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Собрание международных договоров в области ИС

Договаривающиеся стороны Нидерланды (Королевство)

Даты подписание: 30 марта 2007 г. ратификация: 14 июня 2016 г. вступление в силу: 14 июля 2016 г.

Заявления, оговорки и т.д.

Objection with regard to the reservation made by Libya upon ratification: (8 February 2019)
"The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has carefully examined the declaration made by the State of Libya upon ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on February 13, 2018.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that the declaration made by the State of Libya in substance constitutes a reservation limiting the scope of article 25 paragraph a of the Convention by interpreting that provision ‘in a manner that does not contravene the Islamic sharia and national legislation’.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that such a reservation, which seeks to limit the responsibilities of the reserving State under the Convention by invoking provisions of its domestic law and/or religious beliefs and principles, is likely to deprive the provision of the Convention of its effect. Therefore, the reservation must be regarded as incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands recalls that in accordance with article 46 of the Convention, reservations incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention shall not be permitted.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands therefore objects to the reservation of the State of Libya to the Convention.
This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the State of Libya."

Objection to the reservation made by Brunei Darussalam upon ratification: (13 April 2017)
"The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has carefully examined the reservation made by Brunei Darussalam upon ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands notes that Brunei expressed 'its reservation regarding those provisions of the Convention that may be contrary to the Constitution of Brunei Darussalam and to the beliefs and principles of Islam, the official religion of Brunei Darussalam'.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that such a reservation, which seeks to limit the responsibilities of the reserving State under the Convention by invoking provisions of its domestic law and/or religious beliefs and principles, is likely to deprive the provisions of the Convention of their effect and therefore must be regarded as incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands recalls that according to customary international law, as codified in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, reservations incompatible with the object and purpose of a treaty shall not be permitted.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands therefore objects to the reservation of Brunei Darussalam to the Convention.
This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Brunei Darussalam."

Objection with regard to the reservations made by Malaysia upon ratification: (14 June 2016)
"The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has carefully examined the reservation and declaration made by the Government of Malaysia upon ratification of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that the provisions of Articles 15 and 18 are core provisions of the Convention and that the exclusion of their application is incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that the declaration made by Malaysia in substance constitutes a reservation limiting the scope of the Convention.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands notes that this reservation, according to which "...its application and interpretation of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia pertaining to the principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity shall not be treated as contravening articles 3 b), 3(e) and 5(2) of the said Convention", implies that the application of these provisions of the Convention is made subject to national legislation in force in Malaysia.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that such a reservation must be regarded as incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention and would recall that, in accordance with Article 46 of the Convention, reservations incompatible with its object and purpose shall not be permitted.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands therefore objects to the reservations made by Malaysia to the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Malaysia.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands recalls that according to Article [46], paragraph [1] of the Convention, a reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention shall not be permitted. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands therefore objects to these reservations."

Objection with regard to the reservation made by the Islamic Republic of Iran upon accession: (14 June 2016)
"The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands has carefully examined the declaration made by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran upon accession to the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that the declaration made by the Islamic Republic of Iran in substance constitutes a reservation limiting the scope of the Convention.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands notes that the reservation, according to which "... with regard to Article 46, the Islamic Republic of Iran declares that it does not consider itself bound by any provisions of the Convention, which may be incompatible with its applicable rules", implies that the application of the Convention is made subject to a general reservation referring to national legislation in force in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands considers that such a reservation must be regarded as incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention and would recall that, in accordance with Article 46 of the Convention, reservations incompatible with its object and purpose shall not be permitted.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands therefore objects to the reservation made by the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands recalls that according to article [46], paragraph [2] of the Convention, a reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention shall not be permitted. The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands therefore objects to these reservations."

Declarations made upon ratification:
"Article 10
The Kingdom of the Netherlands acknowledges that unborn human life is worthy of protection. The Kingdom of the Netherlands interprets the scope of Article 10, in line with the relevant case law of the European Court of Human Rights on this issue, to the effect that such protection - and thereby the term "human being" - is a matter of national legislation.
Article 12
The Kingdom of the Netherlands recognizes that persons with disabilities enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life. Furthermore, the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares its understanding that the Convention allows for supported and substitute decision-making arrangements in appropriate circumstances and in accordance with the law. The Kingdom of the Netherlands interprets Article 12 as restricting substitute decision-making arrangements to cases where such measures are necessary, as a last resort and subject to safeguards.
Article 14
The Kingdom of the Netherlands recognizes that all persons with disabilities enjoy the right to liberty and security of person, and a right to respect for physical and mental integrity on an equal basis with others. Furthermore, the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares its understanding that the Convention allows for compulsory care or treatment of persons, including measures to treat mental illnesses, when circumstances render treatment of this kind necessary as a last resort, and the treatment is subject to legal safeguards.
Article 15
The Kingdom of the Netherlands declares that it will interpret the term "consent" in article 15 in conformity with international instruments and national legislation which is in line with these instruments. This means that, as far as biomedical research is concerned, the term "consent" applies to two different situations:
1. Consent given by a person who is able to consent, and
2. In the case of persons who are not able to give their consent, permission given by their representative or an authority or body provided for by law.
The Kingdom of the Netherlands considers it important that persons who are unable to give their free and informed consent receive specific protection taking into consideration the importance of the development of medical science for the benefit of persons with a disability. In addition to the permission referred to under 2. above, other protective measures as included in international instruments are considered to be part of this protection.

