Judgment of the Lisbon Court of Appeal of 09/11/2022, case no. 399/21.5YHLSB.L1 | ECLI:PT:TRL:2022:399.21.5YHLSB.L1.PICRS.23
BackDate of JudgmentNovember 9, 2022Issuing AuthorityLisbon Court of AppealLevel of the Issuing AuthorityAppellate InstanceType of ProcedureJudicial (Civil)Subject MatterTrademarksPlaintiff/AppellantBENE FARMACÊUTICA, LDA and BENEARZNEIMITTEL GMBHDefendant/RespondentMYLAN HEALTCARE GMBHKeywords
Intelectual propriety,
Distinctive function of the trade mark,
Trademark reproduction
Judgment/DecisionPortugueseAcórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa de 09/11/2022, processo n.º 399/21.5YHLSB.L1 | ECLI:PT:TRL:2022:399.21.5YHLSB.L1.PICRS.23 PDFHTMLSummaryPortugueseAcórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa de 09/11/2022, processo n.º 399/21.5YHLSB.L1 | ECLI:PT:TRL:2022:399.21.5YHLSB.L1.PICRS.23 PDFHTMLRelevant Legislation