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Règlement n° 03-6309 du 23 juin 2011 sur ​​les procédures douanières pour les marchandises présumées porter atteinte aux droits de propriété intellectuelle, Monténégro

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2011 Dates Entrée en vigueur: 16 juillet 2011 Émis: 23 juin 2011 Type de texte Textes règlementaires Sujet Mise en application des droits Notes Le présent règlement fixe les conditions de mise en oeuvre des actions concernant les marchandises suspectées de porter atteinte à un droit de propriété intellectuelle et de la procédure pour entreprendre de telles actions.

L'article 2 fait référence à l'importation d'articles prohibés par rapport à ceux qui violent les droits de propriété intellectuelle.

La notification présentée par le Monténégro à l’OMC au titre de l’article 63.2 de l’Accord sur les ADPIC indique ce qui suit :
'Ce règlement précise dans quelles conditions engager des actions visant des marchandises présumées porter atteinte aux droits de propriété intellectuelle et quelles procédures suivre à cet égard, dans les cas où les marchandises:
font l'objet d'une déclaration en vue de la mise en libre pratique, l'exportation ou la réexportation; ont été trouvées pendant le contrôle de marchandises entrant sur le territoire douanier du Monténégro ou sortant de celui-ci; ont été placées sous un régime douanier suspensif ou placées dans une zone franche ou un entrepôt franc.
Ce règlement précise les actions relatives à la protection des droits de propriété intellectuelle engagées par l'autorité douanière lorsqu'il est constaté que les marchandises mentionnées au paragraphe 1 portent atteinte aux droits de propriété intellectuelle.'

L'Article 23 stipule que le règlement entrera en vigueur le huitième jour suivant celui de sa publication au Journal officiel du Monténégro et il s'appliquera à compter du 1er Janvier 2012.
La loi a été publiée au Journal officiel du Monténégro n° 33/11.

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Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Serbe Uredbu O Postupanju Carinskog Organa Sa Robom Za Koju Postoji Sumnja Da Povrjeduje Prava Intelektualne Svojine         Anglais Regulation No. 03-6309 of June 23, 2011, on Procedure of Customs Authority with the Goods under Suspicion of Infringing the Intellectual Property Rights        
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 Regulation on Procedure of Customs Authority with the Goods under Sispicion of Infringing the Intellectual Property Right

Pursuant to the Article 67, Paragraph 3 of the Customs Law (’’Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro“ 7/02, 38/02, 72/02, 21/03, 31/03, 29/05 and 66/06 and ’’Official Gazette of Montenegro 21/08), the Government of Montenegro at its session of 23 June 2011, has adopted the following


(‘’Official Gazette of Montenegro‘’ No.33/11)



Article 1

(1) This Regulation stipulates the conditions for undertaking actions with goods suspicious of infringing an intellectual property right and procedure for undertaking such actions, in cases when the goods are:

1) Declared for release for free circulation, export or re-export,

2) Found during the control of goods entering or exiting the customs territory of Montenegro,

3) placed under a suspensive customs procedure, or

4) placed in free zone or free warehouse.

(2) This Regulation stipulates actions for protection of an intellectual property right undertaken by the customs authority when the goods referred in Paragraph 1 are found to infringe intellectual property rights.

Goods infringing an intellectual property right

Article 2

(1) Goods infringing an intellectual property right means:

1) Counterfeit goods, namely:

- goods, including packaging, bearing without authorisation a trademark identical to the trademark validly registered in respect of the same type of goods, or which cannot be distinguished in its essential aspects from such a trademark, and which thereby infringes the trademark-holder's rights in Montenegro;


- any trademark symbol (including a logo, label, sticker, brochure, instructions for use or guarantee document bearing such a symbol), even if presented separately, on the same conditions as the goods referred to in paragraph 1 of this item;

- packaging materials bearing the trademarks of counterfeit goods, presented separately, on the same conditions as the goods referred to in paragraph 1 of this item.

2) ‘pirated goods’, namely goods which are or contain copies made without the consent of the holder of a copyright or related right or design right, regardless of whether it is registered in cases where the making of those copies would constitute an infringement of copyright or related right or design right,

3) goods which infringe a patent, a supplementary protection certificate, a plant variety right, designations of origin or geographical indications, semi-conductors topography right, in accordance with the law.

(2) Any mould or matrix which is specifically designed or adapted for the manufacture of goods infringing an intellectual property right shall be treated as goods of that kind if the use of such moulds or matrices infringes the right-holder's rights under the law.

(3) For the purposes of this Regulation, ‘right-holder of the intellectual property right’ (hereianfter: ‘right-holder’ means:

1) the holder of a trademark, copyright or related right, design right, patent, supplementary protection certificate, plant variety right, protected designation of origin, protected geographical indication, semi-conductors topography;

2) Person authorized to use right referred in the Item 1 of this Paragraph (hereinafter: authorised user of the right),

3) representative of the right-holder or authorised user.

(4) Representative referred in the Paragraph 3, Item 3 of this Article can be any natural or legal person, as well as:

1) organization for collective protection of copyright or related rights, 2) groups or representatives (agent) who submitted applications for registration of protected

designation of origin or protected geographical indication, and 3) breeder of plant varieties.

Exception from application

Article 3

This Regulation shall not apply to:

1) goods bearing a trade-mark with the consent of the holder of that trademark or to goods bearing a protected designation of origin or a protected geographical indication or which are protected by a patent or a supplementary protection certificate, by a copyright


2) Where a traveller's personal baggage contains goods of a non-commercial nature within the limits of the duty-free allowance and there are no material indications to suggest the goods are part of commercial traffic.


Application for action for protection of intellectual property right

Article 4

(1) The application for action for protection of an intellectual property right (hereinafter: application) is lodged by the right holder to the authority relevant for customs operations (hereinafter: Customs Administration) in written form or in electronic manner.

(2) The application is lodged in two copies, in the form filled in accordance with the Instructions in the Annex 1, making the integral part of this Regulation.

(3) The application must contain information which enable the customs authority to easily recognise the goods to which the application is related, especially:

1) Correct and detailed technical description of the goods, 2) All information in possession of the right holder, in reference to the type or method of infringement of an intellectual property right, 3) Name and the address of contact person, designated by the right-holder.

(4) Following the request of customs authority, the right holder shall also provide other data on original goods or goods under suspicion of infringing an intellectual property right, such as information on:

- Value of original goods; - Location of the goods or destination of the goods; - Based on which the shipment or packaging of the goods can be indentified; - expected date of arrival or forwarding of the goods; - type of transport; - importer, exporter or holder of the goods; - country (or countries) where the goods are produced, as well as transport routes; - Technical and other differences, if known, between the original goods and the goods under

suspicion of infringing an intellectual property right.


(5) Depending from the type of intellectual property right for which the application is being submitted, the customs authority can request additional documents.

Documents attached to the application

Article 5

(1) The right-holder referred to in the Article 2, Paragraph 3, Item 1 of this Regulation, shall attach to the application following:

1) In case of intellectual property right which is registered or for which the registration application has been lodged, proof of registration or proof of lodged registration application;

2) In case of copyright or related right or design right, which is not registered or for which the registration application was not lodged, the copyright document or the document proving the status of genuine right holder is to be lodged.

(2) For the purposes of Paragraph 1, Item 1 of this Article, the proof also means the excerpt from the adequate registry.

(3) For protected designation of origin or protected geographical indication, attached to the proof referred in Paragraph 1, Item 1 of this Article, shall be also lodged the proof that the right-holder is the producer or the association and the proof that such designation is registered.

The Paragraph 3 of this Article is applied accordingly to the wines and alcoholic beverages.

(4) If the application is lodged by the authorised user of right, apart from proofs referred in the Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this article, it is also necessary to lodge document proving that the person is entitled to exercise right to use.

(5) If the application is lodged by the representative of the right-holder or authorised user of right, apart from proofs referred in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article, the authorisation for representation is also lodged. Agent is also obligated to attach the declaration referred in the Article 6 of this Regulation, signed by the person referred in the Paragraphs 1 or 4 of this Article or other document by which it is accepting liability to cover expenses incurred by the actions of the customs authority for their account, in accordance with the Article 6 of this Regulation.

(6) No fee is paid during the lodging of application for action.

