The special circumstances whose settlement could not be delayed were created by the requirement of transposing 'The Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights" with a view to fighting against the scourge of infringement of industrial property objects and in the interest of the holders of industrial property rights, as well as by the compliance with Art. 53 of the Treaty on the adhesion of Romania to the European Union - the document establishing the conditions for the adhesion of Republic of Bulgaria and Romania and the adoption of the treaties on which the European Union is based.
According to Art. 115 paragraph (4) of the republished Constitution of Romania,
The Government of Romania adopts this emergency ordinance:
Chapter I General provisions
Art. 1 - (1) This emergency ordinance provides for the measures, procedures and remedies with a view to enforcing the industrial property rights.
(2) Within the meaning of this emergency ordinance, the expression industrial property rights includes all industrial property rights provided for by the national and community law, as well as by the specialized international treaties and conventions to which Romania is a party.
Art. 2 - (1) Without affecting the more convenient means for the right holders provided by the community or national law, the measures, procedures and remedies provided by this emergency ordinance shall be applied in any case of infringement of an industrial property right, as provided by the community and/or national law.
(2) This emergency ordinance shall not affect the obligations under the conventions, treaties and agreements to which Romania is a party, and in particular, those under the TRIPS Agreement, including the obligations relating to criminal procedures and penalties to be applied.
(3) Neither the common law provisions, nor the provisions of the special laws relating to criminal procedures or penalties to be applied in the case of infringement of protected industrial property rights shall be affected.
Chapter II Measures, procedures, remedies
Art.3 - (1) Measures, procedures and remedies provided by the industrial property laws shall be applied by the competent judicial authorities.
(2) Measures, procedures and remedies should be effective, proportional to the infringed rights, dissuasive and should be applied in such a manner as to avoid the creation of barriers to legitimate trade and, at the same time, to protect against the abusive
use thereof. Art. 4 - The following persons are entitled to request the application of measures,
procedures and remedies: a) holders of industrial property rights, according to the provisions of the applicable
law; b) any person which is authorized to use the industrial property rights, in particular
Chapter III Evidence and measures for preserving the same
Art. 5 (1) Upon request by a party having presented reasonably available and- sufficient evidence elements to support his/her statements, and if said elements are under the control of the opponent, the competent judicial authority may order that such evidence be presented by the opponent, while ensuring the protection of confidential information.
(2) In the case of infringement of protected industrial property rights committed on a commercial scale, the competent judicial authority may, upon request by any party, order that banking, financial or commercial documents under the control of the opponent be communicated, while ensuring the protection of confidential information.
Art. 6 (1) Before judging the merits of the case in respect of a protected industrial- property right, the competent judicial authority may order, upon request by a party having presented reasonably available and sufficient evidence elements to support his statements that an industrial property right has been infringed or is about to be infringed, prompt and effective provisional measures for preserving the evidence elements relevant for the case, subject to ensuring the protection of confidential information.
(2) The measures provided for in the paragraph (1) may include the detailed description, with or without the taking of samples, the seizure of the infringing goods, and when appropriate, of the materials and instruments used in the production and/or distribution of said goods, as well as the documents relating thereto.
(3) The measures for preserving evidence shall be taken by the competent judicial authorities, by presidential ordinance, even without the other party having been summoned, when any delay is likely to cause an irreparable prejudice to the right holder or when there is a provable risk of destroying the evidence.
(4) When the presidential ordinance is issued without the other part having been summoned, the parties concerned shall be given notice without delay.
(5) Within 5 days from the notification of the evidence preserving measures, the parties concerned may appeal against the ordered measures. The case shall be judged in emergency procedure, while hearing the parties, the provisions of the Code of civil proceedings on special proceedings being applicable.
Art. 7 (1) The measures for preserving the evidence shall be approved by the- competent judicial authority, subject to the lodging by the plaintiff of an adequate security, established by the judicial authority intended to cover any prejudice suffered by the defendant, in the cases provided by the paragraph (3).
