On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On approval of the Regulation on fees for registration and granting the right to use
traditional knowledge” from September 15, 2008 № 517
In order to improve legislation in the field of intellectual property, in accordance with Articles 10 and 17 of the Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic", the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. To make the following changes to the Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On approval of the Regulation on fees for registration and granting the right to use traditional knowledge” from September 15, 2008 № 517:
in the Regulations on fees for registration and granting the right to use traditional knowledge, approved by the abovementioned decree:
- paragraph 1 after the words "On the protection of traditional knowledge" add the words ", as well as the grounds for exemption from the payment of duties and reduce their size";
- the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 shall be declared no longer valid; - Section I shall be supplemented with paragraph 7 as follows: "7. Persons holding traditional knowledge shall be granted the following
benefits for the payment of fees established by Section II of this Regulation: a) participants of the Great Patriotic War or persons equivalent to them,
persons with disabilities of the first and second groups of disability, as well as state bodies and institutions financed from the republican budget, are fully exempted from paying duties;
b) individuals pay 10 percent of the fees; c) non-profit organizations, with the exception of organizations specified in
paragraph "a" of this paragraph, pay 30 percent of the fees. "; - in section II, the words "State Patent Service of the Kyrgyz Republic" should
be replaced by the words "authorized state body in the field of intellectual property". 2. This decree enters into force fifteen days after the date of official
Published in the supplement to the newspaper "Erkin Too" "Legislative acts of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" from August 30, 2018 №15-16 (564-565)
Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic M.Abylgaziyev