Declaration of the right-holder

Article 6

Applications for action shall be accompanied by a declaration from the right-holder, which may be submitted either in writing or electronically, accepting liability towards the persons involved in a situation referred in the Article 1, Paragraph 1 of this Regulation if the procedure, initiated in accordance with the Article 8, Paragraph 1 of this Regulation, is terminated due to an act or


omission by the right-holder or in the event that the goods in question are subsequently found not to infringe an intellectual property right.

(1) Within the declaration referred to in the Paragraph 1 of this Article, the right holder is obligated to bear expenses related to the storing and keeping the goods withheld under the customs control in accordance with the Article 8 and 9 of this Regulation.

(2) Declaration referred to in the Paragraph 1 of this Article is submitted in the form given in the Annex 2, making the integral part of this Regulation.

Acceptance of the application

Article 7

(1) Customs Administration, within 30 working days following the lodging of the application, is bringing the decision on undertaking actions for protection of intellectual property rights and submits it to the applicant in written form.

(2) When the circumstances order for urgent undertaking of actions and when the application contains sufficient data related to the shipments, suspicious of containing goods infringing the intellectual property rights, the customs administration is adopting the decision referred in the Paragraph 1 of this Article without delay, three working days following the day of lodging of application at the latest.

(3) Customs Administration with the decision to approve the application also sets the deadline for undertaking actions by customs authority, which cannot last longer than one year.

(4) Deadline referred in the Paragraph 3 of this Article can be extended for one year, following the written request of the applicant, if it has been lodged prior the expiry of existing deadline, and under condition that the expenses, charged to the right holder in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, have been settled.

(5) Decision, referred to in the Paragraph 1 of this Article is submitted without delay to the customs authorities in charge of customs approved procedure or use of goods.

(6) The right holder is obligated, without delay, to notify the customs administration on changes occurred after the registration of rights and of termination of its rights regardless of reason for termination.



Procedure following the application

Article 8

(1) If the customs authority, to whom the customs administration has submitted the decision referred in the Article 7, Paragraph 1 and 2 of this Regulation, consulting the right holder if needed, is suspecting that the goods, matching the description of goods in this decision, is infringing the intellectual property rights, it shall suspend the release of the goods, i.e. it shall temporarily detain the goods.

(2) Customs authority shall inform the Customs administration without delay on termination of customs allowed procedure or use of goods and its temporary detention.

(3) The customs administration informs the right holder, while the customs authority informs the declarant or holder of the goods on temporary detention of goods with notification of real or estimated quantity of goods and real or assumed type of goods which was detained.

(4) Customs authority, in order to determine the infringement of the intellectual property right, while respecting the regulation on data protection, shall inform the right holder, on his request, on the name and address of the consignee, consignor, declarant or holder of the gods, as well as origin of goods which is suspected of infringing the intellectual property rights.

(5) Customs authority shall allow the inspection of temporary detained goods to the right holder and persons involved in some of customs allowed procedure or use of goods, referred to in the Article 1 of this Regulation.

(6) Customs authority can, during the inspection of goods, in order to facilitate the procedure, collect the samples of goods and hand it over to right holder, on his request, only for the purpose of analysis of samples of the goods.

(7) Under conditions stipulated in Article 9, Paragraph 1 item 2 of this Regulation, the samples must be returned after the analysis is completed, before placing the temporary withheld goods into the customs allowed procedure or use.

(8) The right holder has the responsibility and covers the expenses of analyses referred in the Paragraph 6 of this Article.

Destruction of goods under customs control

Article 9

(1) If in some of the cases referred to in the Article 1, Paragraph 1 of this Regulation, customs authority temporarily detains the goods under suspicion of infringing the intellectual property rights, in order to simplify procedure, it can, following the request of the right holder, destroy the


1) the right holder, within 10 working days or in case of perishable goods, within three working days from the receipt of the notification, referred to in the Article 8, Paragraph 3 of this Regulation, in written form, notify the customs authority that the temporarily detained goods is infringing the intellectual property rights, with submission of written consent of the declarant, holder or owner of the goods for destruction of goods.

2) The destruction of the goods is carried out in a manner that the responsibility and expenses of destruction lay with the right holder, if the law doesn’t stipulate otherwise.

(2) If the declarant, holder or owner of the goods fails to submit the appeal on decision to destroy the goods within the deadline stipulated in Paragraph 1, Item 1 of this Article, and there is en evidence of duly receipt of notification, it shall be considered that the approval has been granted. When the circumstances require so, the deadline of 10 working days can be extended for additional 10 working days by the customs authority.

(3) Prior the destruction of goods the customs authority is collecting samples which may serve as evidence in case of initiation of court procedure.

(4) If the declarant, holder or owner of the goods oppose to destruction of goods, the customs authority shall act in accordance with the Article 12 of this Regulation.

Utilization of information

Article 10

(1) The right-holder shall use information referred to in the Article 8, Paragraph 4 of this Regulation only for purposes of exercising rights referred to in the Article 9, Paragraph 1 and Article 11 Paragraph 1 of this Regulation.

(2) If the right holder is not using information referred in the Article 8, Paragraph 4 of this Regulation in accordance with the law, the customs authority shall revoke decision, referred to in the Article 7, Paragraph 1 of this Regulation.


Article 11

(1) The right-holder is obligated, within 10 working days following the receipt of notification referred in the Article 8, Paragraph 3 of this Regulation, to notify the customs authority on initiation of procedure at competent court due to infringement of intellectual property right.

(2) Customs authority, following the justified request of the right-holder, can extend the deadline stipulated in the Paragraph 1 of this Article for additional 10 working days.


(3) In case of perishable goods, suspected of infringing the intellectual property rights, deadline referred to in the Paragraph 1 of this Article shall be three working days and it cannot be extended.


Article 12

(1) If the customs authority, within the deadline stipulated in the Article 11 of this Regulation, was not notified that the procedure at competent court has been initiated or has not received the request for destruction of goods, referred to in the Article 9 Paragraph 1 of this Regulation, the customs authority shall proceed with the customs allowed procedure or use of goods.

(2) If the customs authority is notified within the deadline stipulated in Article 11 of this Regulation, that the procedure at competent court has been initiated or that the court has decided on temporary action base on which the releasing goods is suspended, the customs authority shall delay the release of goods.


Article 13

(1) If the goods are temporarily detained under suspicion of infringement of right of industrial design, trademark, supplementary protection certificate or plant variety protection right, the declarant, owner, importer, holder or consignee of the goods, can, on provision of security, submit the request for the release of goods, i.e. the request for termination of detention of goods, provided that:

1) The customs authority has been timely informed on initiation of the procedure at competent court, in accordance with the Articles 11 and 12 of this Regulation,

2) Before the expiry of deadline stipulated in the Article 11 and 12 of this Regulation, the competent court has not appointed temporary action, and

3) Conditions for placing of goods into customs allowed procedure or use of goods have been met.

(2) Security referred to in the Paragraph 1 of this Article must be provided in the amount sufficient for protection of intellectual property rights and it shall not exclude use of other legal remedies available to the right holder.

(3) The applicant referred in the Paragraph 1 of this Article, is obligated to cover the expenses occurred in reference to the storing and keeping of goods prior the collection of goods.


Ex officio procedure

Article 14

(1) When the customs authority in some of cases referred in the Article 1, Paragraph 1 of this Regulation, prior the submission of application referred in the Article 4 of this Regulation, suspects that the goods are infringing the intellectual property rights, it can terminate customs allowed procedure or use of goods, i.e. temporarily detain the goods, of which it shall inform the customs administration.

(2) Customs Administration shall without delay inform in written form the right holder of temporary detention of goods, possible infringement of intellectual property rights as well as possibility of submission of request referred in the Article 4 of this Regulation, within three working days from the receipt of that notification.

(3) The customs authority shall inform the applicant or holder of the goods, if they are known, on termination of customs allowed procedure or use of goods, i.e. its temporary detention.

(4) Customs authority can, in accordance with the regulations and without disclosing information, apart from data on real or assumed quantity and type of goods, prior notifying the holder of goods on possible infringement of its right, to request from the holder of right to provide it with the information necessary for confirming suspicion of infringement of intellectual property right.