(2) When the plaintiff has not instituted proceedings with a view to obtaining a decision on the merits of the case, within a period which shall not exceed 20 working days or 31 calendar days, whichever is the longer, the defendant may request to the competent judicial authority to revoke the measures for preserving the evidence, including the damages caused to the defendant by the said measures.
(3) When the evidence preserving measures are revoked or they lapse due to any act or omission by the plaintiff, or when after the approval of the measure by the judicial authority there is found that no infringement of a protected industrial property right or
infringement threat has taken place, the judicial authority shall be authorized to order the plaintiff, upon request by the defendant, to provide the latter a compensation corresponding to the prejudice caused by the said measures.
(4) During the trial, the judicial authority may order witnesses' identity protection measures, according to the law.
Chapter IV Right to information
Art. 8· ( 1) During a trial concerning the infringement of an industrial property right, and upon the justified and proportionate request of the plaintiff, the competent judicial authority may order that information on the origin and distribution networks of goods and services infringing a protected industrial property right be provided by the infringer or by any other person who:
a) holds infringing goods with commercial purposes; b) uses infringing services with commercial purposes; c) was found to be using infringing services with commercial purposes; d) provides, with commercial purposes,services used in infringing activities; or e) was indicated by a person referred to in letters a), b) or c) as being involved in
the production, manufacturing or distribution of the goods or the provision of the services. (2) The information provided in the paragraph (1) shall contain, as appropriate: a) names and addresses of producers, manufacturers, distributors, providers and
other previous holders of goods or services, as well as of intended wholesalers and retailers;
b) information on the amounts produced, manufactured, , delivered, received or ordered, as well as on the price obtained for the said goods or services.
(3) The provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) shall apply without prejudice to other legal provisions by which:
a) the right holder is entitled to receive more complete information; b) the use in civil or criminal matters of the information communicated according to
the provisions of this article is established; c) the responsibility for abuse concerning the right of information is established; d) the possibility of refusing to provide information supposed to force a person
referred to in paragraph (1) to admit his/her own participation or the participation of his/her close relatives in an infringement of a protected industrial property right is provided, or
e) the protection of confidentiality of information sources or the processing of personal data is established.
Chapter V Provisional and withholding measures
Art.9 (1) The competent judicial authority may order, upon request by the plaintiff,. provisional measures against the alleged infringer of a protected industrial property right with a view to preventing any imminent infringement of said right, namely:
a) forbid, on a provisional basis, the continuation of the alleged infringement ; or b) order that a security is lodged for compensating the holder of the protected right
for his/her loss. (2) The provisional measures referred to in the paragraph (1) may also be ordered
against an intermediary whose services are used by a third party for infringing a protected industrial property right.
(3) Upon request by the plaintiff, the competent judicial authorities may order the
seizure of the goods alleged to infringe a protected industrial property right for preventing their introduction into or circulation within the commercial circuits.
(4) In the case of an infringement committed within the framework of commercial activities, if the injured party proves that there are circumstances likely to make the recovery of damages impossible, the competent judicial authority may order the seizure of the movable and immovable property of the alleged infringer of a protected industrial property right, including the blocking of the bank accounts and other assets thereof. The communication of banking, financial or commercial documents or the access to information relevant to the case may be ordered with the same purpose.
(5) Within the framework of the measures provided by the paragraphs (1) - (4) the competent judicial authority may require the plaintiff to provide any available evidence to form with sufficient certainty the belief that he/she is the right holder and his/her right has been infringed or such an infringement is imminent.
Art.10 - (1) The provisional measures referred to in Art. 9, paragraph (1) - (4) may be ordered by presidential ordinance, even without the defendant having been heard, when any delay is liable to cause an irreparable prejudice to the right holder. In this case, the ordered measures shall be communicated to the involved parties without delay.
(2) The provisions of Art. 6 paragraph (5) and Art. 7 are also applicable in the situation referred to in paragraph (1).
