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批准时作出的保留:(...) 对《日内瓦第三公约》第87条、第100条和第101条以及《日内瓦第四公约》第68条涉及判处和执行死刑的部分作出明确保留。
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Reservation made upon signature and maintained upon ratification:
"In accordance with instructions received from my Government, I shall sign the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War without any reservation. But in the case of each of the other three Conventions, our signature will be given with reservations the purport of which is as follows:
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.
"Subject to the reservation that, while respecting the inviolability of the distinctive signs and emblems provided for in Article 38 of the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field of August 12, 1949, Israel will use the Red Shield of David as the emblem and distinctive sign provided for in this Convention."
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran presents its compliments to the Embassy of Switzerland in Tehran and with reference to Note No. 904/73/4840/18, dated September 3, 1980 has the honor to state:
The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced via the aforementioned note that in a bid to prevent multiplicity of Distinctive International Emblems for aid and charity related affairs and in order to contribute to the unification of these Distinctive Emblems, it would not practice its right of using the “Red Lion and Sun” as one of the three official emblems of the International Union of the Red Cross and will rather use the “Red Crescent” emblem for this purpose. The measure was adopted with the understanding that all government would oblige themselves to accepting one of the two Red Cross or Red Crescent emblems and once an open violation of this is observed, the right will remain for the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to use its distinctive emblem at national and international levels again.
In view of the prevailing developments in line with increasing the number of emblems, it is emphasized that in the case of approval and increase of new distinctive emblems, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran will according to Article 38 of the 1949 Geneva Convention on improving the situation of those wounded in the armed forces during military expedition in which, mention has been made of the three emblems of Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Lion and Sun, maintain its right of using the Red Lion and Sun emblem once again.
In view of the fact that the Government of that Embassy is the depository of the four August 12, 1949 Geneva Conventions on supporting war victims, it would be appreciated if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland is informed of the contents of this Note, reiterating the maintenance of the right of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to use the “Red Lion and Sun” emblem once again so that consequently, the 1949 Geneva Conventions’ member states are officially informed.
Availing itself of this opportunity to renew the assurances of its highest consideration.
Wishing the victory of the oppressed over the oppressor."
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签署时作出并在批准时维持的保留:”关于第11条, 南斯拉夫联邦人民共和国政府不认为拘留国代表受保护人请求中立国或国际组织或人道主义组织承担按本《公约》由保护国履行的职能合法,除非受保护人为其国民之政府已给予同意。关于第45条,南斯拉夫联邦人民共和国政府认为,一国将被保护人移送至另一国以在接收国看管受保护人的全部期间免除实施《公约》的责任不合法。“
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Reservation and declaration made upon accession:
(...) Concerning Article 68 of the Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war:
"The Republic of Korea reserves the right to impose the death penalty in accordance with the provisions of Article 68, paragraph 2, without regard to whether the offences referred to therein are punishable by death under the law of the occupied territory at the time the occupation begins"
"Furthermore, the Government of the Republic of Korea do hereby declare that it is the only lawful Government in Korea, as set forth in General Assembly Resolution 195 (III) of 12 December 1948, and its accession shall not be construed as recognizing any Contracting Party thereto which the Republic of Korea has not hitherto recognized".
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Declaration made upon succession:
"The Government of Barbados notes that (...) Yugoslavia has made reservations with respect (...) to Article 45 of the Convention Relative to the Treatment of Civilian Persons in Time of War. The Government of Barbados states that whilst it regards all the abovementioned States as being parties to abovementioned Conventions it does not regard the abovementioned reservations thereto made by those States as valid and will therefore regard any application of any of those reservations as constituting a breach of the Convention to which the reservation relates."
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Statement transmitted upon ratification:
"(...) I am instructed by the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia to refer to the reservations made (...) by the following:
"The People's Republic of Albania
"The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic
"The Bulgarian People's Republic
"The Czechoslovak Republic
"The Hungarian People's Republic
"The Polish Republic
"The Romanian People's Republic
"The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
"The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (...) and to Article 45 of the Convention relative to the Treatment of Civilian Persons in Time of War made by all the above-mentioned and by the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.
"I am instructed by the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia to state that whilst they regard all the above-mentioned as being parties to the above-mentioned Conventions they do not regard the above-mentioned reservations as valid and will therefore regard any application of any of those reservations as constituting a breach of the Convention to which the reservation relates.
"I am further instructed by the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia to refer to notifications concerning the "German Democratic Republic", the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", the "Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam" and the "People's Republic of China". While the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia does not recognise any the foregoing it has taken note of their acceptance of the provisions of the Conventions and their intention to apply them. The position of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia towards the reservations referred to above applies equally in relation to the similar reservations attached to such acceptance."
加入时作出的声明:“加入 (...) 不意味着承认以色列或与其产生任何受到所加入《公约》管辖的关系。”
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关于南越南共和国临时革命政府加入所作的声明:“(...) 美利坚合众国政府承认越南共和国政府,不承认‘南越南共和国临时革命政府’的政府地位。因此,美国政府不承认‘南越南共和国临时革命政府’有资格加入《日内瓦公约》。 但牢记《日内瓦公约》各项规定的目的是保护武装冲突中的战争受难者,美利坚合众国政府注意到,‘南越南共和国临时革命政府’已表明愿意在作出某些保留的情况下实施这些《公约》(...) 其它的保留和别的国家先前作出的保留类似,就此,美国政府已发表过其观点。美国政府拒绝接受作出的所有保留。"美国政府强调,在本条说明中表达的观点不应被理解为意味着放弃其武装部队在根据《公约》给予敌军待遇方面迄今所奉行的政策"
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Objection to the reservations made upon accession by Guinea-Bissau:
"The Department of State refers to the note of March 5, 1974 from the Embassy of Switzerland enclosing the notification of the Swiss Federal Political Department concerning the accession of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau to the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 for the protection of war victims, subject to certain reservations.
The reservations are similar to the reservations expressed by others previously with respect to the same or different conventions and concerning which the government of the United States has previously declared its views. The attitude of the Government of the United States with respect to all the reservations by the Republic of Guinea-Bissau parallels its attitude toward such other reservations. The Government of the United States, while rejecting the reservations, accepts treaty relations with the Republic of Guinea-Bissau."
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Declaration made upon ratification:
"I am further instructed by Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to refer to the reservations made (...) by the following States:
The People's Republic of Albania, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Bulgarian People's
Republic, the People's Republic of China, the Czechoslovak Republic, the Polish Republic, the
Rumanian People's Republic, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (...)
and to Article 45 of the Convention relative to the Treatment of Civilian Persons in Time of War made by all the above-mentioned States and by the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.
"I am instructed by Her Majesty's Government to state that whilst they regard all the above-mentioned States as being parties to the above-mentioned Conventions, they do not regard the above-mentioned reservations thereto made by those States as valid, and will therefore regard any application of any of those reservations as constituting a breach of the Convention to which the reservation relates."
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