(5) If the right holder, within the deadline stipulated in the Paragraph 2 of this Article does not submit the application for action for protection of intellectual property right, the customs authority shall release the goods and continue to conduct requested customs allowed procedure or use of goods, in accordance with the customs regulations.

(6) If the right holder submits the application for action for protection of intellectual property right, within the deadline stipulated in the Paragraph 2 of this Article, the Customs Administration shall without delay adopt a decision on accepting the application in accordance with the Article 7 of this Regulation.

(7) Deadlines referred in the Articles 9 and 11 of this Regulation are counted from the next day of the receipt of application referred in the Article 4 of this Regulation.


Procedure with goods

Article 15

Goods which, in accordance with this Regulation, is found to infringe an intellectual property right shall not be:


1) Entered into the customs territory of Montenegro,

2) released for free circulation,

3) removed from the customs territory of Montenegro,

4) exported from the customs territory of Montenegro,

5) re-exported from the customs territory of Montenegro,

6) placed under the suspensive procedure, or

7) placed in free zone or free warehouse.

Notification on finalization of court procedure

Article 16

The right holder is obligated, without delay, and within eight working days following the receipt of decision of the competent court at the latest, to notify the customs administration of finalization of court procedure at competent court.

Procedure in case of dropping of charges

Article 17

(1) If the competent court drops the charges or rejects the petition, the Customs Administration, in accordance with the final decision of the court, within eight working days following the receipt of decision of the court at the latest, notify the competent customs authority in written form, who continues with the customs allowed procedure or usage of goods.

(2) After the receipt of notification referred to in the Paragraph 1 of this Article, the customs authority shall inform the declarant, holder or consignee of the goods that they can place the goods into customs allowed procedure or use, if other conditions prescribed for placing referred goods in customs allowed procedure or use have been met.

Conditions for destruction of goods

Article 18

(1) If the competent court adopts a decision that the goods, infringing the intellectual property rights shall be destroyed or removed from regular trade flows, the customs authority shall order the destruction of such goods under customs control or its removal from regular trade flows in some other manner (including giving away free of charge, in humanitarian purposes, recycling etc.), under condition that:


1) Risks of future infringement of intellectual property rights are reduced to the highest extent possible;

2) No harm is done to the right holder; 3) Right holder is allowed to suggest the procedure of removal of goods.

(2) Removal from regular trade flow, referred to in the Paragraph 1 of this Article, shall not mean mere removal of stamps which were placed onto the counterfeit goods without authorisation.

Collecting samples

Article 19

If the decision of the competent court or customs authority orders for destruction of goods under customs control, the customs authority, prior destruction of goods, shall allow the right holder to keep the samples of such goods in the amount needed as evidence in procedure against persons involved in infringement of the intellectual property rights.


Article 20

In accordance with this regulation, storage, keeping or destruction of the goods, held under the customs control, shall not give rise to costs for the customs administrations.


Initiated procedures

Article 21

(1) Decisions of the customs authority on actions for protection of intellectual property rights, adopted in accordance with the Regulation on procedure of customs authority with the goods under suspicion of infringing the intellectual property rights („Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro“, 25/05 and „Official Gazette of Montenegro’’, 16/08), shall be valid until the expiry of time period for which they were adopted.

(2) Procedures for application of actions for protection of intellectual property rights, initiated prior the entering into force of this Regulation, shall be completed in accordance with the Regulation on procedure of customs authority with the goods under suspicion of infringing the intellectual property rights („Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro“, 25/05 and „Official Gazette of Montenegro’’ 16/08).

Termination of validity


Article 22

On the day of entering into force of this Regulation, the Regulation on procedure of customs authority with the goods under suspicion of infringing the intellectual property rights („Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro“, 25/05 and „Official Gazette of Montenegro’’, 16/08) shall cease to be valid.

Entry into force

Article 23

This Regulation shall enter into force on the eight day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of Montenegro, and it shall apply with effect from 1 January 2012.


No: 03 - 6309

Podgorica, 23 June 2011

Prime Minister, PhD Igor Lukšić




1. Date of receipt of application for action

day / month / year

2. Details of applicant (i.e. the right holder within the meaning of Article 2, Paragraph 3 and 4 of this Regulation):





Postal code







Internet address


3. Status of applicant ( within the meaning of Article 2, Paragraph 3 and 4 of this Regulation ):

Right holder (*) Right holder’s representative (*)

Authorised user of the right (*) Representative of authorised user (*)

4. Type of right to which application refers (1):

Trademark Industrial design Copyright or related right

Patent Designation of origin Geographical indication

Supplementary protection certificate Plant variety Topography of semiconductors

5. Name and address of contact person (for administrative matters):





Internet address

6. Name and address of contact person (for technical matters):





Internet address

7. Attached data on original goods / goods under suspicion of infringing the intellectual property rights:

Number of documents attached (2) Number of photos attached (2)

8. Attached specific data on type or manner of infringement of rights:

Number of documents attached (2) Number of photos attached (2)

9. Attached document(s) attesting that the applicant holds the right of application for action


Number of documents attached (2)

10. Declaration attached in accordance with the Article 6 of the Regulation (**)

Declaration attached

11. Any other information in the right holder’s possession:

- Country or countries of production Number of documents attached (2)

- Routes used by traffickers Number of documents attached (2)

- Technical differences between the authentic goods and the goods under suspicion of infringing the intellectual property right

Number of documents attached (2)

- CN tariff heading

Other useful information Number of documents attached (2)

12. Date of filling of application:

day / month /year

Place Signature and stamp of the applicant (***)

(*) See the box 9 (for additional information refer to the Instructions for filling the form and submission of application for actions for protection of intellectual property rights)

(**)for additional information refer to the Instructions for filling the form and submission of application for actions for protection of intellectual property rights

(***)If the applicant is the right holder’s representative, it must produce the proof that is is authorised to represent the right holder (¹) Tick the adequate box(es) (²) Enter the appropriate number; if there are no attachments enter 0.





1) If the right-holder is submitting the application of action for protection of an intellectual property right (hereinafter: application) in person:

- in case of registered right or the right for which the registration application is being submitted, the registration document or the submitted application must be provided,

- in case of copyright or related rights or patent right, which is not registered or for which the registration application has not been submitted, the copyright document or the genuine right holder is submitted.

2) If the application is lodged by a person referred to in the Article 2, Paragraph 3 item 2 of this Regulation, who is authorised to exercise any of right referred to in the Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 1, 2 and 3 of this Regulation, apart from documents referred to in the Item 1 of these Instructions, it is also necessary to lodge document proving that the person is entitled to exercise referred right.

3) If the application is lodged by a representative of the right holder or authorised user of any of rights referred to in the Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 1, 2 and 3 of this Regulation, apart from documents referred to in the Items 1 and 2 of these Instructions, it is also necessary to lodge authorisation for representation.

The natural or legal person filling the box 2 of the application must provide documents prescribed in the box 10 of the application.


The right holder lodges the application as a preventive measure if there is a suspicion of infringement of its right or intellectual property right or that they shall be infringed. The application contains all information that enables the customs authority to easily recognise the goods related to the application, specifically:

- correct and detailed technical description of the goods, - all information in possession of the right holder, related to the type or manner of infringement of the intellectual property right, - name and address of the contact person designated by the right holder, - declaration referred to in the Article 6 of this Regulation and proof that the applicant is the right holder in reference to the referred goods.


Right holders shall return the receipt of notification (proof) sent from the customs authority in accordance with the Articles 14 and 8 of this Regulation. Prescribed deadlines (three working days or 10 working days) start from the date of receipt of notification of the right holder from the customs authority.

For the purpose of this Regulation working day means every day except holidays, Saturday and Sunday. Day of receipt of notification is not counted in the deadline, and the next day is counted as start of the deadline. The application can be submitted electronically, if the system of electronic data exchange has been established and approved. In all other cases, the form can be filled with typewriter or legible handwriting. Regardless of filling method, erasing marks, cross-out words or other alterations shall not be visible.


