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Règlement concernant la protection des marques de fabrique et de commerce et des indications de provenance (Règlement sur les marques de fabrique et de commerce), Liechtenstein

Texte remplacé.  Accéder à la dernière version dans WIPO Lex
Détails Détails Année de version 1997 Dates Entrée en vigueur: 31 mars 1997 Type de texte Textes règlementaires Sujet Marques, Indications géographiques Sujet (secondaire) Mise en application des droits, Organe de réglementation de la PI Notes Date d'entrée en vigueur: voir l'article 51.

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Texte(s) principal(aux) Textes connexe(s)
Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Texte(s) princip(al)(aux) Anglais Regulation regarding the Protection of Trademarks and Geographical Indications (Trademark Regulation)        
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 Trade Marks Regulations


Trade Marks Regulations

amended by the law of April 1, 1997

ENTRY INTO FORCE: March 31, 1997


I. General Stipulations

Article 1 Jurisdiction

Article 2 Calculation of a time limit

Article 3 Language

Article 4 Several parties registering a trade mark or several proprietors

Article 5 Representation

Article 6 Signature

Article 7 Fees

II. Registration of Trade Marks

A. Registration procedure

Article 8 Registration

Article 9 Application for registration

Article 10 Trade mark reproduction

Article 11 Index of goods and services

Article 12 Priority according to the Paris Convention for the Protection

of Industrial Property

Article 13 Exhibition priority

Article 14 Common stipulations relating to the priority declaration and

priority document

Article 15 Initial examination

Article 16 Formal examination

Article 17 Substantive examination

Article 18 Registration and additional fees

Article 19 Registration and publication

B. Extending Trade Mark Registration

Article 20 Notification of the expiration of the period of validity

Article 21 Extension

C. Changes to Trade Mark Registration

Article 22 Assignment

Article 23 Licence


Article 24 Other changes to the trade mark registration

Article 25 Cancellation of third party rights

Article 26 Alterations

Article 27 Submitting the application, payment of fees

Article 28 Free-of-charge alterations

D. Cancellation of Trade Mark Registration

Article 29

III. Document File and Trade Mark Register

A. Document File

Article 30 Content

Article 31 Inspection of files

Article 32 Information on applications for registration

Article 33 Retention of records

B. Trade Mark Register

Article 34 Register contents

Article 35 Viewing; extracts from register; priority document

IV. Department of National Economy Publications

Article 36 Subject of publications

Article 37 Publication journals

V. Search

Article 38 Search for identical and similar trade marks

Article 39 Investigating trade marks belonging to specific persons

VI. International Trade Mark Registration

Article 40 Submitting an application

Article 41 Examination by the Department of National Economy

Article 42 Document file

VII. Manufacturer’s Mark

Article 43 Manufacturer’s mark

VIII. Export and Import Measures

Article 44 Bonded warehouse

Article 45 Application for assistance

Article 46 Retention of goods


Article 47 Fees

IX Transitional and final Provisions

Article 48 Time limits

Article 49 Priority of use

Article 50 Cancellation of the existing Law

Article 51 Coming into force


I. General Stipulations

Article 1 Jurisdiction

1) The Department of National Economy is directly responsible for

implementing administrative legal matters attached to the Trade Mark

Protection Law.

2) Jurisdictions for dealing with measures relating to import and export

are reserved.

3) If a proprietor of an older trade mark invokes a relative prohibiting

reason in accordance with Article 3, Para. 3 of the Trade Mark Protection

Law, the jurisdiction of the Department of National Economy shall also

extend to the assessment of the identity with or similarity to community

trade marks.

4) If a trade mark is identical with or similar to an older community

trade mark within the meaning of Article 3, Para. 2 of the Trade Mark

Protection Law, it is barred from registration or shall be declared invalid

if registered.

5) The same applies if a mark is to be registered or has been registered

for goods or services which are not similar to those for which the older

community mark is known and the use of the more recent mark would unfairly

use or prejudice the distinction or the assessment of the value of the

older community mark without a justifiable reason.

Article 2 Calculation of a time limit

If a time limit laid down in the Trade Mark Protection Law or in this

Decree is calculated in months or years and a notice is received or the

triggering event occurs on the last day of a month, the time set ends

on the last day of the month in which it lapses.

Article 3 Language

1) Information submitted to the Department of National Economy must be

written in the German language. Right is reserved relating to the provisions

of Article 40, Paras. 3 and 4 (international registrations).

2) The Department of National Economy may request attested translations

of any documentary evidence which is not written in the German language;


of the priority document). The document shall not be considered if no

translation or its attestation is not provided in spite of a notice

requesting it having been sent.


