Declaration made upon ratification:
"The property designated as of importance for archaeology, prehistory, history, literature, art or science, in accordance with Article 1 of the Convention, are the following properties:
1. Archaeological objects – Swedish archaeological objects, regardless of material or value, dating from 1650 or before and not belonging to the State.
2. Pictures and paintings
(a) Swedish paintings more than 100 years old and worth more than SEK 50,000,
(b) portraits picturing a Swede or other persons who were active in Sweden, which are more than 100 years old and worth more than SEK 20,000,
(c) foreign paintings worth more than SEK 50,000.
3. Drawings
(a) Swedish drawings, water-colours, gouaches and pastels more than 100 years old and worth more than SEK 50,000,
(b) portraits picturing a Swede or other persons who were active in Sweden, in the form of water-colours, gouaches and pastels more than 100 years old and worth more than SEK 20,000,
(c) foreign drawings, water-colours, gouaches and pastels worth more than SEK 50,000.
4. Original engravings – Swedish woodcut and copperplate engraving, made before 1650, regardless of value.
5. Original sculptures
(a) Swedish original sculptures and copies produced by the same process as the original, regardless of material, which are more than 100 years old and worth more than SEK 50,000,
(b) foreign original sculptures and copies produced by the same process as the original, regardless of material, which are worth more than SEK 50,000.
6. Incunabula and manuscripts
(a) Swedish incunabula, regardless of value,
(b) Swedish manuscripts on parchment or paper produced before 1650, regardless of value,
(c) Swedish unprinted minutes, letters, diaries, manuscripts, music, accounts, hand-drawn maps and drawings, which are more than 50 years old and worth more than SEK 2,000,
(d) collections of foreign incunabula and Swedish unprinted material in category (b) and (c), which are older than 50 years and are worth more than SEK 50,000.
7. Books
(a) Swedish books printed before 1600, regardless of value,
(b) other Swedish books, which are older than 100 years and are worth more than SEK 10,000, (c) foreign books worth more than SEK 10,000.
8. Printed maps
(a) Swedish printed maps, which are older than 100 years and worth more than SEK 10,000,
(b) foreign printed maps, worth more than SEK 10,000.
9. Archives – Swedish unprinted minutes, letters, diaries, manuscripts, music, accounts, hand-drawn maps and drawings, which are more than 50 years and are worth more than SEK 2,000.
10. Means of transport
(a) Swedish means of transport which are older than 100 years and are worth more than SEK 50,000,
(b) foreign means of transport worth more than SEK 50,000.
11. Any other antique item not included in categories 1-10:
(a) Swedish items of wood, bone, pottery, metal or textile which are produced before 1650, regardless of value,
(b) Swedish furniture, mirrors and boxes which are made before 1860, regardless of value,
(c) Swedish drinking-vessels, harness and textile implements if they are made of wood and have painted or carved decorations, folk costumes and embroidered or pattern-woven traditional textiles, tapestry paintings, long-case clocks, wall clocks and brackets clocks, signed faience, firearms, edged weapons and defensive weapons and musical instruments, which are more than 100 years old, regardless of value,
(d) Swedish items of pottery, glass, porphyry, gold, silver or bronze, with exception of coins and medals, chandeliers, woven tapestries and tiled stoves, which are older than 100 years and worth more than SEK 50,000,
(e) Swedish technical models and prototypes and scientific instruments, which are older than 50 years and worth more than SEK 2,000,
(f) foreign furniture, mirrors, boxes, long-case clocks, wall clocks and brackets clocks, musical instruments, firearms, edged weapons and defensive weapons, items of pottery, glass, ivory, gold, silver or bronze, with exception of coins and medals, chandeliers and woven tapestries, which are worth more than SEK 50,000.
12. Lapp (Sami) items which are more than 50 years and worth more than SEK 2,000. The term Swedish items of historic interest refers to items which were actually or presumably made in Sweden or in some other country by a Swede. The term foreign items of historic interest refers to items made in another country by a non-Swede. This list is in conformity with rules in force in Sweden at present."
(d) Шведские изделия из керамики, стекла, порфита, золота, серебра или бронзы, за исключением монет и медалей, люстры, гобелены и изразцовые печи, возраст которых свыше 100 лет и стоимость свыше 50 000 шведских крон,
(e) Шведские технические модели и прототипы, а также научные приборы, возраст которых свыше 50 лет и стоимость свыше 2 000 шведских крон,
(f) иностранные мебель, зеркала, шкатулки, напольные часы, настенные часы и часы на специальных кронштейнах, музыкальные инструменты, огнестрельное оружие, холодное оружие и оборонительное вооружение, изделия из керамики, стекла, слоновой кости, золота, серебра или бронзы, за исключением монет и медалей, люстры и гобелены стоимостью свыше 50 000 шведских крон.
12. Изделия лопарей (саами), возраст которых свыше 50 лет и стоимость свыше 2 000 шведских крон. Термин "шведские предметы, представляющие исторический интерес" относится к изделиям, которые на самом деле или предположительно были изготовлены в Швеции или в другой стране шведами. Термин "иностранные предметы, представляющие исторический интерес" относится к изделиям, изготовленным в другой стране, но не шведами. Этот перечень составлен в соответствии с правилами, действующими в Швеции в настоящее время".
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