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Aperçu de la révision partielle de la loi sur les brevets, etc., Japon

Version la plus récente dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 2014 Dates Émis: 1 janvier 2014 Type de texte Autres textes Sujet Brevets (Inventions), Dessins et modèles industriels, Marques Sujet (secondaire) Organe de réglementation de la PI

Documents disponibles

Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Japonais 特許法等の一部を改正する法律         Anglais Outline of the Partial Revision of the Patent Act, etc.        
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 The Act on the Partial Revision of the Patent Act and Other Acts (Act No. 36 of May 14, 2014)

Clarify Patent Attorneys’ Missions and Expand the Scope of their Business Clarify patent attorneys’ missions as “IP experts” and stipulate consulting services in a process of developing ideas before filing applications as their business.

In light of the global momentum to harmonize international IP systems, the Government of Japan is systematically developing the foundations of its IP system through revising its laws such as its Patent Act, Design Act, Trademark Act, and Patent Attorney Act. Based on the revised Patent Act, relief measures will be enhanced; and a new system that will enable applicants to submit oppositions to granted patents will be created. Under the revised Design Act, applicants will be able to file single applications to register their designs in multiple countries. Under the revised Trademark Act, legal protection will be expanded so that non-traditional trademarks will be given protection; and more entities will become eligible to register the regional collective trademarks. And the revised Patent Attorney Act more precisely clarify the roles and responsibilities of patent attorneys and also increase the scope of the services they are able to provide.

Outline of the Partial Revision of the Patent Act, etc.

3.Outline of Measures

1.Background In June 2013, the Japanese Cabinet approved the “Japan Revitalization Strategy” and the “Basic Principles Concerning IP Policy,” aiming at becoming the most advanced IP-based nation in the next decade. In order to ensure the successful implementation of these policies, we need to promptly reform various systems as well as improve human resource capabilities, which will further promote the creation, protection and strategic use of IP.

A. Revision of the Patent Act

B. Revision of the Design Act

(1) Enhance Relief Measures In line with overseas legal systems, the Patent Act is to be revised to take relief measures so that applicants are entitled to extend certain periods required for filing, examination, and other procedures due to exceptional unavoidable circumstances such as disasters. These measures will also be applied to the same cases covered by the Utility Model Act, Design Act, Trademark Act, and Act on International Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

Stipulate Provisions for Simultaneously Filing a Design Application in Multiple Countries Based on the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs to which Japan is now preparing for acceding, Japan’s Design Act is to be revised to stipulate provisions for simultaneously filing a design application in multiple countries, in order to reduce the cost imposed on applicants.

(1) Expand the Scope of Protection Add non-traditional trademarks such as “color” and “sound” that are already being protected in some foreign countries. (2) Expand the Scope of Eligible Entities to Register the Regional Collective Trademarks Add associations of commerce and industry, chambers of commerce and industry, and specified non-profit corporations as entities entitled to register the regional collective trademarks in order to popularize and develop regional brands.

C. Revision of the Trademark Act

Color Trademark Tombow MONO Plastic Eraser (Registered in Europe)

Sound trademark Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical (Registered in Europe)

Olive oils made in Shodo-shima Island in Kagawa Prefecture (Olive Oil Association of Shodo-shima)

【Examples of registered trademarks filed by Japanese companies in foreign countries】

【Examples of popularized regional brands】

(2) Create New Opposition System for Patent Rights In order to stabilize patent rights earlier, a new opposition system for granted patents is to be created.

Simplify Payment Procedures for Fees [Revision of the Act on International Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)] Enable applicants to pay fees for their international applications filed at the JPO in the same way as domestic fees, when filing such international applications at the JPO under the PCT systems.

Country A

Country B

Country A

Country B

Country CApplicant

【Before legal revisions】 【After legal revisions】

D. Revision of the Patent Attorney Act

Other Revisions

【Before legal revisions 】

【After legal revisions 】

- Any person may request - Oral proceedings or documentary proceedings

[May request at any time]

[May request at any time]

- Any person may file an opposition - Documentary proceedings only

Opposition system for granted patents

Trial system for invalidation

[within 6-month period]

Applicant Patent OfficeCountry C

2.Outline of the Act

- Only interested parties may request - Oral or documentary proceedings

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経 済 産 業 省

























































1.背 景

今後10年で世界最高の「知的財産立国」を目指すこととしている「日本再興戦略」及び「知的財産政策に関する基本方針」(いずれも平成 25年6月閣議決定)の着実な実行のためには、知的財産の更なる創造・保護・活用に資する制度的・人的基盤の早急な整備が必要。

国際的な制度調和の観点も踏まえ、特許法(救済措置の拡充及び特許異議の申立て制度の創設)、意匠法(複数国に意匠を一括出願す るための規定の整備)、商標法(保護対象の拡充及び地域団体商標の登録主体の拡充)等の改正による制度的基盤の整備を行うととも に、弁理士法(弁理士の使命の明確化・業務の拡充)の改正による人的基盤の整備を行う。



(1)救済措置の拡充 国際的な法制度に倣い、出願人に災害等のやむを得ない事由が生じた場合に手



○複数国に意匠を一括出願するための規定の整備 「意匠の国際登録に関するハーグ協定のジュネーブ改正協定」(加入を検討中)



(1)保護対象の拡充 他国では既に広く保護対象となっている色彩や音といった商標を我が国におけ る保護対象に追加する【第2条第1項】。

(2)地域団体商標の登録主体の拡充 商工会、商工会議所及びNPO法人を商標法の地域団体商標制度の登録主体 に追加し、地域ブランドの更なる普及・展開を図る【第7条の2第1項】。


・色彩の商標 トンボ:MONO消しゴム (欧州での登録)

・音の商標 久光製薬


・香川県小豆島の小豆島オリーブオイル (NPO法人小豆島オリーブ協会 )

【海外での我が国企業の商標の登録例】 【普及が進む地域ブランドの例】

○弁理士の使命の明確化・業務の拡充 「知的財産に関する専門家」としての弁理士の使命を弁理士法上に明確に位置 づける【第1条】とともに、出願以前のアイデア段階での相談業務ができる旨の明 確化【第4条第3項第3号】等を行う。

(2)特許異議の申立て制度の創設 特許権の早期安定化を可能とすべく、特許異議の申立て制度を創設する【第5章】。

○手数料の納付手続の簡素化【国際出願法の改正】 国際的な法制度に基づき特許の国際出願をする場合の他国の特許庁等に対す








C国出願人出願人 特許庁

【法改正前】 【法改正後】





・誰でも請求可能 ・口頭又は書面での審理




・誰でも申立て可能 ・書面審理のみ特許異議の


特許無効 審判制度

・利害関係人のみ請求可能 ・口頭又は書面での審理


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