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首相法令2006年第2202号,关于针对由2002年第82号法公布的知识产权保护法(第三本)行政实施条例中的一些条款的修正案, 埃及

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详情 详情 版本年份 2006 日期 生效: 2006年12月1日 公布: 2006年11月30日 发布: 2006年11月26日 文本类型 实施规则/实施细则 主题 版权与相关权利(邻接权), 知识产权及相关法律的执行


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主要文本 主要文本 阿拉伯语 قرار رئيس مجلس الوزراء رقم 2202 لسنة 2006      英语 Prime Minister’s Decree No. 2202 of 2006        
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PRIME MINISTERIAL DECREE NO. (2202) OF 2006 ON THE Amendment of Some Provisions of the Executive Regulations for


The Prime Minister

After reviewing the Constitution; The Law on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights issued by Law no. 82/2002; Law no. 15/2004 regulating E-Signature by the Establishment of the Information Technology Industry Development Authority (ITIDA); The Executive Regulations for Book III of the Law on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights issued by Prime Ministerial Decree no. (497) of 2005; Upon the approval of the Cabinet; and Upon the recommendation of the Minister of Communications and Information Technology,


Article (1)

The attached tables shall substitute the tables attached to the Executive Regulations issued by the said Prime Ministerial Decree no. (497) of 2005.

Article (2)

This Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force as of the next day of publication. Issued at the Cabinet on Dhul-Qada 5th, 1427 A.H.

November 26th, 2006 A.D.

