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DetailsDetailsYear of Version2023DatesAmended up to:June 1, 2023Entry into force:June 1, 1968Promulgated:December 1, 1967Type of Text
Main IP Laws
Subject Matter
Patents (Inventions),
Utility Models
Subject Matter (secondary)
Plant Variety Protection,
Enforcement of IP and Related Laws
Notes This consolidated version of the Patents Act (1967:837) takes into account amendments up to "Order (2023:216) on the Entry into Force of the Act (2016:726) on Amending the Patents Act (1967:837)". The said Order (2023:216) provides that Sections 5 a, 40 a, 54, 57 e, 59 b, 64-65 a, 70 a, 71, 80-82 a, 86, 93 a, 93 b, 94, 94 a and 105 of the Patents Act (1967:837) amended by "Act (2016:726) entered into force on June 1, 2023 (following the entry into force of the United Patent on the same date).