Objections made on April 28, 2015:
With regard to the interpretative declaration made by the Democratic Republic of the Congo:
"The Government of Finland has carefully examined the contents of the interpretative declaration made by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and is of the view that the interpretative declaration raises certain legal concerns.
The Government of Finland wishes to recall that according to Article 309 no reservations or exceptions may be made to the Convention unless expressly permitted by other articles of the Convention. Article 310 of the Convention further provides that declarations and statements made by a State when signing, ratifying or acceding to it cannot purport to exclude or to modify the legal effect of the provisions of the Convention in their application to the State concerned.
Pursuant to Article 310, the interpretative declaration was formulated too late by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Government of Finland is also of the view that the interpretative declaration does not clearly specify its contents leaving open the extent to which the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is committed to the provisions of the Convention, and consequently, it may in substance constitute a reservation that excludes or modifies the legal effect of the provisions of the Convention in their application to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Therefore, the Government of Finland objects to the interpretative declaration for its late formulation and to the extent that any part of it constitutes a reservation not otherwise permitted by the Convention or purports to exclude or modify the legal effect of any of the provisions in their application to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Government of Finland considers the interpretative declaration devoid of any legal effect.
This objection shall not preclude the continued application of the Convention between Finland and the Democratic Republic of the Congo."
Objections made on October 23, 2013:
With regard to the declaration made by Ecuador upon accession:
"The Government of Finland has carefully examined the contents of the declaration made by the Ecuadorian State to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In view of the Government of Finland, this declaration may in substance constitute a reservation, because certain of its elements are unclear and seem to limit the scope of the Convention in its application to Ecuador, such as statements regarding the freedom of navigation, the establishment of maritime zones and the exercise of jurisdiction and sovereign rights within them.
The Government of Finland wishes to recall that according to Article 309 no reservations or exceptions may be made to the Convention unless expressly permitted by other articles of the Convention. Article 310 of the Convention further provides that declarations and statements made by a State when signing, ratifying or acceding to it cannot purport to exclude or to modify the legal effects of the provisions of the Convention in their application to the State concerned.
Therefore, the Government of Finland objects to the declaration made by Ecuador to the extent that any part of it constitutes a reservation not permitted by the Convention or purports to exclude or modify the legal effects of the provisions of the Convention in their application to Ecuador.
This objection does not preclude the entry into force of the Convention between Finland and Ecuador. The Convention will thus become operative between the two States without Ecuador benefitting from its reservations."
Declaración formulada en el momento de la ratificación:
"De conformidad con el artículo 287 de la Convención, Finlandia declara que optará por la Corte Internacional de Justicia y el Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar como medios de solución de controversias respecto de la interpretación o aplicación del Convenio, así como del Acuerdo relativo a la aplicación de la Parte XI.
Finlandia recuerda que, como miembro de la Comunidad Europea, ha transferido a la Comunidad la competencia con respecto a ciertas cuestiones reguladas por la Convención. A su debido tiempo se hará una declaración detallada de la índole y extensión de la competencia transferida a la Comunidad Europea de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Anexo IX de la Convención."
Traducción facilitada por la OMPI, © 2014
Declaración formulada en el momento de la firma y confirmada en el momento de la ratificación:
"El Gobierno de Finlandia entiende que la excepción al régimen de paso en tránsito por los estrechos prevista en el artículo 35.c) de la Convención se aplica al estrecho que separa a Finlandia (las islas Aland) de Suecia. Dado que el paso por ese estrecho está reglamentado en parte por una Convención internacional de larga data aún vigente, el régimen jurídico actual de ese estrecho no cambiará una vez que entre en vigor la Convención."
Traducción facilitada por la OMPI, © 2014
Declaración formulada en el momento de la firma:
"En lo que atañe a las partes de la Convención relativas al paso inocente por el mar territorial, el Gobierno de Finlandia tiene la intención de seguir aplicando el régimen actual en lo que respecta al paso de buques de guerra extranjeros y otros buques de propiedad estatal que se utilicen con fines no comerciales a través del mar territorial de Finlandia, dado que dicho régimen es plenamente compatible con la Convención."
Traducción facilitada por la OMPI, © 2014