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The instrument of ratification was accompanied by a letter containing the following declarations:
"The Republic of Guatemala declares that the way in which it will transmit the information provided for in paragraph 1(b) of Article 9.1 shall be that provided for in subparagraph (ii) of that paragraph."
"For the purposes of the provisions of Article 25.4, the Republic of Guatemala declares that it reserves the right to consider any of the dispute settlement procedures pursuant to Article 287 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, according to what may be agreed in each individual case."
"Pursuant to Article 28, the Republic of Guatemala declares that the Rules shall apply to inland waters not of a maritime character."
"The ratification of this Convention shall not constitute a total or partial renunciation of the sovereignty of the State of Guatemala over any territory (land, insular or maritime) which it claims; neither shall it be to the detriment of any right of the State of Guatemala over any such territory; nor shall it constitute a precedent for the strengthening or weakening of its claim over any territory. The Republic of Guatemala explicitly reserves its rights with respect to its claims of sovereignty over any territory (land, insular or maritime)." [Original: Spanish]
加入公约时作出的声明: “古巴政府声明,根据公约第九条第二款,它将通过由国家遗址委员会主席办公室发布的、并经文化部国家文化遗产委员会批准的文件的方式,就在另一个缔约国的专属经济区中或大陆架上水下文化遗产的任何发现或活动传播相关信息。”
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“在交存其《保护水下文化遗产公约》(经2003年3月26日第32号法律批准,并经2003年4月2日第24773号官方公报宣布)之际,巴拿马共和国声明对巴拿马湾拥有完全的主权。从自然和历史上看,巴拿马湾都是一个巴拿马海湾,其海岸完全属于巴拿马共和国所有。它是一个界定明确的地理构造,是巴拿马地峡南部的一个大型内海湾,在北纬07°28’00”和北纬07°31’00”和经度79°59’53”和经度78°11’40”之间(均在格林威治以西)区域的海床及其底土上的一片海域。这些分别决定了巴拿马湾入口处西部和南部蓬塔马拉 (Punta Mala)和蓬塔哈克(PuntaJaqué)的位置。这一大型海湾切入到巴拿马地峡的陆地区域,从蓬塔马拉到蓬塔哈克的入口的宽度约为两百公里,其内陆延伸为165公里(从连接蓬塔马拉和蓬塔哈克直到巴拿马城东面的Río Chico入海口这条假想线测量)。
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2014 WIPO
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2014 WIPO
Declaration made upon ratification:
"Referring to Article 28 of the Convention, the Kingdom of Belgium declares that the Rules of the Convention apply to its inland waters, which are not of a maritime character." [Original: French]
Declaration made upon ratification:
"declares, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 9, that the Kingdom shall require that its subjects and captains of ships flying its flag declare any discovery or activity concerning underwater heritage located in the exclusive economic zone or on the continental shelf of another State Party, and that the Kingdom will undertake to inform the other States Parties." [original: arabic]
Declaration made upon approval:
"Estonia declares in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 2, that the information referred to in Article 9, paragraph 1 (b) will be transmitted in the manner stipulated in Article 9, paragraph 1, subparagraph (ii); (…)
Estonia declares in accordance with Article 28 that the Rules shall apply to its inland waters not of a maritime character; " [Original: English]
Declaration made upon ratification:
"Se fondant sur l'art. 28 de la Convention, la Suisse déclare que les règles au sens de l'art. 33 s'appliquent à ses eaux intérieures." [Original: French]
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2014 WIPO
The instrument of ratification was accompanied by a Note Verbale containing the following declaration:
"Declaration of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria concerning Articles 9.2 and 28 of the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage of 2 November 2001:
With reference to Article 9.2 of the Convention, the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria declares that, pursuant to paragraph 1.(b) of that Article, the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, a State Party to the Convention, designates the Algerian Naval Forces Command (Ministry of National Defence) as the sole addressee of information concerning discovery or activity directed at the underwater cultural heritage situated in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) or on the continental shelf of another State Party.
The Algerian Naval Forces Command (Ministry of National Defence) is charged with forwarding the declaration to all States Parties.
With reference to Article 28 of the Convention, the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria declares that the Rules of the Convention shall apply to its inland waters not of a maritime character" [original: French]
就此问题,联合国大会通过了第2065 (XX)、3160 (XXVIII)、31/49、37/9、38/12、 39/6、40/21、41/40、42/19和43/25号决议,其中均承认了被称之为‘福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯)问题’的主权争端的存在,并敦促阿根廷政府和大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国政府恢复谈判,以尽快找到和平、公正和最终的解决争端的办法。联合国非殖民化特别委员会也多次发出了类似呼吁。”
鸣谢:译文由WIPO提供。© 2014 WIPO