Article 4 Several parties registering a trade mark or several proprietors

1) If several parties register a trade mark or are proprietors of a trade

mark, the Department of National Economy can request them to designate

one of them or a third party as a joint representative.

2) If no representative is designated in response to such a request from

the National Economy Office, the first person named in the application

for registration or the trade mark register shall be regarded as the


Article 5 Representation

1) Whoever appoints a representative in proceedings before the Department

of National Economy relating to the Trade Mark Protection Law or this

Decree or must appoint him in accordance with Article 39 of the Trade

Mark Protection Law or Article 4, Para. 1 of this Decree, must submit

an appropriate power of attorney.

2) The party filing a trade mark or the proprietor of a trade mark for

whom a representative has been appointed in accordance with Article 39

of the Trade Mark Protection Law can address a request for withdrawing

an application for registration and an application for complete

cancellation of trade mark registration direct to the Department of

National Economy.

Article 6 Signature

If a signature is missing on a request, the original entry date shall

be accepted if the original is forwarded within 14 days after a requesting

notice from the Department of National Economy.

Article 7 Fees

The Decree which provides rules on the levying of fees in accordance with

the Trade Mark Protection Law applies in respect of the fees which are

payable in accordance with the Trade Mark Protection Law or this Decree.


II. Registration of Trade Marks

A. Registration procedure

Article 8 Registration

1) Official forms must be used for registering trade marks.

2) The Department of National Economy shall send on request to the

registering party a certificate to acknowledge receipt and registration.

Article 9 Application for registration

1) An application for registration must include:

a) the application for registering the trade mark;

b) surname and first name or name of the company and the address of the

party filing the trade mark;

c) a list of files submitted and the fees paid, stating the mode of payment;

d) the signature of the party registering the trade mark, or of the


2) The following must be added to the application for registration:

a) representative’s name and address;

b) priority declaration (Articles 12 to 14);

c) a statement that this is a guarantee mark or a collective mark;

d) any other evidence which the Department of National Economy may regard

as necessary, depending on the type of mark applied for.

3) The date of all the items of evidence referred to in this Article must

not go back more than twelve months.

Article 10 Trade mark reproduction

1) It must be possible to produce the trade mark graphically.

2) Three reproducible black and white illustrations must be submitted

in the case of pictorial, pictorial/text trade marks or text trade marks

with a special graphic form.

3) If protection is claimed for a coloured version of a trade mark, the

appropriate colour or colour combination must be stated and three

additional coloured illustrations of that mark must be submitted.

4) If it is a three-dimensional trade mark, this must be noted in the

application for registration.

5) If it is a sound trade mark, this must be described using musical notes.

Article 11 Index of goods and services

The goods and services for which the trade mark is claimed must be accurately



Article 12 Priority according to the Paris Convention for the Protection

of Industrial Property

1) A declaration for priority made in accordance with the provisions of

the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property dated 20

March 1883 must contain the following details:

a) date of first registration;

b) the country in which or for which this registration was made.

2) The priority document consists of a certificate from the appropriate

authority relating to first registration, stating the trade mark filing

or registration numbers.

3) The Department of National Economy keeps a list of states which offer

reciprocal facilities and rights to the Duchy of Liechtenstein in

accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Para. 2 of the Trade Mark

Protection Law.

Article 13 Exhibition priority

1) A declaration for exhibition priority must contain the following:

a) full description of the exhibition;

b) indication of the goods or services exhibited under the trade mark.

2) The priority document consists of a certificate from the appropriate

authority stating that the goods or services marked with the trade mark

have been presented, also stating the opening date of the exhibition.

Article 14 Common stipulations relating to the priority declaration and

priority document

1) The priority declaration must be submitted at least 30 days after the

registration of the mark and the priority document within six months after

registration, otherwise the priority claim shall lapse.

2) Priority documents can relate to several first registrations.

3) Priority documents can be written either in English or French.

Article 15 Initial examination

If the registration documents lodged do not comply with the requirements

of Article 29, Para. 2 of the Trade Mark Protection Law, the Department

of National Economy can set a time for completing the documents.

Article 16 Formal examination

1) If the registration documents lodged fail to provide the details required

by the Trade Mark Protection Law (Article 29) or those contained in this

Decree (Article 8 onwards), the Department of National Economy shall set


a time limit for rectifying the deficiencies.


for registration shall be wholly or partly rejected. The Department of

National Economy can set further deadlines.