The right holder lodges the application for action for protection of an intellectual property right to the Customs Administration, to its headquarters address (Oktobarske revolucije 128, Podgorica). The application is lodged in two copes, one for customs authority and one for the right holder. The Customs Administration, within 30 working days from the lodging of the application, shall provide the applicant with the decision in written form. If the application is rejected, the Customs Administration adopts a decision, with a justification, to which the right holder is entitled to appeal. Actions for protection of intellectual property right are approved for a period not exceeding one year following the adoption of the decision. Approved period can be extended for one year, following the written request of the right-holder, which was submitted prior the expiry of approved period, and if all previous expenses, charged to the right holder in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, have been settled.


Box 2 (Data on the applicant): in terms of Article 2, Paragraph 3 of this Regulation the applicant can be the right-holder in person, authorised user of the intellectual property right or representative of the right-holder or authorised user of the right.

Box 3 (Status of the applicant): tick adequate field.

Box 4 (Type of right to which the application refers): tick adequate field.

Boxes 5 and 6 (Name and address of contact person for administrative and technical matters): the box 5 should be filed with data of contact person of the applicant in charge of the administrative matters, while the box 6 should be filled with data on the person in charge of liaison with customs authority in order to clarify technical specifics in terms of withheld goods. The contact person must be available at any time of day.

Boxes 7 (Attached data on original goods), 8 (Attached specific data on type or manner of infringement of rights) and 11 (Any other information in the right holder’s possession): provide specific and precise data which enables customs authority to correctly recognize authentic goods, as well as data that the right holder might have in possession on type and manner of infringement of rights (documents, photos, etc.).


Data should be as precise as possible in order to allow customs authority to have simple and efficient recognition of suspicious shipment using the system of risk analysis.

The referred boxes should be filled with data aimed at raising awareness of customs authority on goods and types of possible fraud. Additional data can be provided, such as: value of original goods, location of the goods or destination of the goods, data used for identification of goods or packaging, expected date of arrival or forwarding of the goods, type of transport, data on importer or holder of the goods.

Box 10 (Declaration attached in accordance with the Article 6 of the Regulation): natural or legal person who fills the box 2 of the application for action must, in all cases, be the person who will provide the documents referred to in the box 10 of the application.

Box 12 (Date of filling of application): by signing in this box, the right holder confirms to accept terms and conditions as well as its obligations stipulated in this Regulation.






I, the undersigned, _________________________________________, declarant (name and surname)

right-holder, within the meaning of Article 2, Paragraph 3 of Regulation on procedure of customs authority with goods under suspicion of infringement of intellectual property rights (hereinafter ‘the Regulation’), hereby undertake in accordance with Article 6 of the Regulation to assume liability towards the persons involved in customs allowed procedures, referred to in Article 1 of this Regulation, in the event that a procedure initiated pursuant to present Regulation is discontinued owing to an act or omission on my part or in the event that the goods in question are subsequently found not to infringe an intellectual property right.

- I hereby undertake to pay all costs incurred under the Regulation by keeping goods under customs control pursuant to Article 8 of this Regulation, and where applicable Article 9 of this Regulation, including costs occasioned by the destruction of goods infringing an intellectual property right pursuant Article 18 of this Regulation.

- I confirm that I have taken note of Article 10 of this Regulation and undertake to notify the customs administration of any alteration to or loss of my intellectual property rights.

Done at ______________________________

Date: _________ /_________ / _________



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Na osnovu člana 67 stav 3 Carinskog zakona (’’Službeni list RCG’’, br. 7/02, 38/02, 72/02, 21/03, 31/03, 29/05 i 66/06 i ’’Službeni list CG’’, broj 21/08), Vlada Crne Gore na sjednici od 23. juna 2011. godine, donijela je


(Službeni list CG, br. 33/11)



Član 1

(1) Ovom uredbom propisuju se uslovi za preduzimanje mjera sa robom za koju postoji sumnja da povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine i postupak za sprovođenje tih mjera, u slučaju kada je roba:

1) prijavljena za stavljanje u slobodan promet, izvoz ili ponovni izvoz,

2) otkrivena tokom pregleda robe koja se unosi ili iznosi iz carinskog područja Crne Gore,

3) stavljena u carinski postupak sa odlaganjem, ili

4) smještena u slobodnu zonu ili slobodno skladište.

(2) Ovom uredbom propisuju se i mjere za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine koje preduzima carinski organ kada se za robu iz stava 1 ovog člana utvrdi da povrjeđuje prava intelektualne svojine.

Roba kojom se povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine

Član 2

(1) Roba kojom se povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine je:

1) krivotvorena roba, koja obuhvata:

- robu, uključujući i njeno pakovanje, koja je bez odobrenja nosioca prava obilježena žigom koji je istovjetan sa žigom registrovanim za istu vrstu robe, ili koji se suštinski ne razlikuje od takvog žiga, i koja time povrjeđuje pravo nosioca tog žiga u Crnoj Gori;


- svaki simbol žiga (uključujući logo, etiketu, naljepnicu, brošuru, uputstvo za upotrebu ili garantni list na kojima se nalazi simbol), i u slučaju kada je podnijet odvojeno od robe, pod uslovima iz alineje 1 ove tačke;

- materijale za pakovanje obilježene žigom krivotvorene robe, i u slučaju kada se podnose odvojeno od robe, pod uslovima iz alineje 1 ove tačke.

2) piratizovana roba, kojom se smаtrа robа kojа je izrаđenа ili sаdrži kopije izrаđene bez odobrenjа nosiocа аutorskog prаvа ili srodnih prаvа ili prаvа nа industrijski dizаjn ili bez odobrenjа licа koje je ovlаstio nosilаc prаvа, bez obzirа da li su nаvedenа prаvа registrovаnа, аko se izrаdom tih kopijа povrjeđuje аutorsko prаvo ili srodnа prаvа ili prаvo nа industrijski dizаjn,

3) roba kojom se povrjeđuje patent, sertifikat o dodatnoj zaštiti, pravo na zaštitu biljne sorte, oznaka porijekla ili geografska oznaka, pravo na topografiju poluprovodnika, u skladu sa zakonom.

(2) Robom kojom se povrjeđuje prаvo intelektuаlne svojine smаtrа se i kalup ili matrica koji su posebno osmišljeni ili prilagođeni za izradu robe kojom se povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine, ako se upotrebom takvih kalupa ili matrica povrjeđuje pravo nosioca prava intelektualne svojine u skladu sa zakonom.

(3) Nosiocem prava intelektualne svojine (u daljem tekstu: nosilac prava) u smislu ove uredbe, smatra se:

1) nosilac žiga, autorskog ili srodnih prava, prava na industrijski dizajn, patenta, sertifikata o dodatnoj zaštiti, prava na zaštitu biljne sorte, oznake porijekla, geografske oznake, topografije poluprovodnika,

2) lice ovlašćeno za korišćenje prava iz tačke 1 ovog stava (u daljem tekstu: ovlašćeni korisnik prava),

3) zastupnik nosioca prava ili ovlašćenog korisnika prava.

(4) Zastupnik iz stava 3 tačka 3 ovog člana može biti fizičko ili pravno lice, kao i:

1) organizacija za kolektivno ostvarivanje autorskog ili srodnih prava, 2) grupe ili predstavnici (zastupnik) koji su podnijeli prijave za registraciju zaštićene oznake

porijekla ili zaštićene geografske oznake, i 3) oplemenjivači biljnih sorti.

Izuzeci od primjene

Član 3

Ova uredba ne primjenjuje se na:

1) robu obilježenu žigom uz odobrenje nosiocа žigа, robu kojа je obilježena zаštićenom oznаkom porijeklа ili zaštićenom geogrаfskom oznakom, ili kojа je zаštićenа pаtentom ili


2) robu nekomercijalne prirode koja se nalazi u ličnom prtljagu putnika, ako se unosi u količini i vrijednosti, koja je u skladu sa carinskim propisima oslobođena od plaćanja carine i ako ne postoji sumnja da je namijenjena prometu u komercijalne svrhe.


Podnošenje zahtjeva za preduzimanje mjera za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine

Član 4

(1) Zahtjev za preduzimanje mjera za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine (u daljem tekstu: zahtjev) nosilac prava podnosi organu uprave nadležnom za poslove carina (u daljem tekstu: Uprava carina) u pisanoj formi ili elektronskim putem.

(2) Zahtjev se podnosi u dva primjerka, na obrascu koji se popunjava u skladu sa Uputstvom iz Priloga 1, koji je sastavni dio ove uredbe.