Prime Minister

Dr. Ahmed Nazif Table of

Fees in Respect of Copyright and Neighboring Rights

Service Appropriate Office Fees in Egyptian Pound
Obtaining a personal license for reproducing and/or translating any work protected under the Ministry of Culture according to the provisions of Article (170) of the Law and Article (7) of the Executive Regulations The Copyright Protection Office, Ministry of Culture L.E. 400/work
Obtaining a personal license for reproducing and/or translating any work protected under the Ministry of Information according to the provisions of Article (170) of the Law and Article (7) of the Executive Regulations The Broadcasting and Audio, Visual and Audio-Visual Work Protection Office, Ministry of Information L.E. 400/work
Obtaining a personal license for reproducing and/or translating any computer works (software and database) according to the provisions of Article (170) of the Law and Article (7) of the Executive Regulations The Computer Software and Database Protection Office, L.E. 100/work
Obtaining a personal license for reproducing and translating any computer works (software and database) according to the provisions of Article (170) of the Law and Article (7) of the Executive Regulations the Information Technology Industry Development Authority (ITIDA) L.E. 150/work
Obtaining a license for the commercial or professional use of the works that fell into the public domain, and whose IPR are under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture according to the provisions of Article (183) of the Law and Article (9) of the Executive Regulations The Copyright Protection Office, Ministry of Culture L.E. 1,000/license
Obtaining a license for the commercial or professional use of the work, sound recording, performance or radio broadcast that fell into the public domain according to the provisions of Article (183) of the Law and Article (9) of the Executive Regulations
First: Audio Works: (1) All kinds of interviews, symposiums and The Broadcasting and Audio,
comments as well as political analyses and religious material. (2) Poetry, lyrics, short stories, dramatic works Visual and Audio-Visual Work Protection Office, Ministry of Information L.E. 500/license
and the elements thereof as well as music and singing and the elements thereof. Second: Audiovisual Works: (1) celebrations, occasions, evening shows, documentary films, shows, cartoons and L.E. 600/license
graphics. (2) TV series, sevenfold TV series, plays, as well as short and/or long movies. L.E. 800/license
L.E. 1,000/license
Obtaining a license for the commercial or professional use of computer works (software and database) that fell into the public domain. The purpose of the license is to be used in different kinds and levels of educational aspects according to the provisions of Article (183) of the Law and Article (9) of the Executive Regulations The Computer Software and Database Protection Office, the Information Technology Industry Development Authority (ITIDA) L.E. 100/license
Obtaining a license for the commercial or professional use of computer works (software and database) that fell into the public domain, and are used for non-educational purposes according to the provisions of Article (183) of the Law and Article (9) of the Executive Regulations The Computer Software and Database Protection Office, the Information Technology Industry Development Authority (ITIDA) L.E. 200/license
Obtaining a license for the commercial or professional use of computer works (software and database) through the following activities: reproduction/sale/rent/loan/publication/distribution/display/production/circulation/licensing Free of charge
Obtaining a license for establishments that put in circulation works, recorded performances, sound recordings or radio broadcast through sale, loan or licensing for use, according to Article (187/1) of the Law and Article (17) of the The Broadcasting and Audio, Visual and Audio-Visual Work Protection Office, Ministry of Information L.E. 1,000/license
Executive Regulations
Obtaining a license for non-profit establishments with educational purpose that put in circulation computer works (software and database) through sale, rent, loan or licensing for use, according to Article (187/1) of the Law and Article (17) of the Executive Regulations The Computer Software and Database Protection Office, the Information Technology Industry Development Authority (ITIDA) L.E. 50/license for practicing one activity for one year only L.E. 100/license for practicing more than one activity for one year only
Obtaining a license for profit-based establishments that put in circulation computer works (software and database) through sale, rent, loan or licensing for use, according to Article (187/1) of the Law and Article (17) of the Executive Regulations -L.E. 100/license for practicing one activity for one year only -L.E. 150/license for practicing more than one activity for one year only
Obtaining a license for establishments that put in circulation through sale, rent, loan or licensing for use, according to Article (187/1) of the Law and Article (17) of the Executive Regulations the following works: First: cinematography/TV/video/ Cassette/plays/ magic lantern/circus games/holding musical and/or singing concerts/cartoons/ marionette/artistic performances. The Copyright Protection Office, Ministry of Culture -L.E. 250/license for practicing one activity for one year; and -L.E. 1,000/license for practicing more than one activity for one year.
Second: Displaying directly or by using any display or broadcasting device any of the following -L.E. 250/license for practicing one activity for one year; and
works: -L.E. 1,000/license for
cinematography/TV/video/ practicing more than one
cassette/plays/ magic lantern/circus activity for one year.
games/holding musical and/or singing -L.E. 1,000 for each 3-year
concerts/cartoons/ marionette/ artistic license for a first-class
performances. theatre. -L.E. 400 for each 1-year license for second and/or third class theatres. -The license is annually renewed for free except for the fiscal stamp.
Offering for sale/or renting/or distribution of any
of the following works:
cinematography/TV/video/ cassette/plays/ magic lantern/circus games/holding musical and/or singing concerts/cartoons/ marionette/ artistic -L.E. 250/license for practicing one activity for one year; and -

L.E. 1,000/license for practicing more than one activity for one year.