Article 17 Substantive examination

1) If reasons for rejections in accordance with Article 31, Para. 2c or

d of the Trade Mark Protection Law exist, the Department of National Economy

shall set the registering party a deadline to allow it to remedy the


2) If the deficiency is not remedied within the set time, the application

for registration shall be wholly or partly rejected. The Department of

National Economy can set further deadlines by way of exception.

3) A fee for further processing may be payable for handling an application

which was rejected due to failure to observe a time limit. (Article 38

of the Trade Mark Protection Law).

Article 18 Registration and additional fees

1) The registration fee is payable in advance.

2) If the list of goods and services for the trade mark applied for includes

goods or services from more than three classes, the registering party

shall pay, in advance, an additional fee (classification fee) for each

additional class. The Department of National Economy determines the number

of classes for which a fee is payable according to the decisions of the

Arrangement of Nice concerning international classification of goods and

services to which trade marks apply.

Article 19 Registration and publication

1) If no reasons for rejection exist, the Department of National Economy

shall enter the trade mark in the register and publish its registration

in official publications.

2) After publication, the Department of National Economy issues to the

proprietor of the trade mark a certification of registration containing

the details entered in the register.

B. Extending Trade Mark Registration

Article 20 Notification of the expiration of the period of validity

Six months before the registration expires, the Department of National

Economy shall send a written reminder to the proprietor of a trade mark

and his representative reminding him of the expiration date. No such


communications shall be sent to foreign countries. The Department of

National Economy is not obliged to issue such notifications.

Article 21 Extension

1) The application for extending a trade mark registration can be submitted


and not later than six months after its expiration (Article 10, Para.

3 of the Trade Mark Protection Law); the application must be submitted

in writing to the Department of National Economy.

2) Extension becomes effective with the expiration of the preceding period

of validity.

3) The Department of National Economy acknowledges the extension of

registration to the proprietor of the trade mark.

4) An extension fee and, if appropriate, a class fee are payable in advance

for extension of the registration.


after the expiration of the period of validity.

C. Changes to Trade Mark Registration

Article 22 Assignment

1) An application for registering an assignment must be submitted by the

current proprietor of the trade mark or the party acquiring it and must

contain the following details:

a) a formal declaration by the current proprietor or another satisfactory

document according to which the trade mark has been assigned to the party

acquiring it;

b) surname and first name or name of the company and address of the party

acquiring the trade mark and of his representative, if necessary;

c) in the case of a partial assignment, indication of the goods and services

for which the trade mark has been assigned.

2) If a mark has been partly assigned, the validity of the registration

of the assigned part shall expire with that of the registration of the

part of the mark remaining with its current proprietor.

Article 23 Licence


of the trade mark or the licensee and must contain the following details:

a) a formal declaration by the proprietor of the trade mark or another

satisfactory document stating that the proprietor allows the licensee

to use the trade mark;


b) surname and first name or name of the company and the licensee’s address;

c) a request for the licence to be registered as an exclusive licence,

if necessary;

d) in the case of a partial licence, indication of the goods and services

or of the area for which the licence is granted.

2) The stipulations of Para. 1 apply to the registration of a sub-licence.

Evidence must also be provided to prove that the licensee has the right

to grant sub-licences.

Article 24 Other changes to the trade mark registration

The following information shall also be registered from a relevant

declaration by the trade mark proprietor or another satisfactory document:

a) usufruct in the trade mark and pledging the trade mark;

b) limitations to the right of disposal imposed by courts and enforcement


c) changes affecting registered details.

Article 25 Cancellation of third party rights

Following the application from the proprietor of the trade mark, the

Department of National Economy shall cancel the rights registered in favour

of a third party if an explicit declaration of renunciation of these rights

or another satisfactory document is presented.

Article 26 Alterations

1) Wrong entries shall be immediately altered at the request of the

proprietor of the trade mark.

2) Mistakes due to an oversight on the part of the Department of National

Economy shall be corrected through that office.

Article 27 Submitting the application, payment of fees

Applications for changing or altering the trade mark application must

be made in writing. The prescribed fee must be paid with the application.

Only a single fee is due if the registration of several alterations for

one and the same trade mark is required.

Article 28 Free-of-charge alterations

The following changes shall be introduced free of charge:

a) the registration of the first appointment of a representative and the

cancellation of representation relationships;

b) changes based on an executed court judgement or on enforcement measures

as well as limitations on the right of disposal issued by courts and


enforcement authorities;

c) notice of changes in the document file;

d) alterations, if a mistake was made by the Department of National Economy.

D. Cancellation of Trade Mark Registration

Article 29

1) An application for the cancellation of a trade mark registration must

be made in writing. An application for partial cancellation (reducing

the goods and services index) must also be made in writing. The appropriate

fee must be paid at the same time as the application is submitted; no

fee is payable for full cancellation.

