on Comparative Advertising and
to Amend Provisions cf Competition Law")
cf 1 September 2000
The Federai Parfiament has passed the following Act:
Article 1
Amendrnent to the Act Against Unfair Competition
The Act Against Unfair Competition in the published revised version in the FederaiLaw Gazette, Part Hl, Cateqory Number 43-}, as last arnended by Article 4 of the Act of 27 June 2000 (Federai Law Gazette I p. 897), shall be amended as follows:
1. Section 2 shall be replaced by the following provision: "Section 2
- (1)
- Comparative advertising shall be any advertising which explicitly or by implication identifies a competitor or goods or services offered by a-competitor.
- (2)
- Comparative advertising shall constitute a breach òf honest practice within the' meaning of Section 1 where the comparison
- does not relate to goods or services meeting the same needs or intended far the s~me purpo~e;
- does not relate objectively to one or more rnaterial, relevant, verifiable and representative features of those goods and services or to their price: .
~) This Act serves to implement Directive 97/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 October 1997 amending Directive 84/450/EEC concerning misleading advertising so as to include comparative advertising (OJ L 290 p. 18-of 29 October 1997), as well as Article 5 (b) of Directive 92/28/EEC of the Council of 31 March 1992 on the advertisinq of rneoicinal products far human use (OJ L 113 p. 13 of 30 Apri11992).
- creates confusion in the market piace between the advertiser and· a competitor or between the goods or services they offer or their trade rnarks, trade names or other distinguishing rnarks:
- unfairly takes advantage of, or unfairly harms, the. reputation of a ·trade mark, trade name or other distinguishing marks of a cornpetitor:
- discredits or denigrates the goods1 services, activities , or personal or business circumstances ota cornpetitor; or
- presents goods or services as imitations or replicas of goods or services bearinq aprotected trade mark or trade name.
(3) If the comparison refers to an offer at a special price or other special conditions.vclear indication shall ,'b~ given of the date ori which the offerends and, where this does not yet apply, the d~te on which the offer begins. If the offer applies only so long as the goods .or services are available, this shall be clearly indicated.
2. The following sentence shall be added to section 3: "Staternents' conceminq business circumstances within the rneanìnq of the first
sentence shall also be deemed to be statèments in the context of comparative advertising."
3. The folloyving sentence shall be inserted after section 4 (1), first sentence: "Staternents concerning business circumstances within the meaninq of the first sentence shall afso be deemed to be staternents in the conìext of comparative advertising.n
4. Section 6c shalJ be worded as follows: "Section 6c
Whoever ·in the course of business activity undertakes by himself or through others to induce non-merchants to purchase goods, commerciai services or rights by promising that they would acquire special advantages either fram the inducer himself or fram a third person in the event of their inducing other persons to conclude such transactians, being persons who, according to this type of advertising, are in turn to acquire such advantages far sirnilarly soliciting further purchasers, shall be liable to imprisonment cf up to twa years or a fine."
5. In section 24 (2), first sentence, the words "no piace of residence" shall be replaced by the words "neither a business establishment nor a piace of residence".
Arìicle ·2
Amendment to the Act on Advertising
in the Field cf Healthcare
The folIowing subsection (2) shall be inserted after section 11 of the Act an Advertising in the Field of Healthcare in the version published on 19 October 1994 (Federai Law Gazette I p. 3066), as last amended by Artic!e 2 section 14 of the Act of
20 July 2000 (Federai Law Gazette I p. 1045):
"(2) Outside expert circles there shall be no advertising of medicinal products far human use suqqestinq that the effect of the medicinal product is equivalent to. or better than, that of another medicina! product or another treatment."
Article 3
Amendrnent to the Copyright Act
In part Il no. 1 of the Annex to section 54d subsection 1 af the Copyright Act cf 9 September 1965 (FederaI Law Gazette I p. 1273), as last amended by Article 12 of the Act of 16 July 1998 (Federai law Gazette I p. 1827) the words "from 2" following the words "with a capacìty of" shall be replaced by the word "Up".1
Article 4
Entry into Force
This Act shall enter into force on the day following its prornulqation.
1 TranslatorJs note: The last line ai the Engiish translation of.the text of Artiele 3 does not constitute a renderìng of every German word used; here the ehosen rendenng refleets the need to adjust this translation to an existing English translation of the Actreferred to In this Article, Le. the German CopynghtAct.
The ccnstitutional rights of the FederaI. Council have been heeded.
The above Act is hereby executed and promulqated in the FederaI Law Gazetle.
Berlin, 1 September 2000
The Federai President Johann ,e-s Rau
The FederaI ChancelIor Gerhard-Schroder
The .F edera f Mini st er o f Jus tice Oaubler-Gmelin
The Federal'M"jn ister for Hea l'th Andrea Fischer