Art. 11 - (1) In addition to the damages that can be obtained by the holder of the infringed protected industrial property right, the competent judicial authority may order, upon request by the plaintiff, the following measures concerning the goods found to be infringing the protected industrial property right and the materials and instruments principally used in the creation or manufacturing of the goods, as the case may be:
a) recall from the commercial circuits: b) definitive removal from the commercial circuits, or c) destruction. (2) The competent judicial authority shall order that the measures referred to in
paragraph (1) shall be carried out on the expenses of the infringer of a protected industrial property right, unless there are special reasons preventing it from ordering the same.
(3) In the examination of the request concerning the corrective measures provided by the paragraph (1), the competent judicial authority shall take into account both the proportionality between the seriousness of the infringement and the corrective measures to be ordered, and the interests of the third parties.
Chapter VI Injunctions
Art. 12 - (1) When the infringement of a protected industrial property right is ascertained by a judicial decision, the competent judicial authority may forbid the continuation of the infringement act, by means of a presidential ordinance.
(2) The failure to comply with the injunction measure provided by paragraph (1) shall be considered as a new infringement of said industrial property right, hence, one of the measures referred to in Art. 11 may be ordered against it.
Chapter VII Compensations and law costs
Art. 13 - (1) Upon request by the infringer of an industrial property right. which is liable to be subject to one of the measures or injunctions referred to in Art.11 and 12, the judicial authority may order the payment by said person of a compensation to the injured
party, instead of the application of the above-mentioned measures. (2) The judicial authority shall act according to the provisions of paragraph (1) if the
following conditions are cumulatively complied with: a) the person acted unintentionally and by imprudence; b) the execution of the measures to be ordered would cause him a disproportionate
prejudice in comparison with the act committed by the same; c) the payment of the compensation referred to in paragraph (1) is considered
reasonably satisfactory. Art.14 - (1) Upon request by the injured party, the competent judiCial authority shall
order to the infringer which intentionally carried out an infringement act to pay the holder of the infringed right damages corresponding to the actual prejudice suffered as a consequence of the infringement.
(2)When establishing the amount of damages, the judicial authority shall take into account:
(a) all corresponding aspects, such as the negative economic consequences, especially profit loss suffered by the injured party, unfair profits made by the infringer of a protected industrial property right, and, where appropriate, other elements than economic factors, such as the moral prejudice caused to the holder of the infringed right; or
(b) as an alternative, where appropriate, the setting of a lump sum for the damages, on the basis of several elements, such as, at least the amount of royalties or value of rights which would have been due if the infringer had requested the authorization to use the said industrial property right.
(3) When the infringer of a protected industrial property right carried out intentionally an infringement activity, the competent judicial authority may order the recovery of profits or the payment of damages liable of being pre-established.
Art. 15 - The law costs reasonably and proportionally established by the judicial authority and paid by the successful party shall incur, as a general rule, to the unsuccessful party.
Chapter VII Publicity measures
Art.16 - (1) Within legal procedures instituted for the infringement of a protected industrial property right, upon request by the plaintiff, the competent judiCial authority may order, on the expense of the infringer of the protected right, appropriate measures for the dissemination of the information concerning the judicial deciSion, including the displaying, as well as the publishing thereof, wholly or in part.
(2) The competent judiCial authority may also order additional pUblicity measures corresponding to special circumstances, prominent advertising included.
Chapter IX Final provisions
Art. 17 - Without affecting the provisions of this emergency ordinance concerning measures, procedures and civil and administrative remedies, any other civil and criminal penalties provided for by the common law or special industrial property laws is also applicable.
Art. 18 - (1) With a view to supporting the actions of enforcement of industrial property rights, business and professional associations and organizations may elaborate codes of conduct at the Community level, especially proposing the use on optical disks of a code enabling the identification of the origin of their manufacture.
(2) The conduct codes elaborated according to paragraph (1), as well as the possible evaluations concerning the application thereof shall be submitted to the Commission of draft conduct codes at the national or Cornmunity level.
Art. 19 - The authorities referred to in Art.20 shall inform without delay the European Commission on the legislative or administrative measures taken, as well as on any national normative act adopted in the field and submit to the European Commission a report concerning the implementation of the measures for transposing the Directive, until 29 April 2009, at the latest.