2) If the application follows a judicial decision, a copy of the decision

must be submitted together with a certificate stating that a judgement

has become final; no fee shall be charged.


III. Document File and Trade Mark Register

A. Document File

Article 30 Content

1) The Department of National Economy keeps a document file for each lodged

and registered trade mark, containing details of the progress of the

registration procedure, renewal and cancellation of registration, changes

to the rights attached to the trade mark and any other changes to the


2) Regulations attached to a guarantee or a collective mark also form

part of the document file.


be separated on request or by the Office itself. Separation of such

information shall be noted in the document file.

Article 31 Inspection of files

1) The following persons can inspect document files before the registration

of the trade mark:

a) the registering party and its representative;

b) the persons who prove that the person who lodged it alleges that they

infringed his rights in the lodged trade mark or that he has warned them

of such infringement;

c) any other person with formal permission from the party which lodged

the trade mark or its representative.

2) The persons referred to in Para. 1 may also inspect the files of withdrawn

or rejected applications for registration.

3) Any person can inspect the document file after registration.

4) The Department of National Economy shall decide on inspecting separated

documentary evidence (Article 30, Para. 3) after hearing the registering

party, the owner of the trade mark or the person authorized to represent

the trade mark.

5) The document file can be inspected from copies provided on application

and on payment of a fee.

Article 32 Information on applications for registration

1) The Department of National Economy provides, against payment of a fee,

third parties with information on pending applications for registration.

2) This information is limited to details which will be published if the

trade mark is registered at a later date.


Article 33 Retention of records

1) The Department of National Economy keeps the files of the originals

or copies of fully cancelled trade mark registrations for an additional

period of five years following their cancellations.

2) It keeps the files of the originals or copies of withdrawn and rejected

applications for registration for an additional period of five years

following their withdrawal or rejection but at least for ten years after


B. Trade Mark Register

Article 34 Register contents

1) Entries in the register contain the following details:

a) registration number;

b) registration date;

c) surname and first name or name of the company and address of the proprietor

of the trade mark;

d) names and addresses of any representatives;

e) representation of the trade mark;

f) indication of the goods for which the trade mark is claimed, in the

sequence of and indicating the relevant classes to which they are allocated

in accordance with the classification agreed at the Arrangement of Nice

concerning the international classification of goods and services to which

trade marks apply;

g) date of publication of the registration.

2) The registration also contains the following supplementary details,

as necessary:

a) indication of the colour or colour combinations claimed;

b) the remark “three-dimensions”;

c) the remark “asserted trade mark”;

d) the remark “sound trade mark”;

e) a statement that the trade mark is a guarantee or collective trade


f) statements on claiming priority in accordance with Articles 7 and 8

of the Trade Mark Protection Law;

g) the date and number of the international registration of the trade


3) The following details also appear in the trade mark register, together

with the publication date:

a) renewal of trade mark registration, stating the date on which renewal

becomes effective;


b) full or partial cancellation of trade mark registration, stating the

reasons for cancellation;

c) full or partial assignment of a trade mark;

d) granting of a licence, also stating that it is an exclusive licence,

as applicable, and, in the case of a partial licence, stating the goods

and services or the area for which the licence is granted;

e) usufruct in the trade mark and pledging of the trade mark;

f) limitations to the right of disposal imposed by courts and enforcement


g) changes affecting registered details;

h) details of changes to rules governing the trade mark.

4) The Department of National Economy can enter other information of public


Article 35 Viewing; extracts from register; priority document

1) The trade mark register can be viewed by anyone against a viewing fee.

2) The Department of National Economy shall provide information on the

contents of the trade mark register and make extracts from it against

a fee.

3) The Department of National Economy shall issue a priority document

for first Liechtenstein registrations on receiving an appropriate

application and the fee.


IV. Department of National Economy Publications

Article 36 Subject of publications

The Department of National Economy publishes:

a) trade mark registrations with details as in Article 34, Para. 1a to

f and Para. 2a to e;

b) registrations as in Article 34, Para. 3;

c) the details as in Article 34, Para. 4, if their publication appears

to be appropriate;

Article 37 Publication journals

The details referred to in Article 36 shall be published in official



V. Search

Article 38 Search for identical and similar trade marks

On receiving a written application and the appropriate fee, the Department

of National Economy shall carry out a search for identical or similar

trade marks. The application must contain the following information:

a) a reproduction of the trade mark which is the subject of the search;

b) indication of the goods and services of the appropriate classes which

are to be searched;

c) evidence of the fee having been paid.