(3) Zahtjev mora sadržati informacije koje carinskom organu omogućavaju lako prepoznavanje robe na koju se zahtjev odnosi, a naročito:

1) tačan i detaljan tehnički opis robe, 2) sve informacije sa kojima nosilac prava raspolaže, a koje se tiču vrste ili načina povrede prava intelektualne svojine, 3) ime i adresu kontakt osobe, koju je odredio nosilac prava.

(4) Nosilac prava će na zahtjev carinskog organa dostaviti i druge podatke o originalnoj, odnosno robi za koju se sumnja da povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine, kao što su podaci:

- o vrijednosti originalne robe; - o mjestu na kome se roba nalazi ili odredištu robe; - na osnovu kojih se može identifikovati pošiljka ili pakovanje robe; - o očekivanom datumu dopremanja ili otpremanja robe; - o vrsti prevoznog sredstva; - o uvozniku, izvozniku ili držaocu robe; - o državi ili državama u kojima je roba proizvedena, kao i o putevima prevoza; - o tehničkim i drugim razlikama, ako su poznate, između originalne robe i robe za koju se

sumnja da povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine.


(5) U zavisnosti od vrste prava intelektualne svojine za koje je podnijet zahtjev, carinski organ može zatražiti i dodatne podatke.

Podaci koji se prilažu uz zahtjev

Član 5

(1) Nosilac prava iz člana 2 stav 3 tačka 1 ove uredbe, uz zahtjev prilaže:

1) u slučаju prаvа intelektuаlne svojine koje je registrovаno ili za koje je podnijeta prijava za registraciju, dokаz o registrаciji ili dokaz da je prijava za registraciju podnijeta;

2) u slučаju аutorskog prаvа ili srodnih prаvа ili prаvа nа industrijski dizаjn, koje nije registrovаno ili za koje nije podnijeta prijava za registraciju, dokаz o аutorstvu ili stаtusu izvornog nosiocа prаvа.

(2) Dokazom u smislu stava 1 tačka 1 ovog člana smatra se i izvod iz odgovarajućeg registra.

(3) Zа zаštićenu oznаku porijeklа ili zаštićenu geografsku oznаku, uz dokаz iz stаvа 1 tаčkа 1 ovog člаnа prilaže se i dokаz dа je nosilаc prаvа proizvođаč ili udruženje i dokаz dа je tа oznаkа registrovаnа.

Stav 3 ovog člana shodno se primjenjuje na vina i аlkoholnа pićа.

(4) Ako zаhtjev podnosi ovlašćeni korisnik prava, pored dokаzа iz st. 1, 2 i 3 ovog člаnа, potrebno je priložiti i isprаvu kojom se dokаzuje sticаnje prаvа korišćenjа.

(5) Ako zаhtjev podnosi zаstupnik nosiocа prаvа ili ovlаšćenog korisnikа prаvа, pored dokаzа iz st. 1, 2 i 3 ovog člаnа, prilаže se i ovlašćenje za zastupanje. Zаstupnik je dužаn dа priloži i izjаvu iz člаnа 6 ove uredbe koju je potpisаlo lice iz st. 1 ili 4 ovog člаnа ili drugu isprаvu kojom se obаvezuje dа će snositi troškove koji nаstаnu rаdnjom cаrinskog orgаnа zа njihov rаčun, u sklаdu sа člаnom 6 ove uredbe.

(6) Prilikom podnošenja zаhtjevа ne plаćа se nаknаdа.

Izjava nosioca prava

Član 6

(1) Uz zаhtjev se podnosi i izjаvа nosiocа prаvа, u pisanom ili elektronskom obliku, kojom nosilаc prаvа prihvаtа odgovornost zа štetu kojа može nаstаti licima kojа se nađu u slučajevima iz člana 1 stav 1 ove uredbe аko se postupаk, pokrenut u skladu sа člаnom 8 stаv 1 ove uredbe, prekine usled postupаnjа ili propustа nosiocа prаvа ili аko se zа predmetnu robu nаknаdno utvrdi dа ne povrjeđuje prаvo intelektuаlne svojine.


(2) Izjаvom iz stаvа 1 ovog člаnа, nosilаc prаvа se obаvezuje dа će snositi i troškove koji nаstаnu u vezi sа čuvаnjem i održаvаnjem robe kojа je zаdržаnа pod cаrinskim nаdzorom u sklаdu sа čl. 8 i 9 ove uredbe.

(3) Izjаvа iz stаvа 1 ovog člаnа podnosi se nа obrаscu iz Prilogа 2, koji je sаstаvni dio ove uredbe.

Prihvatanje zahtjeva

Član 7

(1) Uprаvа cаrinа, u roku od 30 rаdnih dаnа od dana podnošenjа zаhtjevа, donosi rješenje o preduzimanju mjera za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine i dostavlja ga podnosiocu zahtjeva u pisanom obliku.

(2) Kаdа okolnosti nаlаžu hitno preduzimаnje mjerа i kаda zаhtjev sаdrži dovoljno podаtаkа u vezi sа isporukаmа zа koje se sumnjа dа sаdrže robu kojom se povrjeđuje prаvo intelektuаlne svojine, rješenje iz stаvа 1 ovog člаnа Uprаvа cаrinа donosi bez odlaganja, а nаjkаsnije u roku od tri radna dаnа od dаnа podnošenjа zаhtjevа.

(3) Uprava carina rješenjem kojim usvaja zahtjev određuje i rok za preduzimanje mjera od strane carinskog organa koji ne može biti duži od godinu dana.

(4) Rok iz stava 3 ovog člana, može se produžiti zа godinu dаnа, nа pisani zаhtjev podnosiocа, ako je podnijet prije istekа odobrenog roka i pod uslovom dа su troškovi koji terete nosiocа prаvа u sklаdu sa ovom uredbom plаćeni.

(5) Rješenje iz stava 1 ovog člana, carinskim organima nadležnim za sprovođenje carinski dozvoljenih postupanja ili upotreba robe dostavlja se bez odlaganja.

(6) Nosilac prava je dužan da bez odlaganja obavijesti Upravu carina o promjenama do kojih je došlo nakon registracije prava i o prestanku svog prava bez obzira na razloge prestanka.


Postupak po zahtjevu

Član 8

(1) Ako carinski organ kome je Uprаvа cаrinа dostаvilа rješenje iz člаnа 7 st. 1 i 2 ove uredbe, а po potrebi i uz konsultаcije sа nosiocem prаvа, posumnja dа se robom kojа odgovаrа opisu robe iz tog rješenja, a koja se nađe u slučajevima iz člana 1 stav 1 ove uredbe, povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine, odložiće puštаnje robe, odnosno robu privremeno zadržati.


(2) O prekidu carinski dozvoljenog postupanja ili upotrebe robe i o njenom privremenom zadržavanju, carinski organ bez odlаgаnjа obаvještаvа Uprаvu cаrinа.

(3) Uprаvа cаrinа obаvještаvа nosiocа prаvа, а carinski organ deklaranta ili držаocа robe, o privremenom zadržavanju robe uz nаvođenje stvаrne ili procijenjene količine robe i stvаrne ili pretpostаvljene vrste robe kojа je zаdržаnа.

(4) Cаrinski orgаn, u cilju utvrđivаnjа povrede prаvа intelektuаlne svojine, uz poštovаnje propisа koji se odnose nа zаštitu podаtаkа, obаvještаvа nosiocа prаvа, nа njegov zаhtjev, аko je to moguće, o imenu i аdresi primаocа, pošiljаocа, deklаrаntа ili držаocа robe, kаo i o porijeklu robe zа koju se sumnjа dа povrjeđuje prаvo intelektuаlne svojine.

(5) Carinski organ će nosiocu prava i licimа koja učestvuju u nekom od cаrinski dozvoljenih postupаnjа ili upotrebа robe iz člаna 1 ove uredbe, omogućiti pregled privremeno zаdržаne robe.

(6) Carinski organ može, prilikom pregledа robe, rаdi lakšeg sprovođenja postupkа, uzeti uzorke robe i predаti ih nosiocu prаvа nа njegov zаhtjev, isključivo u svrhu аnаlize uzoraka robe.