Art. 20 - With a view to complying with the obligations under Art. 19, as well as for cooperation purposes, in particular for the exchange of information between Romania and the European Commission, the Ministry of Justice is appointed as national correspondent entrusted with all issues concerning the implementation of the Directive.
Art. 21 - This emergency ordinance transposes the Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights, published in the Official Journal of the European Union L 157 of 30 April 2004.
Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Aleodor Marian Francu
Director General of the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, Gabor Varga
Bucharest, 14 July 2005 No. 100.
- CAPITOLUL I Dispozitii generale
- CAPITOLUL II Masuri, proceduri, repararea daunelor
- CAPITOLUL III Probe si masuri de conservare a acestora
- CAPITOLUL IV Dreptul de informare
- CAPITOLUL V Masuri provizorii si de asigurare
- CAPITOLUL VI Interziceri
- CAPITOLUL VII Despagubiri si cheltuieli de judecata
- CAPITOLUL VIII Masuri de publicitate
- CAPITOLUL IX Dispozitii finale
Guvernul Romaniei
Ordonanta de urgenta 100 din 14 iulie 2005 (OUG 100/2005)
privind asigurarea respectarii drepturilor de proprietate industriala
Publicat in Monitorul Oficial 643 din 20 iulie 2005 (M. Of. 643/2005)
Situatia extraordinara a carei reglementare nu putea fi amanata a fost creata de necesitatea transpunerii "Directivei nr. 2004/48/CE a Parlamentului European si a Consiliului din 29 aprilie 2004, referitoare la respectarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala", in scopul combaterii fenomenului de contrafacere a obiectelor de proprietate industriala si in interesul titularilor drepturilor de proprietate industriala, precum si de respectarea art. 53 din Tratatul de aderare a Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana - Actul privind conditiile de aderare a Republicii Bulgaria si a Romaniei si adaptarii tratatelor pe care se intemeiaza Uniunea Europeana.
In temeiul art. 115 alin. (4) din Constitutia Romaniei, republicata,
Guvernul Romaniei adopta prezenta ordonanta de urgenta.
Dispozitii generale
Art. 1. -
(1) Prezenta ordonanta de urgenta reglementeaza masurile, procedurile si repararea daunelor in scopul asigurarii respectarii drepturilor de proprietate industriala.
(2) In intelesul prezentei ordonante de urgenta, expresia drepturi de proprietate industriala include toate drepturile de proprietate industriala reglementate de legislatia nationala, comunitara, precum si de tratatele si de conventiile internationale in domeniu, la care Romania este parte.
Art. 2. -
(1) Fara a aduce atingere mijloacelor mai favorabile titularilor de drepturi prevazute in legislatia comunitara sau nationala, masurile, procedurile si repararea daunelor prevazute in prezenta ordonanta de urgenta se aplica pentru orice fapte de incalcare a unui drept de proprietate industriala, asa cum sunt prevazute prin legislatia comunitara si/sau nationala.
(2) Prezenta ordonanta de urgenta nu afecteaza obligatiile decurgand din conventiile, tratatele si acordurile la care Romania este parte si, in special, cele decurgand din Acordul TRIPS, inclusiv cele referitoare la procedurile penale si sanctiunile aplicabile.
(3) De asemenea, nu sunt afectate dispozitiile de drept comun si nici dispozitiile legilor speciale referitoare la procedurile penale sau sanctiunile aplicabile in caz de incalcare a drepturilor de proprietate industriala protejate.
Masuri, proceduri, repararea daunelor
Art. 3. -
(1) Masurile, procedurile si repararea daunelor, reglementate prin legile de proprietate industriala, vor fi aplicate de instantele judecatoresti competente.
(2) Masurile, procedurile si repararea daunelor trebuie sa fie efective, proportionale cu drepturile incalcate, descurajatoare si sa fie aplicate astfel incat sa se evite crearea de obstacole in calea comertului legitim si totodata sa ofere protectie impotriva folosirii abuzive a acestora.
