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Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005, as amended up to Law No. 108 of July 29, 2021), Italy
Superseded Text.
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Year of Version
Amended up to:
July 31, 2021
Entry into force:
March 19, 2005
February 10, 2005
Type of Text
Main IP Laws
Subject Matter
Patents (Inventions),
Industrial Designs,
Geographical Indications,
Trade Names,
Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits,
Undisclosed Information (Trade Secrets),
Plant Variety Protection,
Enforcement of IP and Related Laws,
Genetic Resources,
Transfer of Technology,
IP Regulatory Body,
Industrial Property
This consolidated version of the Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005) takes into account amendments up to "Law No. 108 of July 29, 2021, on the Conversion into Law, with Amendments, of Decree-Law No. 77 of May 31, 2021, Setting Governance Provisions, Identifying the Responsible Bodies and Defining Their Competences and Duties, while Simplying Administrative Procedures", which was published in the Official Gazette on July 30, 2021, and entered into force on July 31, 2021.
Art. 56-quater under the Annex entitled "Amendments Made to Decree-Law No. 77 of May 31, 2021" of the said amending Law No. 77 added Article 70-bis and introduced amendments to paragraphs 1 & 8 of Article 72 under Section IV, Chapter II of this consolidated version of the Industrial Property Code.
Available Materials
Main Text(s)
Related Text(s)
Main text(s)
Main text(s)
Codice della proprietà industriale (decreto legislativo 10 febbraio 2005, n. 30, aggiornata con le modifiche introdotte dal legge 29 luglio 2021, n. 108)
Supersedes (5 text(s))
Supersedes (5 text(s))
- Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005, as amended up to Legislative Decree No. 34 of May 19, 2020) (IT219)
- Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005, as amended up to Legislative Decree No. 63 of May 11, 2018) (IT216)
- Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005, as amended up to Legislative Decree No. 1 of January 24, 2012, converted into law, with amendments, by Law No. 27 of March 24, 2012) (IT174)
- Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005, as amended up to Legislative Decree No. 131 of August 13, 2010) (IT204)
- Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005) (IT007)
Is superseded by (1 text(s))
Is superseded by (1 text(s))
Relates to (5 records)
Relates to (5 records)
No data available.
WIPO Lex No.