Reservation made upon ratification:
"The Government of His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco, taking into account the specific geographical and demographic features of the Principality of Monaco, which only has a limited number of persons with disabilities having identified needs, implements individual measures benefitting each person with disabilities in order to allow that person to seek, receive and impart information in an accessible and suitable format depending on the administrative procedures being undertaken and with personalized support. These measures constitute the "appropriate measures" referred to in article 21 of the Convention."
Declaration made upon ratification:
"The Government of His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco declares that implementation of the Convention must take into account the unique features of the Principality of Monaco, particularly the small size of its territory and the needs of its people.
The Government of His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco considers that articles 23 and 25 of the Convention must not be interpreted as recognizing an individual right to abortion except where expressly provided for under national law.
The Government of His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco considers that the purpose of the Convention is to eliminate all discrimination on the basis of disability and to ensure that persons with disabilities have full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis with others, but that the Convention does not imply that persons with disabilities should be afforded rights superior to those afforded to persons without disabilities, especially in terms of employment, accommodation and nationality."
Declaración interpretativa:
"El Gobierno de Su Alteza Serenísima el Príncipe Soberano de Mónaco declara que la aplicación de la Convención debe tener en cuenta las características singulares del Principado de Mónaco, en particular el reducido tamaño de su territorio y las necesidades de su pueblo.
El Gobierno de Su Alteza Serenísima el Príncipe Soberano de Mónaco considera que los artículos 23 y 25 de la Convención no deben interpretarse en el sentido de que se reconoce el derecho individual al aborto, excepto en los casos en que estén expresamente previstos en la legislación nacional.
El Gobierno de Su Alteza Serenísima el Príncipe Soberano de Mónaco considera que el propósito de la Convención es eliminar toda discriminación por motivos de discapacidad y asegurar que las personas con discapacidad disfruten plenamente de todos los derechos humanos y las libertades fundamentales en igualdad de condiciones con las demás, pero que la Convención no implica que las personas con discapacidad deban gozar de derechos superiores a los de las personas sin discapacidad, especialmente en materia de empleo, alojamiento y nacionalidad. "
Traducción facilitada por la OMPI, © 2014