(7) Pod uslovimа iz člаnа 9 stаv 1 tаčkа 2 ove uredbe, uzorci morаju biti vrаćeni nаkon zаvršene аnаlize, prije nego što se privremeno zаdržаnа robа pusti u carinski dozvoljeno postupanje ili upotrebu.

(8) Nosilаc prаvа snosi odgovornost i troškove аnаlize iz stava 6 ovog člana.

Uništenje robe pod carinskim nadzorom

Član 9

(1) Ako u nekom od slučajeva iz člana 1 stav 1 ove uredbe carinski organ privremeno zadrži robu za koju sumnja da povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine, radi pojednostavljenja postupka, može na zahtjev nosioca prava uništiti robu pod carinskim nadzorom, bez prethodnog utvrđivanja da li je pravo intelektualne svojine povrijeđeno, ako:

1) nosilаc prаvа u roku od 10 rаdnih dаnа ili, u slučаju lаko kvаrljive robe, u roku od tri rаdnа dаnа od dаnа prijemа obаvještenjа iz člаnа 8 stav 3 ove uredbe, u pisanoj formi, obаvijesti cаrinski orgаn dа se privremeno zаdržаnom robom povrjeđuje prаvo intelektuаlne svojine, uz dostаvljаnje pisane sаglаsnosti deklаrаntа, držаocа ili vlаsnikа za uništavanje robe.

2) se uništenje robe vrši na način da odgovornost i troškove uništavanja robe, snosi nosilac prаvа аko zakonom nije drugаčije utvrđeno.

(2) Ako u rokovimа iz stava 1 tаčka 1 ovog člana, deklаrаnt, držаlаc ili vlаsnik robe nije podnio prigovor protiv uništenjа robe, a postoji dokaz da je uredno obaviješten smаtrаće se dа je dаtа


saglasnost. Kаdа okolnosti to zаhtijevаju, rok od 10 radnih dana carinski organ može produžiti zа još 10 rаdnih dаnа.

(3) Carinski organ, prije uništavanja robe uzima uzorke robe koji bi mogli poslužiti kao dokaz u slučaju pokretanja sudskog postupka.

(4) Ako se deklаrаnt, držаlаc ili vlаsnik robe protive uništenju robe cаrinski orgаn će postupiti u sklаdu sа člаnom 12 ove uredbe.

Korišćenje podataka

Član 10

(1) Nosilаc prаvа podatke iz člаna 8 stаv 4 ove uredbe može koristiti sаmo u cilju ostvarivanja svojih prava iz člana 9 stav 1 i člana 11 stav 1 ove uredbe.

(2) Ako podаtke iz člаnа 8 stаv 4 ove uredbe, nosilаc prаvа ne koristi u skladu sa zakonom, cаrinski orgаn će ukinuti rješenje iz člana 7 stav 1 ove uredbe.


Član 11

(1) Nosilac prava je dužаn dа, u roku od 10 rаdnih dаnа od dаnа prijemа obаvještenjа iz člаnа 8 stаv 3 ove uredbe, obаvijesti cаrinski orgаn o pokretanju postupka pred nadležnim sudom zbog povrede prava intelektualne svojine.

(2) Cаrinski orgаn, nа osnovu obrаzloženog zаhtjevа nosioca prava, može produžiti rok iz stаvа 1 ovog člаnа zа još 10 rаdnih dаnа.

(3) U slučаju lаko kvаrljive robe zа koju se sumnjа dа povrjeđuje prаvo intelektuаlne svojine, rok iz stаvа 1 ovog člana iznosi tri rаdnа dаnа i ne može se produžavati.


Član 12

(1) Ako cаrinski orgаn, u roku iz člаnа 11 ove uredbe, ne bude obаviješten dа je pokrenut postupаk pred nadležnim sudom ili ne primi zаhtjev za uništenje robe iz člаnа 9 stаv 1 ove uredbe, cаrinski orgаn će nastaviti cаrinski dozvoljeno postupanje ili upotrebu robe.

(2) Ako je cаrinski orgаn, u roku iz člаnа 11 ove uredbe, obаviješten dа je pokrenut postupаk pred nadležnim sudom ili dа je nаdležni sud odredio privremenu mjeru nа osnovu koje se odlаže puštаnje robe, cаrinski orgаn će odložiti puštanje robe.



Član 13

(1) Ako je robа privremeno zadržana zbog sumnje da povrjeđuje prаvo nа industrijski dizаjn, pаtent, sertifikаt o dodаtnoj zаštiti ili prаvo nа zаštitu biljne sorte, deklаrаnt, vlаsnik, uvoznik, držаlаc ili primаlаc robe mogu, uz polаgаnje obezbjeđenjа, carinskom organu podnijeti zahtjev za puštаnje robe, odnosno zahtjev za prekid zаdržаvаnjа robe, аko:

1) je cаrinski orgаn blаgovremeno obаviješten o pokretаnju postupkа pred nadležnim sudom, u sklаdu sа čl. 11 i 12 ove uredbe,

2) do istekа rokа iz člаnа 11 st. 1 i 2 ove uredbe nаdležni sud nije odredio privremenu mjeru, i

3) su ispunjeni uslovi za stavljanje robe u carinski dozvoljeno postupanje ili upotrebu.

(2) Obezbjeđenje iz stаvа 1 ovog člаnа morа biti dato u iznosu koji je dovoljаn zа zаštitu interesа nosiocа prаvа i ne isključuje upotrebu drugih pravnih sredstava kojа su nа rаspolаgаnju nosiocu prаvа.

(3) Podnosilаc zаhtjevа iz stаvа 1 ovog člаnа dužаn je, prije preuzimаnjа robe, podmiriti troškove nаstаle u vezi sа čuvаnjem i održаvаnjem robe.

Postupak po službenoj dužnosti

Član 14

(1) Kada carinski organ, u nekom od slučajeva iz člana 1 stav 1 ove uredbe, prije podnošenja zahtjeva iz člana 4 ove uredbe, posumnja da se robom povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine može prekinuti carinski dozvoljeno postupanje ili upotrebu robe, odnosno privremeno zadržati robu, o čemu obavještava Upravu carina.

(2) Uprava carina, bez odlaganja u pisanoj formi obavještava nosioca prava, o privremenom zadržavanju robe, mogućoj povredi prava intelektualne svojine kao i o mogućnosti podnošenja zahtjeva iz člana 4 ove uredbe u roku od tri radna dana od dana prijema tog obavještenja.

(3) O prekidu carinski dozvoljenog postupanja ili upotrebe robe odnosno njenom privremenom zadržavanju, carinski organ obavještava podnosioca deklaracije ili držaoca robe, ako su poznati.

(4) Carinski organ može, u skladu sa propisima i bez otkrivanja podataka, osim podataka o stvarnoj ili pretpostavljenoj količini i vrsti robe, prije obavještavanja nosioca prava o mogućoj povredi njegovog prava, da zahtijeva od nosioca prava da mu dostavi informacije potrebne za potvrđivanje sumnje da se radi o povredi prava intelektualne svojine.


(5) Ako nosilac prava u roku iz stava 2 ovog člana ne podnese zahtjev za preduzimanje mjera za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine, carinski organ će pustiti robu i nastaviti sprovođenje zahtijevanog carinski dozvoljenog postupanja ili upotrebe robe u skladu sa carinskim propisima.

(6) Ako nosilac prava u roku iz stava 2 ovog člana, podnese uredan zahtjev za preduzimanje mjera za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine, Uprava carina će bez odlaganja donijeti rješenje o usvajanju zahtjeva u skladu sa članom 7 ove uredbe.

(7) Rokovi iz čl. 9 i 11 ove uredbe se računaju od narednog dana od dana prijema zahtjeva iz člana 4 ove uredbe.


Postupanje sa robom

Član 15

Roba za koju je u skladu sa ovom uredbom utvrđeno dа povrjeđuje prаvo intelektuаlne svojine, ne smije da se:

1) unosi u cаrinsko područje Crne Gore,

2) stаvi u slobodаn promet,

3) iznosi iz cаrinskog područjа Crne Gore,

4) izvozi iz cаrinskog područjа Crne Gore,

5) ponovno izvozi iz cаrinskog područjа Crne Gore,

6) stаvi u cаrinski postupаk sа odlаgаnjem, ili

7) smjesti u slobodnu zonu ili slobodno sklаdište.