Declarations made upon ratification (continued):
Article 23
With regard to Article 23 paragraph 1(b), the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares that the best interests of the child shall be paramount.
Article 25
The Kingdom of the Netherlands interprets article 25(a) to concern access to health care and the affordability of health care, and confirms that discrimination in such matters is not allowed. The Kingdom of the Netherlands considers it also important that health care professionals may determine which health care is provided based on medical grounds and its expected (in)effectiveness.
The individual autonomy of the person is an important principle laid down in Article 3(a) of the Convention. The Kingdom of the Netherlands understands Article 25(f) in the light of this autonomy. This provision is interpreted to mean that good care involves respecting a person's wishes with regard to medical treatment, food and fluids, and that a decision to withhold any of these can also be based on medical grounds.
Article 29
The Kingdom of the Netherlands is fully committed to ensure the effective and full exercise by persons with disabilities of their right and opportunity to vote by secret ballot. It recognizes the importance of persons with disabilities to have, where necessary, at their request, assistance in voting. To safeguard voting by secret ballot without intimidation, as provided for in article 29(a)(ii), and to ensure the principle of one vote per person, the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares that it will interpret the term "assistance" in article 29(a)(iii) as assistance only to be effected outside the voting booth, except with regard to assistance required due to a physical disability, in which case assistance may also be permitted inside the voting booth."

Возражение в связи с оговоркой, сделанной Исламской Республикой Иран при присоединении: (22 октября 2010 г.)
«Рассмотрев заявление, сделанное Исламской Республикой Иран относительно Конвенции, Мексиканские Соединенные Штаты пришли к выводу о том, что данное заявление фактически представляет собой оговорку. Эта оговорка, направленная на устранение правовых последствий определенных положений Конвенции, несовместима с объектом и целью настоящего документа. Заявление сформулировано таким образом, что могут возникнуть препятствия при реализации нормативных положений Конвенции, в том числе содержащихся в статьях 4 и 1, и, следовательно, оно противоречит статье 46 Конвенции и статье 19 Венской конвенции о праве международных договоров. Следует отметить, что в статье 27 Венской конвенции закреплен принцип международного права, согласно которому участник не может ссылаться на положения своего внутреннего права в качестве оправдания невыполнения им договора. Таким образом, заявление о том, что внутренние законы имеют приоритет над положениями договоров, вступивших в силу между Сторонами, является неприемлемым.
Это возражение не препятствует вступлению Конвенции в силу между Исламской Республикой Иран и Мексиканскими Соединенными Штатами».
Перевод, который любезно предоставила ВОИС, © 2014

Заявления, сделанные при подписании:
«Королевство Нидерландов настоящим заявляет о своем намерении ратифицировать Конвенцию о правах инвалидов с учетом следующих заявлений и таких дальнейших заявлений и оговорок, которые оно сочтет необходимым сделать при ратификации Конвенции.
Статья 10
Королевство Нидерландов признает, что жизнь еще не родившегося ребенка достойна защиты. Королевство толкует статью 10 в том смысле, что такая защита и, следовательно, определение термина "человек" являются прерогативой национального законодательства.
Статья 15
Нидерланды заявляют, что они будут толковать термин "согласие" в статье 15 в соответствии с международными документами, такими как Конвенция Совета Европы о правах человека и биомедицине и Дополнительный протокол в области биомедицинских исследований, и национальными законами, согласующимися с этими документами. Это означает, что применительно к биомедицинским исследованиям термин "согласие" относится к двум различным ситуациям:
1) если согласие дается лицом, которое в состоянии дать свое согласие, и
2) в случае, когда лицо не в состоянии дать свое согласие, если разрешение дается его представителем или органом либо инстанцией, предусмотренными законом.
Нидерланды считают важным то, чтобы лица, которые не в состоянии дать свое свободное и осознанное согласие, получали особую защиту. Помимо предоставления разрешения, указанного в пункте 2 выше, в рамках этой защиты применяются другие защитные меры, в частности, те, которые предусмотрены в вышеупомянутых международных документах.
Статья 23
Что касается пункта 1 (b) статьи 23, Нидерланды заявляют, что наилучшее обеспечение интересов ребенка должно иметь первостепенное значение.
Статья 25
Личная самостоятельность человека является важным принципом, отраженным в пункте (a) статьи 3 Конвенции. Нидерланды рассматривают пункт (f) статьи 25 в свете такой самостоятельности. Данное положение толкуется таким образом, что надлежащий уход подразумевает уважение пожеланий человека в том, что касается медицинского лечения и получения пищи и жидкостей».
Перевод, который любезно предоставила ВОИС, © 2014


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