Article 39 Investigating trade marks belonging to specific persons

1) On receiving an appropriate application and a fee, the Department of

National Economy shall investigate trade marks lodged in the name of a

specific person or registered in the Liechtenstein trade mark register

in the name of a specific person.

2) The application must be in writing. It must state the surname and the

first name or the name of the company whose trade mark is to be investigated

and proof of payment of the fee.


VI. International Trade Mark Registration

Article 40 Submitting an application

1) An application for international registration of a trade mark or an

application for changing an international registration must be submitted

to the Department of National Economy if Liechtenstein is the country

of origin within the meaning of Article 1, Para. 3 of the Madrid Trade

Marks Agreement dated 14 April 1891 concerning international registration

of trade marks or Article 2, Para. 1 of the Protocol dated 28 June 1989

to the Madrid Agreement on international registration of trade marks.

2) The application must be written on the official form.

3) If Liechtenstein is the country of origin within the meaning of the

Madrid Trade Marks Agreement, the goods and services for which the trade

mark is applied must be stated in the French language.

4) If Liechtenstein is the country of origin within the meaning of the

Madrid Protocol, the goods and services for which the trade mark is applied

can be stated in the French or the English language.

5) Payment of the fees envisaged in the Madrid Trade Mark Agreement, in

the Madrid Protocol and the Ordinance concerning the levying of fees in

accordance with the Trade Mark Law must be made on submitting the


Article 41 Examination by the Department of National Economy

1) If an application submitted to the Department of National Economy fails

to meet the requirements of the Trade Mark Protection Law (Article 29)

or this Ordinance (Article 8 onwards) or if the requisite (Article 42,

Para. 2 of the Trade Mark Protection Law) have not been paid, the Department

of National Economy shall set a deadline by which the applicant must rectify

the position.

2) If the deficiency is not eliminated within the set time, the application

shall be rejected. The Department of National Economy may set other

deadlines by way of an exception.

Article 42 Document file

The Department of National Economy keeps a document file for each

internationally registered trade mark the country of origin of which is



VII. Manufacturer’s Mark Article

43 Manufacturer’s mark

1) The manufacturer’s mark must be clearly visible and permanently affixed.

The company name or the maker’s trade mark can appear instead of the

manufacturer’s mark.

2) The manufacturer’s mark may only be used for Liechtenstein products.

3) The reasons for exclusion in accordance with Article 3, Para. 1 of

the Trade Mark Protection Law also apply to manufacturers’ marks.


VIII. Export and Import Measures

Article 44 Bonded warehouse

Assistance provided by customs authorities extends to the import and export

of goods illegally provided with a trade mark or an indication of origin,

and to the warehousing of such goods in a bonded warehouse.

Article 45 Application for assistance

1) An application for assistance must be submitted by an authorized person

to the Department of National Economy. In urgent cases, the application

can be made direct with the customs office through which goods, illegally

provided with a trade mark, are to be imported or exported.

2) The application is valid for two years, unless it is made out for a

shorter period. It can be renewed.

Article 46 Retention of goods

1) Goods retained by customs authorities shall be kept by them for payment

of warehousing charges or be passed over to a third party for warehousing

at the applicant’s expense.

2) The applicant has the right to inspect the retained goods. The person

who has the title to dispose of them can be present at the inspection.

3) The goods shall be released if it is established even before the deadline

as in Article 70, Para. 2 or 3 of the Trade Mark Protection Law that the

applicant is unable to obtain temporary injunction.

Article 47 Fees

1) The fees for processing the application for assistance and for

warehousing retained goods is governed by the decree dated 22 August 1984

concerning Customs Authority fees.

2) The Department of National Economy has the right to require compensation

for receiving and dealing with the application as in Article 45.


IX Transitional and final Provisions

Article 48 Time limits

Time limits set by the Department of National Economy are not affected

by this Decree coming into force.

Article 49 Priority of use

1) If a trade mark is lodged in accordance with Article 76 of the Trade

Mark Protection Law, the date on which the trade mark is taken into use

is entered in the trade mark register and published.

2) If the trade mark is an internationally registered trade mark, this

information must be communicated to the Department of National Economy

by the end of the month in which international registration is published;

the date on which the trade mark is taken into use is entered in a special

register and published.

Article 50 Cancellation of the existing Law

The implementation order dated 15 June 1964 concerning the protection

of factory and commercial trade marks and indications of origin of goods

and industrial marks, LGBl. 1964, No. 39, is cancelled.

Article 51 Coming into force

This Order comes into force simultaneously with the Trade Mark Protection



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