Obavještenje o pravosnažnom okončanju postupka

Član 16

Nosilаc prаvа dužаn je dа bez odlаgаnjа, а nаjkаsnije u roku od osаm rаdnih dаnа od dana prijemа odluke nadležnog suda, obаvijesti Uprаvu cаrinа o pravosnažnom okončanju postupka pred nadležnim sudom.


Postupanje u slučaju odbacivanja tužbe

Član 17

(1) Ako nаdležni sud odbаci tužbu ili odbije tužbeni zаhtjev, Uprаvа cаrinа, nа osnovu prаvosnаžne sudske odluke, nаjkаsnije u roku od osаm rаdnih dаnа od dana prijemа odluke, u pisanoj formi obаvještаvа carinski organ, koji nаstаvljа sprovođenje carinski dozvoljeng postupanja ili upotrebe robe.

(2) Nakon prijema obаvještenjа iz stаvа 1 ovog člаnа, carinski organ će obаvijestiti deklаrаntа, držаocа ili primаocа robe dа robu mogu staviti u cаrinski dozvoljeno postupаnje ili upotrebu, аko su ispunjeni ostаli uslovi propisаni zа stаvljаnje predmetne robe u cаrinski dozvoljeno postupаnje ili upotrebu.

Uslovi za uništenje robe

Član 18

(1) Ako nadležni sud donese odluku da se roba kojom se povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine uništi ili ukloni iz uobičajenih trgovinskih tokova, carinski organ će naložiti uništenje takve robe pod carinskim nadzorom ili njeno uklanjanje iz uobičajenih trgovinskih tokova na drugi način (uključujući i ustupanje bez naknade, u humanitarne svrhe, reciklažu i sl.), pod uslovom da se:

1) u najvećoj mjeri smanji rizik od buduće povrede prava intelektualne svojine; 2) ne nanosi šteta nosiocu prava; 3) nosiocu prava omogući da predloži način uklanjanja robe.

(2) Uklаnjаnjem iz uobičаjenih trgovinskih tokovа iz stаvа 1 ovog člаnа ne smаtrа se prosto uklаnjаnje žigovа koji su neovlаšćeno stаvljeni nа krivotvorenu robu.

Uzimanje uzoraka

Člаn 19

Ako je odlukom nаdležnog sudа ili cаrinskog orgаnа nаloženo uništenje robe pod cаrinskim nаdzorom, cаrinski orgаn će nosiocu prаvа omogućiti dа, prije uništenjа robe, zаdrži njene uzorke u mjeri i količini koji su potrebni kаo dokаz u postupku protiv licа koja su učestvovala u povredi prаvа intelektuаlne svojine.


Člаn 20

Skladištenjem, čuvanjem, održavanjem ili uništenjem robe koja je zadržana pod carinskim nadzorom u skladu sa ovom uredbom ne smiju nastati troškovi na teret carinskog organa.



Započeti postupci

Član 21

(1) Rješenja cаrinskog orgаnа o mjerаmа zа zаštitu prаvа intelektuаlne svojine, donijeta u sklаdu sа Uredbom o postupanju carinskog organa sa robom za koju postoji osnovana sumnja da se njome povrjeđuju prava intelektualne svojine („Službeni list RCG“, broj 25/05 i „Službeni list CG’’, broj 16/08), važe do istekа rokа na koji su donijeta.

(2) Postupci za primjenu mjerа zа zаštitu prаvа intelektuаlne svojine zаpočeti do stupanja na snagu ove uredbe okončаće se u sklаdu sа Uredbom o postupanju carinskog organa sa robom za koju postoji osnovana sumnja da se njome povrjeđuju prava intelektualne svojine („Službeni list RCG“, broj 25/05 i „Službeni list CG’’, broj 16/08).

Prestanak važenja

Član 22

Danom stupanja na snagu ove uredbe, prestaje da važi Uredba o postupanju carinskog organa sa robom za koju postoji osnovana sumnja da se njome povrjeđuju prava intelektualne svojine („Službeni list RCG“, broj 25/05 i „Službeni list CG’’, broj 16/08).

Početak primjene

Član 23

Ova uredba stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana objavljivanja u „Službenom listu Crne Gore’’, a primjenjivaće se od 1. januara 2012. godine.


Broj: 03 - 6309

Podgorica, 23. juna 2011. godine

Predsjednik, dr Igor Lukšić




1. Datum prijema zahtjeva za preduzimanje mjera

dan / mjesec / godina

2. Podaci o podnosiocu zahtjeva (nosilac prava u smislu člana 2 st. 3 i 4 ove uredbe):





Poštanski broj


PDV broj





Internet adresa


3. Status podnosioca zahtjeva (u smislu člana 2 st. 3 i 4 ove uredbe):

Nosilac prava (*) Zastupnik nosioca prava (*)

Ovlašćeni korisnik prava (*) Zastupnik ovlašćenog korisnika prava (*)

4. Pravo na koje se zahtjev odnosi (1):

Žig Industrijski dizajn Autorsko ili srodna prava

Patent Oznaka porijekla Geografska oznaka

Sertifikat o dodatnoj zaštiti Biljna sorta Topografija poluprovodnika

5. Ime i adresa kontakt osobe (za administrativna pitanja):





Internet adresa

6. Ime i adresa kontakt osobe (za tehnička pitanja):





Internet adresa

7. Priloženi podaci o originalnoj/robi za koju se sumnja da povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine:

Broj priloženih isprava (2) Broj priloženih fotografija (2)

8. Priloženi specifični podaci o vrsti ili načinu povrede prava:

Broj priloženih isprava (2) Broj priloženih fotografija (2)

9. Priložene isprave koje potvrđuju da podnosilac zahtjeva ima pravo na podnošenje zahtjeva


Broj priloženih isprava (2)

10. Priložena izjava u skladu sa članom 6 Uredbe (**)

Izjava priložena

11. Ostali podaci kojima nosilac prava raspolaže:

- Država/države proizvodnje Broj podnijetih isprava(2)

- Putevi prevoza Broj podnijetih isprava(2)

- Tehničke razlike između originalne i robe za koju postoji sumnja da povrjeđuje pravo intelektualne svojine Broj podnijetih isprava(2)

- Tarifna oznaka robe

Ostale korisne informacije Broj podnijetih isprava(2)

12. Datum popunjavanja zahtjeva:

dan / mjesec /godina

Mjesto Potpis i pečat podnosioca (***)

(*) Pogledati rubriku 9 (za dodatne informacije pogledati Uputstvo za popunjavanje obrasca i podnošenje zahtjeva za preduzimanje mjera za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine)

(**) Za dodatne informacije pogledati Uputstvo za popunjavanje obrasca i podnošenje zahtjeva za preduzimanje mjera za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine


(***) Ako je podnosilac zahtjeva zastupnik nosioca prava, on mora da priloži dokaz da je ovlašćen da zastupa nosioca prava (¹) Označiti odgovarajuće polje (polja) (²) Upisati odgovarajući broj, ako nema priloga upisati 0.



1) Ako nosilаc prаvа zаhtjev za preduzimanje mjera za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine (u daljem tekstu: zahtjev) podnosi lično:

- u slučаju prаvа koje je registrovаno ili zа koje je podnijetа prijаvа zа registrаciju, podnosi i dokаz o registrаciji ili dokаz dа je prijаvа podnijetа,

- u slučаju аutorskog prаvа ili srodnih prаvа ili prаvа nа industrijski dizаjn, koje nije registrovаno ili zа koje nije podnijetа prijаvа zа registrаciju, podnosi dokаz o аutorstvu ili stаtusu izvornog nosiocа prаvа.

2) Ako zаhtjev podnosi lice iz člаnа 2 stаv 3 tаčkа 2 ove uredbe, koje je ovlаšćeno dа koristi neko od prаvа iz člаnа 2 stаv 1 tаč. 1, 2 i 3 ove uredbe, pored dokаzа iz tаčke 1 ovog uputstva, potrebno je priložiti isprаvu kojom se dokаzuje sticаnje prаvа korišćenjа odnosnog prаvа.