performances locally and abroad.
Fourth: Sound recording at the recording studios or where such activity is held in respect of any of the following works: Cinematography /video/ cassette /plays / magic lantern/circus games/holding musical and / or singing concerts / cartoons/ marionette/artistic performances. -L.E. 250/license for practicing one activity for one year; and -L.E. 1,000/license for practicing more than one activity for one year.
Fifth: Copying or duplicating the copies needed for displaying or being circulated in respect of any of the following works: cinematography/video/ cassette/plays/ magic lantern/circus games/holding musical and/or singing concerts/cartoons/ marionette/ artistic performances. -L.E. 250/license for practicing one activity for one year; and -L.E. 1,000/license for practicing more than one activity for one year.
Sixth: -L.E. 250/license for
Television cinematography/video/and the like. practicing one activity for
one year; and
-L.E. 1,000/license for
practicing more than one
activity for one year.
Recording the following acts as to works, performances, sound recordings and radio broadcasts according to the provisions of Article (185) of the Law and Article (14) of the Executive Regulations. First: the author’s disposal of using a written, joint or derived text (song, scenario, play of one act or more, book, booklet, short stories, long novel, etc.) L.E. 100/entry
Second: the author’s disposal of works related
to applied or plastic arts, architecture and
drawing (by lines, colors, engraving and printing on stones and fabrics, photographs, illustrations, plans and geographical maps or The Copyright Protection Office, Ministry of Culture L.E. 100/entry
by any other three-dimensional means,
topography or the like in the field of fine arts).
Third: deleting an entry, based on a final judicial judgment. L.E. 100/entry
Fourth: suspending or re-enforcing acts recorded in the register, based on a temporary or non-final judgment until a final judgment is made as to the dispute. L.E. 100/entry
Fifth: approving to transfer the ownership to another person due to inheritance or for any other legal reason. L.E. 100/entry
Recording acts as to the following works The Broadcasting and Audio,
according to Article (185) of the Law and Article (14) of the Executive Regulations. First: Audio Works: All kinds of speeches, symposiums and comments as well as political analyses and religious material.
Poetry, lyrics, short stories, dramatic works and the elements thereof as well as music and singing and the elements thereof. Visual and Audio-Visual Work Protection Office, Ministry of Information L.E. 600/entry
Second: Audiovisual Works: Celebrations, occasions, evening shows, documentary films, shows, cartoons and graphics. L.E. 800/entry
TV series, sevenfold TV series, plays, as well as short and/or long movies. L.E. 1,000/entry
Recording the following acts in respect of the computer works (software and database)s according to Article (185) of the Law and Article (14) of the Executive Regulations First: deleting the entries of some acts, based on a final judicial judgment. The Computer Software and L.E. 50/entry
Second: suspending or re-enforcing acts recorded in the register, based on a temporary and non-final judgment until a final judgment is made as to the dispute. Database Protection Office, the Information Technology Industry Development Authority (ITIDA) L.E. 100/entry
Third: disposal L.E. 25/entry
Fourth: approving to transfer the ownership to another person due to inheritance or for any other legal reason L.E. 25/entry
Fifth: Entries for other acts L.E. 25/entry
Obtaining a certificate for a deposited work according to the provisions of Article (186) of the Law and Article (16) of the Executive Regulations in respect of the following works: First: a certificate for a deposited written text of a work of plastic arts L.E. 200/certificate
Second: a deposit certificate for the performance of a deposited audio or audiovisual work of one unit or episode. The Copyright Protection Office, Ministry of Culture L.E. 200/certificate, but the fees are doubled based on the number of episodes, provided that they do not exceed L.E. 1,000
Third: a deposit certificate for a recorded performance that does not exceed one hour. L.E. 200/certificate
Fourth: a deposit certificate for a recoded performance that does not exceed four hours. L.E. 500/certificate
Fifth: a deposit certificate for an episode of a radio or TV broadcast. L.E. 200/certificate, but the fees are doubled based on the number of episodes, provided that they do not exceed L.E. 1,000
Obtaining a deposit certificate for the following works according to Article (186) of the Law and Article (16) of the Executive Regulations. First: Audio Works: All kinds of speeches, symposiums and comments as well as political analyses and religious material. The Broadcasting and Audio, Visual and Audio-Visual Work Protection Office, Ministry of Information L.E. 200/certificate L.E. 300/certificate
Poetry, lyrics, short stories, dramatic works and the elements thereof as well as music and singing and the elements thereof.
Second: Audiovisual Works: Celebrations, occasions, evening shows, documentary films, shows, cartoons and graphics. L.E. 400/certificate
TV series, sevenfold TV series, plays, as well as short and/or long movies. L.E. 500/certificate
Obtaining a deposit certificate for the following works according to Article (186) of the Law and Article (16) of the Executive Regulations. First: educational computer works (software and database) used in all kinds and levels of education. The Computer Software and Database Protection Office, the Information Technology Industry Development Authority (ITIDA) L.E. 25/certificate
Second: the computer works (software and database) not related to education. L.E. 50/certificate

(*) Value of the fiscal stamps are to be added in accordance with the Stamp Law.

The deposit number at The National Library & Archives of Egypt: 65/2006, the Public Authority for Al Amiria printing press 25248, year 2006 – 2107

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