



[第76條] (由1994年第58號第4條修訂)

1. (1)根據第76(2)(a)條作出的收納入懲教署精神病治療中心或精神病院的命令,即為以下的人的足夠權力依據─ (由1996年第37第7條修訂)

(a) (如被收納入懲教署精神病治療中心)懲教署署長;或

(b) (如被收納入精神病院)任何根據行政長官授權行事的人, 以將該命令所關乎的人在28天(由作出該命令之日開始)的期間內任何時間送往懲教署精神病治療中心或行政長官所指明的精神病院。 (由1973年第37號第7條代替)


(3)凡某人根據第76(2)(a)條在上述期間內被收納入懲教署精神病治療中心或行政長官所指明的精神病院,該命令即為懲教署署長或院長的足夠權力依據,以按照《精神健康條例》(第136章)第45條,按本附表第2段所適用者而將該人羈留該處。 (由1996年第37第7條修訂)

  1. 依據一項根據第76(2)(a)條作出的命令而被收納入懲教署精神病治療中心或精神病院的人,就《精神健康條例》(第136章)而言,須視作猶如是依據一項根據該條例第45條(於根據第76(2)(a)條作出命令之日)作出的入院令而被如此收納一樣(該命令並無根據該條第(1A)款加以批註)。 (由1988年第46號第33條修訂;由1996年第37第7條修訂)
  2. 當某人是依據一項根據第76(2)(a)條作出的命令被羈留在精神病院時,行政長官經諮詢院長的意見後,如信納該人可恰當地受審,行政長官可藉命令指示將該人送返─

(a) 監獄;或

(b) 根據《教導所條例》(第280章)第3條設立的教導所, 以帶往假如沒有首述的命令本應會審訊該人的法庭(第75(6)條所指者)受審,而一俟該人抵達監獄或教導所(視屬何情況而定),首述的命令即不再具有效力。 (由1996年第37號第7條增補)


(a) 行政長官可藉命令指示該人須由懲教署署長羈留扣押,以帶往假如沒有首述的命令本應會審訊該人的法庭(第75(6)條所指者)受審;及
(b) 行政長官如根據(a)分節作出命令,首述的命令即不再具有效力。 (由1996年第37號第7條增補)

(由1972年第34號第20條增補。由1973年第37號第7條修訂;由1999年第39號第3條修訂) [比照 1964 c. 84 Sch. 1 U.K.;比照 1968 c. 19 Sch. 5 Paras. 1 & 2(1) U.K.]



[第83D及83L條] (由1994年第58號第4條修訂)

1. (1)根據第83D或83L條作出的收納入懲教署精神病治療中心或精神病院的命令,即為懲教署署長或獲法庭指示如此行事的任何其他人的足夠權力依據,以將該命令所關乎的人在有關期間內任何時間送往懲教署精神病治療中心或行政長官所指明的精神病院。

  1. (2) 就本段而言,有關期間─
  2. (a) 就根據第83D或83L(1)條作出的命令而言,是28天;
(b) 就根據第83L(2)條作出的命令而言,是7天, 而在上述任何一種情況下,該期間均由作出命令之日開始。
凡某人根據第83D條或第83L條(視屬何情況而定)在有關期間內被收納入懲教署精神病治療中心或行政長官所指明的精神病院,該命令即為懲教署署長或院長的足夠權力依據,以按照第2及3段提述的《精神健康條例》(第136章)的條文,按該等條文憑藉該兩段所適用者而將該人羈留。 (由1999年第39號第3條修訂)
  1. 依據一項根據第83D或83L(1)條作出的命令而被收納入懲教署精神病治療中心或精神病院的人,就《精神健康條例》(第136章)而言,須視作猶如是依據《精神健康條例》(第136章)第45條(於根據第83D或83L(1)條作出命令之日)作出的入院令被收納入院一樣,但該命令並無指明任何羈留的期間,亦無根據該條第(1A)款加以批註。 (由1988年第46號第33條修訂)
  2. 依據一項根據第83L(2)條作出的命令而被收納入精神病院的人,就《精神健康條例》(第136章)第III部而言,須視作猶如是依據一項根據上述第III部妥為提出的要求被收納入院作觀察的申請而(於根據第83L(2)條作出命令之日)被收納入院一樣。 (由1988年第46號第33條修訂)

(由1972年第34號第20條增補。由1973年第37號第7條修訂) [比照1968 c. 19 Sch. 1 U.K.]



[第83F條] (由1994年第58號第4條修訂)



(a) 經控方及辯方同意;或

尋證人或使證人出庭,但均不成功, 而在上述任何一種情況下,該紀錄謄本如已按照根據第9條訂立的規則及作出的命令核實,無須再加證明即可作為證據宣讀。



2. (1)凡被命令重審的人在重審時再度被定罪,將該人於其席前定罪的法庭,可就有關罪行判處法律所認可的任何刑罰。

  1. 在不損害法庭施加任何其他刑罰的權力下,在重審時將罪犯於其席前定罪的法庭,可就有關罪行判處在原來定罪時曾就該罪行所判處的刑罰,即使在重審定罪之日,該罪犯已不再屬於可判處該刑罰的年齡。
    1. 凡在重審時被定罪的人被判處監禁或其他羈留,該刑罰開始的時間須由在原審時所判處的相同刑罰本應開始的時間計算;但在計算該人的刑罰刑期或根據該刑罰刑期該人可被羈留的期間(視屬何情況而定)時,以下的時間不得計算在內─
      1. (a)假如在原審時被判處該刑罰,而原來的定罪又沒有被撤銷,則不會計算在該刑期或該期間內的在重審定罪前的任何時間;及
      2. (b) 該人在根據第83F(2)條獲准保釋後不在羈留中的任何時間。
  2. 第67A條適用於任何在重審時定罪而施加的刑罰,猶如該刑罰是在原來定罪時所施加的一樣。

(5) 在本段中,“刑罰”(sentence) 具有第80條給予該詞的涵義。

(由1972年第34號第20條增補) [比照 1968 c. 19 Sch. 2 U.K.]

附表: 7 凡根據第83N條作出命令時《精神健康條例》第 IV部的適用範圍 30/06/1997

[第83N條] (由1994年第58號第4條修訂)


    1. 凡上訴法庭根據本條例第83N(3)條作出命令,將某人扣押以聽候審訊,《精神健康條例》(第136章)第52A、53、54及54A條即適用於該人,一如其適用於《精神健康條例》(第136章)第53(2)(a)至(d)條所列的人。 (由1988年第46號第33條修訂)
    2. 根據《精神健康條例》繼續羈留的命令
  1. 凡上訴法庭根據本條例第83N(3)條作出命令,根據《精神健康條例》(第136章)將某人繼續羈留,該條例的第IV部(涉及刑事法律程序的病人的收納及已判刑病人的轉移)適用於該人,猶如該人是根據上述第(3)款而被命令扣押以聽候審訊並依據轉移令或根據該條例第54A條作出的命令而被羈留一樣。

(由1972年第34號第20條增補。由1973年第37號第7條修訂) [比照1968 c. 19 Sch. 3 U.K.]

附表: 8 罪行的罰款級數 30/06/1997

第1級 第2級 第3級 第4級 第5級 第6級


$2000 $5000 $10000 $25000 $50000 $100000(由1994年第58號第3條增補)


WIPO Lex编号 HK154