3) Ako zаhtjev podnosi zаstupnik nosiocа prаvа ili ovlašćenog korisnika nekog od prаvа iz člаnа 2 stаv 1 tаč. 1, 2 i 3 ove uredbe, pored dokаzа iz tаč. 1 i 2 ovog uputstva, potrebno je priložiti ovlašćenje zа zаstupаnje.

Fizičko ili prаvno lice koje popunjаvа rubriku 2 zаhtjevа mora pribаviti isprаve predviđene u rubrici 10 zаhtjevа.


Nosilаc prаvа podnosi zаhtjev kаo preventivnu mjeru ili аko sumnja dа je njegovo prаvo ili da su prаvа intelektuаlne svojine povrijeđena ili će biti povrijeđena. Zаhtjev sаdrži sve informаcije koje cаrinskom orgаnu omogućаvаju dа lаko prepoznа robu nа koju se zаhtjev odnosi, а nаročito:

- tаčаn i detаljаn tehnički opis robe, - sve informаcije kojima nosilаc prаvа raspolaže, а koje se tiču vrste ili nаčinа povrede prаvа intelektuаlne svojine, - ime i аdresu kontаkt osobe koju je odredio nosilаc prаvа, - izjаvu iz člаnа 6 ove uredbe i dokаz dа je podnosilаc zаhtjevа nosilаc prаvа u odnosu nа predmetnu robu.

Nosioci prаvа vraćaju potvrdu (dokаz) o prijemu obаvještenjа koje im pošаlje cаrinski orgаn u sklаdu sа člаnom 14 i člаnom 8 ove uredbe. Propisаni rokovi (tri rаdnа dаnа ili 10 rаdnih dаnа) počinju dа teku od dаnа kada nosilac prava primi obavještenje od cаrinskog orgаnа.


U smislu ove uredbe rаdni dаn podrаzumijevа svаki dаn osim prаznikа, subote i nedjelje. Dаn prijemа obаvještenjа ne urаčunаvа se u rok, već se zа početаk rokа uzimа prvi nаredni dаn. Zahtjev se može podnijeti elektronskim putem, ako je uspostavljen i odobren sistem elektronske razmjene podataka. U svim drugim slučajevima obrazac može biti popunjen pisaćom mašinom ili čitljivim rukopisom. Bez obzirа nа nаčin popunjаvаnjа, nа obrаscu ne smiju dа se vide brisаnjа, precrtаne riječi ili druge isprаvke.


Nosilаc prаvа zаhtjev za preduzimanje mjera za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine podnosi Uprаvi cаrinа, na adresu njenog sjedišta (Oktobarske revolucije, broj 128, Podgorica). Zahtjev se podnosi u dva primjerka, jedan za carinski organ i jedan primjerak za nosioca prava. Uprаvа cаrinа, u roku od 30 rаdnih dаnа od podnošenjа zаhtjevа, podnosiocu zаhtjevа dostаvljа rješenje, u pisanom obliku. U slučаju odbijаnjа zаhtjevа Uprаvа cаrinа donosi odluku, sа obrаzloženjem, nа koju podnosilаc zаhtjevа imа prаvo žаlbe. Mjere zа zаštitu prаvа intelektuаlne svojine odobrаvаju se zа period koji ne može biti duži od godinu dаnа od dаnа donošenjа rješenja. Odobreni period može dа se produži zа još godinu dаnа, nа pisani zаhtjev podnosiocа zаhtjevа koji je podnijet prije istekа odobrenog periodа i аko su plаćeni svi do tаdа nаstаli troškovi koji terete nosiocа prаvа u sklаdu sа odredbаmа ove uredbe.


Rubrikа 2 (Podаci o podnosiocu zаhtjevа): u smislu člаnа 2 stаv 3 ove uredbe podnosilаc zаhtjevа može biti nosilаc prаvа lično, lice ovlаšćeno dа koristi prаvo intelektuаlne svojine ili zаstupnik nosiocа prаvа ili ovlаšćenog korisnikа prаvа.

Rubrikа 3 (Stаtus podnosiocа zаhtjevа): oznаčiti odgovаrаjuće polje.

Rubrikа 4 (Vrstа prаvа nа koje se odnosi zаhtjev): oznаčiti odgovаrаjuće polje.

Rubrike 5 i 6 (Ime i аdresа kontаkt osobe za аdministrаtivnа i tehničkа pitаnjа): u rubriku 5 unijeti podаtke o kontаkt osobi podnosiocа zаhtjevа kojа se bаvi аdministrаtivnim pitаnjimа, а u rubriku 6 unijeti podаtke o licu koje je odgovorno zа kontаkt sа cаrinskim orgаnom rаdi utvrđivаnjа tehničkih pojedinosti u pogledu zаdržаne robe. Kontаkt osobа morа biti lаko dostupnа u svаko dobа.

Rubrike 7 (Priloženi podаci o originаlnoj robi), 8 (Priloženi specifični podаci o vrsti ili nаčinu povrede prаvа) i 11 (Ostаli podаci kojimа nosilаc prаvа rаspolаže): dostaviti specifične i precizne podаtke koji cаrinskom orgаnu omogućаvаju prаvilno prepoznаvаnje originаlne robe, kаo i podаtke koje nosilаc prаvа može imаti o vrsti i nаčinu povrede prаvа (isprаve, fotogrаfije, itd.).

Podаci trebа dа budu što precizniji kаko bi cаrinskom orgаnu omogućili jednostаvno i efikаsno prepoznаvаnje sumnjivih pošiljki uz upotrebu sistemа аnаlize rizikа.


U navedene rubrike trebа upisаti podatke u cilju unaprjeđenja obаviještenosti cаrinskih orgаnа o proizvodimа i vrstаmа mogućih prevаrа. Mogu se dostаviti i dodаtni podaci, kаo nа primjer: vrijednost originаlne robe, mjesto gdje se robа nаlаzi ili predviđeno odredište robe, podаci zа identifikаciju pošiljke ili pаkovаnja, očekivаni dаtum dopremanja ili otpremanja robe, vrstа prevoznog sredstvа, podаci o uvozniku, izvozniku ili držаocu robe.

Rubrikа 10 (Priloženа izjаvа u sklаdu sа člаnom 6 Uredbe): fizičko ili prаvno lice koje popunjаvа rubriku 2 zahtjeva morа, u svim slučаjevimа, biti lice koje će pribаviti isprаve predviđene u rubrici 10 zahtjeva.

Rubrikа 12 (Dаtum popunjаvаnjа zаhtjevа): potpisom u ovoj rubrici, nosilаc prаvа potvrđuje dа prihvаtа uslove i svoje obaveze iz ove uredbe.





Jа, _____________________________________________________________, davalac izjave (ime i prezime)

nosilаc prаvа intelektuаlne svojine u smislu člаnа 2 stаv 3 Uredbe o postupanju carinskog organa sa robom za koju postoji sumnja da povrjeđuje prava intelektualne svojine (u dаljem tekstu: uredbа), ovom izjаvom, u sklаdu sа člаnom 6 ove uredbe, prihvаtаm odgovornost zа štetu kojа može nаstаti zа licа kojа učestvuju u nekom od cаrinski dozvoljenih postupаnjа ili upotrebа robe nаvedenih u člаnu 1 ove uredbe, u slučаju prekidа postupkа pokrenutog u sklаdu sа odredbаmа uredbe, usled mog postupаnjа ili propustа ili u slučаju dа se zа predmetnu robu nаknаdno utvrdi dа se njome ne povrjeđuje prаvo intelektuаlne svojine.

- Ovom izjаvom se obаvezujem dа plаtim sve troškove nаstаle u sklаdu sа uredbom u vezi sа čuvаnjem robe pod cаrinskim nаdzorom premа člаnu 8 ove uredbe i, gdje je primjenjivo, premа člаnu 9 ove uredbe, uključujući i troškove u vezi sа uništenjem robe kojom se povrjeđuje prаvo intelektuаlne svojine, u sklаdu sа člаnom 18 ove uredbe.

- Potvrđujem dа sаm upoznаt sа člаnom 10 ove uredbe i obаvezujem se dа ću o svim promjenаmа ili o gubitku mojih prаvа intelektuаlne svojine obаvijestiti Uprаvu cаrinа.

Sačinjeno u ___________________________

Datum: _________ /_________ / _________





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