Art. 4. - Au calitatea de a cere aplicarea masurilor, procedurilor si repararea daunelor urmatoarele persoane:
a) titularii drepturilor de proprietate industriala, potrivit dispozitiilor legislatiei aplicabile;
b) orice persoana autorizata sa utilizeze drepturile de proprietate industriala, in special beneficiarii de licente.
Probe si masuri de conservare a acestora
Art. 5. -
(1) La solicitarea unei parti care a prezentat elemente de proba, in mod rezonabil accesibile si suficiente in sustinerea afirmatiilor sale si daca aceste elemente se afla sub controlul partii adverse, instanta judecatoreasca competenta poate sa ordone ca aceste elemente de proba sa fie produse de partea adversa, sub rezerva asigurarii protectiei informatiilor confidentiale.
(2) In cazul incalcarilor drepturilor de proprietate industriala protejate, savarsite la scara comerciala, instantele judecatoresti competente pot, la cererea unei parti, sa ordone comunicarea documentelor bancare, financiare sau comerciale, care se gasesc sub controlul partii adverse, sub rezerva ca protectia informatiilor confidentiale sa fie asigurata.
Art. 6. -
(1) Inainte de judecarea fondului cauzei, avand ca obiect un drept de proprietate industriala protejat, instanta judecatoreasca competenta poate, la cererea unei parti care a prezentat elemente de proba, in mod rezonabil accesibile, in sustinerea afirmatiilor sale din care rezulta ca o incalcare a avut loc ori ca aceasta incalcare este iminenta, sa ordone masuri provizorii, rapide si eficiente pentru conservarea elementelor de proba pertinente cauzei, sub conditia ca protectia informatiilor confidentiale sa fie asigurata.
(2) Masurile prevazute la alin. (1) pot include descrierea detaliata cu sau fara prelevare de esantioane, sechestrul marfurilor litigioase si, dupa caz, al materialelor si instrumentelor utilizate pentru a produce si/sau a distribui aceste marfuri, precum si documentele in legatura cu acestea.
(3) Masurile de conservare a probelor sunt dispuse de instantele judecatoresti competente, prin ordonanta presedintiala, chiar fara ca cealalta parte sa fie citata, cand orice intarziere este susceptibila sa cauzeze un prejudiciu ireparabil titularului dreptului sau cand exista un risc de distrugere a elementelor de proba, care poate fi dovedit.
(4) In cazurile in care ordonanta presedintiala a fost data fara citare, partilor in cauza le vor fi comunicate aceste masuri de indata.
(5) In termen de 5 zile de la comunicarea masurilor de conservare a probelor, partile in cauza pot ataca masurile dispuse. Judecarea se face de urgenta, cu citarea partilor, facandu-se aplicarea dispozitiilor Codului de procedura civila referitoare la procedurile speciale.
Art. 7. -
(1) Incuviintarea masurilor de conservare a probelor va fi facuta de instanta judecatoreasca competenta, sub conditia constituirii de catre reclamant a unei garantii adecvate, stabilita de instanta si destinata sa acopere un eventual prejudiciu suferit de parat, in cazurile prevazute la alin. (3).
(2) Daca reclamantul nu a formulat o actiune in justitie, in scopul de a obtine o decizie pe fondul cauzei, paratul poate cere instantei judecatoresti competente, intr-un termen care sa nu depaseasca 20 de zile lucratoare sau 31 de zile calendaristice, daca acesta din urma este mai lung, anularea masurilor de conservare a probelor, inclusiv daunele-interese suferite de parat cu ocazia masurilor ordonate.
(3) In cazul in care masurile de conservare a probelor sunt anulate ori inceteaza sa mai fie aplicabile din orice motive de actiune sau omisiune a reclamantului ori in cazul in care ulterior incuviintarii masurii de catre instanta judecatoreasca s-a constatat ca nu a avut loc o incalcare sau o amenintare cu incalcarea unui drept de proprietate industriala protejat, instanta judecatoreasca este competenta sa ordone reclamantului, la cererea paratului, sa acorde acestuia din urma o despagubire corespunzatoare prejudiciului cauzat ca urmare a masurilor ordonate.
(4) In cursul desfasurarii judecatii procesului instanta de judecata poate sa dispuna masuri privind protectia identitatii martorilor, in conditiile legii.
Dreptul de informare
Art. 8. -
(1) In cadrul unei actiuni in justitie avand ca obiect incalcarea unui drept de proprietate industriala si ca urmare a unei cereri a reclamantului, justificata si proportionala in raport cu cauza, instanta judecatoreasca competenta poate sa ordone ca informatii privind originea si retelele de distributie a marfurilor sau serviciilor, care aduc atingere unui drept de proprietate industriala protejat, sa fie furnizate de catre persoana care a incalcat un drept protejat sau de catre orice alta persoana care:
a) detine in scop comercial marfuri contrafacute;
b) utilizeaza in scop comercial servicii contrafacute;
c) a fost gasita in timp ce utiliza servicii contrafacute la scara comerciala;
d) furnizeaza, in scop comercial, servicii utilizate in activitati de contrafacere; sau
e) a fost semnalata, de catre o persoana prevazuta la lit. a), b) sau c), ca intervenind in producerea, fabricarea ori distribuirea marfurilor sau in furnizarea serviciilor.
(2) Informatiile prevazute la alin. (1) trebuie sa cuprinda, dupa caz:
a) numele si adresele producatorilor, fabricantilor, distribuitorilor, furnizorilor si ale celorlalti detinatori anteriori de marfuri sau servicii, precum si ale angrosistilor destinatari si ale vanzatorilor de marfa cu amanuntul;
b) informatii privind cantitatile produse, fabricate, livrate, primite sau comandate, precum si pretul obtinut pentru marfurile sau serviciile respective.
(3) Prevederile alin. (1) si (2) se aplica fara a aduce atingere altor dispozitii legale in baza carora:
a) se acorda titularului dreptul de a primi o informatie mai extinsa;
b) este reglementata utilizarea in materie civila sau penala a informatiilor comunicate potrivit dispozitiilor prezentului articol;
c) este reglementata responsabilitatea pentru abuz privind dreptul la informatie;
d) se da posibilitatea de a refuza sa furnizeze informatii care ar constrange o persoana prevazuta la alin. (1) sa admita propria participare sau o participare a rudelor apropiate la o incalcare a unui drept de proprietate industriala protejat; sau
e) este reglementata protectia confidentialitatii surselor informatiei sau prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal.
Masuri provizorii si de asigurare
Art. 9. -
(1) Instanta judecatoreasca competenta poate, la cererea reclamantului, sa ordone masuri provizorii impotriva persoanei care se presupune ca a incalcat un drept de proprietate industriala protejat in scopul de a preveni orice incalcare iminenta cu privire la acest drept, respectiv:
a) sa interzica cu titlu provizoriu ca incalcarea presupusa sa mai continue; sau
b) sa constituie o garantie destinata sa asigure despagubirea titularului dreptului protejat.
(2) Masurile provizorii prevazute la alin. (1) pot fi ordonate si impotriva unui intermediar ale carui servicii sunt utilizate de catre un tert in scop de incalcare a unui drept de proprietate industriala protejat.
(3) La cererea reclamantului, instantele judecatoresti competente pot sa ordone sechestrul marfurilor banuite ca ar aduce atingere unui drept de proprietate industriala protejat pentru a impiedica introducerea lor sau circulatia lor in circuitele comerciale.
(4) In cazul unei incalcari savarsite in activitati comerciale, instanta judecatoreasca competenta poate sa ordone, daca partea vatamata dovedeste ca exista circumstante care ar putea face imposibila recuperarea daunelor-interese, sechestrul bunurilor mobiliare si imobiliare ale persoanei care se presupune ca a incalcat un drept de proprietate industriala protejat, inclusiv blocarea conturilor bancare si a altor bunuri. In acelasi scop se poate ordona comunicarea documentelor bancare, financiare sau comerciale ori accesul la informatii pertinente cauzei.
(5) Instanta judecatoreasca competenta poate cere reclamantului, in cadrul masurilor prevazute la alin. (1)-(4), sa furnizeze orice element de proba accesibil, in scopul de a-si forma cu suficienta certitudine convingerea ca acesta este titularul dreptului si ca acest drept i-a fost incalcat ori o astfel de incalcare este iminenta.
Art. 10. -
(1) Masurile provizorii prevazute la art. 9 alin. (1)-(4) pot fi dispuse, prin ordonanta presedintiala, chiar fara ca cealalta parte sa fie audiata, cand orice intarziere este susceptibila sa creeze un prejudiciu ireparabil titularului dreptului. In acest caz, masurile dispuse vor fi comunicate partilor in cauza de indata.
(2) Dispozitiile art. 6 alin. (5) si ale art. 7 sunt aplicabile si in cazul situatiei prevazute la alin. (1).
Art. 11. -
(1) Pe langa daunele-interese ce pot fi obtinute de catre titularul al carui drept de proprietate industriala protejat i-a fost incalcat, instanta judecatoreasca competenta poate sa ordone, la cererea reclamantului, in privinta marfurilor despre care se constata ca aduc atingere dreptului de proprietate industriala protejat si, dupa caz, in privinta materialelor si instrumentelor care au servit, in principal, la crearea sau fabricarea marfurilor, urmatoarele masuri:
a) retragerea din retelele circuitelor comerciale;
b) scoaterea definitiva din circuitele comerciale; sau
c) distrugerea.
(2) Instanta judecatoreasca competenta va ordona cu privire la masurile prevazute la alin. (1) ca acestea sa fie puse in aplicare pe cheltuiala persoanei care a incalcat un drept de proprietate industriala protejat, afara de situatia in care exista motive speciale care sa impiedice acest fapt.
(3) In examinarea cererii privind instituirea masurilor corective prevazute la alin. (1) instanta judecatoreasca competenta va tine seama atat de proportionalitatea dintre gravitatea faptei si masurile corective ce vor fi ordonate, cat si de interesele tertilor.
Art. 12. -
(1) Cand printr-o hotarare judecatoreasca s-a constatat o incalcare a unui drept de proprietate industriala protejat, instanta judecatoreasca competenta va putea sa interzica, printr-o ordonanta presedintiala, persoanei care a incalcat acest drept continuarea faptelor sale de incalcare.
(2) Nerespectarea masurii interzicerii, prevazuta la alin. (1), este considerata o noua incalcare a dreptului de proprietate industriala in cauza, iar impotriva acestei incalcari se poate dispune una dintre masurile prevazute la art. 11.
Despagubiri si cheltuieli de judecata
Art. 13. -
(1) La cererea persoanei care a incalcat un drept de proprietate industriala si care este pasibila de a fi obligata la una dintre masurile sau interzicerile prevazute la art. 11 si 12, instanta judecatoreasca poate sa ordone acestei persoane plata catre partea vatamata a unei despagubiri in locul aplicarii masurii respective.
(2) Instanta va proceda potrivit prevederilor alin. (1) daca sunt indeplinite cumulativ urmatoarele conditii:
a) persoana a actionat fara intentie si din imprudenta;
b) executarea masurilor ce ar trebui ordonate ar cauza pentru acea persoana un prejudiciu disproportionat in raport cu fapta savarsita;
c) plata unei despagubiri prevazuta la alin. (1) este, in mod rezonabil, satisfacatoare.
Art. 14. -
(1) La cererea partii vatamate, instanta judecatoreasca competenta va ordona persoanei care cu intentie a desfasurat o activitate de contrafacere sa plateasca titularului dreptului incalcat daune-interese corespunzatoare prejudiciului pe care acesta l-a suferit, in mod real, ca urmare a incalcarii savarsite.
(2) La stabilirea daunelor-interese instanta judecatoreasca va lua in considerare:
a) toate aspectele corespunzatoare, cum ar fi consecintele economice negative, in special, pierderea castigului suferita de partea vatamata, beneficiile realizate in mod injust de catre persoana care a incalcat un drept de proprietate industriala protejat si, dupa caz, elemente, altele decat factorii economici, cum ar fi prejudiciul moral cauzat titularului dreptului incalcat; sau
b) cu titlu de alternativa, atunci cand este cazul, fixarea unei sume forfetare pentru daunele-interese, pe baza unor elemente cum ar fi cel putin suma redeventelor sau valoarea drepturilor care ar fi fost datorate, daca persoana care a incalcat un drept de proprietate industriala protejat ar fi cerut autorizatia de a utiliza dreptul de proprietate in cauza.
(3) Cand persoana care a incalcat un drept de proprietate industriala protejat a desfasurat o activitate de contrafacere, cu intentie, instanta judecatoreasca competenta poate sa ordone acoperirea beneficiilor sau plata daunelor-interese susceptibile a fi prestabilite.
Art. 15. - Cheltuielile de judecata stabilite de instanta de judecata, in mod rezonabil si proportional cu cauza respectiva, si care au fost efectuate de partea care a castigat procesul vor fi suportate, de regula generala, de catre partea care a pierdut procesul.
Masuri de publicitate
Art. 16. -
(1) In cadrul actiunilor in justitie introduse pentru incalcarea unui drept de proprietate industriala protejat, instanta judecatoreasca competenta poate sa ordone, la cererea reclamantului si pe cheltuiala persoanei care a incalcat dreptul protejat, masuri corespunzatoare in scopul difuzarii informatiei privind hotararea judecatoreasca, inclusiv afisarea acesteia, precum si publicarea integrala sau partiala a hotararii.
(2) Instanta judecatoreasca competenta va putea ordona si masuri suplimentare de publicitate corespunzatoare imprejurarilor speciale, inclusiv o publicitate de mare amploare.
Dispozitii finale
Art. 17. - Fara a se aduce atingere dispozitiilor din prezenta ordonanta de urgenta privind masurile, procedurile si reparatiile de natura civila si administrativa, sunt aplicabile si celelalte sanctiuni civile si penale stabilite de dreptul comun si legile speciale de proprietate industriala.
Art. 18. -
(1) In scopul sprijinirii actiunilor de respectare a drepturilor de proprietate industriala, asociatiile sau organizatiile de intreprinzatori ori profesionisti pot elabora coduri de conduita la nivel comunitar, in special, preconizand utilizarea pe discuri optice a unui cod permitand identificarea originii fabricarii.
(2) Codurile de conduita elaborate potrivit alin. (1), precum si evaluarile eventuale referitoare la aplicarea acestora vor fi transmise Comisiei de proiecte de coduri de conduita la nivel national sau comunitar.
Art. 19. - Autoritatile prevazute la art. 20 informeaza de indata Comisia Europeana cu privire la masurile legislative sau administrative, in scopul transpunerii directivei mentionate la art. 21, precum si cu privire la orice act normativ national adoptat in domeniul acestei directive si transmit Comisiei Europene, pana cel tarziu la data de 29 aprilie 2009, un raport privind implementarea masurilor de transpunere a directivei.
Art. 20. - In scopul indeplinirii obligatiilor decurgand din art. 19, precum si in scopul cooperarii, in special, pentru schimbul de informatii intre Romania si Comisia Europeana se desemneaza, in calitate de corespondent national, insarcinat cu toate problemele referitoare la punerea in aplicare a directivei, Ministerul Justitiei.
Art. 21. - Prezenta ordonanta de urgenta transpune Directiva nr. 2004/48/CE a Parlamentului European si a Consiliului din 29 aprilie 2004 referitoare la respectarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala, publicata in Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene L 157 din 30 aprilie 2004.
Contrasemneaza: --------------- Seful Cancelariei Primului-Ministru, Aleodor Marian Francu Directorul general al Oficiului de Stat pentru Inventii si Marci, Gabor Varga |
Bucuresti, 14 iulie 2005.
Nr. 100.